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MASTKRTON easily accounted for the senior championship in 1888, while Red Star won the junior championship. The first North versus South Wairarapa match took place at Carterton on July IJSth, being won by the South by 4 points to 3. Tho Masterton senior team in that year included the following: Dyer, Wallace, G. H. Smith, C. Perry, J. Perry, 11. Perry; C. Bannister, W. B. Chennells, Cox, Harvey, IV. Day, HHounslow, F. Felling, G. Welch, W. Welch, J. Bannister, F. Perry, and Kummer. Tho Greytowu senior team was composed of E. Udy, A- Udy, Tony, A. Xi. Webster, H. Tally, C. Beard (captain), J. Board, C, E. Bryce, Coleman, C. Udy, 11. Mitchell, Connolly, C. Amos, Muir, Tockor, and Ferrick. The Masterton Club having won the senior cup twice in succession. (1887 and ISSS) it became the club’s own j>roperfcy. The Wellington representative team, which played the famous drawn game with Stoddart’s English combination in 18SS, had in its ranks E. M. D. Whatman, of the Masterton Club, who was looked upon as one of the finest forwards lever seen in Wellington. Mr Whatman, unfortunately, broke one of his legs during the game, and his loss was a severe ono to the W eilingtonlans.

Wairarapa had now thoroughly learned the lesson set her by Wellington, in. dSSO, and ranked as a first-class combina•tion which accounted for the arranging of a match between Wairafapa and Warbrick’s great Maori team. .This game provided plenty of sensation, for the spectator and the result was in doubt up till the last, though the Maoris came with a rush in the last twenty minutes that simply paralysed the local team. The match was played at Masterton on August 19th 1889, ■and the teams were as follow: Wairarapa -Full-back, A. D’Aroy (captain); threequarters, Udy, Kallaugher, J. McCarty; jialf-backs, J. Baumber, Pani, J. Perry; forwards, G. AVelch, AY. Day, AY. Eagle, W. Watson, 0. Percy, C. Udy, V. Amos, 31. Mitchell. Native team —Full-back, AV. Warbrick; threequarters■ C. Madigan, AV. Wynyard, D. Gage; half-backs, Elliott, F. AVarbrick, H. AYynyard ;'forwards, T. Ellison, Q. AVilliams (captain), Taidroa, AV. Nehua, A. AA’arbrick, Maynard, Taare, Eene. Mr Harry Roberts, of the Poneke Club, .A\ T ellington, ‘was referee and Messrs It. S. Hirschberg (Wairarapa) and Joe AVarbrick (Natives) lino umpires. In the first spell Baumber placed a goal and Eagle scored a sensational fry for AVairarapa, while Tommy Ellison registered a try for the Maoris. At tho start of the second spell AA’airarapa continued to hammer away merrily at'their opponents. J. Perry scored a try which Baumber converted and. the score stood: Wairarapa 8 Maoris 1. The way the home team was playing it seemed to bo all over bar the shouting. But Davy Gage broke the spell by potting a lovely goal and followed this up by scoring a try. Tommy Ellison next took a hand in the scoring game hnd notched a try. Wairarapa seemed disorganised and Ellison got over the line again. The score now stood B—7, and in the last stage of the game the famous old Poneke player wound up a brilliant exhibition by kicking a goal and giving the Maoris the victory by ten points to eight. It was a sensational end to a sensational game. Another Sensational Match. The first game in 1889 between AVairarapa and AVellington was played at kGreytown on August 10th, when the teams .took the field as under; AVairarapa— Full-back, R.. S. 'Hirschberg (captain); threequarters, ,G. Perry (Masterton), Kallaugher (Greytown), E. Udy (Greytown), McCarty (Carterton); half-backs, J. Ferry (Masterton), J. Baumber (Carterton); forwards, , AV. Watson (Red Star), G. AVelch (Masterton). AV. Day (Masterton), Tyler (Carterton), Fairbrother (Carterton), 0. Petcy (Red' Star), H. Mitchell (Greytown), C. Amos (Greytown). AA 7 ollington—Full-back, J'. Collins; threequarters, A. D. Thompson, F. Fairbrother, H. Roberts; half-backs, S. .Michelle (captain), H. Mporhouse; forwards, S. Cockroft, AV. Bridson, T. Coulton, J. Johnson, F.Moore, J, J. Reich, .J. Campbell, H. Mclntyre. Mr G. H. .Smith was umpire and Messrs A. L. Webster (Wairarapa) and H. McCardlo (AVelRngton) line umpires. At half time Wairarapa led by three points to nil and the final score was; AVairarapa 5 AVellington 3. J. Perry and AV. Day scored tries and J. Baumber potted a goal for the home team, while Thompson potted a goal for the visitors. . It was apparently a season of sensations for the return match between AVairarapa and AVellington on the Newtown Park bn September 7th. 1889, provided another sensational finish similar to the contest with tho Maori team. D’Arcy opened the ball by potting a goal for AVairarapa,, Billy Watson followed this up by scoring a try. Kallaugher further added to Wairarapa’s score with ■ another try and when E. Thompson converted this the visitors led by 7 to nil. Sid Nicholls thought it was about time bis team commenced to score and he set a good example by potting a goal and leasing the gap by three points. A try by Ellison further reduced the margin, but AVellington were quite astounded when Perry rang on another try for the countrymen which Thompson converted. The visitors then led by 10 to i. The nest score was a try by Moorhouso which Nicholls turned into a goal. Then Collins equalised the scores with a splendid goal from a free kick. Excitmont now rnn high and each team played like demons. It seemed as if a draw was going to bo recorded, when about four minutes before time Collins flashed through tho AVairarapa backs and notched a try that gave AVellington tho victory by one point, and decided one of tho most exciting matches ever played in Wellington. It is interesting to note that the teams on that day wero as follow: AVellington—R. C. Sim. J. Collins, D. Gage, F. Fairbrother, H. Roberts, S.- Nicholls, H. Moorhonse, T. Ellison, A. Stuart, H. Mclntyre, J. J. Reich, J. Johnson, T. Coulton, F. Moore,

Old Time Games and Playeas Interesting History. By Ben Iveson. (All Rights Reserved.) No. IV.

S. Cockroft. Wairarapa—A. D’Arcy. JMcCarty, KaJlaagher, Palling, J. Perry, H Perry, J. Baumber, W. Eagle, H. Mitchell. W. Watson, O. Percy, V/. Day, C. Amos, McKenzie, C. Bannister. The First Tour. It was in 18S9 that the Wairarapa Eugby Union sent their first team on tour, Marlborough anti Nelson being visited. The team was composed of the following players: J. Perry, 11. Perry, J. Baumber. J. McCarty, B. Udy, Pelting. Hawke, 11.. Mitchell, W. AVatson, C. Amos, AV. Day. AValter AVeich, O. I Percy, AV. Eagle, C. Bannister, McKen--1 zie, J. Beard and Tyler, Marlborough was defeated at Blenheim on September Oth by 7 points to 3, and on September 11th Nelson went under to the visitors by 4 points to one. Mastertou accounted for the senior championship in 1889, and Te Oro Ore annexed the junior premiership. Two North versus South Wairarapa matches were played. The first on August 3rd was won by North by one try to nil, and the second game on August 24th, was won by North by 12 to 7. At the annual meeting of the Eugby . Union Mr Snodgrass was elected secretary and Messrs E. M. D. Whatman, B. Wilsore, Beard, Nds, Humphries and Manihera Maaki a ; general committee. A Disastrous Tour. In 1890 Wairarapa ventured on its second tour, hut the result from a football point of view was hardly satisfactory. The first match was played at Hawera on September 17th against Taranaki, Wairarapa going under to the tune of 7 to 3. Bayly, Hempton and Ma'lcolm scored tries for the, Amber and blacks and Sargster kicked a goal, while for Wairarapa AVatson scored a try which Thompson converted. Next day Wanganui were met the visitors this tdme suffering defeat by 3 points to nil. Bundled , down to Palmerston the team met Manawatu on the very next day and succumbed again by 3 to nil. Whirled away in the train they met Hawke's Bay at Napier on September 20th and once more suffered defeat—this time by 5 to nil. Four matches were played, against strong teams in four days, and in the circumstances it could only be expected that the team would bo beaten. Two days later Wellington was mot at Newtown Park onjd disaster was again Wairarapa’s lot, 'Wellington leaving the field victorious by 13 points, to 4 after a poor game. Amongst the best city players on. that, occasion were Campbell, White, Johnston, Malcolm (forwards), McMahon and Fraser (backs). The pick of Wairarapa were J. Baumber, R. Thompson, McKenzie, J. Morris, W. AVatson and Beard. In 1890 Grcytown won the senior championship the teafd including A. Udy, McCarthy, Uru, Tully, A. L. AVobster, Tate, Lucena, H. Mitchell, Amos, E. Udy, C. Udy,. Grigg, A 7 arnham, C. Beard, AV. Judd, Ingley, A, Beard, Brunton and J. Baumber. The Masterton Club were rtinners-up, amongst those comprising the team being C. Perry, C. Bannister, H. Perry, .J. Bannister, J. Perry, Blackbouruo, F. Day, E. Eton, G. Day, Hill, C. Holmwood, Kummer, E. Holmwood, Mowatt, Nini, Thompson and G. Welch (captain). The lied Star senior team in that year included Archie D'Arcy (subsequently a New Zealand reresentative) captain, Billy AVatson (another Now Zealand representative), Hudson (who subsequently played for Petone), Thompson, H. Hounslow, Felling (2), AV. -Welch, AV. Xggulden, O. Percy, J. Percy, Hoar, J. Morris and McKenzie, The junior championship went to Bed Star in 1890. The first North Wairarapa versus South AVairarapa match that season was played at Carterton on August' 23rd and “resulted in. a win for North by 12 prints to 9. In the return game, played at Carterton on August 30th, South had their revenge winning by 5 to 3. A Slack Season. Tho year 1891 was a quiet one as far as representative matches were concerned, only two being played, viz., against Hawke's Bay and tho Bush. The former •match took place at Masterton on July 2nd, tho home team being victorious by 8 points to one. For Wairarapa Thompson and Hudson scored tries one of which Baumber converted and Thompson kicked a goal from ,a mark. Hiroa scored a try for Hawke's Bay. Tho AVairarapa team on that day was A. D'Arcy, Polling, J. Baumber, J. McCarty, Thompson, Hawke, H. Perry, AA 7 . Watson, Tyler, B. Gray <f Tyke" Hudson, AA 7 . Day, McKenzie, T. Welch and B. Malcolm. T*he first of the fixtures with the Bush Union was inaugurated at Masterton on August 15th 1891, AVairarapa winning by 14 points to nil. For tho -winners tries were scored by C. Perry, E. Gray (2), A, D’Arcy (2), Tom AVeich, J. Baumber and McKenzie, Thompson converting two and Hawke one. D’Arcy captained AVairarapa and Frank Perry acted in a like capacity for the Bush. The game was-marred by an unfortunate accident, R. Broughton, of the Bush team, .breaking one of his legs. The best players in the Bush were Boss, F. Perry, I Usher, HcCardle and Broughton. On 'August 22nd Bed Star seniors sent a team to play Poneke at AVellington and suffered defeat by 2 tries to nil. Broderick and Pudney (Pirates Club) scored for Poneke. Masterton had a strong | senior team in 1891, and easily pulled 1 off the championship. The team was as |follows: A. D'Arcy, C. Perry, J. Wallace, E. Thompson. J. Perry, E. Holmwood, H. Terry, W. Day, C. Bannister, B. Gray, E. Malcolm, C. Holmwood, W. AVatson, T, AYallace, E. M. D. AVhatman, H. Hounslow. The junior cup was won by Red Star. The Wairarapa Eugby Union officials in 1891 were;'Patron, Mr AV. C. Buchanan; president, Mr G. Beetham; vice-presidents, Messrs A. W. Cave, J. P, Russell, Dr Johnson; secretary, Mr E. S. Hirschberg; treasurer, Mr A. L. AVebster; management committee, Messrs AV, J. McKenzie, E. M, D. AVhatman, AV. Iggulden, Sid Nicholls, H. Duff, Manihera Maaki; match committee, Messrs E. M. D. AVhatman, Sid Nicholls and Archie D'Arcy,

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 14

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RUGBY IN WAIRARAPA New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 14

RUGBY IN WAIRARAPA New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7865, 29 July 1911, Page 14