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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS. MINIM*. Auckland.—Km'anni—lO a.m.. p 8(1; noon. /t Bd, Kuranui CalHonia-n -11, b I l * 3d; noon, i> 1h 3d, s As 0d; 5.15, b Ip 3d, May Queen—lo am., b 4« 4rl; noon, b ** 7d, h 4s lid; 3.15. b 4h 7d. N.Z. Crmvn—noon, a 5h Id, nalcs 5* Id (reported). New Svdvlar-10 am., b 3« 6ri, n 3s 8d; noon. I) 3m 7d. b 3h ftt; 3.13. b & 6(1. 8 3s 9d. Old Ifaimukl a. Mines—lo am.. b 5s Id; noon, b 58 7d. a os 9d; 3.15. b 5b sd. » 5b Vd. Huxon- noon, b Is 7d. h 1h 8" - 3.15, h is 7d. a i H Bd. 'Jjtinm broken Hill*-10 am.. b Is; noon, I) Is. Talisman (.Vnn-w/lidatcd—lo am. b f,2 8s 5(1. « £2 9s. sales X 3 9s ( Change/; noon, b X2 9-? 6(1. s X2 9s 9(1, pales i,2 9s (reported). X2 9s 6a (’Change); 3.15. b .£2 9s lOd, h X2 10b 3d. tales 12 JGa reliant). Wailii—lo am., b £9 16s 6(1, h £9 13.4; noon, b X 9 16s 6d, » £9 JBs; 3.16. b .10 17s 6(1. W'ailii Consolidated Reef*— norm. 1) 7s, s Bs. Walbi Extended—-noon, 1» Jh sd, h 3h 7d. Wnihi Grand .Junction—--10 b XI 8h 9d. » £1 9s. sales XI 8s 9d (report^lj; noon, b XI 9s 6d, h XI 9s 9d, r,:i!cs XI 9k (reported), XI 9s 6d (2. 'Change); 3.36, h £1 9s 9d, $ XI 10$. sales £1 10s (reported), XI 9h 9d ('Change). Waltangi Consolidated N.L.—lO a.m., b Is 6d; 3.15. b 1» 7d. Watchman—noon, b 1h Bd. West Coast.—Bbiokwater Mines—lo a.m.. b XI 3s 6d, b XI 0b ; noon, b £1 3s 6d, b XI sm; 3.15, b XI 3b 6d, s £1 sh. Consolidated Goldfields—lo a.m., b 18a 6d; noon, b 18a fid; 3.15. b 17y, a 13s fid. Progress—lo a.m., s lis fid; noon, b I3s, fi 13s 3d; 3.15, e lis 3d. llosM Goldfield??. Ltd (paid)—lo am., a 6s fid; noon, 8 8s fid; 3.15, » 8k 6d. Note.—The letter “b” signifies buyers and "a" sellers.

QUOTATIONS ELSEWHERE. FBBSS A6BOCIA.TION. AUCKLAND. February 7. On ‘"Change .this morning the following sales were recorded:—Golden. Belt (pd.), llj-d; Talma Broken Hills, Is 2d; Talisman, 40s 6d, 50a; Woihi, £9 18t> 6d, £9 19s; Taupiri Coal, 80s, 80s 3d; Northern Steam (pd.), 13s, (cent.), 6s 4d. DUNEDIN, February 7. Stock Exchange sales:—Mystery Flat, 20s; 'Old Ha/umki, 5a 6d, 5a 7<l, 5b 4d (three parcels); Talisman, £2 10s 3d; Waihi Extended, £fc 3d; Waihi Grand Junction, 80s. Sales reported:—Old Haumki, 5s Sd; Talisman, 48s 6d, 48s 9d; Waihi Grand Junction, 29s 9d; N.Z. Drug, 475. , LONDON, February 6. Waihi shares are quoted—Buyers £9 IBs 3(J, eSHere £9 18s 9d; Grand Junction, buyers 26$ Bd, sellers 37a Gd. LONDON MARKET CABLES. HUGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. Thu ’Commerce and Tourists Division ox the Department of Agriculture, Comncaroe ©ind Tourists has received the following cabled report from the High Coraxoiaakmer, dated London, February sth, IffiLOihEnttan is weak. The average pxdce of North Island mutton ia per lb, AubinUi«/o Sfcd* River Plate B|dw Lamb kl steady, and la fair business is doing* There Ib a bettor demand for iamb for forward delivery. ' The supply of this lamb folia short of the jfemetnd. The average price of Oantexcuiy lamb is 5d per Ib, Australian (in largo supply) Sgd. Beef is qxuet; there has been no Change In prices. (Last week's quotations *. N.Z. hinds &id» fares 2£d.) Batter IB firm, but business is aanwrsdiwt restricted an account of the high prices ruling. The shipments of trotter and cheese por Tutrakinn. and •A, Opawa arrived, in condition.. The tavorage price of choicest New Zeatond; butter is 122 a nor cwt, Australian. 12qs, Banish ISSa, Siberian (new season's) Argentine 120 a. Cheese Is firm, with a general and demand. New 'Zealand finest white dheose ia ovomging S9s per owt, and CQuoured 58a, Hemp l? flat. There is scarcely any 'diamond at last quotutiems. The output Ot Manila for tho week was 29,000 bales, TFrloea cabled on /tfunnury 29th -vtot©: Spot, Now Zealand good fair, £27 10s; fair, £2O 10s, Manila, £26 10s. JanuaryMarch shipment, good fair, £27; fair, £2O; Manila, £28.) PRESS ASSOCIATION ADVICES. By (telegraph—Press Assoolation—Copyright. LONDON, Pebnrary 5. Rabbits—Firm. Strong demand for young Sydneys, at 14s 6d, ex store; largo Melbotumo, 15s. Hides—Neglected- little business doing in leather. First 'Wellingtons, I6fd. Basils, id dearer. First Wellingtons, 163 d to 19|d. Kauri—Stock, 853 oases. Hemp—Dull. January-Mioroh shipment £36 15a por ton. Copra—Quiet. Moderate demand for South Sea, in bags, at £24. Cotton—American middling FebruaryMarch shipment, 7.74 d per lb. Silver—2 Bid por ounce. Copper—On the spot, £59 6a Sd per ton; three months, £6O 2s 6d. Tin—Spot, £146 15s; throe months, MU* s©. Land—£lo 8a 9d per tea. Following are the Smithiield quotations for TTozen meat:—Shoop, Southland, BJd i>er lb; North Island, 3|d; Australian, 3 Ri-ror Plato, heavy, 6 7-16 d; light, Lambs—New Zealand, none offering; Australian, best BJd; fair 5Jd, inferior 3 9-16 cl; rest unaltered. PRIVATE CABLE REPORTS. The following private advices have

been received in Wellington from London, by Dulgoty and Co., Ltd." Frozen Meat—’There is a very good demand for all descriptions’ of lamb. The rnarket for; same is firmer, and seems likely to improve until increased arrivals come to baud. .Mutton and beef are in better demand, with a firm market. Quotations arc:—New Zealand prime ox beef-—Fores 2M binds Prime croß.sbrcd lamb, Nnrtii Island-Heavy, 4|d; right,. Piiine crossbred mutton, North Island Heavy, Tjd; light, 3|<l. Canterbury lamb and 101111011 are not quoted. In the future, quotations will j>e new ecasorj’.s. Tallow*—Low and inferior descriptions are 3d lower. Mutton is in poor demand, and other descriptions are unchanged. There is less demand for future shipment, prices for which arc fid lower/*

LONDON WOOL SALES. Wellington firms have received the following advices from their London : representatives: Dalgotv and Company, Ltd,— <r The wool sales closed very firm. As compared with last ©ales' closing rates, super merino wools are unchanged, and other description© of merinos nro from par to 0 per cent, higher; crossbred wools of fine quality are unchanged; for crossbred wools of medium and coarse quality, and crossbred wools light in condition and bright, if they are suitable for America, prices are unchanged, but otherwise crossbred wool© of medium' quality are 74 per cent, higher, and crossbred wools of coarse quality .are 10 per cent, higher. Tho total net quantity available amounted to .180,000 bales, IncludiTig 1600 bales brought forward fioni previous series, of which quantity 12,000 bales wero sold to America, 80,000 bales for homo consumption, and 83,000 bales to the Continent, leaving 3COO bales to bo carried forward to March series/* Now Zealand Loon and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd.—" Tho sales dosed strong. Of tho quantity offered at tho recent series, 174,000 bales were sold, of which 83,(R)0 bales were taken for tho Continent, and 12,000 for America,- 6000 bales being held over. As compared with last sale's closing rates, prices are about 5 per cent, to per cent, higher for crossbred scoured, medium greasy crossbred, lamb©, and coarse and medium crossbred slipo; about par to 5 per cent, higher for greasy and scoured merino; and about por cent, to 10 per cent, higher for coarse greasy crossbred/* Murray, Roberts and Co-—“ The sales have closed firm, with 6000 bales held over, and the market shows no material change since our last report, with the following exceptions—compared with tho highest point of tho series, fine merino is very firm, but greasy crossbreds have declined a shade/* Abraham and Williams, Ltd. —"Fine crossbred unchanged; medium and coarse crossbred, 10 per cent, up; merino, 5 per cent. up. Competition active; !market very firm; prospects good/* STOCK SALES. Dalgoty and Co., Ltd., report on their Levin, sale, held on Friday, as follows: Sheep came forward in' excess of the advertised number, and -met with a ready sale at full rates. A keen demand (existed for good owes and wethers. We succeeded in quitting every line of both sheep and cattle at these prices—Good Romney f breeding ewes (mixed ages) to 14s, light fat wethers 12s 6d, good two-tooth wethers 11s lOd, medium two-tooth wethers 10s lid, cull two-tooth wethers 7s 4d, shorn lambs 6s 4d, fat lambs Bs, fat and forward ewes 8s 6d, forward ewes and wethers 11s Id, aged breeding ewes 8s lOd, cull ewes 4s to 4s lid, aged out 1 rams 6s 6d, light fat cows £3 Lie, others £4 Is to £4 16s, fat heifers £B lls, cows and calves £3, springing heifers £3 Bs, two-year heifers £2 16e, three and three and a half-year steers £3 ss, two-year steers £3 12s, two and a half to threeyear steers £4 lls. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report as follows: —At Levin, on Friday, we had very heavy yardings of both sheep and cattle, every pen in the yards being full. We sold every pen of sheep under the hammer bar one line of wethers, and prices in almost every case wpro in favour of vendors. Cattle also sold well, and we made an almost total clearance. We quote:—Fat wethers 13s sd, forward wethers lls 7d to 12s, two-tooth wethers 8s 3d to 10s 10d, fat ewes 10s 2d to 12s, fat maiden, ewes 12s 6d, forward ewes 8s sd, store ewes 4s 9d to 7s Id, mixed aged breeding owes 9s 3d to 9s 9d, two-tooth ewes lls 4d to 18s od, mixed two-tooths 8s 3d to 9s 4d, rape lambs (shorn) 7s Bd, store lambs (shorn) 5s Sd to 5s sd, store lambs (woolly) 7s Id to 7s 9d, oull lambs 3s 3d, mixed woolly fat eheep 15s, fourtooth Romney rams 21s, fiat bullocks £7 to £8 3s, forward bullocks £5 19s, two and a half-year steers £3 15© to. £4 2s 6d, fifteen-months steers £2 Bs. fat cows £4 to £4 15s, forward cows £3 3s to £3 12s Od, store cows £2 5s to £2 7s Gd, weaner© 18s to 28s Gd. About twentyftvo bulls made from 33a to £4 10s. WOOL, SKINS AND HIDES. Dalgety and 00., Ltd., report on their Palmereton North wool, skins and hide sale os follows:—Wo offered an exceptionally heavy catalogue to a good attendance of buyers. All lots met with been competition. The following is a list of prices realised : v Wool.—• Crossbred (fine) lOd to 10Jd, medium 9d to 9Jd, coarse 8W to B|d, logstained and inferior 7sd to Bid, lambs (good) lOd to 10-ki, medium 9d to 9sd, inferior 7£d to BJcl, dead wool 7d to pieces sid ip s|d, crutohings to s£d, locks and pieces 4d 'to inferior locks from IJd to 3d, black wool G£d. Sheepskins.—Full wool crossbred (coarse) 6|d to 7sd, medium Bd, fin© B|d y lambs 7td, crossbred (damaged) s£d to 5Hd, dead skins sid to 6sd, hoggets Bld to 64<1, dead hoggets 6Jd, pelts 5d to inferior and damaged 3Jd to 4d, bathers* pelts at each- 2© to 2s 6a, salted at each Is 9d, 2s, 2s 3d to 2s 6d, lamb pelts Is to Is 3d, woolly lamb 2s 6d to Bs. Hides. —Ox medium to 7|<l, ditto light 7d, steers 6d, cows (best lines) 6|d to 6|d, good 6|d to 6£d, bulls 5Jd, yearlings Gd to 6gd, cut hides 4id to 6d, slippy 3d to 4£d, dry hides to Gd, hors© hides 5s Gd ef Caif skins.—Beet line© 03d, good 6|d, meaty Tid, cut ssd» slippy 4sd, dry 1© 2d each. * . , Sundries. —Tallow m tins 21s 6d, casks 235, rough fat 16s 3d* horsehair 1© 2id to 1© 44d per lb, rabbitskins 10jd, tails Is 4d por dozen. Our next sale takes place on Friday, March 4th. WBLLXNOTON CUSTOMS. The Customs revenue received at Wellington yesterday totalled £BSO.

INVESTMENT STOCK. Bnyori. Gallon. Boles. £ s d. £ D. d. £ «. d. banka— National of N.Z., Ltd. 6 4 0 6 3 0* New Zealand 9 12 0 — FINANCIAL— Notional Mbrt'ge, Ltd. (cum) 3 0 0 N.Z. and B. Plato Land, Ltd. 1 15 6 Wol'n invest T. A. Co.. Ltd. 0 11 0 0 11 Wol'n Trust Loan, Ud 7 2 0 Wol'n Deposit and Mortgage Ass'n. — 0 8 0 — OA9— Worn. £10(03) ... Wcllingt'n, £6l&s Wol'n, new Isaac, _ 17 15 0 — 14 0 0 — (prom) — 3 0 0 — iNauKANOB— National of N.Z. 1 7 0 1 8 0 — Now Zealand ... South British, of N.Z ... 3 15 3 — 2 13 3 — — Meat Peesbevuto— Ohriatohnroh Meat Co tt 7 6 — — Shipping— N.Z. Shipping Go. , — 7 15 0 — iUrnnpACTranro— Wol'n WocVn, ord. 3 2 3 3 3 6 — - COAL— Westport (omn)... Weatport-Stocktfn, 6 6 0 — Ltd 0 7 D 0 7 2 — .jllISCELLANBOITS—■ D.I.O., prof. — 1 2 6 — Kauri Timber, 15a paid. 0 15 0 0 15 9 — LeyJand O'Brien, Timber ’ ... 1 3 3 N.Z. Consolidated Dental Oo. 1 3 6 N.Z. Port. Cement 1 18 9 Bharland and Co., Ltd, preference Taranaki Potrol’m 1 1 6 0 10 0* £1 paid 0 9 6 0 10 6 WeTn Opera Hcmso Co.. Ltd 7 17 6 _ Whitoomhe and 4 17 Tombs, Ltd. ... 6 — — •Boportod.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7047, 8 February 1910, Page 6

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FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7047, 8 February 1910, Page 6

FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7047, 8 February 1910, Page 6