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SOSS 'DECT’ •■oiJ.I -piO'i | rOSIW] !U||ll 0.11)311.1)111 (-11« WIOpOWI | *p»aio<M-»i»AO» Ifinq J[.iwo !(j«oqu) I OTI * <H! pu«n - (IVOH 111 l .q V\-1.1, I ear. 'ow -o-m-m •ofln»u«ui v>->,i on I tnoH3»s—ooiM.iO) ‘MIXIUM’ItM I ear •woiim.i].) paofl Moo|| ,iuo wo | •1111)3 )jn Mouoii IWIWOOJ-: -V..MI loyl I I OU puc' O|.A-iO*AVa (IXVISII 18tr 'WHO) ruiAlM] ‘1 ,1011.110 m ‘SBCT A’|UO 0A1.1,1 •JDp.lO 100;.loil I ai 'wjui ’jocMoo • i| unj Vmocu' 9 ;o rmi S -x.\\CU„\\3X toss '•’■•' M "Ht! 9 il flA ,)» oi-in .mo-UUUiVH ■looi jo.i -a nr •Muj -ipw ).w,i cir a <:c ■3wc.ii.ioq 00.-n.inr .m* viif •;i.\Tu,:i < i ■ipo.l o: .T -|I3'..T -0 >1.1,1 -IMHO KIIO.VUOJ A AO AO *.131101] [; )]llMj . -A|AI.)II !|p>*l A )I||C- put:] 1 AIAIA 1H.1.A 1 -gin Minn •|wnm l K IH.U-K.WO.I.SIJCIV.V\ I Sa“ *5 ET '"i-M -WSSI 5 «!» 038 nmrj«.\-‘tpini 1111’U mu ! V. 1.1.1 !I ISfZ ■1101)«31!tllUl HO 0.1U.t -pilU] 10 OAOHI •3JH| UO •-3-n.»i •'■H'l.l AV.U’I :ui.vt3 s>::r -o.n.i.t -aunnio'i ’"--•‘■i 0) poppll OC| ipluoi].) pill- All3llO Wit.) «I<m;-> V’ 'ofit <Jim' fill iiioqi* ii■ in; a;|:iii! ;m; pur !]■>" ‘.Mini] p.-imn.i-ji •j.iwi x ec ni»v" finiii ■■Mi-* scjtn.mi poos ‘3HWOm iiii'ij...]., ;u \;i jin • }i ■ j.a7n! •,« nai"‘.l,umiu n.'xvan oar ’Eic.r *33].i,i •]>() snr. 'iuoji *aS«)Hoj.i iisr wo *suiow m»AOs-j,:iaiixS X OS AXXMX nsir ■oe-.t *««,( -a'hooav snt o) =oi; wioij 1103033 )9W] )3T OWII) ]]W JO] poop At] p 0.111.103 tnai.l 10)W.ll I])].!! ‘IIIIIA ]>.»i]3iwjuj poiwooj-i; -loot 591 X K woi)003 iowjoo ■pwoj ninic—lVXKl.'U? 'GOUT '3011,1 ’OKI X gs: paw] lopwot] poiwooj-owix-Wfl MVXXMiaO v'.sir •05CT '.IOUiI 'sm- □ I 3OG )w SIO-J -qiISM .13)WAV I]]IAV *U[ -]]A p .u]a] powioo-i-t* ‘Mfi] X Gi) pint] •(1101)0.13 Jow.iooi pww HIWK-IVJ,I!I.IK finer ■wouwiipT -an no iouj ’«:o3niuo.jr o.v\i ‘hoiki^ .ill, ip ‘siwoo-i XH3JIXS xoxia inwr 'sir-r •■»■■>?i,i -orwitiou linn -wot) -.K33 O.IOW-5 *)0A113 w.i]>wwx.>iv —HVltVailV llicr ‘OCGT •■.■Mll,>U£.>AUr>.> IMApoitl M.vtrq p * U II! A pv'inoo.l -p .wait Vnoij -O.W iww.i) Oi o-i'M-MixaiiniM ■tioni-Ai],l,lc wo ooii,l •pioqooj; ;pon] iiii'.im.a-j;]-] ;j ,].^- X m.i.s pn« xnaaxs aoxvTivjr ’.i.vuiq Idmojii oi iITMq.I >» )■>] -.otucKX! s'-x;i:raxs anna «nr 'n'xiT *oou ( i ■ioi 11 '>A 3OSHOI] r-xaaa.ix vsi.i.i xxo •notiWAtjiidn tio - n*«l *. £urAK.'d .i-mi.wq i aorid )W -aods jwoj)-aova,l .\v.\:rxa.)io XAioxujs' 'xaaaxs vrevxva s -03 V TinaXHIlX *H HVmiM

TUESDAY. 30th JANUARY. 1006, At 2.30 p.m. ISLAND BAY. 19 SECTIONS 19 Sihmtdnl on CLYDE STREET. BRIGHTON' STREET.. LI FEE V STREET. Absolutely tho pick of WoliiUßlou'b mc«?t I‘opnlar Seabido Suburb. Tho Sunny Side of the Parade I Splendid Corner Business Sltca I Fine Residential Sites I Sunny Aspect. Good Soil. Level and Sloping Sections. ONE MINUTE FROM 'TRAM ! CLOSE TO BEACH. Messrs william h. TURNBULL AND CO. will soil nt their auction rooms, 3. I’niinmn street, an al>ovo. on tho following terms: 10 jior cent, deposit. Id per cent, in SIX Moulin*. II) per ccih. in TWELVE Months. Interest on unpaid purchase money, ,5 per cent. Balance in two years. Sale Board/, on tho property. Each Section Pegged and flagged. WILLIAM H. TURNBULL A CO., Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 80th JANUARY, 1006. At 2.30 p.m. MOUNT PLEASANT, M ITCH ELLTO WN. Allotment numbered 3 on the Plan of Mitchelltown, having a frontage of 331 t with a depth of 120 ft. together with the 4-roomcd house, washhouse, ami conveniences erected thereon. Tho. house is occupied by the owner. Messrs william" h. turnbull AND CO. will sell by public auction. as above, in their rooms, 3, Panama street. Terms and cards to view on npplicaWXLLIAM H. TURNBULL AND CO.. 283 Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY. 1900, At 2.30 P.m. ISLAND BAY. 2 EXCELLENT BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. 2 LOT 1 Allotment numbered H, part of Section 583, having a frontage of 40ft to Adelaide road. Inland Bay, with a depth of 120 ft. Tho section adjoins Mr Ayres's property. TITLE LAND TRANSFER. LOT 2 Allotment part of Section 112. on D.P. 813. area 20 porches, having a frontage of 33ft to Clyde street with a depth of 165 ft. Messrs william h. turnbull AND CO. will sell, as above, in 1 their auction rooms, 3, Panama street. Terms, etc., on application. 1 Sale Boards on the property. 1 WILLIAM H. TURNBULL AND CO.. 281 Auctioneers. | MIRAMAR! MIRAMAR? TRAMS FOR MIRAMAR. OWN A SECTION AT MIRAMAR. IF you own a nice slice of MIRAMAR—- ! in other words, a i-acrc Miction in i that beautiful and progressive suburb—you will own something worth while. It . will increase in value not only as tho I years and months pass by, but ns the ! weeks pass by, for tbo great tram scheme j . now under way, and tho active and progressive spirits behind MIRAMAR’S growth, moan but one thing, and that is • A CONSTANT AND RAPID RISE IN LAND VALUES IN MIRAMAR. j Write or call for our Price List of the] best lots that arc olierod by us in this ’ district. EAST AND EAS T, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, Lambton quay. 'Phone 1917. TDORNDON—VERY EASY TERMS. TTSTE ore building for Sole one 91 1 roomed Villa, and have several level building Sections, in good sunny locality, opposite Botanical Gardens; city water and drainage. We will build to suit clients: small deposit; balance by monthly payments. John Odlin and Co.. Ltd., care C. nm) A. Odlin. Timber Merchants. Jervois quay. FOR PRIVATE SALE. THE Imported Roan Shorthorn Bull " Sir Oswald,’' 4J years old, extended pedigree and full particulars on application to ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS. LTD-. 30 Palmerston North.

Oaucouut .t co* AUCTIONEERS. SHAREBROKERS, LAND AXU DOUSE AGENTS, Corner of Eaniblon quay aud Panama et, Wellington. ROXBURGH STREET - Large retidence, containing nine; plftsleriil nails, may requirement; land 661: iroiilage. I'liu* alia), Gt>Vt TARANAKI Silllalr (Ijia-iiHsr, position) Splendid shop site; land -itijfl x blit. Puce oiilv 3XIO It. Bargain. 87-JA Ji ANSi)\ STREET (elevated position)— Earn! lull x liiitt; ideal residence, ■J large and lolly room*. one floor, gas tin ouglioui, ground nicely laid ant. Price fit! 16 SEATtIUN iii ill;:, ale wharf) New .> roomed Villa, well brushed, largo section. IT ice A i.Mj; also level iiuiiding AHoltnciu at JXi it. 67QS TASMAN STREET Superior new resilience, S roan.a, all specially well llru ivh.'d, uninterrupted view. IT ICO -i-Tijjd. 6373 BRiiOivEVN (close to Post Office) —l i \\v rnomeil Dwelling, with usual conveniences; laud fuft v 17,011. .Price 31600. Also Section. foil x ijult. Price 37275. 67fii NEWTOWN PARK (close to) - Wellfinished House, containing 7 rooms. 2 hay windows, and all requirements; land 50!t x IWlt; splendid position. Price 3675. 6703 CUBA STREET (off). Two 8-roomed Dwellings; good position; let at .£3 per week. Price. .£1856. Good prospective investment. 6150 CAM BRIDGE TERRACE (off) Sixroomed House, having bathroom, gas. scullery, workshop, etc. Price 3700. 6725 OWEN STREET - Well-built 5-roomed Villa, having every possible convenience; laud 31ft x DO! t. Price .£BOO. • 6720 HORNER STREET - Modern, 6-roomed verandah Dwelling, bathroom, b and c wutcr. tiled hearths and grates, etc. Price 3675. 3150 cash. 6103 15,006 Acres—Part freehold, part leasehold, all more or Ires in grass; wall fenced and subdivided into 30 subdi. (visions; plenty of water. Long leasee; iow rents. Now carrying 10,000 shoe® and lambs, besides numbers of cattle; capable of carrying double this num. her when further improved. Good buildings. Price 3:16,000, including stock, plant, e(c. Terms arranged. 500 Acres—3so acres grassed, rest bttaht 5 paddocks, mixed flat, undulating and .bill land; will carry 21 sheep per acre; part 0.K.P.. part L.X.P. Now 4toomed house, milk room, woolshed, sheep yards. Stock, 800 sheep and 120 cattle. Price, 33500; 31000 can remain. 617 S 273 Acres—All in grasses. 8 paddocks; 60 acres flat. 50 acres billy, rest undulating. AH good sheep country. Stock--250 sheep. 100 bead cattle;- 3-roomed cottage, woolshed, sheep yards, orch- ' ard. Metal road, 6 miles railway, 3 mile* ochool and creamery. Price, .£lO per acre. Terms, .£7OO cash, balance 5 years. 6173 PISH AND OYSTER RESTAURANT— Shop, dining-room, kitchen, and 3 rooms; rent 355. Turnover averages .£2O per week nil year round. Price, .£l3O, everything. A real bargain. FRUIT. CONFECTIONERY'. TEA. AND LUNCHEON ROOMS—Large country town; shop and 2 rooms; rent A 3; good lease; good trade. Price £W>. MAGNIFICENT MILLING BUSH. 5000 ACRES. THE FINEST BLOCK Of COMPACT BUSH LAND PROCURABLE. AVAILABLE MILLING TIMBER; 36,000,0t10ft. THE facilities (or handling arc very good, as tin- whole block of timber can be worked from One Mill, whilst the distance from the Railway is but 5J miles over tairly easy road and country. Detailed reports by well-known experta available on application. PRICE. 3:17.000. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Apply to IIARCOURT AND CO.. Harcourt’s Buildings, Lambton quay, 524 Wellington. FURNITURE AND GOODWILL OF BOARDINGHOUSE FOR SALE. IyiTESSRS LAERY AND CO., LTD, i have for private sole, under inlet ructions from Mrs Andrew’* trustees. ■ Boardinghouse known ns LINDON, No. j 23. Dixon street, as a going concern—j ELEVEN PERMANENT BOARDERS | Full particulars on application to 1 LAERY AND CO., LTD., j 115 Jcrvois quay. Apply at once. P.O. BOX 13, I’TCTON. WE PRINT—YO if PROsrau-Ali v* clarres of Commercial Printing promptly cxeeuled in up-to-date style. “New Zealand Time’’ Job Printing Department. Telephone 1015.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 8