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SOCIAL ANX) PERSONAL. Dr Jessie Maddison, of Christchurch, who has been visiting Auckland, returns by to-day’s express, and will stay at the Royal Oak tor a few days beforp going south. The hostesses at the Soldiers’Club for the coming week will bo as follows: Sunday, Mrs Jacob Joseph; Monday, Wellington College Old Girls; Tuesday, Mrs D. Stewart; Wednesday. Mrs U. Earle; Thursday, Ladies of St. Mark’s; Priday, Mrs G. W. Russell; Saturday, Johnsonville Women’s National Reserve.

Mies Watchman, of the Greymouth Post Office, has been transferred to Wanganui.

Miss Boniwell, of the Sudan United Mission, who recently visited Wellington, is now in Greymouth.

Mr and Mrs C. A. Cameron, of Masterton, are visiting Auckland.

Miss 'C- Grimstone. who for the past IS months has held the position of supervisor at the Hastings telephone exchange. has been transferred to Palmerston North.

The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Navy League desire to thank the following ladies* for their generous gifts for our men of the Navv mercantile marine and smaller craft:—Miss Saunders’s School, Christchurch; Keep-on League, Napier; Marten Ladies, 'Mastartcuv Ladies, Mrs Clennel, Mrs Guy Powies. Mrs Harris, Miss Xiothenberg, Miss McGregor, Mr-C--Hedley. Mrs Ronayne,, Mrs Hording <Petone;; 13 cases. Technical Sohom; and Mrs McKenzie.

The ladies’ committee for Franco’s Day, held recently, is to meet in No*. 3 committee room. Town Hall, on Men. day. at 3 pin., to conclude the busiuees of the "day." ' The Miramar Bed Cross Sowing Guild stocked the Wellington Red Cross Shop, yesterday with cakes, produce, etc., and had a successful day’s sa.e, the sum of UHO 13s 7d being handed in. This included the sale ?of flowers by Misses Cooper and Moss. ' -

On June 21 tb, at the Basilica, Wellington, a very quiet wedding took place, when Miss jl. McDonnell, fourth daughter of the late Mr and Mrs L. ■McDonnell, of Auckland, was married to Mr J. A- Farquhar, only son of the late Mr and lira William Farquhar, at Blenheim.

The local branch of the Countess of Liverpool Fund has opened a shop at IST, Lambtou quay, in Uie ilotol Arcadia Buildings, for cne sale of the special articles the ' workers make for soldiers—shirts, socks, anti-vermin shirts, leather waistcoats, housewives, etc. Purchasers can also have soldiers' parcels made up from 5s to XOs, postage' paid. ' These parcels will contain cake, shortbread, sweets, tobacco, cigarettes, jam, muk, cocoa, etc.; ■ in■ fact, .anything the_ purchaser likes .to have included, and are very good value. 1 - The shop - has been open several days, and already good ■business has been done, and the promoters hope to considerably increase their fund when the venture becomes better known. All money received at the shop goes into sending comforts to the men at the front, so purchasers will know they are helping a good cause, ns well as obtaining good value for their money.

■ Violet I>a.r being fixed for August Ist there is not much time for preparation, but the" committee is making arrangements F£> that the ■ day should be a memorable one. The funds collected are to go towards swelling the "Copper Trail," and making ud some of that long lead at present held by Auckland in the race. Contributions of violets and all kinds of flowers, produce, ergs, etc... are invited, and should be sent to Harcourt’s rooms on the previous day. A novelty will bo a potplant stall, which Miss S. Brandon will hold near lice’s steps, and' in addition to those already promised the Kelhurn jLadies’ Presbyterian Guild will have a stall at the top of the Kelbu.rn tram, which they, will stock themselves. Altogether a very successful dar should result. "The bill of fare’’ provided by Miss Re Van Staveren for our seafarers at the Sailors’ Friend Society pn Thursday .highly delighted her audience, who demanded, many encores. Mr Moore, missioner. from the chair expressed the thanks of the society and the men to Wellington residents for their bright evenings ashore. ' The performers were : The Misses Van- Staveren. A. Duncan, L. Anderson, M. Johnson. and R. Staveren, and Messrs ,C. Moore and Taylor. Miss K. Mclntosh was at the piano. Cheery bits of fun were sent up in the competitions. and prizes from Upper Willis street presented to . the winners. A pretty wedding took place at Rosebank. Kaituna. the residence of tbe bride’s raothdr recently when Miss Lillian Lash, daughter of Mrs ,E. A. Skilton. was, married to' Mr i'rcd William Tyree, of Rockville. The Rev. C. Widduo was the officiating clergyman. The bride was attended by her sister Alice. ■ The bridegroom was attended bv Mr Paul Baigent, of Takaka. Both are returned soldiers. The bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a bracelet watch, and to the bridesmaid an initialled bracelet. The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a set of military brushes. A dainty afternoon tea was served to about a, hundred guests during which the usual toasts were .honoured. The happy 'couple left per car en route for a tour of the North Island before settling down in their home in Rockville. A tribute _ was paid to Mrs P. E. Baumo by the .Minister for Education at the conference with the Education Board in Auckland, when, he expressed bis ap/>eciaition lof the interest Mis Baume had taken in domestic , sconce, and her efforts to have its principles inculcated. This was a phase ?f, work, the Minister thought, that could not bo over-estimated in helping to , build up home life and in making for the efficiency of the .home.

The most grateful and appreciated application ever made. Listen a moment, "Culteno” Balm: what will it do? Ask the many of Miss Milsom's clients, who are never without it, because its effect is like magic. ApplTed as directed even ta tjxe faded and sallow skin, it will renew it in on o application, leaving not the slightest trace of makesup. The day cream of all creams. The sales of this Balm (price 3s 6d) have enormously increased of late. Why, because of its uniform quality and its secret, goodness. And the other preparations: Cultcne Skin Food (3s), wifi prove its f vaiue. It is a night cream. Wash nest day with Milsom's Mild Herbal Soap , (IsJ. Use Milsom’s Hygienic Face Powder—a skin food jn powder form.. . All shades (2s 6d and 4s 6d). Miss Milsom, 94, Willis street. Tel. 814.—Advt.

A woman's crowning beauty is her hair, but when hair commences to grow on the face it is.'indeed, a cause of much anxiety. Every lady suffering from hairy growth will be pleased to learn that these can bo removed for over by uaiii" TIUSMA.’’ It is an inexpensive treat" mont within everyone s reach, and does not put you to any inconvenience. All you have to do can bo done in the privacy of your own apartment. Wo specially want those sufferers who have tried other method ic write us, and let us prove that KUSMA wul dp all we claim for it. You will be doiighted to learn how easily and surely superfluous nair can bo permanently and painlessly removed. to-day to Mrs ilullen. Toilet’ Specialist (next ITunket Nurses’ Depot), 3a. Courtenay place, Wellington. —Advfc

•Mrs Hart, wife of Brigadier-General H. £>. Hart, C.M,G.. H.S.O. arrived iback an Carterton, ou i uesuoy. aitei an. extended visit to England. olio also visited France when the Brigadier wasseverely massed. She has now gone tc Eketahuna for a few days. A quiet wedding- was solemnised at All Saints’ Church, Palmerston North, on Thursday, when Mr Walter Bailey Stock, oldest son of the late Mr C. K. Stock, J.P.. of New Plymouth, and Mrs Stock, of Palmerston North was married •to Mrs Rachael Matthews Peatie,_ of Palmerston North. Tho Rev. H. G. Blackburn© was the officiating-clergyman., and tho bride was .given away by Mr L. Driver, of Palmerston North. - Miss b. Dove attended as bridesmaid, and Mr D* Lundv acted as best man. After the ceremonv a reception was held at the White House tearooms, where the usual toasts were honoured.

A brittuc-actio-entertainment was that given by tne thupio Co urtiers last mgut m tne concoifr'chumoex. to aui e>t. Mtu*i ox tue Augers uaza-ar. ’ Xucstage was, nuug with: white curcaj.ii boraeied with a uahd or purple, ana aims no a at th© toy wxtn purpxc; iuaettes. The Courtiers wore coMUiucb of purple faced with pare yeliow, oiu they uressed ior too various songs appropriately so. that lucre were manj cnajufcs of costume. The ■ ladies wore preuy ovening frocks, ou some occasions ail white, made with the deep friilcu skirts; in tho “Nuts and May" scena the first two added ..white sports ©out* and black hats. and. later discarded these ior urinal veils. A. pretty scene .-was that attached to Hiss Mciuerney's Chinese songs. AH were in Ohineee drets and' in tho chorus the appearance oi Chinese lanterns through the curtains and afterwards carried by the singers was very effective.

Last Thursday night the last of the senes oi Ventures by Dr. Platts-Mii-: tuog place nt the Y.W.C.A. ‘A cuiudho, ame -rime ibeforo the Idsture uottau every - available seat was "taken ana many had to leave the building idi want w j-oom. unis lecture was a resume of tho five that, preceded it on “Physioiogy and Sex Hygiene,” with the addition of some lantern slides to illustrate some of the subiects- upon which tho doctor had given' infraction. A most helpful period of time was again spent in answering questions- that haa been sent in bv the audience. ■ At the close of -the lecture one and another from the audience rose to'express their cratituda. 'to- Dr.-Platts-MiHs'and, to the Y.W.C-A.' for -affording this opportunity: Miss Hunt. M.A.. thanked the doctor ns a representative of the Y.W.C.A Educational Committee, and Mrs Pearson, president, in the name of the Board of Directors. One of the girl members presented Dr. Platts-Mills with a beautiful posy of violets and tiny flowers before the singing of the National Anthem.

The Blue Triangle' of the. Y.W.C.A. Hut is fast becoming a.foaturoof munition towns and army'oarops in "Franco ’ where girls aia 'beihg senl ih inc’roaeiiig' numbers. The Y.W.C.A. hut'is hh important factor in tho lives of the bravo women of tho Women's Auxiliary Army Corps. - The opportunity of helping in tho building and equipment of these much-needed 'tbits of home'' comes to the associations of the United Kingdom, to Canada, to Australasia. It is a cause that appeals, to safeguard the women who have unselfishly offered themselves for work, in order that men able and willing- for; released. There are probably no women or girls in th© world who have felt the deprivations and restrictions of war conditions less than wo who are far from the actual conflict. There are over thirty huts w*ith the Y.W.C.A. Blue Triangle nailed in front in addition to many in Home commands, and more are still urgently needed. In Calais there is a hut built at a cost <xf .£13(10 given by girls of iLondon to the city Campaign hold in-the winter.;,- In- Boulogne there is another Blue Triangle Hut, the gift of , the inhabitants of a small town, collected by two, elderly men. one of whom said: "A letter of thanks from a. girl at the front is sufficient thanks for all I’ve done." W.C.T.U. The monthly meeting of tho Wellington Central Union .was., held at the Y.M.C.A. rooms, yesterday afternoon. Mrs McDonald. presiding, ... In response to Mrs Nimmo’- appeal it was decided to join with the District Union in holding a "Sailors* .Day" in aid of minesweepers and crews of torpedoed vessels. Several letters of thanks sent to Mrs Nimmo by sailors who had received woollen comforts sent last year, were read. These letters showed how acceptable the gifts had been. Mrs Nimmo explained that owing to the uncertainty of transport she was anxious to- send as much possible this yfear. A paper wrii ten by Mrs (Dr) Godfrey on "How Prohibition was Won in Manitoba" was read by Mrs McDonald. Mrs Godfrey,., who was in Manitoba when the vote was taken, gave an interesting account of the campaign which had been waged for sixteen years before victory was won. RED CROSS FUND. The honorary treasurer of the Wellington branch of the British Red Cross and Order of; St-John acknowledges re- : coipt of tho following additional contributions:—Wellington Red Cross shop, £1200; Taihnpe sub-Centro British Red Cross, £sooi; New Plymouth "Copper Trail" Fund. £440: Wairoa Lady Liverpool and Red. Cross Society, £X7S: Dannovirkb branch Red Cross Society, South Block effort, £175; Mlarton Patriotic shoo, Hunterville , Countess of: lilverpoci and Red Cross. Guild,. 10s; Wanganui suh-Centre Brmsn tied Cross, £SO; County of Egmont Patriotic League. £3O: Mannkau 'branch- Red Cross society. ,£2O: Moutoa Sick and Wounded Soldiers’ Fund. Ladies’ Guild, £l7 ss; New Plymouth branch British Red Cross £10: Stratford Red Cross Guild, £5; J. Ramsay, per Newman. Red Cross, 6s Gti. THE HAIR. The care of the hair involves the care of the scalp, and in order to promote a growth of luxuriant hair of rich appearance and lustre the scalp must receive attention. Falling hair, premature greyncss, loss of tone and vitality can generally attributed to a scalp that needs stimulating or that is covered to a certain extent with dandruff, which is the primary cause of seborrhoea.

Mrs Eollee ton's homo treatment for the hair has gained tluv distinction. of being ono of the .host and most reliable over placed on sale. The' preparations arc remedies for the condition of tho scalp,, and are specially prepared, acceding to the, diagnoses from the microscopical 'examination of hair combings, a sample of which is sent with order. Cost of preparations for three months homo treatment, with instructions, 16s Gd. postage Ifi extra.

MKS HOIiLESTON, 256, I^mbtoi^uay,

Toilet preparations of exceptional merit are obtainable at tlio Boudoir Camille. Cooper's Buildings, Willia street. "La-vender-Ammonia* is a delightful new preparation for the toilot. It renders water soft, and imparts to it a delicate perfume. ' Our Facial and .Vanishing Creams are noted for their soothinc Qualities. ’Phone 4533. —Advt.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 10028, 20 July 1918, Page 11

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NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 10028, 20 July 1918, Page 11

NOTES FOR WOMEN New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 10028, 20 July 1918, Page 11