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Tin- i-n iking wtcce.-s of tin- Wanganui Sill!’ln rn Hii-cdt and for.lVctimi-

cry Cuaipany i* . 11 ! »j. vt ior liv.iny con"Wanganui HeraM " we n tliai the Company was floated in ITU to takeover Ha? baking and eenbea? ien- iw Karine?* cf .Mr W. S. Du'-lin, who *aw in it grc.i! po-riliintii'.;. which required further ijiit ;! to develop. About twelve month* niter the (-labiii-hmeav of the Company the main huxuit factory and bakery waa erected on a Borough hare of about 2! acre* at the? roar of .Murray'* Foundry and fitted »i> vrit!i entirely new machinery, specially made for tlie eoiiipanv by Baker and Son’s. London. From limt time to the present the histone nt the company has been one of nia’rked pror-rcres. l ike mest public eoinparres, in their initial stage*, the S'onthern Cro*« has had its vieh.rittide*, and at one lime things were at a very low ekb. Inn Mr George Caiman, it-, able and enterprising man aging dinctoib succeeded in surmounting the difficulties which be tho shareholders, the stall was reeomlrnefed. and tin? Southern Cros* Bi-cnit Fa-lory new Kid* fair to become ono <?!' tiio most prosperous and pro-gro-sivo ii-tlii?trios on tin* Vt’oti- Coast. Within two year* tho staff has increased from about 20 to 70, and yet ar.oiher dov.m hoys and girl* are required for tho car. feet icmr.y department. The Company’s liosine?.* ran: iticul ions extent! from New I’lymouth to Wellington am! Napier, and inquiries have been received from ns far fonth in* Citri.dchuri h. I’p u> the prcient, however, the opera I ions of the Company have I;;.!?: practically confinrd to til’s island.

and I here i* even a difficulty in coping with Xortit T*hnd orders, so groat has keen ike demand for Sonlhern t ’re-s good*-. Some idea of Ike extent of the hitter may bn r.i'hei-ed from the fact that over 101 l varieties of lollies, ehr.rokitcs, etc., and SO or I):I different kinds of bn cnii*. arc manufactured on the premia-.:. The proposal to add the matinfar! are nr lelkr; to the kndnros war. only deriid nq ?lx mouth* ago. the intention Ixting to start in a tmall way. Nothing M'Ctoed; like cue;ors. and it was soon found # i;cce*s;:ry to considerably extend this’branch of the factory, and .--'•lilinu.d building* had to Im erected to ecivinimcdate tin* requisite mnohine.y, whh.-h rlom- cr. J about LIFO!), nnd whieli includes tier.- steam boiler ami different appliane-:; for p-.-rfec ling tho iiiainifacii'ir? of the varied goods. AK-n!. ibe sanv time that the Company derided to go into the confectionery' burine;'.-; it was also determined to ‘•;idke out in another hold venture, no less an undertaking than tbo erection cf an np-to-dtita firm’ mill. This latter imnorlant addition te the already extensive factory has just been oomph led , ipi tbo maehim iy --va* set in motion for til ' first tiamen February ll^iiMhc hide friend*, and a In eg a number of well-known The msei- aery ef the mill, a* also iy other Knineius of the factory worked very smoothly. tho*e present, taking keen interest in the vr.-r----iomi operations ef tke manufacture ef th ■ different (•!.:*;«•« of _ pov.ris. The eapm-ity rf iho mill, working full time, is R'l icm; per wed;, sad :he machinery

will I-,- driven hv n Campbell gas engine and rue!ion u’anri When He- null i« Lsrit'g full j'.ving. i* is the intention of the manage:::;.at to put on a night shift in t'pi biscuit: ft—’ery. This -s .deobiteiy ■u c. *-■ irv. owing tn the extra-ordinary b'.pviuri for i- eria's" Cs; ■■ K.'—aS'-. Ti n f :will then be running til! 2, making Bi hours tindv, Th a wdl open the way f.,r a. humh.-r of extra hand*. The theur milt 'rill aho run 13 hours out cf the 21- as roots as the now wheat romes in.

In connect ion with its confectionery hu ii’,e-?::i the Company lea* o tablisht rl a box-making depiutnicsit, cuip’yiy.itß a number cf hrtntki, and turn tip- cut Irom seasoned bulk timber every required variety of fancy boxes, case.-’, aud crate*. Tim Company have in contemplation the e ’.hill of yet another two-storied building for rtoririg. packing and !:n----:?;:-it' n :ng work. _ Already the latter, branch of work is ('.otic nn tho errui ■■■■:■. r'l rite tins used by tlm Company living turned out by their own employee*. Tin* bakery proilnc-t: sufficient breed tn keep five? Viuds eonst.;intly at work in its distribution, and the bisoitii department: has been still further improved by the addition of a Baker and Sens No. (! Rout machine nt e. cost of L-300. Tiio Company’s new flour mill is a laijgc throe-storied mntrtnrc, built specially for tho company. It: is fitted up with a six-sack plant, with all the latest improved machinery, supplied hy Messrs Thomas Robinson and Son. of Rochdale, England. The miller i« Mr Robert McKinnon, whesj long nnd varied experience, extending over a period cf 35 years, is a guarantee that the flour will i>o all that can bn desired. Mr McKinnon. when iu Auckland, made the flour which obtained the ft rot prize and special prizo at tho New Zealand Exhibition against all comers. In connection with tbo machinery in tbo flour mill, it may ba mentioned that tho puriftort* c:v altogether different from any running in New Zealand, and tiio centrifugals aro a great improvement on tbo old style. Nearly every bearing throughout tho machinery is self-lubricated, and tbo machinery runs with a minimum of power. Tiio shakosfcod give an even feed to tho roller mills. Tho wheat ('leaning machinery, too, has tho outer stool cylinders revolving, which is ft great advantage, nnd generally tho machinery is a distinct p.dvanco on anything Keen before in tho district. Tho whole of it has been erected by Mr M. Date, milling engineer of Auckland and is a credit to him. Mr John Sims was the contractor for tho erection of tho mill building, which was designed by Mr A. Atkins, tho wellknown architect. Tho building and plant cost over £3OOO. Everything is of n substantial - nature, and lias been planned rn that there is no loss of room.

Mr N. Andrew was entrusted with the supply aud erection of a Campbell gas engine and gas suction plant of sufficient capacity to supply tho engine with all tho gas required, which is made from coko and water.

After the company had inspected tho various branches of tho factory, the whole of tho machinery in which wan found to bo smoothly working, an adjournment was made to ono cf tho store-rooms, where a pleasant function was held. Tho Mayor, in a felicitous speech, proposed "Success to the Company.” Tn tho oonrec of his remarks ho oulogisticnily referred to the energy and ability displayed hy tho managing director, Mr G. Caiman, and dwelt on tho importance of tbo Industry to Wanganui. Ho pointed out that tip to a short time ago nil the biscuits and confectionery in Wanganui had been imported. b-ut now flic factory not- only fully supplied the demand, but bad extended its business outside. He courted with the toast the name cf Mr (?. Caiman, tn who?’* credit the success of the factory was largely due. Mr Caiman suitably replied, acknowledging

thn iijtfistancc and ad rice he liad received from Mi* McKinnon.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 12

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A SUCCESSFUL WANGANUI INDUSTRY. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 12

A SUCCESSFUL WANGANUI INDUSTRY. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 12