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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The 'Wellington South Nursing Division held its fortnightly meeting in the Newtown Library on Tuesday .Several new members were nominated. ‘First aid bandaging was practised. The celebration of St. Patrick's Day at the Lyceum Hall. Lower Hutt, by the •St. Peter and St. Paul’s branch of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society, took the form of a social and dance on Wednesday, and a pleasant gathering of loyal Irishmen and others were present. The dancing throughout the evening* was in every way most cnioyable, music being rendered by Airs F. Pilcher at the piano, and Air Bryant on the violin. Toasts of the evening were duly honoured, and the patron Saint of Ireland and the returned brethren of the lodge were proposed by Brother Morgan, and responded to ly Brothers El. Casey, F. E. Santa Affirm, and D. Dennehey (returned soldiers). The success of the function was duly credited to the committee, which comprised the following:—President, Brother, W. Gleeson, junr.; vice-president, Bro. Tustnin; secretary, Bro. Morgan; Bros. P Moroney (trustee). W. Glccson, senr., P. B. Santa Alaria, P. E-vans, J. Trenhy (auditor), Pearce (treasurer), and S. McCormick; and the ladies were Misses E. Casey. L. Hodgins, and <3. Sullivan. Ladies responsible for the supper woro Mosdames Tustain (In charge), assisted bv Mrs AlcCormick, Misses L. Hodgins, G, Sullivan, and E. Casey. The guests of the evening included the Misses Iseaeor (2), Shields (3), McCormick McManus,, K. Flynn, Patterson. El. Gleeson, Hodgins. Cudby. Sullivan. Evans, Daly. Wray Eaton. Phelan. Mesdames Gleeson, 'Dunne. Colltns, and several others. The Hon. A. and Airs Myers are staying at the Midland Hotel prior to leaving for England by the Alegantac. Mrs P. M. B. Fisher and her daughter are visiting Auckland. During the sittings of the W.C.T.U. Convention the delegates have been entertained to afternoon tea. every day by different churches in Wellington. ihoso who provided tea each day were the Methodist Churches. Congregational. Ohurbh of Christ, Seventh P«y Adventists, Presbyterians, and Baptists. Before the close of the Convention yesterday a hearty vote of thanks was passed to these ladies.

A talented young Christchurch girl. Miss Ngaio Marsh, who is well known in art circles in Christchurch, has received an offer of an engagement with the Allan Wilkie Company,; and will make her professional debut in Christchurch at Easter. Miss Alnrsh has written several plays and her practical experience "behind the scenes will no doubt bo of the greatest ‘ value to her in her literary career as a playwright.

Air and Mrs W. Crow (Wellington) have returned north after a holiday in Christchurch.

The engagement is announced of Aliss Iris Wily, eldest daughter of Air and Mrs H. H. D. Wily, of Buckland, to Dr. AloDonald Ivan, Allen, of Dunedin, eld©st son of Mr and Mrs W* Allen, of Hamilton. ,

Airs Mary I. Butman, widow of the late Captain Percival Butman, of Boston, Mass., U.S.A., and daughter of Mrs Ruxton, and the late Captain James, Ruxton, of Christchurch, arrived in Wellington by the Tofun early this -month, and wee married on the 6tb inst. to Captain Geo. Mackenzie, of Auckland. Captain and Mrs Alaekenzie are at present staying at Cargen Hotel, Auckland. Mrs D. T. Cameron (Wellington) is paying a short visit to Christchurch. A wedding of interest was. solemnised recently at the Alethodist Church, Foxton, by the Rev. A. Harding, the contracting parties being Frank Henry Mills, third son of the late Atr G. Mills, and Mrs Pope, of Cheltenham, and Effio Muriel, third daughter of Air and Airs G. W. Scadden, of Fox ton. The bride was given away by .her father, and was attended by her sister. Alls® Rita Scadden, as bridesmaid. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr James Alills, as groomsman. After the ceremony the relatives of the bride and bridegroom, and a few friends, were entertained at the residence of the bride’s parents. The hippy couple loft by motor for Wanganui, "where the honeymoon is to be spent. Miss Jean AlnoLachan, the young Wellington dancer, had a remarkable run of success in the dancing events at the Masterton fiports on St. Patrick’s Lay. Miss AlaoLaohlan won the Irish jig, Highland fling, sword-dance, • and 'eel. Those were the only events she contest, ed. Mrs Siegrief-Grant, Miss Alary AlcKeown, Miss Mabel Bsqullant, and Air William Watters (of Oamaru), loft Wellington yesterday to assist at the Irish concert at Palmerston North last evening. WEDDING AT CHRISTCHURCH. At St. Barnabas’ . Church, Fcndalton, on Tuesday afternoon, the wedding was celebrated of Miss Vida Edith Steele, only daughter of Air and Mrs R. W. Steele, of Bryndwr road, Fendalton, to Mr Henry Duncan Blundell, youngest SOU of Mr J. G. Blundell, of Yokohama, Japan. The Rev. H. S. Leach performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in white eouple satin, made with loose side-panels, embroidered in white silk, and finished with fringe. A dainty tulle veil, embroidered in marguerites, fell from ■ a wreath of orange blossoms, and the toilette was completed by a shower bouquet of white flowers. .The attendant bridesmaid was Miss Venus Hartnoil, who was Locked in electric blue crepe do chine, with a black hat wreathed with- varl-ocloured loaves, and who carried a bouquet of white dahlias end blue delphiniums. Little Bertha Hartnell. the flower girl, wore white silk, with a pale pink sash and crinoline straw hat, and carried a basket of white and blue flowers. ■Mr Cyril Steele was best man. After the ■ ceremony Air and Mrs Steel© entertained 'a number of guests at Broadway’s; Mrs Steele wore a ,navy blue crepe de chine costume, and a black hat wreathed with a fawn and white ostrich feather. . Later Air and Mrs Blundell ’ left on' their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a college grey costume and leghorn hat, lined with purple georgette, and trimmed with mauve and blue. Air and Airs Blundell’s future home will bo at Taumarunui.

If I can reach you by correspondence it is the next best thing to a personal interview, Aly sales of ‘‘Culteno” prove its success. CuTtenc Skin Food softens, whitens, and purifies the skin. Soothing, cooling, and .perfectly harmless. Should always b© usecl for ©leansing the skin at night. Cultene Balm, to euro facial blemishes. Prevents sunburn, tan and freckles. Used by day it cannot bo detected. Invaluable also for parties and theatres. No matter how intense the heat, tho face will never redden or perspire. Also all hairwork, hair tonics, and creams. Miss Alilsom, 9-1, Willis street. Tel. 811. —Advt,

For all social occasions Dustin's Catering is .best. Wedding Breakfasts, Dinners. Dances, etc., catered for on the shortest notice. Dustin’s, Ltd., Confectioners, 171-173, Cuba street, Wellington,, also Wanganui and Palmerston North.— Advt.

SPINSTERS’ CLUB PARTY. The Spinsters’ Club hold a gathering last night at Aire G. Newton's house in Bovveu street, as a wind-up to the work which thev' nave been doing dunng the war, which was assisting in. every way possible any fund raised for patriotic purposes. During the evening the secretary, Aliss Rose Isaacs,- said that though they would not bo meeting regularly in future she hoped they could all be called upon to work if the necessity arose. She also thanked . members for the harmonious way all had worked together. The club was formed a week or two after tho first force loft for Samoa and has worked as a body ever since. Gifts . were presented from tho-club to two members, who are to be married in the near future, Aliss M. Alellor and Aliss Margery Saunders. During the evening tlie club made a presentation to the secretary of a leather mounted travelling clock, a momento of her five and ahalf .years’ work for the club. Miss Eileen •Driscoll sang and- supper was served by Mrs and Miss Newton and brought a happy occasion to a close. . Among tliotve present were several ‘‘mothers, ’ to whom tho secretary remarked tho club owed a great deni. WOMEN’S nT’HoNAL RESERVE. Tho Kilblrnie' branch of the Women’s National Reserve held its annual meeting on Tuesday afternoon,- -there was a good attendance. , Airs Taylor was reelected president; 'Mrs ■ Fox, Secretary; find • Airs Bothell, treasurer. The organiser (Mrs Porter) wife present,- and- outlined the work for the coming year, asking those present to select-the,work that most appealed to thorn; she paid a high tribute to Airs Fox, the secretary;, for her untiring energy of 'organisation and power in carrying out special . efforts, and in personal appeals- for the W.N.R! residential nursing,, also, to the Misses Robinson for their great help. Mrs Tay-. lor received a very hearty vote of thanks for her fine work in connection with the nursing scheme. Miss Taylor’s work as sectional commander had been greatly appreciated, and the medical service division were deeply indebted to these two Indies for their labour. A fine spirit of patriotism was displayed by the members present for the parrying out Of future work. The committee is a strong and enthusiastic one, and the possibilities of this branch are very great. The president entertained all present to often noon tea. WEDDING IN WANGANUI. (By Eileen.) The marriage of Dr. Mspeth Cameron, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Allan Cameron, oi .Maraugai, to Captain R. S. J. Fitzgerald, of Dunedin, took place at Chritjbohurck on Wednesday afternoon. The church had been- prettily decorated with pale pink and lily hydrangias. The day .was beautifully fine, and the col-e----monv was performed by the Rev. _ H. Reeve, vicar. Tho bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in ivory georgette with side panel of filet lace. The train falling from just, above tho waist, was of pink, ninoo, veiled in lace and edged with ostrich feathers. Her bridal veil was caught with narrow wreath of orange bloeeoms, and she carried an exquisite bouquet. The bridesmaids were Alias Barbara Cameron and Dr. Tui Bakewell. Both were gowned in georgette, the former in heliotrope, and-the latter in primrose, made in (he new, loose, str.iißliT effect, and edged with ostrich fen there, and mot caps of gathered net, their bouquets beto' match the dresses. Aliss Joan Camerofi (sister) and. Aliss Lillian Fitzgerald; also attended; their frocks were of ivory frilled nob, with, hehlVropts sashes of tulle, and their caps were of net wreathed with tiny- ribbon flowers, while Mary Cameron (cousin of the bride) and Billie Christie were train-bearers.. The former wore pink tulle edged with bebo ribbon, , and mob cap of same, and the page was in white silk. Lieutenant Hutchison, of Dunedin, attended as best man, and Captain Fitzgerald, N.Z.M.C.' (brother of , the. bridegroom), was grooms-, nan. The reception was held on tho racecourse. Air and Airs Allan* Cameron met their guests at tho entrance, to tho din-ing-room, under the grandstand, where the afternoon tea was served. Mrs Cameron wore black taffetas with embroidered net vest and hat of black and white; and ostrich feather ruffle. Airs J. Alopre (sister of tho bride) was in pal© violet crepe de chine', with side panels filled to the waist. Her black hat, was. finished with wide tulle bows-of violet. Mrs Fitzgerald (Dunedin) mother of the bridegroom, wore black crepe do chine with ostrich boa, and black hat and* feather. Miss Fitzgerald (sister of; the bridegroom) was in saxe Hue floral ninoli banded with same shade in silk, and hat to match. Among tho guests were; —Airs Izard, Miss Levett (Bulls', Mrs lan Johnston (Waverley)’ Airs Robertson, Airs Maurice Earle, Aliss Cohen, Airs 1 lirrry (Willson, Airy Howard 'Christie, Airs Alnckay, Rev. and Mrs Reeve, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Krull, Airs Beauchamp, Mrs Blundell. Airs W. Duncan, Aire' P. Turnbull, Airs Broad, Airs J. Watt, Airs Izott, and Alis-Us Addon brooke, Cholmloy, Harrison. Jackson, Gilflllian. Brewer, Cowper (2), and many others.

A good deal of speculation as to the success of the newly-appointed women magistrates and lawyers is being expressed in Elugland just now. Of these tho Marchioness of Crewe, the Alarchioness of Londonderry', and Airs Lloyd George axe some of the most notable.

The death took place yesterday states a Press' Association message from Auckland) of Lady Margaret Makgill, of Waiuku,. widow of ithe la to Sir John Makgill; late of Hendricks, Fifoshire.’ The deceased lady was 70 year* of ago. She was a sister of Lord Haldane, of Cloane, late Lord Chancellor and formerly Secretary for War and founder of the Territorial Army scheme. Lady Alakaiil is tho mother of Dr B. H. Makgfll; Chief ©Kalth Officer for Auckland district, and Acting-Inspector General of Hospitals. MRS ROLLESTON, Qualified London and Paris Hair Physician and Toilet Specialist. Spacious private rooms for the follow, ing treatments: —• Electrolysis, dip. U.S.A., Hair Treatment, Scalp Massage, Face Massage, Bitro Massage, Hair Tinting, Violet Ray Treatment, Henna Staining, Clipping and Singeing, Shampooing. Special courses of Hair and Complexion Treatment One Guinea. A largo assortment of Switches, Transformations, and Exclusive Fancy Combs just from New York. 255, Lambton quay. —Advt.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10542, 19 March 1920, Page 9

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NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10542, 19 March 1920, Page 9

NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10542, 19 March 1920, Page 9