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UNION S TEAM S nIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD) [Weather and Circumstances permitting). LYTTELTON: Maori* Wednesday Lob. 0 8 p.m. Mooraki Thursday Feb. W ap.m. Mamma Thursday Feb. 10 Maori* Friday 6 p.m. Mararoa. Saturday Feb. Is Afaori* jMomlay 1-ob. 14 8 p.m. Tarawcra Tuesday i'fb. 15 J p.m* •Turbine. DUNEDIN, via LYTTELTON ; Mooraki Thursday Fob. 10 6 p.m. Turawora Tuesday l ob. 15 ° p.m. TDIARF, DUNEDIN, end OAMARU: CVrirrna Wcdne.Muy Feb. U neon MELBOURNE, via LYTi'Er,TON, DUNEDIN, BLUFF and HOBART: Mooraki Thursday Feb. Id o p.m. Marama Xlimvxiay Fob. 17 6 p.m. Warrimoo Thursday Tub. 24 jpau. SYDNEY, via NAPIER. GISBORNE, and AUCKLAND: Mokoiaf Thursday Feb. 10 o P-m. Mokoiaf Thursday lob. tTraoahipa to Alahono at Auckland. NAPIER, GiHfiORNE and AUCKLAND: Mokoia Tliurs<lay F«b. 10 a p.m. Monowai Monday i.<cu. 14 op. * NEW PLYMOUTH. ONEHUNGA, via PiCTON and NELSON : Rosamonds Tuesday Fein la JKx® sCan - co only. NEW PLYMOUTH to ONFIIUNGA; Barawa leaves on Mondays, licdnewoys and Fridays, on arrival of mail train from Wellington. SYDNEY" DIDECT: Warrimoo Friday f'/’bManuka Friday I'eb. 18 6 P- m - NELSON, via PICTON (and BLENHEIM): Pfttccna Wednesday Feb. 0 Tf? V™ Patcema Friday I' l *. 11 l-‘j;' 1 • Arab ora* Saturday Feb. 1J l-j-j P-in Pabcena Monday Feb. 11 1 , - m *Xo Nelson cargo. NELSON DIRECT: Mapourika Tuesday Feb. 15 * p.mMapouxilca Tuesday icb. WESTPORT, GEEYMOUTH (and HOKITIKA), via NELSON: Arahuru'f Saturday lob. lb 1.45p.m. Pukaki*§ Monday Feb. II noon Mapourika Tuesday Feb. 15 I p.m. Arahura Saturday Feb. 1.10 p.m ’Calls Pictoii. § Cargo only. tHeoelvea no Nelson cargo. TONGA, SAMOA and FIJI (From Auckland): Atua Tuesday March 1 SUVA. LEVUKA (Fiji). (From Auckland!: Savna Wednesday February 16 RAROTONGA .;v/d IAIM’U*. ffamroto, from ’Wellington, Wednesday, March iGtli, at noon. CANADA. AMERICA. LONDON, Etc., Via VANCOUVER: Maitai from Sydney, February Uth; .Sara February 22nd* See special advertisement. : Via SAN FRANCISCO (Transhipping to Mariposa at Papeete)! Haiuroto, from Wellington, Wednesday, Tickets arailablo for stop-ovor or return .by Messrs Huddart Parker . and Co.'s steamer®. Berths will only bo allotted to_ pasflengors on production of passage tickets *t Company’s Offi.ce. F'aasengers will only bo allowed aboard on production of passage tickets. Latest time for receiving cargo can be hod on application at Company’s Office. Railway tickets from Lyttelton to Christchurch and to principal Southern stations, available for one month,, may be obtained upon application at the Company’s Office. BHTPPIWG. 13 UI3D ART pAJIKEB Unm FAVOURITE PASSENGER SERVICE. Sailings (circumstances permitting). FOR LYTTKLTON and DUNEDIN; Wimmera Friday Feb. 11 5 p.m. Victoria Friday Feb. 25 Uliuiaroa* Thursday Mar. 10 op.m. Wimmera Friday Mar. 11 SP-“* FOK MELBOURNE, via LYTTELTON. DUNEDIN. BLUFF and HOBAIU : UUmaroa* Thursday Mar. 10 5 P*m. FOR NAPIER, GISBORNE. AUCKLAND anti SYDNEY; Wiramora Thursday Feb. 17 A p.m. Victoria Thursday Mar. 3 4p.m. FOR SYDNEY DIRECT: Ulitnaroa* Friday Feb. 25 5 p.m. •Twin screw. Cargo must bo alongside steamer one hour before sailing time. All tickets are available also fur stopover or return by ANY of UNION CO.’S STEAMERS, and holders of U.S.S. CO.’S tickets may travel by abovemi rood vc-saels. Head Office for New Zealand; Queen’s Chambers, Wellington. XT —IMPERIAL JAPANESE - Al 'oIX. mail LINE TO MANILA. CHINA. and JAPAN. Calling at Brisbane, Townsville, and Thursday Island, will be dispatched from Sydney os under:— Steamer. Tons. Commander. Dat©. Kuuuito Mart 6,000 M. Wincklor Jan. 20 Yawata Maru 4J)UO T, Sekino Feb. 23 Nikko Alnru S.’tOO M. Y-agi Alar- 23 Saloon amidships; two-borth cabins only; each cabin fitted with eleotno fans. Linen washed on board at modorate prices. Through bookings # to America and Europe. For full particulars apply to lIUDDART-PARKER AND COMPANY PROPRIETARY. LTD., Wellington Agents. afVRIENT LINE OP ROYAL MAIL MT STEAMERS. POE - PLYMOUTH* AND LONDON, ▼l* FREMANTLE, COLOMBO (Transhipping for all Indian Ports), NAPLES, MARSEILLES. AND GIBRALTAR:— Ft o. C OMPANY ' s ROYAL KAIL STEAMERS TO LONDON. Following* are the proposed date* of departure from Australian Porta for Loudon:— FIRST AND SECOND SALOON ONLY. oMAbWA. MOLDAVIA MARMORA •MOREA MOOLTAN INDIA OiiiNA 11000 KKiCO 20000 lasso utoo 10030 8000 6000 1099 23 Mar. Mar. 23 April April 20 May Way 21 June 1503 May. Mar. 15 Mar. 30 April 12 April 28 May 10 Way 31 •Leaving from Auckland seven days earlier. Kates of PASSAGE MONEY TO LONDON (including Hi Icon panaago to Sydney) : SINGLE TICKETS ... JS47 6o to JB3S. RETURN TICKETS ... £75 18a and £133. JOHNSTON AND CO.. LTD., Agents. fgEALAND (gHIPPINQ COMPANY’S ! ROYAL MAIL LINE OP STEAMERS, FOR LONDON. Via MONTE VIDEO. TENERIPPB, and PLYMOUTH. Very superior accommodation for Passengers. Specially fitted with Clayton's Patent FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. ttUAJUNE’t BDAPBHXin KIMUTAKA*f TUHAfcLI.NA fS t I'OMGAiUOO* 11000 9310 10130 1*993 iom Feb. 10 Mar. 10 April 7 May 6 Juno 2 And every 14 days thereafter. •Twin-screw. FARES—NEW . ZEALAND TO LONDON: SALOON—Single. .£47 6s to .£BB. Return —.£75 18s to .£132. Return tickets good for 2 years. THIRD-CLASS .£lB. £2O. and .£22. Return, £32 to ,£39. Passages from above porta may be prepaid. Through Booking® to New York, UNION STEAM SHIP CO, OP N.Z., LTD., Agents in New ’ Zealand. T H H VANCOUVER ROUTE. CANADIAN - AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL S.S. LIND AND CANADIAN-PACIFIC RAILWAY. Through some of tho Greatest SCENIC; WONDERS of the World to all parts of CANADA. UNITED STATES. BRITISH ISLES, and CONTINENT OF EUROPE. ROUND-THE-WORLD TOURS in conjunction with all the Cape, Suez, China, and Japan Lines at Lowest Bates. Steamers will leave as tinder From From Steamer. Sydney. Suva. MAITAt ... Feb. U Feb. 22 MARAMA ... Mar. 11 Mar. 21 •MAKURA ... A pi. U Apl. 13 STEAMER ... May 9 May 17 MANAMA ... Juno 8 Juno 13 And at 28 day intervals thereafter. •New twlu-ecrew steamer of 8075 tons. Passengers from New Zealand have the option of joining the steamers of this increasingly popular route at Sydney.' or later via Auckland and Suva. Pamphlets, Maps and all information r UNION B.S. CO. OF N.Z. (LTD.), Managing Agenta. V u ' S' 1 JJIRANCISCO ALL AMERICAN POINTS. BRITISH ISLES, AND CONTINENT. . . v-TW MAIL ROUTE. HAUKOTO. iron: Wellington to Rarotonga and Papeete (Tahiti), os under— HAUKOTO—WEDNESDAY. March 16, at noon. * HAUROTO—THURSDAY, April 21. Connecting with b.s. Mariposa at Papeete for San Francisco. For particulars regarding passage and kei.ihls apply HXIONrSTEAM SHIP CO. OF N.Z., LIMITED. -Twin sorow. fCalls at Bio do Janeiro, Passages from London may be arraaged at this end. For Posange or Freight apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LTD. . COMPANY (LTD.) THE DIRECT LINE OP STEAMERS for PLYMOUTH and LONDON, via MONTE VIDEO. RIO DE JAfIEIBO, and TBNERIFFE. SPLENDID UP-TO-DATE PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION. BOOMY CABINS AND SPACIOUS DECKS. Sailings (circumstances permitting):— Tons Com- Date of Final Reg. mender. Leaving. Port t'Arawa 6372 Clay den Feb. 21 Weigba t'Tuinui 10500 Moffatt Mch. 21 Wlgtu t'lanic 12232 Roberts Apl. 21 WeJgtn {•Athenic 12234 Kempsou May 19 Weigtn j*Corinthic 12231 Hart Junel6Wo]gtn (Calls at Rio de Janeiro. •Twin-screw. Passages from London may be arranged here. For full particulars apply to the agents. LEVIN AND CO. (LIMITED). DALGETY AND CO. (LIMITED), MUKBAY. ROBERTS AND CO. SHIRE LINE . DIRECT STEAMERS NEW ZEALAND TO LONDON, steamer. Tons. Commander. • Ayrshire ... 10,000 B. Conll silnifßhire ... 8 000 J. Wallace Perthshire ... B.<M> C. Forder Fifashire ••• 8 » 500 -I. Cremer Buteshire ... 8,000 W. A. Page Nairnshire ... »,aOO W. Chicken Morayshire ... 8,500 A. McLanghian •Twin Screw. - The above magnificent steamers, which have all been specially built for the jjew Zealand trade, and make an avornco passage of 46 days, will be despa' ’ ed at regular intervals. Steamers are fitted throughont with every modern convenience, and accommodation is provided for Saloon and Steerage passengers. Doctor and -tewardess carried. Passage money—Saloon, 40 guineas. Steerage, .£l6, £lB. £2O, For further information apply to the Managing Owners. TURNBULL. MARTIN ant, co _ 1, Craivford Street, Dunedin.. IVTEW PLYMOUTH-ONEHUNGA-AUCKLAND SERVICE. NEW PLYMOUTH TO ONEHUNGA, AUCKLAND. S.S. EARAWA. 1072 tons, leaves New Plymouth Breakwater on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 6.30 p.m., on arrival of Express from Wellington. Weather, etc., permitting. WHOM ONEHUNGA. AUCKLAND To IBUii U NEW PLYMOUTH- 10 S.S. RARAWA leaves on SUNDAY. TUESDAY and THURSDAY, connecting with Welling, ton Express at Breakwater, weather, etc!, P FaTO-Stdoon 20s. Hetum 355; Steerage 15s. Return 22s td. Further" tnformjvtion can-be obtained from Union S.S. 00. Ltd., and Northern S S Co.. Ltd.. Joint Agents. Or LEVIN AND. CO., LTD., Agents. CHTPFiNG. F-H-S.’ FEBEKAL - HOULDEK • SHIRE XXNES. Direct Pervioe from “West Coast, United Kingdom ports to .New Zealand.. Taking cargo and piusscngors from Avon, mouth, Glasgow, Manchester, and Diverpool, by first-class steamers at frequent intervals. Importers will do well to instruct their English Correspondents to snip direct from tho above-mentioned ports, in the numerous cases where a saving in charges enu be effected. Prepaid Piisaagca Arranged. N.Z. AND AFRICAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD.. 2, Fenohnrch avenue. London, or their agehita at Bristol, Glasgow, Cardiff, Manchboter, and Liverpool. N.Z. AND AFRICAN STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED.) F-H-S. FEDBBAL-HOULDER-SUIEE LINES. (Under contract with the New Zealand Government.), DIRECT SERVICE TO WEST COAST. UNITED KINGDOM POETS. Taking Wool. Skins, General and. Refrigerated Cargo at Lowest Current Ratos of Freight. FOR AVONMOUTH, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW. CONTINENTAL AND AMERICAN PORTS— , ■ MORAYSHIRE, from Wellington. 17th February, and Lyttelton (final port). 26th February. To be followed by DEVON. 26tb MARCH. CORNWALL, 23rd APRIL. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOE FIRST AND THIRD-CLASS PASSENGERS. Fares to Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, and Glasgow: First-class: Single, 40. guineas; Return, £66. Third-class: £lB 10s. £l6 10s, £l4 103; Return from £26 10s. Prepaid passages arranged. Surgeon and Stewardess carried. For Freight and Passage apply to tho N.Z. AND AFRICAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. Telephone 1780. Jaßjlte*. A NCHOR SHIPPING AND ’'MS -ua. FOUNDRY COMPANY, LTD. PROPOSED SAILINGS. FOE NELSON, WESTPORT. GEEY- . MOUTH and HOKITIKA—KAITOA—On FRIDAY, at 5 p.m. FOR PATEA—AOREEE—THIS DAY, at 2 p.m. For freight, etc., apply W. AND G. TURNBULL AND CO.. Telephone No. 436. . Agents. For NELSON, MOTUEKA, TAKAKA, and COLLINGWOOD—Tho Twin-screw steamer NIKAU sails—, THURSDAY, Feb. 10 SATURDAY, Feb. 12 TUESDAY', Feb. is-... at 5 p.m. at l.p.m. at 5 p.m. This Steamer has superior acccmmoda. tion for saloon passengers. For Freight and Passage apply W. M. BANNATYNE-AND CO.. Telephone 1540. ' Agent*. B undermentioned Steamers will leave (circumstances permitting) as foi* Iowa: ■ FOB KAIKOURA AND LYTTELTON, Via COASTWAKATU—On FRIDAY', at 4 p.m. FOE FOSTONQUEEN OP THE SOUTH—THIS DAY, At 5 p.m. FOE BLENHEIM—OPAWA—On THURSDAY, at 9 p.m. For freight and passage apply LEVIN AND CO. (LTD.), Agents. . : WELLINGTON . AND WANGANUI STEAM PACKET CO. (LTD.). Proposed sailings: FOR WANGANUI—HUIA—THIS DAY', at 5 p.m. STOKMBIED—On THURSDAY, At 6 p.m. , JOHNSTON AND. Co. (LTD.), Agents, iWsatilOß NAPIER (Inner Bar. dsilig? iP hour) and EAST COAST—KAHH—On THURSDAY, at 4 p.m. JOHNSTON AND CO. (LTD.). Agents. Ml* E’° BLS-SHSIK. BLENHEIM— THIS DAY. at 9 p.m. JOHNSTON AND CO.. LTD., Agents. MOTUEKA—-MANAROA-On THURSDAY, At 3 p.m. JOHNSTON AND CO. (LTD.), Agent*. nnHB PATEA SHIPPING A COMPANY (LTD). FOE PATEA—MANA—THIS DAY, at 1 p.m. FOB WANGANUI—KAPITI—On THURSDAY, at 5 p.m, ■ Receiving Cargo To-day (Wednesday). THOMPSON BROS., LTD., Agents 110, Peatheraton street. 'Phono 581 THE WANGANUI EIYEE THE RHINE OP MAOEILAND. THE GREAT SCENIC ROUTE. ' SUMMER HOLIDAYS! SUMMER leave Wanganui and Tau. TUES.. THURS., SAT. TIFUL PIPIKIKII 3 UNIQUE HOUSEBOAT! 30TING THE RAPIDS 1 louseboatl Ideal Health Resorts I EK-END EXCURSIONS^ I runt Friday evening's exaranui. thence down river leeting with Monday’s rail sllington. PIEIKI. • ~ return 20s. nerarles. Cook and Sous, ireaua.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 9