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DEGREE EXAMINATIONS LIST OF SUCCESSFUL WELLINGTON STUDENTS. The office of the University of New Zealand reports on the results of the degree examinations, November, 1920, now to hand Of those who aat for the degree of Master of Arts twelve students of Victoria Colleen wore successful, the other colleges’ figure* being Auckland University College 9, Canterbury College 10, University of Otago 9. Five students of Victoria College were awarded the degree of Master of Science, the other figures being: Canterbury College 2, University of Otago 2. Three students of Victoria College gained the degree of Master of Law, and one the degree of Master of Commerce. Twentyseven students of Viotoria College gained the diploma, of Bachelor of Arts, five that of Bachelor of Science, and sixteen that of Bachelor of Laws. Details of the passes secured hy students of Victoria College are appended:— MASTER OF ARTS. The degree of ' Master .of Arte and, where gained, the diploma of Honours in Arts, has .been conferred ou the following:— Allan, John Aitken, M.A. and firstclass honours in philosophy. Cumming, CSyde Alexander, M.A. in history. Espiner, Eileen Victoria, M.A. in Eng iish and French. Isaac, Hubert Preston, M.A. in. English and Latin. Irvino-Smith, Fanny Louise, M.A. in history. Johnstone, Dora Alexander, M.A. and second-class honours in botany. Mackenzie, Jean Hutton, M.A. and second-class honours in botany. Monoriefl, Agneat Meikle, M.A. in French and Latin. Myers, Margery, M.A. 5n English and French. Paisley, Albert, M.A. and first-class honours an economics. Roy, Rubina Augusta, M.A. in economics. Stevens, William Hntton, M.A. in history. MASTER OF SCIENCE. The degree of Master of Science and, where gained, the diploma, of Honours In Science has bean conferred on the following : Bastings, Lyndon, M.So. in electricity and magnetism. Fenton. Ethel Winifred Jessie, M.So and second-oless honours in electricity and magnetism. Brodie, John Earle, M.So. in mathematic*. Gleudinning, Tom Aldrich, M.So. and second-class honours in chemistry. Whitehouee, Thomas Keith Raymond, M.Sc. and second-class honours in chemistry. MASTER OF LAWS. The degree of Master of Lawn and. where gained, the diploma of Honours in Law, has been conferred on the following i

Broad, Philip Benediot, LL.M. and aec-ond-olaes honours in. jurisprudence, real property, trusts. j* Byrne, Joseph, LL.M. and 'second-class honours in jurisprudence, companies, contracts and torts. Wiren, Sidney Archibald, LL.U. and first-class honours in international law, companies, contracts, and torts. MASTER OF COMMERCE. The. degree of M.Com. and the diploma of Honours of Commerce has been conferred on the following : Neale, Edward Percy, M.Com and firstclass honours in commerce. GBRTTFJCATEB OF PROFICIENCY. Certificates of proficiency (M.A. standard) have been granted to the following:— Kemshsd, Donald Stuart, in Latin. I Tocfcer, Albert Hamilton, in economics. BACHELOR OF ARTS. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on the following who have completed the examination for the degree in the subjects mentioned:— Aitken. George Gothard, in economics (A), education. Andrew, Edith Tangye, in English (A), French (A), history, education. Heard, Thomas Edward, in history. Carroll, Kathleen Annie, in Latin (A), French (A), education. Chappie, Leonard James Banoroft, in history, economica, education. Cousins, Frio. Glanville, in English, education, botany. Espiner, Eric William Arnold, in English (A), French <A;, education. Espiner, Robert Henry, Latin (A), French (A), history. Godfrey, Irene Isabell, in economics, education, applied mathematics. Gordon, Norah Ambrosine, in Bngliah llarding, Winifred Mary Elsie, in English (A), economic* (A). Heifer, Dorothy Gram, in Latin (A). Horsley, Hilda Ruby, in education. . Hudson, Edward Varley, in education. Jones, Sydney lonoval, in economics (A). Joyce, Mary Ellen, in ecology (Ah Keeble, Lily Kate Victoria, in English. (A), economics', jurisprudence and constitutional history. Kting, Geoffrey John- in. Latin (A), Greek, IVench. Latter, Mary Juliet Brackenbuiy, in French {A), history, economics. Martin, Annie MoWilliam. in English (A), French (A). Nicol, John, in pure mathematics (A), applied mathematics (A). Price. Cyril Joseph Rutherford, in economics (A). Roughton, Myra Winifred, in economics (A). Troup, Gordon Sloan, In Latin (A). French (A). Wallach, Ida Wilhelmina. in economics (A), eduoatiqn (A), French. Weitzel, Hedwig, in English (A), philosophy. . education Wood, George Ernest Francis, in history (A), economics (A). } SECTION OF B.A. The following have passed a section of the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arte, in the subjects named ■ Beaglehole, John Cawte, in history, mental and moral philosophy. I Biokerton, William Maxwell, in French, education. Britland, Doreen Mary, in applied mathematics. Brown. Mary Lilian, in economics, history. Buckley, William Bernard, in economics, history. Campbell, Beatrice Mary Sale, in applied mathematics. Daniell, Myra Dean, in zoology, education. Gibb, Malcolm Campbell, in economics, history. Glover, Naida Melvyn, in English, mental and moral philosophy, Haiti well, Charlotte Lily Lang, in English,. French, education. Henderson. Douglas Dalrymple, in economics, history. Heron, Harold Alexander, in history, education. Jacks- Ida Vera, in history, education. Kelley. Myrtle .Elisabeth, tr mental and moral philosophy, education. Keyworth, Margaret Ruth, in mental and moral' philosophy. Lynn, Delight Marianne, in economics, education. Madeley, Ethel Mary, in English, ecoromics. Parkinson, Arnold Edward Henry, in English, economics. Robertson. Fred, in philosophy (A). Scarrow, Gertrude Victoria, in English, botany. Segrief, Thomas Bernard, in economics, history. • Spurdle, Winifred Alice, in education. Button. John Philip Chamberlaig, in economics, education.

Thompson, Alfred George, in English, pure mathematics. Whitehorn, Marion Berners, in economics, history. Whiteman, Neville George Friend, in jurisprudence and constitutional history, Flench. FIRST SECTION OF B.A. The following have passed the first section of the examination for the degrei of Bachelor of Arts in the subjects specified:— Baird, William George, in English, economics. Sullen. Alfred William, in English, history, education. Carrel, Vida Doris, in Latin, English, French, education.. Castle. Una Doreen, in Latin, . English French, history. Couper, Ellen Geraldine, in Latin, English. French. Cum her worth, Ronald William, in Latin, philosophy. Dickinson, William Edward, in economics, philosophy. Edge, William Reed, in English, history Edwards, Rhlph Wallace, m economics, botany, education. Erickson, Dagny Helen Edna, in Latin, English, botany. Fortune. Reo Franklin. in Latin, philosophy. Gardner. Rua Isobel. in Latin, ' English, philosophy. Hayes, Dorothy Edith. in English, French. Jillett, John William Leslie, in Latin. English. Kinross, Stewart. Miller, in economics, education^ Loughnan. Dorothea, in English, history. Lockwood, Amelia, in Latin, economics, .philosophy. lo -sridge. Arthur Qyril, in English, educationLynch, Catherine, in English, French. Martin. Gordon Utley, in English, economics. Moffan, James -Mann, in English, economics, education. Mills, Ellen Mavis, in economics, education. Munro, Murdoch Might, in English, philosophy, education. Mcßae, Janet Elspeth, in Latin, mathematics.

Noble, Charles Andrew, in Latin. English, mathematics, applied mathematics. Olson, Claude Hector, in Latin, philosophy. O jSTeill, Mary Maude, in economice, history. Patterson, Grace Marion, in economics philosophy. , Patterson, James McGregor, In French, economics.

Pigou, Agnes Myrtle, in English, history, mathematics. Pope, Eleanor Airini, in philosophy, education. Potter, Iris Clifford, in English, education.

Ralph, George Henry, in English, philosophy, education. Rhodes, Kaai Fanny Margarita, in Latin, mathematics, education. Rich, Brio John, in economics, history. Randle. Henry John, in geography, education.

Stephenson, Charles Hamerton, in history, philosophy, education. Thomson, Monica Helen Campbell, in Latin, English, French history. Thorp, Mary Josephine, in botany, philosophy, education. Waghora. Reginald James, in economics, geology. Walsne. Edward Beresford. in geography, education. W iron, Edgar Charles, in applied mathematics, physical science, pure mathematics and chemistry. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. The degree of Bachelor of Science has been conferred on the following who have completed the examination for the degree in - the subjects mentioned: — Cullen. Alfred James, in Latin, chemistry, zoology. Day Leslie Innes, economics, geology. Griffin. Kenneth Missy, in chemistry (A), geology, economics. Russell, John Whitworth, in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, physics. zoology. Wilson. Joyce Hamerton, in pure mathematics (A), botany (A). FIRST SECTION OF B.Sc. The following have passed the first section of the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the subjects specified:— Adams, Eileen Lorna Cay, in physical science, chemistry. Bates, Eric Mervyn, in physical science, ohemistry. Battersby, Rose Isabella, in mathematics, chemistry. Beaglehole, Keith, in physical science, mathematics, applied mathematics. Burton, John Vernon, in mathematics, applied mathematics. Comrie, Robert John, in mathematics, apolied mathematics. Foster. Laurence Dallington, in physical science, chemistry. Harwood, William Gladstone, in physical science, chemistry. Longhursti William Thomas Adair, in chemistry, geology. Millard, John Norman, in physical science, applied mathematics. Myers, John Golding, in ohemistry, zoology, geologyNelson, William George, in physical science, mathematics, applied mathematics. O’Cohnor, Harold Arthur Wellesley, in chemistry, geology. Reader. Vera Birdie, in physical science, chemistry, mathematics, applied mathematics. Richardson, Henry lorimer, in chemistry, botany, mathematics. Riiston.. Philin, in physical science, chemistry, mathematics, applied mathematics. 1 Short. Ravmond, in physical science, applied mathematics. Wiren, Edvar Charles, in physical science, chemistry, mathematics, applied mathematics.

Wood, Cecil Walkden, in physical science, mathematics. Zohrtib. John Fortescue, in physical science, chemistry. SECTION OF B.Sc.

The following have passed a section of the examination for the degree of Bacliolor of Science: — Basterfield, Muriel Helen, in botany, geology. Joiner, William Alexander, in mathematics, physical science. Kirk, Charles Gordon, in physical science, chemistry. Lawrence, Gilbert Alexander, in botany, zoology. McCaW. John Todd, m chemistry. McClelland. Norman, in physical science, geology. . Taylor, Conwav, in chemistry. Tiller, Leslie Walter, in applied matheTregurtha, Frederick Charles Phrcell, in physical science, geology. Waldie. Ether Grace, in mathematics, applied mathematics. Yeates, John Stuart, in geology. BACHELOR OF LAWS. The degree of Bachelor of Laws has been conferred on the following who have completed the examination for the degree in the subjects mentioned: — Anderson, Henry Albert, in interna tional law, conflict of laws, property 11., procedure. Bate, Walter Edwin, m international law, conflict of laws, property 11., evidence. procedure. Brodie, Henry George, in international Buxton. Allan Bruce, in Roman law, international law. conflict of lawe. Charles, Leonard Andrews, in international law. conflict of laws, property tl„ procedure. Clearv. Timothy Patrick, in international law, conflict of laws, property 11.. procedure. . _ Dodd. John Henry, in Roman law. m fernational law. conflict of laws. Gillon. Regina’d Edward in Ensrlirh Roman law, international law, confli'-i of laws. . Hendry, Co'm Alexander, m contracts Kitching. William David Foynton, in Roman law, international’ law, conflict of laws. Leicester, Wilfrid Erne, m international law. conflict of,t»W“ nropertr 11., evidence, yrocadiup.

Perry, David, in international law, property 11., evidence, procedure. Randell, William, m international law, conflict of laws, property 11., procedure. Seddon, George Hume, in constitutional history, international law, conflict oi laws. Smyth, Areita Isabelle, in international law, conflict of laws, property 11., procedure. Thomson, Trevor Campbell, in international law, conflict of laws, property 11., procedure. SECTION OF LL.B. Following have passed a section of the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws: — Brandon, Philip, in Latin, English, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Brooker. Percival Mahon, in Latin, philosophy, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Byrne. Norman Alexander, in jurislirudence, constitutional history, Roman aw. Chatwin, Lothaix Aria, in conflict of laws, property 11., evidence, procedure. Chrisp, Dawson Ernest, in Latin, j risprudenoe, constitutional history. Crimp, Gordon Sidney, in international law. contracts, property 1., torts, criminal law. Dickson, David McClelland, in Latin, Roman law, contracts, property I. Fitzgerald, James Joseph, in international law, conflict of laws, property 11., evidence. Free, Alan Walter, in Latin, English, j urisprudence, constitutional history. Gibbard, David Edward, in Roman law. Goodall, Stephen Ingles. In Roman law, conflict of laws, property 11., evidence, procedure. Greiner, Ronald Charles, in Latin, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Grieve, George Francis, in Roman law, property 1., torts. Haigh, Francis Haydn, in philosophy, j uriisprudence, constitutional history, international law, conflict of laws. Haiii, Charles Howard, in Latin, English, jurisprudence, constitutional history, Roman law. Hall, Thomas Donald Horn, in Roman law, oontracts, properly 1., property 11. Harknees, Philip Gordon, in Latin, English, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Henderson, Kenneth Alan, in international law, oonflict of laws, procedure. Hill, Claude Chan non, in international law, conflict of laws, property 1., property 11., procedure. .Tonne, Geoffrey John, in Latin, English, jurisprudence, constitutional history, Roman law. Kerr, John Robert,'in Latin. English, contracts, property 1., criminal law.. Knell, Norman Leonard, in Latin, English, Jurisprudence, constitutional history, Roman law. Lewis, Noel Joseph, in Tsttn and philosophy. Lovell. Herbert Cecil Garfield, tn Latin. English, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Mites, Robert Clifford, in Roman law, contracts. Monaghan, Charles Edward, in juris, prudence, constitutional "history, conflict of laws. Moore, Henry Edgar, Roman law, contracts, criminal law, property. Macandrew, Alls ter Hunter, in philosophy, jurisprudence, torts. McCormick, Campbell, in property 11., evidence, procedure. Mcßae, Alexander Duncan, in international law, conflict of laws, property 11., procedure. ■ ' • ~ Pope, Russell Edward, in Latin,'English, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Pringle, William PSUiet, international law, oonflict of laws, procedure. Shoriand, William Perry, in Roman law, property 11., torts, criminal law. Sfcey. William Trevor Forteaeue, in Latin, philosophy, j urisprudence, - constitutional history. Stewart, James Francis, in Latin, English, j urisprudence, constitutional history. Stuart, David Forbes, in Latin, jurisprudence, constitutional history. Swan, George Henry Ellison, Latin, Einglish. Tracy, Leslie Alexander, jurisprudence, constitutional history, property I„ torts, criminal law. Whiteman, Nevill George Friend, in jurisprudence, constitutional history, Roman law. Willis, Jack Duddingston, in Latin. Eng] ish, j urisprudence, constitutional history. Willis, Lawrence William, in jurisprudence, constitutional history, international laws, oonflict Of laws. Winfield, Cyril, im Latin, English, constitutional history. Wood, Douglas Reginald, in Latin, Roman law, contracts, property I. ENGINEERING. Passed or completed the engineering entrance examination:— Carter, Norman Robey. Ruston, Philip. Pasted part of the engineering entrance examination in the subjects specified:— Comrie, Robert John, in pure and applied mathematics. SECTION OF B Oom. Passed sections of the examination for the degree of -Bachelor of Commerce in the subjects specified : Anderson, William Edward, in bookkeeping 1., mercantile law 1., bankruptcy, companies. Bargh, Kenneth Samuel, in modern history, economic geography, economics. Cocker, Alice, in modem history, statistical method, French.* Feist, Frank, in statistical method, currency and hanking, book-keeping 11. Fossette. Frances Eileen, in modern history,- economics, statistical method, currency and banking, French. Phillipps, Arthur James, in modern history, economic geography, economics, statistical method, currency and banking. Young, William Crawford, in modern ■history, economic geography, economics.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10901, 16 May 1921, Page 3

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N.Z. UNIVERSITY New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10901, 16 May 1921, Page 3

N.Z. UNIVERSITY New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10901, 16 May 1921, Page 3