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a i;t ai:t A l£T AUT ART FURNITURE 1 i ! furniturei i i'l’ENirna;i! IURNJTURD ! ! AND HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE Como and Inspect our New Display of Art Furniture and House Decorat:cu. now on view H. FIELDER AND CO.’S. M A NNEKS ART ART AMT AMT AMT FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ] FURNITURE ; FUKNITUHE] TUBS ITU HE I STREET. HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE DECORATIONS ! ! DECORATIONS I I DECORATIONS I I DECORATIONS!I DECORATIONS I I Our SHOW WINDOWS are a SRKCIAE ATTRACTION Just Now. DECORATIONS I ’ DECORATIONS ! 1 DECORATIONS!! DECORATIONS 1 I DECORATIONS ! I ANDREWS & MANTHEL. CONSULTING. MECHANICAL. AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (Succvssocn to N EES AND SONS'. G 11 U Z. N E E S 1 R E E f. LARGE .Sleeks of Wood-Working Uachinetv. Engineers.' tools of over? dcseriplion. Racking, Beltings. Oils. Su«» (circular and baud;. EVERY DESCRIPTION Of REPAIRS EX ECU I'ED ON SHORTEST NOTICH. NOTE ADDRESS—ANDREWS AND MANTHEL, ENGINEERS AND MACHINERY MERCHANTS, *27 WELLINGTON. XATrANTED. 100 Old Cycles, any make t ' or condition; AS Ss n I lowed; price for NEW CYCLE, XlO Pis, or will allow S'j Gs DISUOUNi TOR CASH it no old CYCLE to bo taken in exchange. New Cycle, lady’s or gent’s, complete as follows, and sent on approval to any part of Hie colony, money returned if not approved of:—Free-wheel, New Departure Hub, Hack Pedalling Drake, front Rim-brake. Nickled Rims. Host Tyres. Brookes 11.10 Saddle, Mudguards, Lamp, Tools and Tool-bag. Pump ami Clips. Perry's Roller Chain, everything |of the very latest. 1 want tome I’rivato Agents, ladies or gentlemen; 1 also pllrposc making every rider an Agent, and doing away with Hi' Cycle Agent’s enormous profits. See them, examine them, talk about th-m. W. KEADE, 42a. Cuba street (upstairs). The Cyclist’* NEVER TEEN BEATEN Friend, and Cycle Agent s Enemy. IN N.Z.! w* a M mssm A FRIEND IN HEED. ELMSLIE L.F.. PUTS., E.T., SUHO„ GLASG.. L.S.A.. LOND. L.M., etc. (Registered by the Governments of Great Britain, New South Wale* and New Zealand.) No. 13, WELLINGTON TERRACE. WELLINGTON. mUIS Highly-Qualified Physician and Surgeon, from Hie Hospitals of Loudon . *l. I nrio. Las, by 25 years’ study and research become an expert ami specialist in the treatment of Chrome, Nervous. Blood. Skin, and the special diseases oi Men and Women. In h:a very successful treatmeul of (ho above class of cases, there in "No Experimenting and No Failures." Consultations are Ftoe to all, so that a friendly chat either personally or liy letter, costs nothing, and may save you Years of Misery and Suffering, so none need Despair." DON’T WORRY ANY LONGER as the ambitiom and joys of life will be restored to you and my treatment in cases of Kidney and Bladder Ditease:, Back-ache, Lumbago, Insomnia, Failing Memory, Specks before the eves. Giddiness, etc., braces up the system in all cases and RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. New Seientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the verv best nod purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Modern'd charges. Call and*see rno or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely language, and I will treat you with the strictest confidence.success and fairness. N.B.—Patients at any distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case. As liiv remedies are sent direct from Wellington, my patients save heavy Customs duties and avoid the inapection of packages. All correspondence is held sacredly confidential. Consultation hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. YOUNG MEN! If you aie suffering. or weak, or sod, call or write to Dr Elaielie. No. 13. Wellington Terraco, Wellington, as lu thoroughly understands your Troubles and their Causes. Ho guarantees a perfect cure in every case undertaken, or he will make no cnarge. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Consulting hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4. 7 to 8. LADIES I May consult Dr Elmslio at his Residence No. 13, Wellington Terrace. Wellington, from 10 to 12. 2 to 4. 7 to 8 daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and .whose uji-to-dnte Treatment gives the greatest satisfaction. Ladies’ Famous Corrective Tablets, ids (extra). 2!s post free. Guaranteed Safe and Reliable. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Call or write. SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CURJD AND MADE HAPPY. MY DEAR DOCTOR,—I have no hesitation whatever in saying "Yea" in reply to your totter received to-day, in which you aek me whether I am willing to let the public know the benefit I received at your hands. When I saw vou upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) I think I was in about as bad a state of misery and depression in both mind and body ns any human being could he; in fact T thought life was not worth living, and my future was a blank. I was an object of misery and despair. Well, 1 called upon yon. and you epoko some kind cheering words to me and pointed out the cause of all these troubles. and Hip grave character of the follies of my youth. You told me plainly and honestly that you could and would euro me, so that I should no > longer bo bashful and stupid in society, and could take my part and interest in the amusements and sports of others and have an ambition in my business. At first I thought your promise was too good to be true. lam thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. 1 have put on flesh and muscle mid have any amount of confidence in myself. lam perfectly healthy and quite happy and capable of enjoying myself as others do. and 1 don't move about bv mnclj and shun society. I earnestly recommend all inr fellow sufferers to pul their confidence in you ns your treatment is perfect and your charges are small.—l am. yours truly. LACHLAN CAMERON. Ladles’& Gent/s WATCHES fie CHAINS Birthday RINGS, Brooches. Curb CUailn Bracelets—FßEE, a Ssilid Cold Ladies’ or Cent.’s Uaich co*is Iroic Dori c throw your money awey, If j-ou want a wa'.di that will equal for lime’any solid gold watch made, s-nd hh your name and address m once, and we will stnuiyou ui curfamousw Lilt iitec* tine Vegetable Tills to fell at r- a box—a grand remedy and cure for all weak conditions of the Mood, kidney and liver trouble, a cure lor constipation and weak nervous disorders, a tonic and a life builder. Our pills arc genuine, and are carefully manufactured from ihc very best drugs. They are easy to sell. Send us your order at once, and we will send you the si boxes, postage paid. When sold you scud us our money. 8/-. and we will send you your prire. We are giving these watches and other pnxe* lo quickly «n----troduccour pilis, and when you receive your premium vre ask you to show it to your friends. Tin* »* a grand opr Ccala Free. Seed us your Name and Addrea* at * nee ELECTING MEDICINE CO. flit Xi V to K watca and

Half-tone and line ulocks.The best is cheapeet-We make lh< best. Comparison invited. Sketches submitted. Ide accuiulelv executed. ",\.X Times" Job Priuliiic Department. Teio phone JMo.

YOUP-’G !«<>k cmiM-nini; yoiiochen. Vr.u’ll Ue«« ti'rrtkv. !■-3 P-ul Raymond, <39 Eotirkc St. Melbourne. I A OI tZ O The remediesyou need In your earn hinds. Don’t consult doctor* or ohennsu. Isook posted tree. •e.led. It null tench you more than all the '<■ ' v «t« Paul Raymond, <3O Eonrito St., Melbourne. Suffering YOUNG MEN.-*";;™* once » ouffercr hhusdf. will trnd a remaikahl© cure for bc*> ish lolly free to anyone. Writ© Henry Marahaii. P.Q., £iu«betb Worth. Melbourne.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16