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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Their Excellencies the GovernorGeneral - and Dady ■ Alioe Fergusson hare issued invitations to a reception at Government House on the night of Tuesday, August 11th. ' Lady Ferguson (Dunedin) ' passed through Wellington yesterday on her -way to Auckland. Mr and Mrs Owen Clissold, who have been visiting relations in Tuharu, are back in Ilspier again. ■ Those interested in broadcasting, will be glad to hear Dr. Dine on Tuesday evening next, when he will give ■ a talk on first aid work, in the .interests of St. John Ambulance. There are many people in Wellington who , will regret .to hear of the death in - of Mrs Mules, .wife of the Bt. Rev. JBishop Mules, a very old resident of Nelson. One ’of her daughters is Mrs Fielden-Taylor, who has now gone over to. Nelson ,to be with her people. i . By the courtesy of the contractor the Austral-Girton Club 1 - ' (Dunedin) met in the new hall at Columba Chlfege. The Constance Hall (so. called in memory of‘ .Constance Faulks,-' '-the first Columba College student, who passed into the f9rcat Unknown), in spite of its incomplete state, looks beautiful, and does grtrat credit to all conoerrmd. One of the: latest gifts .is- a handsome, from the bereaved father,' and .the gift chairs are coming m very ...well. The hall is so. built that, it will'he used for classes, with *- platform capable of looking after snpper arrangements, the whole to be thrown into one on special occasions. It is capable of holding suo people, and is a great' acquisition to the school. On this the first .occasion it has been used, Miss Boss, M-A., was in the chair, and welcomed the numerous “Old Girls” with an enthusiastic and charming speech. Many Wellington people will be interested in hearing of the marriage in Melbourne of Miss Jean Alison Gilruth, elder daughter of, Dr. and Mrs J. A. Gilruth, formerly of , New-Zea-land. of Clowes street* South Terra, to Mr Autin, Melbourne. The bride’s,, beautiful gown was of ivory , georgette,' with ■ crystal .embroideries which glistened like dewdrops, the ‘design being enriched in a large motif at the hem. §tudded with diamante and ontlined With gold. similar ornamentation ; decorated the .’court train of georgette, alined with-gold tissue, and a billowy ttille veil many yards in length enveloped her, encircled with. a swathing of gold finished with orange blossom buds at the back. Miss Jess Blanch, Miss Margaret Gilruth, sister of the bride: and Miss Hope -Autin, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids.

The Play Beading Circle of the Women's Chib (Dunedin). (held its usual ' meeting, when Galsworthy’s "The Forest” -was read by member* present. Parts were not allotted, all doing their share in turn. This system has the great merit of bringing out any new talent; and is much to be recommended ip circles of this kind, says, the “Star.’’

Passengers to; England by the lonic will include Mr . and' Mts -O. B. . Chapman (Dunedin), who will be awav. about a year. Thev arrive in Wellington shortlv. ts the lonic i* due to leave next Wednesday. ■ i ■ .

The Orphans Club ( Hastings) held their annual ladies’ night quite recently, when a concert orocramme waa followed by a very jolly dance.

Miss Cook (Masterton) is at present visiting, friends in Dunedin.

r A- pretty wedding was solemnised at All Saints Church, Palinerstdi) North on Wednesday? Canon Fanoonrt officiating, when • Constance Cecelia, only daughter of Mr and. Mrs .P. Petersen, of Masterton. was married to Arthur Clarence, third son of Mr and Mrs Dalton, of Palmerston North. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a 'frock of ivory satin charmeuse with aceordeon-pleated georgette and pinl< and silver tissue flowers, her beautiful , veil being kept in place by a coronet of pearls and orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were Miss Elsie Dalton, sisterof the bridegroom, and Mis 3 Pearl Kenyon, of Wellington, The former was attired in a pretty' frock of deep-pink georgette, aceor-deon-pleated and' with silver trimmings. while the latter wore a frock of nattier hide georgette and silver lace. Little T-oma Dalton attended' as flower girl. The bridegroom was accompanied by Mr'Stuart Petersen as best man and Mr Alfred Dalton as groomsman. After the ceremony, numerous guests were entertained at the breakfast. , The happy couple left for the north, the bride wearing, a tajlored oostume of toast brown with hat to match.

The new premises of the Southland' Women’s Club, in Invercargill, were officially opened by Mr J. L. MoG. Watson recently in the presence, of a' large gathering. In a neat speech'Mr; Watson referred to the splendid ■ achievements of the Women’s Club.; tracing its progress from the commencement four'veers ago. when ft had. a membership of 84. At;the present' time it had 220, and there'waa every, nrospect of the nunvbers inc.reesing. : The dub was free of debt with the exception of a small, amount on the piano., He mentioned the'need for cookery and cabaret circles, which would enlarge the sphere and . influence ;of the' club. He hoped to see aom® reciprocity; between the cljibe of Invercargill, ftnrl ■ felt sure if the ladies, extended a wel-; oome to the clubs of ’theif brothers —; as they had done lately—the Women’s Club, in its turn, would be entertained in like manner bv the other clubs. The president, Mrs W. T. Haslett, occupied the chair in association with the’ vice'preeident, .Mrs Ti 8. Miller. ; A charming plav entitled “That Twelve Pound Look” was enacted, bv the iheuibers of the play-reading pircl®. A delightful afternoon tea was later served, and an appreciative musical programme submitted. '

Miss Rital CSracroft-Williams is back in Christchurch, after a short stay in Wellington. Mrs C. J. Xioughnau has gone to' Timaru for a round of visits in South Canterbury. Mrs F. Hutchison, Wanganui, is visiting Wellington.: Miss Agnes Duncan is at Mt. Cook for the winter sports. Mrs H. J, Besrwick (Christchurch) is acoompanyingher father, Sir James Mills, back to England. They leave by the lonic. Miss Annette Barton (Featherston), who has been paying a- round of visits in Canterbury, is at present at Mt. Cook. Mrs Bernard Wood, who has beep spending the winter in Queensland, has now gone further up north to Cairns with Mr V.. [Wood. Miss Frances Fairbairn, of church, . and Dr, Kenneth Scott. were married in London this week. ; Ainbng the passengers by the Tahiti was Miss Frances G. Ogilvie, B. A., of Canterbury College, who has been connected with the New Zealand Presbyterian Mission in tfie Canton district of China for the past five years. Miss Ogilvie, who is now on furlough, is principal.of the New Zealand Presbyterian Missions Girls’ Sohool at Kongohuen, near Canton, where anti-foreign troubles have recently been somewhat disturbing to all concerned. ■Mr and Mrs Boy Stevenson enter. ta*ned the Maharajah of Jhalawa. Colonel Benn, Dr Bharita, and Mt IChan last Saturday night at their beautiful home in Anderson Bay (Dunedin), His Highness having expressed the -dfesire for an informal home evening. Otho.'s invited were Mr and Mrs A. A. Howes ([Christchurch), Professor Strong, Mr and Mrs G. Johnston, Mrs Primmer, Miss Edith Howes, Miss Barth, and Dr Behham. That the party was a success was shown by the fad that it was well on to midnight before the illustrious guest took his departure. . The International Woman Suffrage Alliance has fixed the date for its next (the 20th) International Congress for M»v 23rd to 30th. 1926. This con-' gross will be held: in-Paris.' and it is expected that a very wide and important representation will ..he secured.

The resignation; of* Sister Williams, Staff Nurses' Bolfea and Alley and; Nurses Jean Stewart and Vera from, the staff ’ of the Christchurch Hospital have been received.

Miss Marion Findlay has gone to Mt. Cook for the winter sports. Mrs Oswald Mills, a member of the Christchurch Ladies’ Golf Club, who is leaving Christchurch next week to reside in Wellington, presented to the club two handsome prizes for competition in a flag match, which was played at Shirley, says, the “Press.” Mits Helmai Loughnan was the winner. ;in '.the junior division; carrying * the flag to the last hole, and she received' from-Mrs Mills' a charming little French clock. Miss Chrystall and Miss ■ Kathleen Bristedi tied in the. senior division,-each reaching the 17th > hole. They will play off on Monday, l and, the winner; will receive another; delightful specimen of ’the jJFrench clockmaker’s; art. - ’. ■ Jtu ; The marriage took plscet,reoently iit St. Peter's Church, Wellington,. t ■■■• of Alice, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Baker, of Paremata, ' to Athol,, third so? of Mr and Mrs J. \V. Wood,; of Nairn street. 7 The bride wore mole coloured- gabardine smartly braided, : and a georgette . hat'to. match. Miss Lena -Baker was the bridesmaid, in - pale blue marocain. Mr W. Andrews was the best man, and the ltev. Mr Stanley officiated at the ceremony. At & committee- meeting-of th§ Wel- . lington Corps of the St.-.Johp Ambulance’ Brigade, held on Wednesday evening, arrangements- were made for membera of the. various * divisions to demonstrate first-aid work and roller bandaging, and to be on duty In case : of accident. The “Fleet- Week” committee has accepted the services of the brigade for duty, so members will be: E resent at the larger gatherings. The otne nursing class to be held in Taranaki street schoolroom will begin on Thursday evening next. ■ , ■ The South Wellington* W;O.T.U. held a ‘.‘bring and buy” social this week in the Constable street- rooms, when therb was a very- fair‘attendance,, considering that heavy rain came on again just, when most would be leaving' their homes. After the usual pro-; liminary exercises, the president, Mrs Johnston‘Wright, made a very happy introductory speech, explaining the purpose of the effort, and recalling the valuable work and .helpful .influence of the late Mts Boxall in the early days- of the Girls’ Association held in; that room years ago. She had had a touching example of this that very day in the witness. of, one . who . had .come under that influence, and who in her closing hours attributed to it all that had been good’ in her life-.; Mrs Wright, also referred to the pleasure felt by all the older members 'at seeing the daughters of the early pioneers com-ing-forward to take their places in the ranks .of temperance workers, in-, stanoing one who had' volunteered to 'fill a responsible position in the South’ Wellington NO-hoehse district, when no one of • the sterner - sex could. be found - with . enough, leisure to undertake it. Members'were-reminded of. the after churoh rallv to he held in Our Theatre on- Sunday evening. 9th August, when Mr L. --M. v Isitt. M.P.-, would occupy the chair,' and Mrs Don would be the speaker. A short-but excellent - programme:' of vocal- items - was - rendered as . follows- —~“My Prayer,” Miss Perry: “The' Promise of -Life,”, ' Mrs MoLellan; “I Heal* a Thrush at Eve,” Miss-Shand; “When you Gome Back at Eventide,” Mti Smith; ! ‘Dowh Here;”' Miss" Robeit#; Each -of tlje performers kindly refsponged; to- an encore;; and a hearth Vote of t-hanka. was parsed to them.'at the . dose of. the meeting; The jiest of . the* time was pleasantly occupied with' the special!business of; the evening, and a large- numher of articles; useful and ornamental; weredisjioßed of, the proceeds amounting tq about £5. : . The thanks of . the- union, are due to all who-so liberally responded to the request for goods to fill the stall and raise the funds needed.

MENU FOR_ SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fried Bread and Bacon v DINNER Steak and Kidney Pie ' ‘Masked Turnips Masked Potatoes Chocolate Jelly Orange, and Salad TEA Aberdeen Sausage STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE. One and a half: lb steak, 8 sheeps’ kidnevs, some ©hopped parsley, a little grated onion, pepper arid salt. Cut. steak and kidneys into neat pieces. Put s dessertspoonful-of: flour on a plate, add pepper and salt, and roll -meat and kidneys l in .it,putin stewpan with‘onion and'parsley,' and cover with .watqr, .and stew : meat till tender. Theu'lbt get cool. Cover with short pastry, SHORT PASTRY. Half lb flour, pinch pf salt, 4oz of dripping, lard or butter, j teaspoonful baking powder, whter to mix. Rub the' dripping lightly into the flour, add salt, baaing powder and water, a little at a time to make a firm dough. Roll out to required thickness. 1 * CHOCOLATE JELLY. One quart milk, loz gelatine, 4 teaspoonsful cocpa, Boz sugar. 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Soak the gelatine in half the milk till soft. Dissolve the chocolate in a little hot milk. Put the rest of the milk into,a saucepan, bring to the boil, and dissolve the gelatine in It. Add sugar and chocolate. -MONDAY '■ BREAKFAST Savoury Omelettu DINNER Cold Meat Frlcusee of SauUges Mashed Carrots and Potatoes Apples and Sago Sultana Dumplings TEA ■ ' Cornish Pasties SAVOURY OMELETTE. Three or 4 eggs, according to the size of pan, loz of butter or bacon fat, 3 tablespooneful of milk, T dessertspoonful of chopped bam, pork, or corned beef, .a", little pepper 1 and salt.' Separate yolks from whites' 1 of' eggs, ' beat up yolks.a little, add ham, parsley, milk, pepper, and salt, molt the fat In the frying pan, pour a little of it into the volks, then stir ins lightly the; stiffly beaten whites. When the rest’of the fat begins to bubble pour in the mixture, stir Until 1 it sets, then put in oven or under griller ' to brown. , ’ ‘ APPLES AND SAGO. . . Four tablespoonsful of sago, -l 'table.spoqpfpl ,pf , golflen . syrup, , grated, rind and*puioe of the lemon, 1 2 tablespoon-,#ulsf-sugar, coversag<*vwith water, and 3k>JF-until ' sago ,is dear. Pill , t a piedißh dore than half f ull' of: out U P apples, cover with the k'ago, and bake in oven until apples are cooked.. sultana Dumplings. Half ,1b flour. Jib chopped suet, 41b, sultanas,. 1 dessertspoonful' ofsugar, a pinch of spit, 'enough milk to make a stiff dough, .Form into balls. Half fill a saucepan with, boiling water, drop in dumpings. Boil J of an' hour. ■ Serve with brown sugar. cUrnish pasties. Short pastry 41b'; \ rrawfjbepf Jib (cut into small dice), potatoes ‘ fib, onion email, pepper'-and salt, gravy or water 3 tablqspponfuls.-.Roll".out:,the. pastry, cut into rounds, then roll each round slightly oblong.. Mix . the ingredients together on a plate, then . put-some on each, piece of . pastry, wet the, edges, joih on . the top, decorate l the edge, prick, and bake in a' moderate oven about half an hour. THIRD ANNUAL CHARITY DANCE ■ A very delightful function is to take , place on Wednesday next- July 29th, '. when the' third annual charity dance. 1 will be held in St. Francis’ Hall, Hill street. The - preparations ; for the dance, have beep well considered with the idea of making the evening a most : enjoyable orie for those who attend. The supper and decorations are to be I given special attention, and are in the hands .of an energetic committee. 1 The dance was a marked success last year, and is being looked forward to with, considerable interest this year. The proceeds are to be devoted to the St. V incent ■, de . Paul i Society .for the relief of poor, and. sick and .for other charitable works carried .on by the society. Rudolph’s orchestra will supply, ~ .the music, and late- trams have been arranged. SUCCESSFUL PtUNKET BALL Op July . 10th,. a . most- successful Phmket bali wee hold -in, St.: Matthew’s Hall, Brooklyn.,. The ihall was. artistically decorated with .festoons of .scarlet and: white roses; and ferns hujlg from a centre-piece of greenery and Chinese lanterns;- the walls also: being hung with- ferns. / The decorations were kindly arranged by Mr :S. Watson and Mr "A. Smith,_ assisted by the ladies of the, committee. The thanks of. the committee, .is due to.all whb contributed towards the success of .the evening,' whioh was' thoroughly l enjoved by about-160 people, and as a result of which the l funds of the local branch of . the- Plitnket Society auflniented bv about £l2. • -: The committee responsible for .the entertainment comprised Mesdames, E. Hill, T.’ Reid, F; . Taylor, ,W. Smith, and H. J. Dormer -.-Misses. A.; Humphries,’ Hill (2>, Fretcliling,- Ferguson, O’Sulliran. Everett ; and-Messrs .Reid,; Smith, O’Brien, Costley, Adata and Le Sueur.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12199, 25 July 1925, Page 10

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NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12199, 25 July 1925, Page 10

NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12199, 25 July 1925, Page 10