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(By “C/') Quito tho social event of Inst week Lin- polo hall given by .Mr on<l Alios Coates, in iiic Sydney street rehordroom, on Friday, April 3rd. The room was mod appropriately decorated v.'iCfi polo .slick? each entwined with the colour «j! n club, and emblematic of the week's rornbHp, Miss Coates woro a handsome ;;mvn ot black Spanish ‘acc mounbd over white tallcla, veiled with while chi/ron, with lines of black velvet. Lady Ward woro a charmingly graceful gown of pale blue .-atm and iaco, and pearl ornaments. Mass in Icon Ward wore .hell pink tatfeta with lace, mid coral ornaments. Mrs Ken Duncan, pale rose pink tailelas with rutile? of .act.- on bodice and skirt; Mrs Kitty .Mackenzie, cream -aid gold; Miss hell, black -ad in. white lace be ft he; Mis WilJianu-on (Gisborne;, white ninon do ;ioie, the ixxlice draped with rare old lace, hand painud roes over skirt and bodice. Three debutantes ’’came out"

.Miss Gladys Webder, m cream taheta?, simply and prettily made; Miss Margaret Knox, in an Empire frock of while Libeity satin with silver embroideries; -Miss Kiuiid (Greytown;, white _ silk. GUiers present wen; wiiss Ida R u.-.*;.-*. ! Palmer? Lou .North;, Miss Williams Ulawko’s Hay;, Mi.>s Uonutf, Mr and

;.Us .Manley Jlarcourt, Mva Crawiora, j t. Brandon, Jies Kubi betiuon, Airs Findlay. Mis liisiop, Miss Levin, Mr and Mrs R. Levin, Miss Mary a ones, .das tua j<Uo.-ell, Jiiss u. j.uo.-vii, -^1

and Mrs Algar Giuiams, Miss led, Mr und Mwa Deli, uml aim Mrs Louies Blundell.

On Saturday, of last week, the ioio Club held a gymkhana ami spuria meeting at the 1 uuy Race Club rtiiraiuar .amt as i write ircoiiecuous >f tho blcukiKv« ami chilliiun* cl inu afternoon juuko mo shiver anew, uumanlly, insufficiently clad, and unobservant to the approaching change ol weather, looked reu-aose, miserable, and out-of-soris. Thoo© who won? motor eouta and caps wero entirely to lx> envied, for the wind played havoc with the now millinery with its sheaves of feathers and plumes and the apf)alln»g sizo of tho new hat brims which, in a gain liko last Saturday, are quite unmanageable. Among the spectators v ero Mr and Mrs David Nathan (the latter in heliotrope chiffon panno, and a black picture hat), who motored out and brought a party; Miss Ethel Miles, in a very smart prunc-colourcd cloth, tai-lor-made. motored with another party; Dr and Mrs Webster, wore a smartly fitting tailor-made and a plumcoloured hat with flowers and coquo feathers and' beautiful ormino furs; Miss Elsie Simpson wore a frock of Wedgwood blue shantung, with lines of velvet and a large hat in the same shade with bunches of coquo feathers; Mrs Algar Williams was muffled up in tho smartest of golden brown leather motor coats; Mr and Mrs Kornot, tho latter in driving costume, drove out in their smart turn-out; Mrs Ken Duncan, Mrs Abbott, and Dr and Mrs Kawson also belonged to a parly of guests. Mrs 'Levin, Major Hughes, Miss Nancy .Tohnston, Mr llandysido, Mrs and tho Missce Miles, tho Misses Ewen, Miss Elsio Watson, Miss 8011, Miss Fell, Mr and Mrs Pearce, and Mr Herbert Rawson wero among the many others present.

Those who have patronised the theatre this week have been accorded a feast of Paqniu gowns, worn by Miss Beatrice Day in tho various plays that Mr Flemming has staged. If ''Peter's Mother” did not melt some of the selfish hearts of masculinity, then nothing in this grey, hard old world over will! If the caps did not fit many heads and there wore not prickings of inconvenient boyish consciences, then were the moral seeds of this charming.little play sown on the least fertile of grounds! Miss Day, with her hair drawn into a knot low on her neck, and . clad in simple Quakerish gow*n,i of .gray: cacherhiro with collar and ,cuffs.of-white lace, looked a noble mother. In a later act she wore a charming picture frock of twine-coloured Limerick laco, with long wide sleeves and high Empire back, the whole mounted over the palest of blue taffetas veiled with chiffon, presenting the appearance of a glorified tea-gown. In "The Red Lamp” there is a gown that catches the eye, built of the richest of cream of liberty s/ttina, with a kneedeop flounce of cream Spanish iace, set on to the skirt by an applique of green vine loaves, in unconventional design, hand-painted and embroidered. Also she wore a beautiful ivory white satin gown, with a train of immense dimensions, tho beautifully cut skirt, with its voluminous folds adorned with Vandykes of satinodged tiny chiffon frills; over which aho wore in another act a luxurious cloak of dark bottle green brocaded velvet with a large yoke collar of ermine and huge cuffs of tho same fur, the whole wrap lined meet effectively with emerald green taffeta.

During polo week Mrs Strang gave a dinnler to th© visitors at the Grand Hotel. Mrs Levin also entertained a party at the Empire Hotel, with a, theatre party afterwards.

Mr and Mrs Sydney Johnston, of Orna Whaaro, Hawke's Bay, came down to Wellington for the polo season, and stayed at the Royal Oak.

Mr and Mrs C. B. Russell left on Friday for Sydney, where they join the Mongolia. Many people who wished them "Bon Voyage'' will miss their hospitality, for Mrs Russell has practically kept "open, house" during the time she has been in Wellington and has frealv given the use of her tennis court’ to all the young people. A groat many farewell teas and parties have been given in her honour. Mrs Tewsley gave her a morning tea last Monday, Mrs Wvlic also gave her a morning tea on Tuesday at the Kelburne Kiosk. Mrs Samuel, Molesworth street, gave her a farewell jAc Home' on the same afternoon, and there were various engagements for luncheons, more teas and more "At Homes."

Mr and Mrs Go© hare taken Dr Adams' house on tho Terrace. Dr and Mrs Adams left by the Rimutaka for a long trip to England. They expect to bo away several years.

Mias Estelle Boor, has given ler opening danco for tho new season.

An energetic committee of Hutt girls, who last year organised a series of most enjoyable dances in the Drill Shed. Lower Hutt, have decided that they will give another series during tho coming winter, tho invitations for the first being already issued for April 28th. On the committee are Miss Allport, Miss Led a Leo, Mr Strauchon, Mr Fulton, Miss M. Foster, and Mr Russell. Miss Vornor Johnston has been elected secretary, with Miss Ethel Matthew’s as assistant secretary.

Mrs A. L. Wilson, of Watson street, gave a most enjoyable musical evening for her guest. Miss Broad, of Greymouth, who returns homo to-day. Miss Broad was ono of the debutantes at Miss Coates’ ball last week.

The very newest thing in jewellery is the ring watch. Wealthy Americans and Englishwomen are crazv to carry the time o’ day upon their fingers, tho forefinger for choice. It is .a quite expensive mania, for the very cheapest specimen obtainable is just JC24! Nevertheless, Swiss watchmakers are inundated with •rders for the** new toys, the price# varying from tho before mentioned sum to Httlo jewelled arrangements at .CIMOI A er*t» that many of ui mu«t forego!

A very large audience, composed of students and 'their friends, assembled

to patronioe ‘''Facing the Music” in the (xmcert Loom of the Town Kail, a play arranged by the Victoria College S; udeiilfi’ Association, the cast selected from amongst the dramatic talent of the combined colleges, he l pod on by the very able assistance of .Mica Ohve Moore, who once again filled the part of Mrs routing, greatly to Hm delight of the audience, who accorded her several rounds of the warmest appbn ; o during the evening. C-ongrntuial An? are due to Ine orchestra, which, under the conductorship of Miss Etlmlwyn Kirk, played many selections which, were much, appreciated.

A very large and fashionable audience nw'Oinbird r.t. the Opera Ifc/nse on Thursday evening to see “The AloraM of Marcus,’’ including theatre-part ms given bv Mr. Mrs and ML* Deane, Or and Air? Webster, Mro Milo* and Mrs Nathan. Among other? wore Mr and Mrs Pearc'\ Mr? and Mis* Mackenzie, MG* Skerrett with Mrs Findlay, Mis? TolhurM: witii Mrs Malcolm 1 toss Mr and Mrs Sievwright, Mr and Mrs (orrigan, Mr and Mrs Rnersell (guest* of Airs Don no) Mra Kendall, Mr and Mrs Waller Mantel! and the Misses Miles.

On Tuesday afternoon Air? Samuel gavo a farewell tea t» Mrs Russ-I], at her homo in Mole* worth SI. The table? wero prettily decorated with autumn leaves and flowers; a most enjoyable programme had hem arranged for the entertainment of her guest?, Mr? David Findlay and Mrs Afaleolm Loss renting, Mrs T>cano giving a pianoforte polo and several song? being sung.

The hostess was gowned in pearl gny crepe do chine, with while lace yoke, and taco flounced sleeves, both yoke and sleeves having trnu-hes of lettuce green velvet, the hem of the skirt being nisi adorned with Vandykes of taco and touches of tho giren. The guest of the afternoon wore a gncful frock of mnnamon brown shantung silk, with white laoo vest and sleeves and a large black picture hat with plumes.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6492, 11 April 1908, Page 12

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SOCIAL NOTES AND GOSSIP. New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6492, 11 April 1908, Page 12

SOCIAL NOTES AND GOSSIP. New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6492, 11 April 1908, Page 12