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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY’S Q DOTATIONS. MINING STOCK. Auckland.—Benrth;n—lD a.m., s 7(1. I> f| - /ulnlcm (Juirangahukoj—lo, b Id; 3.15, a Id. Goldon lie*Jt (contrib.)—-10 a.rn., h 3b. JCatungahake—lo, h 2d. b 4d. Romata Hoofs—lo a.m.. b 2d, b Ed. > Kuranui—lo a.m , a Bd. Kuranni Calodoniaa—lo a.m.. h In 3d. alb 6d ; noon, b 1h 3d. May Queen—lo a.m.. h4s 8(1, a4s lOci, ml-n 4b kl (reported); noon, b Ah Cd, y 4s lid; v.l'j, )4h 9 cl. N.Z. Crown-10 a.m., *As Id. New jylvia-10 a.m., h 3h 7d, « 3b Cd; noon, b 3b Brl, a 3h Oil. sales 3m bd (’Chungi:); 3.13. b3b Bd, h-L 9d. Old Uauruki 0. Mjik-*— 10 a.m.. h G« Id. a 5b 3d. sales Sb Cd 'rcixirlod); noon, b f/4 4d, h A; Cd; 3.1 j. b 5* 'id. h&b 4d. iieliance-10 a.m.. a 4d. Saxon —lO a.m., 1) Iri 7d, blb 3d; noon, bls 7d. u 1b 9d, Kales Is (id. a Cd (’Change): 3.15, h la Cd. 8 Is 9d. Talma Broken Hiila-10 a.m., b lu, h 1« 3d; noon, b Is; o.D, b Is. Talisman Consolidated—lo a.m., I>

h 42 12s. rales 12 10s 3d, £2 10s 3d, £2 10a 8(1 (rcporl ed ■; noon, b -02 £'.■ .id. :■ .01 11s 6d, sales i'2 12k 3(1. £2 12s 3d I'Cbinigei: 3.15, b £2 13s 3d. » £2 13s 6(1. riles £2 13s 3(1 (reported ; X2 13s 3d (5, ’Change). Waihi —lO a.mi.. I' £0 10s. H X 9 19s: noon, "ales £9 18s 6d (’Change), 'Valid Consolidalednoon, b 7s, n Bs, Wailu l.lrand Junction—--19, b XI Ss 9d, s X) 9s 6d. sales 11 10?. £1 9s KM. ,£1 9s 9(1 'ruportodl; own, » £1 b Cd. s J.l 3s’9d, sales XI 8s 0(1. £1 8s 6d ('Change); 5.15. 1) XI 7s, B £1 Ba, sale a XI 8 s ICdd, £1 Bs n d (reported). West Const,—Consolidated Coldneids—lo a.iu., h 17s, a 18s 6(1: noon, 1) 17s 3d, s IBs 5(1; 3.15, b 17s 3d, s IBs 3d. Progress- -10 n.m., b 12s 9d, a 13a 6d: norm, b 12s 9(1, 8 13s 6(1; 3.15, h 12s 9(1. a 13s 6(1. Eoss Goldflolds, (,td. (p.v!d;— lo ft.m., b 7« fid, s 8s 6d, Hales Cs (reported); noon, b 7a 6d, 3 8s 6u; 5.15, b 7is 6d. s Ss 6d. Note.—The letter "b” signifies buyers and "s" sellers. INVESTMENT STOCK.

QUOTATIONS ELSEWHERE. PRESS ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND. February 0, Business was done on tho Exchange today as follows: —Monowai, Is 9d; Ha-uraki, 6s 7d to 5s 3d; Kapanga (contrlb.), Is; Talisman, 52a 9d; Waihl. £9 19s 6d; Grand Junction, 29s 9d, 28s 9cl; Options, 3s 6d; Tauplrl Coal. 19a 3d; Auckland Trams (ordinary), 21a 9d. , .... Afternoon call:—Magnet, 2d; May Queen, 4s lOd; Saxon, Is 9d; Waiotahl, 4s 8d; Watchman, 2s; Consolidated Goldfields, 18s; Old ilauraki, 5b 3d, 5s 4d, 5a sd, 5s 4d, 5s 6d; Kapanga. la Id; Ngatlawa, 2d. S^d; New Zealand Crown 4g 8d; Maoriland, 6Jd; Phoenix, 4d; Talisman Consolidated, 5356 d, 545; Waihi, 2003; Waihl Grand Junction, 28s 3d, 28s, 27b 9d, 28s; Waihi Extended, 325; Victoria, la 6d; New Zealand Insurance. 74s 6d; National Insurance, 28s 6d; Dixon's Consolidated (contrib.), 3d, DUNEDIN, February 0, Stock Exchange sales:—Waihi Grand Junction, 29s 6d. 29e, 295; Westport-Stock-ton Goal, Bs. Sales reported:—Saxon. Is 9d; Talisman. £2 10a fid. £2 10a 9d; Waihi Grand Junction, 30s 3d, 29b 6d, 29b 6d; Old Kauraki, 5s sd; Golden Bed, 22s 6d. TALISMAN CONSOLIDATED •The following telegram waa received yesterday by the Wellington Stock Exchange from the Talisman Consolidated: “For January battery only ran thirteen days, and crushed 2(770 tons for a yield of £9229 13s 7d. This small tonnage la duo to being delayed in starting battery on account of connecting up the now mill plant recently installed. The costs for the past month are heavier than usual, as although overhaul of mine and mill machinery was carried out during the stoppage of twenty days, the costa were £3 4s sd, made up as follow:—Mine development22s (id, mining 18a Id, milling 19a lid, general 2s Ud. Have sent London following cable; ‘No. 12 level north progress 120 feet, width of roof 48 inches, values low. No. 13 level couth drive progress 23 feet, width of reef 48 Inches, assay value £l7 ss. No. 5 -winze sunk 24 feet, width of reef 36 inches, assay value £3 16s 3d. No 8 winze sunk 23 leet. width of reef 30 inches, assay value £1 17s 8d No 12 winze sunk 30 feet, width of reef 30 inches, assay valuo £1 83 Id. No. 13 winze sunk 21 feet, width of reef 13 inches, assay valuo £3 2s.’ ” LONDON OOuVIMEKOIAL GABLES. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright LONDON, February 7. BBBADSTTOF9 FOR EUROPE. The quantity of wheat afloat for the ‘ .United ICingdoxn and Europe amounts to: To-day. Week ago. Y'r ago. Qrs. Qrs. Qro, for U.K. ... 3.130,000 2,675,000 3.020,000 or Europe ... 1,240,000 . 765,000 1,845,000 4,360,000 3.440.000 4£6SJX>O Shipments from American Atlantic porta amount to 216,000 quarters, compared with 140.000 quarters last week and 136,C00 quarters a year ago. Pacific Coast cargoes put afloat totalled 2000 quarters, compared jwlth 15,000 Last week and 25,000 quarters a year ago. (Received February 8, 11.30 pan.) LONDON, February 8. The wheat market was quiet yesterday, • jrtth an easier tendency for cargoes. METALS. Tcstorday'a closing quotations: Copper.—On tho spot, £59 15b per ton; three months. £6O sa; electrolytic, £62. ! Tin.—On tho spot, £147 10s per ton; ; three months, £149 ss. WELLINGTON MARKETS. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. ' The local markets continue to be kept well supplied with all lines of fruit. Pears aro now coming forward very freely, and prices for same are now ruling at nominal rates. Tho first shipments of tho season of Australian grapes arrived last week from Sydney. Tho New South Wales season is usually two or three weeks ahead of that of South Australia, from where wo obtain tho bulk. In the course of about a fortnight some of tho choice Adelaide-grown grapes should bo available. Tho demand meantime is somewhat poor, and New Zealand grapes aro Bolling at very low rates. Apples of both cooking and dessert descriptions aro extremely plentiful, and aro obtainable at low figures. Only spasmodic quantities of . raspberries in buckets aro reaching the markets from Motueka, and tho Inquiry is not particularly strong at tho moment. Nectarines, greengages, and plums, os well as peaches, aro in good supply. Generally speaking, tho plontitudo of fruit has weakened tho market considerably without a single exception. Tho demand for oranges ia being satisfied with Californian-grown, and so far as lemons are concerned Messina aro in request. Apploa. cholco dessert 6s fid to 7s fid case, prime 6a to 6b 3d; cooking apples, prime 3s fid to 4b fid case, good 2s 9d to 3g; poaches, choice 4s to 5a half-caao. prime 3a to 3a fid. inferior Is fid to 2s; plums, choice 3a to 3a fid half-case, prime 2a to 2s 6d; nectarines 3a to 4s half-case, inferior 2b to 2s 6d; greengages, choico 4s to 4s fid half-caao, prime 3a to 3s fid; Capa

gooseberries 5d to fid lb; raspberries 6s to 6s 6d bucket; grapes 9d tc? Is lb; pears, choice 4s to 4s 9d half-case, prime 3s to 3s fid. - POTATOES AND ONIONS. Tho excited state of tho market In evidence at the opening of last week's markets has now subsided, and values have taken a turn to a lower level. Tho change to finer weather enabled digging operations to bo resumed, and consequently supplies were able to come forward freely, which load to an. immediate drop in price. Unfavourable weather, however, has again set in, and if it lasts any time tho market may again advance. It depends, however, now to some extent on Canterbury, which hae been offering tubers freely for tho past week. If rain sets In in that district for any length of time, it will prevent farmers from marketing, and a rise should then bo Inevitable. Onions are now inclined to bo a drug in tho market. Quotations in tho south have taken a decidedly nominal tendency, and as offerings aro boing made freely, and merchants in that quarter are anxious to book ahead at about £3 10a per ton, it would appear that crops are unduly heavy this season. There is a fair demand for small onions for pickling purposes. Potatoes, primo £5 to £6 ton, inferior £4 10b to X 4 15s; onions, prime £5 to £6 ton; pickling onions £3 5a to £8 IDs ton. OTHER PRODUCE. Tho usual quantities of vegetables have been reaching the market of late. Cabbages have come forward with a little more froodom, and values have consequently declined. Cauliflowers, choice fls fid to 8s sack, prime 4s 6d to 6s; cabbages, choice 5b to 6s sack, primo 3s 6d to 4s fid, marrows 2s to 2s 6d suck; spinach 2s fid to 3s fid case; lettuce Is to-20 case; beetroot 3s 6d to 5s sack; carrots 4b to fis sack: pumpkins 6s to 89 sack; green peas 5d to 8d peck; turnips 33 to 4s sack; parsnips 4s to 5s sack; artichokes 4s to 5s half-sack; French beans 3s to 4g per half-sack. EGGS. The market does not show any change on tho advanced prices which set In last week. Tho demand remains good at la 2d to Is 3d.

liN v i iiiDiN L a Buyers. Sellers. Sales. £ o. cl, £ BANKS— National of N.Z., s. d £ b. d. Ltd 6 2 6 6 3 6 New Zealand ... 9 12 0 FINANCIAL— National Mort'ge, 9 15 0 Ltd. (cum.) ... 3 1 0 N.Z. and 11. Plato — — Laud, Ltd. ... 1 15 6 WoL'n Invest T. A. Co., Ltd 0 11 0 Wel’n Trust Loan, 0 11 6 Ltd 7 2 0 WoL’n Deposit and *"* — Mortgage Ass’n. — GAS— 0 B 0 Wel'u, £10 (ex) ... — 17 15 0 — Wollingt'n, £6 15a — INSURANCE— 14 0 0 NewZenI'd (cum) — MA NU F A CTUKIN 3— 3 15 0 WoTn Wool’n, ord. — Coal— 3 3 6 3 3 0* Westport 6 5 0 Westport-Stockt'a, Ltd. 0 7 1 Miscellaneous— Loyland O'Brien, 6 6 0 — 0 7 2 0 7 3* Timber 1 3 3 N.Z. Drug Co., Ltd, 1 3 9 £2 2 7 0 Taranaki PotrolTn, — £1 paid ... ... 0 9 0 •Eeported. 0 10 3

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 4

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FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 4

FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7048, 9 February 1910, Page 4