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HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE, THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE _ Tb< S! i the delightful end immediate relief, and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable as it Hpertwneoe. Pna ™ rT I. m»t comforting in alloying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and l. neither allows a Congh or Asthma to •ffeoU aCo "P l *** develop Consumption bee never been known to exit w&ere ••Coughs" We been properly treated with this medicine. No wT’shouTd P.’. ir« at a?Wnulng, a dose la generally Solent, and a Complete U la certain. - OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. BEWARE OF COUGHS REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. •j Commercial Traveller .uftwlng In* tonsciy Cnrtd by Haarn®** BrononltJa Ourg. Has since camped out end travelled much without contracting a ©old. Ur W. G. Hearno. Dear Sir.—in 1898. I waa for fonr year* previously In Queeaa*and travelling representative for a mercantile hou»e Karina aontractetl a hoary omd. ] pliuied mye»l* under a medical man. and used *ll kind* of chemists’ proscriptions without aysvU. 1 was then staying at Hayes Terminus Hotel. Brisbane. The manager did all possible for tuo. for which 1 snail alwayi feel igratefuL Mr Duncan Currie, at that time acting manager fur the Now fork Life In* uuranco Co., came to see me daisy. ax»d he advised me to try yoor Bronchtti* Cure. I was about done for. could not eat. or euarcely f - wallow; Ln fact, u«od to nearly ■uffooatc a doien time* a day. suffering Ltonocly. Oueea of my thankfulnoea. when Mr Currie brought me a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. A few do*es actually ? iur«4 me. I took another bottle away rom the city with me. and gate part of U to a young girl at and It also saved her life. The balance I care to Mr T. McMillan. Tweed persons cured by your valuable medicine. Al* though 1 have camped oat and travelled about 10.000 mile* sinoe my Ulnpee. 1 hare not contracted a oold nlnoe.--* am. Sir, four batft waU-wiahor. TUOS BOSS. I.aba*a, via Suva, FIJI. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. A bad uu. quickly and oomplataly cured after other treatment had failed. Mr Hearn*. Ohamirt. Oeelon*. Bfr. Will you please send me some medicine for the following lUxieei;—A fortnight ago I tnfl tietiaa.. and it •etlied on the lungs. 1 now have ooujoet.'on of the lungs, the doctor *ay» so, but his treatment bae BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Queensland re xldunt cured by Hoarne't BronciiltU Cura. It maclo a now man of titaft. No Shortneso of Broath alnca. Mr W. G. Heame Dear Sir.—l had Broo'hitls several times since 1898 In Victoria, \V<,-*tcrn Australia, and here, and had paid many pounds awar In medicine; but when I arrived In Cairns In 1900 from Western Australia. I was induced to try yoar Bronchitis Cure. I look fire bottle*, and it made a new man of mo. I ooald afterwards ran a mile or climb up and down a vertical shaft without any feeling of shortness of breath. No medicine for Bronchitis that I have ever taken has afforded roe such relief as yonr Bronchitis Cure.— Tours faithfully RICHARD COLLINS. Mine Manager. Jrvinobaok. via Culms. North Queensland. tft« OOOtOf «ay» SO. OUI £US Lronuucuv uam not done me any good. My breathing La short, and 1 have a short oough end a frothy-white spit, my sides are sore to the loach, and paiuiaL It hurts me to He bUUOU. MU pckkkkkux. A. - down. I am very weak, and 1 perspire - lot al night, and my body and lungs feel burning. 1 am getting worse. 1 feel worse to-day. Pleaee post the necessary medicine to Sorrento, and I will send you the money, and oblige. M. J. BOXELL, Believing Postmistress. Sorrento. victoria. The treatment sent effected a complete Ine vrottuueui win buol-wu m w* core, as the following letter tee tides Mr Heame. J . J Dear 81 r.—Many thanks for the medicine. I herewith enoloee postal note In payment. I am much obliged to you for sending the medicine so promptly. It has done “• mevkioine so urvujywj. *v lot uf goodi la fact. I have Quite recovered. ML J. BOXBIie. BRONCHITIS. A Fourtean Months’ Suffcror In Queensland. Dough oo bad, could not get any root. Ourod by Hoarno'e Bronchitis Cura. After other troatmont bad failed. M r W. O. Hearae, Dear Sir.—l write to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 months with a terrible cough. It wae so distressingly bad at night that I ooald not get any sleep. I consulted doctors to no purpose. 1 saw your medicine advertised, and sent for a bottle, which hae taken the oough clean away, and I feel a different man. Ton may depend on my making your wonderful medicine, known. I have sent for another bottle to keep by case it may return at any time. i am wr ting this, as I am sure there are a Freni many people out this way that If they knew the wonderful effect of this medicine they would send and procure It at any price,*—Toars faithfull - J. P BOYD. Contractor. Torrens Creek. North Queensland. Beware Cdugh—A Five Yearn Caae. Relieved at onoe and completely cured by Heerne’e Bronchitis Cure. ••Dear Sir. I suffered from a eevere oold on the chest, with oough. for five y®^ 8. on the chest, wito oouga. iot u»o youao, and daring that time got treatment from different sources, but derived qo benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at onoe. and completely cured me. I am delighted, with it. U Is a really wonderful medicine: Goes good at jao. and can't be Ucke<L— Tours sincerely, "W. TEEMELDBN, "Modeworre, Victoria.” Asthma —A Seventeen Years* Oaas. Prsvlous treatment failed. Cured by Three Bottles. Mr Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak .Park. Charlerilie. Queensland, writes.— After suffering from asthma for seventeen years, and having been under ~ * “ " .. great many different treatments without benefit. 1 was la* duced to try Hearne’s Medicine for Asthma. After taking three bottles of this medicine, I Quite got rid of the Asthma, and since then, which was the beginning of IBBi—fifteen years ago—l have not had the slightest return of It. 'The medicine quite cured me, and 1 have much pleasure in recommending it.” Writing again two yean later, he states: —"I am weeping very well. Never had the slightest return of the asthma.” Qretltuda end Appreciation. Hundreds cured In their own circle. The "Scientific Australian” Office, 159 QueeJ street. Melbourne. Dear Mr Hearnc,—The silent workers are frequently tne most effective, and If there Is anyDoGy in Victoria who, during the ’a«t few years, has been repeatedly working for and singing the praise* of Heame's Bronchitis Cure. U Is our Mr Phillips. This gentleman some three year* ago wae recommended to tiy your Bronchitis Cure by Mr Barham, accountant, Collins street, and the effect that It had was so marked that he ba* ever sino-a been continually recommending It to others. We arc glad to add this our testimony to the value of Hearne’s most valuable Bronchitis Cure, which ha 3 ea*ed the sufferings of hundreds and hundreds of people even In oar own circle of acquaintances. Believe us always to be. BRONCHITIS. Two Persons in Now Zealand Cured by One Bottle of Hearne‘6 Bronchitis Cure. One of them had been suffering for Twelve Months. Mr Hearns. Dear Sfar,—l had a very bad oough. so 1 bought one bottle of your Bronchitis Dure, and used about one-halt of It, which cured my cough in two or three days. My daughter, who had been troubled with a bad cough tor the past ivo months, then used the remaining luuusua. wiou uocu P3uiaimu| half of the medicine, and it cured her also. I think your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful remedy. I have lived uc my form at Bombay for about 36 years. Ton are at liberty to use this letter In any way you please.—Yours lespeotfuliy. OKAS. WOOTTON, Bombay. Auckland. New Zealand. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A tufforer for years. Immediate relief and complete cure b) Hearned Bronchitis Cure. Hr Heorne. Dear Sir,—l feel in duty bound to empress my gratitude first to you for your marvob loos Bronchitis and Asthma Cure, next to Mr Cheshire. Chemist. North Brighton, !o» having so valuable a cure In stock. My ife. being a sufferer for years. I pur* chased one bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, It gave immediate relief, and. continuing it %jS it effected a complete ours. My wife and I recommend it to ail < Quaintanoes who suffer with the some. You can use this letter for publication 1 § you wish.—Tours sincerely, P. JL OTJTTKN. ftlsternwick, Victoria. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney resident Cured by Heamo’o Bronchitis Cure, expreeses Appreciation. Mr W. O. Hearns. Dear Sir,—Accept my testimony to the success of your Bronchitis Cure. I was very HI last February Id Melbourne, and was recommended by a friend to try your Bronchitis Cure. After three dosei>, I felt immense relief, and the cough vanished be* fore the first, bottle was finished. Before leaving Melbourne I obtained three bottles of It, as I would not like to be without so wonderful a medicine.—Youm faith* fuHy, N. KILHAPTIN. Darlingbarsl. Sydney. HEW HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s 6d ; Large Size, 4s 6d, Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendor®, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. Forwarded by Pont to any Addrees whan not obtainab e Locally. ZEALAND DEPOT s Offices, 9 & 11, First Floor Hum©*® Building s, Wiiiis Street, Wellington.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5665, 12 August 1905, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5665, 12 August 1905, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5665, 12 August 1905, Page 16