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AVELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE, YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS. MINING. Kuranui Caledonian—ll.3o a.m., s Is; 3.L. a lid. l.iay Queen—ll.3o a-m., b 3d. Hurray Creek new issue)—ll.3o a.m., li 7s; 3.15. b 7s. Murray Creek (old issue)— a.m., b ss' 9d (prem); 3.1 e, bss 9d (i|rem). New Sylvia/—11.30 a.m. b 10d, s Is; 3.13. sales 10jd (reported). Ross keconsbrctea—ll.3o a.m., b Ss 6d, e 5s 9d; 3.15, b 5s 6u, S 6s 9d. Swastika.—, b 5s (prem). Talisman Consolidated—ll.3o a.m, s £2, soles £2 (reported); 3.15, b £1 19s 6d, s £2. AVaihi—ll,3o a.m., b £1 13s 6d, s £1 13s 9d, sales £1 15s 9d (reported); 3.15, s £1 14s, sales £1 13s 9d (reported). AVaihi Grand Junction—ll.3o a.tru, b £1 Is 3d. s £1 Is 9d; 3.15, a £1 Is 9d. VVaiotohi—ll.3o a-m., s 2s; 3.15 s 2s. AVaitaegi Consolidated N.L.—11.30 a.m., b 3d, s 6d; 3.15. s 7d. AVatchman— a.m., e 2s Bd. Note.—The letter "b” signifies buyers and “s” sellers. INVESTMENT STOCKS.

E. AV. B. Homabrook, 153. Featberston street, AVellington, member Stock Exchange Specialising in Mining Strip. Trustwortuy Correspondence from all Mining Centres. Telegraphic address:. "Homabrook. AVek liugton. » QUOTATIONS ELSEWHERE. Press Association. AUCKLAND, February 25. Sales at this morning’s call on the Stock Exchange: Talisman, 40s. New Zealand Insurance, £5 4s 6d. South British, 755. Afternoon call; New Sylvia, lid. Victoria, 2id. Waiotahi, 33s 6d. Waihi Grand Junction, 21s 6d. Auckland Trams, 24s 9d, 255. Wilson's Cement (ordinary), 325. CHRISTCHURCH, February 25. Stock Exchange sales: Christchurch Gas, JB7 10s. New Zealand Insurance, £5 ss. New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative, 6s. DUNEDIN, February 25. Stock Exchange sales reported : Union Steamship Co., 49s (two parcels), 49s 3d. Miilbum Cement, 375. LONDON, February 24. Stock Exchange quotations include: Waihi Goldmining, 31s lOd (buyers) and 33s Id (sellers). Grand Junction, 21s and 225. Talisman. 38s 9d and 41s 3d. COMMERCIAL CABLES By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright LONDON, February 24. SILVER. Bar silver is quoted at 23 l-16d per ounce standard. WOOL SALES. LONDON, February 34. For the next series of wool sales opening on March 4th, the arrivals total 420,690 bales. Of this amount there has been forwarded to the manufacturers direct 270,000 bales, leaving 155,000 bales available for the sales. SOUTHERN GRAIN MARKETS Preen Association. CHRISTCHURCH, February 25. The local wheat market is a little firmer, though the demand is purely local. The fact that, besides the area being shorter, the yields are much below those of last year, is affecting the position. The grain, however, has bean harvested under generally favourable conditions, and beyond some of the samples being on the thin side, there will be little or no damaged grain. Tuscan is now quoted at Ss 5d and 3s 5Jd, Hunter’s 3s SJd. and 3s 6d, and'pearl 3s 6(d and 3s 7d. The oats market, on the other hand, has a still easier tone, as no business can bo done with the North Island on tho basis of present values. Buyers for tho timo being are, therefore, not operating, and at the same timo growers are not prepared to accept lower prices. The cocksfoot market is much easier since it opened, and for Peninsula seed 3d to 3(d is all that is being offered; and the demand is not very keen. Very little business is being done in new ryegrass, as samples are too light to command any attention. Offerings of good seed are unusually small this season. FRUIT AND PRODUCE AVELLINGTON MARKETS. Supplies of several descriptions of fruit have not been so heavy of late, with the result that there is a slightly hardening tendency noticeable in the local markets; this applies more particularly to nectarines, plums, and peaches. Both dessert apples and pears, as may be anticipated, are arriving freely, and consequently the market has not had an opportunity of advancing. Tomatoes still continue to arrive freely and values continue to exist at a nominal level. Grapes being in plentiful supply from New South AVales are not commanding anything like high rates. It is reported that practically very few, if any, will come forward again this season from South Australia as the volume available there is small and much higher rates are existing in that quarter. Some locally

grown passion fruit have been marketed during the week, and have sold well, but being on the small side higher rates were out of the question. It ie anticipated that in addition to grapes from Sydney to-day the steamer will discharge a moderate quantity of Mediterranean lemons and New South Wales pears and water melons. The usual monthly shipment of bananas is due by ■ the direct steamer from Rarotonga on Thursday, and as a heavy shipment is not expected an excellent demand should be met with for all choice' green fruit. The first of the season's oranges from the Cook Islands may also come forward by the Aorangi. Apples, choice dessert 6s to 6s bd case, prime 5s to 5e Gd,. cookers (choice) 3s 6d to As case, prime 2s 6d to 3s; Cape gooseberries 4fd to 5d lb; pears, choice dessert 5s to 5s Gd case, prime Ss Gd to 4s Gd, stewing 3s 6d to 4s case; tomatoes, choice ripe 3a 6d to 4s half case, prime 2s Gd to 3s: peaches, choice dessert 4s Gd to 5s half case, prime 3a to 3s 6d, others 2s to Bs* plums, choice dessert 3s 6d to 4s half case, prime 2s 6d 3s; . gr |f € t ) to 9d lb; nectarines, choice 4s 6d to 5s half case. POTATOES AND ONIONS. There has been a distinct cessation in the supply of new potatoes coming forward, with the result that the local market is only fairly supplied at the present time; in fact a strong tone is oeing exhibited. Southern potatoes are now on otter, and they should be on the market this week. The demand continues strong for onions, with very few ottering; in fact supplies are barely sufficient lor requirements. Wet weather in the south had been, a oohtributing, factor to supplies not being greatly in evidence, together with a large export inquiry. Potatoes. choice A 7 ids to *1:8 ids per ton; onions, choice A 7 to A 3 per ton, OTHER VEGETABLES. Cauliflowers nave advanced in price during the past day or two, whilst marrows, green peas, pie melons, swedes and pumpkins are maintaining excellent attention. , , _ , Cauliflowers, choice 5s Gd to 7s sack, prime 3s Gd to 4s Gd; cabbages, choice 3» to 3a Gd sack, prime 2s to as Gd; carrots, 4s to 6s sack; green peas, <s to 10s part sack; beetroot, 4s to 5s sack; pie melons, 7s to Gs sack; pumpkins, is to 8s sack; marrows. Is to 2s case; swedes 5Us to GOs ton; lettuce, Is to Is Gd case. EGGS. Preserved eggs are now making their appearance on the market, and are hava fair demand at Is 2d per dozen, with fresh selling at Is 5d per dozen. Laery and Co.. Ltd., wholesale produce merchants, Allen street, report prices ruling on the Wellington market:Fowls’ wheat, 4s 2d to 4s 4d per bushel, fowls’ barley, best 3s 3d per bushel; Cape barley, seed 3s 4d per bushel; oats, short feed 2s 8d to 3s per bushel; oats, seed Algerians 3s 3d; onto, Duns 2s lOd to maize, 4s 9d to 5s per bushel; Prussian blue peas, 5s 9d to 6s bushel; partridge peas. 3s 9d to 4s 3d per bushel; norso beans, te 2d to te 4d per bushel; sucrosene, A? per ton; flour. Atlas brand AJ lie 6d' per ton: oatmeal* «£l3 to AI3 10a per ton; pollard. A 7 5s to A 7 10s ton;peameal AG per ton; bran, A 5 os to A 5 100 per ton; ohail, prime oatsheaf A 5 per ton- chafi, straw A 3 15s per ton; straw, baled A2 10s to A 3 per ton; factory bacon, shoulders Sd per lb; sides, SJdf per lb; hams, 10d per lb; rolls, 10id per lb; factory cheese, medium size 6*d per lb- factory cheese, loat size 7id per lb, honey, hulk, in 581 b tins 4id per lb; margarine, in 281 b tins Bid per lb; whole linseed, 18s per cwt; linseed, ground 22s per cwi:; linseed, cake 14s per cwt; lin-

seed nuts, 13s Gd per cwt; basic slag. A 4 6s per ton; superphosphates, A 4 15s to A 5 P«i ton; rolled oats, 9s Gd per dozen; rolled oate, bulk 16s per 100; potatoes, prime table A 8 to A 9 per ton; onions, A 7 to A 9 per ton. LIVE STOCK, SALES AUCTIONEERS’ REPORTS. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. At Himitangi on Monday we had a heavy yarding' of sheep and cattle. A very nice line of Romney ewes on account of Mr James Robinson realised 13s Id Quotations: Cull lambs 3s to 4s 3d. cull owes 2s lOd to 3s Id, s.m, ewes 9s 3d to 10s sd, 4-year Romney ewes 13s Id, Romney rams (aged) 20s to A2, weaner steers 25s to 2is Gd, weaner heifers 35s to A2 4s Gd, weaner Jersey cross heifers A2 10s to A 3 4s, cows in calf A 3 to A 3 Bs, cows with calves A4,2s Gd, springing cows A 4 17s Gd, heifers in calf A 3 17a Gd to AS ss, 2i-year steers Ao, 3-year steers Jt&f bulls 10s to «£7, slips los tkl to 18s Gd. Abraham and Williams* Ltd. At Marten yesterday there was a heavy yarding of sheep, some 9000 being yardea, the bulk of wmch were sold under the hammer. A small entry of cattle sold at late rates. Prices: Shorn B.L. rape lambs lost shorn S.B. rope lambs 10s, woolly lames 8s 9d to 10s Id medium lambs is 3d to 8s 4d, stubble lambs 5s to 6s Jd, culls 2s lid to te 3d. 2-tooth wether lambs 5d to 9s Id, 2-tooth ewes 13s Gd to 15s 3d, small 2-tooth ewes 11s 9d, 4-toottt Romney ewes to 18s, 4 and 5-year ewes is 5d to 9b Bd, cull ewes 2a to te Id, fat and forward ewes to 11s 6d, fat ewes 13s At to 13s Gd. 4-tooth wethers 15s id to IGs, S.D. rams 34s to A2 2s, Romney rams A 1 to 25s aged rams 9s to 13s Gd, weaner steels 22s Gd to 35s Gd, cows and calves A 3, forcows A 3 IGs, dairy cows to A 7. old cows 37s Gd, weaner betters 3<te, 20-montha heifers A 4, store pigs26s to 28s 6d. WELLINGTON CUSTOMS The Customs revenue received at Well ington yesterday totalled JC2845 15a lid*

Bayers. Sellers. Sales.BANKS— Rational of N.Z.. £ 6, d. £ s. d. £ b. d, Ltd. FINANCIAL— •Equitable Building 6 0 0 Co., Ltd. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile N.Z. and R. Plate 0 9 3 9 12 6 - Land, Ltd. Wol’n. Invest T.A. — 1 19 0 — do.. Ltd. GAS— 0 U 0 Christchurch, £5 — 7 12 6 — Fcilrting — 1 0 3 — Wellington, prof. INSURANCE0 19 9 1 0 3 1 0 0* Now Zealand ... 5 4 0 MEAT PUESEEV1NGCiirlstcliurch Meat 5 6 0 Co SHIPPING— 15 10 0 K.Z. Shipping Oo. — 17 0 0 1 .*iou btoamship — il AN OPACTDILINtt— Kaiapoi ’Woollen, 2 9 6 2 9 3* ordinary. — WeUinjfton Wool'll, ordinary ... 3 12 0 COAL— 5 5 0 - Taupiri ... — 1 3 0 — Westport ... „ TIMBER— 1 7 6 1 B 0 1 7 9* Leyland O’Brien MiSOBLLANEOUSQolden Bay Ce16 0 merit Go. N.Z. Portland Ce1 0 3 — ment Sharland and Co., — 0 19 9 “ Ltd., ordinary Whitoombo and _ 1 1 a — Tombs, Ltd. ... 6 8 6 — W.F.C.A., £1 ... — •Reported 1 9 0 —

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8364, 26 February 1913, Page 4

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8364, 26 February 1913, Page 4

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8364, 26 February 1913, Page 4