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Shis Page is for the guidance of those desiring to Sing? Sell, or Sxchange City, Suburbs and is a dailu guide to Stock and Property Auction Sales

HOTELS FOR SALE. FOE SAXE. HOTEL, 5 years lease; rent AO; takings average AOO per work last sis months. Price .£3200; terms. BUILDING SITES Clifton Estate. 14 miles from post office, Palmerston North; only a few left. Apply J. R. STAXSELL. SEN., I Veil iirgton an<l Slum non. HOTEL TENANT WAITED .£3OOO TO AIOOO PEE ANNUM PEOFIT. EASE 5 years, rent A2O; takings .£3OO weekly. SIXTY HHDS. Boer, 24 quarters whisky, 500 doz. waters monthly. Preo for everything. Cash required J 12500. We are solo agents for freeholder, who has made a fortune and is retiring. DWAN BROS., WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON. LAND FOR SALE. f*QA ACRES, nearly all in grass; OtJL/ divided into 12 paddocks; all well watered; five-roomed house with all conveniences, towshed, sheepyard, etc.; situated seven'miles from Cambridge. Frico .£5 5s per acre. .£ISOO cash. (No. 220.) George S. Henderson, Land Agent, Hamilton. TO DAIRY FARMERS. THE FAMOUS HORSHAM DOWNS ESTATE. HAMILTON. !| 'IIIS Magnificent Block is now being ! JL cut up into 150 acres farms ana ; upwards. The whole country consists ,of 1 beautiful rolling downs, and is the bestfarmed country that has' ever been offered in the Waikato. The Horsham Downs 'carrying capacity is exceptionally heavy, there being always abundance of feed. 97 per cent of the lambs went off fat from the grass in 1909. 98 per cent, of the lambs went off fat from the grass in .1910., There are several beautiful permanent lakes on the property. The Homestead, of It rooms is built of the best building material, and .is of modern architecture, and commands a glorious panoramic view el’ the surrounding district. Hot and cold water, acetyl! no gas throughout, p.w.c., septic tanks, tennis and croquet lawns, and very substantia! outbuildings, including barns, stables, loose-boxes, implement sheds. One mile from post and telegraph office. Close to Hamilton by one of the best roads in the Waikato. In order to effect quick sales, the pricer, have been fixed very low, and the ' ■--n'/j very easy. , For farther particulars, apply ta A. W. READ AND CO., AUCKLAND. 1 Or N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE CO.. LTD. ALLEN, GIFFORD AND CO., FARMERS’ AUCTIONEERING CO.. HAMILTON. * 535

LAND FOR SALE. HARCOURT & CO., JTTOUSE AND LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS AND SHAREBROKERS. LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. FACTORY SITE Site for Factory, Workshop, etc., within stone's throw of Courtenay place, level road from wharves (2 minutes), city, etc., having a frontage of SGft Gin by a depth of 47ft. The position is ouito central, and is one of the few remaining sites in close proximity to tho business portion of the city. Price £7OO. SS7 SMALL SHEEP FARM, N TOO ACRES. ACRES in grass, balance noiv being felled; well fenced and subdivided, good loam soil on papa; 5-roomcd house, shearing shed, and other buildings; now carrying 420 owes, 225 mixed sheep, 6S head cattle and 3 horses. Title 200 acres freehold, 200 acres L.1.P.; rent .27 11s 4d; 8 miles from railway and iparket town; 2 miles from school; good roads. Price £l2 per acre; terms 21500 cash. 8313 . NELSOW PROPERTIES ’ FOR SALE 1 FINE PROPERTY at Pakawau, near Collingwood; 420 acres, 300 being in grass, rest cleared, excepting 15 acres, shelter bush; 50 acres Gat and ploughed; 11 paddocks; new 5-roomed dwelling, shearing shed, sheep dip, etc.; sea frontage and facte sun; wharf alongside pro- I perty, deep water; wilt winter 2i sheep per acre. Jl3 5s per acre, with 700 sheep and 25 head young cattle thrown in. Choice 5-roomed cottage property, best part of Nelson; every possible 'convenience; well-kept garden. 31900. A first-class residential site, ,50ft by 110 ft; excellent view; good elevation. 31300. Boardinghouse property in good sunny situation, a good opportunity for suitable person. A desirable cottage property near centre ,of city; 6 rooms, bathroom, etc.; land 50ft by 90ft. 31305. W. ROUT & SOPdS, AND AGENTS. NELSON. 341 ■

LAND FOR SALE. McLAUCHLAM AND GO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. WATCH THE TOWN Of BLENHEIM, THE CAPITAL Of MARLBOROUGH. GROW. I SAVE YOUR MONEY ' And SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS In BLENHEIM. : COME AND SETTLE OVER in Blenheim, where the climate is perfect, soil unbeaten, and in a town that has a great future assured, and the cheapest and healthiest living in Nov/ Zealand. ! j BUY A QUARTER ACRE In BLENHEIM FOR £75 In the NEW SUBURB, MAYFIELD, TERMS £lO DEPOSIT And £5 OrjARTMILY, The Deposit has been risen from £5 to .£lO on quarter-acre Sections, as the NAVAL BASE For THE CHINA SQUADRON la going to be shifted from Sydney to New Zealand nest year, and Victon Sounds, 20 miles from Blenheim, must 1)0 that base. Some people say Auckland, but bow can it when Marlborough Sounda have two good deep entrances with miles of deep water. Central and terminus of the South Main Trunk Railway. WELLINGTON AND WANGANUTi PUBLIC MEN MUST FIGHT For the MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS. What trade will they get if the Base was established in Auckland? But they need not worry, as it must come to Pietoh for deep water. BUY A QUARTER ACRE In BLENHEIM TO-DAY. Before the Base is finally decided on. THE TOWN Has awakened at last; it could not be kept , ' back any longer. A PROGRESSIVE COUNCIL Has for the first time been elected. DRAINAGE AND WATER Loan of £65,000 has been carried. MODERN BUILDINGS Are being erected in and around the town, THE WAIHAU RIVER Is to bo Bridged at Renwick, and tbo Opawa, close to town, will be Bridged shortly and Blenheim’s standing disgrace removed. THE HARBOUR BOARD, Formed some time back, has now live men on it, and they will make Blenheim an important Port at very small cost. THE MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY Runs right through Blenheim down to Ward Township, and is being pushed on to Christchurch. Only 97 miles to complete. MEETINGS and petitions Are to-day being got up to have the large estates subdivided and thrown open to the xieoplo. 350,000 ACRES HELD BY I 11 OWNERS, Out of which we defy you to buy ten acres or a thousand, arc situate close to town, and as they are very suitable for subdivision, must soon, be thrown open, and then, they will support thousands of settlers qua. treble Blenheim's population and esporls. NEW ZEALAND’S DEFENCE SCHEME DEMANDS That these lands be settled, and very shortly, too, so BLENHEIM’S FUTURE Prosperity ts assured in a degree more certain than other town in the Dominion. The Sections ollered you today are very cheap, and must rise. THESE ARE NOT ILLUSIONS. THEY ARE CERTAIN INCONTROVERTIBLE FACTS. SAVE YOUR MONEY. WHY SPEND IT FOOLISHLY When you can lay the foundation of a " future by investing to-day in Blenheim - Sections at £75 per Quarter on easy terms? ANY MONTH Might see all tr.cso Sections withdrawn from tho market, as they cannot remain at tliis price for long. GOME ACROSS 'Po Blenheim at once and Drove what is ' stated above is true. ; SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY In BLENHEIM, Thus combine business with pleasure. FREE PASSAGE BLENHEIM. Wo will pay y°«r fare of One Pound Return from Wellington to Blenheim if you buy your Section from R/icL&CJGIHLAM Cf*., i -LEAL ESTATE AGENTS, i BLENHEIM. s

' LAND FOR LEASE. FOXI LEASE. 140 acresolosc* to Folding; "ood house; suitable mixed farming; rent ICs; right of purchase d-lC IOs; 5 .years. Apply to J. T. Barry ami Co.. Building. V Art ACRES OJI.P. at 17s 6il; 3 roUsa , Uva, from Kaurimu railway station; 100 acres grassed; 75 chains fencing; good 3 ewe country. Price only Aid idj fid an time. Terras given A real snip. U. Wilson ami Co.. Ltd.. Taibapo. TO' Li; A SB. ~ oaa ACRES, all in grass, »hcep-p?oof . -■vv/U fencing. 9 paddocks; 1 airly wMI watered;* could milk 80 rows; 6vooinod house, cowshed and other outbuilding: school and factory 2k miles. Rent Hs per acre. Jcllymau and Wood. New I’lyrnoutli. FO R~ LEAS K, Dairy Farin. G-Pacrcs; rent 10s per acre, 4 years; right of j purchase X4O per aero of 39 acres. balance Maori Lease. As a going concern, Including 35 cow?, horse, trap, harness, etc.; suitable for milk walk; close to town* Price *£000; terms arranged. For particulars apply J. T. Barry and Co., podding. LAND FOR SALE. qqJL ACRES. rrechold; fenced and subJu4 divided; well watered; 7£ acres in crops, balance in grass; 4-room©d ; house, scullery, 7-bail cowshed, dairy, : trapshed. etc.; oloso to the Konini railway station; factory, school U milca; good read. Price .£2l per acre-, J 2400 j cneh. P- Tulloch. Land Agent, Pahiataa. j LOU SALE OR EXCHANGEi , i ACRES, Palmerston North die- ® * tried, close to Railway Station, school and creamery, nearly all level land, suitable lor eliccp, dairy, or agricultural farming; will soil in one or mono lots; price .£ls per acre. Will take 10 per cent, cash, balance 7 years at 5 per cent., or will exchange for small farm, business, or town property; equity about <£4ooo. Apply, BARGAIN, P.O. Box 176, 25S Palmerston North. KELBURNETHE Directors of the Upland Estate Company. Ltd., have decided to realise upon the unsold portion of the land. To bring this about as speedily as possible prices have been fixed at a standard so low (hat purchasers can absolutely depend upon obtaining a- very considerable profit in the near future. Just as the early purchasers of Kelburno land reaped substantial benefit, so can buyers now do equally as well under the j conditions formulated. No one can question as to the future of this portion of the city; it must progress and be for all time a leading locality. Agents, architects and builders can obtain information as to advantages to be obtained in dealing with portions of this property. Assistance will be given If required to those desiring to build immedately. For plans and particulars* apply to L. H. 3. WILSON, THE UPLAND ESTATE CO„ LTD.. 31, Hunter street, Wellington. G 95 HEAPF A R M S. 500 ACRES—About 150 acres in grass. 250 acres in good light bush, 100 acres manuka scrub, about 200 acres flat, balance hilly; about 15 acres broken to plough, well-watered by permanent streams, 2-stall stable, and feed room, G-stall cowshed, 3-roomod house.. Situate, six miles from Lower Hutt P.O. One mile fmm*school. Price, Xi< per acre; terms, .2500 cash, balance arranged. •184 ACRES —About 50 acres flat, and undulating. 100 acres bush, balance rough grass and scrub, well-watered, hilly land. Situate close, (o school and about eight miles from Unit railway station. Price, .£■l per acre; favourable terms. Owner would entertain exchange for revenueproducing property. 240 ACRES, all flat, and in grass, part stoney; 15 acres shelter bush, 13 acres broken to plough; well-watered, 7 paddocks, G-roomed house, 12-stall .stable, 1 cowshed, pig sty, etc., ring fenced, handy to school ami two railway stations by good metal road. Price Jilb per acre, terms arranged. 114 ACRDB, Manawatu lino, rich dairy- • ing land, all in grass, nearly all ploughable, ring, fenced, 0 paddocks, wellwatered; G-roomcd house, wash-house, stable, barn, cowshed; b-bails, concrete floor; cooling shod, etc. Oucninile from station, 2 miles from school, and handy to two creameries. Price <£3o per acre. >2IOOO cash, balance arranged. Owner supplies milk to Wellington. j NOTE. —Buyers of farm properties < should write stating their requirements, j Sellers of farm properties should forward details without delay to the undersigned. H. ERNEST LEIGHTON. AUCTIONEER, LA Nil AND ESTATE AGENT. ; 186, Featherston street, Wellington. , And at Lower Hutt., ( SMITH -A SMITH, LTD., AGENCIES—MALTHOID ROOFING, damp course. P. and B. BUILDING PAPERS. Not Ure same as others. DUFF'S BRASS AND. WHITE METAU BARS for shop fronts. Attractive and lasting. i HERRINGBONE EXPANDED METAL j LATHING. This Lathing being COLD JAPANNED will not rust like others. Cheapest—lighter and more rigid than! others, : St. Pancras pavement and Floor Lights for lighting basements.: Tho Metallic' Roofing Coy. of Canada’s STEEL CEILINGS. Best pattern, gauge ( and finish. : Blundell’s Petrifying Liquid. Clear ox i coloured for damp wails brick or;ceraent. MARVEL PAINT REMOVER. Quickest thing on. earth for removing old paint < and varnish. SMITH & SMITH, LTD., OIL AND COLOUR MENV Agents. ELLISON & CO., SADDLE, HARNESS, f.fJD - COLLAR MAKERS. ENGLISH GIG HARNESS, from 5.5 'Os. ENGLISH AND COLONIAL RIDING SADDLKS, mounted, complete, from 455. ariLK-CA KT HAIINKSS, from £5 lOs. COW COVERS from 6s 6d. HORSE COVEII% from 14s 6J. lOS TORY STREET WELLINGTOM. 2951 T olophono 2951

LAND FOR SALE. GRJFFJTHS & SOW, AUCTIONEERS. LAND AND ESTATE AGENT’S. BLENHEIM. SPRING CREEK. AGRICULTURAL FARM. jlQn ACRES; VERY FINE HOMEi jLoW STEAD. This Property i« absolutely the finest agricultural farm at present for sale in Marlborough. It baa been ploughed, and is now ready for sowing. FOR SALE: CANVASTOWN. Q-J rt ACRES, L.1.P.; 110 acres cleared OX i and now wintering 3iX) sheep; balance in bush. When all cleared will winter 650 to 700 sheep. All owe cocnFor Sale, with 300 sheep,’dll2C3. MAYFBELD ! SVBAYFBELD I BLENHEIM’S NEW SUBURB. QUARTER AND lIALFACRE SECTIONS. PRICE, EACH. EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED IN BLENHEIM. These Sections comprise 29 Acres of the celebrated Wateriea Farm. . NO RICHER LAND EXISTS. Now is the opportunity to secure a Section. Nothing is more certain than that during the NEXT FIVE YEARS BLENHEIM will advance in a degree never yet attained in the history of the town. Marlborough’s population to-day is the smallest of any province in the Dominion, and vet per head of population, it has tie ’largest area of land suitable for closer settlement of any of the pro.vinces in the Dominion. Nothing can prevent this condition cf things ending at no very distant date. The residents of this district and .of the whole Dominion must realise it .sooner or later.- and a largo influx of new residents is certain. The efiect of this will bo an immediate and certain rise in the value of property in the town and suburbs. BLENHEIM will always bo the centre of business for Marlborough, and: its geographical situation makes it certain that in time it must become an important city. Investment in Blenheim town or suburban property is to-day tno soundest investment in New Zealand. MAYFIELD SECTIONS OFFER A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. ALL SECTIONS ONE PRICE—J37S. ON EASIEST POSSIBLE TERMS, I A RARE CHANCE. KOEOMIKO. SPLENDID AGRICULTURAL AND DAIRY FARM. 143 LEASEHOLD. £540 As a goinß concern. Including 24*0 sheep, 2 cows, drays, harrows, ploughs, etc. Lease has live years to run at an annual rental of Ms per acre. This is a magnificent property, and comprises all Che rich flats around tbo Koromiko Railway Station. It is splendid dairying or agricultural land, and the owner, having sold his other land at Ivoromiko, is anxious to quit this property at once. We have no hesitation in recommending this property. FOR PRIVATE SALE. PRICE. REDUCED. EGG-LAYING ASSOCIATION PENS, Complete with Fowlhouse, 15s EACH. At this price these are bargains seldom to be obtained. Each house coat new J 35 17s 6d. and the yard and netting were, extra. The opportunity is one not to be missed. Apply quickly. GRIFFITHS AND SON. ’ ■’ Agents. MAIL COACH. Wo have for Sale a Mail Coach run, comprising two Coaches -and Nina Horses, besides all necessary plant, harness. etc. This is the most profitable run in tho district, and may bo purchased for A’4so. We can arrange terms with a good man. GfSSFFJTHS & SOfii

STOCK SALES. JOHNSONVILLE STOCK SALE. TO-UAY, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2nd. 1011. ABRAHAM AM) WI LLI APIS, LTD., A 4 v. ill sell at 2 o’cioek--5W j.rimc Wiucp ■lf) prime bullocks •Vi fives in Jamb £5 A LMERSTON NORTH SALE. TO-iIOKIIOW. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3rd. 1911. I.VI mixed aged owes in lamb :Jof) mixed won!ly hoggets ■V) forward ewes •vj lambs 1W ewo iambs 1011 4-year owes in lamb I.VI ewes in lamb Via and 5-ycar owes in lamb to S.D. ]VI uii.xed hoggets 20 i-,vc» in lamb LEVIN SALE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1911, At 11.30 a.m. ALGETY" ATM) CO.. LTD., will eollKK) woolly hoggets 20 prime wethers :Wl wethers biff hills) Pls souud-niouth ewes in lamb 10 fat wethers i) yearling heifers 2 store cows LEVIN SALE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1911. A BRAIL AM AND WILLIAYIS, LTD., will sell at 1 p.m.— 10 fat. owes and wethers I’A fat lambs 12041 good owes in lamb to Rom. rams Id lot wellers 2'KI owe hoggets I.VI 2-tootii to f.f.m. ewes in lamb to nuns 15 21-year steers S fat and forward cows FOE SALE. ■ SUFFOLK Stallion STRONGBOW, k-A imp., bred bv Groongal, Pastoral Go., Ltd., N.S.AV. ' Slrniigbow" is 0 years old and is a fine upstanding' horse of 17 hands, .with plenty .of beuo and substance. Guaranteed sound. For further particulars apply to DALGETY AND COMPANY", LIMITED, 45.'! Christchurch. LAND FOR SALE. SECTIONS, Leasehold and Freehold. In all parts of Tanmarunui. Apply Atchison and Black. Tauinarunui. FIVE SPLENDID FREEHOLD DAIRY FARMS IN THE WAIKATO AREA from 235 acres to 396, at prices from AT Ills to .210 10s; two miles from railway, creamery on property; practically' all ploughable; must double iu valuo shortly. Terras—lo per cent cash, 15 per cent .improvements, 10 per cent, in twelve months, balance 5 years at S per cent. Owners will, if necessary, assist to build and finance cows. Further particulars from S. T. COOPER, , Eltham; Or M. C. LAWSON. 136 Raurimn. PRELIMINARY" NOTICE. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of the CELEBRATED HISTORIC WAIMARAMA ESTATE (Q B. HOAD LEY AND SON, LIMITED, have received instructions from the Executors of the late Mrs G. P. Donnelly, to offer by Public Auction EARLY"'IN NOVEMBER . che well-known “ WAIMAR AMA" Estate, Subdivided into suitable areas for DAIRYING, GRAZING AND MIXED , FARMING, ./ I Being rich limestone country, which, for iituatiou and climate is unsurpassed in ' the Dominion. 1 ] Situated‘on the Coast, about IS miles ! from Hustings by good road. J TITLE—LAND TRANSFER. THE SURVEY" IS NOW BEING | COMPLETED. * < At the samo time will bo offered a k number of SEASIDE TOWNSHIP ALLOTMENTS. Plans-'and all further particulars will bo issued in due course. TERMS OF PAYMENT WILL BE LIBERAL. G. B. HOADLEY & SON, LIMITED, AUCTIO N E E R S, NAPIER, HASTINGS AND GISBORNE.'

LAND FOR SALE. f DANNEVIRKE—THE COMING DAIRYING CENTRE. A SPLENDID DAIRY AND SHEEP FARM—2OO acres, 220 acres freehold. 40 acres leasehold; rich alluvial flats and easy well-grassed hills; commodious house and all necessary outbuildings; 14-bail concreted cowshed, woolshed and yards; returned .£ll 10s per cow for 50 cows and carried (worked in conjunction with a further 100, acres) *I3OO sheep and lambs, most of which were turned off fat. Freehold at .£2l per acre. For the lease £l5O goodwill. Favourable terms F. -C. STUBBS & CO., . DANNEVIRKE. ' ; , CHEAP FARM. > "I Arfcifi ACRES, Main Trunk Line. 3 miles from Station, splendid road; 400 acres grassed. 200 acres being felled, 400 acres milling bush (sawmill adjoins): good new house, 8 rooms; 4 paddocks; 400 acres ploughahle. Originally all bush land. Native Lease 21 years 2s per acre, renewal further 21 years at revaluation' on unimproved value. i Price .£3250. Terms .£1250 cash, balance at current rates, LEWIS & CO.. WANGANUI. WANTED TO PURCHASE—GOO□ WELLINGTON PROPERTY. UE client has good property in Feilding. returning £l3O per annum; very lightly encumbered, and ho desires to exchange same for good rent producing houses in Wellington; total valuo £2800; equity £2000; and our man'will find tip to £IOOO cash, making total equity £3OOO. Send full particulars at once to o w. H. LAMBERT & COY?., 30, CUBA STREET. PALMERSTON NORTH. 1800 ACIKES of ricollold . on s°°d road; all in grass and wintering and S v ' fattening 2 sheep per acre; subdivided into' fire paddocks; well fenced; sheep yards, whafe. etc., all on property. This is really cheap at £9 an acre for the freehold. G. K. PASLEY, LOWE STREET, GISBORNE. DAIRY COUNTRY, WAIKATO. ACRES, situated 2 miles from a good railway station and 4 miles from - . .. property is most lor cutting up .into dairying iarms. being,_ with the exception ox I^so suitabl _ _ .. acres. nil in English grasses and cultivation, and” lending itself very readily 7-roomsd house, wirli all necessary outubdivision. Buildings consn buildings. Price-«£I0 per acre. Terms on application. 3 J. C. L. PANTON, Agent, Ilamilton, O.R.P., Gisborne district: can be made freehold in two roars at 17s 6d per acre: ?A miles from railway station; 510 acres grassed,; balance bush: 5-roonud hous'., sawmill on property paying (M 'per 100 ft royalty. A good investment at £3 10s per acre, of which <£lsi:o may remain on mortgage, ACRES Freehold, Gisborne district 15 miles from Gisborno by dray r css and subdivided; 1? sheep country. Price "£G 15s 1344 all can COMMON, SHELTON AND CO., LTD., GISSORNI & ACRES, reserve telephone office, storeroom, good A REAL SNIP. all beautiful limestone countix, and all in grass except -i0 acres bush; well watered by springs; situated 1 mile,-from post and 13 nules from railway station; 3-roomed cottage, washhouse, woolshed, garden, etc. Price, only £d 5s per acre; terms. ELI SMTTTL

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7868, 2 August 1911, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7868, 2 August 1911, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7868, 2 August 1911, Page 12