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¥ I - SL4 1 f^aaS^l LECTED PROPERTIES One Hundred and Twenty Picked City, Suburban, and ——Co untry Properties for Quick Saless-ss-s— ——-


City, Suburban and Country Properties.

F iM imml .irui nH n Vncc : SALK—Dunie-l street. 5 roomsami M.mllwv, with £*■.>, katli, ar.d'i S,mlt:i, There,- is a bay window. verandah tu the buu.-u, which is ■ '■ vly painted and papered through-/ Land, :i:i x 111. Insurance JdlaU.' A7la). Terms arranged, T, K. MACDuNAI.D, LTD.. Wellington. I diHiae la, '. 1. S I’.e liT. CENTRAL City Property; best position in Willis street; splendid 3st'Oroy block of brink buildings, eo h - taiiung .1 shops and other's; shows 0. per cent, on whole oi purchase money, LEASEHOLD, NO GOODWILL. Q/j A ACRKS; 80 acres plou^hable; i-ootiicd cottage; (> paddocks; cowhails, etc.; close to creamery, ole.; lease finance whole oi purchase mniics,: . , AV merit of v.hicli may remain on morLcratfe . 1 ‘ j for ,1 rears at 11,I 1 , per cent. Full parti-- cows to good man. Apply ; DAGGETT AND POTTS. cula rs from SIIORTTS’ LIMITED, ACRES, Small Grazing Run; < > ,1/Uuu rent 6d per acre; GIO acres) .grass; balance bush; subdivided, 9 pad-) ■docks; 3-roomed cottage; price .£2 5s per. .acre; terms. —20 Acres, 3 miles from; ' Wanganui; 7-roomed House, copper and) cash required. Write : tubs, 3-bail cowshed, trapohed. etc.; price J f £1050; £l5O cash. Apply J. H. Bowator \ FOR SALE. ! PETROLEUM. I rjTHE success which has attended the HAIRDRESSERS and Tobacconists JL boring op-rations at New Plymouth, Business; AS per week nett profit.) must inevitably lead to a notable advance 111-health compels owner to sell. £500) in property values, inthose,^ooahbes LEWIS AND CO., ) 111 V* • U4V.13, - __ ; where oil has been proved to ctflst. Hay- / ing made this subject a special study ( for the last 20 years, I am in a position ( to advise wouldbe investors. ROXA BAY SECTIONS. , ; CHEAP BUSINESS. mHE Eona Bay Land Syndicate is de- 1 A EISH AND _OYSTER SUPPER JL sirous of closing partnership ac- ( ROOMS, i n T ar “ counts and will let its . remaining lots j with 5 rooms and scullery: Rased a go CHEAP. Some of the'most desirable ;‘ s Gd F r woek >' sites can now bo acquired at extremely , J^, rn °'’® r about £J> per U low- rates and on easy terms. i lice AbO casa. _ ___ E. M. BOULTON, J T - K - MACDONAI^.LTD., Nathan's Buildings. $ Wellington.

J ~fl QQf> AGUES Freehold; excellent XOU/W country; 1720 acres iti ' grass; riii" fenced; partly by river bonnclary; wools lied and yards, 2 docking ■ yards, 1-roomed house; carry 2 to 2j ■ sheep to acre, besides cattle; good road; ; 4 miles from school. stores. F. 0., factory. ; Sell for J?G per acre. First mortgage ; ~£SOOO at -id per cent, deposit .£2000; bill- { ance to bo - arranged on second mortgage > at 5 nor cent. J. 11. Thmopson Stratford. J SPLENDID DAIRY FARM. ka ACRES, li miles from Kaworo ) t>L? Post OliicD; all pioughoble and J well watered; will carry 30 cows well. ( Price «£GO per acre. A good reliable ( man can secure, if ho has .£3OO cash or stock of that value, by paying one- } third of every niilk cheque to vendor \ until property is paid for. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., Hawera ( OffcAA ACRES. Hawke’s Bay district; ) 'wUl/v/bandy to large town ; good roads; ; 22 paddocks; 4Cf) acres rich flats; balance ( easy rolling country; garden, orchard, I etc. Buildings consist of 7-roomed,house, ( woolshod. 2 stables, implement sheds, \ men’s cottages, sheep yards, dip, etc. ) Only 10s per aero. Terms arranged. ORBELL AND CO., | - Palmerston North. > TE KTUITI. "PERSONALLY Inspected and Strong--3- Jy Recommended doO acres, L.T.P. ; rent J 212 per annum; miles fre / school and P. 0.; 220 acres in grass, balance good bush, 3 parts ; sheep and cattle. Small house. Price 7s Gd per acre, J-7GO cash. Apply EATLIEE DAND AGENCY, * Eoilding

i ) MANNERS STREET \ (BEST BUSINESS POSITION). i \ SHOP properties ou land 30ft|j lOin s. 117 ft. Price only .£225/ per foot. ( I I WYLIE BROS., \ i 181, I-’KATHEUSTON STREET, ( ( WELLINGTON. < ( i ( A SNIP. SPLENDID DAIRT FARM. \ -3 Ffo ACRES, close to Picton; goods J new house of five rooms withs every convenience, stable, barn, cowshed,*) etc.; within one milo of the new Link-) water Checsefactory; -the land is all ilat> uml comprises some of tlio most fertile-* *oil iu Marlborough; it is all in good<J heart and last jear produced 4 tons of s chaff per acre from a considerable area; >, the place will run 81) cows and probably s more. Price A2!) per aero, reasonable s terras. Wo recommend this property s with confidence. ) GRIFFITHS AND SON, .j Land Agents, Blenheim. >

Sh ATAlTAT.—Superior villa -5 rooms with all modern conveniences, city ■ water and drainage. Splendid view. t Price X 625, small deposit. Apply < ) WILLIAM 11. TURNBULL AND CO., { 27, Panama St., Wellington. 'Waikato , dairy farm. ;TAREEHOLD 103 Acres, all in splendid j JL 1 grass and crops; 10 paddocks, lino (fences and wire; Inis is rich sheltered ( land and well watered and is at. pre- ( sent carrying -10 cows, 8 horses; an up-to- < date 10-roorned house, statics, cow and t buggy sheds, etc.: close to Hamilton, ' where milk supply can bo sold. Price ) ,£MO per aero: terms arranged. Allen, Gilford & Co., Agents. Hamilton. TO INVESTORS. ■JCTXCELLENT PROPERTY in heart of business centre; payable proposition, increasing in value. R. WANDEN. Land Agent, Blenheim. fine "resideNCE KEIJ3URNE. ) 17IOK. SALE. —Very superior residence (Ac of (i largo rooms and study, Swiss (Chalet, design; every possible convonieace; several bays; fine section: 50ft ( frontage: capital view of city and har(bonr: well sheltered; situate 1 minutes ' Kclburnc Tram. Price only .EISOO, good terms. Full particulars ffom Oualter > Dykes and Co., corner Fcatherston and ) Brandon streets.

STRATFORD. CUTd. ACRES, ail grass, clear of weeds; /4DO y paddocks, i:h-i>aii cowshed, etc.; a-u siioep prcoi leuciiig; now carrying 60 cows, luu 'sheep besides other stock; near railway suit, ton and creamery. > Price cklG per acre; terms can bo or- ; ranged. Can honestly recommend tais ) ULIU- . JELLY MAN AND WOOD, New Plymouth. HORSHAM DOWNS ESTATE. rjTTIIS Magnificent Block of Country JL has now been subdivided into farms of 15U acres and upwards. Beautiful jelling downs iu the best of English grasses, and well watered. Price and terms exceptionally easy. Apply ALLEN. GIFFORD & CO.. Agents, Hamilton. ;•} 1911 DAIRY FARMS SALE, LEASE, AND CHANGE. Write stating 1’) ments to 5! , A. GRANT, t) Real Estate Agent, ( Hawera, Taranaki. EX-1 requireOUPEKJCR sheep farm, 773 acres, sub-; ~£3 divided, fenced and watered; 600; l") acres pioughablo, carry 3 sheep andj ’; cattle 6-roomed house, now; wool shod,, l_; 3 stand machines, 3 H.P. National cu- ( gine, sheep yards and dip; situated 8i m miles from Hastings, 4 miles from freez i ing works. Price only .£l4 per acre; I { .£3BOO cash, balance 5 per cent. Further 1 i particulars apply C. R. WILSON, Agent, j £ Hastings.

A GOING CONCERN. ? /OsNXiY <£2oo cash down, balance re-'j >J* main 4 years at 5 per cent. 105«, acres of good laud. There is a dwelling) of 6 rooms, cowshed with 13 bails, trap-) shed, etc.; well watered. The following) stock etc. is included in the price: 24) cows, 1 bull, horse, dray, harness, milk) cans, buckets, plough, etc., etc. Price) is .£ISOO for the lot; .£2OO cash down, } Gilmour and Clark. New Plymouth. ( 300 ACRES Freehold; good grazingj land; all grassed and well sul>-) divided, sheep-proof fences; good house! and sho<l, dip; 3 miles to railway, 9 miles) to Stratford. Price Jsli per acre, with? .£SOO cash down. Also 300 Acres Frec-( hold, will carry 1-10 cows; town and i!( good factories within a mile. Price X'39( per acre, X3OO cash down, balance in 7' years at 5 per cent. New Zealand Loan &i Mercantile Agency Co. Ltd., Stratford.! 1050 miles from Uapier by good^ level road, undulating and hilly limo-i stouo country, fair portion nloughable ;) well fenced; 4 paddocks; well watered will carry through winter 1750 sheep; and 100 cattle; can bo increased by) ploughing. Price X 8 10s per acre, easy) . terms; i cash, balance at 5 per cent.) For further particulars apply WIL-t LIAMS .AND KETTLE, LTD., Napier. ACRES FREEHOLD—AII plough ' J'tfc able and all in grass except small; patch shelter bush; well fenced and sub-; divided; good house and outbuildings;) creamery adjoining: and only li miles to> railway station, P. 0., store, school, etc. ;> price JC2I per acre; only X3OO cash: bal-' anco 5 years 5 per cent. Apply promtly; to ■ ) W. H. LAMBERT AND CO., ( Palmerston North. )

FOR 3EXCHANGE. GOOD House Property, Palmerston) North, centrally situated; total j 1 equity JC5400; total rentals .£4OO par an--1 nuni. Owner wishes to exchange for ( small farm not too. heavily mortgaged! with about same equity. . For full parti-' oulars apply H. F. McNEILL’ AND CO., 155, Featherston St., Wlgtn. J OHNSON VTLLE. DAIRY farm, 5G acres in first-class S order; carry 15 con's. Fine fortune to smart man. ( JOHN WHEELER, Land and Estate Agent,' J Johnson ville. ESTATE—Last 12 Seo-| tions for Sale, Between Main road ( and Hutt river, 3 minutes from railway,! post office, and stores. Choice Building) Allotments. Easy terms. Deposit from) £5 per section, balance small install ! ments. Upper 211 ft above seal ) level. For plans and particulars, apply j B. M. BOULTON, Nathan's Buildings.

FOE SALE. ) mWO first-class farms on tho Mana- > JL watu Line, both highly improved; \ one of 416 acres and one of 86 acres; ' cash or terms at 4-i per cent, on balance. ' Apply J. E. STAN6ELL, SENE.. Land Agent, 8, Upland road, Kelbume. ACEES of good level land, close to railway and school and factory. "-roomed house and 12-baal shed. Carrying IS dairy cows and other stock. Price ,£37 per acre. Cash down £7OO. H. GEAVES AND CO., Land Agents, Hawera. FOE LEASE, Dairy Farm. 64. acres; rent 40s per acre, 4 years; right ot purchase £lO per acre of 39 acres balance Maori Lease. As a going concern, including 35 cows, horse, trap, harness, etc.; suitable for milk walk; close to town. Price £600; terms arranged, lor particulars apply J. T. BAEEY AND CO., Feilding. 8500 ACKES— Perpetual lease ’ with wvv re-valuation every 21 years; , present rental only A l5O per annum; ; 3000 acres grassed and well fenced and > sub-divided; balance good bush big fern 1 and tute; 5000 acres are ploughable: > good house, outbuildings and yards. Situ- : ated only 6 miles from good township; 1 mice ill 5s per acre; terms £3OOO cash. 1 ippfy W. H. LAMBEET AND CO., ! Palmerston North.

-| OKA ACRES 0.R.P.. Gisborne dis.) } XtSOvr trict, can bo raado freehold) )in two years at 17s Cd per aero; Si", i mil“s from railway station; MO acresi j grassed, balance bush; 5-roomed house,) I sawmill on property paying 6d per 100 ft j J royalty; a good investment at .£3 10s per) ( acre, of which ,£ISOO may remain 'on) | mortgage. | )-j nAA AGEES Freehold, Gisborne) > XOr±t k district, 45 miles from Gis.) \ borne by dray road; ail in grass and) '• subdivided; li sheep country. Price JE6) ) 15s per acre: terms can be arranged. ! S COiIMON SHELTON & CO., LTD.. | ) Gisborne. (

FOE SALE. < V7TTE have for sale n splendid 1000-acre') »«' cattle and sheep farm, situate at,> Waipukarau, Hawke's Bay; 8-roomed r ' house; 13 paddocks; 7and 3 wired fence ) nad well watered by never failing, streams. Price .fill per aero, easy terms could bo arranged. Apply \ EASSON BROS., • Kiibirnie, 'Phono 3135. < PLENDID Sheep Farm, Martin- ( borough, Wairarapa; 483 acres,* L.1.P., rout 3s Gd; all in grass; 7 pad-| docks; 350 acres plonghable; goodi healthy 2 sheep country which is winter-J ing 1(100 sheep, 25 cattle and horses; 800, fats were sold off it last season; build-, lugs include 8-roomcd dwelling, stables, * woolshed, yards, etc. Price -C5 is pen acre. W. H. MOERAH AND CO.,* Willis street Wellington. *

' ArT , F c; ■p_p-i I nl<J- K-'tuatp 22 miles from Napier on the new road connecting the Napier Puketitiri road with 9228 road also has a frontage of 2 miles to the Puketitiri road and a frontage of OAIi4(J thepf.i-p°Htiri ‘road l ? 8(f per cent, of the property is ploughable and 2500 acres ploughed; 4000 acres 1“ o S r b°ut P no" rough L can'ride all over it._ , The, place is into ,38 paddocks, well waters have been c generating - : men's quarters, cow “ eheep• "towFbonse, wJiare, blacksmiths shop and dip. Price £Q per acre. ® SuS: DALGETY AND COMPANY. LIMITED, Napier. AUCKLAND. TXT ANTED to Sell, new 8-roomcd V V Residence, old English design;, 2 min. Newmarket railway station; largo section; everything right up to date; photo at 'office. Price £1425. Will take ( Wellington cottage equity, or unoncums bered land as part payment. H. G. 5 Albertson,. Estate Agent, 16, King's ) Chambers, Wellington. r.

TNQUIRE about this I come where the Jlf. JOHNSTON AND COY., II,\JL grass grows green. 100 acres, free- * Cuba street. PALMERSTON < koW, to railway.'school creamery. „ '(P.O.’; 7-roome<l house, 11-bail cowshed;) NORTH, have large selection of splendid conveniences; ample supply) class Sheep and Dairy Farms for Sale,< winter feed; all flat; nearly all been especially in- Manawatu. Oroua, t Eangitikci. Apply for particulars. - KEMP AND SAWLE, i . ) . Stratford. J

> fJQOpfl ACRES, of which 130 are leasehold, and 2766 acres freehold; rent of S ) AOJO lease is Is 9d per acre, right of renewal on value for improve- ) ( nionts; 11 miles from good township and railway by dray road; mails twice } ( weekly; school i mile; telephone 1.) sales; 2306 acres felled and grassed, balance ( 500 acres bush; 20 largo pacdocks—good fences—ample water-good now- house, \ woolshed, stables, yards (-1 sets) dip, convenient house and shed paddocks Car- ( nos two big dry sheep and cattle. Price trochoid -65 12s Gd and leasehold -6500■ \ terms .&3000 cash, balance 5 years at 5 per cent. Write or wire early to ’ 1 l WILSON AND CO., Estate Agents, J ) Waverley. , . j

SPLENDID SHEEP FARM. . . ' *fT?FS Freehold- 120 acres bush, now carrying 2-J75 sheep (inoludSSfiiit&cltrSLt.,! pVIco.XSjT sere. terms css be urte»S«i. DALGETY AND COMPANY LIMITED, ■Wellington.

'F FLAXBOURNE. lOR SALE, 420 acres L.1.P., rental 5s 6d, situated ■ FJasbourne; 300 acres ( ploughed and grassed, balance tussock, 140 acres in crop. .Winters 500 breeding; S ewes, besides horses and cows; 5-room-, )ed house. ■ outhouses, etc.; divided into jlO paddocks. Price .£SOOO as a going j concern. Further particulars irom ) S. GEORGE NATHAN, / 20, Hunter street. 440 ACRES. 5 miles from New Ply--amouth; 400 acres in grass, balance in bash; 300 acres ploughable; divided into 12 paddocks, fenced with wire and Barberry, live hedges; factory i mile school li miles; now carrying 200 head" cattle and 300 breeding ewes. Price Xl2 an acre, with 211800 cash, balance 0 years at 5 per cent. Gillies and Nalder. , ami Agents. Hawera. 4 AA ACRES, L.1.P., rent 2617 a year, 19 miles from'railway station and town--f -s 1 1 fr>. Taihape district, post office 7 miles; 360 acres felled end grassed, balance bush; easy country; will winter 21 sheep to the acre: 6-roomed nbusc, sheep-yards, shearing-shed, etc.; ring fenced;' 5 paddocks; well watered. Price only 266 per acre, mortgage 20900 to Government; terms 281000. cash. Apply sharp. G. CUNNINGHAM, Taihape. POULTRY FARM.—IS acres freehold, . convenient ta Auckland, close to railway station; 11 acres in grass; com- - fortablo house of -6' rooms, incubator 1 house, with 5 incubators, feed room, largo ’ workshop, 12 fowlhouses, 4 brooders, 16 fowl runs, 700 bead of laying stock, 300 chickens; mortgage .£3OO at 5i per cent. Price JillSO.over mortgage. WJ J. SHORT. Land Agent,

ST. D. McLEAN, Phoenix Chambers, \ 41 Queen St.. AUCKLAND. ) 'OESIDENCES in city and suburbs;) **" city properties; valuable sites i'or ( warehouses and factories in heart of) city. Sheep and dairy farms, and or < chard properties. Write for particulars.) W. D. IfcLEAN, < Land and Estate Agent, I < Phoenix Chambers, 41, Queen street, < AUCKLAND. . < <

) CJPLENDID Grazing and Cropping 1 QAA ACHES of Freehold, on good O Farm, 322 acres, will winter 1500 iOUU . , j dry sheep or. 125(Pewos; all ploughablo, road; mil in grass and wih/te-r-< subdivided, fenced, and grows i) splendid crops; nearly now o-roomod >.V house; stables, granary, and situated only ‘,B miles from Hastings. Price .£2l 10a ing and fattening 1 2 sheep per acre; sub-divided into five paddocks; well P® r acre; .£ISOO cash, balancei 5 nor cent ( Further particulars apply C. 11. Wllr fenced; sheep-yards, whare, etc., all on| Agent, Hastings., 'WAIKATO ( ACRES, all in good grass, divided ( into' 5 pddooks; 3J- miles from j Hamilton, 1 mile from school and cream- ( cry. Price, JB1&- per acre. ( * jro ACRES, all in good grabs; all, i; “tO Ai ploughable,, divided into 'lB padi docks; 6-roomed house with all convenivences. Price £l7; easy terms. GEORGE S. HENDERSON, Hand Agent Hamilton. property. This is really cheap at £9 ! an acre for the freehold. { Gr K. PASLET, Lowe street, Gisborne.

< CHEAP DAIRY FARM. : > 0524“ ACRES, freehold; fenced and snb- ( JO? divided; -well watered; 7i acres) 5 in crops, balance in grass; 4-roomed , Vbouse, scullery. 7 7 bail cowshed, dairy,! J trapshed, etc.; close to tbo Konini rail- 1 / way station; factory, school 1-i miles;! ( good road. Price A'2l per acre; dMOOj < cash. ! i P. TULLOCH. < Land Agent, Pahiatua. PINE DAIRY FARMS. ACRES, Freehold, fine dairying district; well watered; very easy riirta ONE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD undulating country lying well to the uivr. -VALUE. sun; within a mile of creamery, post office, and school; new 7-roomed house, etc.,- carrying capacity easily 35 to 40 cows. Price 520 per acre; .cash■ aMOO. or possibly little less. Genuinely for sals. P. C. STUBBS AND CO.. * Prompt application recommended. DAN Mi V LUKE. F. C. STUBBS AND CO., Dannevirke. -VALUE. See Particulars Opposite. 1 AH ACRES, Freehold, near Danne- ACRES, best Dairy Farm in disJLUU virke; comfortable bouse, andrv/vfeJ trict; 70 acres freehold, 1 balance ( otherwise fully equipped as a dairy renewable lease; good residence and or- ( farm; subdivided, partly stumped and chard; very large and complete farm < ploughed, and splendidly watered; very buildings, milking plant, etc.; yielding ( short distance from township; creamery most profitable returns; capacity 80 to < within few chains; carries 33 cows re-100 cows; creamery close alongside; with < gularly, and does them well; herd at in easy reach of town and all j valuation if desired. Price 2823 10s per ences. Further particulars on application: acre. Terms, 1 .£SOO cash. f F. C. STUBBS AND CO., Danneyirke. ,

QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. FOE SALE—valuable freehold with two frontages and good buildings showing good returns. Fullest particulars, on application. T. MANDENO JACKSON, • Auctioneers, Etc., Custom street. E., Auckland ACRES, 8 miles from impor-1 w tant town, Waikato; mostly, , ploughable; 10CO acres, grass, 60 acres; i cron 13 paddocks; fine country, suitable, i sheep or cattle; 6-roomed house, sheep, 1 dip and yards, stable, chaff house, sheai-; 1 ing shed,. milking shod, etc., etc. Only i .£6 5s per acre, and ,£2OOO cash, dowh * will eoo you in. Enquire for iurtheri ! particulars from W. Aubrey Gosling, 1 a—Vmunnn Junction. \Vaikato.

I FOR SALE, > - i > CbQ ACRES' Rich Dairy Land, near ( > li/O Wellington, all level; 60 acres! ; been ploughed; 10 acres shelter; 15 pad-! docks; permanent stream; 9-roomed < house and conveniences; 21-bail cowshed' ! concreted; hayshed 60ft x 20ft; large 1 implement shed: 3-stall stable and loft;, i trapshod; workshop; ponitry-honsos and j run; 5 concreted pig sties; 4-roomed ) cottage; 20 acres now in oats; this fine ) farm will dairy GO coirs and all milk } can be sold in Wellington at 6d and 8d ! a gallon, summer and winter, delivered j at station near farm. Adjoining pro- \ perty sold at .£3O par acre. , Price .£25 ( 10s per acre, terms. Apply > F. P. WELCH. i Estate Agent, Masterton. {

I I i) ] SHEEP AND DAIRY FARM. S A- 1 Q ACRES, 315 L.1.P., rent £l3 ilOs., 97 freehold. Situated close to Dtiku >, railway station, school, and dairy factory; 2 houses on property; cub- J divided into 5 paddocks, well fenced, and watered; will winter 120(1 sheep and ) 30 cows. Price £lO 10s per acre. Terms ,£IOOO cash, balance 5 years 5 per cent. 1 W. P. GARNER AND COMPANY.. . 1 | Taihape. ’ S

Symond street, Auckland, block of 5 shops withs .dwellings attached; fitted with up-to-i date conveniences, nud always let to 1 ’ good tenants; 3 of tho shops are brick; and quite new and tho other 2 are inj perfect older; land has largo frontage,' lo Symond St. and also back entrance./ A safo investment with largo future pro-? spects.' .1. THORNES, S 3, Queen street,; Auckland. ( ACRES freehold, all flat, fenced kind subdivided, well watered; will carry -10 dairy cows; 5-roomed house, cowshed. and all necessary outbuiJdirvs; 2 miles from school, and 2.} miles from creamery, 4 miles from Pahiatua, railway etstipn. Price, .£27 per acre; good terms arranged. T. Ttri.LOCII, Land Agent. Pahiatua. IKA AGEES Freehold, all very rich; 4501 flat alluvial, land, suitable for; fattening or dairying; 2 miles from fac- . tory and railway, 7 miles from Hastings;, in area’s to suit buyers. Price Tfa 10s: per acre. For further particulars apply ( WfLLIAMS AND KETTLE. LTD., \ ' Napier. 1

a t?t? r CVTT) ItA fi -ACHES Freehold,- all in grass, ( A KEAX, SNIP. (14:11 and over 100 aires have been ■,t A ACRES, unimproved land, noj ploughed; carry CO cons easily; 2 houses,! ; dfctfcvJ' buildings, 5 miles from a rail-; 10-bail cowshed, stable, loosebox, trap- ( ; way, bus passes twice a week; well water-) shed, woolshcd; ' subdivided, fenced,) 'cd and a little fencing. Price J2l per) watered; 3 miles railway station land) r acre, terms XTOO down. ( creamery alongside. Price and further; i WENZL SCHOLLUM,, AGENT, 5 particulars, terms, etc., on application.) ) Queen street, Auckland, ? DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD., ( / } Wellington. )

VALUABLE orchard on Havelock Hills, Hawke's Bay; consisting of. 24 acres, of which 12 acres are in fruit, \ as follows, rcotarmcs, poaches, ■ apples, apricots, pears, plums, prunes, almonds.and walnuts. 2 acres of vinos, one-thirdS of which art table grape vines; 9 acres; in English grasses; 1 aero in plantation.) House of 5 rooms. David Whyte and? CO., Ltd., Solo Agents,. Hastings. j 900 acres easy MU country, in all 1600 acres about ..a i—a., i....:..p.,-:,,.. or tiipcn uer acre. aU>) \CELS rich flats and 700 acres belli linj? wit with 4 Price for the land as a pastor© aua juw u-oies iii ri C halo *£lG par aero, or separately, pw acre 'or tho } flats; wineli include tin© buildings,‘and JH4 per acre # for tho acre poino Tho property is free from Howls, and, from its proximity to town and ran of its proximity to town and rail a tempting investment. A recent, berea meat in the family of tho owner is the latter’s reason for selJin N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED rj 10 make money, buy 1000 acres of) line tawa bush; freehold; close to) station on Main Trunk Line. A great) bargain. Apply sharp. bereaveNapier. ) A. C. JOHNSON. Land Agent. Te Kuiti. DAIRY COUNTRY. WAIKATO. 1 (CJ Afi ACRES, situated 2 miles from a good railway station and 4 miles J.'UktV/ from sale yards, and township, in a thriving district: the property all rolling country, lying well to tho sum. watered by ever-flowing streams, and is nearly all ploughable: it is subdivided into 19 paddocks by good sheepproof fencing, and is equal to carrying 2J sheep to tho acre: this property is most suitable for cutting up into dairying farms, being, with toe exception of 250 acres, all in English grasses and cultivation, and lending itself very readily for subdivision. Buildings consist of a 7-roomed house, with all necessary outbuildings. Price .£lO per acre. Terras on application. ! ■J. C. L. PANTON, Agent, Hamilton. , i vvu ruvji / DAIRY FARM, 100 acres; 5 years') lease; rent 12s 6d per acre; good) house and outbuildings; goodwill ' .£175.) QQA ACRES, fine limestone country,: tJO\r 100 acres flat; line house and out-) buildings; -CIS per acre;• terms. f HUSBAND AND FINCH, Land & Estate Agents, WoodvUle. S SUITABLE FOE BETIEED GENTLE- ■ MAN. ■jqa ACHES, water frontage, 20 miles LOW from Auckland; carrying at pro. sent 6 dairy cows, and 3 horses; watered) all flat undulating and ploughable; 12 sheep-proof paddocks, post and wire fenc. ing; IU-roomcd house with every convc-

jp( ODD HOTEL for Sale or Exchange,) TT 27 rooms anti every < er ICO acres of good laud. EETTEED CIVIL SERVANTS AND OTHEES. Good Kent Jl6: sublets, 30s. Tak: weekly. Price .£llOO. _ Cosh, LESOO. 27 rooms and every conveniences;) ___.. . ~, ~ ng, A'soj • ” , oconor ' 129, economic surroundings on main) .■ii illt . ...i. U u. ...i..,, ) lino of railway, midway bdtween Marton 1 Wantal"tu“bu'y in Victorii street or) "?}} icmity, Building bito cheap. Apply. If. G. RETD. Harris- street, Wlgtn. } tachod up to 16 acres; also desirable ) Buildings Plots and choice Dairy Farms.) ? Apply R. K. BRADBURY, TXalcombe) \ Laud Agency. ) AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. ACRES freehold, 1 nnlo from railway! li from creamery, and II from - school and P. 0.; subdivided into 16 paddocks.; particularly well watered; 6-roomed house, all outbuildings; engines and milking machines; soil is splendid Quality and grows-, enormous crops. V eil worthy of inspection. Particulars at New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, Masterton.

) TTOTEL for sale, -with lease of 13 9 ) -OL months, at rental of £3 per week;i tJno opposition with ,6 miles. Price, lease, 1 (' and furniture. .£350; takings given on 1 the average £25 per week. Hotel has* ,/o‘ust been rebuilt and refurnished. Fur- ! . ther particulars P. H. ZOHEAB AND CO., ' \ ) 276, Lambton quay. ( t POE SALE. • ■ < ; J3UTCHTEIN G business, in centre of j -8-9 Hastings, cash trade; horses, carts,J ; harness and up-to-date machinery. Good | ( lease. Goodwill and plant £350, terms.! j CHARLES HUGHES, | I Land Agent, Hastings, j

ACRES, all bush, close to station on Main Trunk Line; 3 . 21 sheep country when in grass. Apply, l 1? sharp to fc ; ' W. LOEIGAN & CO.. ’ ; To Kuiti. TARANAKI FARM. OKfk ACRES, L.1.P., Taranaki, for; uD" lease, sale or exchange; hilly; country suitable for mixed fanning;) will winter 500 owes; good house and out-) buildings; price £7 IGp, lease Ts, equity) JJISOO. Further particulars from AYUNSCH AND CO., Palmerston North.

j . A REAL SNIP. ' Pfc/J.O ACRES all beautiful limestone ' country and all in grass except j4O acres reserve bush; well patered ) by springs,; situated 1 mil© from 1 ) post and telephone office, 15 miles from } railway station; 3-roomcd cottage; wash-! > house, store-room, good woolshed, garden,] ( P r^ce only JL'J 5s per acre, terms./ | ELI SMITH, Masterton. | ! £>Aif4 ACRES, Beautiful Farm, suitable? 1 \>yvf for cutting up; 3 miles from( railway, good, -roads; bouse, yards, etc.;' little Has; fattened off cne year 530 bul-( locks and 2500 sheep; ail level, and large \ area ploughed; ring-fenced ancl well sub-,) divided. Cheap. ') J. M. JOHNSTON AND CO., ( Palmerston North, (

iouctry i ■■.tfvidod" into 5 “paddocks.''{Vno ed with totnra poets andl wires; well watered br permanent streams. Stock: Carrying capacity of the Property eonals 2 sheep to the aero. Buildings: Good 4-roomed house and woolshcd 2-tlt s lift with loft. Annual rating d;3 11s.. School within U miles; good metalled roads. Prico dll 5s per acre tor goodwill. Terms DALGETY AND COMPANY. LIMITED. Napier, i TTTOTEL for sale. situated in a pros- ( JOL porous agricultural and pastoral ) district; lease 7 years at a very low £ rent: no opposition within 8 miles; all ) working expenses, including rent, under ) c-06 per week; genuine takings of jC4O per -week. Price, lease, and furniture, ,£1600; pood safe electorate: free house. Apply ( P. A. ZOIIKAD AND CO„ \ 278, Lambton quay. City,

,) . DAIRY FARM Afl A GOING CONCERN. ' . ; i f ) I OAA ACRES. Freehold; all in grass; all fiat fine dairy farm, handy to C ( creamery and cheese factory, school, etc.; 'yell watered and fenced; all ( ( in good working order; house and all necessary buildings; price £24 10s, which ) ) includes 60 dairy cows, horse, brake and harness, milk cans and everything as ) ) a going concern. A6GO cash, balance at 5 per cent. ) \ HUSBAND AND FINCH, <; C Land and Estate Agents, Woodville. V.

rent .£33 per a nnurp; Matters «■<?(- ACHES. L.1.P., - ■, .. 1 UiA within 3 chains of proposed Matiere railway station. 15 chain township, _____ . _ _ Ins from creamery about 300 acres in grass, balance in bush; good 7 and 8 wire fences. Over 300 acres NOW PLOUGH ABLE, being strong fern land sown down in English glasses; good house, cowshed, engine-shed, milking machinery (comprism; 850 , ‘Mntiore is surrounded by splendid dairying, cropping, and sent value VERT GOOD. Prospective value EXCELLENT, acre, JIKXK? cash, balance 51- per cent, for 5 years. K. WILSON: AND COMPANY, LIMITED. Taihape, • a !M OQ? ACRES rich alluvial dairying < (TJOTOTBY Hotel for sale with lease \ ndeable, undulating land; 9 pad- also laibo hem ot cows coming mto land, Manawatu, house, 20-bail) ° ot °'’ er 5 Years at rent of .£3 per docks, well watered; 8-roomed house, ( J te tc^1 a subuAanprowirtv.' cowshed, etc.; well watered; lease good stable and loose boxes with woolahed, yards dip etc.; winters 2000) tm,; s "i s a nood chance for a man. with 1 optional right of purchase; goodwill ( hotel; 13 acres of first-class land. Hotel ) ,razing" Va nd° Pre- ] sheo P: 2 ™ iles , from s “* u township. | family. Any reasonable terms arranged. terms .£SOO cask balance on mort- < “ at^ s c p °f week^Trice^kJe.Md Prices ~3 10s per { J?r ’ ro £ll Ws per acre. Only ASSO cash) Write us for particulars. . > e ” , , r _ rrD _,, , TmTT .urniture. X4SO; A2OO cash, balance) \ required. Apply at once ' PRIOR, Laud Agent, Feilding, D. H.; J. A. NASH AND CO., ■ Palmerston North. ; N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY) financed > COMPANY LIMITED, ; Palmerston North. Apply P. A. ZOHRAB AND CO. 278, Lambton quay, City. Printed and ‘ Published by Wll ext’.y Giitouii, 71, Roxburgh street, for, the "New Zealand Times” Com pany, Limited, at the Registered Office of tbe Company, Lambton quay, Wellington. Saturday. July IS* 13U«

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 20