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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY’S QUOTATIONS. MINING. Kuranui Caledonian— p.m., » Is 4d. ' Occidontal Consolidated—ll.3o a.m., b Is. a Is 3U. Ross Reconstructed—ll.3o a.m., b 5s 9d. s 55, sales 5s llrl (reported); 3.15, b 5s 9tl, s Cs. Talisman Consolidated— a.m . b XI 19s, h £1 19m Zd\ 3.15. b XI 19s fid, s XI 19» Od. Waihi—ll.3) a m., b XI. 15s 6d. h XI 16s 3d; 5.15. b XI 15s 3d. s XI 16s. Waihi Reefs (Consolidated—ll.3o a.m., b lOd: 3.u>. b lOd. Waihi CJrund .L'.iiction —11.30 n.ra.. b XI is 9d, « XI 2r *1; 3.15. b £1 Is 9d. h XI 2h 3d. a XI 2s 3d. Waitanid Consolidated N.L.—11.30 a.m.. b oid, s 7Jd; 3.15. b 6id. s 7*d. Note.—The letter "0 ' signifies buyers and "a” seller^. IX V E3TM KN T STO CK.

“Reported. QUOTATIONS ELSEAVHERE. PEESS ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND, July 19. Sales at this morning's call ou the Stock Exchange: Now Sylvia, sd. * Occidental Consolidated, Is 2d. Waihi. 35s 9d. Waihi Grand Junction, 225. Union Steamship. 465. Afternoon call: New Svlvia, sd. Talisman Consolidated, 39s 3d and 39a 6d (reported), 39s fid. Waihi, 35s 9tl. Waihi Grand Junction, 225. AVaihi-Faeroa, 575. DUNEDIN, July 19. Stock Exchange sale reported: Waihi Grand Junction, 22s 3d. LONDON. July 18. Stock and share ■market quotations include: Waihi Gold Minins* 32s fid (buyers), and 35s (sellers): Waihi Grand Junctions, 22* amd 235; Talismans, 40s and 41s od. The Old Hauraki mine manager reports having crushed 50 tons of quartz and 651 b of picked stone for a return of 1340 z 13dwt of molted gold. E. W. B. Ilornabrook. 153, Featberston street, Wellington, member Stock Exchange. Specialising in Mining Scrip. Trustworthy Correspondence from all Mining Centres. Telegraphic address: “Hornabrook, WeiiUngton. ' ’ • GOLD DREDGING RETURNS. PEESS ASSOCIATION. DUNEDIN, July 19. Gold dredging: returns: Koputal, 660 z 4dwt: Karaunnf. 31oz 4dwt • Electric No. 1., 3(1..z jdwt; Electric No. 11., 220 z 6dwt; Waikala, 17oz 4dwl. THE WOOL SALES, LONDON. July 18. There was animated bidding at the wool sales to-day. Prices were unchanged. A line ’ selection of lino-haired Tasmanian sorts was offered, high valnee being realised. (Received July 19. 7.50 p.m.) LONDON. July 19. Clips (fleece portions) sold yesterday included: “Waipaoa.". top price lid per lb. average 93d; "Opon.” Hid and 10;d; "Aunedale," 12d and 10gd; “VTakio,” 125 U and Wid. MELBOURNE MARKETS. MELBOURNE, July 19. Wheat. 4s Id to 4s lid. for forward delivery 4s 2d; flour. B ss; bran, £5 15s; pollard, £6; oats. Algerian feed 3s sd, seed 03 9d- to 4s, Now Zealand 3s 2d to 3s 4d; chaff. £4 10s to £5 IDs; potatoes. £8 10s to £8 15s: onions. £ll to £l2: butter, is ZJd U Is 4d.

phillcd beef from South America, prices ol frozen beef arc |d to id lower.

WHEAT EASIER IX SYDNEY. . (Received July 19, 10.10 p.m.) SYDNEY, July 19. In sympathy with tho London market reports, wheat in Sydney has dropped to 4s Uid and 4s Id per bushel. Very little business is doing, except in futures, and quotations are practically nominal. COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. (Received July 19, 10.10 p.m.) SYDNEY. July 19. The Commercial Banking Company, Ltd., has declared a dividend of 10 per cent. The reserve is strengthened by £40,000, and £54,539 is carried forward. WELLINGTON DAIRY FARMERS’ ASSOCIATION. The Wellington Dairy Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association has been registered. In future dairy farmers supplying milk to the city of Wellington will endeavor, by moans of this association, to remedy some of the unsatisfactory methods that now exist. Some of tho main objects of the association are: A standard price, regulation of supply, better moans of transit, security ot contract, and anything that will tend to improve the quality of milk sent to the city tor human consumption. Over one hundred farmers supplying milk to Wellington have become members. Tho association has secured the services of Mr H. A. Ward Gate Government Stock and Dairy inspector) as Us organiser, secretary, and manager.


■WELLINGTON MARKETS. Tho continued wintry weather has resulted in an extremely quiet'tone prevailing in the local fruit markets for apples, this applying more particularly to dessert varieties. Instead of 10s per case ruling as was the case a week ago. values have fallen away lullv Is 6d per case for best varieties. Cooking apples, however, are strongly injured for. and supplies are not any too heavy. For dessert pears the inquiry is excellent, and what few sound varieties of popular descriptions come forward meet a keen inquiry. A few cases of Capo gooseberries continue to come to band, and meet with a strong outlet. Tho lute arrival of tho Sydney boat this week nas interfered greatly with retailers' trade, and the two shipments of Island fruits received excellent attention at yesterday's sales. Cook Island fruits generally opened ap in good order and sold well: in fact for both oranges and bananas there was a particularly keen outlet. The same remark applies to Fijian bananas. Tho total for Wellington was not heavy, and as the market has been bare of bananas and oranges for some timo past, country, coastal, and town orders wore heavy. A fairly largo quantity of Now South Wales fruits arrived by tho Warvimoo yesterday, and these will bo auctioned to-day. Apples, choice dessert 7s Cd to 8s 6d case, prime 6s to 7s. good 5s to 5s 6d: pears, choice desort 14s to 15s case, prime 11s to 13s, Blew, ing 7s to 8s; cooking apples, choice $s to 6s 6d. prime 4s 6d to 5s £d: persimmons 4s to as box: Cano gooseberries 5Jd to 6d lb; lemons (locals) 6s to 7s case: passions locals) 4s to 5a box. POTATOES AND ONIONS. Tho local‘market has absolutely cleared itself of the glut of the past few weeks, and there have been heavy operations on tho part of merchants to eater for the consumption. The demand, as a matter of fact, has been particularly heavy, and supplies have not been offering Bo freely for shipment as could he desired. The weather being so had no doubt has interfered to some extent with shipping arrangements. At tho present time the market locally is firm at £6 per ton for sound tubers. Onions' are in good demand also at £lO to £lO 10s per tou, with opera-

tions boint? conducted on only a hand-to* mouth basis. Pickling: onions are scarce, and the demand is t?ood. OTHER VEGETABLES. Cauliflowers, which were ruling at particularly high rates recently, have undergone a decline. At the same time supplies are not any too heavy. Cabbages arc meeting with excellent competition, the market having advanced considerably in contrast to the decline in the trend of cauliflowers. Cauliflowers, choice 7a to Cs sack, prime 5s fid to 6s fid; cabbages, choice 6cl to 6s Gd sack, prime 4s to ss; lettuce, choice 5h to 6s ease, prime 4s to 4g fid; ncctroot 3s fid to 4s fid sack; parsnips. 3s to 4s sack; carrots, 4s to 5s sack; marrows, as fid to 6s fid sack; pumpkins, 4s to 5s sack; swedes, 40s to 60s ton; pic melons, 9s 6(1 to 10s fid sack; turnips Is fid to 2s fid sack. EGGS. The market for fresh eggs lias again firmed, and there 5a a distinct scarcity at the present time ut Is lid .to 2s per dozen ruling; preserved are in good demand, but supplies are almost unobtainable. POULTRY. There has been a particularly largo demand during the past few days for all descriptions of poultry; in fact, the demand exceeds tho nupply. Roosters, good young 4s fid to 6m pair, fair 3s fid to 4s; liens, good birds 4s to 5s .pair, fair 3s to 3s fid; ducks, large young 5s fid to 6s fid; turkeys, 18s to 22s pair, hens 8s to 10s. FIX A NCI AL CABLES BANK AND STOCK EXCHANGE REPORTS. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright. (Received July 19, 9.35 p.m.) LONDON. July 19. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURN. The Bank of England return issued for the week ended Wednesday, July 17th, is aa under: Issue Department. Note lasua £57,909,030 Gov debt £11,015,003 Other securities 7,434,0)3 Gold .. 39.520,003 £57,959,003 £57,069,033 Banking Department. Proprietors* Gov. socuri* capital .. £14,553,003 ties ..£13,954,003 Public de- Other * o♦ po.iits .. 17.581,000 entities.. 32,935.003 Other do- Notes . • 28,625,000 posits .. 41,376,000 Cola .. 1,443,003 Best. 7-day and other bills .. 3.478.000 £76,988,000 £76,988,000 Tho leading Items of the Bank of England return afford the following comparisons:

CONSOLS AND AUSTRALASIAN STOCKS. Current quotations for Consols and Australasian Government stocks, compared with those of last week, and the corrcspondiDg.pcriod of lost year, ore:

•Interest payable in May and November, tlntecest payable in January and July. payable in April and October. THE MONET MARKET. The Bank of England discount rate, which had stood at 4 per cent, since September 22nd, was reduced on February Bth to 5J per cent., and on May 9th was further reduced to 3. A year ago the rate was 3 per cent. The open market of discount for beet three month bills is Is 3d higher on the week at 3 per cent.; a year ago it, was 2. Short loans are quoted at,from *25 to 2J per cent., compared with 25 a week ago and li a year ago. In Paris the open market rate is unchanged at 2? per cent. (2| a year ago): the Berlin quotation is 2s 6d higher at 30 per cent (2i a year ago). + THE LONDON MARKETS. (Received July 19, 7.50 p.m.) LONDON, July 19. GRAIN AND FLOUR. Wheat.—The markets generally are dull and Inactive in view ot satisfactory crop reports and expectations of a large Russian yield. The hot spell in Britain and the brilliant weather prevailing practically all over Europe is causing wheat to mature well. A' partial recovery is reported on the New York market, on covering by •shorts.” In London, South Australian wheat, March sailer shipment, is quoted at 41a per quarter ot 4801 b, April shipment 41s id to 41s 6cl. May-June 39s 6d: Victorian and Now South Wales April shipment 40s 3d. March 40s 9d. Australian new crop. Jan-uary-Febrnary shipment, is quoted at 37s 6d> and parcels afloat 38s to 38s 9d. Flour.—Market inactive. Australian patent brands are selling at 28s per sack ox store, and 27s 3d Is quoted for lots to arrive. Oats.—On a quiet market Now Zealand ‘‘A” grade Gartons, July shipment, are quoted at 22s ,6d per quarter; La Plata, June July shipment, 16s 6d. Barley and Peas.—Market quiet. Beans.—For July shipment 36s 6d per quarter is offered. BUTTER STBADT. The butter market is steady. Danish and Siberian are unchanged at 120 s to 122 s and 100 s to 104 s per owt respectively. Choicest Australian salted makes 102 s to 106 s (about the same as last week), and nnsalted, wheih is in small supply, 110 s to 113 s (2a to 3s up); New Zealand butter brings 114 s to 116 s {2a higher). CHEESE DULL. The cheese market is dull, and New Zealand is quoted at 66s per owt.. a drop of Is to 2s. BRADFORD TOPS STRONG. The Bradford wool market is quiet, but prices are strongly maintained. Top quotations: 64’s. 271 d per lb: super 60 - s. 26Jd: common 60's, 25)ci; 56’s, 21gd: 50'a, 18Jd; 46's, 15d; 40's, 14d. SUGAR. The sugar market is irregular and speculative. owing to the dry weather on the Continent and continued ”bcar” covering. It closed flat yesterday at; German beet, 88 per cent, net titro. Is 7d up at 13s Id per cwt; first marks granulated. Is 2d up at 16s, f.o.b. Hamburg. PRICES OF METALS. Copper.—On the spot, 58s 9d higher at £76 2s 6d per ton: at three months, 53s 9d hierhor at £76 15s. > Tin. —On the spot. 95s lower at £l9B 15s per ton; at three months, 40s lower at £196 10s. Lead—Soft foreign, 5s higher at £lB 10s per ton. Spelter.—7s 6d lower at £25 15s per ton. Pig-iron.—Middlesbro’ No. 3,5 d higher at 57s 3d per ton. FROZEN MEAT WEAK. Dalgcty and Co.. Ltd., are advised by cable from London that the frozen meat market is weak. Lamb is id to gd per lb lower, but prices for mutton are unchanged. Owing to heavy arrivals of

Buy CT« Seller?. Sales. £ 8 . (i. .2 H. (1. £ s. d. banks— New South Wales — 11 4 0 — FINANCIALN.Z. unci H. Philo hand. Ltd1 19 6 — — Wid'n Invest. T. and A. Co.. hid. fcnm) U 11 9 — — Worn Trust Loan. Ltd 7 8 6 7 10 0 GAS— Christchurch, £5 3 15 0 9 0 0 ■— Keilding 1 0 6 llokitika — 5 15 0 ““ INSURANCE— National of N.Z. — — i 19 cr . MEAT PEEBEUViaO-. \VolPn Meat Import, £2 12-> Cd 3 1 0 *— SHIPPING— 'Union Steamship — 2 6 0 — MANUFACTUKING— Mosgiel Woollen 3 6 0 — — Wcdiicjj'n Wool’ll. ord 3 9 0 —• — Wellius’n Wool'll. prof. 2 18 0 Coal— Ilikurangi , 0 19 0 1 0 0 -* tishjfh— Loyland O'Brien —* 1 7 3 — Tarineamutu Sawmills. Ltd. 2 8 3 MrSCtLLANAOUf-* Golden Bay Cement Co. .., 1 1 0 Siiarland and Co.. Ltd., ord. 1 3 0 Ward and Co, Ltd. 5 2 6 5 4 0 —

This week. Last weak. Last year. & £ £ Bullion .. 39,520,000 38,920.000 39,600.000 Reserve .. 30,008.000 29.272,000 30.032.000 Note c'rcTn 29,344,000 29,505.000 29,326,000 Deposits .. 53,057.000 58,247.000 56,233,000 Bjoportion of r esoivo to liabilities. 50.03 50.23 53.33

Stoclu This weekjlioab week Last year. £ R. <1. £ 4. d. £ ft. cl 24% Imperial C’ls 74 15 c 73 12 c 78 10 0 4% New Zealand* 101 10 0102 0 0104 0 0 3i%New Zealanclt 94 10 01 94 10 C 90 10 0 84 0 C 84 10 t 80 10 4% New S. Wales 102 0 0103 0 0104 u 0 3i% New S. Wales 98 10 ( 90 0 f 09 10 0 3% New S. Wales ■ H5 0 (. 85 10 c 87 0 4% Victoria LUO 10 0100 10 0101 10 0 94 15 C 95 0 c 98 0 0 3% Victoria. 82 0 0 82 0 t 84 10 0 34% Sth. Australia 95 0 c 95 10 (J 98 10 0 3% Sth Australia 79 0 t 79 0 (J 82 0 0 4% Queensland .. 100 10 0100 10 0102 10 0 3j% Queensland 94 10 c 95 0 0 98 0 0 3% Queensland .. 81 10 I 82 0 c 80 10 0 34% W. Australia 94 II) (i 94 11) (J 1)V 0 1) 3% W. Australia Mil 0 (1 Kli II II 88 10 0 3}% Tasmania .. 93 0 (J 93 0 u 9 V 10 0 3% Tasmania ■ .. 84 0 0 84 0 ° 84 10 0

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8178, 20 July 1912, Page 6

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COMMERCE, MINING AND THE RURAL WORLD. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8178, 20 July 1912, Page 6

COMMERCE, MINING AND THE RURAL WORLD. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8178, 20 July 1912, Page 6