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| .;„d f' . nninv, Ltd.. AVeirl i,l. • n .oln- ■! bv table L'.inlt n 1 l!i'". r slat--1„ a, 1,,:!. W—l V ' 1 iV,r. ‘'.'iml' "e’etby ,t ..f . : :. iy. i/iir iihicUv, Vi STKRDAY S V.'OI/1., r-KIN, AM) HIDK SALFri. Muriav, Rnb.Tts ami Cn. H'lm.i". ;i----folb.v.'s; ■ We, o:i.'.;i,d a c.f ab.-gie* 01 0. mhbm'ii’.s tu woi.J, ami about t'Dlnt ,ki;i-. I’,-uc:, were firm, ami all S •.•.■ere quit ltd at late r.tff... Pries e nile:l i.s uiklo.-;—Wttt! CTir-sbretl, n..-litim, S; 1 1 to 't'.t! !•*■(' Ilf. lamb', goal, clean, ltd !<• 'l()d' pi.-ee-, b.-ilies, metlimn. Ml-! It. !t|; i'l'.. br.'d. d.-ad ami liilerior. 7ld to s<i : chon I" '(narter«tails, i.i-l to .-d: l.mii.s. *1 to KJd i pelt-. 111 y. U I" tM each. I'ahtety ml (,’ mparr.'. L.d.. AAellingtin, bave riivni'i t-'e .olb.wnig c.ibU 1 - graa.s tin ir l-melmi ofiice, tlate.l till. nib ill- am : I '■ a: ’ • :' Market 1.;. Ue e.'.ps-i lower Jirii-.t-. Total iniporio m butler im.. :he Fnited King-iom ter tin' iv.vk ending l.'tib m--1.-in 1 aii;i.utit.d It. *l,l)'m cat, as Mil1, 1 j-,i v. nn t tor the corre.s----i. .inltiig p. ritnl of year. The ( - -j i 11 is.i■ 11 ollii'ial ijmituiinn is six AVe uoi .<; —A u.*st raiian 'finest, 1 110 s to 11-J:. Tli.. market 1. d,.pro-ed. and puces m.i.v d'-cline lurthcr 1 empi-rarily, but we expeet a better <1 euiami later, pi.visibly. Fro/.-ui m-,-.;!.--.Market very dull. Frown mu' toil— Prices are linn. Fmr.ei! lamb Prnvs are rat iter lower. New Zeal. 11. 1 inmen beef--Negle-eteel. D.iliu-lv ami Company, Limited, report:— < 'alalugu.-K from all brokers were smaller than usual. Pries for wix>i and i.'kiiLS -.vere firm ;;t late market rates, ami hid,vs .how,-A an advance of fully 'd per lb. We quote n-s follows: —Wool—Only ’ bag lots and oddments otfere.i. Cmabretl fb-ece, 7J« to b,’<i; dingy 11.-ece, 7d to 7ld ; good lambs, SM; ti.-a.l, 7id to BJd; bellies, ■ t.i to (id: leeks am! stained pieces, lip! to Id. Sheepskins—Wry few good lines offering. Good pelts, 2Ls lUd to 3s 31: ti.'.magtsl. 2s -Id to 2s Jld; lambs, 3d to S'.d: cro.-rd.r, ( |. 81.1 to ltd; Jioggets, 7d to S{.l ; dcatl anti damaged, l-ld to 7jd. Hides—,\i> heavy olfcnng. Aletliiim ox. did to did: inferior os. dti to ojd : imxliiiin cows, d]<l to djd I slippy cows, litl to l|d; yearlings, bjd to -did: calf-skins, bid to 7<i : calt-sJuns, cut and damaged, bftl to bid; goap-ekins. Is to Is 7d each. 1 he Now Zealand Loan ami Alercan'i!e Agency Co. report;—AA’o qiioto:— Ccai-so cro.sbr.-d to H;.l; pelts. 7d to hi: dead skins am! damaged, from did to 7ill; lamh-skins, Tjd to bid ]>er lb; green jants. from 2s to 3- 3d; shorn lamb pelts. Is to Is 3d each. Hides—- • Sound cow, did to dj'd: ox, from did I to bd: cut and slipipy hides, from 3d ♦o di- 1 ■ calf-skins, .sound, from Oil to ’• d M’’ l ; and daiiiage.l, 3id to dpi per Jo. 1 allowin .shipping contiit:ou e.p to 21.- !V1; tins, from lbs ltd to 18s 3d. llor.-;e-!ta;r. from Is 7d to 2s :i:l [x-r lb, Fjinr axo PRonrcK .aiarkicts. RBVIEAV FOR THE WEEK. A very large quantity of fruit has rcachctl tho lotxil market during tho past week, and had it not been for tho exceptionally lino weather which has prevailed a general .sluggishness would have resulted. As it was, however, tho market IT. ponded well to tho lingo quantities winch it had to face. From Fiji alone just upon 12,000. bunches and cases of bananas camo down, but as this quantity was altogether outside of what the trade needed, anything like high rates was out of the question. As Fiji, however, had to find a market somewhere for its crops, the New Zealand cities were accordingly deluged with shipments of tropical fruits. So far as local summer fruits aro concerned, the demand has been generally very keen, and there i-s every prospect of it keeping up. Plums have been in far heavier ennplv, but they have quitted ar. very payable rates. Some of tho finest varieties aro now arriving from Auckland and round about. Poaches have boon in particularly good demand, due to shortage of supplies. Tomatoes have also had tho keenest, inquiries. AA’o hoar that tho attention paid to spraying of npphs and pears in tho North has had tho welcome result of good yields promising to those who took the trouble in question. Tho codlin moth pest is having tho oaro of the authorities, as they will not permit fruit found infected with tho disease to bo auctioned. It conscqucntlv bcheces growers to see that they do not pack apples or pears so affected. Supplies of Sydnov fruits have fallen oil considerably, ttio bulk forward comprising cherries, which still remain in' a state of glut. Xelson district appears to be the worst off for crops this season ; supplies from other sources being particularly large. Although tiie Wellington market is noted for tho huge volume of fruit it can absorb, tho industry round about that city is not taken up as it should be. Growers at a distance have in sorao cares to face double steamer freight, railage, etc., and yet they find, unless a glut is ruling, prices are satisfactory. The opportunities which offer for near-at-hnnd oreh.irdists warrant their making inquiries ns to tho prospects of marketing in Wellington, particularly as they have not the many incidental expenses to havo to account for. Summing up tho prospects for peaches, plums, apples, pears, and particularly apricots, are highly gratifying during the ensuing week or two. Grains ami strawberries will maintain the same prices ns they have been ruling at lately. Nectarines just corning on are commanding extreme figures. Raspberries remain in good demand, but supplied will shortly cease. Importations of American fruits consist'd of a large quantity of Califorian oranges and lemons, and for these there in rather a quiet tone in tho wholesale markets, due to the largo shipment to hand. ATIGHTABLES. Supplies have been equal to requirements. French beans are realising capital rates. Peas have advanced in value. Cauliflowers and cabbages aro in good request, and marrows, turnips, and carrots are wanted in larger quantities. Rhubarb and asparagus are just about exhausted, and only nominal raten have been ruling. Tito outlook is distinctly good. Cucumbers and lettuce are in excellent inquiry. Produce. —With largely inerraned marketings during the week the potato

n;arl;<'t ka declin'd t’> the exient. of 2. to 3- on la-t quotation-, v.'i'h pro.d.ui' V. A.i. t I'.'iha i- now ai.-vm*. to unload her crop-- here, and u riles rule on that -id" at noiic.-utl figures a like effect v. ill lie tell, in re.-pect of New /'■aland yi'-u n. The..- is m. change to report m tli - onion market. Loral in.ilk.'ll, -Mill ;<r.) looking mr Mlppliln. 1... in v- Li'li ha- 1 quoting at h,w rate.. A-. however, Sydney i- I (irnm' i.eiiig to inquire in a very large iv.iv I-.r its own loi-al grown, a r. he inierred that the market in Australia vi!l .-how a strong.') tendency, and a better advent will tgiven to he.l new seahOiTs kiippliu,. wl'.iell Hi.' now sbolti.v due Oil lies 10.11 i;et. Onion.-, m this colony are a till ■miiltv iai' - . and lh:s is ino-t unbrrt--mile, as doting Dereml.ei , when they ero ilo a rule available them is always a keen Tuq’liry. GRAIN. So far as wheat in the .South is con- ■ crc'.d, then; L very little busimt-s doing. I loldetv ideas i.i respect of milling are above what mil'ers ate willing to operate at. Gat- ere being rapidly cleared out ol s'-iek hi the same territory in anticipation of new season’s being available at this monthend. Canterbury crops I'etieraily are backward. Wheat -This is ruling at 3,7 d to 3., JOd per bushel. Oats—- . Market iveaker; holders aro anxious to quit; current value, 2.s 7d to 2s 8d per bushel. ('half—Large quantities of old are offering. Choice 90s to O.'is, Rood 80- t.» 37s lid. interior £2 to JUL No new scaeoti’s yet availahle. PKODL'CE. Rut tor—The market is firm at 8.1 to B]d for prime bulk, medium 7d. and ready .sales are r. unit mg. Fresh eggs —A stronger tone is prevailing. The best brands rule at the higher figures, lid to Is Id per dozen. Poultry—--Market sluggish, [feus 3s per pair, .voting 100-ters -I, to o.>, ducks Ik C„i to os (Id. Maize, (s -Sd to -Is 9d per Intshel. Hace.n and hams—Factory, sides #.i, rolls Bd. hams 7|d per lb. Cheese—Rest factory. W.l per Ih. Fungus, Id [>cr lb. Blue pens, -Is Gd per bushed. COMMERCIAL CARLKS.MIMS ASSOCIATION. LONDON, January 18. At the wool sales the following wore tho average price* realised for the fl.t-oo portions of tint clips named:— Poukawa, 12NI per Ih: Rclalil, 22|d. A\ heat.—l3,oo!) quarters Australian, January shipment, liavc been sold at 32s per quarter Lead, JjilJ 10s per ton.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 9

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FRANCE AND TRADE. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 9

FRANCE AND TRADE. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 9