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T3LINI>I'*OLD a man or a woman SIMM- *•' nrnl they nt cnco lose all confidence tn thcroeclvcs. They are robbed of alcht. and nro unable to discern where their feet may tread. Their ctepo are alow, besltatlnß, uncertain. Their bands nro ran-ed to ward off any Imaginary blows which threaten them. When a sick man or woman seeks the means of help they arc often like a person blindfolded. They may not have confidence. They cannot tell where their effort may lead to. They turn now to this side and now to the other In an uncertainty of doubt. £X Men who lire la this condition, and ere tfred of spending money In u vain endeavour to obtain relief from HEALTH-RUINING DISEASES, Hhould adopt our treatment, which is endorsed by many Scientists In tho oM world. It appeal* to every Intelligent __ perron. We could not convert our fellow-men were we to toko money from a patient whom wc did not benefit or cure. We do not believe that one perron should, especially a Medical Man. take a fee from a {tick person, unless he Is able to benefit or cure. The patient’s money should ho returned If tho results are not satisfactory when his health Is at stake. When you consult us you know our proposition beforehand—lf we do not produce results, you ret your money back. Remember. there are FOUR LEGALLY QUALIFIED MEDICAL EXPERTS ASSOCIATED WITH le FREEMAN k WALLACE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Each of them may bo consulted personally, and their combined opinions obtained. and these will bo riven FREE In his interest. We believe In effective treatment and rapid results, because a cured man la our ben advertisement. If wc failed to euro by refunding his money ho still remains our friend; if wc refused, he would undoubtedly discourage others from coming to us. We realise this more than you do, and this reason, as well as our natural desire to treat everybody fairly, causes us to deal honestly and properly with the public. One Who Doubted Our Skill but was Eventually Cured. Wf. *T roust admits I began your medicines without much hope, but still, from what others told me. I said I would give you a trial, and the result has been wonderfully successful. From n walking skeleton of Sat Mb 1 have gone to I2st Sib in six months, and all the traces of my former troubles are going rapidly. In fact. If It were not your wights, 1 should not continue with the medicines now, for I am really better than ever I was. and feel X could not be stronger and healthy. What a boon health l»—you told me that In your first letter—and X know how true It is now. May you be blessed In your splendid work/* £IOO,OOO POUNDS. Ko less A sum than £100,004 has been expended In perfecting THE FRKI3MAN AND WALLACE INSTITUTE. New methods of treatment of Diseases, discovered by leading Scientists, are secured. All modem appliances fur the successful application of Electricity to combat disease are Installed. Hence success in permanent cures effected. A GOOD 13001 C.—lt tells every Weak Man how to get strong. It explains tho reason for the Early Decay of Manhood’s Strength, and how Perfect Vigour Is restored.- It tells how we have cured thousands of weak men in Australia. It Is a beautifully Illustrated. COO-page book. To any man who Buffers from an early breaking down of the Vital Powers It Is Invaluable. ‘’CLINICAL EXPERIENCES," 31 chapters. Is the Book for Sick Men. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. Bend for it Co-dny. Post Free. No Charge. Its author Is Dr. Richard Wallace. M.D., Physlclon-ln-Chlcf to the Institute. Registered by Australian. English, and American Medical Boards. The FREEMAN & WALLACE “ Cor. Elizabeth & Bathurst Sts., Sydney. Surgical Institute, And at Melbourne.

A FRIEND IN NEED. DE. BLMSLIB, L.F.. PHYS.. 8.T., SDBG., GLASG,, L.8.A.. LOND.. L.M., etc. (Registered by tho Government* of Great Britaio, New Sooth Walea and NewZealand.) N„. 13, WELLINGTON TERRACE, WELLINGTON. THIS Highly-Qualified Physician and Surgeon, from the Hospitals of London and Paris has. by 25 years’ study and research, become an expert and specialist in tlie treatment of Chrome. Nervous, Blood, Skin, and the special diseases of Men and Women. In Its very successful treatment of the above class of cases, there is "No Experimenting and No Failures.” Consultations are Free to all. so that a friendly chat either personally or by letter, costa nothing, and may save you ’■years of Misery and Suffering, so none need Despair." DON’T WORRY ANY LONGER as tho ambition-! and joys of Ufa will b» restored to you and my treatment in cases of Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Back-acbe. Lumbago, Insomnia, Failing Memory. Specks before tho eyes. Giddi. n«s. etc., braces up the system in all cases and RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. 1 Now Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate charges. Call and see me or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely language, and I will treat you with tho strictest confidence,success and fairness, . ' N.B.—Patients at any distance may ENCLOSE FEE OF fil in their first- letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary-for their case. As my remedies ate sent direct from Wellington, my patients save heavy Customs duties and avoid the inspeo. tion of packages. All correspondence ia held sacredly confidenttaL Consultation hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. YOUNG MENI If you aie suffering, or weak, or sad. call or write to Dr EUnelie, No. IS, Wei. lington Terraco. Wellington, as he thoroughly understands your Troubles and their Causes. Ho guarantees a perfect cure in every case undertaken, or he wilt make no-charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Consulting hour*, to to 12, 2to 4. 7to 8. : , LADIES! May consult Dr Elmslio at his Residence No 13. Wellington Terrace. Wellington, from 10 to 12. 2 to i, 7 to 8 doily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist and wbcee up-to-date Treatment gives the greatest satisfaction. „ Ladies’ Famous Corrective Tablets. 10b (extra). 21a post free. Guaranteed 6afo and Reliable. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Call or write. SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CURED AND MADE HAPPY. MY DEAR DOCTOR,—I have no hesitation whatever in saying "Tea” in reply to your letter received to-day, in which yon ask me whether 1 am willing to let ‘he public know tho benefit I received at your hands. When 1 saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) I think I was in about as bad a state of misery and deprcsiou in both mind and body as any human being could bo; in fact I thought Jifc was not worth living, and my future was a blank. X was an object of misery and despair. Well, 1 called upon you. and you spoke some kind, encoring wordo to me and pointed out the cause of nil theso trouhlwi and the grave character of the follies of my youth. Y’ou told me plainly and honestly that you could and would euro mi*, *so that I should no longer ho bashful and stupid to society, and could take my part and interest in tho amusements and sports of others olid have an ambition in- my business. At first I thought your promise win too good to be true. lam thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. 1 have put on flesh 1 and muscle and have any amount of confidence in myself. lam perfectly healthy and quite happy and capable of enjoying myself as others do. and I don’t move about by myself and shun society. I earnestly recommend all my fellow sufferers to put their as your treatment is perfect and your charges arc small.—l cm. confidence in y yours truly. LACHLAN CAMERON. A PRIZE for every Correct Answer Send no money. Somethin*? lor nothin*; This picture represent* a j nrtv cl lißer-hunter*. snccaied In the picture is the outline of a User. - rackafcc* of Nectar Cordial s -M, return us the money, and we give liitUiday Ring, or a genuine interpret the puzzle and vreceml the prize civ. Remember it cosls you nothing ? Jo-dny. To all who return a..... ... nnd we wiUscndatoncp, Free andpostoge ptUd.abeautiful Gold’ caood Mothcp-of-PcarlSco.r* Pin, Withy . wfesendi (A. e*ch- When Solid Cold-shell Ikrlcbcr-scJ rb Chain bracelet, with lock and hey ilhout money or price. Write irmaediDon't'put oQ till t 1 .viii ...... ...... ....... iwmi. within 3 days (ton time they see it 6r«l. we il. with nag orbmcefct. our eenolro Watch C Chain offer. Regardlngour responsibility J refer vmi to any Trades IToiection Society- HOME SPECIALTY CO. W A-.h-lt., Sydney, N.S.W J JE. WALKER, IT> CM ATI KILL for Rheumatism. 2s W I Xk. box, 24 treatments. Chemists and FORWARDING AGENT. CARRIER I Stores.

AND GENKKAL CONTRACTOR. BULL S . Coaches meet trains at Grcatford. All classes of vehicles on hire, including motor car. Tclwams promptly attended to. Telephone No. 6. t BE SURE and try O.T. Punch and soda, the King of Drinks.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 16