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CUt® BAYi WELLINGTON RACING CLUB’S Sf.ViMKR MEETING. THE NEAV COURSE OPENED. Wellington Cup Day, ISHHJ. will bo a noteworthy day in sporting history in years to come. It requires no jugglery of the imagination lo know that one day the Wellington Racing Club's summer meeting will be ou a par with tho most important of tlie year's fixtures. When that day comes, sportsmen and turf historians will remember Cup Day. 1900, as tho stepping stone from the old order to .the new, or as a bridge lo bigger tilings. About ten thousand people, sportsmen and sport-women, from all pans of the colony, found their way to the new racecourse at Trem.ham on Saturday—a well-dressed, orderly cixmd to a well-condiicuxl, pleasurable meeting. No more delightful day could have been chosen if tho stowardN of the club had had the privilege of choico from providence's weather sampled. It was a day for women's colours; a day when the re-1, and the yellow, and the blue of a jockey's satin jacket were the end of the eyo’a ctewiro. Aerotri tho spacious lawns moved constantly a tliou.-a.ud ladies in all mamier of warm-hued trappings; tho great wide-faced grandstand. (locked with three thousand people in the afternoon, looked like a giant spread of Oriental lints; a brass lauul playt-d papular music; ami above everything was the humming voices of the multitude, and the ting, tang, ting of tho totalisalor. Tho new course ha« already been desciil»oil—tho grandstand that is probably us fine as any in tho colonies, the convenient accommodiiM tiou for the general public, stewards, visitors, jockeys, and officials—hut no pen description will give tho colour and spint ol the natural iiurroundinp!. Fencing llio far-reaching grounds, I’.’jS acres in extent, are lulls on all sides, foot dressed with the clean, coo! green of native bush. Away north they reach and I wist clumsily to overlook each other until those farthest back look like steel hlne-painled cloths. No belter site for a racecourse could have been found in tint picturesque llutt Valley, hut there is much to do ydt to complete tlie details. There use bare places to lie grassed, asphalt to he bud down, -l-AOtl young English trees to grow up. Next year will wm n vast, improvement. The crowd was a record for a Wellington t ace mooting, and to-day-given fine weather, another record should ho established. Last year there wero six thou Hand people at tho firat day's racing of tito cummer mooting, and nine thousand at tho second day’sCONOR ADULATIONS. At lunch time nearly three hundred people woro the guests of the club, and ihcro was a general exdumgo of good wihhes and congratulation.-*. After tho i toast of "The King.” Sir Joseph Ward ■ formally proposed tho health of tho ViV.l.wgion Racing Club. A/t a visitor, ho said, in- would like lo expnve, his appreciation of tho splendid appoint* > men is, magnificent, and manage- > immi o; uio meeting. Tlie now oondi- ■ tions provided lor those who wore <kk - sirotw of viiiiting a race mooting front > Unto to time woro -much in advance of I thono forniurly obtaining at Uio old I coumo at tho Lower llntt. During i tho pant twelve months a oomprehont five alteration had been made, and ho Was miii- those wlio had taken upon their shoulders the heavy iiminoial roi sponsibility of tho new ntccoouißO would receive the appreciation of tho 1 piihiic, in the form of that support ■ which a well-conducted racing establishment- wjw entitled to from all > e!.is,e. of tho community. Drier to ■ tho present meeting Wellington had not. occupied the high position in tho eyes of thoso who supported racing I that it ought, to have done, but thor . past would bo annihilated from to-day -* <S;e unlay). Iho efforts of tho nto-warda I redacted tho highest end it upon thorn, - and lie also acknowledged tho splendid I work of Air A. E. Whyte, the ahlo j secretary, who hud tho eonfkkaioo and - support o; those with whom lie was aKKi.-oi.tted. The toast was coupled with , the name of Air J. B. Harcourt, president of the club, and was drank with: musical honours.

lii reply, Mr Hurcoiirt heartily; thanked these present for tho courtesy shown tho club, Ho detailed Uie dwudvantagufi of tin; old courso at i he Lower Jiutt. with which so much dii* iratisfacUon had been so frequently «»* prorat'd. Tito old conrso was situated only nine miles from Wellington, yet it took Hourly an hour to get there by railway. On the o.!;,or hand, Trenihmn. although eighteen niiloi from ■Wellington, could bo reached in fortytwo mini lies. Ollier difficulties in connection with the old course were tho exoissivo niiiwtiy fare for tiro (droit journey, and the fact that, being merely tenants ml a public park, tjio elub hu l no liccirrity of tenure, iiiul could not iv-ei Vo the park for itself. Whatever prof its it m ado had to bo shored by tho bookmaker. An..lher objection to remaining on the old course was tho fact that nil building* < reeled bocamo tins property of the Hull P ark trusl«c», and. moreover, the cor me was low-lying, wet in winter, and badly exposed. Tho ground, a bo. was much too small, end if rtio dub had remained there, it would b.i nee<«sjii-y to practically reecnstrn: I the whiffy place. Mr Harcourt tlien gave some jnrtiouliuu tf tho new con. re, of ‘Mid. ucreo, and mentioned that the work of construction hud begun almost exactly a yeac ago. He .spoke in complimentary terms of Meters’ Seaton and tsladdcn (/surveyoral. Crichton mid McKay farohitooto), T. H. .Myers and A. .1. lland (eontmotor ). and J. T. - Jones (for-Miian). and Stec.-Ts W. Barton, John Burton, Ln»lfo Reynold!. Hunt. and the Railway Dspirtincnt. for tho way it had met tho club in every direction. The tines oceiiiiied on the, journey to tho wars* would be considerably shortened when the Unit line was rdralghiened. Tim V-.i'.br h .1 r-, t ei.T.'Ki). ike hud tl'l (■ d. m ! t’ ! • - d.cion L't’k'T! odd. There we re many o k. r r h eg, L. !>!. .mhd k.,-, ;, m j it vvmlff, V- m. ii rh.-t V e .! it> had a verse large jiff) (M !i 1 ’id. mid bed -ic- < fully concluded it. In (.ereiu'-ien, he fp'skii vr.nnlv of the excellent work <h.e kv -ke-ary, Mr Whyte. SOM M VISITORS. Among d them- nrc-ent during tho ,1.-.- we--e S.r Jc . -ffi It', id L,dv Ward and pm-tv. lion. V. If. Jill!-, mid pirtv, V. F, A. Iff ik Tr f■ r, and C. Mci< r. M.H I!.’- ■ Jl- ,i. G. VO Lisin, M.l.f 1 ,. fit rf;-> Hnmd'n ■<'<!• -.. .. i; . C v i-l-iM, M'.L.r.: Hon. j. D. Ormond. M.L.C., of the rr-iwhe'tt Buy Jockey Club: Sir George Clifford. president: of tho New Zealand Racing ’Conference; Ifoti. T. W. Hislop, Mayor of MVllinogon, and Mrs Hislop; Major-General JJabington,

('(iit!!n:unl<'r of lli<« Fore- ~ "■• I- • 11. F.-v/rv. !■;. .1 1* ■•'■•’ «n<l 1.. <l« IVMi--.. -! * :•• Jl.v.v!;..’, !'„:v •/ (IMi: V.. V.mwl .1. !■’. , N -••^■1 him I it <i t r v it i>‘ (■! j •.! ; •' " I'kn'iiit. (’ln!,: G. •’ i'. fM.i.ii,' 1! * ii’.'.yiand" .1. I!.;. a,,!, t--.I ■ ■ .1. •■’ .■ I' T lr. Si. S;«-*tI, t.-'.’.'.i"! i ), r C.i > !, pro iili i:l it <.■ 1 ■■■■■ •' 'f r ’ ’ i‘ r tu-lv ... iU i: . ir.:: <>', ,i, ;| t. ...tri f.’j-'-y M.'Ulil »•»>■! Iti'.'ilii; (.'“"I r!")!. i.'V . -F’ ' "■ (E -i-v,.-b.. tun! n. 1..‘ i■ 1 it. | T'- m ’/..l r’ til.. f<’r_ t IP HIT- IPI pr , '"T«‘fP' , ’l. M./" TTt. Vl. M. il Ip' (■■■ i,i|'i. l r‘ i r’’ tin*! I. A. I)-. ' .-T, V’.itf T-iiirv ‘•T,., : . A. Vt; (■■!' ro P'T i I,:r.■ I*. I ■. ' .--f 1, (-M -tiav. 'Ill) }»!]%' Timc/h, firwri *' Sp-*ri i !•’' iVfi-'vf" 1. It. ’ f oa.yns iU'.m.Mnn:i [). T<tffv r* f r. on Vi t' i . St. l ln■* In nil | ; \V.,;nir:!pv, Fin *li r.n-,,1, - ; Tin:- . Al.'t-lim'-T i Ii "i ttcvl: IT.■■h"i, Mnnr»> lllmi 'lilt 'S-tirT. tin ! l-r Hi'ti.l.-'l ■ •if till. fnii|t.!i it'Dit:- ii'Tiit! pri- .'llf. THE RACING. Till, roiir ... tilth',:-j!i on Hi:- Imr-1 ftitio. u’iih in I’tio (irdi’f. :n. '.vill ho oon IV<111! llio lit.P tiiiKT foil up ill vnt i'iii; r;n'“ |. Tho In.-it rnoo ivns ■iVhii !iy lh“ fioim- tvlio o n.inio v.tih tin* lirnl njipo <riri" in t.lio ofiicin l proi'.rnninio. Tint! v.'nn Hon*. I*, .lonkiii. rn'!:* him. nml tvun tJio ooiti-iimnn!'-l v.'iiiii rirosontiil by Mr I!. I'. Tnnihnil. on<> of tint vico-tirc-;;t!oiit-4 of the i-liib. Tint C'lp v.ti.t r.on I>y (ionn. in Nrtv limn, a livo-yoTf-old. mvno<| hy Mr D. I’o-t, n Wollinptoii 1.rx.l i.inltnr. 'J'horo v.’.t i iimrli jnlnl.ition anionjp.t tho hoiilinKth'nt s h.ol ia .-n '!'’h:in oil from tlio cmir-o at Ropu’s Itojia wan tfniniii liy \V., at tho Hut - ., nml tins in tin* rommi .-.urjijiito tint I IXivi.-i li.'ni tin* pnhlio in conm'o. tion with tlio flip. St rat It - brum win; tho firnt. In Sntnnhiy’s tny men Aohillo; ami tho winin r ’.vi'ro pnutirnlly in ni)nr[;o I hrongiioni, tho ioriiio; - runninjr the rnco of Inn lifo. nml bring; only boaton in tho last two funlonos. Koita had hron ralhor a <ii-.appr.intinonl up till rixoniiy. Two Soutborn Inmm.s, Martian and Vladimir, that, wrro mnoli I’miml tho paoo lot. hot for ■thorn. They tinishotl in Mat roar. Of Air .Stoad’s pair, Niohtfall and Drlawaro. tho lattor wan novor inominont. Nitthtfall. tvirmor of tho last W'dlina;ton Cap, ran a jjoo.l raco cunsidorin;' Iho woirlit ii|) and till" paco sot. I’arif in a app< arotl to many ixsnilo to finish third, hat tin; judgo gavo Ida dooisjon for .llolotloon, win. camn with a toniiationa! rash at tho fini.sli similarly to hint roar, ivhon ho linishrd bohiml is ~'n fall. Tlio f.irit timos rcoordod ia several of Um o; niiis i;-|io.ak noil for tho future of tho 'frontham trad: as a f.i-t, ip.llopiny ttroiind. in tlio Cap tho tirnu put up hy l.opa. is only half n scttiiid hohiitd Um Australasian record (I’min Ifdlsoe) inatlo by .\ocluiform ami .Manmpoto at Ihuidwidc last Septomhor. Tho pr.v vioim hunt timo for f.nivo furlong:, was 2miii 3d 3-osec, hy Cdadsome, in tlio AVoliington Cup two years ago. Ropa ran unplaced in the same moo last year, carrying the minimum weight, on which occasion ho was ridden hy lioid. Nightfall. .Melodeon, Achilles, anti Armistico, other horses adiieh roinjitied a year ago, ivere also in Saturday’s raco. Ropa tvri.t Invd hy Mr T, Motrin at thy Wellington Park si ml in R/00, and is by th‘ ifoncaster horse St. Leger wire of St. Hippo, St. Paul, Cruciform, lilnrjadict. X it. tor, Sr. Crispin, Putty. Scotty. Vi'ainkn, and other good performers) from Rroivn Alice, hy X’ordonfoldt—Onidu, end was purchased as a yeartitiK hy Air Harlot, a West Australian sportsman, for -00 guineas. As a two-year-old ho was successful twice out of eight starta. winning tho A’ictoria ilamlienp at tho Auckland autumn meet ; ng and a Nursery Handicap at Avondale. Tho following spring he made a. good beginning hy winning tho Avondale, and wits purchased for otX) gninoas by Mr H. with a view to winning tho Great Northern Guineas, in which ho was successful. After that he wont right off. and at a clearing sale of Air Friedlamlor’i; horses in the winter Ropa was knocked down to Air \V. Uavies for 305 Kttino.ia. Ho was duly installed in tho itutt Htable, and last mtuoii started nine times, finishing out of a place on each occasion.. This season ho won tho AVoodvillo Handicap in attractive style, and ran two races out to tlio end at Rauigitikei. Mr Ross has had to wait ■oighti'en month:: for a return of tho money expended on the ehcstiint gelding. George Price has ridden Ropa in nearly all his races since lie came to the Ifutt, So little did he think of tho horeo’s chance that he would not waste to ride him. Tho Chip field numbered fourteen, which number went to the post la a- year, also when Brooklet won in 1800.' This is the largest number that imo over contested the race. Prior to Saturday’s race AVaitasnero had not Itcen seen out since ho contented the Wellington Steeplechase Ho lost ground at _ nearly every fence through faulty fencing. AVhe.n more proficient he would prol>ably .locnunt, for tho lot that opposed him on Saturday without dilliculty. Tolu no, who lias had a lengUty spell, Mao m-ulii his reappearance in the race. G:x»l«gifit carted the fiehi along tit a groat pace, and won without any apparent effort in fast time. The clans of hacks seen out at the ■meeting was good, especially the winnext, who will in future have to compote in open company. Declination, a winner at Lower Valley and ATairarapa mootings, won tho six-furlongs race in good stylo. She put down a morofaneied - candidate in Tit potto, who was sent out favourite, probably on account of Apa (also trained at Fordell) being reserved for the mile event, which he •won in attractive style from Glennllin, who put up a good performance. Declination was brought out again in this race, carrying 71b extra, but could only got. fourth. Thrco of tho ten runners in the Xnr«sory Handicap represented the Porinta Htable. all running in different ownersbij>s. Afoscoiv (tlio high-nriccxl Stopniak colt) was best backed of the trio, but faibnl to concede Ktirawaka (Imlfto Alahutonga) sexual allowance. Ivanoff tnanagwl to Iwat all the others. With Petrovna and Ailsa out of the Electric Handicap, Chivalry who was rosemd for the nice, had no difficulty in beating Ingleneuk. Tho Seer, who failed in a hack raco earlier in the afternoon, was brought- out- again in this event-, finishing last. Horses trained by .1. Prosser at, Porirtta (showed good form during tho afternoon. Ailsa, Boris, and Kurnwaka were "each stteeessfnl. Achilles, AVaitarore, and .Moscow acting a» runners-up fn their engagements, while Aotea was also placed. William I. was tho only

ni'-mb'-r of t!i>; team tlm f.ul-d to l.a 1 ii a tiie money. Rii; i-. Ger/logi.s:. Ail-a, and Chivalry mid' a l ui/Vr.'.e oiia'bli- ra'e ;u 1.1 Ight t.nouhi mu well to-day. On e.-mint of lie; electric totuli-ator •iol 1m T ll a ready, the old-tillle maeil i le", were fold. Kiejlt of tile - “etc erected in a temporary: hou:-. 1 m .a.i.ed bv -Mr .(0.-epi, Am- • - ■ tlI) mi,-", la. .U 1.-', no-.f. the e.Mtn ol 73.1 was ii !(11• ■ -1, wlneh iimonj.i e. SKrSi 111 exc.of tile . on.-I.omling d.i.v last year. The mini of i (1 v, w invested on lb- donbie '(am and l'a.--g.vph Handicap). Of tins amoun' D.Vtl wa - ret urn'll to inekei s ol '-et a'-eh I 'l il tile Telegraph llnlldl'.'ip. Tin re w-re :-- vet uelmt - .m ml!o;:a; d■ a eomliinat ion, tne ~ t ,a, -111'/ V.)'2. ’I tie oilier runnels )i,.. ’ Te!-"r:«ph Illindtenp were t-oiipi' d ivi* h Bona a . follow ti-o-.-iia. ‘M \i!.s.t e)7. Sir Trisirrun ho. (■.a’l nv„iT i-i. Joilv Friar U*. To-morrow !•:! .Mai ik'.uiri ii’X 'i’iie tola.-, on the - ;„„1 on the <’ti|i ran- OM’.'-m) were better than on any pievion,. oc< ahlotl. DKT.MLS. I Anntve’ ■;;;r v HhcTtp. , 'J,, v l^l .,^X : pT r 'a'w 1 sove’from the'‘stake. <»n« mde. I"')) Mr It T. ’I itrnlm.l’s ' h e bens, liv p/.iak •ide'i'. <yr«. «.h ’ ,1,-id;in.-i ... ■■■ 1 <(•• W (’••:. I> g 1.-t nerin, .-yn. K.r'lT. 'a are 1 1 1 - 111 Mr (i. .‘-’i :hr g ' marav-m. a;,"I 7.‘-‘ fS, I.aldl ” AI-. ‘l.oted 113 I’-’aidt Peynat'l *■ I,;' 1 - T 1- tf r P'j J'<i .* MxiEi it’f > li. 77 ’T, Till 1.1. Ib; Ihlgtl'T). IF. I’es- . -ii ",V rtire, 311 (■lain tmt'nn TtifV ton'. Id' Hydrant’ iD. Pi ice . ;ia •'it.ieidira U.T <!■ . 'laomsom. ;l *J < V« - Ii (I* 3M!. n•) IjCfl’. \-.U-v I-. f,ts‘ t<» Vh'f.v (Mil. !>'<• hi’}r>ri‘ Ikm! I".'!'- H I liriOMt,' t ll* 1 (‘A'lolU'd. Irl.U k !«<*>-

iianl nml H'T'crtty ■ "tvf'l up IU'C min-iitlV. u.liekfire joiieul Dexjeri.ty at )),« furbiiigt; pc.-t. Uilh hill: <he di itninv c'c-cfti Bon- UU'l Hl.u-1: b';:icii'l iin uro; *■'! Incir iwitimn. l)';xt'-nty libil lively ill the Fmight. P-eris nt>parerM’v having v, imro Hlaek Ib-yuard had had (ruMi-d. r.ons held liir- own and -von rnmio'Lddv by hall a length I,Dim'nn, 'rikaipwii nt> Jh ,,, j* t( 1.’.-; it.irtl W. 1.; loui tb. nml I irole lnit. Time. Imin T 3 -:;c. lUvidenil.-. A'l 10: nml je'» lj. IfiK-pehu Buck Iliin'li'MJi. of 1W) »ovs: .-ecemi lone t'» ic-'i'''* 1' covt linn third Pi «ovs from tne Hta)»c. furlong 4. CT..| Mr )\ . B. Biilwiirc 1> m Bcclittation, bv Ptepniuk—l llnsioti syrs, S,:. (S. I.’eiili 1 170 Mr 11. 11 icdkiteler’:: b in O.urevua 3vr.-. 5.13 (Itavß - 134 Mr J. 11. Pro.«cr’s blk g Aotou. -Sir-. 7.1 (A. Oliver! •> •\b*i e'nrte.!—l«M Mobility 9.3 (.1. <.nl- j Ijflii-ri, 133 Du'.cineii >.!l H’. >tif.-i. 3«7. AM-light «.l <n. Price). I'3 The Su-r SA, (Iv. 1-ivei, li3 To Kainiii S (T. Pritchardi. 7m Tuivon--. 7.S (U. rriee'. 7S Skye 0.7 Carrol!'. 113 I 6.7 (J. ('lan buttL Inului ivas eioivexl to iiiove. ami hAt several length:;. i lie Seer 1.-""]-;-.! out emar'iv, ami with i; furlong gone was showing the way to Aotea ami Tupono. Tlie natueii pair were well Hear ot (he others at the nall' tnilo post. Tu]X>no gave way to 1 lee linn tion at til:' homo turn. Aotea appeared to have tho race in safe keeping at the distance, where Declination came with a long, well unstained run and finishing well unuer punishment secured the verdict bv a length from Csvarevria. who headed Aotea in the last hundred yards. Mobility was fourth and Inaha hint. Time, I nun 16 1-Sscc. Dividends. .33 19s ami -t.’l Us. Trent ham flack Hurdles Handicap, of 80 eovm: second horse to receive 10 sovh, am! third 9 so vs form the Hake. One mile and three-nunrters. 283 Mr E. Russell's b g Geologisd. by I’onnamu--Heratdi, Jiged. 9.7 (J----.Stcwarti ••• 1 CO9 Air .1. 11. Prosser’s blk h iViutarere. avrs. 11 (A. McConnon) ... 2 650 Mr C. Tricklebank’H ch g South .Star. 6 its. 10.10 (.1. Jlercoek) ... .1 \lso started—lol Talnne IU.S IP. Whitehouse), 100 Kningatahi 9.3 (T. Pritchard;, SI Krror U <H. Kinj;;. Waif.'in*n> broke' the line, but Krror and inlune were- in front at tho lirat. fonce. Pussipjr tho stand Taluno. Gisdo- \ jfist -und Krror romprh'oi! tho leading • division, M'aitaroro last. At thol hack was well clear of Taluno, with South'.Star dear of lim others. Atj tho bend ..aitarero collared South Star; and made an effort to jjet to Ocolcurmt. 'Clio latter cleared tho Inst ance v.-ith o decided advantage, and finish ini? full of running won by six lonptbs. Woitorero two lengths ahead of Sojith Star, Time. 3min IS 3-76ec. Dividends, All 18s and 12t*. WolHnffton Cup Handicap, of 600 wjvsj second horse to receive 77 sovs, and the third 27 kovs from the stake. One mile and a half. 96 .Mr D. iroe-s' ch Kopn, by St. I.>ver—Drown Alice, 7yrs. C.ll (S. Keid; 1 416 Mr J. Monk's ch h Achilles. 6yr^. 9.(1 (C. .fenkinsH 2 <l3l Mr lb J. Waft's br h Melodeon, 7yr,«, 7.4 (T. Uutk-r) 3 Also started—9l3 Nightfall 9.4 {L. If, Hewitt). 27H Martian SM3 (11. Kin"). 413Vbidirnir 9.11 (J. Me(>>inbe>. 29S Paritutu ! 8.7 (H. Gray). 117 ITiHy 5.3 (}J, IVeloy), ; Solution H (Derrltt). ''Ai .Armistice 7.6 ‘ (W. Price), Its J.yriM 6.12 .t. Hutler). 14 j Clanburn 6.7 -eml l!b-» over (A. Oliver). 76 Spoil 6.7 (T. Carroll;. From an even despatch Achilles, on the rails, was quickest, to be"in. With a furlong "one the top weight wan showing the way (o Solution. Martian, and Ropa, in which order they parsed the stand. Vladimir, Nightfall. Lyrist, and Clanburn brought up ine rear. At the mile post Achillea was showing the way ■ o Ropa; Solution and Vladimir being clear of the others. This order was practically maintained along the back. At the halfmile post A chi Hem and Ropa were raring level in front. Solution next. Nightfall having run into fourth place. Ropa appeared to have n flight advantage at tire home tunij where Rutty and .Armistice wore prominent. At the distance Rom; had Achilles in difficultie:i and dr:ivvii< away, lie won fairly comfortably by a lentil and a half. Melodeon came witu a great hurst on the rails, and linishrd n bare length away, a neck in front of Paritutu, Nightfall. Armistice, and Solution were tho next throe; Spoil, Clanburn, Vladimir*, and Martian being last to pass* the post. Time, 2mm 33aec. Dividends, JCI 9 13g and JC2 63. WELLINGTON CVP, 1J mil«.

Prcrlom to 18'W) tho ■wm two nailm. f Mr. J. P. E-SJV njani (iljuDome ttm flr?C ptst tho jKfst—time, -utin. :;■» U iifec., reeonl—bttt waa diiquahutd »om» t8r«o unoth« later owlos to bclsc rtddoa by uaiicsnsed opprectlco.

n.uviira;'. of ‘J_’o c: ovr,; 1 ,Vr sf !o m *r.f li'i ■'!' ■. arvl rhf V)TO\n J TO T;1 tI.A rt.iSi'*. UUM: J Ikf't 7 ’’ br l Aib'-i, by a b *»; ; .-1 .ua v*. av. -Ivrs, -J'n* 1;;,... ... :.. i c,\:s '.!» J. rh m 1, - i:j !»i;ir-f - 'ij,> Hon .1. 1). On-ion.l't, br - Mr •1,1-Mv.f., ;j v iv. 7.11 ■ * Ai -■ 'I i: *i ' :W. l-nif.,.,! .A, (/, « j-t'j kiiar * A o. i**o 7.2 ‘X. -ion*- -., C J I ' a koki: i 1 t<> movt*. Ailsa out a it'l uith a yom> u\u j.'.) ! ii r : Uh* way lo JVliouia and ToltiAI the* hall’ uul'- tho la* 11 • r >; i * 11« i Pitiovn.o A il»a f-liowM tin.' wa* lound tin* turri. and •'.n> nt>t inio th* l strar'kt. |V?rovna U rii.-uM «arm.My «n----,i,.r r7inii dina nt. in cm* btraiiflit.. but couiil noi ir.n ii .\i!si, ulio won in tho [i;.in:ip: hv a half, i t iVf> * l-n-th a wav. Twin?, Inim ■* r: -. lip. na iui-t, Ml 1.7 s and iIK 'roru;ariro Hark ilaiuiuap. of UX> tovs; ;(.‘M>nd liorsio to nnuvo I> ami ih-- th.iai honsc K; <vovs from lliridako. <;np milo. :rVJ Mr 1 . ib-Oxtou's b Apa. by AdMurr.vai, uyiti, 7.1* (W. 77;; Mc.y?rs Alexander and flray's br c (iknuiHn. dyito. 8.10 (C. .Jackin) 2 Mi 11. rriodiandorM b m <..*zarc*vna, My;?;. 0,7 {J'. Hayrnoinb 3 r-iancni 12A I'ua.luul B.ld <C. JrnivinO'. j-12 '1 8.7 Uk 271/ i)cdinalon 8.2 and 71b prnah.v \S. Hoid), I-d Ton derail io H. I (J. OallaKi^t- 1 . ", M (T. *SU Gold Hi. Ibnr). Apa was smartest to begin, but boinj; steadied Glennllin took up tho runuixiK. and pav-dn# the half-mile p<>.st was clear of .\lcrmvMi, Apa next. At tha halt-mile prtft Ihenuilin and Mcrriwai were out in trout just clear of Apa. Tlio latter took Glenullin’s measure at tho hmiu- turn, and finkshinf? full of running won easily by two icngrlit* from Giomiliin. Czarevna a couple of lengths away. IhMdination fourth and Gold Head last. Time, hum Hi 1-oe-ec. Dividends, A*2 ißs and Mur.sery Handicap, of 170 tovs, second horse to receive- 2t) sovs. und the third Id sovs from tho slake. Tour furlongfc. 107 Mr A. L. D. Fraser's b f Kurawaka, by Frau—Maude, O.U <F. Jones; 1 201 ilou \\ . \V. Johnston's br c Moscow, 7.2 (A. Oliver; 2 1071 .Mr M. Hobbs’ br c Ivanolf, 8.12 (F. Joiicw) 3 A l.'O started—3lß Do Witto 8.7 <ll. Donovan,f. 162 Grand Slam 7/J(D. Kemp;, 283 i/jftii.s 7,8 <G Price), 130 Volume 7.6 (J. (Jlai i-IjuU), 127 Unuam J., 7.2 (D. J’rice), 123 Struthfilhin 6.11 (L. Wilson;, 08 idirifjsima <G. Jicid). William I. and StrathfilSan were smartest on tlieir and at the cud o: a furlong ivero two lengths clear of tho otheifs. At tho turn Strathiillau appeared to have a slight advania|»e. Ivanoll, Moticovv and Kurawaka headed the tir.iiK leaders at tho distance. Kura- . waka ami drew clear in tho ' fast hundred yards, tho former winning by two lengths. Xvanoft’ thrco lengths aAvay. Time. JOscc. Dividends, d;l6 Ms ami JCZ ISs. Kb-etric Handicap, of 110 sots; second

horse to receive from thostuke. Five, furlongs. 073 Mr G. p. Payne's b g Chivalry, by Conqueror—Justice, 73*re, 8.13 (F. Jones) 1 717 -Mr J, F. liuchanan's blk f Injloneuk, 3yrs, 7.8 (G. Pino) 2 337 Hon J. i>. Ormond’s b g ifcylaHist, 3yr«, 7.7 (D. J Price) 3 Also starteiT—372 Stronghold 8.0 (V. Cotton), 200 -Mirettii 6.13 (A. Oliver), 300 The Seer 6.7 (E. Lowe). Stronghold was first to got going. Pcforc a furlong wn« covered Chivalry had taken charge and came round tho homo bend well clear of Stronghold. Medallist being nest. At tho turn Ingleneuk moved up, passed Stronghold and Medallist in the straight, but could not roach Chivalry, who won eas ng up by two lengths. Medallist three lengths away. Timo, 1 min 0 3-sroc. Dividends, -Cl 17s and XI 3«. ACCEPTANCES FOR TO-DAY. January Handicap, of 110 sovs; ono mile.

anticipationsJanuary Handicax>.—Doris. Fitzherbcrt Handicap,—Kurawaka. Racing Club Handicap.—Achilles. Metropolitan Handicap.—Ailsa. Poneko Hack Handicap.—Apa. Hack Hurdles.—ldeologist. Wellington Stakes.—lvanoff, Pcncarrow Hack. —Aotea.

GISBORNE RACING CLUB. Tho following; weights have* been declared by Mr Chadwick: — Flying Handicap, six furlongs.—Full Cry D. 3, Martyr King 5.5, Captain Shannon S.i, Discoverer 8. Soultina 7.12, Probcida 7.G, Kaiix?toj>eto 7.3, Flag 6.7. Hurdle Handicap, one mile and a half. —Romany Girl 11.12, 11.6, lloesoplot 10.13, Inspan 10.12, Lady Raven 0.X2, Taniwha 0.12, Morpeth 0.10, Faro 0.10, No Shot 9.9, Reah 0,4, Topapa 0.2, To t’ku 9, Frcnk Dodd 9, Artilleryman 9. Summer Handicap, ono mile and a quarter. —Mahutonga 10. S, Full Cry 8.12, Heroism 7.12, Minerva 7.12, Taura 7.7, Annoyed 7.5, Contender 7.5, Hcywood 7.3, To Hauko 0.12, FrocUnd 6.10, Bonomiana 6.7, Flag 6.7. First Countv, seven furlongs.—Sarakoff 0, A.B.N. S.II, Sarolla 8.0, Probcida 5.5, Koipctopeto 8.4, Pretty *Un 8.2, AVaimaon 8, Mcncpero 7.12. (Jinquo 7.G, Gladsmnir 7.3, Hineroa 7.3, Melton Hall 7, Boldnnrocd 7, Rangixnnewn 7. Park Stakes, «nron furlongs*.—Full Cry 9.2, Alinerva 5.3, Martyr King 8.2, Heywood 7.10, Sonltina 7.10. Contender 7.0* .Annoywl 7.9. Hiki 7.8, Lavinia 7.3, Kaipotopoto 7.2, Bonomiana 6.13. To Hauko 6.13, T> Uku 0.7, Flag 6.7.

— — 1 Ybbi 0*nifr. "Winner. ? j Tim* *73-4 A. Cutnpholl Castaway 3 C 1 6 I», U'Bnen Tunb'Uirinl f. o j: 4 5 ’7.>0 II Redwood 51 r. JC J 67 H. U'-tlwot d Guy Fawkes C a Gi Iblt r. -lion L km 3 ms It. H'7 Msritnna a t 3 431*5 w , Robinson Foul Flay S 4 a 37 IWI V*'. Robinson Natator & i a as l*S3 O, U-te Hilda f» I a 45 IK a t’. Martin Mischief u a J >S4 G. Hato Tht* I’oet 0 t a 454 .Wi I ». O’Brit a Tartnaa a «! a a* IHfll Major G#orgs N<v*on 5 4 a ant 1*K, T. utn Dasha 4 ISvi Cl. G. Ms«*l Berasford 7 f. 3373*9 PKJ K. CatU Pmlii a a: IKK) 0. Hunter Cynisca 3 it 3 59} jkh CJ. Hunter Cynisea VJ 2 4-1 IslO G. Hunter < ynipcft A « IS !2 43 ■ MK5 F. Martin R-l(na 7 3 40 »?y» I'. Mu* nan Vogenrang t 7 3 41 1.K5 11. Te Kuii E*frr 4 3 JO IS*«» SV. PougUn Brooklet 4 a a in} 1*07 W. J. Jorgensen Strsthbraan 5 r f a :w •KH G.O. Stead Uniform 4 7374.5 .1. D. Ormond Daunt 4 H c 3 37 ISOO E. Cults DJin Djln n 2 33 lit i Renown 3 8 lu 236 3*5 UK 2 0. 0. Stead St. Michael i 8 s 2 381-5 ji> 3 I>. Gordon Mvaoco ti 10 4>*8«i-5 19 4 W. Toucj? Conroy 0 1905 O. O Stead Nightfall a 3 0 1SK<! 1.1. ItMa Rop-a A 6 11 a ?3

St. lb. sf. lb. .Horis 0 4 Spoil 6 9 Rose Madder.. 7 10 Dnlcinoa G 7 Tirofo 7 0 Hydrant 6 7 Tikirawa 7 G Chiickflre G 7 ClancUattan... 7 0 Filzherbort Handicap, of 120 sovs five* furlong*. Kuxawaka 7 H LoftUj 7 4 Mo***ow 7 10 Volume 6 13 Grand Siam... 7 5 Carissuua G 7 Wellington 1 dicing Club Handicap, of 4430 ,<ovs; one mile and a quarter. Achillea !) 11 Armistice 7 i Vladimir 8 10 MakarofT 7 3 Solution 7 10 Lcthorin 6 11 Rapa 7 10 Lyrist G 11 Hlk Reynard 7 5 Spoil 0 7 Metropolitan Handicap, of 150 govs Bix furlongs. Chivalry 9 2 Ulk Reynard 8 4 Petrovna 9 2 Sir Tristram... 7 11 A ilia 9 2 Jolly Friar ... 7 0 Pallarat 8 11 Gawain g n Poncko Hack Handicap, of loo sovs; seven furlongs. Declination ... 8 12 Togo.* 8 3 Pushful 8 11 Toaderghie ... 7 12 Maui 8 U Czarevna 7 2 Apa 8 11 Merritrai C 13 Lady Wayw’d 8 7 Gold Lead ... C 7 Mungaroa Hark Hurdle Handicap, of SO snvs: one mile and a half. AValfnrere ... 11 7 Geologist 10 9 Wind 10 13 Tahmo 10 0 ’South Star ... 10 10 Wellington Stake*?, of 400 sovs; five furlongs. Cuneiform ... 9 a Da Witte .. 7 a Clanchftttan... 8 7 Kunuvaka .. G IX Katuku 8 -t Moacoiv 6 10 Ivanoff 7 12 Strathfillan .. 6 7 Sweet Helen... 7 11 Loltus G 7 Volume 7 0 Perea now Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs: six furlongs. Declination •• 9 2 Tno Seer 8 0 Mobility 9 0 Aotea 7 7 Dnlcinoa 8 7 Czarevna 7 5 Aro .Light ... S 0 Inaha 6 7

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5

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RACING AT TRENTHAM. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5

RACING AT TRENTHAM. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5