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novkmi:lu i;xaminations. or new zkvliNT) siixati;. A .s’px-ial mnMin;; of the Sr-naff- (,f U:a (Tnivcr.-Hv of N'-w Zcal-nni w;i i h“M al ihe INgiGrarV ofiFu on Sal a May. There i.ere pr i-den 1:- lion. G. < IJov.eii, I’roJ. M. Drown. I’roiWor J. 3L iJrowu, f’>‘v. A. E-Ufa ron. lion. Dr. G<»!lons. iiV-v. W. A. Kvans. Mr If. F. Von UaaM, Mr G. H</;'bcn, and R. J. Hcolt.

THE EXHIBITION SC/lOMR. The first fiitsiiie-H wa~ the clcr.Uon of Mw> Lxhibilhm S(m<-iu;(' lles'uveii Scholar for 1:1m year. Tho examiners in England had been. miiiMc to dorado between tho two < r A. Al. Finhtyson, M.So., of Dumdiji, ami Mr 1). IE Hanson, D.Sco, of Auckland. After a lengthy <Jistmoion it was molvod that the j-cholar-Giip he awarded to Mr Finlayson. Tui: degrees. 'Phc Senate then proceeded to deal with tho reports of tin.' examiiioie in England oil the last Novoni)>er oxaminal ions. The results are as follows: AUCKLAND COLLEGE.

M.A. ami Honours in Arts —William Loben. Tank, iirsL-ela:-* in mental schema-. M.A. j‘ass - < >ua?n Wallis Williams. M.Sc. and Honour.-; in Science —David Ernest Hansen. lir.-L-eiass in chemistry; Eoioiaou Nothciui /ninan, iii sl-cLir-a m nutt lieinal hr,-; mathematical phy.-Acs, also thiid-ebisH in physical sciuneo (heat, fMiiiml, and light;. Senior Scholars—Wilfrid George Aldridge, in pure mathematics, in applied mathematics, and in geology (awarded ■f-ehohu'ship in. puro mathematics;. First Sind ion, if. A.— J’hi lip Sydney Hridsou, Olive Maud (dark, Trank Hurley Gurd. Kate Violet Edgerlry, Naomi I rene Gibbons, (dn’istiiia Gray, .•dorenee Mary <l« Vaynes donee-;, Alfred George Marsh all. Malm I Sarah l.’eid, iVinifml Merelina SroU. Kenneth Sisam, i’annv Jovvell Taylor. Charles Edward O’Hara Tobin, Harold Edward Webster, SummTuih Wildinan. Final, ll.A.—Edith Charlotte Collins, Charles Bough lon Jordan, Nelson Thomas Lambourne.

First Section, ILSc.—Michael Simon Joseph Goughian. Final, B.Sc.— Wilfrid George Aldridge, Mona Martha Brown, ALA., Joseph Gliarlea Simmonds.

Certificates of Proficiency (B.A. Standirtl) —Francis Brown, iu education ; Harry James Durham, in four mibjccl*; William Albert Joll. in two subjects; Kenneth Campbell Alachutrin, in fuiro mathematics; Nonnau Rodcxlck McKenzie, in wlucnUonj Robert Harry Patloi 'iXltl, iil education.

iutial, li. Cora,—Maxwell Walker, M.A. I'irst Section of First Division, LL.B.Uugli Rea iurlcer, Edmund Justin Mulimiy, Ilemuo I'oimnngn. Second Section of First Division, LL.B. —lvenjiotli Ltuvrenro Pnrohns Brookfield, Dongles Cliarics Chalmers. Felix Heritor Doyion, M.A. ».?i n xr ! ii 1,11, 8 - T^' , W’ r,efl Broderick Chipman Miller, 8.A., Frederick Neve, SI.A. VICTORIA COLLEGE.

Doctor of Science—John Henderson lUtago University). v "r\„ a "‘‘ Honours in Arts-Graham li-ov Ihiinott, firsfc-clnss in mathematics «rul mathematical physics; Isabella Donnet Bruce, third-class in English and Gorman; Margaret Frances Dale thirdpinna in English and French; Siegfried Jv" fr-'lbaum, socomf-class in English and * ; William Harold Tloult, sccondr a.-.s m English and French; Diamond Jcnness, hrst-ciass in Latm ami (iron*; AUan ATucdoufrall, first-class in English and I 1 ranch.

M.A. fnss-BWe Mnrearot BoUinjjer. i-Minny iuifcji Livingstone. First Examination. Mus. B.—Edward •Norman Collio.

Stmior Scholarship—Francis William blarney Bartley, in mental science. First Section, B.A .—Frederick Colnmhna Bowler. Annnbclln Stuart Bale, Glodys Gordon Everett, Ella Garland, George floury Gibb. Thomas Andrew Gilbert Evelyn ■ Maud Gilbertson, George Macdonald Henderson, Reginald Bernard Hill, Williaift Edward Hird. Elsie Mill;, font Johnston, .Robert'Kennedy, Ella May Malionv, Isabel Ncilson, John Carincton Rope. Bertha Isabel Lnnglov Keeve. Cecil Ferdinand Rocked, Clara Constance Harbors Bookol, Jessie Scott, Joseph fine!!, William Webster Tliomas, Frank Alexander AVilspn, Eno Rena Zimim. Final, B.A.—Francis William Stanis!ans Bartley. Dougins Shelley Bodingfield, Hilbert Vore Bogle, Gertrude Florence Cooke. Amy Elizabeth Currie, Louisa Naomi Dallnston. Ivor Davey, Arthur Benjamin Fitt, William Henry Lender Poster. Margaret Elizabeth Gibbs, Charles Thomas Graham. Kathleen Mary ITewetdon.i Ellen ALiy Hildreth, Edith Miriam Hind, James Hutton, William Alexander X.yon, Elizabeth Stewart Morrison, Plo,fence Noilson, Beatrix Alary Nicholson, Matthew Henry Oram. John Wallace Boss, Fanny Louisa Smith. Constance Taiarba Struck, Frederick George Albert Ktuekey, Ida Francos Tennont, Ailo IVnofiham. First Section, B.So.—Esmond Hunvorth Atkinson. Alary Rnsiiton Barkan. Final. B.Sc.—Annie Inkster. H.A.

Certificates of Proficiency (B.A. Standard)—William Semmens Austin, in two subjects; Reginald John Foss, in two subjects; Henry Chorion Hewlett, in two subjects; Margaret Joan Bryce, in English.

First Section of First Examination. B. Cora.—George Walter Reid. Completed First Examination, B. Com. '-George Onuld Rose. B.A. Barristers’ Examination —Joseph Merlin" George William MeCnnl. First Section of First Division, LL.B.— Frank Oswald Victor Achcson, Archibald Dougins Brodio, Alfred EthF.ird Cnddiok. Julius McLaohlan Honiara, Huliort Rough (on Hogg, William John Hunter, Robert Kennedy, Trilby King, Horace James Mnoalistor, Stanley Morell Mncnlister. Willfcim Jcoeph McEMown»y, Catherine MoTntceh, Edward Opotiki Monslcy, Patrick Joseph Burke O’Bcgan. Andrew I’ntorson, Jnanw Atncdonald Richmond. Elliott Edward Rutherford, John Lawrence Short, Henry Dovenish Skinner, James ’.Put, James McCurdy Tudhopo. Second Section of First Division. LL.B.—Robert Tasman Adams, Martin Halo Ttillier Chock. Trevor Noel Holmdcn. David Stanley Smith. Pinal, LL,B.—Norman Graham Armstrong, George Craig. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. M.A. find Honours in Arts—William Brock, Second claws in political science; PrrecUla Dyson, third class in Latin nnd English; Darid Charles Hamilton .Florence, first class in cloctricitv nnd •magnetism; Ishbeila Rachel Griffin, third class in English nnd French; Gwen Li 1 1 as Fanny Opio, second-class !n mathematics and mathematical physics; Nellie Rlorombo, sec-nnd-clnse in Latin and French; Alary Connolly Willftimson, (bird-class in Latin and English. M.A. Pass—William Thomas. M.Sc., and Honours in Science—Peter McGaliurn. second-class in zoo!o"v. Engineering—Frederick Noo! "Tlainil!on Bentnifdi (Ist part of Ist electrical); Lloyd Slandcno nnd Alnlcoim James Thomas (2nd part of ltd electrical,); Arthur David Mead (2nd part of Ist civil); Percy Goorgn Bnmford nnd William Dc Ronzy Opt part of 2nd electrical); George Paulin rind William Gordon (tansonbr (final mechanical); Edward St. Clair Farra, Cecil Walker Lawrence, nnd Norman Low_ (liu'.d electrical); George Whitaker King (completed Ist sivil nnd passed part of 2nd civil). Engineering Entrance—William Leonard Parker (.xcept French). Senior Scholarships—Norman Murray Bell, in Greek, '.nut in chemistry (awarded scholarship in Greek); Bella Bytes Cross, in botany; Keith Haw.

Me-rne Gape-Vv ? illiarn-y>n, in history; Edwin John Wilson, in Trench. Eijc-.t Section. H.A. —AKh ur iiowton Ha- : \ id-. Mar Ferguson Arnett, Vio-i-i MGli.-ni Hath y, Charles Matinee U ‘-. ,”i-1 •' <.wm. Nora BJackmoro, Aiox,i .l.iim-s Gror>s. John Douglas Envoy, ! \ ■ v Glcmr-nt Edmomboon, Christine M,i --are* Farrow, Michael Christian <;ia 1 1 \, Florence Maud Hunt, Annette Mai iarie Jacobs. L**r.-M R< rev Kid.son, ) Iridgel Leary. Samuel George Macfarlane, Donald Hannerman Maeieod, Thomas Art hur Morland, Aby Raymond H vder, Jcanio Sf eveju-ou. Allan George Tint dinie St Martin Wntorston. Lily G'niJ-ch Williams Amy Irene Wilson, Thoma; Edward Currie. Final H.A. Elle.n Mancho Laxter, \crmin '-luri-av Hell. Keith Hawthorne Cai/oAVilfiamsan. .fane Cardwell, Sidney Alfred C’la i!c, i>< i l;« Dytcf> Cross, Annin Maud Griflin. Margaret Louisa Hunt, Olive. Mary Mcddins, John Peacock. Frederick Jfnrton Kedgravc. Marion J.'o'-se. Harold CiemeriH Neiliarn Wat -on. Henry I’oster U ilkinson. ivatli-.u-n J'emlower Wills, Edwin John Wil-

I- inal H. Sc.—l'rcdoiick Denny Farrow

Margaret 'Honaldson, ('e: {ificafes of IToiicdoney (B.A. Stand-ardy-MTcdcnck James .vlloy, in wlursitiou ; b'-ohM-t Andrew Maleolm, in education; Edward James I'arr, in Germnn. Fiot Section of First Examination, 13. Com.—George John Park. Fir.-M Section of First Division, LL.H. -David Ferguson, Ernest Pereira 1 \\ illiams.

Final, LL.H. Allred Wcddorburn Hi shop, Maurice James Grcwson.


Doctor of , Medicine—Percy Clennell Fr.nwiek, Waller William Moore. M.A. and Honours in Arts—Walter Paier.-on Aml< r>on. sreoml-elass in Latin a-Jid French; William urowrtlic, hrstclacs in physical science '(clf'otricUy and Magnetism); Herbert Davies, third-class in menial science; Jean Hamlin Lusk, soeoml-class in mental soionre,; Hector Maoleun. first-class in mental science; Jane!; McLeod, second-class in mental science, also second-class in Latin and Engli.di; Daisy Hose i'-ohertson, firstclass in English and Trench; Harold itrnce 'LomUnson, second-class in English and French; Arthur Watt, first-class in English and French. M.A. Pass—John Kobo.rt Wallace.

M.Sc. and Honours in .Science—John .Arthur Bnrtnim, first-class in geology, also third-class in physical science' (electricity and magnetism); wnarles Andrew Cotton, first-clasr? in geology

M.Sc. Pass—Robert Campbell Bcgg, -M.A., Janies IHtchie, M.A., Edmund Kerry Lomar;, ALA., Frederick Joseph Heafcley, .M.A.

Finn), Alining Engineering—AVilliam Gibson, Philip Hnistings AlcDonall. i'inal Metallurgical i^nguie-ering—Ger-hardt Adolplius Cliapman Ulrich. First Examination, Mu>. E—lda GwcudoHno

Senior Scholarships—William Alexander, in l*alin.; James Moir Paterson, in English; proxima accessit in mental science, Charles Alexander Stewart. John Tinlino Scholarship—William Tremoro Foster. First Section, B.A,—Helena France*; Jano Botling,* Catherine Clapperton, Catherine Copland, Henry Havelock Cornish, Kosina May Daplyn. Violet Elder, Marion Grossot Farquharson, Whampoa Fraser, Janet Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Mitchell Haslott, Ernest James Henley, Isabella Mackay, Adam Kodenck Aladill, James Dawson Crawford Aladill, Jessie Mansou, John Alexander Moore,-Joseph Lawson. Robinson, Ann Steel. John Stewart.

Final, B.A.—William Alexander, May Bentham, George Thomas Brown. Herbert Chapman, William Tremero Foster, Owen James Hodge, Margaret Aileen Jennings. Helen Potter Kcrso, James Moir Paterson. William Renton. Robert Malcolm Rutherford, Fanny Gertrude Shand, Eileen Bowler Smith, Charles Alexander Stewart, Emily Rosena. Ward, First Section. B.Se.—William Alartin, Goorgo Thomng Alaunder.

Final, R.Sc.—Robert Campbell Begg, M.A.; Jennie AToo?-c. 8.A.; Jolm Gladstone Paterson, M.A.; James Ritchie, ALA.: Edmund Kerry Lomas AI.A.; Frederick Joseph Heathy, AI.A. First Section of First Examination, B.Com.—Francis Leslie Gordon Jolly. -.;r^l^,•. n A <5^ Examination—Gerald Percy Keddoll.

First Section of First Division, LL.B.— John Ira Fraser.

.Section of First Division LL.B.—Annie Leo Rees, M.A. DEGREES CONFERRED.

Thu following degrees were conferred by the Vice-Chancellor:—B.A. on Rev. F. W. S. Bartley (Victoria College) and" Eey c. T. Graham (Victoria College); LL.B. on R. R. Bell (Auckland U.C.): A- F. (Auckland H.C.); C. F. B. Cook. M.A. (Canterbury C.); M. II Hampson (Auckland U.C.); P ,T Scan, tlebnrv (Victoria C.) : H F 6’l “ v (Victoria PA; W. V Rent (Victoria' 0.); and P G Dunlop, ALA. (Auckland TT.C). Mi H. D. Cook, M.Sc. (Canterbury C.) wjh appointed ox a miner in. mechanics for junior scholarships, in lien of Professor Cook, resigned.

Tim annual report to Ins Excellency tho Governor was adopted. After transacting some routine bnsinees, tho Senate •adjourned.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6493, 13 April 1908, Page 7

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UNIVERSITY DEGREES New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6493, 13 April 1908, Page 7

UNIVERSITY DEGREES New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6493, 13 April 1908, Page 7