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’•hake;-; ok the moon. | JColcolale.l for New Zealand .M. ar Tii.:rt | .1 a n vary. :

Sun r:ro- 1. EH a.m. ; imM. " -> I'- 1 "- I ’,1,.,!, -j..v ii in-: i. "-ID I'- m - | ' Hi::;li v;a>'r. 'J :.J .'.m.; J.'J I'l ARHJVEG. i momhv. .lisncvji 1 ;ha.-!-4 I 1.1. f- =«•!»■'. ,l ' l ' m '" ; ■vvr;:,; 1 :;-: 1 wiiu, \ Srom Lyttelton. via roast. _ ~, ■ .. •'» •• t l'l.■;ia. . nll , ras r a:. -.< • l-.t'l P ; m.-. *■" ’ / ! Slav t'ri.lU I MIL A -I • rod Anviilan*!. . , , i ikMi'fl'l HII.-V, p.m... K. It.:,' . • . NIYT-WYm.’. I: ;V ] m'■r'; : "r : ’ SaL.ii? !: >Ti.s* f '’ 1 Wal- j &fvi;r’Kon.^v. -h uYYNw; V? to* 1 '■* i 1:. I r I • k anil - .diiMreti. 1 11 'V'''n '■ V : 11 ii ”, Mre-r:. T, II a.!, I- '■■■ , nn S' I-'a Irian r. D.iV!-.'iHin, DimI w- li.'Vjnttiiia ArM.m- llri ‘ I”«'• fVnl? 4 'wiiri-iV. 1:”’ ?? ; : worth Knn.a ami ,■!,.ld. Kempt honu . _ l.i[*vv«iHi. 1/onl. V. ~ ■■n-v, 1 !1 1-1 lIIa, ■Muster Gamer; i-» si.- ti.l,-. ; l-.VIUiU. MONDAY, JAN HA I’Y Lateen:., 11.10 p.m.i. fit IV 1 in-ly, inr I'lem.l ami Nelson. Km»-S iloi‘li; I ai- I’K-Inn-alii., r-. Ji I; van. Mar-I.rin<-< Miles. ( ■ . M. a. Miles. Tor ■ .Miaow Lew. I lenient, S-reeC rtl. Phillips. ; lln:;;e,ll. Ai e.. I.noro A mi rev.-. Halai- .-ml ■J rhiklfen, Phillipri. Hr AII.Hie,V. , Mnnam-i. HS.lrt jua.i. TS loin-. All-j man. for Mo'aek.i. an.l hole. Mamma. s,«. CUS p.m... I.WI tom.,: Manning, for L.i ttelion, I’-'--Kalian,: Jia,™ Title. Hut.•her. link.. I'm' ",nrxl. Henderson. Willut. Ernuharl. ■ la. t. lliaainn. M. Morii-ani. l-ell Go.. St i.nice. Aim... I.imv, Anloebroe I J...C.1, MaisJarn.-s Zimple. Tale. Meagher, i Clark. E. .‘'lull li. Hir.on. I >ldn<l;:e. full, noil t! children. elj'eirt, i'eii, Hnwrie, ; Wilson. I’.illna I: ami in!.nit. t.iulpr. Chapman. H i.lfileatuue. and eliiM. I i;»-, ler, UVatiieral! uml • ebildrcn. 1 itr-Jna;, Han To!e. I|i»i. li. M-Leiin. I'r l ell. Dm roll inn. Hr Zimiile, Hr AmliTstm. I'm-; fe-t i.r M.aelatmn. l>v. U. Kvaim. llennun. MaAliwui, M™ K !ier, | Thomson. Hmjlor. Hlirk. K. Simtli.j Oittni. OMriil«e. Kill. 11. A. (.'onion, j Hruimiimn!. HaMev. kti'iiri, Dorrolt, Has-; Wilkin, Mvoiw, Hin-hannii. O. Sloini. A. M. Smith- Lilhcek. J. Me-j Combo. Mason I-), lainKf. .li-rnian. l’r:n;- ' nalt, Slcßot’n, Kraelsrn, laylor, : Hi, ranstn, Hull. OriHiths. Myers. J. iluntesr. Sizi|?l«*lon. A. Roberta. Payne, diallis, Vivian, Callow, W. K. Slopinonl, llaviiKinit. Lush, Talbot. Kerr. Drown. .(laViuir. Nek-iiii. iiooth. Chs|inmii. Ikitimin. Dunn, Hoi;;, Kitchett. Tipler, Mfiators Wilton, linker. Barnett iJ). Kot ul. ii. an. H.l.i p.iti. 1 , era tons-. Unto, for lirr'yinoulh. EXI'IvCTBD ARRIVALS. Kapiti, I hit i'll, tn-ifn>-Waikare, DuneiUn. to-day I lliniitaniri Kant Coast, to-day 1 i.'ftomaheiui. I.yttultnu. to-ilay Waverley, Nelson, to-day | Na'iiiiuni-". Bh-nhiuni. to-day Tulune. Anekl.'tnd, to-day I Hat.-ena. Nr.l'«l!. Wednesday Takapuna. t lneh'iii:;a. WisJneJday Kahn. Napier, via mast. Wednesday Wunniera. Sydney. Wednesday ’tlararoa, I.vtlellnn, Wednwda.v Viahma. 'A'.-.I Coast. Wedneeilay Zealamlia. Dunedin, Thmeday M ikoia. y. Auckland. Friday V.'an inioo,’-Mvlhonrnei via Soutii, Saturday. PKOJECTED DEPARTURES. Mapourika, 'Vest Coast, to-day, noon i:otoma! Lyttelton, to-day, 3 p.ra. Talunv, Hnnedin, to-i!ay, -I p.m. Tao!,:.ui. Alotneka,, to-day. 1 p.m. Nittuißum. Hlenheim. to-day, 7 p.m. Wnkatu. Lyttelton, via coast, to-day, 4 p.m. Queen of the South, Poxton, to-day, 4 p.m. Ituia. Wan(;anm. to-day, 3 p.m. Alarm. Paten, to-day. 3 p.m. Stonnbird, Wanpanui. to-day, 1 p.m. Keonya, West Coast, to-day, 3 p.m. Blenheim, Blenheim, to-day. 10 p.m. Waverley, Wort Coast, to-day, a p.m. Aororo. I’atea. to-ilay. noon Wninni. Picton, to-day. midnipht Waikare. Am k|rnd. to-day, - p.m. Pateena, Nelson, WedmvMtay Sfararoa. Lyttelton. Wednesday Alanaroa, Motiiolta, Wednesday Opiiwo. lilenhoirn, Wedinwlny Kahn. Napier, via coast. Wednesday Takapuna. Unehunpa, Wednesday IJakanoa, Wwvtport. Thnrrday /.tialamiia, Auckland, Sydney. Thursday Wimmora, Melbourne, via South. Thursday Aroirura, Nelson, Thnsday llokoia. Dunedin, Friday Vv'arrinioo. Sydney, Saturday Arahuru. Went Coast, Saturday BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND, Monday. Arrived—Tobomaru (10 p.m. Sunday), from .London. Sailed—Manuka (5.40 p.m.), for sydn<V‘ ' ONKTIIUNGA, Monday. Sailed—Takapuna, for Now Plymouth jand Wellington. Pikmcnfrerir—Saioon: iiiweo Copeland. AtuiudouaUl. Meßouald. Thompson, l,ij(ht, Jacobson, Taylor. CalUciuin. Hcndorscra, V» hitebouw. T urner. Miller, Gallagher. Nurao Hay ley, MeodaniCK Tyson and infant, Taylor. Cowan and chilri, Nathati and IS children. Light, Oiasitow uml child. Messrs Adamson, liondoraon, Stevens. Hinty. MeAUieter, Ale Kay. Ijght (2i. Card (2), Cowan, Patornon, Htowart. Mnckay, Watson. Bradley, Severn. Hrvwken Clark. Hunt, Ormond (3). Kov. Canon Alc.Murmy. NEW PLYMOUTH. Atonday. Arrived—Karawa <5.10 a.m.), from One*"USS<!—Ha.rn.wa (3.45 p.m.), for Ontv httiifra (connected). FATIiiV. Mootlajr. Siiiled— Kapiti (H p.m.), for Wfilingtan‘ NAPIER, Sunday. Arrivoil— Kahu (4 a.m.) and Wh.ik.atono (7.30 p.m.). from Wcliinglon. Atonday. flailed —Tain no (2 p.ra.), for Wellington; Kar.iuiea (3.15 pan.), for Ulu'V; Wh.ik.itane (5 p.ra.). for Gisborne. CASTT.EPOINT Atonday. Sailed—llimitaiimi (8.30 .urn.), for Wellington, via coast. K PICTON. Sunday. Arrived—Jane Dougins (4 p.m.), from Wellington. Monday. Arrived—Pateena (5.1(1 p.ra,), from W ei--11 Sfiilcd—Pateena (7.10 p.m,), for Nelson. NELSON, Monday. A rrtved— Hotoiti (4.10 a.m.). from Wellington. Sailed— Waverley (3.20 p.m.). for Wellington; Hotoiti, for New Plymouth. BLENHEIM, Monday. Sailed—Ngunguru (midnight), for Wellington. OREYMOUTIt. Sunday. Arrtveil—Peloiie (11.35 p.m.), from Wellington, . Monday. Arrived—Parcora (11.30 a.m.'. front Wellington. , „ , f,Y t I !.T. TON. Atonday. Arriveii—Turakina (8.«) p.m. Sunday), from Wellington. Sailed—'Waikare (5,12 p.ra.). for We!linirton and East Const porti. Pnfison—n< for Wellington—.M i seen Key worth, Nigh! ingali’, Arnold. Horton <- 1, 'turm'an* G.itnhie. Oakley-Hrowne. Steele, Mosdames Keyworth, Clark, Clarkson.

, I::.dre::. Vyl •.I-, l:<-:.d, ''Urkvon ; end A: ■■'it(Ti.'i-.. Sn-.H- '■ ..i’ll j’i'a ■ 1 <*;. 1 . |I 111.', tor j V, V r- Mi.-d ( IVOp, I ! ‘l li"n. ■. Vany -ei. "."’''A ' • in, IK! ’I 1; 1.1,. SllMli O, I ■ . I '..nt, K.n. -.r, MiK.-. Han V. \ ll , Hn/hv- .g, Meloni v. Ware W-Mi-arames Brnzoni, i in-h. Meek and 3 ■ l..M;vn. M-Hona'd. Jonc;,. C. i'. Smith . riiiitl, illov. ....Blown and child. (, i:. i< ■. V. s Sell''., I.'.Hillaiv, v,..:-. IK--. >■. W. sm.i,;. i:.-.. i 1- i..T.n. ijT'opnof. 5|.. r ,.,r !•„.■/,,„i. II time, M.y>-iK I 1.. H’.it I:-aa, .P.i,;:, J. H. .Maci'a.f V. 4 .1.. .Mi-Hnnald. c. •■'. Smiiii’ ’ Dump;. ;mi., A ■,!..! HoLiiiv. ,i. .Me l;,-,:::i!d, l.ivlo'-. A-i'A. Ill.lh. Kiel:.,-e.nllv, .Mcl'hail. ll'i'.M'v, Hanning liti.Hii.oro., *■i. i ■ 1.... . I rrilten, JlvlaiMU.-, CtxA. liot i 1. 1 e.a-iN.iij, jp !i: in;.- I. ! nd-ay. Blil-h : . J. Lev.., I'i'V.r.;il : '2 . Hentoi,. Ala Hie. • lilverr '3 . <Tia... Kiln I;. li.irn-, 11 an, MiT-J-y. PIJHT CHALMERS, .Monday. Ar: iveil ... Moi.ivelmn "1 a.m. , from U elhnyton. IJM.'f'T. Mondav, Arrived —A pa rim,., trom T -t mve. i War: in- e. i 3.5 p.m. . !•« M•'i -e u 111 - - and Pa .d; ... Ilou;') IV, lain:.,. K;v. Ml. Hall. G.;.. 2 . ."■• Ward, Siedman. Hu ken..., lat 111., r. Gray. M.: is "i ;■ -'lll. 1 C-. Hustcii i2 , Cray ■2 , i mk, Sie.|:,i.,p. r Atom:.:..! nLIA ]em.;, lor Hob.nt AI Ih.enr,.; Ayinaia, tor Dunedin. '):>■ Shaw, Savill and Alh.on .-Uamer I), iph.e 1. to ...a I I lIJ.II l.iV.-1 pool on iv'.iiinO.'h tor .in- -'.land. Wellington. I, l a and IJnnciin. SCO i., title .a Ai: A i„ad about, April »lh. dbe New Zvidaiid mid African Stenir.■ 1 ompany' • a.e , .-..moet, iroia Li.. .i/ocl. vi.t .in.‘rail.:, arrived in the ;er ai las! nighi from Auckland, and nid benh u‘ No. 1. north. Qnoen's 'A in.-,;;. me Shaw. S.awii and Alhmn it.auuer E0..-ala air.'.-.d ,v. Lnuloi, .», H hr.* .-O'h 110.0 w Zealand, She in ...a! p.r A nek i and ami W e'hnglcn on i lie b[.r in I. She la due a I Wellington nboe.i .March 22t.;!. d l.a -Shaw. S.uiU npd Albion nteamcr i!o;1 11 e due. «t Louden to-day lion. Weliiiap.m. ate,. 1. I'l »ail Iron. London ■ n I e'.iuarv d.a lor W ..HniKton, via i 1.1 . n and iloolUt. and i, due at Welling! 01 .liana -Marc!. 2."ih. Tho Go!i.e V. ill call far London a gain on April The big foiu-uiii-ted -dup Susiiuciiann.i 1 ..I „ an c.vdianipv hii- been !o-c at. sen, and iiee crew ia-nilcd on on i of *,hc Solo, ■.am Uland-, 'l'iiia thip had a n alio mil ir,r .s.-zo uml eapne;..., and speed an.ler and tv.m n tine reprem-nta-iim." u: a type ibid wi.-e ours :-uy is d-; :o ii;ppc.iranco. Her Icngtii ‘d n7Af. was Unit of -ome ot tiie minor ft- ..’ii ventcD. and she had a tonnage of N, Id net, ihereinro she was c. majestic i i-,;i... and nhc carried r. crew of 3d men a i.wi:.. nunib-r. a., crews go. when H.ey go do a n in the tea in .vingci! shice. <n the lainonn "(i’lnrtci of lonr-nicwers.” oi •wiiicli she was a part, only one remains, and it seenis doubt fill if others will he limit like her in our day, because more and more tile commerce of tire world is p.iemng into stcci bottoms, and n> hurried as only steam can hurry it iroin port to port. THE MAPOHIIIK.V GROCNDING. In reference to the recent grounding of tlin Mnpoiinkn at Westport, when leaving for Nelson, Captain J'urne.uix. neu imi-hurhuiirma .ler nl Westport, reported ns follows: "After swinging and proceeding ilown river from bed to -tOlift, the vessel look tho ground on the tdiinglu stnt about SN'ft off. abreast the lower end of merchandise wharf and remained there until noon on tho 131. U. when, with the usaistunco of lug and line's ashore, she was got off and proceeded on her voyage. Tho mishap occurred through tin. vessel being too far oif the wharf going devil thn river; nil tho mufifera trading nc.o have been informed that thev should no! keep a greater dintanco than from 100 ft to laOtt oif the mcr)mndi.e wharf or coal stnitbs when loaded, that being tho distance off that tho rivor carries tho depth of water shown by the gauges.

OVERSEA VESSELS FOR WELLINGTON. STEAMERS. Tokomaru Muo about January 28th). eailotl from London December 3rd. via Auckinud. (Shaxr, Savilb. (duo about February 20th). s.yiUh! from Liverpool December llth.via Australia and Auckland. (N.2. and A. Co.) Capo Corso (duo about January 30th), aailod from No*r York November 13th, via Austrulia and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.). Star of .Australia (due about January Failed from London No\ombcr27th via Aisstralia. Auckland and Napier. {Ty;-er.) jVutca (duo about February 3rd), sailed from Plymouth December 18th. via Capetown and ffobart (“Shnw. Savill.) Corinthic (duo about February 27th), saili'd from Plymouth January 13th, via and Hobart, (Shaw, Savill). Paparou (due about Fcbruarv 17th), sailed from Plymouth January laC y Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.). Papanui (duo about March Ist), sailed from London January 2nd vin Capetown, Hobart and Auckland- (N.Z.S. Co.) (duo about March 10th). sailed from New York December 31st. ti* Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.). Star of Scotland (duo about March Ist), sailed from London December 26th, via AuKtrnHa and Auckland. (Tyser). I>;jex (due about March ItiiT, sailed from Liverpool January 11th, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. CoA. SAILERS. Pharos, baroue U 3 days out), sailed from Liverpool November Ist. (Johnston and Co.) Tillio K. ship (72 day® out), sailed from Norr York November 12tk. Wlianparoa, scow (13 days out), sailed from Port Macquarie January 11th. Helen Denny, barque (3 days out), sailed from .Adelaide January 20th. WKELTNGTON OUSERVATORY. CHRONOMETER RATING NOTICE. The time-ball may bo usted to-day for rating clircrometers. The hall will drop at nwn precisely, nt which hour n chronomotor set to Greenwich Moan Time should show 32h 30m. Any difference will be tho error of the chronometer, fast of slow, on Greenwich Mean Time. True tim» will also lx> jriven to-day ht hourlv galvanometer siffnalsfrom the Observatory to tho Museum and tho Public Telesrrnph Office. N.H.—For tho information of shipmaster* n red nnd white pennant in displayed over tho time-ball tower on those days on which tho ball may bo used for cidVc-rnting purport*?, X. KING, Obsorvor. Colonial Mnseiim. 23rd January, 19G6.

I). n. M. Firsi O't.u t l r ... :i •U. n.m. Full ... ... 21 7 a.rn. i tr*r Sc.V M;!-U ... 1* ... H I'J, ::j

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 4

Word Count

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 4