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PHASES OF THE MOON. for Now Zimlund Mmui Timo.', AUGUST.

Sim riiiftS. a.m.; sols, .',.11 p.;n. M- ri.-r:,. 7.17 p.m.-. ■ '7 a.m. Lli”li water, 5.55 a.m. ; (~'7 P-lli. ARRIVED. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1(1. ■iv'l'or /IUU V'Ur/UwY/u Uhl, iVurUiKon, and Taylor; !) t-t.-rr-Utulmmilmm, f.*. <7,.r.r, a.m.), RC,t lons, •11.,.) roiiill,llll ofvllll of i. i'arecnyrn's—fe’.i MMillar. e;, Kerr MeNio.l, Mali'.,,, 1.r11ae... lehmey'.li'lV. Vauylmo. MayaM, 7’i,: ,-oi io '’) , llolilsja'.e. Me-,lame. (in, 'Ml, Vauv.l'iii. Vel-.ttan aml Un el.if.i, Ataee. II mm II M H .w. •>. l,mii--oa .I. Carrol I. loairlay., os WHt.v. M.11.K... mraaP. Jiaanie.ler. Mille.r. . I'amaa,''- hl ' ll !';■ tVe nil liellian.Pl Sdllosa. Allen, •UfMiie. I*l icr. Nel-oa. Dmvr.m (A, liiiel.-lev, Mel!. V. omlrolle, <‘ l << n , 1.. I ~.,- Cme, Mills. II a 1 lae. .Mill Ibel Steven a, i lervl -.V. (.-win, M.-E-hI. Tlmmtm. Ki„e. (nltalal. Amu-.lari Harr. Cra.-cr, Urow.l, Maeaahey, limua; !! 'S;iaiVl'".na,W (12,10 p.m.). 12" *"" s . FU,t ' in 'el, (1, 77 tons, ' 1 I o',"the" Soiilli. s.s. p.m.), Pl'lne Mauler'. Irani Uiixlim. 'Uiiiiiiii 'KI-11l p-rn.l. IN tons HaekKlroin iroin We.-t (’ail,l, ami .Nelrou. 'os ' Saloon . .Mieses Warren. DM.inett. Fell. Huehanan, Me.ala.nes llahi--1.. ~,,| iMiiini. f-wainvirk and Hind. ’ m-H , , r.amilv Sm.itt, ami duudh'ov. it,inter Dro-.vii, Tasl ami ehiM. Messrs Oardner Cainernn. Is.d ham, r nrn|iF)tnl, IVi.ul, I'.a.lii net' Me M aster. OverInn, Guv.-. mm, Morns. May. .Moore, llunlekm, Ihi ml. Cihlin; 17 .steerage.

TIIFIfSDA V. A licit:ST 17. Xeiinj'iirn. -i-'. (13.311 p.m.). 51 lons. Stnvem.s? from Hlc.ilu-im. Opaivu ».?. (13.51) p.m.). HI loop. Clark, front .Blenheim.

SAILED. WKDXKSD.VY. AIiOVST 16. Tiileri, (11.20 a.m.), 1071 tons, AleKonaip, for IVestiiort. ALuiii, s.a. (1.15 p.m.), 77 tone, W catnip, ter Helen. Rntonmlmna, s.h. (8.10 p.m.), Sftt tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. HnsscngeißSaloon* Misses Armstrong, Dennistun, Martin. McCnlTcty Cornelius. Liverscy, Missclbroolc, Mmlninoa Killlierlonl, Bcnlca McLachlan, Sanderson and child. Mills.' Messrs Piuwmore, Hncldoy, Kccd, Kuthcrford, Fraser, Aloore, Ross, Sinelnir, Wynne, Malnn, Climie. Glass, Skurr, Booth, Holmes, Kcishnw. Andren-s, Hall, Watt, Stntkcy (2), llonshaw, Moor. Wnkntn. s.s. 17 p.m.). M tons. Wills, for Knikonrn. Port Kohiuson, and Lytteltou.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Pateena, Nelson, Pioton, to-day Warrimoo, Sydney. to-day Stormbird. Wanganui, to-day Aorere, Patea, to-day Alexander, Net-on, to-day Mokoia, Dunedin, to-day Haupiri, Auckland, via const, to-day Ralca-noa, Westport, to-day Pateena. Nrd-on, Pic.ton, Friday Rolomahana, Lyttelton, Friday nlami, Patea. Friday Kennedy, i-oxton, Friday Tasman, - Motucka, Friday Monowai, Melbourne, via South. SnturGrey mouth, Saturday Mapourikn. West Coast, Saturday Rotoiti, (hiohuaga, Saturday FCahn, Napier. Sunday Wakatu, Lyttelton, via coast, Sunday Tnrawern. Dunedin, Siindny Kooniya, Southern ports, Sunday P ROIEGTEI) DEPA RT ÜBES. Queen of tho South, Foxton, to-day, 4 Havelock, to-dny, 13 p.m. lonic, London, to-day, 3 p.m. AVarrimoo, Ale i bourne, vin South, to-day, 6 p.m. _Mokoia, Auckland, Sydney, to-dny, 4 p.m. , Pateena, Pioton, Nelson, to-day, 1 p.m, Alexander, Went Coast, to-day, 5 p.m. Opawn, Blenheiai, to-day, midnight. Aorere, Patea, to-day, 5 p.m. Stormbird, Wanganui, to-day, 6 p.m. Uaupiri, Westport, Auckland, to-day, 9 p.m. Ngunguru, Blenheim, to-day, 11 p.m, Eotomahana, Lyttelton, Friday liana, Patea, FTiday Tasman, Motaeka Friday Kennedy, West Coast, Friday Takapuna, Onehunga, Friday Victoria, Dunedin, Friday Wuinui, IVcat Coast, Saturday Monowai, Sydney. Saturday Pateena, Lyttelton, Saturday Star of Australia, Gisborne, Saturday Rotoiti, Nelson, Sunday Kahn, East Coast, Monday Koonya, West Coast, Monday BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, Tuesday. Arrived —Waiwera, from Wellington.. Sailed —Paparoa and Mimiro, for Wellington. MELBOURNE, Wednesday. Arived—County of Ayr, barque, from Hokianga. SYDNEY, -Wednesday. Arrived—Moeraki (early), from Wellington. Arrived—Marjorie, from Kaipnra. Sailed—Moana (2.40 p.m.). for Auckland. LAUNCESTON, Wednesday. Sailed—Olive, barque, for Kaipara. TEKOPUKU. Wednesday. Sailed—Brisbane (10 a.m.), for Melbourne. AUCKLAND. Wednesday. Arrived —Navua (4.50 p.m.), from Nukualofa. Sailed—Star of Scotland (5.25 p.m.). for Napier; Petone for Grevmouth. ONEHUNGA. -Wednesday. Sailed—Earavra, for New Plymouth. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Kunciman, Wadsworth, Flower, Mcsdames Nixon, Skoates. .Ramsay, Perrit. Rutherford, Louisson and child, Wallis, Nicholson, McDowell, Nurse, Nicholson and child. Bishop Wallis. Dr McGill. Messrs Nicholson, Bowden, Boucher, McDowell, Watt. Buschell. Miller. Redmond, Harvev, Donovan. Edkius, Marsh, Skeates, Jlirams, Nrvin, Miller. NEW PLYMOUTH. WMlnesday. , Arrived—Rotoiti (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Botoiti (8,50 p.m.). for Onehunga (connected). PATEA, Wednesday. Arrived—Aorero (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Aorere (9 p.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI. Wednesday. .^Arnvcd— Stormbird (9.30 a.m.). from Sailed—Stormbird (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. ... . CAPE. Wednesday. V ictona (8.3 U a.m.), passed south: 'Taluno (4.15 p.m.) passed north. ~ .. . mi °i s BORNE, Wednesday. Sailed—Tnhme, (9.15 a.m.), for Auckland. a Wednesday. Sailed—Hanpin (2.10 p.m.), for 'Wellington. , . BLENHEIM, "Wednesday. Arrived Opawa and Ngunsjnrn (8.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed Ngunguru (4.15 p.m.), and Opawa (5 p.m./, for Wellington. PICTON, VVednesday. To sail—Pateena (4 a.m. Thursday), for Wellington. MOTUBKA, Wednesday. Arrived—Tasman (8 a.m.), from Wellington.

NELSON. Wednesday. Arrived Charles Edward (.',.30 a.m.), and Maponrika (7 a.m.), frnm Wellin;,'ijjii ; I'atneea, (H a.m.), from Hictoii. Snilwl—Alewanrler p.m.,1, for Wol--1 i nylon ; I’ateemi p.m.). for I’ndon. WEHTHOKT, Wednesday, Arrived—Poherua (10.15 a.m.). and Kot nku 01,5 a.m.l. from WellniKton. LVTT E LTD X, TV odnesd ay. Arrived Tarmvern (7.15 a.m.), from Wellinsion. Sail-,1 Waimale 13.30 p.m.), for Bnsha a- ; I'nkaki, for 'J'irnaru. saik d—Molioia (7.30 p.m.). for Sydney via Fa si Coast jeoi-t s. Vasgengers for U ellii"'ton—Mi.v-es MeCarron, Carson, Mae!m-'sili. Newell. Mesdamoa Ross, Williamson Maeinlosli, Reid, Tolorton, Donnelly, Hartley, WiKiam, Harron. Messrs 1 latinan CJ). MeGinmie-.s, Atkinson, Millar. ,\I iddl-ton. Oilrllth, Howie, Jilnke, Hat teison, Ramsay. Slmvnrl, Do Silva, I diver, Alexander, Campbell, Stains, I - ah v, Maher. Donnelly, Sin Oohishmoueli. Wade, Uartley. Flemiiis. Allow, Dolton, Ander-on, Luxford. Glass, II one Heke M.U.K., Deny, Hnrcourt. Timnu', JJarron. Tl.o Union Company As steamer Haleena, owing to delay at .>el-on las ~ivil l will mat. linin' from Hic-tou imiil aland H i/eloek t Ida morning. ■I he New Zealand shipping Company a Pei a' Ton do, now at Urn lilnlf, Pmeeed.s to l.yiielton and Wellington. She is dm- at Wellington about theg.tii Inst-, and is lo .-mi oil Ihe 3is! lor London. The Cnim, Company's steamer Moknia, due tin- morning Iroin llunenm and J.yl--1,. It, 111 has about 100 tons of oaf go to diseharw at: Wellington to-day. 'l'he T',-ser -tearner Star of Australia moved non. tile QneenV. Wharf lo the lil.a-mw \)lia) f veslualay for Jlomew.anl load mg. Tim vt-s.-el wto sail at noon on Sn 1111 1 la v lor Uisliorne. 'the New Zealand ami Atncnn Slciuii-i-due til Wetiinglon next Mo-nday inorni„e. The ve-sel will unload 1)70 lons of ea rgo at the Queen's W harf, and will then Iliad at the Glasgow Wharf lor South Africa, and Went of England ports. Tin; steamer Aparima. of the Union Cdmpaiiv’s Meet, hound from Calcutta to N-w /d; armed at Singapore on Sunday. Tim ves,-el sailed for .lava and \ IK I; |a ml mi MomhlV. (;,l ;iiu Maxv. eli, of the collier TiUCM, remained at Wellington vesterday and (’;i laai a -t. y\. -McKenzie, late acting chief olliccr of the Wainni. took the Tain i DU to Wt-si]vort. C:M»tuin Maxwell will rejoin his next trip. TIIH DELAY' 01:’ TJIE TKISCO MAIL. (•nniaiii G. Tlolforcl, of the Taknpuna, referring to the reernt delay of that vessel a I OnehiUiKa with the inward San Eram-Eco mails aboard, explains that the steamer took the ground at 1.-E3 a.m. and not T/Ki a.m. .as reported. The night v.-um verv dark, and one buoy which mark* the channel was missed at a paint five miles from the wharf, with tin? result that the vessel ran on a mud-bank. An anchor was run out astern, and the vessed was warped oil' on the next tide. Captain Ifolford states that the Tahapuna generally works the Manukau harbour in daylight, but in order to- give the San Francisco mail quick despatch, it was decided to sail at I.a a.m. Ho advocates the placing of lights at seven of the worst turning points of the channel. The lights, Captain 1 lolford •urges, need only be lighted on the occasion of the arrival of the San Francisco mail. This could be easily accomplished by tho Harbour Hoard la uncii. THE WAKRIMOO. Up till an early hour this morning there wore no signs of the Warrimoo, which was due before midday yesterday from Sydney. The vessel has probably been delayed by bad weather in the Tasman Sea. The Waiuui, which arrived from tho West Coast and Nelson last night reported that there was a heavy northj'-wc-sterley swell in Cook Strait, and very thick weather ’ prevailed from Cape Torawhitl to Wellington. The departure of the Warrimoo for Hobart and Melbourne via Southern ports has been postponed till 6 o'clock to-night. PASSENGERS EOR LONDON. Tho Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Tonic, which is to sail from tho Glasgow Wharf at 3 n.m. to-day for London, will take the following passengers:—First saloon: From Wellington—Misses I. and 0. Papayanni, L. Young, Mrs White, Dr Campbell. Messrs llerdman-Smlth, Porter, White, Master White; from Christchurch Messrs W. and G. W. Jlowion, Constable; from Dunedin—Miss Stirling, Mrs Ainge. Second saloon: From Wellington—Misses Cooke. Cornelius. Mcsdames ii. Cook, Morgan, Messrs Iloadley, McLean, Morgan. Ryan; from Christchurch—Mr Alexander; from Dunedin— Ncwitt, Messrs Cheyne, Mowat; from Auckland—Mrs Taylor. Mr Mandcr; from Sydney Miss Morgan, Mrs Y'oun< r and infant, Mr 11. C. A. Y'oung. Third-class: From Wellington— Misses Fodon (-). Mesdames Biddle. Foden, Robson, Rnddell, Messrs Charlesworth, Crosskey, Delahunty, Healy, Murphy, Richards, Williams, Master Foden; from Christchurch—Airs Connolly, Graver, Messrs Graver, Connolly (il); from Timaru—Mr, Mrs and Master Cunningham, Air Pope; from Dunedin— Mrs Holton, Air lies; from Auckland— Aliases. Irwin, White. Alesdames Frater, White, Messrs Barr, Blackburn©. Prater, Jones, Perrin. OVERSEA VESSELS FOR WELLINGTON. STEAMERS. Essex (duo about August 21st), sailed from Liverpool June 10th, via Australian ports and Auckland. (N. Z. and A- Co.) Papanui (duo about August 25th), sailed from Plymouth July 3rd, via Capetown and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) burgermeister Hnckmann (due about August 25th), sailed from New York, June 16th, via Auckland. (Turnbull and Co.) Star of Scotland (due about August 2Gth». sailed from London June 22nd, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor). Uganda (duo about August 29th), sailed from Calcutta July 26th, (U.S.S. Co.). Turakina (due about August 30th), sailed from Plymouth July 15th, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.). Breiz Huel (due about September 2nd), sailed from New York Juno 14th via Australian ports and Auckland. (N. Z. S. Co.) Corinthic (duo about September lltli), sailed from Plymouth July 29th, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill.) Aparima. (duo about September 32th), sailed from Calcutta August sth, via Singapore, Java, Fiji and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) Havorshnm Grange (due about September 16th), sailed from New York June 28th, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.). Dravton Grange (due about September ISih) “ sailed from Liverpool Julv 11th. via. Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.) Star of New Zealand (due about Septomber 20th), sailed from Ix>ndon July 12th, via Australia and Auckland. (due about September 27th), sailed from Plymouth August 12th, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.) Tndradovi (due about September 28th), sailed from New Y'ork July 12th. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser). . SAILERS. Kinfauns, barque (96 days out), sailed from Liverpool, May 13th. (Johnston and Garve. ship (37 days out), soiled from Liverpool July 11th.

a- n. m. N>,«- Moon I 3 P- m - f''ir«t Quarter ... 8 « 1!, n.rn. ::;g I iNqw -Moon ... ... 31 3 ‘ia.i.rn.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 4