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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTEEDAY’S QUOTATIONS. MINING. Murray Creek, old. pd—ll.3o a.m., s il bii. Murray Creek, new, pd—ll.3o a.m., b Vs picru. New a.m, b Is 2d. s Is 4d; 3. 1 d P.m., bls 2u. sls 4d. itoes Reconstructed —11.3 J a.m., b Be 9d: 3.1 c p.m.; b Is 2u, s Is 4d. 'Talisman Consolidated—ll.3o a.m., b £2, s£2 0s 6<l, sale rz 0s 3d (reported); 3.1 c p.m., b £2, s £2 Os 6d. Waihi—ll.3o a.m., b £2 5s 9d, s £2 €s, sales £2 5s 9d (reported), £2 5s 9d (’Change); 3.15 p.m., b £2 5a 3d, s £2 5s 9d. Waibi Grand J unction—ll.3o a.m., b £l. Is 3d, s £1 la &d;, sales £1 Is, £1 Is 3d, £1 Is 6d (’Change); 3,15 p.m.. b £l. e £1 la, sades £1 0s lOd. £1 to 9d, £1 Oe 9d (reported). Waitangi Consolidated N.L.—11.30 a.m., b 7d, s 9d; 3.15 p.m.. b 7d, s Bid. Worksop Dredge— p.m., n £2 17s to, a £3 10s.

Note.—Tho letter ”b" signifies buyers and ’s” sellers. IN VESTMENT STOCKS. Buyers. Sellers. Bates. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d

BANKS— National of N.Z

old 5 4 0 National of N.Z. new 5 10 FINANCIAL— Metrop. Permanent. £lO ... ... N.Z. and E. Plato Land ... ...' 1 19 9 Wel’n Invest T. .... and A 0 12 0 JAS Wellington. £10... 15 3 9 Wellington, pref.

XNSUD.ANCEStandard of N.Z. 1 10 6

HEAT I’iIBSERVINOChnstchurch Meat Cc> 15 2 6 T Gear Meat Oo£4 12 7 6 Gear Meat Coil 3 4 0 Wgton. Meat Export, a 12s M ... 3 0 0 35 0, BIIU’PING — N.Z. Shipping Co lo 0 0

1 tl A 1. — Westport ... 1 7 6 Wcstport-Stookton 0 4 0 TTMUEB— Leyland O’Brien

M an Eu usGoiden Bay Ce- ... meat Maiming and Co. 4 2 6 auunaud and Go., pref. ... ... Ward - ami C 0.... 5 2 0 W.F.G.A.. £2 ~ 18 3


Press Association. AUCKLAND, July 15. Sales at this morning's call on the Stock Exchange:— Ross, 9s. Crown, Is 74. W uihn 45s 9d. 45s ,6d. DUNEDIN, July 15. Stock Exchange sales reported:— Waihi. 45s (two parcels), 465. . Waihi Grand Junction, 20s 4d, 20b 9d. Kaiapoi VV oollen (pref.),. £5 3s. New. Zealand Paper Mills, 16a. LONDON. July 14. Stock Exchange quotations include:— Waihi Gold Mining, 43s 9d (buyers), and 45s (sellers). Grand Junction, 19s and 20s 9d. Talisman, 35s and 40s.

COMMERCIAL GABLES By Telegraph—Frees Association—Oopyr'glit LONDON, July 13. FROZEN MEAT MARKET. The Incorporated Society of Meat Importers’ Smithfield market quotations toi die undermentioned classes or frozen .neat are based on actual sales of not less than one hundred carcases of matron or lamb or twenty-live quarters of beef'of fair average quality. The quotadons are not for selected lines, but foi parcels fairly representative of the bulk of the shipments now on the market. The prices which follow are'on the aver age a farthing per lb more than the values ex ship, this difference representing an average cost in expense, handling, conveyance and selling the meat. July 5. July 12. r d d Mutton— ~ Canterbury, light 4J 1-1 Canterbury, medium... 4 i 4f Canterbury, heavy 4i 4-4 Soutulaud * * North Island, best 44 44 North Island, ordinary 4 3-16 4 3-16 New Zealand, ewes ... 313-16 313-16 Australian, right 3 5-lti 3f Australian, Heavy '* * Australian, ewes 311-16 311-16 River Plate, light ... * * Liver Plate, heavy ... 4J .44 River Plate, ewes 34 3J Iwutib Canterbury, light 6 5| Canterbury, medium... 5J 54 Canterbury, heavy ... 5 44 Southland 52 54 North Island, best 5| 5| ' North Island, ordinary 5j 54 Australian, beat * * Australian, fair * * Australian, inferior ... * * River Plate, best ...... * • River Plate, seconds ... • • Frozen Beef— New Zealand, fores ... 34 34 New Zealand, hinds ... 44 44 Australian, fores 3 3-16 3 3-16 Australian, hinds ...... 4 4 River Plate, "foies 3 1-16 3 1-16 River Plate, hinds ... 44 44 Chilled Beef— River Plate, fores - 3 34 River Plate, hinds 5 5-16 54 •None offering. RABBITS. The trade in rabbits remains dull and inactive. HIDES. At the hides sales there was a small and unattractive supply and a meagre attendance of buyers. Practically no business was done. Bight hundred and eighty-eight bundles of Australasian basils were sold. Firsts brought 17fd; seconds, 154 d. SILVER. Bar silver is quoted at 27 1-I6d per ounce standard. The rise is due to the covering of Indian "bear” operations. LONDON. July 14. Bar silver is quoted at 26 15-16 d per ounce standard. WHEAT. In view of the new wheat crop, several steamers have been chartered for Australia on the basis of 31s 3d for the United Kingdom and the Continent. HIGH COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram fiom the High Commissioner, dated London, July Uiih. (iNote. —Quotations unless otherwise specified are average market prices on spot): — Mutton. —The market is weaker, though not actually lower except for light weight, which may bo quoted id per ib lower. The cause is stated to be lower prices for heavy weight lamb. Canterbury, 4-jd par lb; North Island, 4id. Lamb.—The market is vary weak. Holders are unloading even at a loss. There has been a decline of id per lb for all grades. Canterbury two’s, s|d per lb; heavy weight four’s. 4£d; other than Canterbury, 53d. Beef. —The market is firm. There is so change in prices. The market fox

■hilled beef is,firmer. Hinds, old per b: fores, Sid. ... River Plate shipments received during he month of June, 1913: Mutton. , Lamb. London 88,794 21,<19 Liverpool 173,570 60,235 • hrdift 4.060 lull 5,600 48.9 Southampton 4.500 2 C(9 Plymouth 686 *4O Ireland 2,292 753 278,544 86,4-1.. June, 1912 234,141 100,697 Butter—The market is quiet, and there .a a good demand. There is no change i;i prices. The supply ol Siberian exceeds tho demand. Considerable quantities have been put in store. Cheese. —The market is firm and prices oontihuo to advance. New Zealand stocks are very light. The Ruapehu has arrived and is now discharging. New Zealand white, per cwt, 61s; coloured, 65s (id. Canadian finest white, CDs 6d; coloured, 645. Cheshire, finest, 735, English cheddar, finest, GSs. Hemp.—The mark*-: is quiet; small business doing in New Zealand during this week on account of the depressed condition of Manila market. New Zealand good fair grade, nothing offering here. Nominal quotations. £2B lbs to .£29 c.i.f. New Zealand fair grade ruled steady, about £25 15s, but is now easier h 9 £24 19s c.i.f.; spot, £25; July to September, fair current Manila. £29. The output from Manila for the week was 12,009 bales. Wool.—Current Bradford quotations for tops are: —3G's, low crossbreds. 15Jd per lb; 40'«, low crossbreds, IGd; 44’s, medium crossbreds, IGJd; 59’s, half-breds, JUjd; 59’s, . quarter-breds. 23d; 60’s, merinos, 2iQd. Merino quotations era unchanged. Crossbreds (mutilated word omitted here). Market quiet and values of tops slightly lower: LONDON WOOL SALES. LONDON, July 13._

At the wool sales there was a fair selection of merinos, and competition waa keen at the highest prices of tho senes. To date 123.85 S bales have been catalogued and 194.784 sold. The following prices were realised for the fleece portions of the clips named “VV'akarua,” top price hid, average U'4-i ■ ‘’Thistle,’’ 14d and 12Jd; “Benchan,” 2. d and 24|d. LONDON, July 14. At the wool sales, a miscellaneous cafalogue, principally crossbreds, was offered. There were some withdrawals. Prices generally were unchanged. WELLINGTON MAKKETS Laery and Co., Ltd., wholesale produce oiei'cnaUi-s, Alien burn, report, pr.c_s . uu the u eillngiou mari.el i>, iullows :—Fowls’ wheat. 4s 5d to 5s 5d per bushel, fowls' hurley, 3s Id per bu-suel; Gape barley, seed, 2s 4d per u uusUgxT ; Odtoi bfceu iis to lis od, bushel; oats, seed Algerians, 3s to 3s 3d, nuns 3s; maize, 6s to 5s 3d per bushel; Prussian blue peas, 5s 6d per busnel; partridge peas, 4s 3d to 4s 6d per ou; t>ucrot>eiAO jjor ton; uour» xalihs brand £9 17s 6d ton; oatmeal, £ls per ton; pollard, £6 15s to £7 per ton; bran. £5 to £5 5s per ton; eluth, prime oalensheaf, £5 10s per ton; chalf. straw £3 15s por ton; straw, £3 per ton; lactory bacon, sbouluers 9d per lb, smes 19d per lb, hams lid, rolls lid per lb; factory cheese, loaf size 7d per lb; factory cheese, medium size 6d per lb; honey, bulk, in 661 b tins, 41 d per lb;, margarine, in 281 b tins, per lb; whole linseed. 16s per cwt; linseed, ground 20s per cwt; linseed, cake 14s per cwt; linseed nuts. 14s per cwt; basic slag, £4 per ton; sujieiphosphates, £4 15s to £5 per ton; rolled oats, 9s Gd per dozen; potatoes, table £5 5s to £5 10s per ton; potatoes, seed Beauty of Hebron £8 5a ton; Early Rose £8 ss, seed Up-to-datcs £5 15s. Breeze’s Prolific £6.' Gamekeeper £6 10s, Northern Star £5 10a., British Queen £6 10s; onions, Victorian £9 10s to £lO pen tea.

PALMERSTON MARKET REPORT Harry Palmer reports a brisk market in ail deportments. Tnere was again a very keen demand for all classes of pigs on Saturday. Cood average entries were received and nrices, particularly for weanors, were a snade Hotter than last iveet. There was a good entry of poultry, and prices were well maintained. Turkeys are in keen demand. This remarie also applies to pigs. At the present time the bulk of tho pigs and poultry soid are going to Wellington, Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay. bteady business is bein- done with produce, and all prices are firm. There is a particular scarcity of horse carrots, swedes and maugoldv Quotations : —Pigs> weaners 9s 3d to 10s 3d. slips 12s to 16s 6d, stores 19s to 23s 6d, porkers 25s to 33=. sow £3, turkev gobblers is to 10s 6d each, turkey hens 7s 9d to 8s 3d each, ducks 5s to 6s 6d, pullets 3s to 7s 6d, hens, layers 4s to 5s 3d. mixed sorts and boilers 3s 9d to 4s 6d. cockerels 4s to 6s 6d, ail at »er pair. Prune potatoes 11s to 12s sack, carrots ss, parsnips 4s to ss, mangolds 2s 6d, pumpkins 8s to 9s, celery Is doz, lettuce 6d doz, cabbage 2s 6<l to 3s 6d, onions X2s cwt, apples, Washingtons Bs. Stunners 8s to 9s, half cases 4s to 4s 6d. farmers' bacon 74d to 8d lb. hams 8d to lOd per lb, eggs Is 7d to Is 9d, wheat 16s barley 11s 6d to 12s, chaff 3s to 3s 6d sack hay 3s 6d truss*

LIVE STOCK SALES AUCTIONEERS’ REPORTS. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. At Himatangi on. Monday we had a good entry of sheep and cattle, the latter including a number of dairy cows. Prices: —Store ewes 8s 6d. mixed sheep 14s Id. mixed hoggets 12s 4d to 14s, woolly ewe lambs 13s lid to 14s 6d. mixed age ewes in lamb 15s 7d, 2-tooth ewes in lamb 16s Gd. old cows 35s to £2, store cows AV? to £3 9s 9d, fat cows £o to <£6 14s, cows in milk T 3 2s 5d to X 5 2s 6d. dairy cows £5 to TG, others T 6 15s to £7 17s 6d, and from £0 to .£lO. Dalgety and Co., Ltd. At Marton yesterday there was a full yarding and a good demand. Every lino changed hands. Prices :—Small 2-tooth ewes 10s, medium 2-tooth ewes 16s 2d, ewe hoggets 14s 6d. fat ewes 16s 9d. forward wethers ISs. wether hoggets 13s lOd to ,14s 2d, mixed hoggets 12s lid. A PUMP SEPARATOR IS THE BEGINNING OF A LARGE BANKING ACCOUNT. One of the greatest aids m raising the percentage of prolits on the farm, is to cut the cost of production. Had we still recourse to the old hand-skimming method of winning the cream with a pop forated scoop, dairy faming would not be worth "powder and shot.” Thants to a generation of progress—and principally to the ingenious invention known as the "Pump” Separator—dairy farming is a more profitable game than ever. The wonderfully clean skimming of the

"Pump” is a leal "cost of production reducer.’’ The official test shows only 0.02 per cent, of fat left in the skim milk—truly a great performance I Thus you will see that from extra butter-fat alone, the "Pump” is a profit winner far above the average. A "Pump” Sanarator is yours, Mr Parmer, at a saving of pounds in money; while it will make additional profits, at less cost and with greater efficiency. Write for particulars of our Free Trial offer. The "Pump” Separator No. 13 capacity 33 gallons per hour. Cash price, £l3 10s; terms, ,€ll 10s. Joseph Nathan and Co., Ltd., Queen street, Palmerston North. •

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8481, 16 July 1913, Page 4

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8481, 16 July 1913, Page 4

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8481, 16 July 1913, Page 4