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THE OTVIiL SERVICE. j JUNIOR RESULTS. | The following list contains the names of camtidatos who have passed the Civil bervice junior examination. held on November 21at, 1910, and .succeeding days. My clause 11 of the regulations, a.s amended by Ordor-iu-Council, Juno 29 Liu 1908. in order to puss the examination “with vx'odif' it candidate must pues the examination and gain at least 60 per coat, of the total possible maximum of marks assignable. Tho first 100 in order of merit wno passed with credit are: 1 Natalie Allen Wellington Z. Edward Walmsley Dunedin 3. Wiluam Buckley' Wellington 4 liuffert LeUreu Dunedin 6. Frederick Bradley Wbangurei Ernest aomnlu Bmvedm 7. Thomas Williamson Oujnaru 8. Charles McClelland Wellington 9. Frederick LimUip Wellington .0 Thomas Oxlimau Dunedin .1. Trevor Alderton Auckland 12. George Soddon Invercargill U Leopold de Roo Christchurch Horace McCormick Waipawa 15. lion aid Mason Auckland 16. Nellie Brown Dunedin Lancelot liogers Hastings 18. Owen Bam 11 old Oamara 19. George Lauronson Christchurch 20. George Jobboms Timuru 21. Kogiuald Miles Rangiora 22. Kobert Beattie Christchurch 23. Leslie Matheson Auckland 24. John Coleman Auckland 26. Wilford King Napier 26, Reginald Orovillo Wellington 27. Fraud© O'Jlalloron Waipuwa Henry Searlo Oaxnara 29. Daniel O’Connor Auckland 30. Edith Woods ’Nelson 31. Qrahame Vial Wellington 32. John Bethell ' Wbangarcx 33. Alexander Bell Dunedin 34. Joseph Heath Wellington 33. Alexander Oraig Goro Alan Freeman Christchurch 37. William Hughes Hokitika 38. Henry Kor Dunedin 39. Robert Anton Christchurch John McAloon Christchurch 41. Clinton Wynyard Wellington 42. James McGlnley Wellington 43. Sydney Trezlse •Wellington 44. William Ilennessy Wellington ■45. Eileen Tompsltt Wanganui 46. Henry Cottci Timarn Francis Dclargey Dunedin .48- Charles Dunn : ........ Dunedin Charles Sweet Auckland 50. Evangeline Anderson Invercargill 51. Philip Heath..;.. Auckland 62. Stanley Dunn Gore 65. Ronald Cooper Christchurch Leslie Grange Waihi 65. Francis Adams Auckland 1 Emma Applegate .'. ■ Auckland* 67. Mabel Johnson v Wellington 68. Clarence .Chamberlain Napier Leonard Mcadowcroft Wellington SO. Fanny Blogham Dannevirke 61. Ferdinand Lang .. Auckland 62. Evelyn Dcvcreox ChriFt.chu.rcli James Francis Moore Hokitika 64. Muriel Francis Christchurch 65, James Wilson Dannevirke €6. Percy. Graham Christchurch 67. Boris' Jolly Japanoi 58. Samuel Mclntosh Dnncdm 69. Ingelow Stocker Oamarti 70. Archie Johnston© Christchurch 71. Frederick Passmore Otimanx 72. Ada Hall Christchurch 73. John Young Greyraoxith T 4. James Burt, Invercargill Russell Siracock Auckland 76. Margaret Smith Goro 77 Walter Lawry Wellington Ta Veda Henderson Dunedin 79. William Popplewoll Wellington 50. Thyrza Sago Christchurcli it.-Constance Gouk Auckland Michael McKeefry Dunedin 33 William Blight Auckland 14. Lionel Tndor Auckland is. Marjorie Bain Chnvtohtire i 86. Elizabeth Pay Invercargill 87 Cyril Heywond 88. Hermann Gamers Hoku-iko. 59. Charles Best - , Courtney O'Rorke Wellington 91. Roy Davies Auckland 92- Honrr Gourlay ChrUtrhureh 43. Annie Thomas 94. John Knsoll James Montague 95. Vera Chalmers Murdoch McDonald S Prireilln. Miller " ' Oscar Tlorer ** 1 " J* Daisy "Earwaker Invercargill Others passed with credit 'I I °. f merit —102 Albert Bcawick. Wellington. 103 Maurice Bartlett. Nelson: 108 John Laser. Wellington: 109 L. >lcKcn»;ic. Marton- 119 Elina WiUlnch, New Plymouth. 122 Ernest Lee. Wellington: 131 Donee Hnnt. Vefcon • 139 HarrvDane. Palmerston* North, 140 Francis Price. Dannevirke: 141 Ilerhert TTartle- Waipawa; 143 U. Tnumehftc. Nelson- 148 Percy Robertson; 153 Ivy In warn. Nelson ami J. McAlister: 165 Alta Jkb. Nelson; 168 S. Parker, Palmerston North: 169 Dorothy Prince. Wellington; 172 A. Morrison, Nelson : 180 6 , r ; TTO . lev. Wellington: 194 Josephine Dohbvn. Palmerston North: 196 It, 31cCartnct. and T-oslto Palmer, Nelson: 198 J. Hennessey, Wellington, and Hugh Wilson. Dannevirke: \ Poll Nelson: 203 Kathleen McKenna. Wantrunm: 204 Claire Everett, Nelson: 205 Tsa Williamson. Wellington; 208 Octavius Burns* Waipawa. PASSED THE EXAMINATION. Tho following candidates passed the examination : -217 Constance Kcmpthornc. SSiSvn. Irv Willis, Palmerston; 223 OH™ Burr, iFellington, and ton Mir more Nelson: 227 Herbert Kemp and Elsie ™* Wellington; 235 Veronica Ftawm. Wellington; 236 Enid 1 “Nmth--245 Harold Tycrman. Palmowton North, oic ■Rninh Nelson, and I liyi Irityre. V.’anganui: 251 Annie Gilpin. Wellinirtoa- 254 Victor Daniel, Wellington; 256 P iSSte. Nelson; 253 Cedric Henderson, Wanganui; 259 Harry Reaper. W nnganui, 361 Elsie Bowen. Napier: 264 Horace Larking Wamgonui: 266 Daniel Bradley, Wellington- 268 Kathleen Brown. Nelson: 274 Fronds ’Hodgson, Stratford, and Mary Hunter. Wamganni: 278 Alice, Ambury.Now Plymonth- 281 Teresa O Snlhvan. Nelson. 2SS Murdoch Munro. Waipawa: 289 Olga ChristHnson Wellington; 291 Sarah Best. _Wel--301 Ivorv. Wellington; 3C6 W. Corbett, Waipawa: 583 Margaret Howat. Palmersion North ; 310 Grctchon Konnwly. and Alan Morgan. Taihape: M2 Elsie Bow--«r Vanior* 513 A- Arthur. Napier; 310 Muriel Be van. Wellington. and F. Stafford, IlanncVirkc: 320 Margaret Bowler Adelnino Chisnall. Nelson, and H. Raihcs. Wellington: 329 Gladys (htnninghnm Wellington; 552 Elide Anyon. Nelson; 556 Ji. Hoddcr. Palmerston N.; 533 C- Scnmgconr, Nelson; 341 Vivian Russell, Kaatxntrs. and Tema Rouphton. Nelson: 344. A. ra and H. Mcßoath. Nelson: 347 0. Scott. Stratford; 349, W. Forsyth. Palmerston N.: 351 R. Brokenslitre. New Plymonth: 556 Eleanor Allen. WelUncton; 359 Clara Old, New Plymouth; 367 A. Mornsrm. Blenheim; 371 Eric Battcrshill. Hsistfnir«. and N. Tunnicliffe, Nelson; 377, L. Campbell. Daphne Tnrler. Wansmnui; 383 Muriel Molo«wArth. Xcbnn: 339 F. Tan«oy. Wjiinnwu: 300 Jean McDonald. Napier, .and F. Struck. Wellington; 303 11. Kerr, Paimerstou North.

E. KUaJjy, Palmerston N., Margaret Manson, and A. Thompson. Palmerston N.j 402 Jessie Milne. Wellington, and Goralic Smytlison, Masterton ; 409 A. Roots, Hawoni; 411 F. Harper. Hasting; 415 Olive Ilunimnnd, Nelson: 419 Roland Ait'-luson, Paimcrxiston N.. Sylvia Codevholm. Wellington. and F. Packer. Waipawa: 423 Mvra Danicll, Wamramii, and H. Grant. Napier; .1 Norma McGratli, WcHimrton; 437 Ronald Hooper. Nelson, and 11. IVUIIs, Nelson: 442 Ailcon Henderson, Palmercton N.; 447 L. Mculi, Nelson; 451 N. Davis. Wellington, and A; McCormick. Waipawa; 454 D. Addis, Taihupo; 465 Mariraret Greene. Dannevirke: 471 Ida Bain. Napier, ami A. Bronmm. Wellington: 475 B. Girliuif, Wcllincrton; 476 Kathleen Jansen. Wellington, L. Wilts, Waipawa. V. Wise. WeUiugtoii: 491 L. Mills, Now Plymouth, and Martraret O’Donojjliue, M’elliimton: 496 Frances Delaney. Wellington, and C. Waipawa; 501. P. FraiSer. H;u-timrs. and Mary Hounsell. Nelson; 503 J. O'Shea, Wellington, and W. Williamson. Waipawa; 511 Nina. Prinjr. Stratford; 515 C. Smith. Wellington; 519 P. Rat no, Hnwera; 522 James Todd. Waiivuva: 525 R. Brdland. May IToldawav, and W. Waddell. Wellington, and K. Whiting. Nelson: 531 Amelia Warner, Hastings: 535 T. Tavlor. Napier: 537 7 > . Clark, Nelson: 538 L. Keen. Wellington, J. Linchan. Ma.storton. Kva McKon/.ie, Dannevirke, and Katherine Tarrant, Taihnpe; 542 Cecilia Wildboro, i’almoi’ston N.; 545 Mvrtlo Lerwill, Wellington; 548 M. Polaka, IVaipawa: 551 C. Stewart. Taihape. and Cora Webber, Dannc- I vlrkc: 559 T. McAuliffc. Taihape. and o. Poarcc. Wellington; 56t J. Barry. Wellington: 564 G. Allwright, Palmer-ton N.. and O. Hamppon, Nelson: 567 Elizabeth Webb. Hji-tlng- 1 ; 575 W. Hevlan, ’Wellington; 575 Collna Robertson. New Plymouth: 578 Mar-in,i*(p-Bollinger, New Idinnonth: 580 C. Barker. Dannevirke. C. Bowler. Taihape. A. Cummins, Wellington, and Doris Francis. Wellington: 587 Wiremn Tnrcin. Waipawa; b'i'J Alice Cocker. New Plymouth: 594 James Tuihape, Pekama Kaa. Waipawa. and A. McGregor. Wanganui; 597 IV. Borrows, Wellington: 602 J. Muleahy, Palmerston N.; 505 F. Hanson. Levin ; 608 W. Hill, Taihape: Lnvinia Morgan. Wellington; 611 Eleanor TTIII, Dannevirke: 614 W. Chapman. ~.i N.: 617 Eileen Pringle, Wellington: 618 D Tid-well. Tailio-po: 620 C. 3fcn»ren. Now Plymouth; 622 ITerewini Kxitote, Waipawa: 623 K. Allison, Wanganui, and Emire Waretini, Napier; 626 W. TCnnckey, "A’anganui; 633 Adotn-ido Wilson. Hastings,, and P* Rothwell. Nelson: 835 P. Burke. ‘Wellington: 637 Margaret Keane. Taihape: 641 Alma Liboan. Stratford:, 645 W. Ames. Nelson. W. Griffin. Waipavm., anxl H. Mitchell, "Wellington: 652 G. Svkes, Nelson: 653 Katli-loon-Winfield, New'Plymouth: 654 P. Blake, Wellington, and H. Philpott. Now Plymouth; 6E6' Catherine Rains, Qartcrton : 662 E. Sadd, Nolfson: 665 N. Wellington: 570 A. Webb. Wellington: 671. T. Garth, Wellington, K. Martin, Wellington; 673 J. Miller, Napier, anti E. Sanslmrv. Hastings: 675 D. Wilson, Wellington; 677 Lilian Fletcher. Palmerston N.: 682 II- Desmond, Palmerston N.. and Rahiri Pontawera. Waipawa: 684 L. Beard, Carterton, and Constance Mabin. Wellington: 656 C. Fryer. Blenheim, and H. O'Brien, Wanganui: 668 M. Wilson, Napier: 693 J. Kilgour, Mnrton, and .E. Poarce. Nelson; 702 Effie Cat-bio. Wellington;- 705 H. Stanners. Stratford: 706 Alice Nanghton, Wellington; 7C3 G. Tevchcnne, Wellington; 713 Madge Gnvleo. Warfganni; 715 Evelyn Cunningham, Wellington; 719 P. Edwards. Taihane. and F. McMahon. Stratford; 721 N. Manson. •Nelson; 7?2 Helen Bast.. Nelson: 725 Cecil Rnssoll, Wellington: 720 A. Fernandez. Carterton, and G. Knight. Wanganui: 732 C. Hadfield. Waipawa; 736 Ethel Smith. Mastorton: 744 H. Hildreth. WeDingt-ov; 748 A. Newton. Wellington; 749 If. Farmthar. Wellington; 751 T. TT. Reader. Stratford: 752 E. Kedehor. Wellington; 754 C. McDonnell. Nelson: 756 0. Smith. Levin; 758 F. Aickin. Wellington. PASS REQUIREMENTS. .SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. The following is a list of candidates who in tho Civil Service junior and senior free place examinations of 1 November. 1910, satisfied the pass requirements of one or other, examination. Included in the list are the names of candidates sitting for examination for the following purposes.— ia> For entrance to the Civil Service; (b) in competition for Education Board senior scholarships (subject to the regulations of the Education Boards concerned); (c) in qualification for senior free places in secondary schools and district high schools; and (d) for tho fix-at examination of pupil teachers (subject to the regulations of the several Education Boards} : WELLINGTON EDUCATION DISTRICT. Oarterton.—Leonard Beard, Kenneth Curtis, Aubrey Fernandez, Catherine Raine. Levin.—Ethel Adkio, Catherine Gibbs, Frederick Hanson, Ruby Miines, Ethel Nicol, Ivy Preston, Cyril Smith. Maaterton.—Murray Jackson, John Linchan, Frederick Matthews, Margaret Morrison, Ethel Smith, Coralie Smythsoo, William Terry, Arthur Thompson, Reginald Wilton.

Wellington.—-Francis Aickin. Eleanor Allen, Natalie Allen. Nina Ashworth, Dorothy Bubiugton, John Barry, James Beaumont, Alan Bennett. John Bennott. Sarah Best, Albert Bcswick, Muriel Bevan. Grace Bird, Philip Blake, Richard BolUuid, Oscar Borer, William Borrows, Daniel Bradley. Oswald Bramwell, Arthur Brennan, Howard Buckley, William Buckley, Patrick Bourke, Olive Burr, Alexander Oaaelberg, John Casoy, Thomas Casey, Efße Cathie, Enid Cauty, Sylvia Cederholm, Vera Chalmers, Olga Christiansen, Eugene Craighead. Andrew Cummins. Evelyn Cunningham, Gladys Cunningham, Victor Daniel. Norman Davis, Frances Delaney, Frank Dornwell. Lawrence Earle, Dorothy Edmondson. Sydney Ellis. Hurry Farquhar. Veronica Flanagan, Doris Francis, Arthur Gagen, Thomas Garth. Annie Gilnln. 0. Girling Butcher. A.ilsni Gold. Irene. Gold. Hazel Goodcr. Clark Grav, Lilian OreviUc. Reginald Grc/ille, Isabel Haigh, Kate Haigh, - Roy Harris, Joseph Heath. James Hcnneesy, William Honnessy. Horace Hildreth, >fay Holdaway. William Ivory, Victor Jackson, Herbert James. Kathleen Jansen, Mabel Johnson, Leonard Keene. Edward Kolleher, Herbert Kemp. Rollo Lawry. Walter Lawry, Ernest Lee, Myrtle Lerwill, Frederick Liiulun. Horace ‘Lusty, Constance Mabin. Josenh McAlister. Cbivrlea McArthur, Dorothy McCartney, Peter McCaw. Charles McClelland, Elsie MacOnrdy, Donald Madkvngall. James McOinlcy. Norma McGrath. Richard Martin, Leonaivl Meadoworoft. Aubrey Newton, Priscilla Miller. Jeasio Milne. Helen Mitchell. Dorothv Montgomerr, Lavinia Morgan, Alice Naughton. Herbert Neilson, "WilLiam Novlnn. O'Douoghne. Courtney O'Ronrke, John O'Shen.. Graham Parkinson, Owen Pearce, David Perry. Violet Ponder, 'Theodora Pope. William Popplewoll, Dorothy Prince, Eileen Pringle. Alice Pritchard. Edwanl Purser. Helen R-aikes. Robert Raikes. Norman Richmond. Eric Rish-wort-h Percv Robertson, Erie Ruabton. Russell. Robert Serimgeonr. Christopher Smith, Donald Smith. William Hmllb. John Stajnton, T7l«io SMII. Fritz Struck. Arthur Tattle. Ayda Taylo’-. Godf. PV Fnxrrt, Thomn«. Francis Tocker. Svdnev Ward Udv, Grahame Vial. Wiliam Wnddel. Jnmo? Wareham. Arthur Webb. Emily WildewilUn.mson. Tieslio WAHamson. Donald Wil-son. Victor Wise. Nelson Woodhams. Clinton Wynvard.

tatunakt education' district. Hew Plymouth.—Olive Amhnry, Arcliitni-’ Bacon Marjorie ' Bollinger. Reginald Brokcnsliire. Alice Cocker, Glades Doile, Arnold Grant, Bide Grea-tbatch David litiok Clyde Mr.Oiven. Lnune Mills. Clara Old 'Harold Philpott. Colina, Rohertron. David Teed. Margaret Terry. Elmn Wallach Ivan Weston. Knthl“en B infield. Stratford —Murk Anld, Matv'e Blake. Ida Cameron. Amr Gornlioofer. Francis Tlodg«on ' viols Klctmer. Chnssio Lau. Alma

Libcan, Susan McCormack. Francis McMahon. Elsie Parli, Nimi Pring, Thomas Reader. George Scott. Horace Stiinncrn. Undine Surrey. Ida Taylor. Irene W.vllie. WANGANUI EDUCATION DISTRICT. Hawcra.—F/dvtlic Burlcyman. Stella Dabii.L'll. Percy Raine. Arthur Hoot*. Marton.—-George Harney Samuel Hartley. George Jenny, John Kilgour. Leonard McKenzie. Nurman Sutcliffe, Edgar 'laylor. Arthur Thorns. I'almfr.-toii Noi-tii.-Eolaml Aitchison. ilgorge Allwright. John Barnicout. William firadflekl, Franois Carson, William Chapman. .lames Cornfoot. Lewis Come. Darrv Davie, iiarohl Dc-imml, Joseph mt Doiihvn. Vernon Elliott, Koliert Espincr. Lilian Elotehcr, IVilliam Forsytlie. Carnet Harre, Elisahuth Hart. William Harwood, Ai.een Iferderson, .tiarga.ret Hcwat, Hasii Hoddcr. Harolii Kerr. Edward Kilshy. -lames Miilcaliy. Sydney Barker, Sidney Faria ne. William Roliliic, David Stubbs. David Taylor, Alfred Thompson. Harold Tyt-rman William Vernon, i.udolph West, Ceeilia Wildlr,re. Ivy Willis.

Taihape.—Daniel Addis. Catherine Bowler. Margaret Bowler, i’ercival Edwards. James lieise. William Hill. Margaret Keane. Thomas McAnliffe, Alan Morgan. Colin Stewart. Katherine Tarrant, David Tidswell.

Wanganui. —. Kenneth Allison, Monica Rain. Marian Ilrnee. I.othair Chatwin, Ivy Chistmlm. Bessie Clirisiic, Myra Darnell. Barham Pinla.vsoii, Madge (iuylee. Cedri; Henderson, Mary Hunter, Daphne indcr. liny Jenkins, fvv Jones. Oracle Kmie. C.eoVge Knigiit, William Kmickcy. Horace Larking. Norman Lewis. Bessie McFarlanc, Alan MeOrceor, Bethea Melntyrc, Katli--1 MeKemni, Alexander Mcldrnin. Margaret, Xeedham. Herbert O'Brien, Florence Barker, Dorothy Borteous. D’Arcy Preston, Eli/.aliclli Howe. Ida Smith. Olive Stemp. David Stewart, Konald Stewart, Archibald Taylor. Henry Tod, EMcen Tompsitt, James Treadwell. IVaiter Wilton. HAWKE'S BAY EDUCATION DISTRICT. Dannevirke. —Henry Allardice, Cedric Bagley. Clih’ord Barker, Fanny Bingham. Wilfrid Brogan. Victor Carlson, Henry Carston. Harry Carter, William Cockerill, William Cotter, Julia Erickson, Enid Erakinc Norman Gcbbie. Margaret tlrcene. Eleanor Hill, Lionel Hughes. Walter Jonasen, Albert Larsen. Eva McKenzie, Richard Philip, Francis Price. Middleton Quigley, Frederick Stafford, Doris Vigors. Cora Webber, Hugh Wilson. James Wilson. tlisbornc. —Elion Augland, Pita Baker. Alice Butterfield. Louis Day, James Grcig, Arnold Hickson, Alice McCashin, Donald Mclldowie, James Porter, AVintou Porter, Mabel Powell. Emily Scott. Violet Seamens.

. Hastings— Eric Battershill, Vivian Britten. Lachlan Campbell. Percival Fraser, Frank Harper, Gretchcn Kennedy, Elizabeth MacDonald, Margaret Manson, Lancelot Rogers, Ewart Salisbury, Ame ia Wa rues, Elizabeth "Webb, Adelaide WilNapier.—Arthur Alderman, Raymond Bailey, Ida Bain, Leonard Bcstall. F/lsie Bowen. EUie Bower, Clarence Chamberbun. John Cooper. Dorothy Grant, Henry Grout. Wilford King. Lily Lambert, Thomas Lawry, Jean McDonald. Jennie MacKenzie. John Mackic, Duncan McPhee. John Miller. Dorothy Olsen. Dorothy Retcmeyer. Thomas Roc, Clara Sargisson, Ruahjne Smith. Thomas Taylor. Arthur Tonkin. Enirc Waretini. Mary "Wilson. Elfreda Wolstcnhchno. Waijiawa.—Octavins Burns, AVaiatua Corbett, William Griffin, Gussic Hadfield. Herbert Hartley, Phyliss .lull, Pekama Kaa. TTorewin 5 Katcte, Alexander McCormick. Horace McCormick, Murdoch McRae. Murdoch Munro. Francis O’Halloran, Frederick Packer, Matthew Potaka. Rahiri Poutawcra, Frank Tunsey. James Tod, Wircmu 'Pureia. Charles Whittington, "William Williamson, Leonard Wills.

MARLBOROUGH EDUCATION DISTRICT. Blenheim.—Susie Avery. Lewis Chccsman. James Cresswell, Lilian Fallmer, Agatha P’<‘lej f , Bertrand Fowler, Charlie Fryer, 3'tlicl Grace, Alexander Gunn. John Hall, Cyril Matthews, Arnold Morrison, Edith Newman. George Penney. Ivor Prichard, Ronald Reid. Lilian Smith, John Sutton. Russell Weinyss,

NELSON EDUCATION DISTRICTNelson.—William Ames, Elsie Anyon, Maurice Bartlett, Arthur Bell, Louis Bennett, Helen Best. Emily Betts. Zita Bisley. Alfred Booth. Kathleen Brown. Adam Borneo, John Chaytor. Chrianall, Fade Chriap. Percy Clark. Eric Clarkson. Thco Clouston, Joan Dolamore, Clairo Everett, Dorothv Everett, John Fox. Alice Gibbs, Kathleen Gillin. Edgar Hammond, Olive Hammond. George Hampson, Daniel Hay. Ralph Hodgson, Rmxald Hooper, Mary Hounsell, Dorico Hunt, 7 vv Ingram, Ambrose Jenkins, Patrick Kane, Constance Kcmpthorne, Alfred Knapp. Russell Knapp. Harry Leapcr. Raymond Loveridge. Boyd McArtney, Henry Mcßeath. Charles McDonnell. Warwick Mace. Norman Manson, I.orenza > Mculi, "Murid Molcsworth. Alexander Morrison, Douglas Muir. Alan Muuty, Teresa O Sullivan Leslie Palmer, Geoffrey Parker. Ed. ■ward Pearce. Rcwl Potts. Premier Rothwell, Verna Houghton. Edgar Sadd. Charles Scrimgoour, John Shaw. Everard Stacc, Gordon Sykes, Charles Thorn. John Thorn, Norris Tunnicliffe, Robert Tunnicliffe, Zilla Turner. Angus Wattio. Edward Whiting, Rowland Wills, Woods.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7340, 19 January 1911, Page 7

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RECENT EXAMINATIONS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7340, 19 January 1911, Page 7

RECENT EXAMINATIONS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7340, 19 January 1911, Page 7