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THE STOCK EXCHANGE MARKET VERY QUIET. NO SALES REPORTED. Yesterday's calls on 'Change showed the market to bo very quiet. inscribed Stock (1935) and (1939), War Bonds (1938) and (I 960), and P.O. Inscribed Stock . <1997) remained in demand at recent rates There was, however, a decrease of 2s 6d in Inscribed Stock (1933). Sell prs were willing to take 999 10s for Inscribed Stock (1933). Banks were in good demand, Australasians and Nationals being wanted at recent rates. Now South Wales (new issue) buyers offered at X 35 7s 6d, New Zealand.* at X2 16s 3d, and Unions at Xl2 ISs 6d. Sellers were willing to take £5 19s for Nationals, X 35 12s 6d for New South Wales (new issue), and Xl3 for Unions. Gas, transport, coal and miscellaneous shares were in pood demand, but prices were unchanged. No sales were oxchanged. WELLINGTON EXCHANGE. MONDAY'S QUOTATIONS. (3.15 p.m. call.)

_ *Ex div. SATES KiLSlivVittiftE. FEB FEES 3 ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND, August 21. Sales on 'Change:—Soldiers* Inscribed Stock. £99 ss; Bank of New Zealand, £2 16s 3d; Union Bonk, Xl3; Wilson's Cement, 19s; Waihi Mining, 27s 6d. CHRISTCHURCH, August 21. Reported Sales: —Bank of New Zealand. £2 16s 6d; Goldsbrough Mart.. £2 11s (two parcels); New Zealandvltefrigerating (,10s paid), 13s; Christchurch Gas Co., ±7 15s; Burns, Pbiip, £1 13s; Royal Bank (XI paid), XI 13s; Canterbury Frozen Meat, Xl* 12s 6d. DUNEDIN, August 21. Sales on 'Change.—National Bank, X 5 life; Standard Insurance, 31s Gd; Hud-daxt-Parker, 51s; Westport Coal, 31s 9d; New Zealand Refrigerating Co., 13s 2d; Now Zealand Hardware (ord.), 6s (three sales) 5a 9d. Sale reported.—Bank of New Zealand, 56s 6d. DUNEDIN SHARE MARKET STOCK QUOTATIONS. m FBESS ASSOCIATION. DUNEDIN, August 21. Prices, of share quotations are as under Buyers. Sellers. X s. d. X s. d.

MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON, August 19. Cotton, September, 12.67 d per lb. Bobber, Para 10jd per lb, plantation And smoked 7<L Jute, September-October £3l. Hemp, August-October X 33. Copra, August-October £2l 2s 6d. Linseed oil, £ll. Turpentine, 96s 9d. Wheat cargoes dull, following on weakness in American and Canadian advices. Quotations, 3d to Cd lower.



DAIRY PRODUCE. SATISFACTORY OUTLOOK. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON, August 19. The butter market is hardening as colonial supplies diminish. Prices are again higher. New Zealand choicest salted is 206 s to 208 s per cwt; exceptional, 210 s; unsalted, 220 s to 2245. The outlook appears good, especially as Denmark is receiving more inquiry from France, Belgium, and Switzerland; but if the retailers advance the price to above 2s, then the demand will be affected. Prospects for the opening of the new Australian and New Zealand season appear distinctly favourable, for it seems certain that there will not be much butter here when “colonial" begins to arrive. FROZEN MEAT PRICES. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON, August 19. Sheep.—New Zealand ewes, 4|d per lb; South American, light 6|d, heavy 5Jd; Patagonian, light sid, heavy 4Jd. Lambs.—Canterbury, medium lljd, light lOd; Southland, 10Id ;■ South American, light 10Jd, heavy 9jd. Frozen Beef. —New Zealand, fores 3d; Australian, crops SJd t Argentine, fores Sid, hinds sfd; Uruguayan, fores 3d, hinds 4}d. Chilled Beef.—Argentine, fores 3|d, hinds 7}d; Uruguayan, none offering. Other meats are unchanged.


HIGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated 19th instant, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London: — MEAT. Bettor tono in market for New Zealand mutton, but prices same as last quotations except for ewes. Supplies of South American, mutton _ smaller. Lamb trade steady. Demand is chiefly for lightweight; slow sales for heavyweight. Chilled beef in small supply at higher prices. New Zealand ox beef In small supply. New Zealand mutton. —Lightweight, 6d to 6}d; medium, s|d to 6Jd; heavyweight, 4Jd to sid. Ewes.—ifd to 4|d. New Zealand lamb.—Best quality: Lightweight lid to llfd; medium, 10JU to lid; heavyweight, 10d; ordinary, 10|d; second-class quality, 10Jd to 10|<f. New Zealand beof.—Ox, hinds, 45d; fores, 3d. Chilled beef.—Hinds, 7Jd; fores, 3Jd. BUTTER. Good demand throughout week and prices have advanced. Present quotations are:—• New Zealand (unsalted).—22os to 224 s per cwt (Is ll}d to 2s per lb); salted, 206 s to 208 s up to 210 s per cwt (Is lOd to Is loid, up to Is IOJd per lb). Australian (unsalted). —2083 per cwt Is lOd per lb); salted, 198 s to 200 s per cwt (Is 9id to Is 9Jd per lb). Argonline.—2o2s to 212 s Tier cwt (Is 9Jd to Is 10}d per lb). Danish.—2l4s to 216 s per cwt (Is 103 d to Is lid per lb). CHEESE. Market steadier and prices have advanced. Official quotations aro:— English, finest farmers. —108 sto 116 s per cwt (11J1 to Is Oid per lb). Canadian.—Coloured, 84s to 88s per cwt (9d to 9}d per lb); white, 88s to 92s per cwt (9}d to lOd per lb). Now Zealand, August 19th, coloured, 84s to 86s per cwt (9d to 9id per lb); white, 90s to 92s por cwt (9|d to 10d per lb). HEMP. New Zealand market quiet but firmly held. High-points spot sold at X 34 per ton. Sellers quote August-October shipments, high-points, X 33 ss; fair, X3l 10s. WOOL. This is Bradford holiday week, hence business is voi y quiet. Values for fine tops arc nominally maintained. Present quota (sons aro: —64’s (merino), 4s 8d; 56’s (super halfbred), 2s 7d; 40’s (coarse crossbred), prepared, Is ltd.. Some inoertainty is caused by the political situation and oommorcial position of Germany. A Press Association message from Auckland received last evening reports that the Roiehs mark was quoted at 4000 on the Auckland market yesterday. Tho Customs received at Wellington yesterday totalled XC7IB 10s Id.

LONDON PRODUCE MARKETS BUTTER, CHETEBE, AND MEAT. THo Bank of New Zealand produce department has received tho following advice from its London .office, under date 18th. inst.:— ' “Butter (firm), 208 s to 210 s per cwt. “Cheese (firm), whit® 92s per cwt, coloured 86s per cwt. “Frozen meat —No alteration in prices of mutton and lamb. Market quiet but firm, supplies sufficient to meet demand. Beef prices unchanged, fair demand prime qualities. Supplies, Argentine chilled ale shorter." FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. TOWNSEND AND PAUL’S REPORT. Messrs Townsend and Paul, Ltd., report as follows:—We advise consignments of best grades first opportunity. Following aro quotations for best grades: Apples: Jonathans Bs, 9s; Delicious 14s, 16s; Munroes 7s 8s; Lord Wolseleys 8s 6d; Doughertys, 10s: Rome Beauty, 10s; Ballarats, 8s; Epps, 6s; Washingtons Be, 10s. Walnuts, Is 2d' per lb. Pears—Coles and Nelis 13s, 16s; Vicars, 8s: P. Barry, 9s; Easter Beurra 6s 6d, 8s; Keiffers, Bs. Poorman oranges, large, 9s 6d per case. Potatoes, X 7 to X 7 10s per ton- lettuce, 5s per case; onions, ’Frisco 22s crate, 20s per Cental; cabbages, good 9s, eatra good. 10s sack; cauliflowers, 5s per sack; marrows 9a per sack; parsnips, 6s; carrots, good, 6s sack; spinach, 7s por case; pumpkins, 5s 6d, 6s 6d sack. Eggs, fresh. Is 4d; fungus, wanted, Is lb; butter. separator. Is 4d lb; poultry, hens is 6d, 6s; cockerels, heavy, 8s; light, 5s 6d, 6s: ducks 9s, 10s; geese, 10s; turkeys. Is lb. Skins, hides, fat and tallow at market rates Dressed pork, 70’s to 100’s 7d per lb; prime. 7id; choppers, 41d lb. CITY MARKET PRICES. Laery and Co., Ltd., Wellington, renort wholesale prices as follow : —Onions, Victorian Brown Spanish, 19s 6d per cwt; potatoes, Canterbury table, ton lots, White or Red Dakotas, X 7 10s ton, sacks in; barlev meal, X 9 15s per ton; peameal, XlO 5s per ton; Farro food. X 8 ton ; wheatmeaf, for stock feed, XIOIOs ton, sacks in; maize meal, 6s 9d bushel; linseed meal (Moose brand), for calves, winter milk dairy cows and pigs, 14s 1001 b; linseed nnts (Moose brand), 13s 6d per 1001 b; meat meal, for poultry, 18s 6d pel 1001 b; suerosine. Us 6d per 1001 b; shell grit, in 1001 b bags, 5s 9d per bag; chicken raiser, 16s per 1001 b; feed oatmeal, for chickens, 16s per 1001 b; feed rolled oats, for chickens, 20s per lOOlbs; fowl wheat, choice whole. 5-sack lots or over, 5s 4d, lesser quantities 5s 6(1 per bushel, sacks Is; barley, Cape, 8s 7di per bushel, Chevalier 4s 2d per bushel, sacks in; oats, machino dressed seed Algerians 4s 10(1. crushed oats 4s, choice Duns 4s 3d, feed Duns Ss 4d, feed Gartons 3s 6d, Sparrowbills 3s 8d bushel, sacks in; shelled oats, for chickens, 4s 9tl bushel, sacks in; mixed fowl feed, 5-eack lots or over 4s lOd, lesser quantities 59 bushel, sacks in; peas, feed 6s por bnshel, partridge peas 9.s 9d bushel, sacks in; Prussian blue, 8s 9d, sacks in; maize, whole, 5s IVJ , crushed 6s 3d per bushel, sacks in; mutton hirds, Tasmanian in casks 6d each, N.Z. in kits cooked and salted 9d; butter, farmers’ separator and dairy Is 4d per lb; eggs, fresh, Is 4d dozen; fowls, hens 5s 6d to 7s pair, heavy roosters 6s to 7s 6d per pair; ducks, runners 13s to 14s nor pair, white varieties 13s to 15s per pair; geese, 18s to 14s pair; turkeys, Is to Is Id lb; hay, lucerne X 6 10s, meadow X 4 10s per ton, clover hay X 6 per ton ex store ; baled straw, X 3 15s per ton; rock salt, 6s 6d per cwt; molasses, in scwt casks. 42s 6d per cask, chaff, good bright ton lots (Blenheim), X 6 12s 6d per ton, sacks in, lesser quantities X6l3s per ton, sacks in; second quality chaff, X 8 per Ton,sacks tn; mangolds, for stock feed, quotations upon application; dressed 'pork, 60's to 90’s 7d to Bd, suckers 8d ner lb; fungus, 8d per lb; basic olag, X 6 10s per ton; seed potatoes, Canterbury Arran Chief, Gamekeepers " XB. Northern Stars XB, Up-to-dutcs X 8 10s, New Era X 9 10s, Beauty of llcbrons XlO 10s por ton, sacks in. ]

Bayers. Sellers £ a. d. £ a. d. Minin*— Waihi — 1 8 0 Waihi Grand Junction 0 8 6 — War Loans — Inscribed Stock (1939) 35 10 0 — iuscribed Stock (1938) 95 10 0 . Inscribed Stock (1933) 99 5 0 99 10 0 War Bonds (1939) 95 10 0 — War Bends (1938) 95 10 0 *— P.O. Inscribed Stook (1921) 95 5 0 — Bank*— Australasia 13 0 0 — National 5 18 0 5 19 0 N.S.W. (now issue) ... 35 7 6 35 12 6 New Zealand 2 16 3 — Union 12 18 6 13 0 0 Financial— National Mortgage ... 3 7 6 — Gas — Auckland (paid) 1 2 6 — Wellington (ord.) 11 0 0 — Meat^ N.Z. Kef rigerating (l«s) - *0 12 6 — Transport— Huddart-Parker (ord.) 2 9 9 2 10 9 Union Steam (pref.) .. — 0 19 6 Coal— Westport 1 11 0 — Waipa 0 15 10 — Timber— Tajingnmutn 1 10 6 — MiseeP ancons— National Electric _ 1 2 6 N.Z. Drug 2 12 0 — Bcomlkkr Co — 1 4 0 W.P.C.A. (pref.) 0 16 9 — Word and Co. — 1 4 0 Wilson's Cement 0 18 9 —

Minis?— Rising Sun 0 4 3 Nokomai Hydraulic ... Blaekwater Amines 0 9 0 — 0 6 3 — Waihi 1 7 0 — *Waibi Grand Junction 0 9 0 0 9 1 Mount Lyell 0 18 6 0 18 9 Electrolytic Zinc 1 4 9 — Banks— P. and O 13 10 0 14 2 6 National 5 18 0 — New South Wales 35 10 0 New Zealand 2 16 3 2 16 9 Union 12 17 9 12 19 0 Insurances— National 3 4 0 Near Zeeland 1 8 0 South British — 1 19 0 112 o . Shipping-- . P, A O. (deferred) ... — 300 0 0 Huddorb-Parker 2 10 6 2 12 0 Cool— Westport .... Weetoort - Stockton 1 11 6 1 12 0 and Oil ... 0 4 2 6 9 0 0 5 2 Commercial— Brown Ewing (ord.)... 1 4 9 Brown Ewing (prof.)... 0 19 9 — D.I.C. (prof!) 1 0 0 — Goldsbrough Mort National Mortgage 2 0 3 4 6 0 2 1 6 Dominion Rubber Dunedin - Kaikorai 0 5 6 — Trams N.Z. Refrigerating Co. 1 3 6 1 4 6 (paid) N.Z. Refrigerating Co. 1 3 6 — (cont.) Canterbury Meat Co. 0 13 0 0 13 3 (ord.) — 13 15 0 South Otago Freezing 4 7 0 4 10 0 Kaiapoi Woollen (pd.) Kaiapoi Woollen 1 6 3 0 12 i T 6 6 Mosgiel Woollen N.Z. Paper Mills NZ. Paper Mills 6 8 0 (cont.) — 0 0 6 N.Z. Dnig Oo. — 2 13 0 N.Z. Hardware (ord.) 0 5 0 0 6 10 Smith and Smith (pref.) Wilson's Portland 0 17 6 — Cement 0 18 11 Milburn Lime and Cement 1 11 3 N*lZ. Consolidated Dental 1 4 0 "Otago Doily Times" 2 7 0 — Perpetual Trustees .... Trustees Executors ... 1 16 2 6 0 6 “ War Bonds— 1900 95 10 0 96 10 0 1938 95 10 0 96 10 0 1939 95 10 0 Inscribed Stock (1938) 95 7 6 — Inscribed Stock (1939) 95 7 6 Post Office (1927) 95 15 0 Post Office (1929) P.O. lx scribed Stock 95 15 0 — pi), inscribed Stock 95 15 0 — (1929) Soldiers' liozuta (1933) Soldiers* Insc. Stock 95 10 99 5 0 0 — (1933) 99 7 6 99 15 0

AUCKL. 1ND, Aug ust 21. Buyers. Selloi 2$ JC s. d. £ s. l Batiks—1 12 6 1 13 6 0 Commercial (pref.) — 0 5 18 35 7 0 36 5 0 New Zealand 2 16 0 2 J6 5 P. and O 13 5 12 17 6 13 2 6 _ 6 1 7 9 South British 1 17 1 19 Commercial — 6 12 6 GoUlsbrough Mort. 1 19 6 2 1 6 0 19 0 0 Loan and Mercantile... Loan and Mercantile 72 0 0 7S 0 65 0 0 0 17 0 0 17 6 ip a 0 15 0 16 0 1 10 9 — Gas— 0 Auckland 1 2 10 1 3 Auckland (cont) 0 17 6 0 IS Shipping— Devonporfc Ferry 1 3 6 1 5 0 Howard. -Smith 2 7 0 — 2 9 3 Northern Steam Co. ... Northern Steam Co. 0 12 9 0 13 0 0 (cont.) 0 5 7 0 6 P. and 0 300 0 0 325 0 0 Union Steam (pref.) ... 0 19 0 0 19 9 Miscellaneous — Kauri Timber 1 <» 6 1 8 0 Leyland O’Brien 1 13 0 — 0 Parker and Lamb Kaiapoi Woollen (10s 1 3 6 1 4 0 13 0 paid) — Auckland Trams ...... o ir 10 0 18 3 Auckland Trams 0 17 6 0 18 3 Sugar (Fiji) 10 0 0 10 10 0 Gear Meat 1 16 0 1 19 N.Z. Drug Co 2 12 0 2 13 9 Newton King (pref.) ... — 0 17 N.Z. Express N.Z. Refrigerating 6 (cont.) 0 12 6 — Parenga Kauri Oils ... 0 4 0 0 8 0 Wilson’s Cement 0 18 11 0 19 3 Mining— Hauraki 0 4 0 Hauraki (cont.) — o i Muir's Gold Keefs —- i ii 0 Ohinemuri -— 0 3 1 7 4 1 7 9 Grand Junction 0 9 0 0 9 2 Debentures — Auckland Gas (1928)... 100 10 0 — Auckland Harbour (6 per cent.) ............... City of Auckland 100 10 92 0 0 0 War Loans— War Loans (1930) 95 10 0 — War Loans (19381 95 5 0 — 6 War Loans (1939) 95 5 0 95 17 War Loans (1941) 94 17 6 — 0 War Loans (1927) 95 5 0 96 5 Soldiers’ Bonds 99 0 0 99 5 N.Z. Insc. Stock (1927) 95 5 0 95 15 0 N.Z. Insc. Stock (1938) 95 5 0 — N.Z In so. Stock (1939) 95 2 6 95 10 0 Soldiers' Inscribed 99 5 0 99 10 0 Devonport Borough .. — 101 0 0 Reichsmark 4800 5000

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 11295, 22 August 1922, Page 10

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 11295, 22 August 1922, Page 10

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 11295, 22 August 1922, Page 10