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*Cum div. tEx div. Sale# reportedlnscribed Stock (1623), .6102 2e 6d (two parcels); N.Z. and River Plate. 61 1# 3d; Httddart-Parker (erd.), 62 2s (two parcels): Wellington Woollen (ord.), 68 19s; pref., 68 19s; Westport Coal Co., 62 Os #d; Kauri Timber Co.. 61 8s lid (two parcels).


Per Prfess Association

.. AUCKLAND, October 12. Bank of New South Wales, 640 of New Zealand (old issue), ?•* ®d; New Zealand Insurance, 80s; River Plate, 21 s 3d f> TaUpifi Coal, 20s 9d. DUNEIDIN, October 12. Saleßank of New Zealand, 52s 9d. CHRISTCHURCH, October 12. Sole on ’Changeßank of Adelaide, 68 8s 6d.

Sales reported.—New Zealand Government li Per cent. Inscribed Stook (1838), 697 2s fld; Canterbury Frozen Meat i pref), 65 ss; New Zealand Refrigerating (61 paid), 28s 3d.

BANK OP ENCLAND WEEKLY RETURN. Anatrallan and N.Z. Cable Aaaoclatstn. (Received October 12, 5.5 LONDON, October 11. The Bask of England returns this week uord the following- comparisons with those of last week:

FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received October 12, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, October 11. The current exchange rates compared with those of October 9th, and pax, are os under:— Now Y0rk—4.551 dollars, 4.55$ dollars, 4 dollars, 4.60 dollars, Paris—74.s7 francs, 75 95 franes. 25.225. Brussels— francs. —, 25.225. Romo—99| lire, 100$ lire, 25.225. Berlin— 13 to 18 milliards of marks (nominal), 4 milliards, 20.45. Calcutta. —lGg-d (to tho rupee), 18jd, 24d. 27jd (to the dollar), 28|d, „ Yokohama—3sjd ;to the yen), 25Jd, &v.4oa, —l7 21 kroner, 17.17 kroner, jg^Jtstiania—29.l3 kroner, 29.06 kroner, lg C«W n liagen-25.75 It roner, 25 £3 kroner.

I WAIHI MINE i GOLD AND SILVER RETURNS. Per Press Association. WAIHI, October 12. For the four-weekly period ended September 2-9th, the Waihi Gold Mining Co. crushed and treated 16,258 tons of ore for a return of 5349 ounces of fine gold, and 44,947 ounces of fine silver, approximately worth <£29,000. The progress report of development cabled to tne London office included the following information : —No. 6 level, north lode; value 54s 3d; No. 8 level, Edward lode, intersected first 32 feet, worth-11s 9d per ton, next 19 feet, 34s 9d per ton; No. 14 level (lowest), intersected a reef first, 14 feet, worth 6s per ton. QUOTATIONS OF N.Z. SHARES Australian and N.Z. Caole Association. (Received October 12, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, October 11. Waihi Grand Junction —Buyers, ss; sellers, 5s 3d. Peninsular and Oriental—Buyers, <£3os; sellers, .£330. LEAD SHIPMENTS. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received October 12 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, October 11. Lead imports total 24,660 tons, and experts 2707 tons. VICTORIAN PRODUCE. By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright. {Received October 12, 5.5 p.m.) MELBOURNE?, October 12. Barley—English, 3s 9d to 4s. Oats, 3s 7d to 3b 9d. Potatoes, £l3 10s to <£ls. Onions, £4 to £4 os. HIDE SALES. By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright. MELBOURNE, October IM. Bidding was rerj spirited at the hide sales. All good hides had their previous values fully maintained, but slippy and inferior parcels were not in strong demand.

HOME MARKETS HAIRY PRODUCE. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having received the following cablegram ) from their London honse under date of i 11th instant:— "Dairy produce _ market depressed and i buyers are holding Prices Bominal. We quote New Zealand, salted, 194»; Danish, 201 s (208 s): finest Australian, salted 186 s, unsalted not quoted. Good &V6r- ; age quality Australian, 180 s. , "Cheese.—Now Zealand, white 106 e i (118 s), coloured! 110 s (120 b): Canadian, 1060 to 100 s, c.i.f. 105 s (114 s). FROZEN MEAT. Dalgety and Company. Limited, Teport having recslved the following cablegram from their London house under date of the 11th instant:— "Lamb.—New Zealand prime crossbred lamb, Canterbury, heavy 9fd, light lMd; North Island, heavy 9Jd, light lOd. Demand for New Zeal ami' lamb runs principally on lightweights, market weaker. "Mutton.—New. Zealand prime crossbred mutton. Canterbury,, heavy and light not qtoted; North Island, heavy Ttf, light Bd. Demand for New ..Zealand mutton limited, market weaker. ."Beef. —Now Zealand prime ox beef, hinds 4Jd, fores 2fd. Demand for New Zealand beef rune principally on forequarters, market weak. “Australian frozen meat.— -Good average quality, lamb, Australian, heavy not quoted, light 9d; good average quality mutton, Australian, not quoted, light 6Jd. Demand for Australian lamb and mutton moderate. “No forward business." MARKETS DULL. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received October 12, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, October 11. Butter is very quiet.- Bales of ail sorts have been small. New Zealand choicest, 192 sto 196 b; Danish. 202 sto 204 e; Australian, nominally 184 s. Cheese is dull. Quotations are easier owing to Canadians again reducing o.i.f. prices. little New Zealand cheese is available; it is quoted nominally at about 109 s. CEREALS. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received October 12, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, October 11. Wheat Cargoes are irregular, owing to fluctuations in 'foreign exchanges. Australian (afloat) is quoted at 465, and January and February shipments at 455. Parcels are being .held rot an advance of 3d to 6d. Australian December shipment is quoted at 455. The Spot trade Is very flat. Australian (ex store) is quoted at 48s 6d. Flour is' Arm and quiet. Oats are steady. New Zeeland A Gartons (ex store), 35b to 365; c-i.f. (nominal), 29s to 30s. Peas are slow. Blues, Tasmanian, 400 sto 4245; New Zealand, Mfo to 36Uk Maples, Tasmania, 85e to 90s; New Zealand, 70s to 80s. BeanS, New Zealand, 50s to 68*. Sugar is unchanged.

PRODUCE MARKET Laary and Co., Ltd., Wellington, report wholesale prices as follow :—Peameal, £9 10s; barley meal, £9 ts; pigmeal, £7 :0S; wheatmeal, JB11; farro food, £8 10a per ton; linseed meal (Moose brand),, 18s 6d; linseed nuts (Moose brand), 15s 6d; meat meal, for poultry, 15s 6d; chicken raiser, 15s 6d; shell grit, 6s per 1001 b; fowl wheat, choice whole 5-Sack lots or over 6s 3d, lesser quantities 6s 4d per bushel. sacks Is Id; oats, machine-dressed seed Algerians 56 6d, farmers dressed 6eed Algerians 5s 3d, feed Gartons 4s, crushed oats 4s 4d, Sparrowbills 4s, seed Gartons 4s 2d, Duns 4s Id per bushel, 6acks in; shelled oats, for chickens, 5s 9d bushel; mixed fowl feed, 5-sack lots or over 5s 4d, lesser quantities 5s 6d per bushel, sacks in; peas, feed 5s 6d, Prussian Blue 8s; Partridge peas, 7s 6d per bushel, &acks in; barley, Chevalier 5s 2d, Cape 5s bushel: maize, whole 5s 9d, crushed 6e 3d; butter, farmers* separator and dairy, Is 4d to Is sd; eggs, new laid Is 4d per dozen, storekeepers' lines Is 2d to le 3d; fowls, White Leghorns 6s to 7sfld, Black Orpingtons and similar heavy varieties 8s to &s pair; ducks, rnnners 10s to 13s per pair; turkeys, Is Id to Is 4d per pound; geese, 8s 6d to 9s pair; fungus, 5d per lb; rock salt, 6s 6d nor cwr: dressed pork, 60's to 90’s, 8d per lb; rye and clover hay, Blenheim, .£6 per ton; chaff, ’ oaten sheaf, Blenheim prime .£9 10s, Blenheim medium quality £8 10s per ton, sacks in, f.o.b. Wellington; straw chaff, for chickens or cow feed, £6 15s per ton, sacks in; seed potatoes, Arran Chief £9, Sutton’s Supreme £l4, Gamekeepers £9, Northern Stars £9, Red Dakotas £9, Commonwealth. £B, New Era £7 10s.

Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having a fair entry of cattle, which met with a ready sale, at the Palmerston North sale on Thursday, the 11th instant. Quotations; Fat cows, £6 Is, £6 17s 6d to £7 9s 6d; light fat heifers, £5 12s 6d to £6; Fat and foru-ard cows, £4 6s; forward cows, £2 2s 6d, £2 8s to £2 10s; cows and calves, £2 10s; store cows, 275, 80s to 86s; s.h bulls, £2 12s 6d to £3 10s.

WELLINGTON EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS. (3.15 p.m Call.) Prices of investment and mining stocks yesterday were as follow :— Buyers. Sellers. £. . d. .£ s. d. 1 War Loons— 1 Inscribed Stock (1939) 97 C 0 — Inscribed Stock (1938) 97 ( 0 — Inscribed Stock (1933) — 102 5 0 War Bonds (1941) 97 0 0 — War Bonds (193>) 97 •> 0 — War Bonds (1938) 97 0 0 War Bonds (1930) 97 2 6 War Bonds (1933) P.O. Inscribed Stock 102 0 0 (1927) Debentures— 98 7 6 — N.Z. Breweries Devonport Borough, 5 “ 101 10 0 per cent. (1936) Banks— — 105 0 0 IS ft ot National 6 18 0 6 18 0 New South Wales 40 10 0 New Zealand New Zealand (new 2 12 3 “ Union 14 18 6 15 0 0 Financial— Goldsbrough Mort. ... 8 6 9 2 7 6 Gas — Gisborne 0 11 0 Naipiet (pref.) 9 17 6 Wellington (iElO) — 14 5 9 Wellington (pref.) — 0 17 3 InsuranceStandard 1 17 6 _ Meat PreservingCanterbury Frozen ... 14 17 6 N.Z. Refrigerating (JB1) 1 3 0 . N.Z. Eefrigeratinjr (10s) 0 11 9 — Gear 2 0 6 2 1 9 Transport— Huddart-Parker (ord.) a a 0 a 2 6 Union Steam (pref.) ... 1 9 6 1 0 8 Woollen— Wellington (ord.) 8 19 0 Wellington (pref.) <— 8 19 0 Coal3 Waipa 0 18 9 Timber— 1 8 3 LeyUurd O'Brien 1 18 0 Kotoiti 1 1 0 Miscellaneous— Australian Glass (ord.) Crown Brewery t # 2 14 « 6 Howard Smith 2 11 9 2 18 6 N.Z. Drug 3 4 9 Sooullar and Co 1 2 8 Sharland St Co. (ord.) 1 1 6 Sharlfend & Co. (pref.) Wairafapa Farfners* 1 1 6 — (pref.) 0 16 e 0 17 3 Ward and Co 2 3 0 Wellington Cordage ... — *1 1 0 Whitcombs and Tombs t3 15 0 Wilson’s Cement 1 8 7 —

Oct, IX. Oct. 4. #' Jt Coin and bullion ... 123,839,000 125,832,000 Reserve 23,511,0(10 22,626,000 Note circulation ... 123,909.000 124,783,000 Qdrt. deposits 13,501,000 11,504,000 Other deposits 104,911,000 108,762,000 and advhncOs 71,309,000 71,260,000 Govt, securities ... 41,229,000 44,659,000 Proportion of re**rve to liabili- „ 19.85 p.c. 18.81 p.c. short loans 2* p.c. Three months' bills SSJOp.c. 3I:S: GOVERNMENT SECURITIES imperial and Colonial Government secuntiee: ~~ Oot. 11. Oct. 4. £ e. d. Imperial Consols ...... 58 10 0 £8 10 0 6 p.c. War Loan <19221927) 102 15 0 102 10 0 p.c. War Loan (1923. 1928) 95 12 6 95 7 0 Sfr p.c. Conversion 79 2 -6 78 10 0

6 t>.<3. Aus. Commm 15 nc. An*. Oomm. (1W2-1907) 102 12 0 104 12' 6 6 102 17 6 6 p.o. N.Z. (1998-51) ... 109 15 0 100 IS 0 4 p.c. N.Z. (1929) 95 7 A 95 5 0 31 p.o. N.Z. (1940) 84 15 0 84 15 0 3 p.c. N.Z. (1945) 74 17 61 p.c. N.S.W. (1930-40) 107 15 6 0 73 15 107 15 0 0 6 p.c. N.8.W. (1930-40) 105 12 6 105 10 0 5} p.c. N.S.W. (1922-32) 100 5 0 100 7 6 4 p.c. N.S.W. (1933) ... 92 0 0 91 10 0 31 p.c. N.S.W. (1880-50) 81 0 0 80 7 6 3 p.c. N.S.W. (1983) ... 78 0 0 77 17 6 51 p.c. Vic. (1980-40)... 10B 0 0 102 2 6 31 p.c. Vic. (1921-26) ... 97 17 6 87 10 0 31 p.o. Vic. (1929-46) ... 79 0 0 79 0 A 8 p.o. Vic. (1922-49) ... 78 O 0 72 15 0 6 p.o. Q’land (1930-40) 104 1/ 6 104 12 6 4 p.c. Q’land (1994) ... 99 10 0 99 7 6 81 p.o. Q’land (1921-80) 99 0 0 98 15 0 81 p.c. Q'land (1921-245 90 0 0 89 12 6 8 p.c. Q'land (1922-47) 70 7 6 70 0 0 61 p.c. 8. Aus. (1945) ... 107 17 6 107 17 6 4 p.c. 8. Aus. (1945) ... 83 17 6 83 15 0 3 p.c. Aus. (1930) ... 64 10 0 64 15 0 6 p.o. W.A. (1930-40)... 105 2 6 106 2. 6 31 p.o. W.A. (1915-85) 84 0 0 85 0 0 3. p.o. W.A. (1930-35)... 80 2 6 61 p.o. Tae. (193<M0) ... 108 2 6 108 2 6 31 p.c. Tas. (1920-40) ... 84 7 6 84 0 0 3 p.o. Tas. (1920-40) ... 79 0 0 79 0 0

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New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 15

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 15

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 15