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■VX T’nKN the food is imperfectly dig'-stccJ, the full benefit is not ’ * derived from it by the body and the purpose of eating is defeated ; no matter how good the food or how carefully adapted to the wants of the body it may be. It tabes no great knowledge to know when one .'•as Indigestion, for some of the following aymtoms generally eiietConstipation, Sour Stomach, Variceblo Appetite, Headache, Jlcarlborn, Gas in the Stomach, Tim great point is to cure Indigestion, and this can be done only by taking a thoroughly safe and effective medicine like tPk US Blue Flag wwijiihuj It is pleasant to tho palate and works thoroughly anil evstemalicaily. It rouses the liver, cleanses the stomach, sharpens the appetite, and restores good health. CHEMISTS AND STORES, At 2/6 and 4/6 per bottle.

HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. ejmforting in alUjinf, es jrt wh3ro K, ‘ Couchs bean properly treated with tkia medicine. No house should bo without it, as, taken at tho beginning, a Consumption haa never . r doso is generally sufficient, a Complete Cure 11 certain. BEWARE OF COUGHS! REMEMBER THAT EVERT DISEASES HAS lIS COMMENCEMENT. AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS, ,Y sy-Viey Stock and Share Broker expresses Gratitude and Appre > Station of Hearna's Bronchitis Curo. It proved a Most Effective hemedy for a severe attack of Bronchitic. Hr W. G. Hearuo. Dear Sir.—X lately had a .ernre attack of Bronchitis, and. nciins on tlio advice of a friend, obtained a aupplr of Tour Bronchill. Care. I am pleased to Inform yon It haj proved a roost effective remedy, catislnir mo to feel gratefnl to you for furnl«hing hucli a valuable medicine to tho public. Hay you meet ■with the euccevs you »o well deaerve. I place till. oommanlcatlon at your service, mod remain. Hear Sir. Yonro faithfully, HENRY FRENCH, Stook and Share Broker, 93, Pitt street, Sydney. ASTHMA. A Five Years’ Case. At times very bad Indeed. Quickly and Completely Cured by Hoamo’s Bronchitis and Asthma Cura. Mr Iloarao. Dear Sir.—For fire or nix year* 1 waa troubled with asthma. at licora Tory bad Indeed. I wae very ill just after Christmas, so seat to the local chemist for a bottle ol your Bronchitij and Asthma Cure. I took the first dose on going to bed, and was not troubled that night. 1 finished the medicine, and have not had a touch of the asthma sine#. I tell everyone about It. M. KT7RIUT. Postmistress. Puapooloh. Manning Stiver. N.B.W. HAY ASTHMA. A Severe Attack Rollev&d In Tan Minutes by Houma's Bronchitis Cura. Tha offoct was wondan'ul. Mr W. G. Hcarae. Dear Sir.—About !ji r.’ 1 * wi'p’yi ago. while in tho vicinity of r.iu-ty chaff. I gradually felt a difficulty t“ hrealbe. My news began to run, and : i :•.*» i appearance I was developing a M.r. rir attack of Bronchitis or Asthma, \r luh I con Id stand It no longer. I then trlod your Bronchitis Core, and Its effect w.tA wonderful. in lews than tea minute* 1 was all right again. Such a result, and so quick, astounded me. This Is no exaggeration. I am pleased to say,—Toar* truly, 8. 11. MATO, Sf&TeHfclth. Victoria. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Sydney Reeldent”Suffered for Over Sixty Years. So bad ho dared not stir. Relieved In a few minutes by Hoarno’a Bronchitis Cure. Would give £SO for tho same benefit rather than suffer. Mr W. 0. Hcarnr. Boar Friend.—Chronlo Bronchitis I had Iroro birth, and 1 am now 66 year, old. Homo lime hack I contracted Asthma, and ror months I was so bad that any remedy that had previously relieved smothcrins was of no use to me. I was so bad that i dared not »Ur, and spent the worst niffht i. ever had. When in a conversation, Mr March, J.P., of Balmain. Sydney, kindly told mo that a friend of his was uslns yonr ■Bronchitis Core, and that it was good. So my sister bought me a bottle of it, and in a few minutes after taking the first dose I coaid breathe a little. Tho nest day I was better, and kept getting better every day. Today I am better than 1 have been for the last seven years. I took the medicine as directed, six bottles, and it coat BRONCHITIS. An Engllih Lady so 111 that the Doctor held out no hope. - Wat given Hearne's Bronchitis. Cure, and it effected a Complete Recovery. Mr Ucaroc. Dear Sir.—-Not long since. 1 had occasion to riait the Old Country, and before leaving Melbourne purchased a bottle of Ucarne'a Bronchitis Cure, which l took with tao- When I arrived In Leeds. 1 found that my niece, Ml«s C. Matthews, waa suffering from a very severe attack of Bronchitis, In fact, she was so bad that tho family doctor held out no hope for her recovery. She was then given Ucame s Bronchitis Cure, according to tho direction on tho label, and I am very pleaded to say that it effected a complete cure. B. J. MATTHEWS. C/o Allan and Co., Collins st„ Melbourne. CONSUMPTION. Patient Recovering, Mr W. Q. Hcarne. Dear Sir.—We purchased some time ago 12 bottlee of yonr _ Bronchitis Core, and can unhesitatingly me less than £l. 1 would give £SO for the ! gay that it has given great relief from the »,ame benefit rather than suffer as I did. t intolerable throat irritation that my Please make what use of this letter you daughter experienced. Previou think fit- If by so doing It wonld only cause one to got rid of this fearful com plaint.—Tours faithfully. WILLIAM CAJrnAM. ICO. Curtis road. Balmain, Sydney. HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CUBE. Ita Efficacy In Cheat Complaints Testified to by a Grateful Victorian. Mr W. O. Hearse. Doar Sir.—l have much pleasure In adding my testimony In praise of yonr invaluable Bronchitis Cure. I have used it for the last three or four years, and Ita efficacy I have fully proved In common colds, severe colds, croupy coughs. arid other similar cheat complainta, 1 nave given it to infante a few weeks old* young children and adults of all ages, and have never known It to fall in relieving at once, and rapidly effecting a euro with a few dosos. I have recommended it to many of my friends, and they have fully proved its wonderful curative properties. I feci very grateful to you for a chest medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to bo available to any due. Trusting its present popularity and soles will bo doubled. I am. yours very gratefully. EDWABD JONES. Mount Bruno, Mokoan. via Olenrowan. Victoria. tho Bronchitis Cure she would have two or three attacks nightly, but now she can slftop through the night, and on wakening simply clears her throat from phlegm. She had a slight attack of Consumption, but seems to bo recovering, though of course slowly.—Tours gratefully. Ct. MACKIE. Kalmata, Taranaki, New Zealand. broncho-pneumonia. Two Severn Cases ' Cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, Mr W. G. Hcarne. Dear Sir.—Kindly forward without delay another small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. Tho bottle I had from you has cured two of my children, but I do not feel safe without it In the houao. I have also recommended it to my friends. I lost a flue little girl, three years of age. from Infiuenaa and Bronchopneumonia. I really believe if I had hod yonr medicine my child not hare died, for the other two. a boy five years old. and a baby eight months old. were suffering exactly In the same way. and It acted like magic on them; in fact, a •mall bottlefui cured both of them: so trusting you will forward it without delay,—l am, jouni. most gratefully, (Mrs E. D. WARD. Cassilia, via Swift’s Creek. Oippsland, Vic. NINE MONTHS* SUFFERING. Relieved by one dose of Hearne'o Bronchitis Cure, and Cured by two bottlen. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my testimony to tho wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for nine months, ami tho cough was so distressingly bad at nights X was obliged to get up and sit by tho Are. I had medical advice, and tried other remedies, without avail. I tried yours, and never had a fit of coughing alter taking tho first dose, and though I have had but two bottles. I feel I am a different man, and the cough has vanished. You may depend upon my making known the cfilcacy of your wonderful remedy to anyone I ate afflicted.— Youra faithfully, JAMES ASTBUKT, Dcrgholm, Mctoria. ASTHMA 25 YEARS. Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. O. Hcarne. Dear Sir.—l bars been a martyr to Asthma for about 25 years, and have tried almost all known remedies for the complaint. and bars boon, under tho treatment of leading throughout the Australian State?. I determined to try no more, but lei nature take its course. Two years ago 1 was asked to try your Asthma Cure, but laughed at the idea. However, by tho persuasion of a very old friend, three weeks ago I commenced the first bottle of your treatment. Almost immediately I found that I had made a mistake by not taking it before. I* am now about halfway through tho second bottle, and so much do 1 feci relieved that I take this opportunity of sending this testimonial along for you to make whatever use you may think fit. I intend continuing your treatment, and 1 trust that before 1 have finished tho third bottle I shall be able to write to you that I am perfectly cured, i am pleased to say the effect has been wonderful,—Your* very gratefully, PHIL HAKJL 33. Camden st.. Balaclava, Victoria. ASTHMA. A Sufferer 73 Years of Age Cured by Hcarno's Bronchitis Curs Mr Hoarne. Chemist. Bir.—l am thankful to say that the znedi. cine you sent for Asthma ban had a wonderful effect. I have not taken all tha Bronchitis Cure, a* I did not need it-, therefore I scad you my hearty good wishes for ronr future success. I myself will, for the benefit of others, make it known to all I know. I am 73 years of age. —Yours truly. JOHN BEAT, Alliance street. Clones. Victoria. HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Barge Size, 3s. 6d. Sold by Chemist* and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. 6. HEARUfi, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Nsw Zealand Branch Office No. 11, First Fleer, HUME’S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 16