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AitHSI hing Opportunities TO SAVE MONEY AT <s» CO.’S GREAT BARGAIN FAIR. 31-33-35 WILLIS STREET WELLINGTON;: Just to advertise the dosing-down of this Great Fair, we have decided to give to every purchaser of 10/6 worth of goods, or over, on mentioning the et New Zealand Times,” a Gift of a Genuine Guaranteed Fountain Pen, FREE OF CHARGE. T *"* •'* Here is a big list of Bargains / select what you want, and mail us your order. Send the amount of your purchase by money order or postal note, and we will send you the Goods by Href return mall. If Goods are not up to expectations we shall readily exchange them. . CELLULOID TOOTH BRUSH HOLDERS, to hold six brushes. Usual Trice 2s Gd. Sale- Price 16, ; BORIC LINT. Usual Price Is. Sale Prico'Gd packet. CUTICURA OINTMENT. Usual Price Is 6d. Sale Price 3s 3d tin. WOODEN TOOTH PICKS. Usual Price 3s Sale Price;2a, box, of 300. IN CANDESCENT , GAS CHIMNEYS,. Usual Price 3d. Sale Price 3 for ' Is 3d. SUNLIGHT .SOAP. Uotml Price, Is 4d box. Sale Price, Jo Id box. LIFEBUOY SOAP. Usual Price, 4ld oake. Sale Price. 3 for 101 d. LULLABY SOAP. Usual Price, 4d cake. Sale Price 4 cakes for is. ERASMIC TOILET SOAP, Usual Price, 4|d cake. Sale Price, 4 cakes for Is. ERASMIC HERB SOAP. Usual Price. 9d cake. Sale Price, 3 cakes for , Is 3d. , ... - ERASMIC PEERLESS SOAP.- , UsualPrice, lOd. cake. Sale Price, 2s box of 3. UNCLE. SAM’S TAR SOAP, Usual Price, 9d cake. Sals Price, Cid cake. LAVA SALT-WATER SOAP. Usual Price, 8d cake.. Sale Price, Bd cake. COLGATE'S CASHMERE. BOUQUET SOAP, large. Usual Price,' Is 6d. Sale Price. Is 3d cake. COLGATE’S CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP. small. Usual Price, lOd Sale Price, 8d cake. COLGATE’S OATMEAL SOAP, small. Usual Price, Bd' cake. Sale' Price, Gd cake. COLGATE’S . OATMEAL ' SOAP, 1 large. Usual Price, fe 3d cake. bale Price, 2s 3d box of 3. COLGATE'S CASTILE SOAP. Usual r , r:, ak c. Sale Price, '7d cake. TURKISH BATH SOAP. Usual Price; 6d cake. Sale Price, 3 for Hid...-. . , COLOSSAL BATH bOAP. Usual Price. lOd cake. Sale Price, 7d cake. COLGATE’S NATURAL ROSE SOAP. ■ Usual Price. Is 2d cake; Bale Price B£d cake, COLGATE'S -NATURAL VIOLET. SOAP. Usual Price, IV 2d : :: cake’.'Sale Price. Bid cake. .- 1 COLGATE'S WHITE CLEMATIS SOAP. Usual Price lOd. cake. SalePrice, 2s box of 3. • COLGATE'S. OCTAGON SOAP. Usual Price, .Is cake. Sale price, Bd. cake. CUTICURA SOAP. Usual Price,-is’ 8d cake. Sale Price Is 4£d cake.-- ,- ;v FAIREANK'S GLYCERINE, TARSOAP. Usual Price, tkl cake. Sale Price, Bd.cake. WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP. Usual Price, lOd cake. Sale Price, . Bdcake. WORKMAN’S TAR SOAP. UsvtaV Price, 9d cake, bale Price,' 5d cake, VINUcEi IUUTII SOAP. Usual; Price, 3d cake;- bale Price, 3 cakes for Is. ROCKPELLOW’S LAUNRDY SOAP. Usual Price, 9d cake. bale Price, 3 for Is. LYSOL SOAP. Usual Price Is cake. Sale Price, 8d cake. WILDWOOD SOAP, assorted. Usual Price. Is Bd box. Sale Price, 1 lid box. STERNE’S PEROXIDE BATH SOAP Usual Price, Is oake. Sale Price, 75d cake. STERNE’S BIG BATH SOAP. Usual Price, Is 3d cake. Sale Price, 9d cake. . STERNE'S OATMEAL. BUTTER MILK, and WITCH HAZEL SOAPS. Usual Price, lOd cake. Sale Price. 7-Jd- cake. GOODWIN’S CARBOLIC SOAP. Usual Price, 3d cake. Sale Price, 4 for Is. ERASMIC BALL SOAP. Usual Price, Bd ball. Sale Price. 3 balls for 10id. KIRK’S SAPOCUTI SOAP. Usual Price, Is 6d cake. Sale Price. Is cake. .JURGEN’S BENZOIN AND ALMOND SOAP. Usual Price, Is Cd cake. Sale Price, KUd cake. CLEAVER'S SCENTED SOAP. Usual Price, 1054 . Sale Price .Is 9d box of 3. M'CLINTON’ S BARILLA SOAP, large. Usual Price, Bid cake. Sale Price, 41d oake. M'CLINTON 1 S BARILLA SOAP, small. Usual Price, Is 2d box. Sale Price, 101 box of 3. Boxes containing 3 bottles of PERFUME, one cake SOAP, and one packet VIOLET POWDER. . Usual Price, Is Bd box. Sale Price, Is box. FIELD’S FLOATING BATH SOAP. Usual Price, 71(1 cake. Sale Price, 51d cake. SOAP BABIES. Usual Price. 6d each. Sale Price, 3d each. ROGER AND GALLET’S TOOTH CREAM. Usual Price, Is 6d. Sale Price, 3» tube. BKEIDENBACH’S ENGLISH TOOTH PASTE. Usual Price. Is 6d. Sale Price. Ilia lube. KOKBN’S CREME SNOW, large. Usual Price, 2s lid. Sale Price, Is lid jar. EBONY-BACK LADIES' WHALEBONE BRUSHES. Usual Price. 8s 6d each. Sale Price. 4s lid. CLOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price. Bid each. VERNA CREAM, no-n-greasy. Usual Price 2s lid. , Sale Price, 2s jar. CAMPHORATED OIL. Usual Price. Is Bd. Sale Price. Od bottle. ■ ROGER and GALLEX’S BKILLAN. TINE. Usual price. Is Gd. Sale Price.-Hid bottle. BREIDENbaCH’S brillantine. Usual .Price,. Is Bd. . Sale Price, Is bottle. PICARD FREBES' BRILLANTINE. Usual Price, 2s Bd. Sale Price, Is Bd bottle. DUPRAT'S BRILLANTINE. Usual Price, -Is 3d. Sale Price, bottle. ST. THOMAS’S BAY RUM, 8-oz. Price, Is Bd. Sale Price, l(l£d bottle. AMERICAN BAX LEAF BAX.RUM, Boz. Usual Price, Is Bd. Sale Price, Is bottle. LIME-JUICE AND GLYCERINE, 4oz. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, Set bottle. WIOLEXTA HAIR TONIC. Usual Price, 3a Bd bottle. Sale Price, Is lid - bottle. PETROLEUM JELLY. Usual Price, 4d bottle. Sale Price. 5 for Is. - COCOANUT OIL. Usual Price 9d. Price, Bid not. , ERAbMio SHAVING STICKS. Usual . Price, Is Bd. Sale Price, 10ld stick. CAMPHOR ICE, Cheeseborougli’s. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price, 9d tin. COLGATE'S SHAVING STICKS. Usual Pries lg Bd. Sale Price Is Id stick. COLGATE’S SHAVING STICKS, email. Usual Price Is. Sale Price 8d stick. / - CRADDOCK’S MEDICATED SHAVING SOAP. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price Is stick. ELSO SHAVIN/G SOAP. Usual Price Is. Sale Price 4id stick. M'CLINTON’S SHAVING SOAP. - Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price ’ Is stick. ' MENNEN’S SHAVING CREAM. , Usual Price 2s. Sale Price Is 6d tube. COLGATE'S SHAVING CREAM. : Utuial Price, Is 9d. Sale Pricej Is 2d tube. JOHNSON’S SHAVING CREAM. , - Usual Price, Is 9d. Sale Price, Is 3d tube. , ; M'CLINTON’S SHAVING CREAM. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price, Is tube. BREIDENBAGH'S ALMOND SHAVING CREAM. Usual Price, 2s Bd. Sale Price, Is 9d pot. : COLGATE’S SHAVING POWDER. ■ large. Usual Price. Is 6d. Sale Price. Is Id tin. COLGATE'S SHaVING POWDER, small. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price. . 9id tin. ATKINSON’S , SHAVING POWDER, large. Usual Price. Is Bd. Sale Price, Is tin. VINOLIA SHAVING SOAP. Usual Price, Is 3d. Sale Price, Bld. COLGATE’S DENTAL CREAM. Usual Price, Is Bel. Sale Price. Is tube. COLGATE’S DENTAL CREAM (small). Usual Price, lOd. Sale Price, 7d tube. KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE, with small tube free. Sale Price, lg Bd. DR. LYON'S TOOTH CREAM. Usual Price, Is Bd. Sale Price. Is tube. ROGER AND GABLET’S ASSORTED SOAPS. Usual Price, Is Bd cake. Sale Price, Is 4ld cake. OLIVE OIL CASTILE. SOAP. Usual Price, 9d cake. Sale Price, Bd cake. WHITE BUTTERMILK SOAP. Usual Price 25d cake. Sale Price 8 cakes for Is. SAFETY PINS. ASSORTED. Usual Price Is. Sale Price Bid box of 100. KOKEN’S ADONIS- CREAM. Usual Price, Is 6d. Sale Price Is jar; JOUBET’S PEROXIDE CREAM. Usual Price, is Bd pot. Sale Price, Is pot. PICARD FRERES’ FACE POWDER. Usual Price, 5s Bd. Sale Price, 3s Bd box. PEAR’S VIOLET POWDER. Usual Price. 9d. Sale Price, Bd tin. KALODERMA PACE POWDER. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is box. TETLOW’S PACE POWDER. Usual Price, 3s Bd. Sale Price 2s box. MARCH VIOLET FACE POWDER. Usual Price 2s Bd. Sale Price, ■ Hid bos. RIVER'S LE TREFLE. ETC., POWDEES. Usual Price. 5s 6d. Sale Price, 4s Bd box. POMPADOUR FACE POWDER. Usual. Price. 3s Bd. Sale Price, Is Bd box. PIVER’S POM-DEE. Usual Price. ■ 3s Bd. • Sale Price. 2s Bd box. ROGER AND GALLET’S VELOUTEE POWDER. Usual Price. 2s Bd. Sale Price, is JH box. LANE’S TALC POWDERS. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price. 4id tin. MENNEN’S TALC POWDERS. Assorted Perfumes. Usual Price, la 9d. Sale Price. Is 3d tin. BRIGHTON AND RUnE POWDERS. Usual Price, Sale Price. 91d tin. SELMO TALC POWDER. Price. Is. Sale Price. Bid tin. JERGEN’S TALC POWDER (large size). Usual Price, 2s 9d. Sale Price. Is IOW tin. ARTHUR’S TALC POWDER. Violet and Rose. Usual Price. 2a Hd. Sale Price, 2s tin. TALC Is Gd. Usual JERGEN’S TALC POWDER. Usual Price. Is Bd. Sale Price, Hid tin. JOUHHRj.' S TALC POWDER (large). Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is 3d tin. COLGATE'S TALC POWDER. Usual Price, is Ba. bole Price, • Hid uu. XARDhEZ’S TALC POWDER. Usual Price. Is Ba. Sale Price, Is tin. TONKIKG’S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price, 4id tin. VINOLA TOOTH PASTE. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price Is tube. COLGATE’S TOOTH POWDER. Usual Price, la 9d. Sale Price, Is 3d bottU. JOUEErx’S MASSAGE CREAM, Usual Price, 3s Bd. Sale Price, 2s Bd jar. HAZbLINB SNOW. Usual Price, Is 9d. Sale Price Is 3d jar. JEKGEN’S BENZOIN AND AL- - MOND LOTION. Usual Price. 2s 9d. Sale Price Is 4|d bottle. JEBGEN'S BENZOIN AND ALMOND LOTION, small. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is Id per bottle. KOKBN’S ROSE .CREAM. Usual Price 23. Sale Price, Bd per bottle. CUCUMBER AND GLYCERINE. Usual Price, Is 9d. Sale Price, Is 3d per bottle. CREME SIMON. Usual Price 2s 6d. Sale Price, Is 9d tube. JOUBERT’S BEAUTY ROUGE. Usual Price. 2a. Sale Price, Is 3d bottle. ROSALINE. Usual Price, 2s 3d. Sale Price, Is Bd pot. EAU-DE-DENTIFRICB. Usual Price. Is Bd. Sale Price, Is bottle. MENNEN’S COLD CREAM. Usual Price. 2s. Sale Price, Is Bd tube. COLGATE'S COLD CREAM. Usual Price, 2s. Sale Price, Is 3d. tube. LANOLINE. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, Bd tube. ZAM-BUK OINTMENT. Usual Price, Is 9d. Sale Price, Is Gd tin. BOEHM’S POMADE HONGEOISE. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 6d. WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price, 9d bottle. ROSEMARY AND CANTHAEIDINE HAIR WASH. Usual Price, 3s Gd. Sale Price, 2s Bd bottle. BORACIC OINTMENT. Usual Price. Is. Sale Price, Bd bottle. POMADE HONGEOISE, LESCOLS. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price, 4ld tube. RECORD NOTE BOOKS. Hid doz. MARVEL WRITING PADS. Usual Price 9d each. Sale Price 3 for Is 3d. 300-PAGE LINEN WRITING PAD Usual Price 2s. Sale Price Is 3d. 400-PAGE LINEN WRITING PAD. ' Usual Price 2s Gd. Sale Price Is 7id. 200-PAGE PERFECTION WRITING PAD. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price 3 for 2s 9d. CAMBRIC LINEN WRITING PADS, in blue, green, gray, and erdam. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price 3 for 2s Cd. i NEW ROLLED LINEN ENVELOPES. Usual Price Bd packet. Sale Price 4 for Is. LARGE SIZE MANILA ENVELOPES. Usual Price, 1$ 6d for 100. Sale Price, Is for 100. FOREIGN ENVELOPES. Usual Price Bd packet. Sale Price 3 for 101 d. LADIES’ “DAINTY” PADS. Usual Price 9d. Sale Price 3 for Is 3d. OFFICIAL ENVELOPES. Usual Price Is packet. Sale Price Bd. STUDENTS' EXERCISE BOOKS. Usual Price 3d each. Sale Price 8 for Is. THINKERS’ EXERCISE BOOKS. Usual Price 2d. Sale Price 12 for Is. STRONG CARPENTERS’ PENCILS. Usual Price Is Bd doz. Sale Price 9d. H.B. LEAD PENCILS. Usual Price Is doz. Sale Price 75d. RECORD PENCIL SETS. Usual Price 3s 6d. Sale Price Is 9d. PAPER SERVIETTES. Usual Price Is 3d ner 100. Sale Price 9d. SCHOOL PENCILS, with Rubber Tops. Usual Price 2s doz. Sale Price Is. PRINTING SETS, with Rubber Type. Usual Price 2s Hd. Sale Jg BLACK CROW INDELIBLE MARKING INK. Usual Price Sd. Sale Price 6d. IVORY AND LINEN PLAYING CARDS. Usual Price 2s. Sale SCHOOL OUTFITS. Usual Price 3s Bd. Sale Price Is lid set. '■ SCHOOL COMPASS SETS. Usual Price Is Bd. Sale Price 95d, i-PINT BUTTLES MEEK’S INK. ■ Usual Price 9d. Sale Price 51 d botcle. INK PENCILS. Usual Price Bd. each. Sale Price 4 for Is. STIFF-COVERED NOTE-BOOKS. Usual Price 4d each. Sale Price 2s 3d dozen. SCHOOL PEN NIBS. Usual Price 3d doz. Sale Price Is 9d gross. WRITING PADS. Usual Price 4d each. Sal© Price 5 for Is. FOUNTAIN-PEN CLIPS. Usual Price 9d. Sale Price Bd each. Will take two or three pencils. STRONG LEATHER • POCKET BOOK. Usual Price 2s Hd. Bale Price Is Hd. SUiiiD PIU-oKIN LETTER CASES. ■ Usual Price 2s Bd. Sale Price Is. BRIDGE SCURjbitS. Usual- Price Bd each. Sale Price 3 tor is. .' ANTLuONY SERVIETTE BINGS. Usual Price Is. Sale Price 44d. \V EGGING Usual Price Bd each. Sale Price 3s Hd a dozen. “REG ELEPHANT” ' STYLO PEN, fitted with spiral .spring needle. Usual Price 12s Bd. Sale Price 7s Hd. “E VERXBODY’S” SELF-FILLING ■ FOUNTAIN PEN. 14ct. gold nib; each pen guaranteed. Usual Price 17s Bd. Sale Price 10s Gd. .. THE “WHIPPET” STYLOGRAPHIG PEN, fitted with spiral spring needle. Usual Price 12s Bd. Bale Price 7s Hd. H.B. STXLOGEAPHIC PENS. Usual Price 5s 9d. Sale Price 2s Hd. WILLIS PLAYING CARDS. Usual Price Is. Bale Price 9d a pack. PUMP - FILLING FOUNTAIN PENS. Usual Price 2s. Sale Price 7Jd. . SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PENS. Usual Price 2s Hd. Sale Price Is Bd. PUMP - PILLING FOUNTAIN PENS. Usual Price 2s Bd. Sale Price Is Bd. The “ERIC” SELF-FILLING FOUN-TAIN-PENS. 14ct. gold nib: each pen guaranteed. Usual Price, 21s. Sale Price, 12s-Bd. ' ' H.B. FOUNTAIN-PEN, 14ct. gold nib. Usual Price, 12s Bd. Sale Price, 6s 6d. ' RUBBER HOLDALLS, suitable for Soldiers. Usual Price. 10s Bd. Sale Price, 6s Hd each. RUBBER ■ SPONGE BAGS. Usual Price. 2e 9d. . Sale Price, Is Bd each. COTTON .WOOL. Usual Price, 3s Hd. Sal© Price; 2s Bd lb. packet. WIOLEXTA-COUGH CURE. Usual Price. 2s'Bd. Sale Price, 9Jd bottle. MUHLEN’S TOILET ' VINEGAR. Usual Pi-ice, Is Hid. ' Sale Price. 9ld bottle. , ASSORTED, 'PERFUMES./ all well--1 known makers’. Hart's Special Price to Clear, Iflld each. CHEESEBOEOUGH’S ' • VASELINE Usual Trice i)a bottle. 'Sale Trice 3 bottles for Is 2d. LADIES' BACK 'COMBS. Usual Price Is. Sal© Price 3d each. BRILLIANT HAIR ORNAMENTS. Usual Price Is Bd. Sal© Prico 4id each. LADIES’ AMBER .COMBS. Usual Price, Is Bd. Sale Price 4id each. SCENT SACHETS. Usual Price, 3d each. Sale Price. 6 for Is. ATKINSON’S PERFUME. Usual Price 2s Bd. Saje Price, lg bottle. ; PAPER POWDERS.- Usual Price. 9d. Sale Price. 3d each. VANITY BOXES.- Usual Price. 3s. Sale Price, 3d each. TOOTH BRUSHES.' Usual Price, ‘ls. Sale Price. 6d each. TOOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price.; 9d. Sale Price. 4W each. TOOTH BRUSHES. Usual Price. Bd. Sale Price. 3d each. NUGGET BOOT POLISH. Price, 3d tin. , Sale Price, for Is. UNBREAKABLE COMBS. Price. Is. Sale Price. Bd each. STERLING CINNAMON CHEWING GUM. _ Usual Price. 3d packet. Sal© Price, 10 packets for Is. PEAR’S FULLER’S EARTH. Usual Price, 9d. Sale Price. Bd tin. TALCUM PUFFS. Usual Price, Is. Sale Price. ‘Bd each. 4 only Fancy Glass' BISCUIT BAR. RELS, E.P.N.S. Lids and Handles. Usual Price 14s Bd. Sal© Price 6s Hd. 3 only Oak BISCUIT BARRELS, E.P.N.S. Bands, Lids end Handles. Usual Price 22s Gd. Sale Price 9s Hd. 1 only Canadian Plat© SOUP TUREEN. Usual Price 32s Sd. Sale Price 12s Hd. 2 only E.P.N.S. SHAVING MUGS. Usual Price 21s. Sale Price 9s Hd. 2 only 4-Piece E.P.N.S. TEA and COFFEE SETS, with Trays complete. Usual Price 755. Sale Price 2 only 4-Bottle E.P.N.S. CRUETS. Usual Price 14s 6d. Sale Pnpe 6s Hd, 3 only Canadian Plate BREAD AND , CAKE DISHES. Usual Price 10s • Bd. Sal© Price 3s Hd. 1 only E.P.N.3. CHEESE DISH. Usual Price 455. Sale Price 21s. 1 only E.P.N.S. ENTREE DISH. Usual Price 50s. Sal© Price 24s Bd. 2 only 2-bottle OAK SPIRIT STANDS. Usual Price 22s Bd. Sale Price 11s 6d. 1 only E.P.N.S. HOT WATER KETTLE. Usual Price 755. Sale Pric© 25s Hd. X only E.P.N.S. HOT WATER KB J.TLB. Usual Price 62s 6d. Sale Price 21e. 1 only E.P.N.S. HOT WATER KETTLE. Usual Price 52s Bd. Sale Price 19s Bd. 2 only E.P.N.S. SUGAR BASINS. Usual Price 12s Bd. Sale Price 5s Hd. 2 only E.P.N.S. CREAM JUGS. Usual Price 12s Bd. Sale Pric© 5s Hd. 1 only E.P.N.S. BREAD BOARD, with handles. Usual Price 42s Bd. Sale Price 20s. Usual 5 tins Usual 2 only E.P.N.S. CAKE TRAYS, with handles. Usual Price 40s. Sole Price 18s Hd. i 3 only E.P.N.S. TEA POTS, slightly ” dented. Usual Price 21s. Sale Price 8s Hd. 4 only E.P.N.S. TEA STRAINERS., - Usual Price 3s Gd. Sole Price 1* ed. 1 only E.P.N.S. 2-bottle PICKLE'" JAR. Usual Pric© 85a. Sale Price 17s Bd. ' 1 only E.P.N.S. 6-bottlo CRUET. Usual Price 21s. Sale Price 21s Bd. 2 only E.P.N.S. TEA POTS. Usual Price 255. Sal© Pride 13s Hd. 1 only E.P.N.S. TABLE GONa;, Usual Price'27s Bd. Sale 1 Price 13s Hd. " ' " 1 ' only E.P.N.S. FRUIT STAND, with glass dish 16 inches high. Usual Price 555. Sale Price 26© Hd. 2 only E.P.N.S. SUGAR BASINS. Usual Price 18s Bd. Sale Prico 7s Hd. 3 only E.P.N.S. S-PiSW TEA r S£lff " with tray complete. ' Usual ’Pried'’ 355. Sale Price 18s Hd. 2 only White Metal 3-Bracket CANDLESTICKS. Usual Price 30s. Sale Price 14s lid. 3 only E.P.N.S. CANDLESTICKS. Usual Price Bs' Bd. Sale Price 8s 3d. 1 only 7-Piece E.IbN.S.'BRBAKFABT - EGG CRUET. Usual Price 32s Bd. Sale Price 18s Bd. ' 3 only Yadroon JAM DISHES, in.... E.P. Frames. Usual Price 3s Bd. . Bale Price Is Bid. 1 only 2-Bottie E.P.N.S. INKSTAND. . Usual Price 27s 6d. Sale Price 13s ■ Cd. ...... 2 only 3-Bottle CRUETS. Usual • Price 10s Bd. Sale Price 4s lid. • / 1 only Sterling Silver-back HAIR 1 BRUSH, good sterling bristle. Usual Price 37a Bd. Sal© Price 18s Hd. 1 only Sterling Silver-back HAIR - BRUSH. Usual Pric© 255. Sale Price Hs Bd. t' 1 only Sterling Silver-back HAIR’” 1 BRUSH. Usual Price 21s. Sale ■ Fried Us Xld* * 1 only E.P.N.S. Back HAIR BRUSH. ! Usual Price 17s Bd. Sale Price 6s Hd. - 1 only E.P.N.S. ROSE BOWL, on , stand. Usual Price 455. Sale Price 21s • wv 1 only E.P.N.S. PRESENTATION vD CUP, 12 inches high by 41 inches. Usual Price 955. Bale Price, 38s Bd. , 2 only Good China BISCUIT BAR-' RELS, with E.P.N.S. Lids and Handles. Usual Price 21s. Sale • Price 9s Hd. 1 only Fancy Double China JAM, DISH, with E.P.N.S. Stand. Usual Price 21s. Sal© Price Se Hd. 2 only E.P.N.S. TOAST RACKS. Usual Price 7s Bd. Sale Price Ss ’Hd. 1 ■ Cotes’ HAIB-CUTTXN»“M-AOHINES, cuts three lengths. Usual- Pr-iea-Ms. w •. Sale Price-Us Bd. HaIR-0 UTTING MACHINES, with ; ! 2 extra blades. Usual Price '7a 64, Sal© Price 4s Hd. ALUMINIUM SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS. Usual ■ Price la Bd. pair. Sale Price 10id. SILVER HAKDJijtT - "BUTTON- ,« HOOKS. Ueuai»wpricw»>2s. Sale i - LOCKWOOD BROS.' SHEFFIELD Z PAMPA GUARANTEED— J>ES* SBRT KNIVES. Usual Price 15s. Bd I-doz. Sale' Price 12 Bd halfdoz. \ SOLID NICKEL .-SHEBA- TEASPOONS. Usual-, Price, 3s Bd 4-doz. Sale Price 2s fidi.l-doti - a SOLID ALUMINIUJWCEA SPOONS.--Usual Price 4e Bd> do«©«--SaJo Price”; -2s Bd doz. - ■-« JONES’ PATEN®-, NICKEDPLAT-ED-HANDLE -DESSERT AND TABLE bySouthern and Richardson, Sheffied.' Usual Price 25s doz. - SalePrice 7s Bd half-doz.'. LOCKWOOD . BROS." BHEFPiELI) PAMPA GUARANTEED TABLE. KNIVES. Usual’“Prico 17s Bd t-doz. Sale Price 13s' Gd Half-doz. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON’S BONE HANDLE DESSERT KNIVES. Usual Price 13s Bd doz. Sale Price 4s 64 half-doz. SOUTHERN AND RICHARDSON'S BONE-RIVETTED-HANDLE DES- ' SERT KNIVES, slightly 'wiled. Usual .Price 12s 6d doz. Sale Price 3s lid half-doz. WINGFIELD EOWBOTHAM’S DESSERT and TABLE KNIVkS. Usual Price 21s doz. Sale Price ’ 7s Bd half-doz. ' JOSEPH RODGERS’ 3-PIECE CARV-, ; ' EKS, jn lined case. Xyioiut* Handles, Usual Price 22s Bd. Sale ’ Price 10s Bd. XYLONITE HANDLE DESSERT AND TABLE , KfvTVES.- - UsualPrice Is 3d, . Sao -Price - Ibid each. JOSEPH RODGERS 2-PIECE SHEFFIELD CAR.V je.RS, Xyionite - Handles. Usual Price 10s 6d. Sale, Price 5e Hd. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON'S 2PIECE STAG-HANDLE' CARVERS. Usual Prico 6s Hd. Sale Price 3s 6d. ELECTRO-PLATED BREAD AND CAKE TRAYS. Usual Price 10s Bd. Sale Prico 3s Hd. Al E.P.N.S. “MARCUS PLATE” TABLE FORKS and SPOONS. Usual Price 27s 6d 5-doz. Sale Price 22s 6d half-doz.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLII, Issue 9784, 6 October 1917, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XLII, Issue 9784, 6 October 1917, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XLII, Issue 9784, 6 October 1917, Page 11