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On tho motion of Mr Martin Chapman, Diehard Thorpo, bootmaker, of Lowcr'llutt, was yesterday adjudicated insolvent on tlic petition of a creditor. The first organ recital to be given in Wellington by Mr Edwin Lomaro has been arrange*! for Thursday, May 10th, not tho 7th, as was inadvertently announced yesterday. It is expected that the President and members of tho Court of Arbitration will return to Wellington at tho end of next week, Tho members of tho Court aro at present at Greymouth, and will hold short sittings at Nelson and Blenheim en route to Wellington. Tho receipts at tho recent hospital feto at Palmer-ton North, and collections, totalled £ll-13, which, with Government subsidy, equals in round numbers £2500. A further- sum of £250 was taken at the opening of the Opera House last July, and this, subsidised, equals £SOO, making the grand total £3OOO, tho result of two single efforts in aid of tho hospital funds. /Thin is in addition to several district contributions to tho sarr.o fund

llcferring, at yesterday’s meeting of the Now Zealand Accountants’ and Auditors' Association, to the letters that members aro entitled to put after their names, Mr Hobcrt Wilberfoss cast ridicule in particular imon the initials “F.N.Z..A.A.” “Why.” he said, “wo might bo taken for the Federated Nincompoops of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Society." This scornful misapplication of the distinguishing letters induced several members to vote for a change on tho motion of Mr Wilberfoss. It was not carried.

At St. Peter's School next Wednesday evening his Kxeellency tho Governor. ns vice-president, will present tho gold medals and certificates pained at the “ practical" examinations of Trinity College of Music. Ixmdon, in October la-t. Musical items will bo given by tho medallists and diplomees. Candidates are reqneylod In attend early, and if nliable to ho present, to send a proxy to iwoive their certificates. Programmes, entitling to admission, may be obtained from the secretary at Boggs, Willis street.

In the course of argument in tho Supreme Court yesterday, it was stated hy counsel that one of the parties to the question at issue wax u Scotsman, but, apparently, not a keen business man, ns t!u> Scottish were proverbially reputed to be. “Well," interposed bin Honor the Chief Justice, ‘T can remember that forty years ago the Scottish folk were particular about ouch matters, and when they entered into agreement they would usually any, ‘Yo'd hotter pita bit o’ iron lae’t.’” And counsel admitted the wisdom of a written rather than a verbal contract. It is- a coincidence that on tho day a pul lie meeting for tho establishment o( a free art gallery in Wellington was called tho news should he received with reference to Mr Charles Booth, in “uplifting of humanity’’ crusade, and llolman Hunt’s great painting, “The Light of tho World.” _ Advice that the pio I tiro would arrive in Auckland ora April loth was received by Air T. K. Douno yesterday. Tho groat picture, which will bo exhibited in the four cities, will be under control of Mr Mack .lost, tho well-known representative of several of the leading book-publishing firms.

Yesterday morning his Honor tins Chief Justice heard argument in tho ease of Harry Gordon Balfour Kinnenr, sheep-fanner, of Kumeroa, v. the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company, Ltd. The plaintiff in tills case claimed ,2513 fls lid as the value of a flock of sheep which lie said had been sold and delivered to the defendant company. Defendant'll case was that tho company had nothing to do with the transaction, and that their agent at Pahiatun, Frederick Draper, had not purchased the sheep, but that a stock-dealer named George lliehards, who was an undischarged bankrupt, had bought them. His Honor reserved hia judgment, and tho Court was adjourned until March sth, at 10.30 a.nv. A young man named Llewellyn Pryco was brought before his Honor Sir Robert Stout yesterday. On a previous day ho had come up for Bonlenco on three charges of forgery and uttering, to which ho had pleaded guilty. Ho had then slak'd that if tho opportunity were given him lie could obtain employment on a farm at New Plymouth. Tho probation officer reported that tiie prisoner had not succeeded in getting tlio work he had looked forward to as n milker on a farin’. His Honor inquired whether tho prisoner could bo kept separate from habitual criminals during the term of imprisonment ho would Jiavci to undergo. Being answered in the affirmative by tho governor of tho goal, his Honor Bento need Pryco to four months* imprisonment on each charge, tho sentences to be concurrent.

During tho ambnlatioo lecture at the Missions to Seamen last evening Mrs Williams presented awards of tho Royal Humane Society, of which Mr J. Moore (Mfcsioncr), is tho Wellington agent. A silver medal and clasp and n cortificato were presented to Mr Evan 0. Roberts, a letter-carrier at tho General Post Office, Wellington, for reset ing threo persona from drowning at Tauranga on March 23rd, 1905. A silver bar and certificate were handed to Mr Kitehing, on Ix-half of Mr W. Brooke, chief officer of tho Star of Australia, for rescuing Mr Denno from being crushed to death or drowned in Napier roadstead. A certificate ot bravery had boon awarded, and will bo sent to Mr G. McDonald Hope, railway porter, at present at Longburn, for rescuing K. Bargh from drowning at Wellington.

An unexpected gift was received yesterday at the Salvation Army's homo for children, IC, Ellice street, and caused a great deal of pleasure to tin, directors and Inmates of the institution. This was n piano from the lady clerks in tho Government Buildings. The letter to Adjutant E.'Hoi, asking acceptance of tho instrument, was signed on behalf of tho subscribers hv E. Maude Pytt-Jackson and M. Vera Card, joint secretaries. . Tho adjutant expresses much gratitude to tho ladiert for their present. In connection witl* this home, it may bo useful to cliarit-ably-disposcd citizens to know that miw terinl for making children's winter clothing is urgently required by thoso in charge, and trill ho thankfully received. Tile institution is one of tho most deserving in our midst, and tho appeals that arc made for assistance bio made on behalf of helpless childhood. Sit ting in Cham here yesterday morn-, ing, liis Honor the Chief Justice dealt with a petition made by tho Karamea Saivmilling Company, Limited and He. duced, for the confirmation of a special resolution, which had been p.wsod at a meeting of the company hold on tho 9th inst., in favour *of reducing tho ■ capital of tho company from 4000 shans of £1 each to 4000 shares of 10s each, and that tho reduction should bo effected by extinguishing tho liability on tho shares in respect of uncalled capital, which was 10s on each share. It was also arfeed that a day might bo fixed on and after which the company should be at liberty to discontinue tbo ! addition to its name of tho words "and Reduced.’ 1 Tito petition was granted by bis Honor, who directed that tho words "and Reduced" should be used for ono month, and that tho matter should he advertised in tho ‘‘New Zealand Times.” “Evening Port," Westport ‘‘Times’’ and “Star." Mr O. B, Morinon appeared in support of tho petition.

Tho Philatelic Society of New Zealand held its seventeenth annual meeting last night. The annual- report stated that tho membership numbered 105, showing a decrease of eight during tho year. -Much regret was expressed at tho demise of Mr 11. J. Knowles, tho prime mover in tho establishment of the society. Tho statement of receipt s and expenditure showed a credit balance of £lO ss, and the excess of assets of liabilities was £B9 8s Id. Tho fcllowimr officers were elected:—Patron., his Excellency Lord Plunkct; president, tho Postmaster-General; vicepresidents, Messrs A. T. Bate, E. G. Pilcher, A. Hamilton, If. W. Bishop, S.M., Dr I/- Ferguson; exchange superintendent, Mr Thomas A codes; committee, Messrs 0. T. CalHs, L. Cohen, P. U, PMp*ra. and J. H. W. Wardrep; auditor, Mr J. M. Griditlis. Throe non - members were elected, Sonic samples of new stamp perforations were exhibited by members.

Haro you seen our new China and Glassware Show- Booms? Tho choicest lota ever imported. Splendid electroplate ware, tea and coffee services, etc. —H. Fielder and Co. I

•Tulip's Band is to play at the Hut .lll iCardens to-morrow afternoon. T|n» Hawh<-'« Hay and P. Society will hold its lif'li autumn < how at Ha-t-------ings on April -Ith. I'intim. oF.-e 00 March 111st. ll is Honor the Chief Justice grant- <•«! probate tu tbo wills of (bmrgo Edv»;tr» I Hull, .Jopjm Audm>*mi. an-1 Tbonms Johnston AndiTmn ym-Urday. An cbmt ion wax bold at l.'oww HnH ymtorclay for Urn rot urn oi a nminbor nf llm Kivrv Hoard vim tin* bit'* Mr W. A. Kiuli.-rhfTt. Mr A. IVtors ww duMHint' Mr 11. Daldwm by l-HJ VOtOS t« yli

Tho Wotlingrt-ou Socialists will iiksT in tho Druids' liall tomorrow ovvmnjC whon rf>mlut inti-. conveying con.gratula*\<m* to Sooiali-t. in tlif! ro«rmb oloct ions at Homo will bo sub,niU*d. Mr U. Hoop, and others will tho meeting.

At its nutting: on Thursday night. tho City Hoimm! rosolvnl. in connection with tho corning auction sale of their e pobol(i properties on tho Gtb March bv Messrs Macdonald, Wi!.«mi and Co., to alter the terms of ode for the purchase- of I lie properties. Tbo terms originally fixes! wore 10 per cent, deposit iukl balance in two months, la lien of this, they will he, to those desirous of taking long terms 10 per cent, deposit, 10 per cent, in three, mx ami twelve months, with tba balance in five years.

On the 13lh List. two men v.ero pined in tho police rolls at Martinborough on charges of being drunk and disorderly and with having nsgiuited Constable Sherry. In a manner winch is at present not account'd for, during thu early hours of the following day somo person or persons broke into the lock-up and liberated the pri-oners, who ;iro ht il! at large. (VmstaMo Cherry and Detective Ca veils (who wasimut up from Wellington to inquire into tho matter) have been at work on tile case lor the lash f“W days.

With reference to an article published in last Wednesday's '‘Times/’ in which reference was made* to the fishing village at Ohariu Hay. Him* Island Day fishermen waited upon ns venterday t« reniuvo any impi-i'Siioii tlint til(■oiiilitions in i-oiuicctinn with Ohariu went prisonh at Island Bay, Thf\v i-tatt’d that at the hitler phu-e there am ahont a. doiteu (islierinen who are not Italians, hut are ratepayers and natives oi’ New Zealand. Not one of them, they aver, is paying less than from On to M« per week rent, and all have got families.

The cricket match Melbourne C.C. r. Wellington, which was commenced at tlu> Unsiii Unserve yesterday afternoon, attracted a large* number of spectator!!. Tho Wellington team hatted lirst, and compiled 111 I rims, tho visitors replying witli 10 for the loss of 0110 wicket. Tiny will start to-day at 12 o'clock, and tho luncheon adjournment will ho taken at half-past 1. Visitors to the Untila Reserve in tho afternoon should, therefore, have tho chance of witnessing the finish of tho visiting team’s first innings and part of tho Wellington team's second venture.

At a meeting of tho Canterbury Acclimatisation Society satisfactory news was received of tho efforts being made on tho society’s behalf to secure mnrkhor and other lug game from Northwest India for importation. Dr house said ho had been notified that, Sydney and Melbourne zoological an-! tliorities would look after any animals! forwarded on behalf of the society. It "ay resolved to request tho L'liion Shipping Company to carry any animals forwarded from India. The society decided to support tho petition of Little River residents, asking Unit Lake Forsyth. should ho made a sanctuary for native game*, and to forward it to tho Colonial Secretary. . A meeting in connection with tlm proposed clock and tower at the now post office waa hold at Lower Hntt last night. The Mayor reported tho result of tlm recent deputation to tile Post-master-General : n subsidy of C.'iOO had boon promised for tho clock, and £‘loo would !ki spent on strengthening and raising tho tower. Tho sum of £BO had boon collected, and Mr Wilford had sent a donation of throo guineas. Dr Purdy reported that ho had arranged for n concert for March 31st. from which £uo should ho secured. Ho undertook to arrange a theatrical performance for tho samo object. A committcowns sot up to arrange details, consisting of Dr Hector, Messrs P. Row?, 0. Croft. Kojin, Gan<lar. Gardiner, Mirfield, R. Thompson, A. U. Clarke.

Owing: to tho increasing demands for She norviccs of tho St. John Ambulance district nnrso, tho committee of tho N'l.rsinp: Guild recently decided to appoint an assistant. Xurso A. Sexton W appointed to assist in the work of miming the sick poor. Her duties commence on March Ist, when she will take up her residence at Xo. 35. Ghnzwee street ; telephone 1706. In view of the incronsing financial responsibilities undertaken by tho committee to proride professional nurses for working in tho homes of the sick poor, assistance will be gratefully received on behalf of this meritorious work. Subscriptions ■font to Mrs S. A. Rhodes, of tho Grange, Airs T. IV. Hitdop, Mrs IV. B. Fisher, hon. treasurer, or any member of tho committee, will bo thankfully acknowledged. In the Chamber of Commerce last evening, under tho auspices of tho New Zealand Association of Accountants and Auditors, Air C. 11. .Morisots, who is well known throughout the colony as an authority on company law. delivered a loctiiro on that subject. Theio was a good attendance of legal and commercial .men. -Mr T. S. Graham, president of tho association, occupied tho chair. Ho ■extended n special welcome to inombcm of tho Accountant Students' Society. Mr Morison. instead of dealing generally with tho broad subject of company law. _ decided to disenai one topic of epecial interest to accountants and auditors—tho question of the validity of ■promoters’ shares. This ho did at considerable length, to the Rival interest of tho audience. Tho chairman, Mr T. 8. Graham, thanked -Mr -Morison for Ins lecture.

Tim final meeting of tho Sir Joseph Ward Citizens’ Banquet Committee took place last night. The treasurer reported that tho net surplus from tho banquet was over £25. Tho special thanks of tho committee were tendered by resolution to Mr 0. F. Gibb, tho secretary, and to Mr Charles Robinson, of tho Parliamentary Buildings, for their honorary services, also to Messrs E. J. Hill, John Proiiso, A. Batham, ami Ernest Parkes for their assistance towards making tho banquet one of tho most enjoyable and successful functions ever held in Wellington. A rote of thanks was also accorded to Mr McLaughlin, assistant secretary, and to Mr .Martin Kennedy and the chairman, the Hon. T. Kennedy Macdonald, M.L.O. The secretary was also instructed to write a letter to Mr J. Godber, complimenting him ns caterer on the excellent spread provided for tho banquet.

Tin* reelh*inn p:s-ed by tho Karon Do rough d la- * r fu r lay. making special rating pr*»vi-iom. !<> lee t iiPe;- . on lie* ar.OO'l will up )< , mahr.ii i*b n on March ‘J<tb. !'rn;n <ni“ pound m “Nnrlbem St;’.:” jilarir* ! he ! spring. Mr *i. V.m;JoM. of K huebd fail, I;aa just dug tasty pounds. One potato turned tier <ale a*, gsrj/.. t>f .! \ varim i*-; gt < by Mr V. !"•#! r| i his i-c.i on, tie- “ Nor■> tuu n amis Me oaiv kind that e-eaped blight, f ue> f.raetirtsi irr.iii Mr I.' ( j ><>{»(■ r. i;i' W'el 1 i Tig tea. Mc-sro Stew.trh Dav. on ami Do. !ir f ' showing luge a.-r- nr» meiil s of tho lisi'sl quality spoons, forks, ear-a-ri of cutlery, et*'. Jn>peetiou is invileil. Ab'ssi i Macdonald. Wibon and Dr>. will sell to-day, at - J f>'clo«‘k, at: l.yon.s s it.iihlH, Prout *f»t rort. Miiity carriage and h. wlticii have been taken oh the I’oail owing to the c\’< ji:*ion oi tho elect ideai tiamway -to Idand Hay. am! of her place... i la-v wiU a'<■«» !*e!l a pony. I.raf», and harm as. A farm of fifty acres on the Manawatn j„ adverM-nd tor sale by UrchardV Msla to Agency, and a btorc!:ccper » bufcdnce:; i. impii red' for. Me.»rs Mei and Hast. Lambtoa quay. Ina-I-I in another column particulars oj laa li at .Miramar ami in the Manawalu <liefriit for eale. Abrahnui and Williamy. Ltd., advertise particular.-, of thoroughbred hon-tri to he cold at. the: r Halim.-mtoo North saleyardu next f-'alurday. Messrs Harala, N*offat t and Co. have for i-ulo six thoncand acrc;i of milling limber in tire 'laupo district, also Jour n<-n*ii of lolua lni;-li. Tembus are wanted by tbe Ldueation Loud Jor P acing at b’ccincatb and Korokon* wiiool^. A new advertisement regarding “Patti s Heauty I’leam” will be found in another column. Mexns \V. If. Turnbull and Co. f«n our eighth page a new li>l ot city ami Miburban projiert ies lor a »lew A fresli list of residential and farm proper! ies, boa rdiughouses. ami burd-ne*-fs for private sale, is advertised by .m-’-o-.s Hucouri ami Co. Me sis J. il. Hidhunc and Co. advertise mi our eighth page* Jin important sale of bind to take place at their rooms on March IHh. Cuder instructions from Mr .lames Hourko. forty-six sections at ’.South Kilbimio are to be offered, having Ironfagc,] to Duncan terrace, nueenM Drive, and Honrko street. Kas.v terms of payment are announced. Mes.jjsi llarcourt and Co, will Kell twenty-six city Ica-eholds at their rooms next aHernnon. on behalf of {he Wellington Trustees. T]:c allotments have fnmtagos to Kevans street. On March hi h (he Urm will offer In e cent rally-sit nated properties, in Tory si retd and Kbor sheet, l ull p.irtieular.s an* set out in on r adver t ising eolumns. Messrs Droit bwuitc* and Co. will hold !;alc of fnntitui’O, hotiiory, books, and isundties at tlnir rooms this aflenicon.

Two adjoining sections, having a total frontage of (iSfl, by a depth of H’lfl. and dcacrihcd as being the moil eentrnl business sites in llio city. «ro luherl i.-ed for sale by auction l»y Movra W. 11. Turnbull and <’o.. I}. I’ mu street. Tile side will lake place on Friday, 2nd Mareli. at 2.30 pan., nt the firm's miction rooms. The block it) situated in Panama street, and is section fiDa and (ifla, Wellington City Corporation converted leiueholiis. Tim former section lias a frontage of 33ft mul tlio latter 33ft. tlio two sections making n splendid building block for warehousemen, nierelinnts, rnliciloru. eommereinl lionee.r, or general business. Tim leases are porpetmd, ami subject In revnluiitinn of tho laud only. Tlie fine building.-) being erected nil armtiid sites emphasise (lie desirableness of • lie loenl'ly. Tim block adjoins (!"• Po--t Office lilock. is opposite the IJ.f.('.'!■ neu- building, is two minute.) from ail banks and wharves, and a few .rank only from (lie busiest part of l.ambton quay. Full particulars of lease, term;), and facilities for inspection of (be nmpeify may bo had from Messrs W. I!, Turnbull amt Co.

On Wednesday, nt 2 o’clock. Messrs George Thomas and Co., will sell, without reserve, at the premises of the floppy Valley Meat Company, corner of Tory and Vivian street, trio whole of the plant and utensils, including two valuable borsch, carts, and harness. Particulars appear in our auction columns. An important sale of sheen country near Blenheim, comprising 5210 acres, i« announced to bo held on March 17th by Mcnsra ClrifHthn and Son. at Blenheim, on behalf of Mr J. Greenfield, who is leaving Marlborough, bull particulars may ln» obtained from Messrs Macdonald, Wilson and Co.. At tho same time and place the Tophouso run. 28,718 acres, Crown leasehold, will bo submitted. Great interest is being taken in tho auction sale to bo held next Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, by Messrs Thomson and Brown, at their rooms, corner of Hunter and Fcatherslon streets. Tho lota to tie olTerest comprise twenty-seven residential sections nt Lower Hiitt. being tho subdivision of tho well-known Andrews estate, three minutes' from tho Lower llutt Post Olliee. and surrounded by roads fully formed, curbed ami metalled. Kvory section is pegged and numbered, and can bo easily located. Xo Motion has a smaller frontage than Soft, while section Xo. 27. which has a G-room-eil residence erected thereon, has an area of 1 acre 0 roods 27 perches, being suitable for a gentleman’s residence. Terms of sale are;—lo por cent, deposit, 10 per edit, in six months, 10 per cent, in twelve months, and tho balance arranged on mortgage. Plans are now ready- and can be obtained from the auctioneers on application. On Wednesday, March 7th, at 2.30 p.m., Messrs Thomson and Brown, under inst ructions from D. G. A. Cooper, Ksq., Registrar of tho Supreme Court, Wellington, will olfer by auction n live-roomcd villa in Devon ‘street, erected on section Xo. 32, part lot 3, block 15. I’olhill Gully Xativo Reserve, and having a frontage of 36ft 2iu to Devon street, by tho large depth of 112 ft 2in.

A preliminary advertisement regarding a sale of sections at Miramar appears in our columns to-day. Those who detsiro to benefit by the advantages olforcd to speculators in this district should peruse Messrs Gcorgo Thomas and Co.’s advertisement which sets forth that on March 28th. sixty well-situated sections will he offered for public competition. Further particulars will appear early in March.

At their rooms this afternoon. Meeara Sidey. Meccli and Co. will sell furniture, piano, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr George Winder, of Manners street, has an announcement in_ our advertising columns to persons requiring house furnishings. A reduction of 10 per cent, is being made off carpet.-, linoleums, curtains, etc. A special display oT now millinery is being mode at Mr C. Smith's, Culm street. Mr F. do .T. Clero invites tenders for tho rection of a sanatorium at Otaki. Messrs Bralthwaitc anti Co.. Wellington ami Johntonville, have several farms for sale. A novel competition with prizes amounting to XSO. is announced by tho Xonpariel Cycle Company, Ghuzneo and Rintonl streets. No entrance fco is asked. Entries for stock sales next week aro advertised by Abraham and Williams, Ltd., and tho Loan and Mercantile Company. Tho D.T.C. announces special reductions in the tailoring and mercery departments prior to moving into the new warehouse. Tho company’s premises will ho closed at noon to-day for the annual picnic.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 4