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wv;j,M\<rmN racing i i.i’i:s sr.M M Ml .M EMIT NO. si'.cuxi) o.WS RACING. •n... luck ... .1,.- W-’li-grou Ra/dri" Club if the matter -t weather Hvi'jf.r xiiiiji.'i -:ri -I for a let. of iii -.-i ' if h.‘.n if.. 1 MIK .I'l-IN. ‘ mi! i.ncii'-tt-d SiMir-f.iv l-.r s!i.- or-eni't.-; «.t '• if »»"•' J. | hi. ■ '■l OI!-! r! j V. < '< M-pienell l . 1 1 Go-. 111 v 1V... fir’ til- "‘i-’-ffi- "1 .lr-- 'll ' h.vii. it ~..1 - I---,, v.. .'1 e-re. wefe f .1 r - v1...!r...l th- ri'v •- n.K.i.lnr -e. ■ i r - . and th- :a .• e- mi tli- fir • day. eh,,, fit- 1 lii- lawm I:.'- lit- .tr.—. Ml. Th- I.' L»,:V|’ L f V,. ' ‘V.M.I 'U/ '’-...1-'ll urn- . 11 f 3 .: i i - Ir-ei ilt- li'.tt -iv t;. —. 1 - iti( iii.ijy- ’-I-' !i< ' <- u . i— -In.iii. ov. m;: 11. I ii, iin i •• i (!- ■ [- ! - I In- 1'. »l •. . ini'! 1..-1 .1 - (' 1 'in--- mi.i -\ 1 ■ V.-.r. i>ii - -i.-ttiiy. Hi- tri.-k «■-. litinl. ;unl (111- Ill'll . lilt out tor Hie T-r:-'-; r:if--t-. fa -l. V\ in l l ■ ; ' ii-i ; - .Mi.iiy in i.ti-k a-i -u ila- In-t tiny, and lr - u-'d it, - . i In I it- II,.(iif' Club (la,- l ii-: 111 th- 1111 r in'- ■ lli-r- u-r- oide .--t.-m-rs, 1.1 th*-i-in. ;t. ’-I:-t-i ti'iM-.-. n— l '.viniiiii'.; v.-ilh-'it M-tiri. Aelttlb . vra.- a Iii;; i'n t ~ni i'rim •.-,■<•!!. I.m 11 ni lic-l I'nrfi.i-i- Hun bati-’h. Tee v. inii-i- v. a; l it- I-, -1 faa-i-d -i f li-■ (i-M. H--. 1. «inn.-i- -i Hi- U-llins.-,-I—n ('lip. v;:-i iniiii itf-r— 1 f- have ;i great ch.-.m-e. hut- nft-i- itetkiru; a l.'im effort, li- (him -1 (! i - - judge liiml. I‘n<*t—iJ ll <-'l 1 y. lit- -iiinie-:' meetiii(; of 1906 was fur ami .way tin- mint si,-i--,--fiil Ji«-) 11 iin<!-r th- an>(iir—•; ot tin. U'-llin-toii K’luiiiu: C‘lul.. Ther■were ninnv miimr iinoiiv-tii-iir-s inseparable from a n-u- rue—imnjust a.s there nr- iti a n ur house at first-lint, [li- public iiceepi e I lln --- in no il tißic-ilil- spirit a good-humoured -gnia'i" on tln< first day iv-t-i tho beginning and th- -nd. Next t-nniia-r in—tins;, or hofore, those inconvenience; trill hav- disappeared, and the uid--:(>r-ndiii- new racecourse at Trentlnini will be on- of tin- most popular resort,-; of tin.- sporting community. TUK RACING. Tirol-, who shaped badly on t-lio previous tiny. war. -.vit-hdrawn irom tlio January llan-iteap. Boris, on the sirengHi ot bin k wm ou Saturday, was favourite, alt hough ho did not carry aa mnch money an niton he iseor-d on the Unit day. flo looked like eeming on at tho turn, where he held a good position, hut. dhd away in the straight. Glati-<-.lmttii.a. who sc-on-d i.iirly eomlortabiy, Was fiett-er bnokisl than wh.-tl ho liniKb-.-d out cf place behind Boris. Alft-eow and Vobime were withdrawn from tho Fitzherherl Handicap, only four starting. Ktirawaka. the tavomito, was -slow to iiegin, and could not reach th- Hawke’s ilay-owtu-d iaifttis, nn whom G. J’ric- got a break, and w-u from end to mid. I/of'.ns was much l>-t-r ba-Imd than when he linislnxl out of place behind Knrawaka ou (in- first day. Th- scr.’tciiing of Vladimir, Solution, Black R-ynar'l, Armistiee, and Sjsiil rc<l- "si the number of starters for tho 1 lacing (Tib Handicap to live, nith-r a poor field for a (MW stake. Again tlio ropr-sentat iv- of tho Rnrirna stablo (AehillnO was rent out favourin', and suffered defeat. As in tile Cup, tho lojsweight- and Ilona made tbe pa<v, but. both faih-d to respond when Letherin. tho least fancied of Hie fii-ld. took charge two furlongs front home. JyeHt. i-rin was ridden by S. lleid, who had tho mount on Ilona in the Cup, both horm. on trying Hie (suite weight. Ballarat and Gawain w-re nulled out of Hm M-trmailitan Handicap, eight st-nrting. Black Reynard was better hacked than Ailsa, who carrwsl only /.‘-t.‘V.. against (MOIV) in th- Telegraph Handicap on the first, day. Black Reynard w.-t hnsthd at the start, ■ and could only ftni-h foil —th. Chivalry got right out by himself, but .Stronghold worn him down at the finish. *The hitter carried exarl-iy the same amount as wlieti )'•> ran fmnfh in tho Ta-ctrlc IL-uidieap on the first, day. I.adv AVarnnrd's auceens in the Poneko Hack iramfienp made the third win For Sir fl—re- Clifford’s colours during the afternoon. She was a good favourite, hut had to be lent going a, the finish to 'hake off Ana. Lady AVaynard did not sport silk on the first day. Tho best finish at the molding was seen in th- Flack Hurdle Race, won by the Hiilt-trnitiml Wind, who was not fieeu out on Hie previous, day. The winner ami AVaitaiere were nrnctieally in charge throughout. Geologist hit the fence m<-ing the stum!, mid was nearly down at. a, hurdle at tile back of Hie c ■■tr-.-. The rac- was particn-hu-ly fust. Th- time lr;; seldom been ispi til. -I in this colony. Th- AV-Bittg’ "ii SPak,-; proved a goad thing for Hte A'aldhur-t r-pnra'iitative Ouniefnnn. win* ran v.h’e in the .1 raighi. and earrh'd Ho c-.v. who was on th- ontsid-, wi*b him. C’lam-hat* tan wan brought out again in this event, and ran a good race’. Bitck-r. follow—! th- B-rinta stnh'e to the end. and s.-nl An'-a out favour,fte for th- Peneuprow Hack Handicap, hut he was u-ver in th- had Bectina. tion. who was. th- only double winner at the meet ing. ran ever Ins opponent* (n Hi-, strug!)}. Caar-vna made her fourth appearance at the meeting in the race, having been placed on etich es-.-a. i-u that she sported silk. During the aflerneott the sum of f —>i was pass's! through Hie (cP’lisatm-. making £ld. tSo for the meet ing. This amount, is Cl’i.-f-C} more 1 Inin the corresponding nit -!in : last y-ar. Ibo nus-ing was -anablv managed by .Mr A. I’. AVbvte- fs-cretnry> and his assistan+. Mr J. Griffiths. DETAILS. .fanuary Handicap, of 110 sovs; second horse to receive 10 sovs from the stake. On- tr.ile. ,*U2 Sip George Clifford's h c Clanehattan. by Clanratiald—Teredina,. 3rr«, 7 IP..Tones) ... 1 115 .Mr (’.’ll. Smith's h m Dulcittcji, -tvrs. fi.7 (A. Oliror) ... 2 677 Mr If. Scton’s br g Tikirawa, aged, 7.0 (S. Tlot-J’i ... ... 3 Also started —o 32 Boris 0.4 (C. Jenkins'l, 477 Uoso Madder 7.10 fG. Price', -74 Spoil 7 (T. Carrolh. 81 Quiokfire G 7 (F. Hayntond', 231 Hydrant G. 7 (D. Price). Itoris was the first to show out. but before a, furlong had been covered Onickftre was out in front, and at the lux-fiiriong post was showing the way to ilvdrant and Boris. At, five fux-

b-igs Q’ii'' T .nr- ilr-w el-ar. find at th- ; ~|- |• i . p .... .’-1:..'-' - raNg.'d njij- Bnri-. Th- hitter inov-d up at the liortie h-ml. I!-- Madder droj-pin/ right bin k. Clancha-tan pm in n good run on Hi- rad- n-itring Hie detune-. and had Hi" l-ader; under the. w),i|i. (luiichanaii wmi by ball - 1-n-Hi from Dui.-m-a, aho (’.mi" lin-t in lit- last. linudr-d yard-. '! .1;.:.. . t a,; t-.W) l-n-th,-. i;. Duiid.l-r- f<mi-t!i, Uo— M.-io-r la-1. lin - 42 ff-'i W". o.videwk. Id RI. and 23 L-. Fitzli-rb-rf Hamlicnp. of 120 ..ov,;, - -mil lior-- to i—. iv- 2d -.ov- Irom ill- -aak-; for t-.v<-—a :-old ■ . Five -123 Mr I’, If. IxiwryV I. r. I.oitu-, by .-u a'on Di '.aval- 7.1 iG. Pri i ... ... I 8(H A!r A. !-. (I I-Tai-er's h 1 Kurawaka, 7.11 <A. Oliver; ... 2 2HA Air G F. ,'boiiV. b i (.'uriodma. G. 7 '3. Reali 3 Al-o si.ut-.' :M3 Grand Slam 7.3 H>. IP'--,!, 1,--i: t!». v..;.. -marlc-t away, and at them! or In,-lor.g ».i. ten lengths clear of K era,.ha and (’ari-.'-ima. Grand Siam in log I—i. Af Hi- bom- b-nd Kin awata -I-,.-I on I,..ftn>, and was lb- ia l l-i v. a. I. ■.!!;' r.dd-li «d.h the whip. G -lu- a-'i P> a -i-a" 1-ngtil. < .in ; iimi iii'-- i-ni'.ius a wav. Time, l-.iu ;t D-,id-n-l, «M. Ai-t ;■'-[.-.lit a n li nid:ai>, of 13-'; sovs; and 1:..r-o to i--- I’ll sovs Irom H. sin iiii'lonyr. --A2 .--lr G-ing- ( lul-rd i- cb h .Stronghold, by ( hinr.iimld■--.'>ai-gii.iii|, r-. 7.11 (,V. 1dr.0n)... ... I diy; Mr G. P. Pavn- s b - Chivalry, 3yr.:. P.2 |,F-T). Jon-M... L 2 ■JrJ Mr C lt-Fu b g .Jolly l-’inar. ■I > i f. 7 i.S. I,Vi-l 3 Ai-O St rifle-1 Kid Adsa i 1.2 (('. Jeukii—i. 111 Petrovna !>.2 f.l. Pim), -M2 Ill.i'-k R-vnaid S.-l (G. Price;, 371 Sir "lr: Hum 7.11 r.J. Gr’higher). S-ro.ignobi wa-s lit t to break tin* lin-. I-:; !. o: - a furlong, w;r- -on- {'iiivalry *ooi: chuiv,-. ami at th- half-mile ii'c-t rv.M. out by himself. At the horn- betid S'u. i-diold i losisl on Hi- livider, AiUa ami Bhi-k Reynanl also moving up. tbhiv dry >-r ill held an advantage when Hie d'.tan— pout, was reached, bn! Stronghold, on tbe ooi-ide, gradually overhauled him. and got, up in time to win by half a length. Jolly Friar four l-tigHts away. Black Reynard was fourth, null Petrovna last. Time. Imi ii 14 2-'::—. Dividends. .Cl l"s and Cl 13s. Wellington R-ufing Club .Handicap, of -UK) sovs: second horse to receive 50 iov;.; and third lioim- 23 sovs from Hiemak-. One mil- and a quarter. 380 Air W. fragg's b g L-thci-in, by Lethe—(.'ulv-riit, syrs. 0.11 (8. Held) 1 422 Hen J. D. Ormond's br g Lvri-t, 3yrs, 0.11 (D. J. Pries’) ... 2 4!M Air 1). Ross'; ch g Ropa, 3yrs, (G. Prior') ... ... ... 3 Also started—K>!)l Achilles Ihll (I*. Jenkins). A 1 tknroff 7.3 (A. Oliver). The field was sent off in line, Achilles and Al.ikr.roff. on the rails, showing tho way out of the straight. At the mile lK»st Ropa moved up alongside Makarolf, and when the hack of the <otir;-e was reached wiw running second to Aehiib'S. who was clear of everything. At Hie half-mile ]>ost Letheriu beaded Alnkaroff. and, with Romi. joined Achilles at tim home turn. Once in the stra'cht, Letheriu drew away, and at Hie distance had two lengths’ advantage of Rona, Aoh lies dropping back beaten. Flore Lyrist came with a lato run. but bad no elt-unce of overhauling Letherili, who won by two lengths. Rorm was n length away; Achilles fourth. Time, 2min 8 2-s;.ec. Dividend. C~ os. WKI.I.ISOTON RACIVO CCiHB lIANDICAP, 1J mill'.

I*r*viana iVO tho Uisuuco ono mi!* ami f£ \ (lla-lsoma won—2mln. 72.«ec,—b«t an objection waa al«‘-- riitcrvd Hgalnat her on lha awna grounds, •mi with Dip »mo iciuil. as in tbo Cup. Poiicke Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs; second boiwe to receive 13 sovs. and third 10 sovs from the stake. Seven furlongs. 778 Sir George Clifford’s b m Lady Wayward, by Bill of Portland— Elusive, lyn-, 8.7 (V. Cotton) ... 1 .327 Air F. Presum's b g A pa, 3yrs, 8.11 (1). Price) 3 479 Air H. Friedlamier's b m Czantvna, 3yrs, 7.2 (F. i’aymomi) ... 3 Also start;d—249 Pushful 8.11 (L. 11. Hewitt). 493 Mam ; ll r.C. Jenkins), 306 Togiw 8.3 (J. AfcCoinbe), 375 Ton(lergbie' 7.12 (J. Gallagher). Lady Wayward jumped off in front, and showed’the way to A pa along the hack sire:-it, Czarevna and Tondergitii’ being next. Passing tho half-nulo post Lady Wayward was about two lengths clear* of A pa. At tho turn the Litter joined Lady Wayward. Czarevna also joined in. A pa challenged Lady Wayward at the distance, and the bitter "had to be shaken up to win by a clear length. Czarevna two lengths away. Alerriwai was fourth, and Pushful last. Time, Imin 29 l-Secc. Dividends, £2 17s and £1 Ss. Alungaroa Hack Hurdle Handicap, of SO sovs: second horso to receive 10 sovs, and the third 5 sovs from tho stake. Ono mile and a half. 669 Alra H. Watson’s hr g Wind, by Son'-wentcr —A'alctta, Gyrs, 16.13 (R. McGregor) 1 CO3 Air C. Trieklehank'* ch g South Star, Gyrs. 10.10 (J. liercock) 2 419 Air J. li.'a blk h Waitarere. syr», 11.7 (A. McGommon) 3 Also startcii—o6l Geologist 10.9 (J. Stewart), 239 Talutio 10 (F. White'house). Wind cleared the first fonco with Woitarcre. Passing the stand, thi* pair and South Star were running airport abreast. Going out of tha straight, Wind and Waitarero cleared out from the others, and showed tbo way to Geologist, who nearly camo down. At the half-mile port Sout!' Star passed Geologist nnd joined the other pair at the homo bend. Ho got through on the rails, and was first iu'o the straight. At t*he distance Wailerore South Star, and Wind I joined in a slashing finish, the latter|

winning by half a length. AVaitar-re the ■•an.- di.-t;in— .-iw-.iy. Time. 2miu .'/) F- 1 Dividend, IB 10-. AV-diir-r.-i stakes, of 1(f) ion: ;croud in r-e-ive 7/1 :,uv. and the li-i.d 10 fu-r.'ii from H- Make. Five fni'loii-s. 1010 Mr G. G. St-ad's b c fumeform, bv Aliiltitorni” i.’l'ueln'-, .'ivrs, 0.3 (1,. 11. Hewitt) ... 1 7/13 I lon. W. W. .Mm-ton's br c Moh-cw. 2yrs. C. 10 (A. Oliver) 2 207 Sir G-nrg- ('liffnril'w b c Cian--h.'ittan. Uyr.. 8.7 'C. Jenlcinr-i 3 .U os'att -d GO) fv-jaiif 7.12 (\. Got - ton). 232 Sw-et H-k n 7.11 (G. Price). 1 -3;t In- V. sue 7 'Raymond), 04 .Strathhllan 0.7 (L. \'ii;-on). St,rat hid ia n was Biiiurt..-! out, and l-d for .'ibonl, fifty yards, where Ivano|f got in front- at the end of a furlong. ('nni-iorm joim.l IvanoiF. At . tbe bom- turn, Alo.cuw and Clunchat-t.-in e.ame on, all being almost in line at the distance. Gunieform iinioh--d strongly, and won by t hr---par!.: j of a l-ngtb from Altceow. Glauchattan two lengths away on the rails. Time, Imin 2 :}-3 -c. bivideinls, i.T Os anil LT S'-. TUK V.'KI.I.IN-UTOX AKK2, 7. Oirlnn.-l,

| 'Pencarrow Hark Handicap, of 100 I sovs; second ijtm : e to ri'coivo 13 i sovs, and the third hor-o 10 fovs | from the stake. Six furlongs, j 701 Air \V. K. Bid-,nil's b m »e j -liiiation, by Slepniak—lllue- [ nion, 7yr-. 0.2 (S. Reid) ... 1 I 412 Mr G. Trifkl-bank's b g The I Seer, -lyra, S (.). MoGoml.e) ... 2 | .'520 Air 11. Friedlander's b m j Gzatirvn.'i, 3yrs, 7.7 (Kaymond) 3 I Also Ktartcd—slß Mobility 0 (J. Gal- ; higher), 420 Are Light .8 (G. Price), i ('.72 Aotea 7.7 (A. Oliver), 340 Inahn ; 0.7 H>. J- Price). | Czarevna broke the lino, but Tlio I Srer took ckatge before they had gone ; a furlong, and showed tlio way past | the half-mile post, with Aotea anil -AIo- ; hility. Declination rati through at ' tbe liend, Tin; Seer being headed at j tho top of the straight. Declination i camo through at the distance, and i won easily by a length and a half from The Seer, Czarevna two lengths away. Time, Imin Hi 4-7scc. Dividonds, B 3 17.-; and LI 13s. Tiie sum of £lllO re invested on tho double machine. There were nix tickets on the successful combination, U’therin-Stroughokl, which returned i ~ U,rj ‘ ) Among tiu> visitor.; at the Trontbam I raccconrtro was Air James Nice!, of -Vlas-teit-on, an old-time racing man. ilo rode at a meeting held on To Are flat about, 1840. He was then nine years of age. his weight being about 4M 111 b. Ho afterwards rode for Mr St. Hill, at Burnham Water, where ho won ou C'atno.lia, also on Mr Collins's Nigger. Alt- Nmol was later on owner of lliddlesworth anil Retribution, winner of tho first steepieeho-so in Canterbury. Tito goiii-mountid whip to Hie rider of the winner of the first race on the I new -onme at Trontham was presented j by Air W. 11. Turnbull, a steward of th» Wellington Racing Club. WINNING SHIES. . St. Leger (Doncador —Atlantis), £323 : Slepniak (Nordonfeldt —Steppe), £11.3: Let lie (.Cadogan—Siesta), £316; Alnltiform (flotchkhs—Fonuo), £323; Clanranahl (St. Leger—Scottish Laasie), £2.3,3- Wallacu (Carbine —tMelodious), £U/0; San Fran (Gov.o—Procella), £140; Conqueror (.Meilallion—Siesta), £l2O ; Medallion (Musket—Locket), £100; Soaton Dolaval (Melton—Roscd-alo), £100; Addington (Vanguard—Miss Lucy), £00; Sou’wester (Goldeborough —Seabroeztt), £SO: Bill of Portland (St. Simon—Electric Light), £7o; Pouiiiunu (Nordonfeldt—Beryl), £65; The Ofiicer (Robinson Crusoe Alario Louie). £7O: Torpedo (Aluaket—Fanny Fisher), £ls: Loe.hiel (Prince" Charlie— Nellie Alooro), £l3; Turquoise (Tubal Cain—Topaz), £ls; Memo England (St. George—Rupee), £10; Linstock (Hotchkiss—Satanella), £10: Sir Lancelot (Dreadnought—ldalia), £10; benzoin (Friar’s Balsam—Bendigo mare), £10; B uinie Scotland (St. George—Fair Nell). £lO. WINNING JOCKEYS. S. Reid was tho most successful horseman, with four wins. C. Jenkins, F. Juno*, and V. Cotton hail two wins each. J. Stewart, F. D. Jones, G. Price. R. AlcGiegor, and L. U. Hewitt each added ono win to their record. WINNING OWNERS. £ Mr 1). Rosa 525 Air AV. Cnigg 3i5 Sir George Clifford ... 330 Air 0. G. Stead 325 Air J. Brett 100 Air W. E. Ilidwill ... 150 Mr A. L. D. Fraser ... 110 Air It. T. Turnbull ... 120 Air G. P. Payne 120 Air T. 11. Lowry 100 Mr F. Preston 00 Mr J. Alonk 75 Hon. W. W. Johnston ... 70 Air K. Russell ... ... 63 •Mrs 11. Watson 65 Him. J. I). Ormond ... 60 -Mr 11. Friidlander ... 45 Mr C. Trieklehank ... 30 Air J. 11. Prosser... ... 25 Air E. J. Watt 23 Air J. Jeffs 20 Ali- '.'-t ; Alexander ami Gray 15 Air H. Scion 10 Air AI. Hobbs 10 Mr J. F. Buchanan ... 10 Air G. 11. Smith 10 Total £3970 RACES AT FOXTON. PRESS ASSOCIATION-. PALMERSTON, January 22. Tho Fox ton Racing Club's annual meeting commenced to-day. Tbe attendance was a record for tho club. The weather was all that could he desired. Following are tho results:— Electric Handicap, of 75 sovs; five furlongs,—llß Air H. Jeffrey's Federation. 7.8 (Conquest), 1; 31 Air S. Alossena's -Miss Lancelot. 7,2; 184 Air D Thomson's Sylvan Tdo, 7.12. 3. Also started—l 26 Contender, 99 Marseillaise. 1(13 Red Cross, 187 Truce. 36 Immolation. 31 Jean, 56 Wild Cat, 35 Flower Girl, 09 Phemia, 91 Muse, 39 Kai Erin. 22 Zelina. Federation got in front a furlong from tho start, and led the rest of the way, winning by a neck. Time, Imin 17sco. Dividends, £0 Us and £3 Gs. ALaidon Hack Hurdles one mile and a half.—234 Air C. Risley's Swop, 10.3 (.1. Proctor). 1; 283 Afr G. A. Fleming's Palky. 10.3. 2; M 3 Afr J. Green's Levent, 10.3. 3. AKo started—97 Hying Cloud, 88 North Star. 73 Rosogrovo, 63 South Green, 30 Hickory, 43 Alinc-

halm. P;-K-im; the staud South Gr-mi v.n; fir.t. with L-v-m. Swop, .md Daisy r-lf,;i- up. At Hie Kip turn L-v.-m shot to the trout, bur riloii;' th- b.U'ti -tr-tr-n Daiky w-nt ah--ad, follo>'—l by Swop. . ■!;, nr;.; liuulh' S’Voo tre.k '-he 1‘ ,; ”.l. and won e.idly by four length''. Time, 2tmn 77(fee. I Hval-mis ‘-' :i ls ! 1 Foxton Gup. of HVI ;<>vs; one m 1 -t and u quarter--399 Air L._ PaM-a . a Bi>iirra-quo. ft Vtique-t.i. 1 ' ! g' l ' V.'' Dull and Smith':. Kuroh;, I -■> H;ilolrm-.-., 2: 318 Mr K. St on u Nottett-. 9.6 (St rat ford). 3. Al-o >t :ir._,d—3l f) Suhutarine. 189 AJumi’l. !H 011-11. 66 N- it mia. 121 Gnpul"' . 1:5 ’ L-idvlike. 62 Barca, 29 Reline. and At-. -1 pm«‘d the rtund .n ( rf , nt J; f B/urcv'lth Km-nki, Af>nrUo mi'l S’llmiarinf do v m>. *”•' four-furlong port (heirra-que too* -ip th*. ruuii iiu'. None tie made a great effort to 1 Bourra.-ai'ie, "'ho entered Hu- stratg.K C,r.;t. and won by a lengthy kutoki finish. I h.'lf a h-ngth in . >■'■»'“ "■ Notte'te. wi'h » p ' !t ■ 1 " U 1-osi-c. Dividends, £3 L-s ari< * ‘j'’ H",.' Trad I la-k Rare, one i' q Ah rs-tu's Mattapu. 8.4 ‘ K ' ’ V- 2-16 Mr S, L. Parson's 2- to Afr A. U. Lucena's Silver Sh- u ii.o 3. Al-o -tartrxl—-6-2 Gniton. H 10 I*r»rd Wnki'liil* f>7 Mu-irlh.i. 91 C*iiinci9iv. V2 S' /'iice was away (irrt. elo.->!y io loweil hv Wattapu. who *.iu;U the at -< live-furlong port, and won 0 fix lengths, two lengths separating-ce-ond and third. Time, imm 44 Divi-'end*. Cl 19s and l<s. FL t Haek Hurdles, one mile mid a half’- '3l -Mr J. Roller's Monnrqtio. 10,8 iD. Watts). I; 199 Mr S'. Hughe--Cossiopoa. 9.13. 2; 137 Alessrs I i'g'tt ar.d (‘oed’s Ingh-wnml. 9.11. 3. Abo rtart-d -219 Apiti. 52 Hrand Jnry. 31 Ontario. 170 Lion Heart 31 Durban 94 Alawhiti. 116 Swop. Inglewood led at the ton turn, but was headed in the next furlong by Gassiopea. In tne K'.nrieht. Aloiiarrine marlo bis effort, ano won on the post.‘a head dividing C'asstopea and Inglewood. Time. 2nun 31 2-3-eo. DiridentUt. £3 16/ and 7«>» , Firing ILamlicup, six furlongs.—l 33 tli- j,'s Gtu,tain Shannon. 8.4 (T. O'Brien). 1; 19! Air A. Hall* Kremlin. 9.8. 2; t» Air J. C raig s Tivmbt .iliui, U 7, 103 Ton vrcii'U. Coming round tho h*md Cajiiv .u Shannon t<«>k tlu- ioad, ami maintaining his advantage, on hy Uihao lengths. Time, Imin Khcc. Dividondj £2 13s. Hack Welter, one mile—2l6 Mrs McGoukev's Windy. SL3, 1; 149 Air L. H. Lanibell's Alakikmi. 9.7. 2; 63 Mr ,J. AI. Cumu's Climax, 9.9, 3. Also started—l 74 Bonheur, 59 Tho Ruler, 116 Showman. 11l Present, 77 Barmaid, 75 Pangaroa. 2-1 •Domain. INorth Star, 31 Alatariki. Barmaid was left at. the post, otherwise a good utait was made. Windy maintained the lead Ihrou/.hout, winning by two lengthsTime. Imin 46eec. Dividends, £3 11s and °i 14s. Harrington AVelter, seven furlongs.— 73 Air C. AlartVs Bowman, 8 (Alnrtagh), 1; 114 Air R. Knox’s Royal Blue, 8.12, 2: 307 Air J. AU-Laughlait's Captain Shannon. 9.13. 3. Also started—72 Capnlet. 282 Flotilla. 193 Victoria Park, 117 Cureiiagh, 113 Alarinella. Won by a neck, a hood dividing second and tiiird. Time, 2min '42 2-syec. Dividends, £l*2 7s and £1 19s. Tho totrdisator investments last year amounted on tha first day to £77GB, and the turnover to-day was an _ mcretmo on tho previous year of £l‘27G.

SECOND DAY’S ACCEPTANCES. January Hack.—Pretty Alaid 9. Contender 8,4, AVindy 8.4, Victoria Park 8.3, Federation 8.2, Makikihi 8.2, Marseillaise 8.1, Rod Cross 7.9, Immolation 7.2, Showman 7.2, Jean 6.13, Phcmio 6.9, Science 6.9, Barmaid 0.9. Hack Hurdles.—Alonarquo 11.5, Cttfisiopea 10.4, Inglewood 10.1, Grand Jury 9.9. Swop 9.8. Da Iky 9.3, ALv whiti 9. Levant 9. Roscgrovo 9. President's Handicap.—Nonette 9.6, Kuroki 7.13, Submarine 7.10, Aliisrcll 7.8, Flarann 7.5, Ngatarua 7.4, Barca G.B, Capnlet 6.7, Tomairangi (1,7. Carnarvon AVoltor.—Federation 9.9, Bonheur 9.G, Showman 8,10, Wild Git 8.7, Climax 8.5. Barmaid 8.4, Pongaroa 8.3, Alatariki 8, Xavier 8, Domain 8. Newmarket Handicap. Captain Shannon 9.4, Probability 0.10, Tambourina 0.7, Wangaehu 6.7. Telephone Hack.—AVindy 9.5, Truce 8.9, Flower Girl 8.0, Immolation B.G, Joan 8.5. Phemic 8.3, Aluso 8.3, Hipporangi 8.3, Clementine 8.2, Swop 8.2, Kai Errin 8, Alani 8, Clifton 8, Tangatawabi 8. Moutoa AV-Itcr.—Kuroki 9.10, Snlv marine 9.9, Bowman 9, Barca 8.6, Ladylike 8.6, Capnlet 8.5, Seagull 8.5, Alarinella 8, Curenagh 8, Refine 8.

y»« Owner. Winner. 1 i 1 ■V Tima. •T'M T, V. Urown l.ocMnvar ye it Ibjra. a. rt Cl - ,1. Wniu Piraw^ennfl. H I V — II. KMwoaJ i!nv Kwtvket 4 H Oj _ H. HmUdoiI f >oy Fawkes . liar T twnia 7 10’ — I*. Laertes 7 !«! - 1S.-0 R, M. Valence \ umpire W. Wi tefi Ubeilrr H 4'3'OJ iSfiJ a iuit TIim Poet 8 t;15 K O’ii ien Tasman a io;jiij 15. H. Vallmeo S.Uv.igo S10 R13 I 1 . K. T » ored Admlnjtmi’r r. 8 0 ;s 13 T. H. IMl I'ASll t H 0 :: 13 Ijaj litiu Kns?cll Tixredia 8 i-nu ISM • . BoMndt Norah 7 13i 3 10 H. lUmmoml Sultan h ;;«io 1S90 0. KUU I, A, Florin 8 :i: • u M>2 U. Hunter Ctnliira S ij. n. ciiii-ir.i CrmrbtioM s i'^ua-5 WU J. h. Oi monel gn'n «f Trti’pw r. 7 2; 13 fi o a la II. r.unn CUiicanald KM II. Mnrunaru Ranjl'.iuhi 7 <*' J lI k»m; 1{. Alien Sat Mioa «i « -aui-5 i->-7 U. Marmr.tiru It.nji|.tlh! 7 IS.? fl 11 kos J. Oa i*j St. I'AUl io v-ato kw fi. I>. Nalhsn K*ploeion 7 lOj^lOj mi l> (lOCdl'tl U»reus 9 13J13 1001 J >. fl(U ■*■>»» IIu.. v* i) l«! 1213 K. J U'Att Tbe Shannon 4 llHW 0. M chell FaliHS * 7 4] 2 H 1-5 K04 W. Yount; t.onvi>T 7 TJ| i 5‘Mlfi B. . T .Unra Joanne «1'Atc 6 7 W J 1 UKJO W, Crvfc Leth>-rin 0 ill 12 X 7-5

~ ~ "i -t'i'f Vc»t Owner. | V,'inner. .3 Time. 1st lii in «. i.‘9f Co,tain Howell Ti K r. n -2. 7 11216 If.'. • (!. HlmMl. (V.'ll tier -,7 1 i 13-S Him ;:;r H. rjlffonl Cunnit ' hirl .217 0 1 1 !•.'> imi i. ii. XU....1 v.:t.» - a; 7 12 13J j (1. fi, l-tm l IJrnc fouii S 11 J I 11 i>.;i J. Monk irliii’ei ■ :i u i i 11 1‘iOl li. i! Ktra.l Silkworm '2 7 12 1 ‘22 6 1 -.06 It. VV. I'.lrrjftii >.,'nti.,o ! :l S S 1 I Me 1..I! I trail -3 '.1 '• 1

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 6

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RACING AT TRENTHAM. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 6

RACING AT TRENTHAM. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5804, 23 January 1906, Page 6