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Last nisht the Governor and Lady Islington entertained eoma hundreds ot truest* at a bail at Government House, 't'le* rif'cm-jttin’iK ’.v.-r* on a most elalxtrato" scale. AIL tl.o corners and alcoves in tho ball.-oom were decorated 'Vila P’A pl-inls ami pots oi brilliant enmeon and yellow- poinsettias; the rose drawingrooms wore gay with rose-coloured rhodotlumlrorj* ou sprays oi briar raso, the mantli-picces were- banked wuli tho ricii-coloured llowcrs, and every available resting place supported vases ot tin- same, in tho blue room were blue hydrangeas and yellow dallodils, wh?*© the billiardroom was turned into a bulfct. lor rol’resdiments, the raid l.iuffet bein'- decorated with white and yellow narcßssi. while in the centre stood a large gold howl ('tiled with narcissi and birch foliage. Snipper was laid in the ,1 i n ingroom" 1 and corridor adjoining, at otiiall 3 tables, and. hero the decorations were white (lowers, cyclamen, orchids, snowdrops, an;! narcissi, in crystal bowlr* each tabic centred with gold candeiahra with red shades,. tho whole creating a moat brilliant effect. Abe decoration scheme was carried out by Aliss Prebblc. Tlte Vice-Uegal set was as follows: His Excellency tho Governor and Mrs Herdman; tho Hon. James Allen and Ladv Islington; General Godley and Lady Williams; the Hon. A. L. nan and Mrs Godley; Sir Joshua Williams and Mrs Stanford: the Hon. U. Eraser and Ladv Uuasell; Sir VV. Eusjcll and Mrs Etshor; Commander btop--I'ord and Lady Wurth THE EXCESSES.

Lady Islington wore a gown ot white and Silver brocade opening over a lace underskirt, tho Iwdico ornamented with diamantu embroidery. Slio wore a spray of aquamarines an.l liamomts, a iaige aquanuilino poudant. uiaiuoiiu. unci emerald tiara and necklet. Ladv Ward, palo grey and silver brocade. Urn skirt Urapoa over an underskirt of silver, and tiie bodice ot the brocade and silvtir embroidery veiled with silver net. Mrs Herdman, pale pink with an overdress of white lace. Mrs Fisher, whito ninon over silk, finished with narrow frills and lines of silver' beading. . Lady Williams, black satin and lace with jot trimming. Lady Russell. a handsome gown ol black laco over whito silk. Mrs Stonford,. white ninon edged with narrow crystal fringe, over whito eharmeuse. ... Sira Godley, grey charmouso with lines of jewelled, embroidery in pale tones and a corsage drape of fine lace. Mrs Roberts (Invercargill) deep blue charmouso and ninon wit li panels of embroidered gold net finished with heavy fringe. Mrs Noel Adams, white satin with nn. overdress of powder blue ninon embroidered in self-coloured silk and gold Vavasours pale blue satin with tunic-of fawn fisher—net edged- with crystal fringe. .’ Miss "Nancy Wilson, pannier dress ot striped floral silk in shades of pink ovei an underskirt of plain colour, with a xoal laco fichu. _ The Hon. Joan Dickson-Poyndcr, simple frock of palo pink ninon over whito silk with a pink satin sash. Miss Stapleton-Cotton, ■ blue charjnouso with laco ori the corsage. Mrs Guise, pale pink ninon finished with narrow frills. . Mies Vormwald, white channeliseMrs Eocke, black net embroidered with silver, over whito silk. Miss Harcourt, pale heliotrope satin, corsage drape of real lace. Mrs Cooper (Palmerston North), white satin with panels of gold laco. Mrs K. Duncan, grey and gold brocade with draped effect. Mrs T. G. Macarthy) rose and white brocade draped over an underdress of silvoir laco mounted on white satin, and a. pink osprey in her hair. Mrs Fitchett, black velvet draped with Honiton laco in one-sided effect, and finished with turquoise and silver embroidery. Mrs (Dr) Collins, pole mauve brocade with panel train, and fiebu of dewdrop chiffon in dull blue color, with diamond ornaments. Mrs Wilford, dress of Royal bluo ninon heavily embroidered in silk thread over whito satin. Mrs ’Elgar, pink charmouso trimmed with crystal emboridery and finished with black chiffon. -Mrs Cockburn-Hood, black net l embroidered in silk and finished with black fringe over whito satin. Mrs Louisson. dead rose ninon with lines of gold embroidery, and touches of palo blue on tho corsage. Mrs Hubert Nathan, black ninon overwhite, with rosettes and bodice finishing of Ma Mio Rosette pink chiffon. Miss Tweed, green ninon over gold embroidered tissue. Mrs Heard,' whito brocade with heavygold embroideries. Mrs Knox, whito satin finished with wide bands of crystal trimming. Mrs C. H. Johnstone, black oharmeuso with wide panels of ninon, edged with jet and silver galon, and a whito paradise plume in her hair. Mrs A. Newton, saxo blue silk with silver trimming. - - ■ - ■ Mrs Turrell, white silk with floral chiffon scarves. Mrs A. Johnson, pale pink silk with panniers of floral - chiffon* the corsage finished with Honiton lace. Mrs Kane, black brocade, with drape of limerick laco finished with pink roses. . ~ Miss Somerville, black ninon embroidered jn silver- over whito silk. Mrs Mason, dull bluo ninon over gold spotted black net. Mrs Holmes, royal blue over scarlet with embroideries to match. Mrs W. Turnbull, black ninon and channelise, with trimming of jet bugles and crystal iu long lines. Mrs Christie, mole ninon over tangarine silk, with bandeau of Tjrilliants in her hair.

Miss Hislop, rpalo grey charmeuse draped with Honiton lace. Mrs Arthur Myers, real lace draped over white 'satin.

Mrs (Dr) Herbert, pale pink brocade and white lace.

Mrs J. Dykes, pale blue and maize brocade, with .draped effect. Mrs Phillips Turner, black satin finished with red roses.

Miss Payne, bjack ninon oyer coronation blue satin, with blue and black embroideries and black fringe. Mrs H., Crawford,' white satin, with long panel train, edged with crystal galon.

Airs J. Tripe, pale yellow ninon over charmeuse, finished with narrow bands of fur.

Mrs McLaren, black satin and Honitcm lace.

Mrs J. P. Luke, black velvet and silver trimming. Airs (Dr) Anderson, ‘white charmeuse, trimmed with lace.

Miss Eileen Ward, saxo blue charmeuse end ninon finished with crystal fringe. Miss Eraser, black silk draped with dowdrop ninon in emerald green. Mrs Knox Gilmer, black satin with lace panels.

Mrs Richardson, grey charmeuse with silver net and touches of tangarino velvet.

Miss Eoeke, green and rose shot ninon,. With green, osprey in her hair.

Mrs F. Lockio. white satin and lace. Miss Watson, sax© blue ami *' (debutante), pretty fro"k of white charmeuse cut into points and finished with lines of sliver emb.oidery.

LIST OF INVITATIONS. The following invitations were issued Mr and Mrs H. A. J. Abbott, Mr and. .Mrs .1. W. Abbott. Protestor and Mrs Adamson, Lieutenant-Colonel J- r > Air, ilrs. and M.ib6 Allport, Dr H. Oand .Mrs Anderson, Mr J. i ■ Mr and Mrs E. C. Adams, Mother Mary Anbert, Mr cud Mrs li. L. Allan Mr and Mrs G. J. Anderson, Hon- JAustey. Lev. C. F. and Mrs Askew, ill- and Mrs Alabaster, Mr C. A. Atkm 6 °Hon. VV. H. E. and Mrs Eaillic Mr Burton, lion. 11. U. Bell. Mi \\ . H• Hell, Hr and Mrs Hogg. -Mr and Airs 0., Heero, Mr and Mrs H. and Abss_Bmtham, Mr E. E. E. Heetham.Mr O. HM. Heetham, Er A. Bennett, Mr and Mrs, A S. Hies, Mrs C. It. Hidwill, Mr VV. L. and Mrs Hidwill, Mr A. J. and Mrs Bothurnley, Mr and Mrs ancl Beauchamp. Mr S Blackley Mr Mrs. and MISS Blow, Miss and Mr K. VV. Hothamley, Mr A. Boeufve, Mr A. do 8., Mrs. tho Misses and Mr B. Brandon, Professor and -Mrs Itankino Brown, Hon. D Mrs, and Micns Buddo, Mr Butt, Mr C. ’c. and Mr S. Butt. Mr, Mrs, and Mies Burnett, Mr W. C. Buchanan, Mr G. N. 11., Mrs. and Miss Burnes, Mrs and Miss Butts. Mr P. and Mrs Brandon, Major Mi and Mrs Browne, Mr H. and 'Misfi Blundell, Mr and Mrs A. Blair, Mrs L. and Mr A. E. Brown, Mr and Mrs Bustaxnente, Hon. A., Mrs, and Miss jiuldcy, Mr and Mrs \V. Birch, Mr and Mrs J>. K. Blair, Mr and Mrs L. Blundell, Mr and Mrs J. Blundell. Mrs W. A. Brown, Mr and Miss Birkett, Sir O. C. and Lady Bowen, Mr and Mrs A. L. Brethorton, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Brietow, Mr T. and Mrs Buxton, Er and Mrs Buck, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Buick. Mr VV. A. Burn. Mr G. G. Bridges, Mr and Mias Bridges, Mies Butterworth, Mr C. E. Brown, lion. W., Jlrs and Mies Beehan. Miss Booth, Mr and Mrs J. and Miss Brown, Mr A. A. Brown. , Mr. Mrs, and Miss Callender, Miss and Mr Cameron, Captain Brown Cabo, Sir James and Lady Carroll, Mr and Mrs J. Campbell, Mr, Mrs. and Miss F. -K--do Castro, Colonel G. I*., Mrs, and Mr J. A, C. Campbell, Mr and Mrs A. and Miss do Castro, Colonel and Mrs Chaytor, Mr W„ -Mrs, Miss, and Mr G. W. Callender, Mr W. C. and Mrs Chatficld, Mri Justice, Mrs, and Miss Chapman, Captain Cliesney, Miss Cholmondelcy, Colonel, Mrs and Miss Collins, Er, Ml'S, and Miss Collins, Misses Coleridge Mrs, Miss, and Mr B. G. A. Cooper, Mr and Mrs P. C., and Miss Corliss, Mr J. 11. B. and Miss Coates, Miss Campbell, Mr M. Chapman, Major and Mrs Corrigan, Hon. J. B. -Dalian, Hon. W. C. I'., Mrs and Miss Carucross,- Mr and Mrs E. Christie, Bev. J. It. Clark, Mr J. Colvin, Mrs H. E. Crawford, Mr and Mrs A. Crawford, Mr. Mrs, and Miss Cullen, Lieut. W. B. Colorab, Sir J. G. Coates, Mr H. M. Campbell. Miss Chaytor, Mr li. H. Clark, Mr Justice and Miss Cooper, Mr and Mrs Coleridge, Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper. Miss Billon, Mr G, P. Donnelly, Mr F. Eavison, Mr and - Mrs DalzieU, Mr, Mrs, and Hiss G. B. Ball, Mr and Mrs M. Eenni.ston, Mrs, Mies, and Mr G. Eidsbury, Mr and Mrs A. Enncan, Mr and Mrs K. Duncan, Mr J. Dnthie, Mr and Mrs Duthio, jnr„ Mr and Mrs li. Dymock, Mr and Mrs Dyer, Mr T. H. Eavey, Mr, Mrs, Miss, and Mr T. li. Eenniston, Mr J., .Miss, and Air B. J. Devine, Air Justice Denniston. Captain and Mrs Dingham, Mr W. J. and Mrs Dickie, Mr T. C. H. Duncan, Mrs and Miss and Mr T. C. IPnnwrar'jirtV, Mr and Mrs E. Duncan. Miss and Air F. Duncan, Hon. T. Y. Duncan, Mr ami. Airs J. Dykes, Xdeut. Daniell, Limit. TJavis. ‘ Mrs and Aliss Edwin, Air and Mrs Elgar, Mr, Mrs, and .Alias'Elgar, Mrs H, Elgar, Air and Mrs Embling, Dr J. S. and Airs Elliott, Miss England, Mr, Mrs, and Miss C. A. Ewen, Professor and Mrs Easterfield, Mr Justice Edwards, Air H. G. Ell, Mr Erie. Archdeacon and Miss Fancourt, Dr Airs and Miss Foil, Air A. C. Fell. Air C. H. Fell, Sir John and Lady Findlay. Mr Wilfred Findlay, Mr and Ain D. M. Findlay. Mrs and Aliss Fitzgerald. Dr'and Mrs Fitchett, Mr W. Fitchett. Mrs and Miss Fitzherbert, Air T. W and Mrs Fisher, Hon. G. and Mr; Fowids, Mr and Mrs Focke, Mr H. ana Aliss Focko, Hon. W. and Miss Fraser Air and Mrs J. E. Fulton, Mr and Mrs vG Fulton, Mr and Airs 11. Fletcher, All E. W. Flanagan, Miss Stuart Forbes, Misses Finch. Eev. Dr and Airs Gibb, Sir E. 0. and Lady Gibbes, Mr and Mrs G. Qillon. Mr and Airs Knox Gilmer, Hon. H. ami Mrs Gilmer, Mr and Airs H. AI. Gore, Airs and Aliss Gore, Mr C. Gore, MajorGeneral and Airs Godley, Miss Godley ■ Air and Mrs A. Gray, Dr E. Gunn, Miss Galloway, Hon. S. Thorn© George. sln and Miss and Mr G. Thorn© George, Sir A. and Lady Guinness, Mr and Airs D H. and Aliss Guthrie, Aliss Goring, Air and Mrs C. Harbottle, Air and ■ Mrs E. E. Hayes, Alp and Aliss Ilarcourt, Mr Q. and Mr S. Harcourt, Airs, Miss, am) Air C. E. Harding, Mr and Mrs 11. Hall, Archdeacon and Mrs Harper,. Mr and Airs E. F. Hadfiold, Dr Francis Hay. Air E. 0. Hales, Airs W. H. Hales, Dr L. C. Hales, Dr 0. Hales, Hon. A L. and Mrs Herdman, Dr and Mrs Herbert, Air and Mrs J. W. and Miss Henderson, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs Heard, Mr and Mrs J. Hislop, Hon. T. W. ami Miss Hislop, Dr and Mrs Hislop, Air M. and Miss Hislop, Miss Holmes, Dr and Airs AI. Holmes.'Mr and Airs G. Hogben, Commander and Airs Hooper, Mr W. 8., Airs and Miss Hudson, Dr Edith Huntley, Major and Mrs Hughes, Eev. and Airs A. Hansell, Captain and Mrs Hall, Air J. A. and Mrs Hamm, Mr and Airs and Mr H. Hammond, Air B. Hector, Professor Hunter, Mr, Mire, and Air Hamilton, Hon. B. and Mrs Harris, Miami Mra Howden, Hiss and Air P. Howden, Captain G. C. and Mrs Hamilton, Hon. W. H. Herries, Mr G. Hunter and’ Miss Hunter, Mr A. and Mrs Harris, Eev. E. H. and Mrs Hobday, Air T. N. Holmden, Dr Hogg, Mr J. B. and Mrs Hine, Mrs/Cockbum Hood, Major and Mrs Hume, Air and Mrs Holmes, Miss Holmes. f „ „ „ Dr. and Miss Izard, Mr and Airs E. S. Ill Mr S ’and Airs J. Joseph, Hon J. E. and Mrs Jenkinson, Air S. H. Jenkinson, Eev A. and Mrs Johnston, Miss Johnston Mr and Mrs W. Johnston, Mrs and Miss Joseph, Air, Mrs and Miss Jones, Mr L- Jones, Mr and Airs Jerram, Hon. C. J and Mrs Johnston, Mr E. 0. Johnston. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs Johnston, Mr Q. F. Johnston. Mr Hall-Jones, Mrs and Airs Clark Johnston, Air Johnston. Air J and Miss Johnston, Mr G. C. B. Jordan. Mr L. B. Johnson. , ■ Mr, Mrs, and Mies E. W.'Kane. Air Kenny, Mr W. C. and Aliss Kensington, Mr and Mrs W. A. Kennedy. Mr l. A. Kebbell, Hr. J. H. Kemp, Mr Kemp, Dr. W. and Mrs Kemp, Dr. and Mrs Prendergast Knight. Mr, Mrs, and Miss Knox, Colonel and Mrs Knox. Eev. J. L. and Mrs Kayll, Mr A. L. and Mrs Kernot. Mr, Mrs, and Miss Martin Kennedy. Air and Mrs C. Kebbell. Dr., Mrs and Miss Kendall, Hon. T. Kelly, Air and Aire W. Kebbell, Miss Kebbell, Eev. Dr. Kennedy. Airs Larnach, Mr and Mrs B. M. Litchfield. Alisa and Air E. M. Litchfield Hon. E. A. and Mrs Loughnan, Mr G. Lakrn, Hon. C. M., Airs, and Miss, Luke. Air J. P„ Mrs, and Miss Luke, Air M. Luclac, Air G. and Aire Laurenson, Prof. Laby, Mr and Airs F. M. Leckie, Hon. C- C. and Mrs Louisson. Mr-F. W.-Lanfr. Mr F. G. Matthews, Mr and Mrs 1.

x. Alartin and Miss Martin, Dr. and .Mr

'. Martin, Mr and Mrs J. IV. A. Mar c .ant, Aliss Alarchant, Aliss Mailing . and Alia Mason, Miss Mason." M,

..i Airs Miles, Miss Miles, Hon. C. H. Mrs Mills, Aliss Mills, Mr C. 1. .Us, Dr. Platts-Alille, Mr and Mrs C. Morison, Aliss and Air B. N. Alorison, Air, Mrs, and Miss Aloss, Air W. ant ~rs Morton, Air, Jlrs, and Mies Montgomery, Hon. W. F. and Mrs Massey,

ar and Mrs S. Medley, Sir H. J. anu Lady Miller, Mr, Airs, and Miss Mohneaux, Hon. J. A. Millar, Air Aa., and Airs Myers, Captain and Mrs .Vabin, Mr A. E. Mabin, Air A. H- , ad Airs Malcolm, Mr H. Alaguire, Hon. .). Alarshall, Major and .Mrs Maidloiv, Aliss Hardings Alaltb'y, Air and Airs VVli. Alorris. Alissos Morris, Air and Mrs Scftou Moorhouso, Ab- and Mrs J. B. AlcEwan, Mr and Mrs IV. D, S. Alacßonaia, Dr. and Mrs MacArthur, Hon. B. and Mrs McKenzie, Hon. T. and Mrs Alackenzie. Miss Mackenzie, Er. and Jlrs Wallace MaclCenzie, Mr and Airs James AlacKenzio, Aliss MacKenzio, Mr A. S. Mac Shane, Mr and Mrs T. G. Alacartby. Eev. E. W. and Airs MacConnell, Mr, Airs, and Miss AlacAlister, Aliss AlcAndrew, lion. W. W. McCardle, Sir George and Lady JlcLean. Er. H. G. and Aliss McLean, Miss AtacDonald, Air Hugh AlcKellar, Air and Airs E. AlcLaren, Mr and Mrs E. McCallum, Mr J. AlacKay, Mr and Mrs McVilly, Mr W. S. and Mrs AlacGowan. Dr. and Abs Newman, Air F. P. Newman, Mr and Airs H. L. Nathan, Mr E. J. Nathan, Alias and Airs E. Nathan, Mr and Mrs W. Nathan, Mr S. G. Nathan, Aliss Nathan, Mr S. Nathan, Air T. Ncave, Mr and Airs A. W. Newton, Mr and Airs H. Nelson, Mr and Mrs C. S. Nixon, Miss Nixon, Mr and Mrs AV. Nosworthy, Air and Airs E. Newman, Miss Newman, Aliss Nickalls, Miss Dorothy Nicolls, Mr and Airs H. Otterson, Mr Q. W. and Miss Otterson, Mr 11. and Alia O’Connor, Miss O’Connor. Mr and Mrs C. W. Palmer, Eev. J., Aire, and Aliss Paterson, Air and Mrs 4. E. Pearce, Aliss Pearce, Air C. Pearce, Air E. Pearce. Air E. S. Pearce, Mr and Mrs C. F...H. Pollock, Mr and Mrs J. VV. Poynton, Air and Mrs F. S- Pope, Mr H. and Mrs Poland, Hon. T. Parata, Aliss Payne, Air J. C. Peacock, Air F. W. Pepnefafher, Aliss Peters, Professor and Mrs Picken, Mr H. Plimmer, Lieut. C Cr. and Mrs Powlcs, Mr and Mrs C. P'. Powles, Aliss and Air E. H. Powles, Colonel Purdy, Mr E. Purdy, Dr. and Mra Pomare.

Mr A. Quick. Mr H. and Mrs Bawson, Miss and Mv E. Rawson, Mr and Mrs L. G. Read. Mr F. F. Reid, Mr and Mrs W. G. Reid, Mr W. E. Reid, Mr W. P. Reid, Mr and Mrs V. H. Reed, Mr and Mrs C. G. Richardson, Hon. E. and Mrs Richardson, Miss Richardson, Captain and Mrs Richardson, Mrs and Miss Richmond,. Professor and Mrs Richmond and Miss' Richmond, Mr and Mrs J. D. Ritchie, Archbishop Redwood. Mr and Mrs M. Ross, Mr N. Ross, Mr and Mrs R. B. Ross, Mr G. Robertson, Mr and Mi's D.' Robertson, Dr H. D. Robertson, Mr, Mrs, and. Miss Eonavne, Hon. J. Rigg, Mrs and Miss Riddifoid Mr and Mrs V. Riddiford, Mr and Mrs H. E. Radcliffe, Mr and Mrs F Reading. Eon. R. H. and Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Rhodes, Mr T. W. and Mrs Rhodes, Mr and Mrs A. F. Roberta. Mr. G. w. Russell, Mr and Mrs C. R. Bobieson, Sir William and. Lady Russell and Miss Russell, Mr D. Rhind. . Sir J. W. and Mrs Salmond, Captain Critchley Salraonson, Mr W. E. Salmond, Mr and Mrs C. F. Salmond, Mr and Miss W. Seed,' Mr H. H. Seed, Mr E. Sclanders. Dr and Mrs Shand. Miss Simpson, Mr and Mrs W. F. Sloman, Dr and Mrs Hardwick Smith, Captain Spencer Smith, Miss Somerville, Bishop and Mrs Sprott, Rev. H. and Mrs Van Staveren, Miss Van Staveren, Mr and Mrs Stocker, Mr E. Stocker, Mr Gibson and Mrs Stott, Mr and Mrs E. Stafford and Miss Stafford, Mr and Mrs and Miss Stowe, Rir Robert Stout, Mr A. C. Stevens, Colonel and Mrs Burnett Stuart, Mr and Mrs and Miss Seaton, Mr G. and Mrs Shirtcliffe, Mr W. Shirtcliffe, Hon. 0. and Mrs .Samnol, Mr W. G. Samuel, Mr and. Mrs F. G. Samuel, Mr G, Samuel, Mr R. arid Mrs Scott, Mr J. W. Scott, Hiss Seed, Major Shepherd, Rev. W. and Mrs Shirpr a‘nd ' Miss Shirer, Mr T. K. and Mrs Sidey, Mr C. P. and Miss Skerrett, Mr and Mrs R. B. Smith. Mr_and_Miss Stevens, Hen. E. C. J. Stevens, Captain F. Symon, Mr and Mrs R. , ,K. . Swanston, Mr and Mrs J. H.’Strauchon, Mr and Airs D. Stewart and Miss Stewart, Mr C. E. and Mrs Stathara, Sir ’William and Lady Steward, Mr Justice Sim. Mr and Mrs G. A .Topper, Mr and Mrs L. 0. H. Tripp. Dr H. M. and Mrs TolUurst. Mr F. and Miss Tolhuret, Mr and Mrs Treadwell, Captain S. V. and Mrs I’.’Bsk, Mr C. P. B. Tripe. Mr Dudley Tripe, Mrs S. D. Tripe. Mr and Mrs G. C. Tripe. Mr and Mrs J. Tnpe. Mr and Mrs C. Turrell, Mr and Mrs M, Turrell. Mr B. Turrell, Mr and Mrs H. E. I’uckey, Mr and Mrs W. H. Turnbull -Mr A. 11. Turnbull. Mr and Mrs Har--ourt Tumor and Miss Turner, Mrs and Miss Tweed, Mr D. C. Tennant, Mr J. r L. Turner, Mr and Mrs E. Phillips Turner, Mr'and Mrs J; Trevor, Mr G M. Thomson, Hon. T. Thompson, Mr J. C and Mrs Thomson, Mies Sinclair I'homsoh. Mr F. D. Thomson. Dr and Mrs Valintine, Mr W. -L and Mrs Veitch, Sir Joseph and Lady Ward ■> iul Miss Ward, Mr G. Ward, Air and Mrs C. Ward. Mr and Mrs F. E. Ward, Mr W. F. Ward. Mr and Mrs W. Watson, Mies Watson, Mr and Mrs F. E. Waters, Dr F. Q. and Mrs Webster, Mr J. Webster, Mr and Mrs L. IT. B. Wileon and Miss Wilson, Mr and Mrs F. P. Wilson, Mr and Mrs C. Wilson Mr C. K. and Mrs Wilson and Miss Wilson. Mr T. M. and Mrs Wilford and Miss Wilford, Hon. H. F. and Mrs Wigram. Sir Joshua and Lady Williams. Rev. H Williams, Mr and Mrs C. J. Wang, Mr W. G. Wickham, Dr P. E. Woodhouse, Colonel and Mrs Wolfe. Mr T. M. Wilkes, Mr and Mrs A. E. Whyte, Miss Wis©« Mr and Mrs A. Toung, Mr J. A. Youbr. Professor and Mrs Von Zedhtz, Commander and Mrs Stopford, officers of H.M.S. Pioneer, Captains of Government steamers, secretaries to Ministers., members of Education Commission.

Miss Milsom has always secured the very latest and most exclusive methods for the treatment of hair. face, and skin. Worst eases of Dandruff guaranteed certain cure. For the skin "Onlteifa” (reg.), the unsurnaased skin food, smooths out wrinkles, softens and tones the coarsest skin, cures blackheads and large pores. Shampooing ■ latest Parisian hair-drier). Fao Alaksagi (Denmark), Electrolysis (permanent and painless). Hairdressing taught. Hair work, every description. Personal attention Strictly confidential. Aliss Milsom, Kind’s Chambers. ■ opposite Stewart Dawson’s'. Wil. iia street, Wellington. Telephone 814. • . electrolysis. Electrolysis, the only permanent cure tor superfluous hair, is skilfully performed by Mrs Rolleaton. who holds a diploma obtained in Boston, U.8.A., also excellent medical testimonials. Consultation free, and strictly private. 256. Lambtoo quay, opposite Economic. • Tho Kelburne Tea Kiosk has been icopened under tho management .of the Misses Plummer (late.of ’'churon, and Kirkcaldie and Stains, Wellington). Go there for ynorning tea, afternoon tea. high tea; and supper. Special terms for private teas and receptions.— A dvr. Weddings, beautiful Shower Bouquets, Posies, Baskets, Empire Staffs, Crooks, etc., artistically designed and forwarded to anv part bi the Dominion by Mrs Murray. Vice-Regal Florist. 36. Willis Street. • SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Sapßtftuous • hair destroyed by “Rnsma” {regj. A guarantee given.. with .each case 'undertaken. See testimonials and letters. Mrs Hnllqn (over Economic), Lamhton quay. ’Phono 1047. cmtiaiodial.) Wellington. Dear Airs HUllen,—l twite tb let yon know how delighted 1 am with ytmt new preparation ‘‘RUsina.” After, a real good trial it is taking splendid effect find my disfigurement is fast becoming- obliterated. Enclosed please find £1 3s 6d, including the cost of skin food as well. Original copy of above cab ha seen at my address. . •

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8180, 23 July 1912, Page 11

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VICE-REGAL BALL New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8180, 23 July 1912, Page 11

VICE-REGAL BALL New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8180, 23 July 1912, Page 11