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AUCTION SALES. HIGHLY IMPORTANT LAND SALE. , HOUSE. THESE ARE ALL WORTHY OF VyiLLIAMS AND KETTLE, LTD., INSPECTION. * * have been favoured with inatruc- KELBURN' tions from tho EXECUTORS OF THE Superior of 5 rooius with every LATE'HENRY GAISFOBD. to sell by poffi coimiMee, electric ■ -light, auction on caliphont, gas stove, gas copper, oak '_ mantel and bookshelves in drawing THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26th, 1920, ™ o £f a lso carrara ceiling and double At 1.15 p.m., glass doors to balcony; built-in wardrobes, cupboards, nioax safe, etc.; deeoAt tho Hto floor in bathroom; largo balcony PALACB THEATRE, DANNEVIRKE. suitable for sleeping porch; spare room. ~ , ,„. . ... ... and workshop in basement; garden at About ICOO acres of the well-known f ro nt and back and large lawn. GovORINGI ESTATE, which has been sub- eminent mortgage. This is an . esceeddivided for the purpose of the Sale, ingly cheap property. Inspect early. This country' is probably some of the Price only • .£I9OO. * 5 finest land in Southern Hawke's Bay SEATOXJN. for dairying and fattening purposes. Immediate possession as owner leayThe property is situated alongside the ing-district.- Well sheltered from all Maharahara Railway Station and school, winds. Cottage of '3 rooms, bathroom. iles from Criniri Railway Station, and 7i miles from metalled roads. The land comprises all rich flat and reclaimed swamp, well watered by permanent stream and springs, and is well sheltered by surrounding hills. The district has a good rainfall, and never suffers from droughts. y good rood 1-1.4 perches, planted with we illed roads. The land comprises all grown ingiish and native trees. xne flat and reclaimed swamp, well property is just three minute,s from_ the red by permanent stream and tram and has a splendid view. Price ™ £™»?t °r% Mi" V 0 ™ I dr i OUKllts - acres, situated 15 miles from railway by Tho.propertv is divided into, lots, con- good mot<}l . roa( , nnd ckise £cJ , oo!i iV-iS?*™™. • acres to 350 acres p ost Office, sawmill, store and crearx TERMS: 5 per cent, cash on fall of serv i C e; ail easv rolling country; 460 hammer. 10 T)er 1920, 10 per cent rit. on March 30th, n March SOth. 1921. inds. Cottage of 3 rooms, bathroom, ashhouse and workshop, gas; section 1 .£9OO. 20 WAIKATO DISTRICT. To be sold as a going concern—lo6o acres under cultivation; manent pasture; groat re untry; 460 -Uent per-. Balance in 7 rears from date of pos- and cocksfoot country; well watered by session. Interest on all unpaid purchase streams and deep well; buildings mmoney to ha at 5$ per cent, per annum, elude 9-roomed house and store room, dairy, washhouse. etc., hot and cold POSSESSION: MARCH 10th, 1320. water; three roomed cottag-, large stable, implement and seed shed, four-cow milkPlans may bo obtained on application ing plant and Tangye engine and boiler, to tho auctioneers' offioes at Dannevirko, Price as a going concern (walk in walk POSSESSION: MARCH 10th, 1320. 61 WILLIAMS AND KETTLE. LTD. Naoier. Hastings, Waipawa, Wairoa, out) .£ls per acre or for land oniy i'M and Gisborne. - ios P er acre. .£3500 cash, balance 6 years at 5 per cent. . 61 WILLIAMS AND KETTLE. LTD. „ ~ HIGHLAND PARK. Gentleman s residence of 8 rooms, modern design' and with all conveniences, ~~ = including electric light, hot and cold i criD cat k water, drainage; section of over i acre, I PUR SSLE garden; the house is in good order, ; - -vithin two minutes from tram, and inlands a splendid view. Price J Jt&iQO. 9 SECTION—SEATOUN. SPECIALLY SELECTED PROPERTIES In this popular seaside resort we have a fine corner section with a good front- * age; handy to trasm. This is a splendid opportunity to get a good section QfJArt ACRES, part freehold, part and build a homo to suit yourself. Price OtmU leasehold, situated only 6 . 19 miles from good port; all in English and BELMONT, native grasses, with exception of shelter On a half aero section we have a snug bush. 500 acres hat, balance unduiat- little place of 3 rooms and outbuildings, ing and hifj-y mimicry; papa orcnaaon; partly furnished. Splendid new Dover «"'cs rich aiiuvial. Now carrying 550 U stove and large tank. The property is ?ep, mcluainjj 30CO eives, ZM> head ""ell sheltered and possession can be lised cattle, t«j dairy cows, 20 heifers, ei v «n in one month's tftne. Price ,£3GO J horses, now 9-roomed homestead, gas cash. *® plant, motor shed, dairy, etc. „ , _ THORNDON. r Prioe, ioO.COO as going concern. <joocl House of 7 large rooms, all conTerms, .£20,000 cfisa to approved pur- veniences, hot and cold water, etc.; chaser. woodshop; linen cupboard and waTdThis' property is excellent ouying at robes built-in. Section 32ft x 99ft. This the money. 1155 Property is in a very central position i . , and is worth the price, .61500. . 65 iqoq ACRES, Hawke's Bay' district, ' T -, C P oK - _ , , ~ , >OOO only 6 miles from railway. Immediate possession. Substantial „j 0 acres flat and pkmghabio, balance ff of 6 rooms on one floor; pantry I «iUv hill mrnitrr. earrvm« VOOO sheeD bathroom (with porcelain, bath, and' ri/»rtn ACRES, part freehold, part and build a homo to suit OtmU leasehold, situated only 6 . miles from good port; all in English and BELMONT, native grasses, with exception of slieiter On a half aero section w bush. 500 acres hat, balance unduiat- little place of 3 rooms am ing and hifj-y eouxvery; papa orcnaaon; partly furnished. Splenc «"cs rich aiiuvial. Now carrying 550 U stove and large tank. T ?ep, incluain« 30CO eives, 2W head well sheltered and posse lised cattle, t«j dairy cows, 20 heifers, Bi v «n in one month's tftn J horses, now 9-roomed homestead, gas cash. mTi^r,>-^«x-I plant, motor shed, dairy, etc. THORNDON. Prioe, ioO.COO as going concern. Good House of 7 large i Terms, .£20,000 caso. to approved pur- veniences, hot and cold oqqd ACRES, Hawke's Bay district,' r^ m^- Ml. UUUK. >OOO only 6 miles from railway. Immediate possession. Substantial „j 0 acres flat and pkmghabio, balance T^ 6 *?* °$JL r u O o ° n ? n - e n°°r; Pantry easy hill country, carrying 7000 sheep t^? o ™, h , P°™elain. bath, and S 400 head of cattle. 200 acres at basin), Shacklock range- gas cooker, hot present under crop. 9-roomed residence, ™fL J,^ er - electric light, hot modern woolshed and shearing plant, ' p *f hh ° use and , Govmodern woolshed and shearing plant, and all other necessary buildings. Price, 4512 10s oer acre. .£SOOO cash. ,-■■> 1187 other necessary buildings. ' t T^me^n^° rtsa « e - Good s "tion. Price Xl2 10s oer acre. JBSOCO onlT -*i*o. TTTa , T ■ , 1187 . lij AUlll. In this progressive district we have a ACRES, situated Manawalu line, £ arm of 1 1 . 9^) a <f e s with 600 acres in onlv 1 mile from railway; an Brass, well fenced; good turnip and rape d A/1 ACRES, situated Manawalu line, '"'" -' »-v wicn m acres in DUU only 1 mile from railway; an Brass, w-ell fenced;, good turnip and rape in crass, well watered and subdivided; 2™ p f ; th . a P laCe ls at P r „ edent ,^ arr 3"i"B good sheep and cattle councry, with big '"? b»«* n ß *™ s and 200 cattle: the prospeotdve value. S-roomed whare, consist of sf?omed house, " ' fes. ' Prios. il6 per acre. Easy whare, stable, woolshed, dip. etc.; the a arranzed 105 S Maln Trunk railway runs- through the s arranged. iv*> propertv . h andy to station, Post Office. . ~ . A(-"T?f<= ->r, „„,♦„. .mm .. P « and saieyards. Price, £o 10s per acre. A 4 CKES ' Maaawatu; acres cash, balance on easy terms. '*v» m grass, 400 acres plough- ISLAND BAT. stumped, balance good u.. carrying 3500 sheep and 180 ge, shearing plant, etc.; telephone I connected. "Price, £& 10s per acre. Terms arranged. ' 1191 In splendid condition. House of 4 try. carrying ,2500 sheep and 180 roomSj hot and coW ■ t of cattle, fa rooms and ring good bathroom Scullery; ce, woolshed, dip 4-roomed <x>l-\ good 6ecti on with lawns and vegetable garden; concrete paths; half a minute from car. Price .£BOO. Deposit ,£2BO. 84 For further particulars and card to . „„.„„' L , , , ~ . ~, riew call on irtA ACRES Freehold, situated Mar- rt . _ -.,. _ _ „■»_,■:.'_«. ±U\) ton District. 5 miies from rail- S. GEORGE NATHAN &, CO., way and ± mile from factory and school, s; Georg». Nathari.l [Cha». E. Finch. and%™£esT S lil *&TJt pl-ghalt 4U ° ti ° neC "' d S l t r^nc ker Airft nd ' M °' Well subdivided and watered. VVill carry a ?d Insurance. Agents, . Well subdivided and watered. Will carry «"" r,, f ™w. „„ " 30 cows well, besides growing consider- lOo. ; Customhouse quay, able amount of crop for selling purposes. » elimg'ton. Buildings: 8-roomed house, 2-roomecl v whare, cowshed, stables, and all neces- , ——— sary outbuildings. Price: .£SO per acre. - Terms arranged. • -»-, q -d e , T _ Glaxo Factory to be installed in dis- X* "ALE. tridt shortly. This property we can 3 inch CENTRIFUGAL, 2 inch PULSOstrongly recommend, and would suit two METER and SEMI-ROTARY PUMPSreturned soldiers. . 11-1 Endless .CHAIN BLOCKS .and SNATCH i For further particulars apply to— BLOCKS H. F. M'NJEILL & GO,, LTD LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 20, Brandon Street, 1 /\(\ LADIES' to rush great Bargains, JLUvf a t our Sale; Blouses, Underclothing ; great reductions in all departments, at Hayvice's, 149-ISI, Manners street. —' -| f<y ACRES Freehold, Dairy Farm; 100 nndulatinir land, well grassed; carrios 52 cows and young stock: good house, all conveniences: cowshed with machines; JHO per acre. £9OO cash. Campbell Thomson and Co.. Dannevirko. STEVENS AND CO., Young's Lane, 132 a, Abel Smith street, Wellington. FOR PRIVATE SALE. ONE Model 37, "ALLAN" TOURING CAR, 5-seater; 1918 model, electric light and Jimmers, self-starter; guaranteed in perfect running order; any trial given. For full particulars. E. JOHNSTON AND CO.. Auctioneers, 157, Lambtou Quay., ff\ ACRES, and good houso of six rooms; e O" ings; to be sold as a going concern, monts; this is a oood farm and close to town. For particulars apply to W. E. APPS, rooms, with all necessary outsantly situated, and handy to LAND AGENT. LEVIN. MAIN TRUNK BARGAIN. KAHIKATEA AND RAUPO DRAINED SWAMr. rtQ r, ACRES, rich drained swamp; 155 acres white pine, 130 acres raupo. Th« lO" rwamp is, of first quality and tree from all water; balance is rolling land jd all; ploughable. Wintered 200 head cattle, 150 hoggets, 8 horses, without turnips or hay. House 4 rooms, burn, and stable.' Situated! miles from railway w metalled road, 'two miles from factory and school. 7 PRICE ONLV JBIB PER ACRE. Terms iSOO Cash. 6 Personally inspected and recommended 'jy us. LEWIS & CO., LAND AGENTS WANGANUI. VERY CHEAP PROPERTY. iyAp ACRES Freehold, with about 70 acres flat, balance low hills; carrying OttO lj sheep, bosides cattle; on main road, daily mail; within 12 miles Jlasterton; new house, etc.; also 805 acres,-Education lease at 3<i per acre, with riglit of renewal for 21 years; 700 acres in bush, 100 in grass. Price the lot, iyOOO; terms, .£ISOO cash. C C, ROSS & CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SHAREBROKERS, MASTERTON. (Member Land Agents' Association.) Cinr\ ACRES 9 miles from Carterton, 1 mile from -eohool. and 4 milea JfibU from cheess factory. Rural delivery. Very nice nearly now sixroomed houso with conveniences-fine sheds. Well divided and watered, about two-thirds ptoughable. Now in crop, 24 acres of oats. 12 acres rape. 15 acres swedes, 20 acre* are ready to sow; 60 acres in new. grass. The farm ia FT-T WTS W„. LAND AGENT. • MJL, .»» X O Hi, High street CARTE street CARTERTON.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10509, 10 February 1920, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10509, 10 February 1920, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 10509, 10 February 1920, Page 10