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AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. MONEY TO LEND. THIS Society is prepared to lend Money on First-Class Freehold City and Country Securities at 41 per cent. Our neiv Mortgage Deed contains a condition allowing borrowers the privilege of repaying up to 20 per cent, of the loan during any year without notice or payment of any fine. No Commission charged. Legal expenses exceptionally low. Apply direct to the Society’s Drench Office, Wellington, or to any of the Society’s District Offices. EDM’ADD M T . LOM’E, Resident Secretary. M ellington, 13th September, 1902. ]fyj[ ONEY TO lEND, FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RATE OF INTEREST. M'e beg to inform Clients that we can now lend sums of AIOO AND UPM 7 ARDS at 41 PER CENT, on approved freehold securities in town or country. Easy terms made fo r payment of principal. KIRK AND WILSON, Solicitors, Wellington, Otaki and Petoue. MONEY TO LEND in any sums on approved freehold City and Country Securities at per cent. Power for borrower to repay portions of the loan during term. KENNETH DOUGLAS, Solicitor, 14, Brandon street, Wellington. 81 AUSTRALIAN MMDOM'S’ FUND LIFE ASSURANCE cOCIETY. LTD. MONEY TO LEND. THIS Society is prepared to Lend Money on First-class Freehold Country Securities. Apply to any of the Society’s District Offices or to the undersigned. V. H. BAXTER. Resident Secretary, 6, Customhouse quay, M T ellington. 30P Liverpool and London and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Invested Funds .£10,376,924 Claims paid ... 36,076,470 Fire Reserve Fund ... 1,850,000 This Company offers to Insurers the Security of invested funds amounting to over TEN MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VERY 'WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By a special Act of the New Zealand Legislature, the Company is in a position to sue or be sued in this colony. This Company has ever been noted for . its promptitude and liberality in settling Claims. Lowest Current Rates for all Classes of Fire Insurance. LEVIN AND CO.. LTD., Agents. NEM 7 ZEALAND INSURANCE ' CU. FIRE j.ND MARINE. Capital, JE1.000.000. Paid-up Capital and Reserves, including undivided Profits, .£494.910. Net Annual Revenue, .£391,009. Firs and Marine Risks of Every Description accepted. Wellington Branch—Corner of Grey street and Lambton quay. C. A. EWEN, Manager, SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital .£1,900,000 Accumulated Funds Exceed 340,000 Fire and Marine Insurance of Every Kind at Very Lowest Rates. CHAS. M r . BENBOM 7 . Manager. Office, 27, Lambton quay, Wellington. WANTED Known—Ring up (he “New ] Zealand Times’’ Job Printing i House for Bill-heads, Invoice Forms, etc. Telephone, No. 1045. 57

ASSURE YOUR LIFE WITH THE CITIZENS’ LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. Head Office for New Zealand: . CITIZENS’ BUILDINGS, CUSTOMHOUSE QCAY. WELLINGTON. TIT , T , TT _ T _ Local Directors: HON T. W. UISLOP. HER BELT S. WARDELL. Lsq., J.P.. WM. KINGTON FYFFE, Esq.. —D. _ ~ . The CITIZENS’ is the Premier Industrial-Ordinary Life Office of Greater Britain. The CITIZENS’ Premium Income amounts to .£350,000. The CITIZENS’ has upwards of 225,000 Policies in force. . The CITIZENS’ watchword In settlement of Claims is;—"Prompt payment Al- ' ways.’’ The CITIZENS’ basis of valuation is 3 per cent.; the strictest in Australasia. The CITIZENS’ Funds amount to .£500,000. m The CITIZENS’ Ordinary Branch New Assurances have totalled over iH.OOO.Oj'J during each of the last four years. ‘ ‘ ' ,£613.500 to Policyholders. The CITIZENS’ has already paid av .. / ,£613.500 to Policyholders. The CITIZENS’ has money to lend on approved City and Country Securities at current rates of interest. J. .1. KELLY. A.1.A., Acting-Resident SecretaryREMOVE FURNITURE. (JTHE NEW ZEALAND EXPRESS COMPANY direct attention to their complete arrangements for PACKING. REMOVIN' Q, AND STORING FURNITURE, by arperieneed and careful rata. Ring r.p Telephone 92 for full particular*. ADDRESS—2O, CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY.

\ 2EEE* ■i< ft & BS&M THE

TMAN IMPORTED, AT (LESS PRICE K' *>.. D ■A ■M St-. MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. Easiest kenning machine in THE MARKET. THE PARMER'S FRIEND. Partici’.lars Posted on Application. Sub Agents Every Town in New Zealand. SOLE AGENTS—■ JOSEPH NATHAN AND CO , (LTD.), WELLINGTON, N.Z.

HAMPERS. HAMPERS Of the following Assortment, or as Customers may desire 9 quart Bottlsa ALE or STOUT I quart Bottle BSANDY or WHISHT 1 quart Bottle WINE 1 quart Bottle GIN FINEST COLONIAL ALB and STOUT, 3/6 dozen quarts ENGLISH ALE and DUBLIN STOUT always stooged Best Brands only Imported. £1 OUB FAMOUS CEYLON TEA, 2/- per lb. HUME AND SON,WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON.

LEYIEN, SHALLCEASS AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, FRUIT PRODUCE AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. Agents for Nelson Provincial Fruit Growers’ Union. Consignments of Fruit and Produce receiver! and sold to best advantage. Cash Buyers of Grain and Produce. On Sale —Chaff, Oats, Bran, Pollard, Onions, Maizo and Produce of all descriptions. • 917 WAIKANAE SUMMER RESORT. ' A FIRST-CLASS Residential Establish1. ment is now ready for the Accommodation of Visitors, Tourists and Families, and to those bent on spending their holidays in the Country, the Proprietor is” in a position to provide residence second to none in the colony. The situation and surroundings are of a most charming description, and in close proximity to one of the best Trout Streams in New .Zealand. A pleasant drive of a few miles takes one to a splendid stretch of sea beach just opposite Kapiti Island. Three | trains from Wellington daily. Terms moderate. 1 H. W.. PARATA, 142 Proprietor. Waikanae. w. CABLE- AND CO., Waterloo quay. WELLINGTON, N.Z., Manufacturers of MARINE and LAND ENGINES and BOILERS, MINING, HYDRAULIC, DREDGING and WOOL - DRYING MACHINERY, MANURE MANUFACTURING and FLAX-DRESSING PLANTS. MACHINERY AND SHIPS’ REPAIRS A Specialty. Agents for ZYNKARA, the Best Boiler Preservative and Cleanser. CAMERON’S STEAM PUMPS.' 757 and General Job Printing excuted promptly at the "New Zealand Times” Printing and Bookbinding Department, Lambton quay.

s. AND W. MACKAY’S NEW LIST. “The Boer Tight lor Freedom" (Michael Davitt), 103 6cl “Tivo Years with Reniount Com.nussions” (Harold Sessions), 7s 6d “Through Hidden Shensi” (Francis 11. Nichols), 15s. "Slate Experiments in Australia •nd New Zealand” (W. P. Reeves). 2 vols., 27s 6d. “Tho Last Maori War in New Zealand” fiMajor-Gcneral Sir G. S. Whitmore), 12s Gel. "Tho Confessions of a Caricaturist” (Harry Furniss), 7s 6d “On the Veldt in tho Seventies” (Sir Chas. Warren), IGs. "Fragments in Philosophy and Science” (J. M. Baldwin), 12s 6d "With General French and the Cavalry in South Africa” (Chas. S. Goldmann), 17s Cd. "Delhi. Past and Present” (11. C. Fanshawe, C. 5.1.), 17s Cd "The Dominion of tho Air,” the Story of Aerial Navigation, 6s. "The Country Banker; His Clients:, Cares and Work” (by Geo. Rao), 3s. "Tho Four Feathers" (A. E. W. Mason), 2s 6d and 3s 6d "Donna Diana" (Richard Bagot), 2s 6d and 3s 6d. "The Little AVhite Bird’ (J. M. Barrie), 2s 6d and 3s Gd "Cecilia, a Story of Modern Rome” (F. Marion Crawford.) 2s Gd and 3s Cd. "The Shadow of a Third,” a Story of Modern Passicms, by Übeda. 2s 6d and 3s Gd. JAMES (JOBBER INTENDS this Season to eclipse all previous exhibitions of CHRISTMAS CAKES, CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS. SHORTBREADS, and all other toothsome delicacies. MELBOURNE HOUSE, 84 and 83, Cuba street. WANTED KNOWN—Use CARPETTO for cleaning Carpets, Linoleums, Paint-work, Silver, Plato Gloss. Use CARPETTO for cleaning all kinds of Stains from Cloth, i/oollens. Silk, do. Ask for a Free Sample of CARPETTO from your Grocer.

JJIILDES, MITCHELL AND CO., FLAX, WOOL, GRAIN AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, 4, HUNTER STREET, WELLINGTON. CASH BUYERS of Grain, Chaff, Flax. Wool, Hides, Tallow and other Products. All kinds of Agricultural Implements, Flaxmill Machinery and Extras for Sale. Catalogues on application. FILDES, MITCHELL AND CO. 57 HOLBEN AND KIKK, PALMERSTON NORTH, AND RETAIL DAIRY PLANT MANUFACTURERS. COMPLETE PLANTS SUPPLIED AND ERECTED. JMO3T LANE’S EMULSION Of Cod Liver Oil, Fre.di Eggs and Creasoto. The groat Lung Healer nwd \ Body Builder. 2/0 and 4/0 at Chemists and S tores. “ It’s Famous Because Xl’s { Goon.” 44, >

£SO REWARD CASTLE TEA COMPANY, 31, Featherslon Street, Wellington. MOA TUI HUIA 'TEAS BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE. All packages guaranteed nett weight. The sender of the highest number of Coupons receives an allowance of .. .. .. .. .. £lO 0 0 The second ~ .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 The third .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 The fourth .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 The fifth 1 .. .. 3 0 0 The sixth .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 The seventh.. .. .. .. .. .. 100 The following ten lOs each .. .. .. 5 0 0 The following twenty 5s each .. .. .. 5 0 0 The following fifty 2s 6d each .. .. 6 5 0 Making a total to be distributed of £SO 5 0 A BLACK Coupon counts as 1 (enclosed in every Jib. packet). A RED Coupon counts as 2 (enclosed in every 11b packet). A CREEK Coupon counts as 10 (enclosed in every 51b. tin,) A BROWN Coupon counts as 20 (enclosed in every 101 b. tin). N.B.—This Coupon holds good for any of our half-yearly competitions, closing «m the 31st December and 30th June in each year. ONE COUPON IS ENCLOSED IN EVERY PACKET OF OUR TEA. N.B.—The above amount will be distributed to the buyers of our Teas during the next 6 months, as shown in the copy of Coupon herewith. MOA TEA Is. Bd., Is. 10d., 25., 2s, 2d, . TUI TEA Is. 10d., 25., 2s. 4d., 3s. HUIA and GOLDEN NUGGET The following are the principal winners of our Half-yearly Competition which ended 31st December, 1902. Mrs. Edward McEwen, Sen., Dixon St., Masterton Miss L. Kennett, Lunday Street, Palmerston South Mr. J. W. Rippin, Levin .... Mr. Leo. I ]. Atkinson, Russell Street, Wanganui .. Mrs. E. Dixon, 4, Russell Terrace, Wellington Mrs. E. Tait, Seatoun Messrs. Langley Bros., Foxton .... Mrs. T. Brosnahan, Redwoodtown, Blenheim .... O 10 O Miss F. Huddlestone, Seddonville, Westport .... O 10 O Mrs. A. J. Sloss, Gloucester Street, Nelson .... O 10 O, Miss' Gertrude Books, c/o Mrs. Andrews, Renwicktown O IO O Mrs. A. E. Coleman, Motupiko P. 0., Nelson .... O 10 O Mrs. McMillan, 47, Brougham St., Wellington .... O 10 O LOOK ! Frizes have been eensideraSiiy raised for this coming half-year. KEEP ALL COUPONS FOR OUR NEXT COMPETITION, ENDING 30th JUNE, 1903. CASTLE TEA COMPANY, 31, Featherston Street, Wellington. mo a TUI HUIA TEAS BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE All packages guaranteed nett weight The sender of the highest number of Coupons receives an allowance of .. .. .. .. £lO 0 O The second .. .. .. .. .. ..800 The third .. .. ~ .. .. .. 600 Tbc fourth 400 The fifth " 3 0 0 The sixth .. ... .. .. .. .. 200 The seventh .. .. .. .. .. 100 The following ten lOs each .. .. .. 5 0 0 The following twenty 5j each .. ... .. 5 0 0 The following fifty 2s Gd each.. .. .. 6 5 0 Making a total to bo distributed of £SO 6 O A BLACK Coupon counts as 1 —— (enclosed in every Jib. packet). A RED Coupon counts as 2 (enclosed in every 11b. packet). A GREEK Coupon counts as 10 (enclosed in every 51b. tin). ' A BROWN Coupon counts as 20 (enclosed in every 101 b. tin). N.B.—This Coupon holds good for any of our half-yearly competitions, closing on the 31st December and 30ih June in each year. ONE COUPON IS ENCLOSED IN EVERY PACKET OF OUR TEA. BESIDES GIVING COUPONS, WE GUARANTEE OUR TEAS THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET, THEREFORE INSIST ON HAVING THEM.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXIV, Issue 4870, 23 January 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume LXXIV, Issue 4870, 23 January 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume LXXIV, Issue 4870, 23 January 1903, Page 3