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Mias Morton, a traveller froin England, and a menihor of 'the Victoria Longue;. was entertained at morning tea. yesterday in the Pioneer Club by Mrs W. G. Reid, when several ‘members of the Wellington executive were ler; guests. Lady Dutton,' of Engl and, was also ..present, •At the meeting of , the . Wellington Hosnital Board. yesterday ' Mrs Peter Fraser was welcomed as the representative of the Wellington City Council, and waa appointed on the hospital committee. She occupies the . seat rendered vacant by the death of Mr J. W- Butler.

Mr and Mrs J. Grieve, who. baye been spending a few days in Christchurch, have left for Wellington.

Mrs Goro-Newell. who has been spending a few days in Wellington, has returned to Christchurch.

Miss Helaaofe,' of Christchurch, its in Wellington visiting her brother; Mr Desmond- llclmorb, < Miss Dorothea Vincent arrived from Christohureh this week and left : for .Nhlson, where she' is giving a concert. "Miss Eileen : Pender, of Wellington, is oil a visit: to her aunts, the. Misses Pender, Redcliffs.. . Mrs Arthur Otway, Wellington, is staying with her riiother, Mrs Wigley, Park Lane, tEi'nigru.' ■ Mrs Gififord-Moore (Wellington)' is spending a 1 feyr. days' a* r Timaru. Miss Ivy STicholls, of Cambridge, .\yas a passenger bv rh-.- R M.M.S. Aorangi from San. Franciaco. Miss Niohplls has been away from New Zealand for•> two years, travelling in Canada, Europe and ‘the United States. Mrs Alec Laurenson, of Auckland, and formerly .of Wellington, is in Sydney oil a holiday visit, and will shortly leave for a stay in the - Blue Mountains district.

'Mrs F. G. YVall-Kurton and son (Wellington), who haive been upending a few weeks at Timaru, left on Tuesday for Christchriroh, . , ’. Dr. and Airs' little (formerly of TiinarU), Have : left Blackball,, apd' are visiting Christchurch, prior to settling iS, Wellington: , < -.

Miss. Nanoya ,• Baudinet returned from -Sydney; last': week,. where she has been continuing: her. studies in 'dancing under fhe ’ capable .' direction- of Well-known feachers. : An' advertise-' inent gives infornidtipn' concerning *her plans for the' I ‘winter. '■

:■ .Miss E.. TJTjnjfred , 'Robertson,* • of Market' road, Remuera,,- returned by the Aorangi • froin* the. United. States,; where she has', been studying; dietetics. Miss Anna' DrSunan, - MwA.. Edinburgh, has taken over the-Well-known Sonning Girls’- School at Hamilton.. Among the positions Miss Drenhan has occupied was that, of-principal of lona College, Havelock North.. . ■ - ‘ Mr and Mrs Rankine (British East Afrioa) are oh a .visit to. Hamilton, and are stayihg with' Mis mother, Mrs :I)alzeU,Pupuke; Ohaupoi road. Mr Rankine was Acting-Gov-ernor of Keirfai Colony during the Governor’s leave in England.

• In London, on January. 10th, the marriage took plaoe of .’William Race Godfrey, of Eketihuna,. to Hilda Muriel Wright, .daughter of Henry. George ; Mortimer, ofWinchmqre Hill’,. London, i 'Miss Cornish, of Wellington, is, the guest of Dr and Mrs Currie, Hamilton. . Mr and Mrs'E.'Smith,'of Karamu, are on a motor trip to i> ellingtpu. ' Mrs Charles - Smith (Aiicklsnd) is visiting Wellington. . Mrs Athol 'Mills has •'returned ■to Auckland from a visit to Wellington. Mrs and Miss Cressweli are making their headquarters during the ..winter with Dr and Mrs Wiauowson,"in Hampshire, England.

Miss E. IJ. Holywell • (Wellington), and Miss C. H. Page, expect to yl». ; main in Enjgtarid’ mdehriiteif: • ; The former hopes shortly to go North, and the latter will visit friends; in Cambridge. ... The marriage was recently solemnised at All Saints’ Church, Compton, near Winchester, England, of Lieuten-ant-Commander A. G. Olliver, R.N., H.M.&. Danap, and Miss Trevelyan Taylor. . The bridegroom’s ship was one of the battle-cruisers which visited .New Zealand, last year.- : Mr and . Mrs Robert Whitson,' and their uaughter Doris, 'who have been in Christchurch and \< ellington for some years, are again taking up their residence in Auckland; and have taken the “Anchorage,!’ in St. avenue, while- Mrs A. A. Saunders is absent ,in England!

Archdeacon anu Mrs Hawkins (Auckland), who hare been spending a few days in Christchurch, are in Wellington, where they will spend a week before, returning to Auckland. A very pretty wedding was recently celebrated at the Catholic Cathedral,. Rarbadoes street, Christchurch, the contracting parties - being Josephine, daughter of - Mrs and. the late, Mr R . Hanna, and Louis, son of Mr and Mrs P. Kane, of Timaru.: The officiating: clergyman was the Rev. , FatherArdagh, Oamaru, assisted by the Rev. Father O’Meeghan.- : . . ! A wedding- Wras , celebrated at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian ' . Church yesterday afternoon,’when Jessie, 'second daughter of Mr arid Mrs Colin Stewart, dipper Rtccarton;' Was' married' to Eric Munro, only sort of .Captain and Mrs Hugh Alv.nro, f/pawa. ; haA tetri'recAited that Mrs W: Richardson; slaughter of the late Mr J. Pltmwer, ~senr., of, AVellingtori, died in Napfci* pn Sunday at the hge of S 3 years:- por: many years the late Mrs Richardson was a residerit’of Upper Ingestre rsttoet, -where the family resided for feorite forty; years. •' The deceased leaves afairiily of six sons and .four daughters. The sons are: Messrs r eruinand Richardson (for some years chief engineer of the Stormbird),. Frank and Ernest Richardson,, (who are larming inthe Roverty Bay district), Leonard Richardson.' of Gist borne, and Charles Richardson. : The daughters alter Mesdames Hill. . of Napier; A. Russel), of Central Otagoi and O. Russrill, of Napier. Messrs J. A. Dimmer. of; Khandallah, and SC. Pliritmer, of Wellington, are brothers of the deceased lady. ‘

UST milsgmb Treatments for Hair’ and Face, are Original and cannot be copied. See our book of testimonials from .hundreds expressing gratitude, for : our skilled service 'so faithfully performed. No charge for 'consultation';., prices are moderate and given at' once, and bppoint,ment promntly' made. No delay. MII.SOM .AND CO., Willis street. 'Phone 814.' Advt.

SupeiSnotts TTatr destroyed by "Rus-n-n. Reo ilts guaranteed. Cull, ir tend stamped and addrwsod envelope for particulars Alls. Hullen, Belcher's Building, Telephone 2)2-0" 0 (near King's Theatre* Wellington; also at Auckland.— iAdrt

Mr and Mrs J. Doun, of Wellington, and formerly of Mastertou, are on a, visit to that town. A‘ farewell .dinner, was tendered to Mies Murbhy- matron of “Donbarik,” the Y.M.C.A.. Hostel on Wednesday evening, on the .occasion of her approaching marriage. A presentation was made to her by the boys iindor her cane, and-there-was also ;drie l y 'Hie staff of the Y.M.C.A. ..Mr Hay; genoral of. the Y.M.C A.. spoky af hie early association v.ith Mist Mul ch, and he considered 'she - was one of the-finest: of women:, &lic--ivas a great worker among the men in Egypt at. the time. of Gallipoli, and had h en associated with the Y.M.C.A. lor nearly ten years. He also added that it was-with the deepest , regret that- they leecived lmr .resignation. MfaTMurro suitably lcplied.

. King Boris of Bulgaria is touring Europe in search of a bride. . The tour ,ia being undertaken on the adTioe.of .his father and the PreriiiefV arid it is'added that correspondence has already taken place with the Rumanian, Spanish and Italian Royal Families. . King Boris 11., who, was .31 last month., is known as “Europe's loneliest monarch.” He is reported to have wooed • ip', turn the Princesses Elizabeth, Marie, and Ueana of .Rumania, the Grand Duchess Olga, daugliter of the late Czar of Russia, and Princess- Yolanda, of Italy. Finally he induced M. . Stambulinsky, then Premier of , Bulgaria, to advertise for an Ainerican bride, but apparently no replies- were forthcoming. -

DORSET FOLK A most enjoyable evening was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs Day, Buckle street, on Tuesday, 24th instant, when’a large number of Dorset folk paid a surprise visit.- A splendid musical and elocutionary programme was rendered, and the president, M l- - Trint in handing to Mr "and Mrs Diy an antique jardine ' and two, pieces of Doulton ' wat e: spoke of the- splendid manner in ■ which. Mr Day had . carried out the duties'of secretary since the inception Of the association, being nblv assisted l>y his wife, who was always ready to.aentertain any visiting Dorset folk.’ ’Mr Day, responding, thanked them, for . their- pleasant' evening, ' also their beautiful gifts, ,and remarked it was the largest representative Dorset gathering he, had, yet seen,; which prated liow keen the members Were. Mrs 'Day also suitably- replied. The singing of “Auld Laug .Syne” - and :the National Anthem terminated a happy evening. ‘ ’ ,* ‘

ANNIVERSARY OF ST. '[ ■’ ANDREW’S ' : 'The. auri-ve; Jiiiy iif St'N'Ahdiew’s Church .was celebrated last night . hjr a social and conc<;io held in the li-dl,. when' the ltev.'.'Robertson fOrc prosi-l-edp and' introduced the Interim Mode-' iator,, the: Rev; TV. Shiver, to -incm'bars of - the congregation , who were ]■ re vent. At. the sam® time ! oat asiun was 'taken to' farewell "the. Rev. A. T. Thompson, The - 11-.*v: I>. C. llei ran sopoke- of the, history, of . the ’ cirurch: end.' the gi' of. its -member-snip, which''now roaches 419. while in’ 1872 under the-' Rev. C. l S. Ogg : it leg.rn -with - 33, ! and. gradually had increased •to, its present number. • Arch-ira- on Jolinson, cf dt. Paul’s Church, mtsnded arid extended igreetings-' to ' the minister and members of St-: Andrew's. : apd farewfll .was. also said to the I lev;--Robertson Orr, who is leaving for a tiirr overseas. ’’ ’ ■ - During the: evening'the choir sung several glees, Miss Mary: Cooley: recited, Mrs J. F. . Woodward >aiig, and an instrumental trio ivas given by Messrs 1../Lotout (violin), R. G, iii-oth (Velio),- ai}d ; F. Thonias (pianoi. Sup-’ per was soyyed .at the close of llje 1 ror granimj. .On Sunday anriiveisaiy services'will bo held in the church,' wiiicli will be conducted bv the Rev> D. C. Herron, of Au. klaiid. ,

WAIRARAPA WEDDING . ' The. marriage, with full choral service, took; place in St. Luke’s Church. Grey town, on Tuesday, the Rev; G. K. Moir officiating, of Stella Frances Tujly, youngest daughter of Mrs W; Tully, of. Greytown, and -Gordon A’Court Fenwick, only 'son of -Mrs and th« late Air J. F. Fenwick, of Kaiwaiwai; . The "bride’s dress was of ivory marocain finished at left side' with panel lined with pink rieorgette and. caught with pearls and jale pink feather .ornament. The whole was surmounted with the bridal veil and orange, blossoms, the latter; being- wc-i*i» by brido’s grandmother 73 yoars ago. Her bouquet wa-s of white asters, roses and.- maidenhair, fern. ‘ The 'bridesmaids were . Mis- . Rita. Keltie. (cliie% maize satin with, feather ornament and- -black, hat,-; b-ouqTic-t of 'amber liilos, dahlias and maidenhair G-rn ; and Miss |na Merso-n,. amethyst satin with feather orna-mbnt and black llat, bo'uQriqt of. lavender :astero and maidenhair fern. The bride was, given away hy her brother. Mr W. Wallace- Tully, and _the. bridegroom was attended hy Mr W. Cook- as brat man; and Air R. Allen as groomsman,'' After the ceremony a reception Was held, at lie Fire Brigade Hall, when the usual toasts we-ro dulv. .proposed and enthusiastically bqnoured ' Mrs Tully (mother of the bride) wore , a becoming grey frock of ew ■ boused velvet, - black hat and Scarf, and bouquet of lavender ecabmus, pink dahlias and gypsophila; Airs Fenwick (mother- of .bridegroom) wore a black marocain with : black hat and . bouquet of. purple 'burgfcortvfileia.; ■ The bride’s traVellirig dress w'as a pretty digger gabardine frock- emboss-' fawn and pink, with fawn hat with pink .trimmings, and. a fur coat, the latter, the; gift, of the bridegroom. Tho -bndci s. gift •to the groom was" a handsome gold signet ring, while the bridegroom presented each bridesmaid with gold -armlets. ;

JJiSstiarrivrt from Home, the latent and m,nst up-to-date Hfurwsrk, consisting o t fonpces. Switches, 'and. an, adjustment n ’ Ie SL L frto»>e/' which is a dainty nr. rurißemont for Kaster heads-—very useful for evenijißs. Mrs Bollestoh. Ltd., Spe-cyL«F*.-m- Lambton quay. Wellington.—Adyt. '

LADIES’ COKUECTIVE PILLS. ; ?° you should iM® Madam Morrse b Improved Female {?»“•'. Price 12s ftl.per teox, 3 boxes 355. Malto you feel Well quickly afterwarxls to enjoy swimming. tennis, golf end all outdoor games. -Pall or'write for box tot'f./’oJe Agents, British Chemical Co. Cfi.- \\ libs, street.—Advt.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12074, 27 February 1925, Page 5

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NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12074, 27 February 1925, Page 5

NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12074, 27 February 1925, Page 5