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The morning- opened with a steady drizzle, which cleared up at interals, so that there was hardly enough rain to inconvenience anyone.

There was a fair attendance during the morning, and after lunch it increased considerably. The judges had considerable difficulty in some of the cattle'sections, especially the milking classes. The hard winter accounted for a falling off in some of the classes, the animals not'being in show condition. Had the winter been a comfortable one there is reason to believe that all previous records would have been beaten. On the other hand some of the females were good enough to show anywhere in the Dominion, while several of the bulls were in splendid condition; in some instances the reserve champions running the champions very closely. (“Times” Special Reporter.) PALMERSTON NORTH, October 31.

CATTLE CLASSES WHAT THE JUDGES SAID. INTERESTING COMMENTS. The judge of Jersey cattle said, taking that section right, through* there were very good animals, although a number were disappointing. The charnoion cow •was a typical animal and quality wa» much in throughout. iha Champion bull stood out fti his class, the reserve champion lacking condition. The Shorthorn judge was pleased with his section, but said the competition was not as keen as (he expected. He strongly repudiated the' statement in an agneu.tural journal that New Zealand bred as good IJereforcls as England. The margin between the champion and reserve Cham, pion was very small, the reserve being a little finer in the horns. The standard of quality generally was good. Hr T. C Crawford, the fat cattle judge, stated that more interest had been taken in this class. Some of the animals were placed in the wrong pens (two-vear-olds were placed in the three year pens), and on going to judge he decided he could not proceed until a veterinary had been called in to decide tho age. Just as this was agreed to it was discovered that an error had been made. This was rectified, and the judging then gave general satisfaction. The "Shop” classes were especially good, particularly the two-year-olds, one of which won the championship Friesians, said the judge, were fairly good as a whole, and tlift winning bull in the two-year-old class should develop into a champion. The younger animals in the milking shorthorns showed ja great improvement on precious years, the champion cow having great milking qualities, although rather plain in the head. Bed foils were small in number, and the winter was ‘too severe to allow them being shown in best natural condition. Nevertheless there were some first-class animals shown. i IMPROVEMENT IN PIGS.

Speaking to the "Times” reporter one Of the biggest breeders of Tam worth pigs, ryho lives at Hastings, said the number of pigs had greatly increased in that district. and there should be double the ni mber in three or four years' time. His firm had imported a Berkshire boar from America and a Tamworth hoar from Australia, which had much improved the respective breeds, while the cross of the two was a splendid nig for the dairy farmer. There was a "big future for the bacon industry. CHAMPIONSHIPS HORSES. Single harness horso J. H. Ry-mer’e (Meanee) Golinel Tracey. CATTLE. Aberdeen Angus bull—F. Armstrong’s Hayston Bright Print. Aberdeen Angus heifer—F. Armstrong's Quail of Akitio; reserve, Renora of Akitio. . Bereford; bull J. McKenzie s Gay Mansell 33rd Hereford cow —J. S. Nelson’s Rosedale Maritara; reserve, G. F. Moore’s Park Amethyst‘B3rd. Kqd Poll boll—Central Development Farm’s Greslam Masterful; reserve, B. IV. Harvey's Dom. Panama. Red Poll cow—Central Development Farm and reserve. . Rad Poll cup, best female—Central Development Farm. Milking Shorthorn bull— R. V. Brown’s Dom. Gibson Daphne; reserve, R. L. Field’s Lilly's Regent of Dungiven. Milking Shorthorn cow—D. Buick’s Stud ley Nancy Lee, and reserve Cloverlea Nancy Lee. Jersey bull—R. W. Southea’s M-M. Maori Boy; reserve, A. C. Lovelock. Jersey cow—S. R. Lancaster; reserve, R. L. Horn. Friesian bull Central Development Farm; reserve, H. It. Green. Friesian cow —H. R. Green; reserve, ; W. I. lovelock. Shorthorn 1 ull—W. F. Jacob and Son’a Te Maramp Prince 4th. Avrahire bull —p. Buchanan, reserve J. Kyle. Slack Cnp (one Ayrshire bull and three females)—J. Kyle, reserve D. Buchanan. SHEEP. Lineoln ram—\\ r . Rayner; reserve, W. Perry. Lincoln ewe—P. Brewer and reserve. Romney Marsh, ip wool—AV. Perry and Son and reserve Shropshire Down, in wool—Sir ,T, 0. Wilson and reserve. Corriedale, in wool—AV. Rayner; reserve, D. Matheson, Clareville.' English Leicester ram—D. Matheson. English Leicester ewe—D. Matheson. Border Leicester ram—J V. Pearce. Border Raiccatar awe—J. V. Pearce. Shropshire, Southdown ram—Sir J. G. Wilson. Shropshire Southdown ewe—Sir J. (> Wilson. Corriedale ram—W. Rayner; resave, D. Matheson. Southdown mm—C. Ei. Vile, Bui's; regprvo, H. Burrell n,nd Son, Feildlng. ROMNEYS. (Natural Condition.) Five, 18 months—C. E. Corpe, 1 and 2. Ewe,' 18 months and under 80 months, with iamb—M. Voss and Son, ]; C. E. Corpe, 2. Ewe. 30 months, with lamb—T. 11. Blatchford, 1; M. Vos? and Soil, S. SOUTH DOWNS. Ewe, 18 inonlhs—H. Burrell and Son,’ 1 and 2. Ewe, 30 months, with lamb—J. Ifnigbt, 1; 11. Burrell and Son, 2. Two Ewes, 18 months—\V H. Booth, 1; H. Burrell and Son, 2. Shorn Ram, 13 months—W. IT. Booth 1; J. Knight, 2. Bam. over 18 months--J. Knight. 1; C. E. Vile, 2. Ewe, 18 months—H. Burrell and Son, ,1 and 2. Ewe, over IS months, with laiub-O. E. ■Vile, l; J, Knight, 2.

’ Ram, IS months (natural condition)— W. H. Buick, 1; N. G. Rayner, 2. Bam, over 18 months (natural condiR. Lancaster, l; R. Bremer, 2. Ewe, 18 months (natural condition) —* W. Devine, 1; S. R. Lancaster, 2. Ewe. over 18 months (natural condition)—W. Devine, 1 and champion; J. A. Kussall, 2. PEDICREE CATTLE SHORTHORNS. Bull calved 6ince July Ist, 1921 —W. F. Jacob and Son’s (Kiwitea) To Mar am a Prince €th, 1; Te Ala ram a Prince 9th, 2. Bull calved since July Ist, 1922—AV. F. Jacob’s Te Marama Prince 6th. No other exhibits. HEBEPORDS. Hereford Herd Book Society’s silver cup, best Hereford bull, any age, registered, and descended on dam and sire’s side from animals entered in. English Herd Book—J. McKenzie's Gay Mansell 33rd, 1. Bull calved prior to July Ist, 1920 —G. F. Moore’s (Kai Iwi) Polar Star, 1. Bull calved since July Ist, 1920—G. E. Allen’s (Alasterton) Tipua Mace, 1; J. McKeifcw's (Masterton) Gay Mansell 23rd, 2. Bull calved since July Ist, 1921—G. F. Moore’s Bio Grande, 1 Bull calved since July Ist, 1922—G. V. Moore’s Rivoli, 1; J. McKenzie’s Gay Star, 2. Cow with calf at foot—J. S. Nelson (Woodville). 1; U. F. Moore, 2. Heifer calved since July Ist, 1920 —G. F. M'ooro, I and 2. Heifer calved since July Ist, 1921 —G. P. Moore, 1 and 2. Heifer calved since July 1, 1922—G. F. Moore. 1 and 2. Best pen two Hereford heifers—G. V. Moore, 1. ABERDEEN ANGUS. Bull, calved prior July 1, 1920 F. Aimstrong’s (Akitio) Hayston Bright Print, 1. Bull, calved since July 1, 1921—C. T. Kceble’s (Palmerston North), Quality of Mangato, 1. Bull, calved since July 1, 1922 —F. Armstrong’s Senator of Akitio, 1; F. Armstrong’s Sentry of Akitio, 2. Heifer, calved .since July Ist, 1920 —F. Armstrong, l. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921 —F. Armstrong, 1; J. F. Knight (Newbury), 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist. 1922 —F. Armstrong, 1 and 2. Best pelt 2 heifers, calved since July Ist, 1922 —F. Armstrong, 1; C. T. Keeble, 2. MILKING SHORTHORNS. Bull, calvod prior July Ist. 1929 It. V Brown’s (Wereroa) Dom Bibson Daphne, l; R. L. Field’s (Glen Oroua) Lily’s Regent of Dungiven, 2. Bull, calved since July Ist. 1921—R. L. Field’s Bolinda Gallant Duke, 1. Bull calved sinoe Julv Ist, 1922—R. V. Brown's Waimea Gold Dust, 1; D Buiok’s Cloverlea Joker, 2. Cow, in milk—D. Buick’s (Palmerston North), 1; J. de la Have (Woodville), 2. Cow or heifer. dry, in calf—R. V. Brown (Wereroa), 1; B. H. Slack (Otaki), g. Heifer, calved Binco July Ist, 1921 —D. Buiok, 1; J. de la Haye. 3. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921 —D. Buick, 1 and 2. , , . Heifer, calved between July Ist and October 31st, 1922-D. Buick, 1; J. Hearsay (Longburn), 2. . Best pen 2 hoifers—D. Bmck, 1; R. V. Brown, 2. RED POLLS. Bull, calved prior to July Ist, 1920 B. AV. Harvey’s (Waverley) Dom. Panaina, 1. _ Bull, calved since July Ist, 1921—Central Development Farm s Gresham Masterful, 1. Bull, calved since July Ist, 1922—Central Development Farm's Dom. Sylvanus, 1; B. W. Harvey's Dom. Gold Band, 2. Cow, in milk —Central Development Farm. 1; A. E. Anderson, Piriaka, 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1920—Central Development Farm, 1. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921—Central Development Farm, 1; A. B. Anderson, 2. Heifer, calved between July Ist and October 31st, 1922—Central Development Farm, 1 nnd 2. Heifer, calved since October 31st, 1922Central Development Farm, 1. Pen of Two Heifers—Central Development Farm, 1. FRIESIANS. Bull, calved stnee July Ist, 1920 —Central Development Farm's Dom. Paul Colantha, 1; Bloomfield Farm Co., Lower Hutt. 2. Bull, calved since July Ist, 1921—H. R. Green’s Woodcrest Posch, 1; W. A. Kyle’s Dominion King, 2. Bull, calved since July let, 1922—H. R. Green's Abbekirk Posch, 1; A. Burgess’s Hero Again, 2. Cow, in milk—H. R. Green, Kairanga, 1 and 2. Cow or Heifer, dry, in calf—Bloomfield Farm Co., Ltd., Lower Hutt, 1; A. Bur** gess, Rongotea, 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1920—W. 1. Lovelock, Palmerston North, 1; Central Development Farm, 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921 —H. R. Green, 1; Central Development Farm, 2. Heifer, calved between July l6t and October 31st, 1922 (17 entries)—H. R. Green, 1; Central Development Farm, 2. Heifer, calved since October 31st, 1922 — H. R. Green, 1; H. Burgess, 2. Pen of Two Heifers, calved since July Ist, 1922 —H. R. Green, 1; Central Development Farm, 2. AYRSHIRE®. Bull, calved since July Ist, 1920—-D. Buchanan, 1 ami 2. Cow, in milk —Mangatete Stud Farm, Jeatherston, 1; J. Kyle and Son, Aokuutere, 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1920 —W. Moore, Mnsterton, 1; Mental Hospital, Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921 —Mental Hospital, 1; J. Kyle and Son, 2. lieifev, calved since October 31st, 1922 H. Rl. Green, 1; A. Burgess, 2. Best, pen Two Heifers, calved since July Ist, 1922—H. R. Green, 1; Central Development Farm, 2. Bull, calved pricu U> Juiv., 192tK-J.

Kyle, 1; Porirua Mental Hospital, 2. j Bull, calved prior to July, 1920—J. I Ivylc 1; Porirua Mental Hospital, 2. Bull, calvod since July. 1920—D. Buell anan 1; Porirua Merit a'r’Hosp-ita], 2. Bull, calved since July, 1921 —Porirua Mental Hospital, i and 2. Bull, calved since July. 1922 —Porirua Mental Hospital, 1; A. Montgomerie, -• Heifer, calved between July and October, 1922 —D. Buchanan, 1; Porirua Mental' Hospital, 2. Heifer, calved, since October, 1922 — Porirua Mental Hospital, 1; T. H. Colpman, 2. Two heifers, calved since July, 1922 Porirua Mental Hospital, 1; D. Buchanan, 2. JERSEYS. Dull, calved prior July Ist, 1920 —K. VY. Southea’ra (Kiwitea) M. -\l. Maori Boy, 1; ii L. Horn’s OwJer of Puketapu, 2. Bull, calved since July Ist, 1920—F. J. Watson's (Bulls) Victorious Swan of bulls, lj Miss A. M. Edwardtt’s Te Wiki Gallant, 2. Bull, calved since July 1 —A. C. Lovelock’s (Woodville) Viola’s Noble of Gienmore, 1; 4>. Gallaway’s (Qhau) Kuku Stately’s Prince, 2 Bull, calved, since July Ist, 1922 —R. L. Horn’s Kulhi Golden Lad, 1; Mrs M. J. Price's .(Tuonui) Saitash, 2. Cow in milk —S. R. Lancaster, lj R. L. Horn, 2. Cow and. heifer, dry, in calf—S. R. Lancaster, 1. Heiier, calved since July Ist, 1920 —8. R Lancaster, 1 and 2. Heifer, calved since July Ist, 1921 It. L. Horn, 1; Mrs H. J. Price, %. Heifer, calved between July Ist and October 3hst, 1922—R. L. Horn, 1 and 2. Heiier, calved since October 3lst, 1922 —F. J. Watson, 1; G. A. Gammon, Marton, 2. 1 Pen of heifers, calved since July Ist, 1922—R. L. Horn, 1; W. S. Carter, 2. FAT CATTLE. T A. Duncan (Hunterville) captured the majority of the awards in the fat cattle classes, other successful competitors being C. T. Keeble and J. F. Knight. DAIRY CATTLE. Alfa Laval Cup, value 50 guineas, best dairy cow, any breed, judged on dairy points—C. J. Master’s (Hunterville) Betty, 1; Mental Hospital’s (Porirua) Laura, 2; S. R. Lancaster’s (Palmerston North) Wootton Bandaisy, 3. This class occupied four judges for 50 minutes. The final decision lay between an Ayrshire and a Jersey, and a fifth judge was called in, when, after a further consultation, the decision went to the Jersey. These animals represented the cream of the dairy industry. Cow, springer, any age—S. R. Lancaster, Palmerston North, 1; H. J. Lancaster, Glen Oroua, 2 Daily heifer, 3 years, in milk—H. J. Lancaster, 1. Dairy heifer, 18-30 months—H. J. Lan® caster, 1. _ Dairy heifer, 12-18 monthe —H. J. Lancaster, 1; S. Todd, Palmerston North, 2. Peu two dairy heifers —H. J. Lancaster, I; B. B. Zurcher, Longburn, 2. HORSES STALLIONS AND THOROUGHBREDS. Carriage etallion, three years and upwards—G. H. Robertson's (Wellington) Masterman Ready, 1; G. Craw’s ;Linton) Nelson Derby, 2. Thoroughbred mare, entered m N.Z. Stud Book,” with foal—D. Buiek's (Palmerston North) Haeremoana, I. PONIES. Entire pony, any age, 14.2 hands and under—T. Edlin’s (Awapuni) Flying Battery, 1; R. E. Hatch’s (Palmerston I North) Battery, 2. Pony, mare or gelding, 13.2-14.2, ridden by boy or girl nnder 15 —A. K. Overton (Xaihape), 1; R. K. Macfarlane (Wood*iUe) % Pony, mare or gelding, 12.2-13.2, ridden by boy or girl under 15 —H. M. Blundell (Kakariki), 1; Mrs. D. Buglass (Lint0 Pouy, more or gelding, under 12.2 hands, ridden by boy or girl under 15Miss P.' Montgomery (Kauvvhata), 1; C. Purton (Palmerston North), 2. DRAUGHT HORSES. Stallion, 4 y&Ars and over—Buglass and Aker’s (Linton) Alloa Favourite, 1. Colt, foaled since July Ist, 1920 Blatchford Bro 6, 1. Colt, foaled since July Ist, 1921 —Don- : aid Estate, Feathoreton, 1. I Colt, foaled since July Ist, 1922 —Donlaid Estate,- 1. | Dry mare, 4 years end over—Moore Hunter's Estate, Hawera, 1; G. Leslie, Hastings, 2. ! Mare, with foal at foot —J. W. Handi ing, Waipukurau, 1; Moore Hunter’s Estate, 2. Fill)', foaled since July Ist, 1920—Donald Estate, 1. Filly, foaled since July Ist, 1921 Moore Hunter Estate, 1 and 2. FiUy, foaledl since July Ist, 1922 Q. Donald, Fbatherston, 1; Donald Estate, a. Gelding, under four years—H. Vile, 1. Gelding :n regular work (4-years)- -G. H. Leslie, Hgsinga, 1; N.Z. Express Company, 2. More in regular w<?rk (4 years)—G. Leslie. Walking draught, mare or gelding (any age, in harness or dray)—N.Z. Express Company, 1; Wellington Corporation’s Laddie, 2. Pair of plough horses—G. Leslie, Easings, 1. Heavy gelding or mare (in harness and driven)—N.Z. Express Company, 1 and 2; Wellington Corporation’s Jock, S. MaTe or gelding in regular work (for spring cart or express purposes)—Wellington Corporation's Dolly, 1; Clnl l l Bros., 2. Mare or gelding that has not proviously. won a prize (spring cart or express purposes, drawing up to one ton> —Wellington Corporation’s Dolly, 1; W. Cook ana Son, Palmerston North, 2. Mare or gelding (adaptable for town express or cart, and drawing half a ton, driven in harness) —Child Bros., 1. Pair heavy horses (single leader and shatter in dray)—N.Z. Express Company, 1; Wellington Corporation’s Hero ami Prince, 2. Pair lorry horses (driven in lorry)— N.Z. Express Company, 1; Wellington Corporation’s Laddie and Jock, 2. Pair carrier’s light-lorry horses (driven) —Child Bros., Palmerston North. Tho championship is to bo awarded oh Thursday morning. HARNESS HORSES. Single harness horpe, 15 hands and over—J. H. Ryrner, 1; Mrs Paul, 2. Single Ihamess horse, 14-15 hands—Mrs W. 11. Loan, Hastings, 1; J. J. Waller, Kairanga, 2. Single harness pony, under 14 hands— Miss A. Hurley, Palmerston North, 1; K. K. Macfarlane, 2. Single harness pony, 12 hands and under—Sirs C F. Purton, Palmerston North, 2. SHEEP ' LINCOLN, IN WOOL. Ram, 18 month* or under—W. Vcrry and Son, 1 and 2. Ram, 28-39 monthe—W. Rayner, Madterton, lj \\\ Berry and Son, 2. Ram, 30 months —P. Bremer, Okafnw.a, 1; G. V. Fearer, Kaknramea, 2. * Two rams, 18 months—W. Rayner, 1; W. 11. Booth, Cartel ton. 2 Due, under 18 months—W. Rayner, 1; W. H. Booth, 2. Ewe. 18-30 months, with hirab—P. Bremer, 1; W. Raynor, 2. Ewe, over 30 months, with In mb —P. Bneuier, 1; 11. D. Buchnni. i, 2. Two ewes, 18 months—W, H. Booth, 1; YV. Knyner, 2. ROMNEY MARSH, IN WOOL. Rnm, under 18 months—W. Berry and Son, 1 and 2.

Ram, 18-30 months—AY Porry nnd Son, 1 nnd 2. Poor rams, hoggets—\V. Perry and Son, l; AV. 11. linidc, 2. Rum, ovor 30 months —AY. Prrrv nnd Son, 1 nnd 2 Two rams, under 18 months—AV. Porry and Son. 1: AY. Raynor. 2.

Ram, shorn under 18 months—G. E Allen, Mastorton, 1; AY. Perry nnd Son. Ram, shorn, 18-50 months—AY. Perry and Son, 1 ; W. 0. Smith. Toileting, 2. Two, under IS months—G. E. Alien, 1; AA'. Raynor. 2. hi re, 18-30 months, wi th lamb—G. E. Allen, 1; AA". H. Buick and Son, 2. Ewe. over 30 months, with iamb—G. E. Alien, 1 and 2. Two ewes, under 18, months G. YJ. Allen, 1; W. Raynor, 2. ROATNF.A" MARSH (In Wool, Natural Condition). Ram, nndor 18 months—"W. K. Morton, Silverhopo, 1 and 2. Ram, 18 to 30 months-M. Voss and Son, Longhurn, 1; J. Batchelor, Linton, 2. Four ram hoggets, in wool—M. Yoss and Son. 1. Ram, over 30 months—.!. Batchelor, 1; W H. Gibson. Kiwitea, 2. Two rams, 18 months—AY. TC. Morton, 1, At. Voss and Son. 2. Rum (shorn). 18 months—J. A. Mitchell. 1 and 2. Rom (shorn). 18 to 30 months—M. Voss nnd Son, 1: E. E. Short, Feilding, 2. ENGLISH I.ETCESTERS. (In AYool). Ram, under 18 months—D. Matheson 1 and 2. Ram, 18 to 30 months—D. Matheson, 1. Ram, Sftth months and over—J>. Mathesou. 1 and 2, Ewe, 18 months—D. Matheson, 1. Ewe, with lamb—D. Matheson, 1. BORDER LEICESTER (In Wool). Air G. V. Pearce, Kaknramea, was the only exhibitor, and secured all awards. SHROPSHIRE SOUTHDOWNiS (In Wool). Sir !. G. Wilson was the only exhibitor, taking all awards. RYELAND. Ram, any age—A. Thompson, Kairanga, CORRIEDALES (In AYool). Ram, under 18 months—W. Rayner, 1 and 2. Ram, 18 to SO months—D. Matheson. 1. Ram, 30 months and over—W. Rayner, 1; T. O. Haycock, 2, Ewe, under 18 months—T. 0. Haycock, 1; W. Rayner, 2. Ewe, with lamb—T. O. Haycock, 1; D. Matheson, 2. SUFFOLK (In Wool). Ram—F. F. Newman. Ewe—F. F. Newman. ' FARMERS’ CLASSES. Longwool, two Romney ewes, with lambs—A. Thompson. SOUTHDOWN (In Wool). Ram, under 18 months !. Knight, Feilding, 1; H. Burrell and Son, Feilding, 2. ltam, 18 to SO months—J. Knight, 1 and 2. Kan:, 30 months—C. E. Vile, 1; H. Burrell and Son, 2. Two rams, 18 months—H. Burrell and Son, 1; J, Knight, 2. FAT SHEEP. Three fat wethers, under 18 months (long-wool Led, suitable freezing)—A. Thompson, 1 and 2. Three fat ewes i long-woolled, suitable for freezing)—A. Thompson, l and 2. Three fat wethers (Down or Down crosses)—A. Thompson, 1; J. F. McKelvie, 2. Three fat ewes (Down or Down crones) A. Thompson, 1; Sir James AVilson, 2. Throe fat wethers (most profitable in wool and carcases)—Sir James Wilson,! and 2. Fat lambs (five most suitable for freezing for London market) —A Thompson, 1 and 2. Down or Down crosses (five) —L. B. Wall, 1 and 2. Five lambs (28-341 b) —L. B. Wall, l and 2. TO-DAY’S PROGRAMME!.: The programme for Thursday is as follows:—Ladies and gent’s horse events; boy and girl riders; trotting exhibition and grand parade of all animals, and competitions. The North Island A. and P. Association meets at 10 a.m.

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New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11665, 1 November 1923, Page 7

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MANAWATU SHOW New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11665, 1 November 1923, Page 7

MANAWATU SHOW New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11665, 1 November 1923, Page 7