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SUCCESSFUL PUPILS annual break-up and prize PRESENTATION. DR. REDWOCIff WELCOMED. The annual breaking-up ceremony and presentation of. prizes in connection with St. Patrick’s College took place yesterday, and proved a moat interesting and successful function! Added interest was given to 'the proceedings by the presence of His Grace Archbishop, Redwood, who has but recently returned from a world tour, which included a stay in Rome and’ an interview with His Holiness the Pope, A YEAR’S CHANGES. - . Remarking upon the year's work the rector, the Very Rev. Father T. Gilbert. S.M., M.A., said that they- all joined in welcoming back His Grace Archbishop Rddwood. alter his long tour. It was now 40> years since the foundation stone of the College had been laid by His Grace, and he hoped it gave him as much, pleasure to- attend as it gave thetn to receive him. During the year there bad been many changes in the- college. Of the teachers who were left were Fathers Cullen and Gondfinger, the latter of had been at the school since 1906, while Father Cullen bad also been a master forgsnitny years. In their place had come new men, who were m reality Old.- men, in that they, were old boya of, the-.'School. Good Work had been done by. the school during, the year; Takipg it altogether, tne sum total of their efforts - compared well with that of previous years.. • The spirit of the boute was excellent, while the esprit de corps bad. grown in accordance with the numbers. In reference to; sport, which was such an important feature of school jife in modern times, they had not beaten all their foes, blit the boys, especially in the senior divisioq* had put up great struggles and. gone dowq fighting. Thanks were duetto the Rugby Union and the Wellington . Boxing Association,. The number of scholars had retched’ 208 this-year, a record, and . twice the number in attendance; ten years ago. It was pleasing to know that 'scholars who had gone on to the university had done well; and the rector made reference to the Students’ Guild, Which was doing .such good .work amongst the Roman Catholic undergraduates; There lad been anxieties and reverses during' the year, and thanks were due to fjhe sisters who had attended the boya iii’ Sickness 'to the matroh and the ddetor, and also to Dean Regnault, t.hs external chaplain. ,


•‘A WONDERFtT.u TOUR.” His. Grace Archbishop Redwood oongratulafcsd the college orchestra, the heat-he luvd" heard ittside, the echool, (Applause.) In respect to the sickness,' he hoped that during the year to come they would be spared from such trials, He was glad to see such a Spirit prevailing, and the college in .preserving; that spirit resembled tne schools of the Mnrist Fathers, who endeavoured to make their .college one big family, com-' posed of masters and boys alike. Hl» Grace was pleased to see. the number of students increasing, and his hope was. that it would further increaea to 308. They would all want to hear of hia. trip, abroad. It had. been wonderful. Hie Grace referred to hie intdlfview. with the Rope who, wnen/hp entered for the audience, advanced' apd cm-' braced him on both'cheeks. “It was an honour I have, not had from any Pbpe.” xaid His Grape, “aiid I have seen five.” One 'of , the . things the Pope', hid been most interested in ,was trie atory of St. Patrick’s College. Though it; has not been fonnded ae a'setninary, • thSv now had over 100 ex-pupils either holding or -- studying for ecclesiastical, orders. St. Patrick’s had been honour-. ad as no other school m Australasia. ■. LONG ASSOCIATION WITH ‘ . . : CHURCH. ; . one man And cheered him. In pass-, sociation with . the Roman .CatbnlinChurch, which earned for him a great ovation from. 35,000 people at-the huge convention at Amsterdam, which he attended. The -vast assembly rose as one man and cheererd rhim. In passing, the speaker- referred to the works which had flourished during his life in the church. The college was .one example.' Monday was tne anniversary of his departure; for . Fiance to take up his schooling. On December Bth, . 1854. at the age-of 15 - , he had loft New Zealand, his£ parente and relations, to enter the church, 'and follow his vocation. “At the conclusion of my interview with tho Pope.” said Archbishop Redwood, “he said to me, there you. stand like a man of 60 years, and may you Jive ta see your diamond jubilee.” (Applause.) . Ho had asked the Holy Father when he was leaving if he would allow him to take back,his blessing with his per-' mission.' .His Holiness replied, “I not only'give yotf permission, I’give you the commission.” “They were-strong words from a Pope,” .concluded Hss Giacc. . ■ : ' »'• - ■ i


SCHOLARSHIPS. Tho-St. Patrick’s College Scholarship, tenable for three years (£66 per annum!, open to all Catholic toys of New Zealand: Won by Rupert CuddonLargS, of Oamaru. ..The “Kennedy” Scholarship, tenablo for two years (£4O per annum), open to all Catholic boys of New Zealand: Won by John Keane, 'of.Gisborne. Free. Places (Day Boy Scholarships, tenablo for two years): Jame® Warren (Tasman street), Patrick Turkihgtoii (Hawkestone street),- Kevin Fitzgerald (TasiUSn street), Gerald Gill '(Tasman street), William Keating (Petone), John Darrfich (Tasman 6treet), Paul Phillips (Tastaan street), John Devery, John Duffy, Donald Donovan; Herbert Wilson (Hawktstone street). ' PRIZES- . ■ Good Conduct, senior (gold medal presented by His Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M.); Marshall. Good Conduct, junior (gold medal presented - by His (3race Archbishop O’Shea, S:M.) ! : Harper. Good Conduct (day boys), (gold medal presented by the Ven. Archdeacon Devoy, S.M.): Evatt. Diligence (gold .medal presented by tho Vety Rev. Father O’Reilly, S.M., Prov., I).A.): Haughey. Dux of the School (gold medal presented by the Very Rev. Dr Kennedy, 8.M., 8.A.): Marshall. Next in merit: McAloon, Haughey. Evatt. “Effort” (gold medal presented by Mrs Lamartine Dwan): McAloon. Next it. merit: Checseman, Daniel, Stevencon. : “Catalan Modal.” for proficiency in music (gold medal presented bv the Rev. Father Kimball, S.M.): Cullen. FORM PRIZES. Form VI. —General Excellence: See “Dux.” Christian Doctrine: Prise. McAloon; next in merit, Vallis, Fouhy,

Daniel. English Essay (Keogh Memorial): Prise, Vallis; next m merit, Marshall, Haughey, Evatt. English Literature (Watters Memorial): Prize, Marshall; next in merit, Haughey, McAloori: Evatt. Latin (Bowden Memorial) : Prize, Marshall; next in merit, McAloon, Daniel, Haughey.. French (Hi(U Memorial) : Prize, Marshall; next m merit, McAloon, Haughey, Evatt. -Mathematics: Prize, Marshall; next in merit. McAloon, Haughey, Evatt; ..Chemistry and Heat: Prize; Marshall; jdett in merit: Haujjmy,. McAloon. ./ '.Dorm V.' —Generaf Excellence: Prize, Pearcey: msjrt .in merit. Reilly, McBberry V.) Anderson. Christian Doctrine: Prize.’.Stevenson: next in merit. Anderson. Bourke M., Reilly.' ■ English B^aty: ' 'ftiail, Stevenson; next in merit, Prondevill©.. Reilly, Cheesman. English: Prize, Kitching; next in .merit.. PBtUpcey> 'McSherry, Chefcsman. History and Geography: Prize, Anderson; next to 'merit, : Reilly, Bonrke. Mi. PiJareey.' Latin: Prize, Pearcey; next’in merit, Reilly, McSherry, V., Chnsmu. French:. Prize. Pear coy; next; in merit. McSherry, V., Buchanan, O’Connell. Mathematics: Prize, Pearcey; next in merit. Anderson, Uuiapke, Bourke, M. Sgtenoe: Prize, Reilly : next, in merit, Pearcey, Cheesman, Bourke, M. , " ;; Farm FV.a. General Excellence: Prize. O’Keefe: next in merit. Good--non, D’Connor, E., Attridge. Christian Doctrine: Prize, Gilbert; next in merit. Ward. C., , O’Coiinor, EL, O’Keefe. English Efesav: Prize, Attridge: next th Went,' Gilhort. Qameron, Taylor. English: Prize. Gilbert: next in merit, Attridee, O’Keefe. Taykxr. History, and Geography: Prize, Cunningham; next in merit. 'O’KeeftSv Malfroyi Loech, R., .Latin,; Prize. ; next in merit, Costello, T.J., Jeffries, Ward, C. French: -Prize, Connor. J.; next in. merit. Oostello, T. ,T., Cunningham, Jefferies'.' Science: Prize, , Leech, R. ;. next in merit,'O’Connor, E., Power, Gilbert. - 1 Mathematics: Prize, o*Obnnor, E.; next in merit. O’Keefe, McCarthy, W.. Lander.

Perm Excellence: Prise,: Bourke, P.: next in merit, OiGotman, Krebs. McGrath. Christian Dcotriuo:..Prize Bourke, P.'; next in merit, McGrath: O’Gofman. Hempreed. ..R. English Essay: Prize,' McGrath ; next in merit, D’Gorrnan, Krebs, Hemposed. R. English: P.'fed. MCGrath: next in merit, O’Gorman, Bourke, P„ Krebs. History and Geogrephy: Prize, Fouhy, E.; next m merit, -Krebs, O’Germ an, Bonrke, P. Latin: Prize, O’Gorman: next in merit. Bourke, P.. ’ McGrath, Leydon French: Prize, O’Gorman ; next, in merit,- Bourke, P., Krebs, Leydon. Mathematics: Prize. Krebs'; next in merit. McCarthy, P.. Bourke. P., 1 O’Malley, M. Science: Prize, O’Malley, M.: next in merit, Bourke, P., Krebs, MCGrath. Form IH.b.-—General Excellence: Prize,- Smith; next in merit, Mulcahy, Mcßride, Hickson. Christian Doctrine: Prise. Smith: next in merit. Mnlchay, Mcßride. Connor. L. English E6ssv: Prize. Phillips, F.: next in merit. McHardy, Smith, Weybourne. English: Prize, Mcßride: next in' merit' Smith, Mnlchay. Patrick: History and Geography : Prize, Mulcahy; i ext in merit. Mcßride,- Smith, Dravitski. 1 Latin - Prize, Attridge; next in merit, McBride. Smith, MulcHfty, Hickson, Ryan, P. Mathematics: Prize, Smith: next in merit, Mcßride. Mulcahy. Cullinane. Science: Prize, Smith; next in merit, Mulcahy, Mcßride, Hickson. Form IH.b.—General Excellency: Prize, P. O’Hanlon; next' in merit, Demuth, Robert®; Wright. Christian Doctrine: Prize, D. Ward; nbxt in merit, P. O’Hanlon, HjndmaTsh, Demuth. English Essay : Prize. P. O'Connor: next inr'mnrit;' Demuth. Roberts, D Maher. English: Brize, Wright: next in merit, Roberts, Demuth, D. Ward. History and Geography :' Prize, Roberts; next in merit, Demuth, Hindmarsh. P. O’Conhot. Latin: Prize, Wright; next in merit, Demuth, Kilkelly, F. Swindell. French l Prize, Roberta* next .in merit. P. , O’Hanlon, Wright, Kilkelly. Mathematics: Prize. P. O’Hanlon; next in merit, Demuth. P. O’Connor, F. Swindell. Science: Prize, P. O'Hanion ; next in merit, Demuth, Wright, Kilkelly. Form ill C.—General Excellence: Prize, Harper*; next in merit, Romanos, Dooly, Hawlceh. Christian Doctrine: Prize, Harper; next in merit, Romanoe, Dooly, Harrington. English Essay: Prize, D. Lavin; next in merit, Harrington. Harper, J. Edwards. English : Prize, Romanos: next in merit. Harper, Bonn.-Hawken. History and Geography: •Prize, Harper: next in merit. Maunder, Romanos. Follas. French: Prize. Romimcc; next in merit. Harper, Dooly, McGninnees. Mathematics: Price, Hawken; next in merit. Follas. MeGoinneff*. Twcliill. Science: Prize. Follas : next in merit, 'D. Lavin, Harper, Hurd.

Primary Department.—General Excellence : Prize, B. O'Brien; next in merit, M. Kennedy, K. Maher, R. Larin. Christian Doctrine: Prize, B. O’Brien; next imrnerit. K. Maher. F. Gibhs, Alward. English Composition: Prize, K. Maher) next in merit, B. Lavin, M. Kennedy, F- Gibbs, English: Prize, B. O’Brien; next in. merit. M. Kennedy, G- Hay don, Saiheriey. Reading and Writing: Prize)' B. Lavin; next in iperit. Lawson, K. Maher, W. Haydpn. History and Geography: Prize, B. O’Brien next in merit, KMaber, _M. Kennedy. G- Haydon. Arithmetic: Prize, B. O’Brien; next in merit, B. Lavin. Lawson, F. Gibbs. Science: Prize, M. Kennedy; next in merit, B. O’Brien. Gibhs, lanon. Commercial Department. -—-Senior: Prize, O’Keefe; next in merit, Buchanan. Harris, Doherty. Junior: Prize. Paton: next in merit, P. O’Hankrn. Dravilpki, J- O’Malley. Economics—Prize, C. Taylor • next .in merit, R. Hempseed,, . Harris, IFHempteedy • '■ * Oratory and. Oratory, “The John and Margaret Gallagher Cup” for oratory i' Won by GiL hert. Debate: Prize, Marahall. ■'lntermediate: Prize, Power. Junior A: Prize, Gayuor. Junior B: Prize, Bnrd. Prizes for' Four Mentions in Class Work.—Haughey, Bourke R., Mcfiherry V.. Cheesman, Demuth. Giblw F. Certificates of Proficiency have been issued to: Brown. Harrington, Haydon _ G.. Hempseed.(W.. Kennedy M., Lavin D„ Lavin 8., Maher -fC, McNamara, O’Brien . 8., Dhlenberg T. Competency: Haydon W -Hurd, Low. son,' Louehnane, McKee. Higtog- Leav< mg Certificates.—Jhe, following taavt been ..incmninendert for Higher - Leav< mg : Daniel, Eratt, FfyAn. Fouhy - T., Marshall. McAloon, Vvajlw. “Board - of V Honbur.”.—Jfdarders: Oppe, Cfellfnane, Danipl, Doherty, Dravitaii, Haljan,. Harper,*’HaufdJoy,. Hic*J®l, Koegan, My, Mcißnds, Megbsrry V!; O’Malley J., PhiUir* F., Ward D., Wadi. Reißy. Day Boys: Oxnnor L., Fouhy E., Hickson, Mnlcahy, O’Otauior ' E., O’Gorman R.. O’Hanlon P., O’Keefe, O’Brien, Patnek. Paten, Pearcey, Simpson J., Gmith. Tho_ College (banks the foHewing for eontnbutiona to tbe Prize and Scholar';“’P _. Fund. —Archbishop Redwood. Archbishop O’Shea, Bishop Dwyer, the Very Rov. Father O’Reflft - , S.M., the Van. Archdeacon Demy, S.M., th< Very Rov. Dea.n Regiumlt, S.M.. th< Rev. Fathers Smyth, Holler. Kimbel) 8.- Mahony, F. Cullen, Conijollv. Kellv Gondnnger, Mesdames .VlcEvcdV; Dwau, Gleeson. Gamble, Messrs C P. SkmTett, L. Blake, T. Buckler, M. Walsh, J. J. McGrath. C. McCabe, F. AlcParland, P. J. Griffin. L. Dwan. H. M®ver_. Dr. McEyedy, and many others During tho oltornoon scVcfal' excel •rat musical selections were ' rendered by thc_ College orchestra, a comhination which works exceedingly well. A I violin dcol. .“Andantic" (Lemare) was nh» given, hv D. Lavin and R. - Maunder. the contribution being a most enyoyeblo one. N. Gocdson, in a sweet '(■frano cioc, sang -Are Maria” (Bwch-Okiunod) and D. Lavin .'gave ps a violin nolo “Concerto” (do Berioth ITio proceedings concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12008, 10 December 1924, Page 4

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ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12008, 10 December 1924, Page 4

ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12008, 10 December 1924, Page 4