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■• * WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. SATURDAY'S QUOTATIONS. MINING. Auckland.—Dominion (Karangiiliakt')—lo a.m., s 3d; noon, s &!• L.o.'.icu L.'it (roiitrib.)—lo a.m., s Gil. Ivuraiiiii «_.l—lo a.m., li Is Id, s Is 2d; neon, 1> Is. .Way Qucen-10 a.™., ». ■ i * y '- 1 ; s 3s lltl; noon, b 3s Rd. Mountain KiiiK (VonU-ib.)-IO a.m., s 1s; noon, h Is. Kr-w Zealand Crown-10 a.m., s Cs2d; noon, h 5s <>d, s 6s Id. New Sylvia-11l a.m., b IS yd. » lis lid; mou, b .is 9.1. e 3s |fi,-l. Old Jlam-aki G. Mua'S-10 a.m.. b 4s Sd, s 4s !)d. Saxon-IU b Is .hi, s l fl .VI. sales Is 4M (reported). TalLsmnn Consolidated—lo a.m., b £1 •>* 9.1, s ,£2 is .'Sd; neon, b -1.2 5s Gd, salt's 412 5s CI ('Change). Waihi—Noon, b ,£!l lis 01. Wnihi Extended—lo a.m., b 3s sd, s 3s fid, sales lis Cd ('Change). Wnahi tlrawl Junction-lO a.m., b .£1 15s. h XI ,15s Cd, sales £l K« 3:1 (reported); noon, b Jil 15s, e JH 15s 3d. Waitnngi Consolidated—lo a.m., b 2s sd. s is /.I; noon, b 2s sd, s 2s "d. Uatehman— Nooiu, b Is 8.1. • "West Coast.—Consolidated Goldfiokls—--10 a.m.. b 13s Gd, « 19s; noon, b 18s Cd, s 19s. Now Alpine (paid)—Neon, s 2s. Progress—lo a.m., b 12s 9<l; noon, b 13s, 3d. Ito-vs Goldiudds. Ltd. (paid)—lo a.m.. b as s 9s Cd. sales 9s 3d ('Change); moon, u 9s, 9 9s 3d. INVESTMENT STOCKS. j Buyers. Sellon. Sales. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ a. & banks— Nat'nl of X.Z., Ltd, (exdiv. inunri'ts) 5 17 6 Now Zealand ... 9 8 0 9 12 0 Equitablo Building 0.. Ltd 9 5 0 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile ... 0 3 0 N.Z. ami E. Pinto Land, Ltd., 01 1 lo 6 ■ Wol'n Invest T.A Co- Ltd. (ex! - 0 U 3 - Wcl'u Trust Loan, Ltd. ... ... 7 4 0 - -' iUB— - ~ Napier ■ 12 5 0 - - Wellington, ±.lO - 13 2 ° ~ Wellington, £6153 jrrst'BAHCi:— National of N.Z. 17 3 South British of N . z 2 14 0 2 15 0 SHIPPING— N.Z. Shipping Oo 7 10 0 MANUTACTCMNO— Wol'n "Wobl'n, ord Hlkurangi 10 0 1 2 6 - TVestport a 4 ° 6 6 ° ■Wostport-Stookt'n, Ltd - ° 7 3 _ MIBCEIiIANEOTJS Leyland O'Brien _ Timber ... ... 1 3 6 Jlanßtnc »d Co.. a q 4 Q Q __ N.Z. Drug Co., Ltd, £2 2 6 6 ~ .N.Z. Port. Coment 117 3 Bharland and Co., _ Ltd., ordinary... 1 1 " Wel'n Opera Honso Co., Ltd - 7 " 5 AUCKLAND QUOTATIONS. PBESB ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND, January 15. Business on the Stock today included:-Welcome, aid. 6d; Old Haurnki, 4s 7d, 43 6d; Tokatea 2d 2kl; Talisman, 455; Boss Goldfields, 9s OdT Old Hauraki, Is 6d; Grand Junction, «5s 9d. GOLD.DREDGING RETURNS. rEEB3 ASSOCIATION. DUNEDIN, January 15. Electric No. 1,19 oz lldwt; Waikaka ■United No. 1,540 z lOdvrt; Waikaka United No.. 2,290 z 3dTvt; Blackwater Biirer, 230 z. LONDON MARKET OABLES. ilyToleeraphr-Prasa Association—Oopyrliht. (R«oeiTed January 16, 5 p.m.) LONDON, January 15. HEMP. The hemp market continues dull. dajiuoxy-MaroE" shipment is quoted at . £27 por ton. ■ • ■ ," X COPRA. i Market quiet, and sales slow. South >Bea in l»«s, je2-l 2s 6d, a rise of 2s 6d in the week. cQTTON Amtdcaa middlinß cotton in Ldver.pool is quoted at 7.6 M per lb, compared Srith 8.06 d lost week. SILVER. Ear silver is quoted at 21 3-16 d per ounce standard, a rise id on the week. OTHER METALS. Yesterday's closing prices were as folCopper.—On f:he spot, 2s 6d higher at '.£6l por ton; three months, 7s 6d bigt:er at .£62 3s 9d. Tin. —On the spot, 15s lower at J 2147 ' 10s por ton;, three months, 20s , lower 'nt JII-19. The market is irregular, lowing to uncertainty regarding supplies available in the Straits Settlements. Lead. —Soft foreign, Is 3d lower at j£l3 159 per ton. LEVIN STOCK BALE. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report - that at Shannon on Friday they had a fan- ya.rdiii« of slieep and cattlo and a heavy yarding of pigs- Cattle sold weil at auction, but sheep and were hard to quit. With few exceptions all entries of pigs were sold, hut prices wero con sidovably lower than previous rates. Quotations: —2-tooth ewes lis Id, heifers in calf .£2 lis to .£2 19s, empty . cows £2 9s to £2 lis, forward cows £Z 10s. weaners 20s to 255. bulla 355, porkers 21s to 265, "baconers, 36s to 37s 6d, ohoppors >£2 ss, weaners 10s 9d, store pigs lCs to 17s 6d. EQUITABLE BUILDING AND INVESTMENT CO. The annual report of tho Equitable Building- ar.d Investment Company shows a credit of X 9749 9s lid in the profit and- losi; account. An interim dividend of 5 per cent, has paid, and ■'■ has neon carried to reserve fund, loav- . inj; a balance of JMSOS 2s 5d to be dealt with. The directors recommend % further dividend of 5 per cent., aV soxbing .£29-11 ISs 9d, carrying froward a balance of .£1560.33 Sd. Messrs Beauoh'amp. Dean, and Kebbell are the retiring directors, and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. 3FRUTT AND PRODUCE. The New Zealand Fruit nnd Produce Company, Ltd., Tcports u goo<l demand for practically all kinds of fruit and vegetables. Tomatoes nnd green plums are

'.j.-isicr, E 3 the supply is very heavy; all other fruit** are {inn. .Much l>:.Unr prices are exptfuti-,1 to rule this year lli.m lust. y notations: Polatoes, 5s Cd to 7s Cd cwt; .mi;iii3, S 3 "d to Us cwt; I'l-nncli beans, 4s to Cs -101 b; carrots, Ss to 9s fc'd sack; lict'troot, Cs to 8s sack; cabbages, Cs to "s suck; cauliflowers, "s to 8s 6d sack; peas, (12 pecks), 8s to 12s; turnips, 3s to 5s (id suck; marrows, 2s t.'s 3s case; lettuce, 2s to 3s case; apples (cooking), Is to 53 case; apples (dessert), Os to 8s Sd case; plums (blue), 4s to 5s half case; plums (green), 2s Cd to 3s case; phnns (greengages), Is 1 9<l to l's 6d case; plums (liurb'.aik), 2s Cd : to 'ls case; peaches, 53 to 8s Cd case; . apricols. 5s to Cts Cd case; jiectai-ines, 4s to T.s case; tomatoes, 4s Gd to Us Cd case; pines, Cs to lis Cd; bananas (bunch), : 2-, !M to 4s; bananas (oasei, Cs \r> 9s Gd; oranges (Califm-ninn V.n-els), 18s to 21s; : 111110113 Ob-ssina). Us Gd to L'ls; fggs, 1 Is 2.1 In Is 3d d.oz; du.-ks. 33 Cd to 7;. . pair; lu-m., 4s Cd to 5s Cd pair; bran, I fl.s per 5...1,; oats. 2s 2d to 2s -1d bushel; 1 wheat , : ' :<! buslicl; chaff, £3 5s to £J ■ Lis; peanuts, 20s Od 6ack. ! FROZEN MEAT MARKET. ; V/EDDEL AND CO'S. EEPOET. • Mossrs W. tVeddel and Co., London, re- I po.'t as i'ollowa on the frozen meat market, under date December 3rd: MUTTON. ; Nov/- Zealand.—Arrivals during the past ' two weeks amount to 76,856 carcases. These ; arrivals coming in to a market by no ' means bare, have had tho effect of further reducing values of all descriptions, with the deception of 601 b carcases, which are still relatively scarce. Light-weight Canterbury sheep aro unusually difficult of sale, and carcases under 481 b are worth only 3Jd, while 43-641 b are quoted at 4dper lb, and heavier weights at about 33d to 33d per lb. Prime North Island carcases sell Blowly at 33d to 3Jd per lb, and secondary brands at 3Jd to 33d per lb. Ewes do not show much change, and are being sold at 3Jd per lb. Australian.—During ths past fortnight arrivals total 96,573 carcases. Tho bulk of the 3ales continue to bo made ex ship and store, the actual market trade being very disappointing. The few sheep Belling realise about 33d for small weights, and 3 5-16 d for tho heavy carcases. South American. —The arrivals during the past fortnight amount to 65.518 carcases. The demand has bean very alow throughout the fortnight, and with supplies quito sufficient for tho present requirements, valuer have not maintained. Small earcascs aro now quoted at 31d per lb. and tho heavier weights at about 3 7-16 d per lb. LAMB. Arrivals during the past, two weeks amount to 51,776 carcases from New Zealand, 33,838 from Australia, and 9531 from tho It'ver Plato. There is no improvement to report in the inquiry for frozen lambs at Smithfleld, the large supplies ot Continental and Scotch Bheep and lamb 3 absorbing tho bulk of what little demand exists at this time of the year. Holders are using every endeavour to clear stocks of old season's New Zealand lambs, and prices for same are again lower. A few new season's Australian lambs have arrived, the quality of which is very fair, and'many buyers are using them in prefereuoe ,to tho stale New Zealands. Today's values for New Zealand lambs are as follow:--Prinie Canterbury lambs under 351 b, 4d; 36421 b, 3Jd to 33d; and 42-50 lb, 3,jd to 33d per lb. Southland and North Island lambs under 361 b realise 33d to 33d; 36-421 b, and 42-501 b, 3»d to 3Jd. The few new season's Australian lambs'which have just arrived have* been selling at 33d to 4d for the prime quality, and 3Jd to 38d for secondary carcases. Thcrs has also been a small shipment of aiver Plate lambs marketed during-the post week, and same has realised 3id to 4d at Smithfleld in retail quantities. BEEP. Frozen.—The arrivals during the fort-. night amounted- to 20,705 quarters from Australia. 8545'quarters from New Zealand, I and 41,337 quarters from the Eiver Plate. With stocks accumulating, and an exceed- ' inrly poor demand, values show a further drw> for both fore and hind quarters. The ' latter in particular are difficult to move, and some middling quality New Zealand beef is being offered at rates under those current for Australian and Eiver Plate quarters. Chi11ed.—37,420. quarters h'avo arrived from the Biver Plato. A fairly satisfactory trade has passed during tho fortnight, . having regard to the fact that sup- ■ plies 'of all kinds of beef are so, heavy. ■ The quality and condition have been about ' up to the average but values show a slight decline on those ruling at the close of our last issue. COLONIAL DAIRY PRODUCE. BUTTER AND CHEESE IN LONDON. ■ Messrs Weddel and Co., London, in their weekly market report of December 3rd, state: : , Butter.—The weather this .week has heen depressing, very wet days, interspersed with dull and gloomy ones. The. temperature is much higher than tho previous week, with a total absence of frosts. The demand for both Australian and New Zealand butter has slackened down under tho olimatio influence, and also under the high prices which have previously prevailed, and to-day values have receded another 2s, which makes a fall of a good 4a per cwt. on the week. Notwithstanding tho clearance of nearly all cold stored stocks, tho market has steadily refused to exhibit the firmness of last week. Arrivals this week consist of the Ophlr, from Australia, with 28,750 boxes, and the Hawke's Bay with 150. From New Zealand the Euapehu docked yesterday with about 31,500 boxes. Next week, Australian arrivals will consist of the China, with about 37,250 boxes, and the Palma, with 2925. The next arrival from. New Zealand is tho Tainui. due on December 15th, just in time for the Christmas market, with about 40.8C0 boxes. Shipments this week are the Otranto, one of the new steamers of the Orient line, with 57.000 hoxes (1425 tons), which is the largest cargo of butter ever sent from Australia. The lonio is sailing to-day from New Zealand, but the quantity of butter and cheese on board Is not yet known. The Kia Ora, due January 14th, left New Zealand on November 28th with 6280 boxes of butter. The demand for foreign butter is, like that for colonial, easier, and tho Danes have lowered their quotation by three kroner, but the quotation is still nine kroner above last year at this date. Supplies of European butter for the coming winter are estimated to be less than last year, owing to the deficient and damaged hay crops this summer. Germany and other Continental countries are expected .to bo buyers of colonial on our markets before long. It is interesting to note that for tho first nino months of this year. Germany imported 30,500 tons of butter, being an increase of 4500 tons over the corresponding period of 1908. QUeeso. —Tho demand remains quiet, notwithstanding tho Improvement across the Atlantic, and prices are, if anything, weaker. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., have received tho following cablegram from their London honso under Friday's date:—"Frozen meat. —Mutton (market steady. Lamb gradually improving. Beef firmer." "Robert Campbell and .Sons. Ltd., Australian merchants, have paid a dividend of 10 per cent. The Customs revenue, beer duty and surtax collected at Wellington Inst week totalled respectively .£17,697 10 3 6d, .£315 17s, and .£404 4s. Saturday's Customs return amounted to .£9-10 Ss 2d.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7028, 17 January 1910, Page 4

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FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7028, 17 January 1910, Page 4

FINANCE AND TRADE New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7028, 17 January 1910, Page 4