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' Mrs J, M. Ritchie, of \Dunedin, ''returned to New Zealand by-the Aorangi. The engagement is announced in an exchange of Mies Hilda- Chapman, seoond daughter of Sir Frederick Chapman, of Wellington, l to "Mr Justice Gwen, of Sydney. : A very pretty' wedding, was solemnised at, St. Mary’s Church, Morningtpn, Dunedin, v when . -Miss Bilian Hardie, . daughter of Mr and .Mrs Hardie,. of Argyle street, . was married to Mr John. Gibson .Cain. .Tt)e Rev. S. J. Cooper, was the ‘officiating clergy--

man. : ■■■ .-Jlldtrs: Raphael, ;• Gloucester -street,Christchurch, , ia visiting;hef daughter,. Mrs Sauchop, in. Wellington., 'Mrs Andrews and Miss-. fpj Andrews, "of Ohristchurch, left Wellington by tho Aorangi, en route to - Sydney.' • Mr, and Mrs B. R. Bunny, of Mai. terton, are paying a brief visit to Wellington. .Mies Betty'Jackson, who was the guest of Mrs Norton Francis in Christchurch', has left for Wellington en route to’England. . Mts Kendall (Wellington, formerly of Masterton) is visiting'Mrs Guy Gillies (Pirinoa). > --'r Mra Davis and Mrs. Charles, Macindoe.leftAuckland for Sydney via Wellington, by "tht? A'orangi, and will rethm hy' thd. same steAmer on March 16th. ' •

Miss E. Macdonald, who has been visiting Christchurch, has - returned to. Wellington, Miss Dora Penney (Masterton) is paying, a visit to Wellington. Mrs W. S. Bean has returned to Christchurch from Wellington. , MrandMrs H. Sehollick, of New South Wales, who were in Christ-church;-.are at present visiting Wellington. Miss O’Neill, 'who Was the guest of Mrs Spillane. in "Wanganui during the faces, returned , to her home in Wellington on Thursday. Mr and Mrs Freeman (Wellington), Have /been visiting Greytown. Mr Horton, Mrs, and-the Misses A. 0 - and B. M; Horton, and -Mr I. C. .Horton, of. Auckland^; .were .passengers, from Wellington hy the Rotorua for England. " . Miss Beatrice Ramsay, who has been . visiting Wanganui aS the goest of'MtsDurie and -Mrs Gardner, returned to Wellington on 'Friday-' i ; . -Miss N. Kendall. (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs Toxward, in Masterton.

Mrs Rupert: Morrison,"of Masterton, is visiting Wellington. , A wedding, was celebrated ‘at St. Paul’s Presbyterian 'Churchy Christ*, cfiurch, «n Wednesday evening when Myrtle Evelyn, "third daughter of Mrs J. Johnson, Opawa, was united in marriage to Edward McFall, younger son of Mrs A. . Gordon, Patten street, Avonside. . Mr and Mrs Sefton Jones, of Eng*. ■ !and,. have been' visiting Mr and'Mrs W. B. Matheson, at Eketahuna, and also Palmerston North and Wanganui,' return to Wellington to-day, and leave fhjr"ithe.<3>ffeuiig»nui to-morrow jior j^San !.Mrs O, B. Morrison,;; of ■•Wmlington, i isa visiting Wanganui,‘'ahd 'iß,Stsying'sat Braebum. , -v ’ , ' 1 , The : .engagement is .annopooodofMise , lira Feast, youngest daughter <Sf Mr i 1 and. Mrs Walter J. : Feast (Ahiakaoka, Greytown),. to Mrßobert Brain Horner, - youngest son of the late Mr E. C. »:, and- Mrs Horner (New Plymouth, and formerly of Patea). • Mr Horner has just been appointed engineer to the Kaitieke County Council; -

Mtb , T. A. Mac Gibbon will leave Christchurch! this evening for Wellingtonto meether Husband, Dr. Mac Gibbon, who is returning to New Zealand by the Remuera, ! - ' Mjsa Phyllis. Cooley,. of. Sydney, left for her tome last week by. the Maheno, after a. visit to her . aunts, Mrs A* H.C. Qrr and Mrs Frank Graham, in Christchurch. MisS Bunscll (Wellington) who was the guest of Mrs E. Runneratrum, in Wanganui, has returned home. - Mr and Mrs TV O. Shand, .of. Wellington,\are at present, in Napier. Mr and Mrß T.. L. Hart, Nile street, Tiinaru, leave: this week ' 'or Wellington to. Join .the s.s. lonic,. ra" route for England. -.

Mies J. Durie, Wellington, is visiting Wanganui., ~ , Their Excellencies, the GovernorGeneral and. Lady Alice - Fergusson • were present at the .opening-on Batur- . day. of the Lowell -Thomas travelogue-, “Roihantio lndlaj’v which'is being pre- : sented for a'second season in Welling’ton at the Grand Opera House. . Miss'Mabelljs Esquilant, the New Zealand contralto, who made a. successful London debutrin December last;, has been engaged'*'to' .sing’ the contralto Solos in “Elijah,”" which is -being produced in dramatic form on March 7th and 9th at. the* “Old Vic” Theatre. Miss Esquilant recently sang to. Madame Guy, D’Hardlot, '.the famous composer, who considers. Miss Esquilant has a very beautiful; voice, of rich aiid even quality and has consequently' become very interested in the New Zealander: During the recent', heavy fogs Miss Esquilant had rather ah. exciting experience.' She . and a lady friend had arranged to par a visit to Miss Rosijia Buckinan apd when thej' reached Willesden’ Station they were’ advised to • turn back, as it was impossible to _ see' their way, "'but Mr M au rioe D’Oisey ’photaed them to waif at the "station an<Lhe would cdrae and take them; to the blouse, and duly arrived ;with, .‘a. .powerful torch. , Although the house is only eight minj from the station, they ‘however . got • lost and eventually reached ’ r the B 'house under the guidance of a con- *! stable and ’bUs" conductor.. The fog was so dense that their , nostrils were at times blocked, , eyes., ran with water ?aiid smarted, .while:, their .throats irri- ’ tsted abominably, and their faces were r, blackened-—but-still they love "London. I Miss , Esquilant has' been , .a guest at r, functions of: interest, and I was among those who attended the re-. [. cent party given Jay Their Majesties at (• Buckingham Palace.. .v [| OST MILSOMS MILSOMS have jnoderh facilities for the | ' latest hairdressing, clipping, marcel |' v/aving. The:/■ well-known 'buster crop l, and shingling done to 1 ' perfection by [, experts.. Boys: and girls specially cater-I I> ed for. . Ring appointment.. . Honrs 9 < to 6. M. WILLIS STREET. ’Phone [* r . .814.—Advt. . 'r ■ ... '.. V . Supernuans Harr destroyed tar "Bus, n.a. Resilts guaranteed. Call, or < <jgmd stamped and addrwsod envelope for particulars. ' Mrs. ' Hull4n,' Belcher's > . Building, l Theatre), Wellington; 'also at Auckland.— ' (Advt

The Canterbury branch of the -Victoria League has issued invitations for a reception to be given "to Their Excellencies the Governor-General arid Lady Alice Frirgusson on March 'loth' at 'Riccarton House. Christchurch, • the residence of Mrs Deans, ..president of the branch.

The, Misses Watt (Gracefield stteei, Christchurch) returned to Wellington by the 'Aorarigi', after an absence of * months in ; England and- the. Continent: . . They .arrived in Christchurch on’EJaturday morning. l - 'Miss Deiiriistpn, .;of/;Dunedih, is the guest of .-Mrs'Brandori'. ' Lady Wiird -haa lriM 1 ’ Invercargill on her ‘return ’north, t? - - Miss Helpiore-,- has, been visiting her. brother, .Mr' Xteßtoqn'dyHelmore, Has returned from, the' - north to Christchurch’. , Mrs Maurice ’Turrell (Wellington) is going -to Christchurch- for the Ander--son-Turrell wedding, which takes place this week. • „ l Dr and Mrs F. J. Webster (Wellington) and. Mr . and Mrs Webster (Day’s Bay) are staying in Christchurch. • , The Hon. D. Buddo and Mrs Buddo arrived -in Christchurch from,-Welling---.ton on Friday 1a5t..,,; , - .

.. Miss D. :s Webb, who was the guest of Mrs W. Gunn 'in Christchurch, has returned to Wellington.

Mr and Mrri H. -Humphries, 'of Napier, ar«j visitors? to: Christchurch; - ■ Miss ' Phyllis Garland Smith, of Christchurch, is in Wellington, where she. wilkspend a few days’ holiday, Mrs T. M. Hunter (Lyttelton) is the guest of her mother,' Mrs' W. Cable, Levy street, Wellington, for a few days. • • , , .:

Mrs Irwiq, Wellington, is the guest of Mrs B. O. Basstian, in Invercargill.

, Mrs Falla, has returned to Wellington, after a-visit to* Dunedin.

, Mrs Sidney..Jenkinson (Wellington) ««r family, who have been ,at St. Kilda, Dunedin, with Mrs Curie (Mrs Jenkinaon’s mother), left for their horiie at Days Bay on Thursday.’. - A. weddihg attracting considerable interest, took place in First. Church, Tay street, Invercargill, on .Wednesday last. Rev. Wedderapoon ’married Phyllis Katherane, of the'late Mj.Mid Mrs J. ,S. Fleming,'- of Springfield. Estate, Titiroa, to Robert Calverley, of Dunedin-. .

. .Miss Jeanetta -Matthias (Fairview. Timaru) ,is .in Wellington. 1 Mr and Mrs J. O. Templer (Invercargl!!) intend, leaving shortly to reside 'in. - , ...Mrs James Armstrong, 'of DanneVlr "mi w®?- a passenger-to Wellington 2® ifiursday, -to join tiny Aorangi for Sydney, en ro*te to the Old Land. Sr? 1 * 1 * 1 ® 1 * fi • be accompanied by w lS i S v- iana Speedy, who joined her at Wellington. Mrs Armstrong ■ was accompanied by Major Armstrong, Mrs J. -B. Riddell, and Mrs R. ,S. Chadwick, who saw her* off at Wellington’on Saturday.

■ pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, -Wanganui, on Wednesday last, by the Rev. John Paterson, M.A., the conparties heirigMiss .Edith* Olive„,. eldest daughter ot f Mr arid Mrs Sr Tayforth, and .•nlliamr Herbert, Bryant, eldest:son 'of Mr,-and- Mrs'W. E: Rryaiit, of Halcoipbe, , ‘ Christ Church, Wangandl) -was--the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday, when the marriage took place of Stratton, youngest daughter of Mr andT Mrs H. D. Bates, “Matangi,” 'St. Hill street, Wanganui, and Maurice Clifton . Barton, ' youngest son of .Mr arid. Mrs A. E. Barton, of Feilding.. .. ,A .very pretty wedding- was' solemnised at All Saints’ Church, Ponsonby,: Auckland, - when Mr ; Carl . Hellriegel; Well known' in musical • circles, eldest «pn of Mr and Mrs Julius Hellriegel, of Auckland, was . married, to . Miss Edna Reading . -Fairfax, youngest, daughter of Mrs H. P. Carlsen, Hamilton road, Herne Bay, and greatgranddaughter of the late Mr William Greenwood., of; Greenwood’s Corner, Epsom. The .service ‘ was conducted by the Rev. Geo. Coats. .The wedding of Miss Wanaka Whiteman and Mr Albert Andrew was quietly solemnised at: the Presbyterian Church, Epsom, Auckland, by the Rev. W. McDonald. Miss . Phyllis MoGidl was bridesmaid. The bride was given away by her uncle, -Mr Thomas McGill, Mr W; Thomas acting as best .man. The wedding, breakfast was afterwards held at the home.of the bride!s uncle, “Banff Lodge,” relatives only being present.

' - A pleasant evening was spent recently: at <the • residence of Mr E. Riddjford, Camptown, Ngahere, to celebrate I the. 82nd - birthday of, his: mother,- Mrs - S. A; Riddiford, formerly- of Blackball, now of Christchurch. Visitors : were, present: from Ngahere,' Blackball,- and Christchurch, t Songs: and. gairies were indulged in until supper,, time,- and then a birthday cake with 82 candles was presented by * her ■ daughter, - Mrs , J. E.- Shnrpe, of Christchurdh. Bie feature of the evening was .vfrhen fbe guest was .asked to blow out, the 'candles and cut the cake.. Mr A. Ridditord/ of Blackball, her eldest son,, proposed ‘ Her health.' Whith was responded to by Mr E>- Riddiford. Mr At Clarke also retporided- with-.a -few words on behalf of his grandmother..The evening was brought ;to a close; by .singing’ “She’s %’Jolly Good- Fellow,” and “Arild Lang Syne.'’ ; A wedding of .corisiderable-interest was.' solpmqised at the 1 Otakii'N ative' Church on Tuesday wheii‘ ; Huia Erkhces Josephine, only, daughter of .Mr andMrs, George' . Noble-.' * well-known. and highly respected "reside tit a of Otaki,j,was. -married to -Mr Hasil J. -Bird, eldest.' eon., ot’Mr A. Bird, of HOataitai._ The who was. attired. in ! heavy; silver; tissue) with- an overdress of georgette .'..with /trimmings of, silver, -was _ givens away bv her father. The' chief bridesmaid was Miss, Edna Cotterell,- who was.'dressed ■in ■ mariette ■ .with '/paprey tripiming’s, While Miss'Ena Bunting (Hastings).w,as similarly attjred, ‘ Miss' Phyllis Bird,, sister of bridegroom, vi;as ~flower girl, and was dressed, in la vender, crepe ae chine trimmed. with lemon, >wljile Miss Joyoe .Noble,. cousin- of the, bride, also a flower girl, was dresged in lemon coloured- crepe de chine, -with lavender trimmings. The best m’anwas Mr L. A.' Bird,-and the . groomsman, Mr Ivan Bird, both brothers of' the bridegroom, ■arid the Rev. G. F. Petrie. M.A.. was -the officiating clergyman. Mr and Mrs Bird, who will spend their honeymoon in the north, will "reside in 'Wellington.

-Just arrived from Horne, the latest and -most up-to-date Hairw.ifk, insisting of Toupees,. Switches,’ and an adjustment called "Lortoned'-which is a dainty arrangement. for, buster heads—very useful, for ovenimre, lire Eolleston,, litd..Spe,’ cihliste in Beauty Culture, 256, Lambton quay, Wellington.—Advt.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12076, 2 March 1925, Page 5

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12076, 2 March 1925, Page 5

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12076, 2 March 1925, Page 5