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kVVHb Mllkr ■»»*«••• A “record" attendance is anticipated at Trentlmm this afternoon, on thu Oceanian of tho inaugural mooting taking plnco on tlie now ground of thn Wellington Racing Club. From tho country districts and from distant parts of tho colony a largo number of visitors Imvo arrived in town, with a view to being prewant at the races. With every prospect of line weather, a brilliant assemblage and good sport are to be expected. The railway arrangements for the safe and rapid traiu-jKirl, of the crowds of plcaourc-fieekers veil! doubtless prove adequate to requirements. HALS. Powerful, the new flagship ot tho Australasian Squadron, is to arrive at Wellington on February 7th. at Lyttelton on tho 17th, and will then proceed to Auckland. Mr Jitriss. who is well known in Wellington as a gymnastic instructor, baa invented a new apparatus for rapid signalling or. shore or at sea. Tho invention is well thought of by experts who have looked into the matter, and a syndicate is in course of formation to take out paUmta in countries where tho invention will be most valuable. It is reported that oats crops in tho North Canterbury district are ripening quickie, and harvesting has been commenced. The crops arc somewhat light, with an average of from twenty-five to thirtv bushels per acre. The wheat crop is ripening in patchy fashion, and the straw is shorter than usual. Some of the fields promise to yield forty bushels per acre. There is very little brn-ley to be recn. The gram crops pave been g>od. and the hay harvetft in a satisfactory one. A slab cf rough greenstone^ weigh, ing twcuty-one pounds, was, on Tmfiday Inst, deposited in a Greytown jewellers shoo by a number of natives, of whom three "ere women, two part-owners. According to their story, the (gone has a history. It came trom the South Island over thirty years ago, and wua buried on the file of Tamabairs boutc, at Tableland*, till Tuesday, when it was unearthed. The two wahines now require a fair division of the heirloom, and orders have been given to cut thu stono into equal portions. The owners aio Mrs Kahn and Mrs Richard Pa burn. Messrs If. lunis-, F. Bedford, A., It. Cooper, and A. CV'.’m.-. -..b0 ''fro declared to bo cheted as a- Board_ of Conciliation under the statutes affecting labour disputes in the colony, have as yet been uuablo to agree in too matter of the appointment ol :• chairman, who, under tho act, must be selected from outside the membs: s of tho Board. The gentlemen nanus! mil meet again on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, and then, if they are still unable to agree, tho Registrar. Mr W. A. il-.wkins, will report to tho Government, and tho Go vemor-i n-Cou nci 1 will appoint a chairman. Lecturing at Mnngatoinoka on I>i«o»MSS in Cattle, ■’ tho Chief Government Veterinarian said that instead of thews being too many stock inspectors, tho number, in his opinion, warn insufficient. They wanted men thoroughly qualified for the work, from practical experience, to .puss tho necessary examinations proving their theoretical knowledge to bo adequate. Ho advocated an (amalgamation of groups of dairy factories obtaining milk supply from bOX) to 8000 cowe to secure tho sole services of an inspector. It would pay the farmers to bear half the cost, at"Cd per cow, tho Government, contributing the other half. There was, bo feared, too great a disposition tc put the whole onus on to the Government, instead of tho farmtrs being more, .‘< Pale, nervous women with llttls strength and failing appetite are “ t,iol ‘ l j those' who receive the greatest Oenefit from Stearns' Wine, the ma'cMess toi.i - and strength rcstoicr. Iry it. la

f>v*. int: iri pnv>;un* of ;u]v/?n t, -j'i.iijtity of jw.vs in.h: ls ,»• ! ran forn-rl Kj !J or ? i>• * j»r« - ■fill i-w-M*. Tho items in tint.: i<>-mrimi.. -I-T-am:.* ;m'i 'll " '*.-?pnrt *’ 1 r> o\ live.'" *■ Ax *■ UTmuti f 'ivili:*-’!.'' nn-! mi- * Tin. oil »■« of tho I lon. ('. H. M;l!.s Minister for is now in tin- n> Wy.’ *■; lo<> •j.nuy. A very liao wirvM Mioni Lnrne hu-s Imi*h pimAi.uHfyl in t.ho Am hhiml Ahtru't hy Mr \V. 11 Bee th-trn, of Man *-non F who int-frnl'i to it- on i h*- )!r;in*e'i h tfetate. Tin* Woolston li.iiul, v.lnrn ! ■ on i'tway to tlii- Hawera band con'"'*. _wM play to-morrow afternoon at me Reserve. The ■'!<■«» ” ell'l •>;:■ '■'.l'! be played. A r r>l|.M-tion will )»■ m "!•■. h-ni tlii' proceeds going to 'ln- foi-M ho'.p!ml. l u'it evening I V» jtii I’almerri on. loiiyeying lo ih*‘ I.o*' TIM-'* n/. .<■ Trentliam i"-diy. A men; m-m w- ’ r J. St. >.i P-du" :-' •>« N-r. h. am! Mr (’hark ■ Oh- vain.- . J'""’--Wuin.-auul. The Marine IVpar.ment lion inHiwi,M ti „. rue,:,.,. ~l!i.vr .a PaUa m !><»«• „n inquiry into the ,-iri‘.in-*lam«. Ml-n.-cuil v illi the grounding ol the •itoiuiwr Kapili a- Pntea mi .Sunday, fna-ember . Ti..- date e: tin- inquiry ha* not >"t been fixed. For milk i-aipphcM *lurintr. December the Tiiiori und Peninsula ( ompany paid, •.in iiur.HJH. ruder the Mi;h rvt«.oii ot I>r Tntby Kin«. the company will a* otii'o irerlal a plant lor Iho maiiulacluro or luniiur.i.-i "I milk. Tin* u “ n imi>i)rlunt doji iilijn-, und ilio i(,'".pany v, Ih” find to take rup v-riou .ly. A typical South African view oi the 1 till ne-e q't" :mi hi - h. olj lorn .lid, i! Ui •i , hy u ronvlinden' in 1 in- shape ni u (ii.-t tiro jm-u-ourii. njuiii whioh aio • 1.'.y0 K illiiv-. i"i'|ui''i;oly ilrto.'o.l in tonni- 0.-inMii. u piml’onl ly noh, idle, und ’...■!! ( oil * i’*i *' d with Un-ir loi. i ndrnn.iiii i’ v.riTVon " liy ilio i tii|;,l;l> litliii. tl> VMiljt,h Alnou. piialo-.. ha.-, h m n’,v<!iii;4 atoadiiy mr n'lno w.vk., p-n-t. Tho rtilim; Jiricv in-day i> Irom To to I'A j,.r ton lor r.i.'-il Illinl ji/iiloru. Tim lev! ii’avlio’ i. Ijoinj; inlciiuutoly ‘.ii|il>lml iriim dilioroiit Jiluo-. ulonit tlio Miiini'.yat ii lino, Nol.-oti, Mot iiolta, and juiiuil iiuanlit it ■ Itotu !lloiil:>*in'.OnionK, ivliifli iv;.fu.d .melt piioiioiuonul prici'a Niiii.i two or ilnw montlio hack, UIIIV not'.- 11 1 J.uivh.iood at normal pri'- .s (i-oin To to I'd 10a por ton. Australian supplies uro .-till ooming to hunt!, und l!u;-o uro l«>ing .-.npplonu-iilyd l*y early linos from Anekliuid. According to a notico just L-sued by Un< authorities of tho Xt-.y Zealand Intornatknnd K.vliiliitiou. tho Shaw, Savill and Albion Conijiany and the Now Ze.i.l Company have agreed to ciirry exhibits Irani Condon on,i way Iroo of ch.irge, ami tin. I nion .Steam Ship Company and ILuddarl, I'nrltor ami Coinjiany have agreed to oxt-eml the same eontsv-sioiui lo exhibits i'mrn Melbourne, Sydney, and Tasmania. Tho total charge for transport from the whip.-’ slings at Lyttelton to Clio M’diibilioii grounds, including wharfage, railage, receiving, and delivering, will not exceed Sr, Til per ton on ordinary goods, charged on I ho same basis Idle freight, ilcuvv lifts ivill be traimport-d at, spt-cial rate.:. At. the City Police Court yesterday, (he Wellington Harbour Hoard, represented by -Mr I/ard, proceedul against Frank Seambary for removing -and 1 rom the foreshore at Lycll Hay, below high-water mark. The real issue was, constituted high-water mark. Dr McArthur held that it was the highest, point, the tide reached. Mr Headman, for defendant, contended that the information should, he dismissed, on tho ground that the evidence showed that gravel had been removed, not sand. Hi«« Worship ruled against this. He raid the benches were being destroyed, and men "’ho earted sand knew perfectly well they had no right to take it from below high-water mark. Defendant would hi> tim-d .CH, with costs ill 17s. In future, he would considerably increase the penalty for similar elfem-es. Sir Jennings. M.11.U. for Taranaki, in tho course of a speech at Inglewood, in returning thanks at a congratulatory ‘•social,'' said he was glad to notice the Premier's remarks in regard to the iota 1 1'merit of native lamia. lie hoped they were not merely a. figure of speech, a/i the prosperity of tho North island ivas linked with that t|iK«tion. Continuing, Mr Jennings said the country mwlu must have more attention. He know of children who had been deprived of education for over three yea is on account of had roads. He also knew of cai-eo of great hardship resulting from !ho impossibility of obtaining attendance in country districts on account. of the dangerous nature of the tracks. The penalty on pioneering was heavy enough without the«e added dangers.

At a mooting of the Works Corainittoo of tho Auckland Harbour Hoard it was resolved to recommend the Board to accept u N'lidcr from tho FerroConcrete Company nt !>:' Cl I M« for a. | reinfnrwHl concrete wharf extension. | (’llia is u departure from tho usual praotioo of accepting the lowest tender, which, in this instance, was that of .Messrs .McLean anti Sons at £80.075 I-la. It. appears that tho specifications provided that tho factor of safety was to be not low than four times tho working load. Messrs McLean and Sons interpreted a working load as •towt to tho square foot, but tho engineer insisted that a working load had to include an additional 50 per cent, in the clause relating to tests. 'Ho engineer had explained this to tho FcrroConoroto Company's representatives, hut not to the other tenderers. -Messrs McLean offered to undertake the work t>s required by tho engineer for £IBOO added to their tender. The committee was divided in its recommendations, anti the matter will bo fought oiit at tho Board's mooting. Tho oonunorco of tho great pons of tho world is tho subject ot a very intereating report wliich has just been issued by tho Washington Bureau of Comuio.roiai statistics. Taking tho aggregate of tho imports and exports ot tho different jßirls, it is shown that tho two most important ports arc London first and Liverpool second, with New York a good third. In tho order oi aggregate trade tho various porta aro as follows London. £*300.915.000; Liverpool, £237,103,000; Xew York, £1231,308,000; Hamburg, £196,303,000; Antwerp, £147,233.000 ; Mar.-ahllcs, C80.3U.000; Calcutta, £,>4.W1 .000 ; Bombay, £5I.(l>LOOO ; Singapore, £12,701.000; Sydney, £37,7!«,0C0; £37.623.000: Alexandria, .C33.030.WX1; Melbourne. £30,612,000; Montreal. £20,1)80,000: Capetown, £20,505.000. If, ns is practically the esao in Now* South Wales and eistv •■•.■ here, the whole trade of Now* ZcaHiul were* done at a .single port, this •■ountry would come in between Mon(ren! :in<l f ■*revn, ns its imports and exports for 1904 reached a total of over .£28,000,000.

Minifio'e foil string hard is to play . .... 1i,.;!..vm. ' lard,ms. Lower HuU. I i., v.-n-h Dav Advent ml s now in ..imp a' 1-1 .ml I lay v.ill bold public , : :ri -1 ’.l amiTow aPeTiiooii and sin : and on Monday evening. ■ IT; in on Divine ‘rvire" is tin’ ■ ahi’e' of an addri- - to he riven in I ho M.f .nie Hid! a' iMVi.ii oV.r-l; on Sun- * [.. v evening bv Mr Harold Kvleit, oi London. Sest'en even T-s are to la- (!i-eif!*'d at I Port Niebok.on Vaehl (’lnl/s regnti.l.. t I be, held on Monday, The 1 ll.igsiiip, tiie Mararoa, will li-ave the I Du.-euN Wharf at. If) j 'l'!;.. P.iglit. Hon. the Premier is to i pi-’, at tile eonver.vv/aone to l.e ! tendered next Wednesday night to ! Mr W. .1. Calvcr. general secretary oi ! the Liberal and Labour Federation. We a re a-breed hy the portal authorities tina tlio Mokoia. left Sydney on i Wednesday lor Am kland with one hundred and I iveniy-i tiree bags of mail* ' i -oin Aurdr.ili.i and leuidon fur Weiiingieii. Tin- mail- are i x|iee’‘-d lo I'eae.i Welhiiipou mi Tuei-day evening via i X. .v Plymoulli. The Hull Valley Amateur Athletic, CJlnli’n ni«jrtri will ho iodd on the Lower Hum ns-reafion giyund (his af|ti moon. The i.jiecul at tract ion will Ini | the -MOvds district championship of i \V( lliiiglon. Tiie fields for tho events ! aro large, and keen cfaitests are aJitici- | paled. ’’Afternoon tea will be provided ; on tho ground. j Tiie following subject has boon chosen ! for ilie inter-collegiate debate ol tho j University oi Xe’.v Zeahind, to bo hetd | at Chr'i-telmrcii in Faster. "'lhat Nol- | sou contribut'd more than Meilington ':o the overthrow oi Xapoleon.'’ Tho judg. .-. are ,\l. I. ;... W. H. Triggs (editor ei the Cim.-l rimi cii ' i''b. 1. Is. LiyLv, ami J. W. .foynt, M.A. ! On Monday next (Anniversary Day) j Hie Miramar sports and carnival will bo : 111-Id at Worsen Hay. 'Hie committee i lias mad" gri-ar. preparations for thn j gathering, which promises to bo very eac.'vsefal. Among the attractions aro j water sports, submarine, explosion, col--1 lection of dead fush. greasy pole, fancy ! swimming, donkeys on the beach, and i-o on. Tho Mission Haiul Juts Iks>n eni gaged for the day. .Special steamer i arrangements have been made, particui lan: cf which will be found in anotlier | part of tills paper. Afessru Mardomild, Wilson and Co. j will sell mi Tinwlay next, at 1 o’clock. : under inntrurtione from -Mr D. Matthews of Otago, at Hodgins’e yards, Lower Unit, twelve pedigree Ayrshire cows and Iluitcra. and a yearling bull. Fuller details mo given in the advertisement appearing, and catalogue:-, with full pedigrees, can be had from the auctioneers. On Wednesday nexi, at 2 o’clock, at the premise* of Mr \V. .1. Uameb, Lycll‘o Hay, .Mur.uim, tvTTb is giving up pigbreeding, tlio firm will sell 21(1 pigs, porkers, suckers, wcaners, breeding sows ami boars, horses, express, harness, ti)> dray, ami sundries, also at the same place, on account of Mr (i. 11. Hay 1 is, eighteen head of dairy heifers calving in February ami March, two bulls, etc. 'tho Drapery Supply Association advertise* great bargains in millinery ami dree* material*. Messrs flarcourt and Co. will offer for sale at auction cm Friday, the 36th inst., at 2.TJ p.m., at their room*. -Hi. Lambton ipiay, three freehold rent-producing prepciti'Ti, lieiug shoi«- known an Nos. 112, j 112.1, H2b Adelaide road, mid now briligI mg 111 Ii ievcinio of TTl'l) per nmitim, Un ' ! *ii> 2Kh i'chrunry. tiiey will conduct an ■ ,in/-or!itiu sale ol city iciu.el.idd* on boil. ill Ol the 11 u.-tei: i t Hie Wellington IL....('itii!. at. whicli they will submit to llic public twcuty-»ix magnificent build- ■ ing .sites being parts of town acres 76!) '; to 76‘i. having splendid frontages of from i 2dtt to 30ft. to tho east wide of Rovons ; »trcct, hy depths of 100 ft each. Tho j u-nils ujieti which tho lease* uro to bo ofi fcced. are for twenty-one years with . right of renewal at revaluations by nr- * liit ration every fourteen venrs in peri petnity, the lessen* to build to the value |of .fcWO within three years. Tho firm's j fresh list of freehold ami leasehold proj perries tor private treaty also appears in I this issue.

i .Mixarr O’Sullivan and Co., of 65, i ACill i,* etreet .iidvrlisc a number of busi- <-* paruicndiips, mvesTmenls. and other i descriptions of buuiaci-ees.

j Meturs Macdonald, Wilson and Co. ini »»rs the detailed advertisement of tho | sale on Wednesday evening, 2Uh inj riant. under instructions from Air A. j Hall, of the balance of his Newtown Kaj Into property comprising twenty splen- ' did Pudding sections having frontages j j ranging from 37ft sin to Wit to Manu- ! field and Hoy streets, by den tie; from J tun Pin to lidft. They adjoin the Newj town Hark, and nro described iib site.) j of the hi;:best class, well worthy inspeci lion. The terms of mile are specially ’ easy, viz,. 10 per cent, deposit. ", per ! cent, in three, six, and twelve months, j with the balance in five years, interest ion unpaid purchase money at .*> per ' cent. Lithographic plans can ho had on ! applieation to the inietionecra. On Wod- ; nesday evening. February 14th, the firm ; will submit to auction tinder instruci turns from Mrw .1. 11. Kingdon, sixtreu ! eplendul building sections at the Lower Unit, tunning portion of tho Stillinglleot j Kriate. Inning frontage* to the Western ! j llult mad. and within ten minute*’ walk I from the railway station there. Lithographic plans ran be had on application to the firm. Hannah's tan shoo sales commenced today. .U 1 tan footwear in to be cleared I nt greatly reduced prices. Messrs.!. 11. Helhune and Co. announce tin imiKirtuu't land auction rate to tie held at their rooms, Featherston street, at U.3H p.rn. on Wednesday next, 2-tth last. On that day they aro offering n residential property So. 112. Wellington terrace, an eight-roomed dwelling on land 4811 by 330 ft. abutting on tho Town Belt nt the hack. Under instructions from the Wellington Diocesan Hoard of Trustees, the lease for forty-two years of five magnificent building allotments in Oriental Hay will bo submitted. These are splendidly situat. d. and command uninterrupted' views. Tho auctioneers draw the special attention of those desirous of procuring residential sites to tliis opportunity. Under instructions from the Public Trustee, tho firm are submitting a block of almost ono ncro of land, well known ns formerly tho nursery gardens of the late Mr Monnticr. situated in Tasman street. On tho land are erected a six-roomed verandah residence and glass-house. An excellent freehold city property in Singer’s avenue, off WUllu street, will bo submitted, being' freehold land with brick warehouse erected thereon, now occupied by tho City Printing Company and by Air Carroll. Two superior family residences in Clifton terrace of 10 and 7 rooms ro-spec-tively, and also a level building allotment, situated between Clifton terrace' and Wellington terrace will be submitted. A compact property nt Wadestown will be offered, comprising land on quar-ter-acre section in Hegent street with the six-roomed residence thereon. Full particulars of all the above appear in tuo 'various advotriseraents. On Tuesday, tho 30th inst.. Alcssrs Wm. If. Turnbull and Co. will auction in their rooms, 3. Panama street nineteen sections at Island uay, havinir frontage to Clyde street, Brighton street, and LiiTey street. Threse stations are about a ( minute’s walk from tho tram, and have a sunny aspect. Sale boards are erected on 1 tho property, and the sections are, pegged and flagged, Un the same date, j and at tho Rime time, the firm will offer two other allotments at Island hay, also situated on the Hinnv side, and a four-roomed dwelling house and section «t Mount Pleasant, Mitfhfdliown. Particulars appear in our auction columns. _ The weekly change advertisement of city and suburban properties also appears,"

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 4