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(J i-' the moon. (Calculated fur New Zealand Mean "1 ime). JANUARY.

Run -U2 *<-K 7.22 |MH. ris.-i. 2.3 ...m.ifJJ 4 . I'-"’-il lull water. I.M a.-.-.i 2.7 A It HIV HI >. ;■ vi'i imi.w .iam;ai;.v 2». ) " K.■ . i .(5 :« a.'■!..), 77 Mm 4 . V.r----r. Nelnet. ,1,,i <. (H. 3.5 a.m.*. HIT , 1,1 t l"|l»ll, IWllK"r.’- ItH .!,. ail.l Kl .q.b'in"m’< O.muly . ■<. up.unv Mnlinju. 11. in.!. -1.5 W) loan, Nf-viii'., i’r-.n> M-'Wirue. and S i;(h rn ).mia. Raf-i'iwi’S-.Saloon: l!fS \< ti r '-I :v;,m..;arli. a,-:. (7..5U .VI tom'. St. .. [Torn ltl< In.. M.umr-M . .. '9 7K Mr.- 4 . Allman. Iran|--I: Sound 4. SI '.'HA V, .1 \ N I‘A liV El, Majiirnnka. s,a. ( L2u T 1 tnn;:. nut. Inin OreviiMiath We.lji.rt .ia,l .\i-t-JIII. I’.l-H'm.'.'! 4 -Snln'il'i M 1;-. i. la .roll, l.ampiux!, Hurl:.-. Lain'.ml. t "Huik-Kivim-n, S'-alTiifi. Step).. a, K.. < ’.—<.aw<‘ I!. Sm-.ex. lii’ 1 ., Me I.>j.ill. CM.., Afc-s.l much K-vl.iv, riwilie.-, M.iv-n-ltan ami ini ml. An,van ami i I, 11.. VT. Can lan. Mari-4 I'.K.llinir. Hi.. M.iwih Hcaslcv. (’idlin'., Kinij, Dy-r. Jamio-on. I', Lltak. K.-rr. M-d", il.<:4all. lie Filippi. Callin' 4 , ]su.-k'-r. Amyott. S ilUlmi.y, Herd, K'rr, (’lmpman ; 7 Hli.iTHKt‘, (Jncen af tl>o .S'jUtli, n.». (2.20 a.m.), 121 ton), Maulev. from IVitun. Haknnaa. (5.1.5 n.nt.p I-i7O lorn 4, titrlntf". from Westport, Stnrmbird, a.s, (,'».1.5 a.m.). IX" lons. McInlyre. from Wank.inuL Puloctia. H.S. Hi a.m.;, .5.5(1 lone. Kiutlimiy. from N’i’ ami falmi. I’ii-s!-ii-ff/'i-i - ■ Salami: .Mi.-isea Allan, Mui.ay, lloKlf, Peterson, liainl. 'l'oi nI i urn in, ILt»:en. Wiio.lman, Hay. l.Tulwno'l. .Mrstin him Hlevi-tm, llij-kinK. Artou ami child. Tanker. levy ami 2 eliililren. Dry(len ami 1 children. Mcs-srs Ground,ilc. j.ixilli. Kii-’set. I limlmai!. I’riiu e, Dn’.vnJ- am! child. Itermett, Tasker, Nelson. V, : Manfijani, Irry.len, Saye. limy, lliaisn. Smith, Joriiun. Mu-terc Wi'inysn; i fitooraye. Hula, a. 4. (6.1,5 a.m.). 00 lons, Dowell, from Wanganui. Maim, s.b. (HTIT a.m.). 77 tons, Dilthie, from I’nUra. Kwiij'ii, a.'. (10.20 a.m.). 1001 tans, Slewiirl, from Dnnetlin via [>orln. Aoruro. s.e. UO.-ln a.m.), -fa tons, Tinnoy, from I'atea. Mararoa, h.m. (12.10 p.ra.). 1381 tons. Manning, from DyUoltim. Passongerii— Saloon: Misncrf Prico. Tyson, Hanger, lliftgitirt (E,i. Cliiltemleii. Filzsiimnmie. Hanger, l.loyil. Oals, Dawson, llancock. Jluviin, H.irper, ItriKiks. l.aiv, Atkinti.m, Mnrpliy, I’aiwinnmi. Dixon, Nnvin. Daily, Alevor. I'annin;;. .Mel’hco. Power, i'vfe, I leaner, Wallis, .1 uilkiim. Hell, Uav, Stott. Wliile, .Stephens, Matthews, Wnmlhrmse. linngor. Healey. Omni, MeMlarmyi White. Kangcr, Walker. Paterson, Bainnionj, Keist, Hraillev, Ifutler, Kgerton. Sann(lern. Jlea/er, ffallop, .MatHu".vs (El. HloK, Uiniml, Wehh. Pntlriiljic, Dawson, (tinhop ami infant. Von Hitter, Colonel KgoiTon. Ifovs. Cocker ami son, Janienon, Mcssrn Holmes. Krinkin, Marly, Cimeiily. SwlJon. Dimlop, Kingean.l, Hey, 'Driscoll (Eh Lnna, Congreve, Kliiml. Heate, While, jlamin ft 1.11.1!.. Tanks, Knilih. Stevnusoii, Olsen. Jlemlmt-on. IMwanis, Waterlioui«., Sherwnod, (.'uoper und ehihl. liront, Livermore. Ulemlenning, Wainhouse. Howanl, Hnullov. (lilrnth. .Murphy, Mel Ini, Hoi men, ilcnin, (f.’urlis. Ham), Sowell, Watsan. Trout. Oolilie. McKwen. Keir, I fen re. Xcttlefohl, Selmlenhnry, War... .limes. Alct'laiiky. I.vfe. Salt, Henjamin, (hrmpheil, Dailey. 1 fitehcocli. Hvans. Nceiiham, Heazer. Matthews, Dehell, Stovems. llmirnn. Sfoft, King. Koherston, Kcar. Hagan. Tucker, Haines. Nicholson, Nelson. Dick, KassmiiriSon. Mcllroy, Saumlers, Pursy th. P,vari.‘i, Knyuer, Rev. Hunt, Partriilge. .lens. Cray, Want, Smith, Coy, Hon re; Pit steerage. Piomotheua, lI.M. third-class twinscrew «teel cruiser <1.30 p.m.), 2135 tons, TflHO horsn-iMiwcr, 8 guns. Oornmnmler Woolcombe, from Auckland. SAILKU. SATCItDAY, JANUARY 21. Wnimti. so, (lift p.m.) nyi tons. Backstrom. for Picton ami Nelson. Pnssengera—Saloon : For Picton—Misneii Milsom, Fklller (11). Kinton (E). Murphv. Rogers, (ionhl. Mrs Diaon. Messre Do ClilTord, tVarren. Marple, Williams. J-'or Ntdsnn—Miw JpfTrics, Kaunody, *.». (3.3 p.ra.), 77 lons. Vlckerynan. for Nelson and West Count. Pitcairn Inland, barque (1,15 p.m.), 1330 toon, Fletcher, for Dunedin. Whnkafcane, s.b. (5 p.m.), 5715 tons. -SUba. for Nnpior. Polone, B.a. (5.5 p.m.). 388 tons, Chriutinn, for Greymonth. Arabura. n.s. (SE!O p.m.), 771 tons, Xjiunbort. for iVolson, Westport, and Groymouth. I'liaaengero Saloon: For Nolsou .Mimiea Mulder (2). Chapman. Mesdamm Scott, Chapman, and clnld, Kirby. Cole. Messrs Maxwell, Grifliths. MeClurg. Carver, Kirby. Cole, Falconer, Guthrie, For Westport Mensrs Murdoch, Is'gie. Pur Greymoiith—Jtisisos Moore. Thompeon, Craig, Mrs Hay and ■infant, Mirsrs Donaldson, Hamott, I>'\vry, FWfit. CHno. Scott, Fowler, Mabln. Wilson, Yaruall. Jloraysbire, s.s. (7 p.m.), 35D7 tons, Me. Lauclilan. for Port Chalmers and West of England ports. Ngunjtwru. s.s. (7 p.m,). 51 tons. Ktoyens, for H lenhtim. Mnhcno. sj). (7.35 p.m.), 1500 tons, Neville. for Sydney. Passengers Itistsea Ifrowu. McNairn Jen kins. Cook, liny, (Vnoy. Dwvncc. Mosdameti Ciuleil. Pearson, Aitkon, Duboiirnc. Sonthan, .Morris. N-mholvon r.nd child, .Munson. Jetdi. ifoville. Kay, Hritton, Coney and child, Hoarnc. I) r Crnrs, Captain 'Wullcor, .’ileasra Dowsolt, Hales, Cadol. Aitken. Mantiant (2), Me Dorm Id and son. Walk, or. Todd, G’Hrien, Hnwright, Fry, 1.0gan, Jebb. Hedger, Walker, Giles. Greenwood. Aronson (2), Uobley, Wiluon, Nicholson. JUtenhoim. a.s. (3.15 p.m.). 85 tons, Shaw, for Blenheim. Rotoinabann. s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 915 tons. Collins, for Lyttelton. Paasongors Saloon : Misses Hlnndcll, Hooker. Christian, Russell. MeWimnnoll, McGregor, AtcCorrnn, Meiklotuun. Mclntosh. Hazelwood, Al.rxla.noi Blumioll, Andor»on. Colee. White. UoH. Alcfgiren and boy! Holier. Medio and child, Kidd, Duff, 'Sheppard and 3 children. Captain Patterson. M«w*r.4 Blundell, Hallenslcin, Phnruzyn, Coleo, White and child. Dull, Sheppard, Hutton, Hridgemnn, Cross, Ucavor. Booth. (Sow, Davios. Apted. Price. Prichard, Vickery, Hancock, Ptcken. Bain (2.1, Xorrie, Cook son, Cluvers, O'Reilly, Fitzpatrick. Pareora, g.«. (midnight). 335 tons, Black, tor Grey month. SUNDAY, JANUARY 21. Turakiim, «.s. (1.50 a.m.). 8210 tons, Forbes, for Lyttelton. Jane Dougins, s.s. <8 a.m.). 75 tons, Vemlore, for Picton and Hokitika. Kotoiti. s.h. (s.*> p.m.), 620 tons. Hobert/on, for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onchunga. Passengers Saloon: For Nelson—Misses Tregear, McGavin, -Meyer. Chapman, Campbell. Smith. Cameron. Mesdnmes Hurtles, do Castro, Cook mid infant, Krahngen, AlcKeuzie-Huir. JlcJvor and infant. Sir W. Zeal, Dr Oibhs. Messrs' Nicholson. Jones, McCulloch, Jackson. Harly Picknolt, Chnllis, Haramussen. Hamilton, tirnhnm, Goldie. Saunders, Igglewlen. Richardson, KrnhaECn. AleCorinm-k. Field, Jaekyon. Ale-ICenr-io. Henderson. Hathaway, Kout. FoxNew Plymouth Omshiinga Mi«wx* White. Wood. Mc»diunes Wood. Kgorton. Dick-ce., and 2 children. Colonel Hgerton, Messrs Kenny, Dickson, Ty ,er. (2), A. P. Barnes, Wood and 3 sons, Aluir.

KXHKCTRD ARRIVALS. Srun. r-ct. Li v .-t pool, Anckbiml. to-day Clr w h-. JNi.. .. r ri. GreumiiHh. I , day W.. I:;-! ii. I. i'i day >.i ii... 1.. I muon, 10-lay Te iir:,in. Nd.-.n, ■ '*-'! i v V.4,V. No-.-m. T:ov,!.,y V. To-.d iy --oru. Hh-iheua. 'De'day Tie .-day 'R,ini,... Ail'd.hind, T'Wsdm. i-;,1,,..,,,. Wvdne-,dny •I puna. Ol.elnil, -a. W«11..-r<!ay , fx , 1,11. Ni'ider.y'l,l \\ edm—my Z.'ak.Tldl!. 'i Mil., din. Tiuu.-lay .V.d,,'-.. Auek.and. Friday V.'.i.-nm i. 'J. li o'ii ■, in: .'"cJh, .'■■lint.lay. PRO.I KI.TKH IHvPARTURKS. V.! r,.:.. I.i 11.-(i. in-day. * p m.. la, Pi-l .n. Nehcn. to-day, 1 p.m. Manama. .Mniu-I.a. 10-dnv. 3 p.m. .Map..,-in!:... We J <Jm J . Tn.-day IPian'-!'' dU, din. 'i ..' -day Ta M0i.»•!•... T-ie-day . '•giingnrii. HI- nlicm. T.i'-rda.v Lytlel.',.. via ca-l, 1 nc-day f,; t fj<> S ititli. I lU'.imy ; It i*j Hi, Wanganui. Toe, day M ana. Pa lea Tmediiv S'crmiMid. Wanganui. Tm-'l iy K", W.-4 o. I •- 'ITl'-'.-tlav Hicnh' im. lilenh'-iiii. *| « V,;!'. , m. ,; p.d\.a!'’ , r.i'.”day K'nrn.bird. Wangaiin:. Tuesdav Ko'.nv.i. .m»!i<-rii lor'! 4 . Tne.4»biy Wair.ui, Picton. Tuesday Wailmre. AiehliTi'l. Tiu-nday I >•. i,v -i li ! cnlic:ni. U <•<!ii'r-'l-iy K'Napier. v,a '■'.'•. W-dneeday TV a,,,,', a I Inch a ie.;.i. W'.l:,' -day 1‘ tkamja. w.i-tp.i!. Thiii.-day /....dandin. Auckland. Sydney. Thurs■A jr. t:i>‘. Melbourne, via South. Thur-lny BY THLKGRAPH. ADKLAIDK. Saturday. S lilcd-Hirotha. l,.ar.|U". for N-'.v Zealand; Helen Denny, liarqiu'. tor Ue.ling,"!l' AI LI,IK if RN K. Saturday. ii ived--M”.aki. from Hlnff and Ho,”1" SVDNKV, Saturday. Sail. d-Wimn;era (1 p.m.,-. for Wellmg--1 NKWCASTI.K. Saturday. Sailed -Wcollahi.i. for Lyttelton. \ FCKI.A NT), Si.t'o-day. Sailed ■ Sonoma 111.2(1 Friday nignti. tor S-.n 1 ranei.eo; Cm.nte:-s of Hanfurly. lor; C'ed. la land-: Somerset IO.Iu p.m., for We'ii.ig'an: W.iii.ika. for Hlnff. j Sailed Tnlune. for Southern port. 4 , i I’.. i ng.-rs for V. ellim'lmi - - Mi- 44 '' 4 Mar-' tin Vi-lii 4 -, Giffen.;. Greenup. Mrs Air.iM.est;. Hradtev. Jeffrey. CarmtliTS, Su'ii.'i. Dai is, Hickey. Hon Hiehardnon. Sunday. Arriied Manuka, from South; JeiMe Cr,.ii' and Alexander Craig, hannies. frr.m' New, a 4 lle; Vanhcl. thrce-tm'.sted -I'honner, from Friendly Islands, mid Niue: Mokoia (7 t'.m.). from Sydney. TKKOPURU. Salnrday. Sailcl Kamoua (8 n.mA. for MelLcu rise. NKW PLYMOUTH. Saturday. Arrived—Takapuna (1.30 a.m.i, from (In'dinnga. Sailed- Takapuna ( p.m.). for Onchunga (fonnectedj. WANGANUI, Saturday. Arrived—Pntiki (6 a.m.). from WcHingto"‘ HAST CAPE. Sunday. Wannka <l.3n p.m.) and Somerset i 2.21) p.rn.i, passed south: llanpiri (I.KJ p.m.). pfiyred north. NAPIER. Saturday. Sailed—Shirley Hassell (5 p.m.), for Gisborne. CASTI.KPOINT. Saturday. Arrived—Hiniitnngi (1.30 p.m.). from Wellington. BLENHEIM. Sunday. Arrived —Opawa (3 ’a.m.), and Blenheim (1 a.m.). from Wellington. NELSON., Sunday. Arrived—Waimii (3 a.m.), from PicIon: Arnhura (4.25 a.rn,). and Kennedy id a.m.i, from Wellington. Sailed —Arahura (5 a.m.). for Westport. GHEVMOUTH. Saturday. Sailed—Charier. Ert.vard (8.20 p.m.), for Miramar and Wellington. LYTTELTON. Saturday. Arrived—Kini (fi.lfl a.rn.). and Zcalandia (7.15 a.m.). from Wellington. Sunday. Arrived —Brisbane (3.10 a.m.), from Newi-ja-iJo: linden PoivoH (1.20 a.m.), from Wellington, vfa toast; Rotomabana (11.55 n.mA, from Wollington. .'.iilr I —Toron (12.10 n.m.), for Chatbum Islnndu. PGRT CHALMERS, Saturday. Arrived—Kaipara (TI.Ri a.m.). from London, H.M.S. PfomeUious, which arrived in the stream yesterday afternoon made two unaueccs-sful attempts to make fast to the man-o’-war bnov. but was hampered by the Htroiig northerly squalls which swept ncrow the harbour. The cruiser eventually dropped anchor to the eouthward of the buoy. The bnrqno Grari, having eompleled loading for Ixmdon. is at present in the Ktream, ready to s;iil llomewnrds. She has a cargo of 4131 bales of wool Cable advice has been received by the heal ngenL-i of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company that the Corinthic left Plymouth ou January Kith for Wellington via Capetown and Hobart. She is till - at Capetown about February 3rd, at Hobart, about February 22nd, and at Wellington about February 27th. The New Zealand and African Steamship Company’ll steamer Morayshire, which left Wellington on Saturday- evening for Port Chalmre is expected to pail from the latter peri, next Thursday for (Vest of England porbu. WIMMERA LEAVES SYDNEY. Messrs 11 odd art-Parker and Company's local fllice bos been advised by cable Hint the Wimmera lea Sydney at'l p.m. on Saturday for Wellington with 194 passengers for* New Zealand ports. The vessel has 510 tons of cargo for Wollington where she is duo early on Wednesday morning. The Wirnmerq, is to sail at -1 p.m. on Thursday for Southern ports, Hobart, and .Melbourne. OVERSEA "VESSELS FOB WELLINGTON. STEAMERS. Tokoraaru (duo about January 2Sth), sailed from London December 3rd, via Auckland. (Slmw, Savill). Ayrshire (duo about February 20lh), sailed from Liverpool December 11th. via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.) Somerset (duo this evening), sailed from Liverpool November Uth. via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.) C«|io Coreo (duo about January 30Ui). nailed from New York November 13tb, via Australia nud Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.). Star of Australia (duo about January 28th). sailed from London Novcmbcr27th via Australia. Auckland and Napier. (Tyser.) Aolca (duo about February 3rd), sailed from Plymouth December 18th. via Capetown and Hobart fShaw. Savill.) Corinthic (duo about February 27tb), sailed from Plymouth January I3th. via Cai-elown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill). Paparoa (duo about February 17th), sailed from Plymouth January Ist. via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.). Papantii (dim about March Ist), sailed" from London January 2nd via Capetown. Hobart and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) Perthshire (duo about March 10th), sailed from Now York December 31st. via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. CoA. Star of Scotland (due about March Ist), nailed from London December 26th, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser). Essex (due about March -ttlTi. sailed from Liverpool January 11th, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. CoA. SAILERS. Pharos, barque (S2 days out), palled film Liverpool November lei. (Johnston ami CoA Tillic K. Starlnick. ship (71 dnyo out), sailed from New York November 12th. Whangama. scow (11 days out), sailed from Port Macquarie January Ilth. Helen Denny, barque (2 days out), sailed from Adelaide January 20th.

h< n. M. Kim* Qmnier ... ;» u n.m. J’uil ... ... II ; 7 a. in. Lfi QiiaMer ... H H D :i, Hi. JN'f'V Menu ... :>'J a.m.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 4

Word Count

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 4