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DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE. . Press Association. DTTNEDIN, November 30.. Sales on 'Change:— ' r Rising Sun, 6s: New Zealand, and 31alay Rubber (ord.), 20s, 19s 6d (reported); Huddart-Parker (ordO, 49s 3d; Eclipse Pttfrol, 40a. *' : APPRECIATION OF THE RUPEE. Australian and N. 3. Cable Association. LONDON, November 25. The exchange rate on Calcutta is now 3s 2*dPRICE OF TIN. /.- - :■, Australian and N.2. Cablo Association. LONDON, November 25. The rise in the price of tin is attributed to active buyins from important quarters on the American Continent. LONDON QUOTATIONS. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON. November 25. British Broken Hill, buyers 41s 3d, . jailers 43s Sd; Broken Hill, buyers 50s, jellers 51s 3d; Block 10, buyers 26s 3d, sellers 28s 9d; North Broken Hill, buyers 535, sellers 57s 6d; South. Broken Hill, buyers 43s 9d, sellers 46s 3d; Hampden, buyers 16s, sellers 17s. •BRITISH BROKENT HILL PAYS NO DIVIDEND. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON, November 25. •The profit of the British Broken Hill Company amounts to .£149,536. • In consequence of strikes it has been found necessary to maintain the financial, resources of the company; therefore the directors state that they do not feel justified in paying the usual dividend. LONDON SHHEPSKIN SALES. Jlessrs Dalsety and Company, Limited, are 'in receipt of a cable from their London house under date of the 24th instant reading as follows:—"Sheepskins, attendance of buyers at the sale is large, and competition good; 12.600 bales were offered and all sold. Prices for full"woolled merinos and fine crossbreds are ■ls per cent, hi.cher, medium crossbreds 10 per cent, higher., coarse crossbreds 5 per cent, higher. Low crossbreds are Irregular, and prices ore higher from f par to 10 per cent f Next sheepskin sale trill be ooened on January 15th, when 12,000 bales will ba offered." FRUIT AND PRODUCE WELLINGTON AtAEKETS, Owing to a much heavier increase in the supply of strawberries, this fruit has shown a considerable decline in 'prices, as predicted; in fact, thoy are et about the most reasonable level they •will be. with excellent quality showing. Chorries have also declined in price, as only to be expected, and lower rates will even yet have to be faced when the full of the season is on. Green plums are now marketed, and being a fresh arrival for this season are meeting with an .excellent inquiry. Goose*, berries aTe in good demand, despite the fact, that this fruit has been longest on the market for this season's fruit. New Zealand apples still maintain « food outlet, even in the face of Cali-ornian-grown being available. ..Tomatoes are fluctuating in supply and maintain iigh* prices according to what is offering on the day of sale. Island fruits have had a strong demand lately,, and further quantities are due about the second week of December, together with Californian oranges, lemons, and jipples. Apples, choice New Zealand dessert 20s to 22s per case, prime 14s to 18s, Ordinary varieties 10s to 12s; cookers, ;hoice 9s to 10s case, prime 8s to 8s 6d; strawberries, choice Is 2d to Is 5d box, 'prime lid to la; cherries, choice dessert 18s to 20s half-case, prime. 143 to 16s, small 10s to 12s; plums, cherry prime 4s 6d to 5s .half-case. POTATOES AND ONIONS. A hand-to-mouth inquiry oxists for old season's potatoes, the condition of «vhich at this time of the year is of course not especially good. In view of the fact that new potatoes are now coming forward, in much larger quantities and values have declined for these, and must further fall. old. season's tubers will be a neglected quantity short, ly. New potatoes are generally showing excellent quality and the season promises to be a good one. Further shipments of Victorian onions will bo represented by the Globe variety, expected here next week per s.s. Westralia. Californian-grown are still available and Are selling well. Potatoes, prime old £l2 to .£l2 10s per ton, good J2ll to JBll 10s; new potatoes, choice l|d to ljd per lb, small Id to lid; Californian onions, 33s to 35s crate. OTHER VEGETABLES. Cauliflowers are slightly firmer on the local market and good values are maintained; cabbages are arriving freely and command reasonable prices. Green peas are in excellent supply and present rates no doubt will furthjer'; decline. Mostly erery other line of vegetable commands strong attention. Cauliflowers, choice 12s to 14s sack, prime 8s to 10s, small 6s to 7s; canbages, choice 5s 6d to 6s 6d sack, prime 3s 6d to 4s 6d; cucumbers, large lis to 13s dozen, small 6s to 9s; carrots, choice red 18s to 20s sack, prime 12s to 14s; turnips 4s to 5s sack; broad beans, 3s to 4s bag; asparagus, largo bqndles lis to 13s dozen, small 7s to 9s; green peas, choice Is 6d to Is 7d peck, primo Is 2d to Is sd; lettuce; choice fresh 6s 6d to 7b 6d case, prime 3s to ss. EGGS. The market continues practically without alteration; supplies are arriv-

in" fairly freely and realising Is lt<l to 2s por dozen. rOULTRY. Hisli rates are maintained with insufficient supplies comins to hand for tinrequirements of the market. Roosters, priino young 10s to 12s pair, good heavy Gs to 8s; hens, prime young 7 s to S* pair, good 4s 6d to 5s Cd; ducks, 9s to 12s, according to quality; turkeys. Is 3d to Is 4d lb, live weight, WHOLESALE PRODUCE TRICES. Laery and Co., Ltd.. Allen street report wholesale prices as follow:—I'owl j wheat, good .vhoio 8s 3d por bushel, sacks extra; feed bar-ey, 6s par bushel, sacks in; maize, 9s per bushel, sacks m; feed potts, 7s per bushel, sacks extra; blue pea* ifor- boiling). 17s por bushel, sacks extra; oats feed Uartons. A grade 0s 3d per bushel, B grade 6s 2d per bushel, sacks extra; chaff, oaten sheaf, good bright, .£l2 las pw ton, sacks in, on trucks or f.0.b., Wellington; Farro food, -89 10s per ton, sacks in; flour, in sacks, £l6 10s per ton; potatoes, • whita table, -£l2 to -£l2 10s per ton, sacks in i Dakotos, £l2 10s to .£l3 per ton; oatmeal, 25's .£3O per ton; omone, Californian, Sss per case; fowls, hens, Hs to 9% choice roosters lis to 13s pair; ducks, Runners 10s pair, white ducks /'3s pair; turkeys, Is 3d to Is 4d per lb dead weight; butter, faruiexs' separator an bulk, Is 4Jd per lb, and in pound pats, Is 4d per Jb: eggs, fresh crates Is lid to 2s, fresh cases, Is lid market .steadv; dressed pork, choice 70's to9o\s,lsld lb, lOC's, Is per lb, ISO's Ud per lb, choppers, 8d per lb; beeswax, tfs .1:1 to 2s 6d per lb; choese, factory medium, caso lots HJd per lt>; rarbide, (splendid q.uality. in IDOlh drums. 40s drum; oyster shell grit, -£8 10» per ton; salt (coarse), <£B 10s per ton; salt (fine), cuts, -610 10s pur ton. LIVE STOCK BALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Dalgcty and Company, Limited, report having held their weekly stock sale at Levin last Tuesday, when they oftcred a good yarding of sheep and cattle. A good clearance at satisfactory prices was effected. The following are the principal quotations :-Fat ewes to £2 Is ba, forward ewes S3s to 34s fat woolly hoggets "34s to 365, shorn hoggets 13sJ Bd to 20s 6d, woolly hoggets 24s 6d to -0s da, fat cows -£S 15s to -815. store cows £6 18s to -67 2s fid, springing heifers .£8 10s to -E9, yearling heifers -S3 Ws to A, Vk, yearling bulls JE3 to £5 ss, Tealers -El os to £2 7s 6d. ■ •,...., , Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having held their monthly stock sale at To Horo on Wednesday, when tnej offered a small yarding of sheep and cattle. The following ' are the principal quotations:—Bwes and lambs £2 Is to A--ss, -ni.s. woolly hoggets 23s 6d to 2os od. m.s. shorn hoggets 17s 63 to 20s 3d, fat cows. .£l2 to .£l2 'los, p.a. cows and calves .£lO lis'to .£l2, store cows -E6 lis brt to £7 ss, yearling heifers £3 4s to £i os. Dalgety and Coinnany, Limited, report havine a small yardinc of sheep and cattle at their Palmerston North sale on ■Thursday, practically the whole of which was disposed of at prices as under:— Medium hoggets 26s 5d to 2<s, fat and forward ewes 35s 6d, yearling heifers £o to £7. small heifers £2 to 19s, yearling steers (small) £2 to £2 1-s, calves 16s. fat cows £l2 yearling bulls -24. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., • Limited. l N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report:—At Rangiotu sale on Mondav we had b, heavy yarding of cattle and fair entry of sheep. Bidding was slow, but we managed to clear most of the lines under the hammer at prices to smfcrvendorsr-Fat 8-tooth 43s shorn .2-tobths'24s-6d. ewes and lambs 435, small hoggets 23s 9d, fat cows -fill, forward cows -68 ss. store cows £4, 16s to £o St., emr-tv 2-year heifers -£5 18s, dairy coys JEI9 to £l7, yearlirut steers -62 to ±2 Ss 6d (xiotter) £6 to .211, dairy bulls MS to .416 W At Palmerston North sale on Thursday W 9 had a small entry. Bidding, was animated, and we cleared the yard at prices in advance of recent sales. Yvc quote :-Light fat ewes Sss, store cows £5 8s to £8 ss, forward cows £1 Ws, dairy cows £7 Ws to £8 l<te, yearling heifers .63 2a balls Xfc ' ' WELLINGTON KTCTSTOMS. . . The Customs revenue received at Wellington on Saturdav totalled -£2628 0s Bd.

Uuys ra. Bellei :»■ -£ e. d. X ». A. JHnlnir-r 0 10 6 6 — investment*---Inscribed Stock (1936) W 17 6 95 5 0 War Bonds (1U3S) SI 17 e — War Bonds (1930j 'Jo 12 6 — Tost Ulice fatoclc 9S 0 0 — Bank Australasia ., ~ 1B6 O 0 Uk. iS.Z. (..a U» 8tl;... H 17 6 — Bk. JN'.Z. (A-6 13s -Id)... IS 17 0 —• 13 3 0 Eciuitiibio Building ... 9 2 6 — 10 0 0 Wellington Uus- (Alt/) 10 15 0 11 s 0 Wellington Gas (pret.) 0 16 6 0 17 6 1 12 6 Sth. Brit. Insurance... — 9 0 0 Standard Insurance ... 2 19 3 — Colonial Sugar (Aust.) — 25 5 0 Colonial Sugar (i'iji)— 20 7 6 — N.2j. Refrigerating (10s) , - 1 4 3 Wn. Meat (Jti lis 6d) i 2 0 — J>. and U. (deterred) "6oo 0 0 — Union Steam (prof.)... 1 1 3 — Huddart-.farker (ord.) 2 9 3 2 10 0 9 10 0 Wn. Woollen (new) ... 5 10 0 5 17, 6 3 — 6 1 11 3 a — Taringamutu Totora... *1 2 0 — Crown Brewery 1 13 0 1 15 6 Ward and Co 5 10 0 —- N.Z. Consol. Dental ... 1 6 6 — * 8 0.15 11 6 — 3 . —r 1 2 6 *Lum div. JEx div.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 12

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 12

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLV, Issue 10450, 1 December 1919, Page 12