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NORTHERN ASSOCIATION’S TOURNEY. UNFAVOURABLE WEATHER RATHER STOICS PLAY. YESTERDAY’S MATCHES. After opening in the ftsrfect weather which way experienced on .Monday, competitors in tho Northern Howling Association'a championship tournament were unfortunate in the conditions prevailing yesterday, when the qualifying rounds in the rink matches were proceeded with under a certain amount of diihculty. The rain which fell oil and on during the day resulted in considerable delay, and the last round ox tho afternoon was not completed on some gieoiiH until nearly dark. Perhaps the hardest green to play on was that at tho Hutt. it. was very heavy indeed, and real driving games ivero the order cf tho day. G cue rally, however, tho greens played fairly well in the morning after tho raiu ceased, and in. aomo instances soon got into surprisingly good order. The ram which fell at midday rather spoilt them again, and tiio play got very heavy until the wind, dried them somewhat. Tho fifth round was started in driving rain by some sections, tho players protecting themselves with umbrellas as best they could, and altogether the day was not anywhere near perfect from tho bowlers’ point of view. In spile of this nearly every uno of tho games was played out to xi finish. A mistake occurred yesterday in recording the scores in a game on the Wellington green. (Pahiatua) rjg officially announced as having defeated Norwood (Victoria) by 26—1.1. It hns been ascertained that tho scores should stand the other ivay about. SOME INCIDENTS. ‘ Tho unreliability of the game of bowls {•eoelved many Striking illustrations yesterday on the various greens, perhaps the most interesting being' witnessed at Kelburne. In tho morning Crane (Wellington) defeated James (Onehunga) to the tuno of 26 —15, while next round James had it all his own way with Elliston (Rocky Nook) and bent him by tho comfortable margin of 21) —8. Then Eiiiston met Crane, and the result was that tho latter was soundly trounced by 21—13. Another instance occurred when "W igg (Greytown) scored his first and only win of tho tourney so far at tho expense of the veteran Churchward (Wellington), who has otherwise gone through without defeat. It was a close game, however, and was only won by 21 — 20, There was one very close finish on tho Wellington green in tho morning in the Wyiie gome. At tho seventeenth head tho Petone man was leading by 22 to 17, but there ho stopped while his opponent crept up by ones and twos until on tho twenty-first hefad tho score was 22 all. An extra head had therefore to ho played, resulting in a win for Roberts by 23 to 22. In the gamo between Nash (Palmers■ton North) and McLean (Wellington) in the sixth round both rinks had scored 13 points on tho thirteenth head. Tho game was one of the best fought out of tho day. On tho tenth head MoLean's score stood 13—3, but Nash pulled up level in three heads by means of successive scores of 2, 3 and 5. At the sixteenth head the score was again level at 15, after which Nash drew, away with a. 3. McLean responded with a single and Nash retaliated in kind. Tho lash two heads each gave McLean a single, and. the game ended in Nash’s favour by 10—13. At the Hutt Martinis Rocky Nook rink hod an unexpected reversal of fortune. Martin and Mason (Pihama) both went on to the green unbeaten, but a meeting in the first round of the day resulted in victory for Mason by one point. Maeon, however, was do. featod in tho next round by Buck (Westport), and as Martin won his gamo the rinks were again level. Then Rocky Nook fell, for in the next round Ballinger (Wellington) absolutely broke them up by 29—4 in sixteen heads. The visitors threw, up tho sponge at that. Another uncompleted game at the .Suit was that between Magmas (Kaxori) ani Snaddon (Victoria), They agreed to stop for tho day on tho fifteenth head and , resume again to-day, but this the secretary of tho association save cannot be allowed. The game will therefore'stand as a win for Magnus on the fifteenth head. RINKS* SUCCESSES. So far three rinks have gone right through the tournament without a defeat, but as one of them had a bye yesterday it means that only two have aix wins to their credit. Tho teams occupying this proud position aro those skipped respectively by Nash (Palmerston North) and > Wylie (Newtown), tho former leading in section H and the latter in section D, Both rinks are ;.very tough propositions for anyone mooting them. Leighton (To Hiwi) Ims also gone, through without a defeat, but he has Only actually played five games. Eleven other' rinfca each have five wins to opadit, and the contest in some sections is getting very interesting. That this is so will bo seen by a glance at the following tables, in which the full record of each skip is sot out:— SECTION A.

detailed scores. Three full rounds—tho fourth, fifth aml sixth—were played yesterday, details of the scores ho Ley as under, the names of skips and their clubs only arc given : SECTION A, AT VICTORIA. Fourth Round. Bell (Wellington) beat Tasker (Palmerston North). 21—19. , , , . I Boatson (Il'astimfs) beat Blanchard (Kelbume). 25 —14. , /T . ] Morison (Stratford) beat Howatt (Pahiatua), 21—11. ] Clark (Raunevirke) boat \ounpr (Petone). 28—17. : Norwood (Victoria) beat Mercer (Mount Eden), 26—IS. ; Fifth Round. Bell (Wellington) beat Beatson (HastTasker (Palmerston N.) beat Morison (Stratford). 23-16. „ _ , Blanchard (Kolbnrne) beat Young (Pe- j tone), 27 —16. n Hewatt (Pahiatua) beat Mercer (Mount J Eden), 25—19. . . Clark (Dannevirke) beat Norwood (Vio J toria). 25—24. Sixth Round. J 801 l (Wellington) beat Morison (Stratford), 20 —15. , Boatson (Hastings) beat Young (Petone), ( 25 Mercer (Mount Eden) beat Tasker (Pal- , merston -N.), 21 —19. , Blanchard (Kolburne) beat Norwood , (Victoria), 19—18. Howatt (Pahiatua) beat Clark (Danne- - virko). 19—16. SECTION B, AT KELBUHNE. ] Fourth Round. Crane (Wellington) beat James (Onehunga), 26 —15. Pickering (Palmerston N.) beat Thompson (Jobnsonville), 20—14. - Elliston (Kooky Nook) beat Ogilvie (Ma- * naia). 30 —12. - Deo (Maitai) beat Leech (Westport). 19 — J Smith (Kelburne) beat Pollock (Newtown), 24 —15. 1 Fifth Round. Crane (Wellington) beat Pickering (Pal- , merston N.), 26—18. James (Onehunga) beat Elliston (Rocky Nook), 29—8. Thompson. (Johnsonville) beat Leech , (Westport) 25—14. ‘ Smith (Kolburne) beat Ogilvie (Manaia), 19—16. , ' Pollock (Newtown) beat Doe (Maitai), 19Sixth Round. Elliston (Rocky Nook) beat Crane (Wellington), 21—13. , Pickering (Palmerston) beat Leech (Weetport), 23-15. James (Onehunga) beat Smith (Kelburne), 27—18. Pollock (Newtown) beat Thompson (Jobnsonville), 14 —13. Deo (Maitai) beat Ogilvie (Manaia). 20— SECTION C, AT WELLINGTON. Fourth Round. Land (Hastings) beat Lockie (Wellington), 19—16. .. ’ Curteis (Carlton) beat Bull (Napier), 26 Carman (Eltham) beat Riddell (Pictou), 19—1 G. Roberts (Newtown) beat Wylie (Petone), 23—22. Leighton (To Hiwi), a bye. Fifth Round. Bull (Napier) beat Land (Hastings), 19—U. Leighton (To Hiwi) beat Riddell (Picton), ‘31—15. Wylie (Petone) beat Curteis (Carlton), 2.5—15. Roberts (Newtown) beat Carman (Eltbam), 25—10. \ Lockie (Wellington), a bye. \ Sixth Round. Lockie (Wellington) beat Bull (Napier), 17—15. Land (Hastings) beat Wylie (Petone). 28—10. Leighton (Te Hiwi) bent Roberts (Newtown), 23—13. Curteis (Carlton) beat Carman (Eltbam), 30—15. Riddell (Picton), a bye. SECTION D, AT WELLINGTON. , Fourth Round. Lawson (Wellington) beat Emmerson (Waverloy), 20 —12 Osmond (Auckland) beat Bennett (Kar rori), 23 —16 Lowiu (Petone) beat Bollings (Masterton), 19—16 Paterson (Wanganui) beat MoEaobea (Maitai), 17—16 Wyllie (Newtown) beat Wright (Onobunga), 20—18. Fifth Round. Osmond (Auckland) beat Lawson (Wellington), 22—10 Emmerson (Wdverley) beat Lowin (Petone), 26 —19 McEachon (Maitai) beat Bennett (ha-. rori), 21-13 V,'right (Onehunga) beat Hollings (Masterton), 32—7 Wyllie (Newtown) beat Paterson (Wanganui), IS—ls. Sixth Round. Lowin (Petone) beat Lawson (Wellington), 24-20 Wright (Onehunga) boat Emmerson (Waverley), 26—18 Wyllie (Newtown) beat Bennett (Karon), 25-6 Bollings (Masterton) beat Paterson (Wanganui), 33—15 McEacheu (Maitai) beat Osmond (Auckland), IS—l7. SECTION E, AT THORNDON. Fourth Round. Thompson (Wellington) beat Dudley (Opunukc), 22 —13 Hendry (Hutt) beat Murray (Carlton), 33—17 Saywell (Feilding) beat Armitage (Manaia), 24—12Pragnoll (Masterton) beat Wakeman (Pahiatua), 20 —15 Price (Newtown) beat Crowley (Greenmeadows), 39—17. Fifth. Round. Thompson (Wellington) beat Murray (Carlton), 29—16 Armitage (Manaia) boat Dudley (Opunakc), 22—14 Hendry (Hutt) boat Wakeman (Pabiatua), 27—18 ",

Crowley (C >■■■:;mi-mU.v. .) beat Saywell (Feilding;, It—ls Pragnell (Masterton) boat Price (Newtown), 20 —11. Sixth Round. Armitage (Manaia) beat Tbompsoif (Wellington), 22—21 Wakeman. (Pahiatua) beat Murray (Carlton). 23—17 Crowley (Greenmcadows) beat Dudley lUpunafce), 24—14 ... Price (Newtown)' beat Hendry (Hutt), Saywell” (Feilding) boat Pragnell (Masterton), 24 —15. SECTION F, AT HUTT. Fourth Round. Miller (St. John’s) beat Ballinger (WellMaguus (iia”roriJ beat Townsend (MasMasou *° (Ilhama) beat Martin (Rocky McKenna (Patea) beat Wooller (R«Buck"'i.VVe’=tuoitj beat Snaddon (Victoria), 21 —10. Fifth Round. Townsend (Masterton) beat Ballinger (Wellington), 21—18 .... , qt Martin (Rocky Nook; beat Miller (St. Wo oiler Ulcmuera) beat Magana (KaBuck r (vV'estp-ort) beat Mason (Pibama), (Victoria) boat McKenna (Patea), 21 —19. Sixth. Round. Ballinger (Wellington) beat Martin Woolto? ky atemn«af beat Townsend MillW?lohn'|Veat Buck (Westport). MasorTciHbama) beat McKenna (Patea). Manaus lo (Karori) beat Snaddon (VlotoHa, lfr-14, (game stopped by rain on. fifteenth head). SECTION G, AT THORNDON. Fourth Round. Churchward (Wellington) beat Martin Foy l (ItowmiYboat Wigg (Grey-town), 18 Fisher * (Carterton) beat Eankim (Wa-Bari-aud U (Tborodon) boat Hockey (MaiKilgour (Carlton) beat Mack (Victoria), 23—15. - Fifth Round. Wigg (Greytown) bt*at Churchward (WelM a r thi \tu r anganui) beat EUnkm (WaBarrand U (Tb l orndon) ’ beat Foy (Havers). Fislier (Carterton) beat Kilgour (CarlHookey (Maitai) beat Mack (Victoria), 19—17 Sixth Round. Churchward (Wellington) beat Rtinkin. (Wanganui), 33—12 ■Barraud (Thorndon) beat Wigg (Greytown), 24—17 - - Kilgour (Carlton) beat Martin (Turangamii), 26—19 Foy (Hawera) beat Mack (Victoria). 22 14 Fisher (Carterton) beat Hookey (Maitln), 17-16. SECTION H, AT WELLINGTONFourth Round. Jackson (Stratford) beat Still (Wellingtan), 21—16 Nash (Palmerston North) beat Gilshnan (Patea), 33—11 Casey (Grey Lynn) beat Tait (Hawera), 21—18 Para-l'a (Te Hiwi) beat McDonald (Auckland), 24—12 McLean (Wellington) beat Prince (Newtown), 17—16. Fifth Round. Still (Wellington) beat Gilshnan '(Platen), 29-16 Casey (Grey Lynn) beat Jackeon, (Stratford), 17—15

Nash (Palmerston North) beat McDonald {Auckland), 23—1 G Prince (Newtown) bsat Tait (Ilvuvcra), 26-20 McLean (Wellington) beat Parata (To lliwi), 24—23. Sixth RomuL Casey (Grey Lynn) beat Still (Wellington), 27—IS beat Gilshnan (PatttT), 19-16 Princo (Newtown) beat Jackson (Stratford), 21 —14 Nash (Palmerston North) boat McLean (Wellington), 19 —18 Tait (Hawera) beat Parata (To Hiwi), 23—13.

SECTION J, AT NEWTOWN. Fourth Round. Moult (Wellington) beat Ponsford (Gisborne), 31—16 Harrison (Wanganui) beat McGorreiy ' (Waverley), 14 —13 Lock (Te Hiwi) beat Smith (Napier), 26 -17 Farrington (Haweiti) beat McLeod (Pomsonby), 29—9 Biackenridgo (Newtown) boat AVebb (AVellington), 20-19. Fifth Round. AlcGorrery (Waverley) beat Moult (AA rellington), 27 —17 Lock (Te Hiwi) boat Ponsford (Gisborne*), 31—10 Harrison (Wanganui) beat McLeod (Ponsonby), 19—18 Brackenridg© (Newtown) beat Smith (Napier), 26—20 Webb (Wellington) beat-Farrington (Hatwera), 23—16. Sixth Round.. Lock (Te Hiwi) beat Moult (Wellington), 21—16 McLeod (Ponsonby) beht McGorrery (AVaverlcy), 21—17 Ponsford (Gisborne) beat Brackeniridge (Newtown), 25—13 AVebb (Wellington) beat Harrison (Wanganui), 29—17 Farrington (Hawera) beat Smith (Napier) 21-18. ' THE "OPEN DOOR" POLICY. "Shall the open-door policy continuer" is the question which is to be discussed at a mass meeting of bowlers which will be held at the Wellington Club’s pavilion to-night at 8 o’clock. In former years the number of rinks any particular club could 1 enter for a tournament was strictly limited, but this year the experiment of having no restriction at all is being triod. The result is that one club has as many as eleven rinks taking x )ar t the tourney, while others have various lesser numbers. The position is viewed with mixed feelings, and a lively discussion upon it is fully expected to-night.

8Wp3Wins. Losses. .Boll. Wellington .Boaisoiu, Hastings 5 1 5 1 Howatt, Pahiatua i 2 .Norwood, Victoria 3 3 Morcar, Mount Eden a 3 Biamobard, Kelburn© 3 3 jCEark, Daimovirko 2 4 Tasker, Palmerston North... o 4 Moriaon, Stratford 2 4 Soung. Petono ..; 1 5 SECTION B. Jamoa, Oaehunga 5 1 lOraao, Wellington ... i 2 Thiomrpeon. Johnsouvillo .. i 2 lEHiston, Eocky Nook ■1 3 , Pickering, Palmerston N.... Doe, Haifai i 3 2 3 Pollock, Newtown 3 3 Smith, Kolb ume 3 3 , Ogilvie, Manilla 0 6 1 leech, Westport 0 6 SECTION 0. Leighton,. To. Kiwi 5 0 Eohorts. Newtown 4 2 .Curteis. Carlton 3 3 Land, '.Hastings 3 3 Bull, Napier 3 2 Look' ’. Wellington 2 3 Carman. Eltliam 2 3 Wylie. Pctono 1 4 Eiddell, Proton 1 4 In. this section there is a bye o n every round, but is not counted in compiling the table. SECTION D. Wylie. Newtown 6 0 .Wright, Onohunga ... i 2 McEachem. Malta! ... 4 2 Lawson. Wellington ... 3 3 Paterson, Wanganui ... 3 3 Emmerson, Wuverley 3 3 Osmond. Auckland ... 3 3 . I.owiu, Pctono ... 2 i Jlollings, Masterton ... 1 5 Bennett, Karori i ... 1 5 SECTION E Saywell, Peilding ... 5 1 Hendry. Halt ... 5 1 Pragnoll, Masterton ... 4 2 Crowley. Greemncadowe 4 2 Price, NcWtown 3 3 .Wakeman, X’ahiatna 3 3 Jumitage, Manaia 3 3 Thompson, Wellington 2 4 Dudley, Opunake Carlton ~ 1 0 5 6

SECTION F. Mufcon, Pihama ... 5 1 Karori Martin, Pocky Nook ... 4 2 ... 4 2 Palling-:-. \* < I'.ington ... 3 3 J>U'-k. Westport ... 3 3 Woollen*, Uomuera ... ... 3 3 Millor. St- John's ... Suadd-on. Victoria ... 3 2 3 4 Tow.nx'oid. Mastcrton ... 2 4 Me henna, Patea ... 1 5 •SKCTIOX G. <' ’! i u r c U w a r d Wcl I in g ton ... n 1 iirtUor, Carterton Kilgour, ... 5 5 1 1 Joy, Jlawera ... ... 3 Hacraud, Thorudon ... Kankm, Wanganui ... ... 3 3 3 3 Hockey, Maitai _ ... ... 2 4 Martin, Turang-anni ... ... 2 4 Mack, Victoria ... 1 5 Wi-gg, Grey town ... 1 5 SECTION II. Nash. Palmerston North ... 6 0 Casey, CJroy Lynn ... 5 1 Prince, Newtown ... 4 2 Still, Wellington McLean, Wellington..; ... 3 3 ... 3 3 .) ackfion, Stratford ... ... 3 3 McDonald, Auck 1 and ... 2 4 ' CiV-hnn.n. Pate a ... 2 4 Parata, TV Kiwi ... 1 5 Tait, Hawera ... 1 5 SECTION J. Lock, To Uiwi ... 5 1 Moult, Wellington J' a rrn igton, Hawcra... ... 4 4 2 Urackrn ridge. Newtown Wobb, Wellington ... Poasiord, <1 isboi ne ... 4 ... 3 3 3 3 McGorrery. Wavorloy ... 3 3 Harrison, Wanganui ... 2 4 McLeod. Ponsonby ... ... 2 4 Smith, Nrvpkr ... 0 6

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7024, 12 January 1910, Page 8

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BOWLING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7024, 12 January 1910, Page 8

BOWLING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7024, 12 January 1910, Page 8