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SALES IN OTHER CENTRES. Par P***»«s Association. DUNEDIN, September 12. Sale reported National Insurance. 75s €d. Sale —New Zealand Breweries Debentnres. 225. AUCKLAND, September 12. Sales on ‘Change:—New Zealand Loan and Mercantile (ord.), ,£9O; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, fprefj, .£BO. Sale reported:—HudaartVraiker. 455. Sales—Union Bank, «£l4 16s 6d ; Huddart. Parker, 455. CHRISTCHURCH, September 12. Sales reported—Union 'Bank, «£l4 16s (twq parcels); Bartholomew Timber, 235; Death and Co., 33s 6d. ’’Sailo on ‘Change—Westport-Stockton Ordinary), 3s Bd. BANK OF ENGLAND 1. WEEKLY RETURN. Australian and N Z Cabl* Association. (Received September 12. 8 p.m.) LONDON, September 11. The Bank of England returns this week afford .tthe following comparison with those of the previous week: Sept. 11. Sept. 4. JS £ Coin and bullion 126,599,000 126,597,000 Reserve 23,442,000 22,427,000 Note ‘circulation ... 124,732,000 125,725,000 Oort, deposits 10,842,000 10,396,000 Uthgr deposits 111,396,000 114,897,000 Govt, securities ... 40,758,000 43,658,000 DiM'mmts* arid ad- ‘ “ “ Vances 76,320,000 77,481,000 Proportion o t ro- • * - • • to liabilities 19.17 p.c. . 17.90 p.c. Short loans' 25 p.c. 23 p.c. Three months* bills 33 p.c. 3|p.c. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE SECURITIM. - Anstfnlinu ind T-f.Z. Usrbln Association' (Received September -12, 8-p.m.) LONDON, September 11. Following are the latest Quotations for 'lmperial and Colonial Government «o----r cnrities:— Sept. 11. Sept. 4. -id. 4 s. d. H n.c. Imperial Consols 57 5 0 *57 0 0 5 " e. War Loan (1522? 19271- 101 15 0 101 10 0 3) " t>. wa r Loan (1925. 1929) 95 18 9 96 0 0 34 p.c. Conversion 77 5 0 77 5 0 C ■vo. Aus. Comm, (1934-41) * 104 17 6 104 17 6. 64 nc. Aus. Comm. (1922-27)- U Ml 10. 0401 7- 6 6 p.c. N.Z. (1836-51) ... 110 10 0 110 0 0 4 p.c. N.Z. (1920) 96 2 6 96 2 6 3i p.c. N.Z. (1840) 84 5 0 84 0 0 8 p.c N.Z. t1940h r.-.-.r....- -76 10- 6 -76- 0- 0 6) pc. N.S.W. (193d--40) 106 15 0 106 15 0 6 *\c. N.S.W. (193032£ 105 7 6 105 2 6 5J p.c. N.S.W. (1922-32) 102 5 0 102 5 n 4 p.c. N.S.W. (1933) ... 91 17 6 91 17 6 34 p.c. N.S.W. (193050) 81 17 6 *Bl 17 6 3 p.c. N.S.W. (1935) ... 76 15 0 76 15 0 54 p.c. Vic. (1930-40) ... 102 0 0 *lO2 0 0 3). p.c. Vic. (1921-26) ... 98 12 6 98 7 6 p.c. Vic. (1929-40) ... 79 0 0 *7B 10 0 94 p.c. Vic. (1929-49) ... 73 0 O' 72 12 6 6 p.c. GTand (1930-40) 104 17 6 104 10 0 *.p.c. gTand (1924) 99 15 0 99 15 0 8t P.Q U’land (1921-30) 98 15 0 98 15 0 3} p.c. Qland (1930) ... 91 5. 0 91 5 0 3 p.c. Q'Laind (1921-24) 71.2 0 70 10* 0 64 p.c. b. Aus. (1945) ... 106 17 6 106 . 7 6 4J p.c S. Aus. (1929) ... 8%15 0 83‘ 5 0 3 p.c. S. Aus. (T 936) ... '62 0 0 61 15" 0 6 p.c. W. Ails. (1930-40) 104 7 6 104 15 0 ?J p.c. W. Aur (192636) 86 0 0 85 13 0 3 p.c. W. Aus. (1915-35) 82 0 0 81 7 6 64 p.e. Tas. (1930-40) ... 107 0 0 106 17 6 94 p.c. Tas. (lBi’MO) ... 83 15- 0 83-10 0 9 P-C. Tas. (1920-40) ... 76 10 0 76 0 0 • ' *£x div. FOREIGN EXCHANGES , (Received September 12, .8,30 p.m.) ■ LONDON, .September 11. The current rates of exchange, comBared with, those of September 6th, and with.par, are as follow: AB66 W York ’ 4 ' 45J dollars, 4.431 dollars, 4 866° atrea !' 4,46 i dollars - 4.41 dollars. . Paris. 83.50 francs. 84.60 francs, 25.225. Brussels. 894 francs, 89.75 francs. 25.225. Rome, 101) lire, 101 i lire, 25.225. 18 S ls9 Ckholra ’ 16,74 kroner - kroner. „/.' h J istiania ' 32.88 kroner, 32.38 kroner. 10.159. jgLonenhagen, 26.37 kroner, 26.18 kroner. ‘Calcutta. 17 7-16 d to the rupee, 17 7-16 d •Hongkong, 29)d to the dollar. 29(1. .Yokohama. 22 l-16d to the yen, 22Jd. la l auctuatcs with the price of silver. METALS (Received September 12, 8.30 p.m.) LONDON, September 11. ILfi ..current prices of metals, compared with, those of September Bth (given in parentheses), are as follow: Gold. JIl 12s ounce (£4 13s). S'jyer. standard 34 15-166 un ounce (3«6>. fine 37 11-16 d (37)d). , Copper, spot .£63 2s 6d a ton (263 3s 9d) forward 2G4 3* 9d (264 3s 9d). -£33 6s 3d a ton (233 ss), for-Spelter;-»obt-233 2s 6d a ton (233 2s 6d), forward 282 18s «d (232 15s). Tin,-spot 2252 40s a-torr <2253 12s 6dV forward 2254 2s (id (2254 7s 6d). - ’ . Lead imports totalled 25.276 tons, ineluding 5559 tons of Australian, and exports 191*2 t*»n>u

HOME MARKETS DAIRY PRODUCE. Australian ana N.Z Cable Association. (Received September 12, 8.30 p.m.) LONDON, September 11. Butter. —The demand is slow. New Zealand, choicest salted 205 s to 2Cfis; Australian. 104 s to 200 s; Siberian, weak demand. 156 s to 170 s; Danish, 2125. Cheese.—Market quiet. New Zealand, coloured 925» white 945. WOOL TOPS. The Bradford top* market is strong, and all qualities are firmly held, but business is small. Sixty-four’s 78d, 60's 70d, sfi's 50jd, 50's 37d, 40's 29£d. CEREALS AND SUGAR. - Wli4at cargoes—The market is firm, owing to the dry spell. Argentine is reduced to the Canadian estimate. January, 57s fid. t s7s Bd. Parcels are firm at an* increase of ,6d to 9d. December-Janu-ary, 55s fid, 55s 7sd, 55s 9d. The spot trade is fahly active, with quotations higher ajl round. Australian, ex ship, 59s 6d. Flour is firm. . Australian, ex store, 43s 6d. Oats are hardening. Peas are steady. Beans are quietly firm. Sugar, granulated, 41s 4£d. HIDES. At . the hide sales there was a good demand.; .prices for Australian are unchanged. FROZEN MEAT. Messrs Dalgety and Co.. Ltd., report having received the following cablegram from their London house, under date of the 11th instant:— Lamb.—New Zealand prime crossbred lamb, Canterbury heavy llld, Canterbury light ' North" Island heavy ll|d, North Island light 12d. Demand for New' Zealand lamb is less. Any change in prices is in favour of buyers. Mutton.—New Zealand prime crossbred Canterbury heavy 7sd, Canterbury light Bfd: North Island heavy 74d, North Island light B|d. . Demand for New Zealand mutton has been checked by increased prices asked. Though prices are nominally unchanged, it is very, difficult to sell at rates quoted. Australian frozen lamb.—Quotation for good average quality crossbred lamb is llld. There is a good demand for Australian lamb, though at present very few lambs have arrived. Prices are unlikely to be maintained as stocks become more plentiful DAIRY PRODUCE. Messrs Dalgety and Co., report having received the following cablegram from their London house, under date of the 11th instant:— •butter.—Market is dull. We quote New Zealand salted 206 s (2065), .New Zealand ?£o e ? h £ nal , b ? mds 210 s < 2los> * Danish 210 s finest Australian salted 200 s (2025). Cheese.—Market is quiet but steady. New Zealand, white 93s (945), coloured 91s (925); Canadian, c.i.f.; 90s (925). N.S.W. WHEAT CROP NEARLY 4,000,000 ACRES. Tclcirrapli.—Preffl Assq.— Copyright ■ _ SIDNEY, September 12. I Ao Government statistician reports tnat tile estimated area sown in ■wheat in the,current season is 3,913,700 acres, of which 3,400.000 acres will be harvested for grain, and the remainder cut *ior hay. There is an increase of 4256 acres of sown land compared with 1923. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE .B.v Telejn*®nV—Pr®®* A««n.—Cn.vtrr^M MELBOURNE, September li. Oats, 3s to 3s 3d per bushel. # Earley, English 4s 3d to fe 6d, Cape 6s 8d to 38 lfld per bushel. Potatoes, £1 15$ to £2 10s per ton. Onions, .£l4 10s to £l4 15s per ton. CANTERBURY MARKETS LINES MOVING SLOWLY. Par Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, September 12. The dullne&s in the markets continues; even potatoes for the time being are, at all events, moving very slowly. Nevertheless there is a feeling in some quarters that a hardening in the course of a fortnight />p v so .is quite probable. It is undoubted that the yield this season has been light on account of the dry season. Sales '• for northern coastal ports per the Coriuna, Flora, and Opihi have been made At up to £5 10s per ton fo.b. s.i., and October quotations are at £5 15s per ton. The . Wanaka, the other day, took a very small consignment of 800 sacks for Auckland, and the Wingatui is due to leave early next week Farmers at the moment are being offered up to £4 per ton on trucks for whites. .. ’ Oats have occasioned slight interest during the week. ChaflE is- keeping firm, and cowgrass has been the most active of the seed lines and good samples ara worth up to 9d alb to” farmers. Partridge peas have .also frightened, and 7s per bushel f.o.b.i s.i. has been paid. Linseed has been sold in several cases at .£l9 10s and £2O per ton f.o.b.s.i'., the market havin^-improved. FEILDINC STOCK SALE ADVANCE IN PRICES. . Per Press Association. FEiLDING, September 12. There was an average yarding of fat sheep at the Feilding sale, but ' the duality was not as good as last Week. Prices slightly advanced on late rates. Very few store sheep were yarded, and those only of an inferior quality, which sold Well. There ! was an exceptionally heavy yarding of fat cattle, including several lines Cf" very prime heifers ai.d cows.'"Bidding for all classes'was spiritshowed a sharp advance on“any previous sale this year. Fat 'hoggets—These realised 25s lOd, 28s, 99s 3d. 80s. 30s fid. 30s 7d and 425; fat ewes, 88s 2d, 89s 7d, 41s 6d, 42s 9d, 465, 43s and 50s. Stores—Bf hoggets made 20s 3d and 245; small m.s. hoggets, 23s 8d and 24s Id; medium, 27s Id; medium wether hoggets, 26s fid and 27s 9d. Fat bullocks —The prices obtained were oCIO, .£lO 3s, £lO 15s’ and £ll ss; prime heavy shorthorn heifers, .£9 10s, £lO 2s and HO 15s: lighter sorts, £6 and £7 '('s; prime heavv cows, £8 16s, £9 2s, £lO 5$ ,and £ll 7s Gdj good light cows, £5 17s Gd, £6, £6 10s, £6 15s and £7 17s 6d; plain light coyrs, £4 2s 6d, £4 17s, £5 and £5 7s 6d. Store cattle (forward) —Polled Angus bullocks, £7 3s 6d. Store bullocks—Good colours, £5 17s; three-year Polled Angus steers, £5 10s; empty Hereford cows, £2 11s; yearling Jersey heifers, £1 18s. There was a medium yarding of dairy cattle, mostly heifers, which sold well, showing a good rise on late values. Choice Jersey heifers made from £ll 2s fid to £l2 15s; good, £7 15s to £9 7s 6d; medimu sorts, £3 to £7; good guaranteed cows up to £ll 10s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., Palmerston North, report At our Palmerston North sale on Thursday we had a moderate entry of both sheep and cattle. There was a small attendance of the public, and bidding was dull. We quote: Fat wethers £2 8s fid, store ewes 14s 4d, light fat cows to £3 12s Gd, forward cows 35s fid to 48s fid. store cows 18s to 245, dairy cows to £7 15s, springing heifers to £7 10s. CUSTOMS REVENUE. The CuKtom* revenue collected at fbo port Y»f Wellington yesterday amounted to £SSGG

Prices of investment and minim? stocks yesterday were as follow -~ Buye Seller*. £, s. d. X s. d. Loans— Inscribed Stock (1938) — 97 , »2 6 Inscribed Stock (1933) 101 5 0 — 6 D.c. Inscribed Stock (19311 — 102 ;o 0 ■War Bonds (1933) 101 5 0 — Debentures— *\Vn. Racing Club » — 108 0 0 N;Z Breweries- — 1 2 0 Banks— Australasia — •13 18 6 National of N.Z — 6 15 6 New Zealand 2 16 9 2 17 3 Union of Australia ... — 14 17 6 Financial— Enuitable Building ... 9 iO 6 Wo. Denosit and JJort. A 9 3 Gas— ~ . . Auckland — 1 5 3 Insurance— , New Zealand 9 1 9 3 1 9 9 Meat Proserving— Canterbury 'Frozen (ord.) U 8 0 Transport— Huddart-Parker (ord.) *2 5 3 Huddart-Parker (pref.) . .*<*- •1 1 0 Union S*eam fnref.) ... 1 0 0 1 0 6 P. -and O. Def't Stock — 300 0 0 Woollen— Wellington (ord.) — 7 0 0 Coal— Wpipa 0 19 9 — •^Timber— Kauri 1 10 9 — Taringamutu Totara ... 1 13 0 — Miscellaneous— Crown Brewery 2 4 6 — 6 N.Z. Paper Mills — 1 3 Sharland and Co. (ord.) 1 0 11 — Sharland and Co. (pref.) 1 0 U — \Vairarapa Farmers' (pref.) 0 16 6 0 17 3 •Cum div.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 11933, 13 September 1924, Page 16

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 11933, 13 September 1924, Page 16

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 11933, 13 September 1924, Page 16