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MANTUA WINS OTAGO HANDICAP. FEDERAL TO MOORLAND. (By Telegraph—Special to "Times.”) DUNEDIN, December 26. The Dunedin Jockey . Club's summer meeting commenced 1 to-day under depressing weather conditions. A light drizzle fell most of the day, but the track 8<?od order, though holding a little at the end of the day. The racing was poor, most of the events -being ' vtm . easily. The attendance was surprisingly under the circumstances. ’FRISCO MAIL WINS WELL All the aacoptors for the Summer Hurdles went to the post. The locally-owned ir ortside, who had been showing up well in training operations, was made a hot order, ,the , totalisator carrying more than twice that on any other horse in the race. Ancient and Wapping led out from the barrier, but ran wide at the first obstacle and failed to negotiate the second hurdle altogether. Kerry Star here come to grief, falling heavily anti breaking bis neck, but the rider was unhurt. Portside, Bellrock, Redl Kriss and Londonderry led past the stand, but Red Kriss was m front going out of the straight. Portside, however, was jumping better and got on terms with the leader and was well clear at the next hurdle. These two were still in front ah the far turn, but once in tho straight Frisco Mail, who had been fourth most of the journey, headed’ the front division and went on to win by two and a half lengths. Londonderry was half a length behind Portside. The next to finish were Penury Rose,; Red Kriss and Raconteur. JUBILANT RIDDEN OUT. Barmaid was the only withdrawal from the Salisbury Handicap. Hungry Hill and Heather Lad carried the bulk of the money. Roman Archer lost all chance ho had at the start. Obligio and Jubilant were the smartest away, and at the end of half a mile Jubilant had dropped back to fourth place. Obligio was leading Cumbrae and Ophir was later- in charge at the far turn from Jubilant, who was being vigorously ridden by Etnerson. _ Once in the straight thero was nothing in the race but Jubilant, though Incursio made valiant efforts to overtake G. Gould’s smart filly, who eventually won by five lengths. Obligio, Ophir and Cnmbrae were next to finish. Tile winner raced disappointingly in the early stages, though he has a reputation as a smart track performer. Emerson's vigorous handling evidently was effective. On his easy win to-day Jubilafat should be prominent in her immediate engagements. Sir George Clifford’s Hungry Hill was never seen. FAVOURITE PAIR BEATEN. Overdrawn and Circulation, who wore bracketed, were very heavily supported for the Dunedin Handicap. On the McLean Stakes running they looked certain to play a prominent part. It was a poor start, Joyeuse being hopelessly left.

The outsider, Quickform, led from the bracketed pair when the barrier rose, but Circulation caught the filly before reaching the straight. Victory Bond then put in a claim, getting a nice run on tho rails. Quickform and Circulation, however, came away, and in a punishing finish the former prevailed by a head. Victory Bond, who ran a fine race throughout, was a neck behind Circulation. Arpent waa fourth. MANTUA'S GREAT FINISH. Listening Post woa the only withdrawal from the Otago Handicap, seven good olaas handicap horses going to the post. There was considerable delay at the start, , Mountain Lion and Rivalry getting away be3t. Mountain Lion waa two lengths in front of Happy Warrior going into the back stretch. Rivalry and Loughrea being next. At this stage Luoinette and Palestrina were last. At the six furlong peat Mountain Lion was two lengths clear of Happy Warrior! Loughrea, and Mantua being handy, At tho far turn Mantua dropped back almost last, but she begau to make up considerable ground from there on. and eventually wen by a length from Mountain Lion, Luoinette being two lengths further back. The winner has earned the reputation of being one of the earnest little mares in cornmissfen in the south. No doubt her success was largely due to the fact that the early stage of tRe race was run very slowly. Mountain Lion ran a fine race and tried to win all the way. A HOLLOW VICTORY.

Booster. Jolly Glad, and Ohickwlek were scratched for the Trial Stakes, leavSnv a field of seven, Sir George Retrospoot carried most money, anq never left the event in doubt, winning bv *ix length!,, There waa a splendid fight for seeond place between Peho, April Showers, and Cqmio Song, who finished in a hunch, the former fust getting home In front, Pefio had all the worst of the start, anfi by a sterling finishing run from the distance peat showed that he is quite a likely sort. A CONSISTENT SPRINTER.

Angelo and Firesfick declined their engagements in the Federal Handicap. Bella lake, the Hart, and Moorland were first te show out. Bugle Note coming into the picture a little later, whilst Ravenna act through on the rails. Mooriand still held hia ground however, and won easily by five lengths from Bugle Note.,, Geranial finished faster than anything in the race, and was a neok behind Bugle Note. Ravenna was a head away fourth. The winner is one of the most oo n sis tent sprinters in the South Island, and paid a false. price. Bugle Note rap a good race! hut had no chance. Moorland i.nd Ayrburn. who have been doing good work on the Riecarton tracks, were sent down for this race USEFUL STAKE WINNERI

Mountain Lion and Golden King were withdrawn from tho Otekia Welter, leaving a field of five. The race was run in a drizzle, Gnnoaso led Monxide and a op Score from the heat start of the day. At the far turn Gnnoose had taken charge, whilst GiantkUler joined the field. Gunoase led Into the straight, hut inside the distance Top Score went to the front and won by half ft length, GianthiUer heUig ft length and a half further hack. T«P Score ha* proved a useful stake wtonej for Sir George Clifford thla eeason, eid is running on well at the business end. Bonnie Winkie finished last, THE final event. Ehton Bells, All Style, and Retrospect dropped out of the Buroajde Handicap, leaving the biggest field of tho day. Hurdy Gurdy, Apple Dighton, Bonnie Olive, and Tommy Dodd were the leaders at the end of a furlong. At the far turn Apple Dighton was disputing the Worship .with Tommy Dodd and flonnio Olive! Inside the distance Apple E’sh" ton w>ho was Tidden with considerable vim. stalled off a strong challenge by Tommy Dodd, and won by three-quarter? of, a length. Winkie s Seat, who went well under a hie -weight, was one and a half lengths further back. Then oani® Knocklyu and Clontarf. Tommy Dodd, wCwas well supported by ta tions, looks a likely sort, winkles Rest also led to the suggestion that te might go better later. DETAILED REBOLTB | Per Press Association. j The Dunedin Jockey Club’s summer •sr «rMS,d handled X 29,593 10s, as compared mtb , J. Ra&k, rider of lacuitno m the Salisbury Handicap, Voight, nder of Heather Lad in the same race, were brought before the stewards, tho former for deliberately breaking the barrier, and the latter for disobedience at the start of the race. Voight was also charged -with dieoberience and disrespect at the start of the Dunedin Handicap. . Rask was suspended for the remainder of the meeting, and Voight was fined £lO. SUMMER HURDLES. Of 825 eovs; one mile and three-quarters. 'Frisco Mail, 11.9 (Humphries) 1 Portside, 11.6 J Londonderry, 11.6 " Also started Bellrock 10.6, Renuij Rose 10.4, Red Kriss 10.3, Kerry Star 9.9, Wapping 9, Raconteur 9. •• Machine placing*—l Portside/ 2 Ked Kriss, 3 "Wapping, 4 'Frisco Mail, 5 Penury Rose. 6 Kerry Star. 7 BeUxock. 8 Londonderry. 9 Raconteur. • J Frisco Mail led over the last fence and came on to win by a good three lengths; half a length separated second and third houses. Kerry Star fell and Wapping ran off. Time, 3mih\22sec. < ! Kerry Star broke his neck. SALISBURY HANDICAP, Of 250 eo.vs; one mile. Jubilant, 7.8 (Emerson) 1 Incursio, 9 3 Heather Lad, 8.12 3 Also started —Obligio 8.10, Hungry Hill 8.5, Beautv Light 8.1, Shandre 7.13, Ophir 7.12, Cumbrae 7.9, Roman Archer 7.7. Machine placings—l Hungry Hill. 2 Heather Lad. 3 Ophir, 4 BeputyXLight, 4 Cumbrae, 5 Incursio, 6 Obligio, 7 SbandTee. 8 Roman Archer. Jubilant was always well placed, and once in the straight won easily by four lengths, with three lengths between second and third horses. Time, lmin 42 DUNEDIN HANDICAP, Of 300 sovs; five furlongs. Quickform, 7.5 (Metcalf) 1 Circulation, 8.8 2 Victory, Bond, 9 3 Also started—Aipent 9.1, Joyeuse 8. T-otalisator placings omitted to be telegraphed. In a bad start Joyeuse was hopelessly left. Quickform led into the straight and won by a short neck, a long neck separated second and third! horses. Time, lmin 3 4-ssec. OTAGO HANDICAP, Of 600 60vs; one mile and a quarter, i Mantua, 7.13 (Metcalf) 1 Mountain Lion, 7.9 2 Lucinette, 7.2 ? ... 3 Aleo started—Loughrea 10.3, Palestrina 8.9, Happy Warrior 8.7, Rivalry 7.4. Machine placings 1 Palestrina, 2 Rivalry, 3 Loughrea. 4 Mantua. 5 Lucinetta, 6 Happy Warrior, 7 Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion, who was in front most of the way, led into the straight, but in the run home Mantua put in a strong claim, and won by three parts of a length, with Lucinette three lengths away, followed by Rivalry and Loughrea. 'Time, 2min 9sec. TRIAL STAKES, Of 200 sovs; seven furlongs. Retrospect, 7.11 (Eastwood) 1 Pebo, 7.11 2 Gorgeous, 7.11 3 Also started—ApriT Showers 8.6, Comic Song 8.2, Wise Counsellor 8.2, Ellesmere «.l. Machine placings—l Retrospect, 2

Comia Song, 3 Gorgeous. 4 April Showw erff, 5 Pebo, 6 Wise Counsellor, 7 Ellesmere. . , . Retrospect led Into the straight and won easily by seven lengths, with necks between the ne*t throe horses, April Showers being fourth. Time, lmin 39 3-seec. FEDERAL HANDICAP, Of 360 eovs; six furlongs. Moorland, 8.4 (Emerson) - 1 Bugle Note, 7.11 2 Gefanial, 7 3 started—Ravenna 8.11, The Harp 7.12, Ayrbum 7.7, Fulmar 7, Bella Lake 7, Gay Juliet 7. Vft/»hinA placings 1 Bugle Note. 2 Ravenna, 3 Geranial* 4 Moorland, 5 r l be Harp, 6 Ayrhum, 7 Bella Lake, s Fulmar. Moorland led into the straight, and, keeping clear, won easily by five length’s, with a neck between second and third horses. Time, lmin 16sec. As the result of an inquiry Bams, the rider of Gerani&l, was cautioned for interference. OTOEXA "WBUTER, Of 250 sots; one mile. Top Score, 9.S (Jones) 1 Guncese, 8.7 ——2 Giantkilier, 9j6 3 A Tor, started Bonnie -Winkie 2-13, Monoxide BJ>. The totalisator placings were not telegraphed for this raca. • Guncase led Into the straight, but in the straight Top Score wore him down and won by hmf a length, with three lengths between second and third horses. Time, lmin 41 1-osec. BURNSIDE HANDICAP, Of 200 sovb; six furlongs. Apple Dighton, 8 (Paterson) 1 Winkie's Best, 9.6 2 Hurdy Gurdy, 8.11 Aleo started—Knocklyn 9.3, Clontarf 8.10, Maytime 8.10, Tommy Dodd 8.9, Taboo 8.9, Bonnie Olive 8.6, Goldspinner 8.4, Rockfellow 8.3, Rapier 8. No machine placings telegraphed. ’ Apple Dighton led into the straight, and ridden out, beat Winkie's Best by three parts of a length, with one and a half lengths separating 6eoond. and third horses. Time,' lmin 16 4-ssec. SECOND DAY ACCEPTANCES DUNEDIN, December 26. The acceptances for the second day of the Dunedin Jockey Club are as follow: MLLBURN HURDLES, of 209 sovs: one mile and a half—'Frisco Mail 12.5, Jjterteide 11.10, Red Admiral 11.8, Bellrock 10.3, Penury Rose 10.3, Red Kriss 10.1, Cairamuix 0.6, Wapping 9. FERNHXLL HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; one mile and a quarter—Heather Lad 8.13, Obligio 8.10, Jubilant 8.9, Hungry Hill 8.3, Beauty Light 8, Ophir 7.10, Goldspinner 7.9, Cumbrae 7.8, April Showers 7.7. ST. ANDREW'S HANDICAP, of 400 sots; one mile—Listening Post 8.8, Mantua 8.7, Kilf&ne 8.3, Ravenna 7.13, Mountain Lion 7.13, Rivalry 7.3, Gay Juliet 7. JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 225 eovs; five furlongs—Victory Bond 9, Arpent 8w12,‘ Circulation B.U, Quickform B*. Joyeuse 8, Bakiura 7.5. GRANDSTAND HANDICAP, of 271 eovs; six furlongs—Moorland 9.1, Dancing Days 8.10, Bugle Note 8.1, The Hari 7.9, Ayburn 7.5, Geranial 7.2, Bella Lak< 7, Fulmar 7. TAIHOA HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; si a furlongs—Sun Up 10J3, Winkie's Beet 9.9, Eaton Bells 9.4, Knocklyn 9.3, Tommi Dodd 8.11, Hurdy Gurdy 8.10, App!« Dighton 8.10, Clontarf 8.9, Maytime 8.9 Taboo 5.8, Bonnie Olive 8.6, Ophir 8.4 Shandro 8.3, Rockfellow 8.2, Peho 8.2, March Off 8, Comic Song 8, Booster 8, Flight 8, Rob 8, Flaming Ray 8. ALLANTON HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; one mile—Bonnie Winkie 9.1, Giantkilier • 9, Mountain Lion 8.13, Guncase 8.7, LuciUette 8.5, Monoxide 8»- All British 7.11, Golden King 7.7. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 225 eovs; seven furlongs—Kilfane 9, Revenna 8.10, Top Score 8.3, Guncase 7.8, Winkie's Best 7.2, Monoxide 7.1, Kilbarry 7, Gay Juliet 7. : - f i ’ 1 , ' * ' ' i t s >

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New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12022, 27 December 1924, Page 9

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DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12022, 27 December 1924, Page 9

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12022, 27 December 1924, Page 9