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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Rondo, of this city, is tho guest of hor sister, Mrs Eiberlet, in New Plymouth. Mr mid Mrs Duthio are visiting Mount Egmont. Tho Ven. Archdeacon "Watson and Mrs Watson, of Wellington, are tho guests of Mr and Mrs W. G. Beard, "Ovingdean," Masterton. Miss Doughty, of Knraka Bay, Wellington, who has been visiting hor sister, Mrs 'B. llornabrook, of Cornwall street, Masterton, returned to tho city on Saturday. Mrs Coleman, of Auckland, is visiting Wellington. Mrs A. Hoby, of Wellington, who went to 'Auckland to meet her daughter, Mrs Heatherley-Deck, of Sydney, who arrived by tho Maheno, has now left for Tauranga. Mrs Walter Massey, of Mangore, Auckland, is staying with her mother, Mrs Longuet, Worcester street, Christchurch. Dr Margaret Boper (nee McCahon) has been staying with Mrs Fitchett, Mount Hobson road, Auckland. Mr and Mrs Hugo .Friedlander, of Christchurch, passed through Wellington last week for Auckland, whero they will make their home. Misses A Hart, A. L. Huston, and L. Turner (have joined tho massage staff of the Trenthani Military Hospital. Mr and Mrs K. Kirkclndie have been visiting Rotorua. A very •enjoyable "At Home" was given by Mrs McKail Geddes on Wednesday afternoon at her residence, "Hazelbaiik," Auckland, for the delegates attending tho Australasian Triennial Conference of the Y.W.C.A. The beautiful grounds were lookimr their best, and were much admired bv tho Australia visitors. The "Cheeroh" concert party gave a concert last iveek at the Y.M.C.A. Institute, Trenthani Camp. The company received an enthusiastic hearing from a well filled house. Sisters D. Commons and C. Brown, of' the New Zealand Army Nursing 'Staff, have joined the staff of the Trenthani Military Hospital, and have begun duty as in the massage department. Miss Borlaso is spending a holiday In New Plymouth. Mrs McNaughton Christie went to Now Plymouth on Friday. , Mrs Milne, who has "been staying with Mrs McLaren at Lyall Bay, Wellington, returned to Masterton on_Friday. Miss Burke has returned to Wellington from a visit to Westport. Mrs Hi. Ashton has returned to her home in Greymouth, after a short holiday in Wellington. The engagement is announced of Miss Joan Kendall, older daughter of Dr Martindale Kendall, to Dr 11. -gampbell Begg, M.C. (late 8.A.M.C.), of this city. Mass Dolph, of the Bank of New South Wales staff at Wellington is at present on a visit to her parents. Miss Gembitsky, acting county clerk .for the Builer Cbuntfy Council, took the chair at tho council's annual meeting and conducted the election of chair-. man in a very businessliko manner, records the Westport "News." Mrs Kinoton-Parkes returned from Christchurch on Friday. She leaves for the West Coast shortly. Mr and Mrs W. B. Tu3sell are on a visit to Taupo. Lady Eeid, widow of Sir George Eeid, formerly High Commissioner •in London for tho Commonwealth, has returned to Sydney with her son. The engagement ia announced of Miss Nellie Cheesman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. H. Cheesman, of Avonsichs, Christchurch, to Mr B. C. Turner, of Palmerston North. Mrs Barton, daughter of Professor Finlay, "of Manchester University, is running a 70-acre farm at Gee Cross (Cheshire; with a staff of land girls. WEDDINGS. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday, at Holy Trinity Church, Devonport, Auckland, when Miss May Fuller, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Fuller, "Geraldino," Devonport, was married to Mr H. Grubb. The brkle wore a gown of white satin, accordeonpleated and with a ninon overdress. The court train' was lined . with palo pink satin, and with the veil was worn a coronet of pearls and orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white flowers, and was attended by Miss Madeline Webb as bridesmaid, who wore a shell pink taffeta silk with a large black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations, and Miss Dorothy AVhito, who wore pale bluo taffeta silk with black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of blue delphiniums. The ceremony was conducted by Archdeacon Hawkins, and tho Wedding March was played by tlie Rev. Mr Chit, ty. Mr Nichols acted as groomsman.. Afterwards a reception was .held in the ■ Parish Hall, where tho wedding break- < fast was spread. Mrs Fuller welcomed her guests, of .whom a hundred were pre. sent, wearing a handsome gown of-black ■ charmeuse with a violet hat and bouquet to match. A wedding that caused a great amount of interest in Papanui took place in tho Presbyterian Church of , that locality on Thursday afternoon, the Rov. D. D. Rodger officiating. The bridegroom was Mr Alex. Davidson, second son of Mr D. Davidson, Aikman's ; road, and tho bride Miss Sybil Kruse, daughter of Mrs Kruse, Frank street, Papanui. The brido was a popular Christchurch hockey girl, and played against the English team a few years ago, when .the Canterbury team was , victorious over tho visitors. The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother (Mr. C. Kruse), by whom she , was subsequently given away. She was | accompanied; 'by two bridesmaids and i two little flower cirls, the former being the Misses I. M. Davidson and Eita Tetheridgo, and the latter the Misses Nettie and Eklna Kruse. Mr D. Wilson and Mr J. Reid accompanied tho bride-

If wo grow old we may still look young. A good, face cream is absolutely necessary to check tho tell-talo maris of time. Cultena Skin Pood -for night use 3s, Culteno Balm ' for day 3s 6d. Used as directed transforms the worn, haggard face into winsome beauty. Hygienic Faco Powder, all shades, 3s; a positive benefit and pleasure; delightful aroma. So gradually subtle none can tell or know it lias been applied. The Miss Milsom preparations never Kive the face a made-up appearance. All hair work. Hair treatments. Everything personally supervised by Miss Milsom, the original and established .specialist, 91, Willis street. 'Phono 814. -Advt. Recommended by the highest authorities, Violet Hay Baths 1 Women can banwh pain by a course of our bath and massago treatment. This wonderful highfrequency -trdatmeni cures Neuritis, KJieumatism, Sciatica. Eczema, and all nervous troubles. Consult lis! We givo advico i'reo on all matters! Faco maxsngo, hair and -scalp treatment, hair ptamins hennaing. Dili's Hullon, 3a, Courtetuiy place, Wellington. 'Phone

groom as best man' and groomsman. At the conclusion of tho ceremony a number of relatives and friends were entertained in tho Papanui schoolroom, whero a reception was held, prior to tho departure of the bride and bridegroom lor their honeymoon trip, aftor which they will leave for their future home in the Waikato. The wedding took place on Wednesday at St. Thomas's Church of Miss Dorothy Carroll Pike to Mr Howard Michael Smith. The Rev. W. Fancourt officiated. Tho bride, who was given away by hor father, wore ivery crepe do chine and georgette, finished with tiny beads ami palo pink buds. The veil was worked by Miss I Mackay with tiny rings of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet. Three maids attendedMiss K. Kaywood, and two little girls, Miss Euna sister of the bride, and Miss Amy Johnson, of Carterton, cousin of the bride." All woro gold brooches, tho gifts of the bridegroom. Mr N. Campbell was best man, and Mr J. Pike groomsman. Only the relations of both bride and bridegroom w-ere present at tho breakfast; but a reception was JieM in St. Thomas's Hall in the evening. Later, Mr and- Mrs Smith left for their future homo. 's

On Thursday morning, by the "Rev. A. Hodge, at 'tvho. Congregational! Manse, Colenso Hill, Napier, Miss Daisy Walters, second daughter of Air and Mrs F. W. Walters, of Whakatu, late of Halleing, England, was united in marriage to Mr A. E. Shufflebotham, son of Mrs H. Sufflebotham, of Longton, England. Tho brido was given away by Mr J. Clark Thomson, and was attended by her sister, Miss Ivey Walters. A reception was afterwards held at the residence of Mr and .Mrs Clark Thomson, where the usual toasts wore honoured. 3lr and Mrs Shufflebotham left for the south later in the afternoon per motorcar. GARDEN PAETY AT SEATOUN. The Seatoun and Bays Progressive Association organised n garden party, ~,v,„V Vas h ?' d »MrH. P. Hawson's pounds on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately a cold southerly wind was blowing and tho weather wa» threatening all the afternoon, which somewhat marred the enjoyment of those present while it also hunted tho attendance. Soatoun people hoVevor, turned out, determined to do everything for their borough and in. consequents the financial results should bo very good. Although tho weather really was too cold for- an outdoor Junction, the committee did all in their Power to make the atternoon enjoyable. fhe Tramways Band played on the lawn and a few enthusiasts danced, a thot- • oughly enjoyable pastime on such a cold day. Then there was plenty to be seen about the grounds, for the flowers were very fine, and Mr Eawsou's garden ia well-known. An ice-cream stall had been made in a sumnier-houso, in charge of Mesdames Tcnnaut and Richmond, and in spite of tho cold thoro was a good custom. Soft drinks were sold in the dairy, Mesdames North and Kel!ow being in charge, and afternoon tea was served on small tables near the house, and was much appreciated, those in charge having n vory busy time. Mra H. A. Smith, wife of the president of the association, was in charge and with her were Mesdames Pilcher, Hull, Black, Gardiner, Baillie, Eeed, Wyatt, A. P. Smith, and Parton. Tho most pofmla. spot was the Tower o.f Mystery, in charge of Mrs Barnett, where fortunes woro told. This was located in a tall stone windmill tower, and near a pond crossed by a quaint stone bridge, a most picturesque spot, and all the afternoon there was quito a queue of people waiting their turn. Shortly niter throo o'clock Mr H. A. Smith, president of the Seatoun Progressive Association, .welcomed the visitors. They wore anxious, ho said, to get more money to beautify the district. A great deal had been done in the way of tree planting, tut want of money had stopped further work. He thanked Mr Eawson, on behalf of the association, for placing his grounds at their disposal. Tho committee of tho Association who organised the fete consists of. MrH.. A. south, president, Messrs H. P. Bawson, Vv. iPalmer and A. D. Crawford, vioe-prosi-dente Mr H. W. Pilcher, hon. secretary „Va treasurer and Messra Richmond, Kciow- Hull North,' Parton. Black, Wyatt,' 'Pennant, Baillie,. A. P. Smith, Reedand Green. A ladies' committee had assisted with the garden party conskHnir of Mesdames U. A. Smith, Raw. son PilcherT North, Kellow, Hull Black Gardiner, Baillie, Tennant, Richmond, A. P. Smith and Parton. Among those present were tho Mayor and Mayoress of Mirmnai, the FrcsMent of the Lyall Bay Hatepayers Association, and Mrs Evans, President of the Hataitai and Miramar Ratepayers' Association. Mrs A. D. Crawiord. Mrs M Holmes, Mrs Davison, Miss Barnett. Miss Owen. Mrs Butter. Miss Clark,

Miss Ncsta Carwell-Cooke has handed „ESO to the Nurses' Club, being two-thirds of the nett proceeds of hor dance- recital, held in tho Opera House recently. The committee consider is most generaous on the part of Miss Carwell-Cooke as she had arranged, beforehand to give half proceeds only. The death of a very old and respected colonist in the person of Mrs Elizabeth Copland occurred recently a* her daughter's residence, Beaeonfiold street, Urey Lynn, Auckland, in her eighty-eighth year. Mrs Copland arrived in the colony from England in tho year 1842, in tho ship Fifeshiro, with her father and sister. They landed at Nelson, and then took up land in Manaia. In 1846 thoy left Nelson for tho Bay of Islands and after a few months camo oil to Auckland, where Mrs Copland resided up till her death. She leaves one son and two daughters, in addition to 29 Rrandchilddron and 51 great-grandchildren.

BEAUTIFUL HAIR IS THE BBST RESULT OP CAEE. If the hair is neglected it is sura to lose its beauty and luxuriance. All who wish to givo proper attention to th c hair should consult Mrs Eolleston, who is a Hair Physician with European and American qualifications. Her advice is sought by ladies all over New Zealand. The success of Mrs Rolleston's method of treating falling hair alter Influenza has attracted widespread attention. However, Mrs Eolleston is able to overcome all other hair disorders with the assurance of Rood results. Mrs Eolleston can prescribe excellent treatments lor dandruff, for grey and thin hair, or any other soalp ailment from which you may bo suffering. Address: MRS KO.TXESTON. 256, Lauibton quay, Wellington. —Advt. For nil social occasions Dustin's Carer mi? is ne-t. Wedding Breakfasts, Din iicrs, Dances, etc., catered for on ti l( , ihortest notice. Dustin's, Ltd., Confee. doners, 171-173, Cuba street, Wellington, also Wanganui raid Palmerston North.— \dvt. _ For 8s 6d to 18s Gd your bov can bo fitted in ono of our Smart Fancy Washins Suits. See our windows, Geo. I'owkis, Ltd., .Manners streot. *<

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 5

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NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 5

NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 5