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'FEILDING SPUING MEETING. FIRST DAY, (By Our Special .Reporter.) The meetings ol the Foilding Jockey Club ate always noted for the -6xoollolll sport they afford, and tho spring meeting, which opened yesterday, was no exception. Tho weather was fine, hut a rather strong wind prevailed. The largo number of visitors attracted from all parts of tho island were entertained in a most enjoyable manner, tbo splendid fields and tho several exciting finishes providing fine sport. Tho management was excellent, and tho officers of tho society are to bo congratulated on tho unique success of tho mooting. It is distinctly complimentary to Mr Henrys’ handicapping that a hundred and four horses accepted for tho eight events, and that eighty-six went to tho starting post. No loss than a hundred and throe different horses are taking part in tho mooting—a Now Zealand record for a country gathering. Great improvements have been carried out in tho excellent course of the Foilding club. A very pretty stand has been erected outside the main enclosure, the saddling paddock has been enlarged and its appointments improved, and extensive tree-planting has been undertaken. Koonly-contcsted events and close finishes wore tho general rule. Sixteen horses started in the first event—the Flying—which was won by tho Hotchkiss colt Field Battery. The Maiden was won easily by tho favourite, Glencoe. In tbo race for the big handicap, Dexterity was well supported by tbo public. Ho made tbo running, and never left tho result in doubt. _ Halberdier, tho Now Zealand Cup winner, was never prominent. The race for tho Aorangi Hack Flat Stakes provided a splendid struggle, Hardwork winding by a bare head. A bettor hurdle race than the Spring Hurdles has never been seen on the course, tho winner, Eclair, having the next three right on his heels. The Waituna Hack Hurdles was rather easily -won by the favourite, Hocr. The finish for the *Kiwitoa Stakes was a splendid exhibition, Jenkins securing the stake by half a head from several leaders bunched on bis heels. Jenkins rode another good raco in tho final ovont, tho Fitzroy Hack Flyings He rode Mussel past the post just half a length to the good, two others being right on tho flanks, of his mount. The sum of £8426 was passed through the totalisator, £779 more than last year. Following are tho results. Flying Stakes, of 100 sovs; six furlongs.—Bl Mr W. Dane’s Field Battery, Bst 31b (T. O’Brien), 1; 134 Mr E J Watt’s Float. 7st 111 b (It. McNamara), 2; 48 air W. Smart’s Shrapnel Shell, Bst 31b (J- Carmont), 3. Also started—los St. Denis 9st 51b, 69 Wostguard 9st 21b. 191 Omgo 9st, 4'J Laureate 7st 91b, 21 Perfection 7st 9lh 100 Rangitata 7st 81b. 158 Anchorite 7st 71b 18 Motigonui 7st 21b, 23 Pure Silver 7str 12 Sunfish 6st 71b, 16 Argylo 6st 71b, 18 Spun Gold fist 71b, and IS Romanoff fist 71b (tho last two bring bracketed). Float caused a little trouble at the start, but tbo big field got well away. Wcstguard and Field Battery led, and, with tho others close up, raced info the straight, where Float came through. An excellent raco up tho straight resulted in Field Battery

landing tlio .stake bv half a length from Float,'Shrapnel Shell nearly two lengths avtiv third. Time, liniu ihtsec. Dividends, £J4 Ids and £1 15?.. Maiden Hack Plato, of 50 sovs; cue mile and a distance. —212 Mr G, A. Nicholson’s G'cnoee, !).->*- if. Kennedy), 1; Bio Mr C. Stanley's Bounce, 7;<t Hill (W. Kirk), 2; 58 Mrs A. M. Wallace’s La Torpedo. 7st 91b (J. iltckcrby). 3. Also started—92 Wakawaka Lt.t, 42 Bonne lloneiio 9st, 75 Pistola Bs:t B.?ib 15 Bady Lyddite Bst 91b, ami 15 Mahina 7s t 9!h. The held was in excellent. order when the tape flow up, but Lady Lyddite, lying next the rails, swerved and bumped Glencoe. Passing tho stand, Wakawaka, Glencoo and Bounce raced in that order, Mahina lying last. Along tlio bad: stretch Wakawaka had fallen, back, and Glencoe and Bounce led the field, which tailed a way. In tho straight Bounce faded to respond to the whip, and Gloncoo won well without punishment. Time, 2min 8 3-ssec. Dividend*, £2 5s and 16s.

St. Andrew’s Handicap, of 250 sots; one mile and a half.—Kit Mr A. Bilk's Dexterity, 91b (Cl Jenkins), 1 ; 1 12 Mr F. Martin’s Benefactor, fob 71b <H. Carnront), 2; 199 Mr W. Davies’s .Viator, Bst 31b (T. O’Brien). 3. Also started—239 Halberdier lOst 21b, 131. Fakir 7st 91b, 120 Nioiti 7st 91b, 42 Cure 7»t 21b, 196 Tradowind 7st 21b, 33 Wilson 7st, 23 Van 101 b. From a good start Tradowind was tho first to show in front, and led the field into tho straight. Passing tho stand, Wilson, Benefactor and Tradowind led in that order. Dexterity forged ahead in tho hack stretch, and led by fully half a dozen lengths. Entering the obraer however, tho field closed up, and Benefactor challenged the leader, but without avail, Dexterity winning a good raoo by a length, Motor a length behind Benefactor, and tho others close up. Time, 2min oOseo. Dividends, £5 Os and £2 Is.

Aorangi Hack Flat, of 50 sows; ouo mile and a quarter.—l9o Mr E. Morse’s Hardwork, Bst 31b (W. Price), ,1; 49 Mr Osward Jefferson’s Merryboy, Bst 31b (S. Jackson), 2; 65 Mr D. Wright’s Lissa, Bst 21b (T. O’Brien), 3. Abo started—2B2 Comfort Bst 131 b, 149 Do:l----ona 8s t 31b, 149 Blackwing 7st 141 b, 54 Tho Guesssr 7*t 31b, 40 Otaio 7st, 20 Killarncy 7st, 54 Muskotoon 7a*. Blackwing was tho first to got away, but soon lost command to Otaio and Ilia Guesser, and the stand was passed in that order. Otaio maintained his lend to the straight, where ho fell away beaten. Merryboy then assumed command of a field in which Dodona was tho only straggler. It was a flue race up the straight, Hardwork riding down Merryboy, and winning a great race by a bare bead. " Lissa was right on the quarters of Merryboy and tho rest were well up. Time, 2min 18 3-5-rec. Dividends, £3 14s and £4 IBs. Spring Hurdles, of 100 sots ; about two miles.—l3S Mr R. Smytee’s Eclair, list (J. MoLoughlan), 1; 185 AH J. O’Hriscoll’s Waiwera, 12at (C. Cochrane). 2; 49 Mr F. W. Fitzpatrick’s Cobra, 9»t 101 b (J. Lawry), 3. Also started— 94 Light 10sb 51b, 179 Kchnnni 9it 91b, 27 Hnuriri 9st 91b, (13 Beau Ideal Ost 3!b. 27 Asblcaf 9:*t. _From a rather poor start, Ashloaf being left, f-nght was tho first to show in fro:'.'!-, and led tho field on their first entry into -the straight. Passing the stand the second time, Light, Cobra, and Hanrlri Jumped the hurdlo together, and entering the hack stretch, tho first-named again secured an advantage. Eclair hero camo through the field, challenged Waiwera—who had gained a temporary advantage—Light and Cobra, and after a splendid struggle up the straight, won by a bare half-length from Waiwera. Light and Cobra wore right on the heels of tho second horse. Timo 4min 21 l-sseo. Dividends, £3 14s and 18s.

Waituna Hurdles, of 50 sovs: ono mile and a half—24B Mr W J. Phillips’s Boor, list 311) (A. Hall), 1; 125 Mr W. T. Hook’s In tho Van, 9." t 9!b CW. Higgins). 2; 93 Mr H. Austin'-s Wait-chi, 9st 31-b (A. McGonnon), 3. Also ran—--53 Tiikurangi lOst 9lb, 75 Hut-ana lOst 21b, 147 Vat-bek 10»t, '99 Sumuos 9st 31b. 65 Last Hope 9st, 23 Redshank 9»t, 63 Bonc-diotine 9st, 91 Dreyfus 9st. A fair, start. Passing the stand Benedictine was leading but immediately afterwards showed his ugly temper and ran off. Suurnos and Waitohi led into tho hack stretch, where R,oer went through tho field. He seas never seriously troubled, and won by two lengths with something in baud, fro-m In the Van, who was just in front of Waitohi. Time, 2min 5S 3-ssec. Dividends, £2 19s and £1 19s. Kiwitca Stakes, of 100 sovs; one mile.—2os Mr G. P. Donnelly’s Oingo, Bsb 9lb (C. Jenkins), 1: 263 Mr W. V. Young’s Convoy, Bst 111 b (T. Wilson), 2: 72 Mr W. Chapman's Marian thus, 7nt 91b (W. Price), 3. Also ran—ll 3 Motor Bst 81b,58 Queen’s Guard Sst Sib, 72 Bowman Bst 81b, 84 la 7st lib, 151 Meta McCarthy 7st 91b, 48 Inspan 7sb 31b, 13 Laurcstina 7sb 21b, 45 Arabs, 6st 101 b. The eleven horses got away to a perfect; start. Meta McCarthy made t-ho running' into tho back stretch,' Marianbhus -heading tho others. Oingo came through tho field entering the straight, and Jenkins, riding a splendid raco, landed tho stake by a short neck from Convoy. Tho latter was ordy a nose in front of Marianthus. la was fourth, only half a length away. Time Imin 47seo. Dividends £3 14s and 19s.

Fitzroy Hack Flying, of 50 sovs; six furlongs.—l6o Mr A. Peters’s Mussel, 7st 91b (C. Jenkins), 1; 383 Mr N. Pharazyn’s Rajah, Bst 91b (L. H. Hewitti, 2; 202 Mrs Grupen’s Opaeae, 7st 131 b (It. Searle), 3. Also ran—ls 9 Muralo Bst 131 b, 126 Hcritas Sst 51b, 46 Kudu 7st 91b, 26 Bounce 7st 91b. 77 Ballarat 6st 101 b, 30 Lass o’ Gowrio 6st 91b, 14 Asteroid 6st 91b, 91 Noneen 6st 91b, 39 Valiina 6®t 91b. Muralo broke aivay and -was pulled up after much delay. When, tho horses got away ho had the worst of tho start. Opaeao led tho field, and though Muralo came into third place at the bend, she died away. Tho race was then left to Mussel and Rajah, who were leading in the straight. Tho finish was another fine struggle. Jenkins rod* his mount without punishment, and passed the post half a length bo the good, only a neck separating the second and third. Kudu was half a length away fourth. Time Imin 21 2-sseo. Dividends, £5 14s and los. ACCEPTANCES FOR TO-DAY. I-8E33 ASSOCIATION. PEILDING. December 1. York, Stakes, of 100 sovs; _ six furlongs.—West Guard 9st 21b, Field Battery 9st, Float and Shrapnel Shell, Sst 51b. Rangitata 7st 81b. Perfection 7st 71b, Anchorite 7st s!b, Mongonui 7st. Indies’ Bracelet-, of 50 sors; ono mile and » distance. —Merryboy 12st Olb, Elackwing list 91b. Otaio list 51b. Killamoy and Muskotoon list 21b, Fire King 10st 71b. Cheltenham Hurdles of 100 both • one mile and three-quarters—Waiwera I'M 51b, Light 10rt 51b, Cobra and May Day lOst Bill, Kohinni 9st 131 b. Beau Ideal 9st 71b, Hauxiri 9st 51b, Ashlcaf 9-t.

1 F. Hack Hurdles. or 50 sot?. ; 1 one :u;lo a.,;1 a half. —Root 12st rib, Tukuraagi ICtot Sib. In tho Van lOst 21b, Vathck and XJ.'itona lOst. Waitohi r,;:, SJo. Sunma.?, Benedictine, Dreyfus anil Redshank 9st. llauchciMr Handicap, of SCO sots; oar. mile and a quarter. —Conroy Sat 131 b, Dexterity Sst 11 ib, Motor Sst «!b. Quows Guard Bst Sib. Nioiti Bsi 31b. Trad-wind 7?* -i!b, It 7-;t 31b, Mel* A! c(Mr My n.ud Bonofr.-e.tor 7ut 2lb. Cure urt 121 b, Leureato Gst 101 b. Welter Hunk Flat’, or 50 sots ; on© mi!" and a distance.—Hurd-work lOst 13ib Comfort lOst 111 b, Merryboy and tilnnooe lOst 91b, Heritas 9?t 91b. OjaM- 3st 61b, 31b, The OnesHitr acid Musfcr.toon 9st, I a Torpedo Set iOib. Railway Handicap, of 100 sots ; seven fin-longs.—Halberdier Ort ISlb. Bowman 3st 31b. Marianthus 7st 121 b, (rood Intent 7-t 101 b. Perfection 7st 411>, Anchorite Gst 131 b, Mongonm fist 121 b, Laurosti.'ta Gst 111 b. Archa Get, 71b. SORATCIIINGS. PRESS ASSOCIATION’. AUCKLAND, December 1. Tho following scratching.* hare been made for tho summer meeting of the Auckland Racing Club:—All c:i#tgements —Achilles, Ostiak, Ghoorta., Exmoor, Clove! iy. and Gobo, Nor r hern Derby.—Kingman,. Madrigal, Rososhoot. Eighth Royal Stake*.—Captain Keltic. Great Northern Foal St»kra. —Regiment, Royal Fusilier, Captain Kettlo. Chain pagno Stakes. —Sport, Fanoywork, La Bijoutorc, Royal Fusilier. TAKAPUNA ACCRPXANOES. PRIMS ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND, December 1. Tha following are the acceptance** for til* seoond day's racing of tho Te.ta,puna. Jockey Club’s spring meeting, which -takes place to-mornyw Stanley Handicap, of C 5 sovs; four furlongs.—Telephone* Sst 51b, Camille Bet Alb. Grange and Blue Bet 2ib, Bpalpocn 7st 12‘b, Lvjy Souls 7et lib. Kosiphelo 7st 61b, Powerful 7.vt Gib, Hillfiovror 7st, Gst 101 b, La Polish Gat 101 b, Nereid 6sfc 101 b,_ Dc.v Uon Cat 7ib, Alary Seaton Gst 71b. .Handicap Hurdles, of ICO soon; on© mil© -Mid th;-eR-qn;-,r*.or.s.—Bellman 12st 8!b, Cimnongato llfet 51b. Miss Drury lOst 101 b, Princess of Thule lOst 51h, Thu lOst 21b, Inohcape C.-;t 101 b, Hippowai Oat 51b, Tip 9at 41b, Marin# list, Perseverance 9st. Spring ibaridicsp, of 150 sovs; on© mile.—For urn in Set Alb, -St. 0 imr Sat 21b, Romeo Tab 1211), Tulrupa 7rb lOib. Putty 7»t Gib, Ragahrash 7st Sib, Geologist 7at. Second H[aek Handicap, of 50 sovs; seven furlongs.—iluskerdnlo Set s!b, Irish 7st 31b, Sivagsman "at 121 b. Grc-en and Gold 7sc Alb. Queen J Amic 7at 21b, Dan McCarthy 7st, Viretlo Gst 71b, Wellcuat fkt 71b. Pony Handicap, of GO sov,s; fir# -furIctag?.—Annoyed Sst 12ib, Sentinel gst lOib, Girto.-i Girl Tat Gib, First Whisper Sat, Vulpino 7st 101 b, Cuisine 7st s!b. Bctaliaior 7»t, Ukase 7st, Solitary 7st. Oaatley Handicap, of 200 sots; six furlongs.—Formula Sst 121 b, St. Ulga Sst 101 b, >Spalpeen 7-t 101 b, GecrcMe ?r,t 01b, MocMinio /.'■ I. 'Oe.rpa.tch Gat lOib. Oygnofc Get 71b, HiilSower Gst 71b. Welter Handicap, of 70 sots; one mile.—Sfc. Olga lOab Sib, Treohe.m 10-fc 01b. Oat, Gcolegiet S-t 61b, -Jro;ian.ic Sst, Wcllr.a,?fc 7-1 7ib. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB. Tho monthly mooting cf stewards of the Wellington Racing Club was held yesterday. Air J. B. Mar court presided. .Tiro treasurer's statement in connection with tho reoent spring meeting was read. The meeting resulted in a small profit. A request for tho removal of tho disqualification on J, A.. Cocgan, of Nelson, in connection with tho Ethel case, was not granted. Tho AVc.irar.apAi Racing Club wrote, advising that J. B. Crawford had been suspended at Mastorton on a charge of interference in a race, and requesting that Kis rider’s certificate should, ho withdrawn. It -was resolved that ths request should be given effect to. Tha Olaki Maori Racing Club wrote requesting a grant from the provident fund on behalf of W. Rotter, who, was injured'at the October meeting. Tho st-evotary was directed to pay the hospital account and forward an. allowance of £1 per week since the date of tho accident, on rcosipt of further information, which is to be asked for.

Tho Ekotahuna Hack Ha-cans Club submitted a programme for a meeting to bo held on the 22nd January, with stakes .amounting to £6O. Tho pro grammo was approved, subject to being found in. order and in compliance with tho rules of racing. Tho secretary was instructed to communicate with llio secretary of the Easing Conference, and assccrtaln why the club’s delegate had boon overlooked when summoning tho delegates appointed to deal with the administration of the J ekeys’ and Trainers’ ?n>rident Fund. Tho conference, it is understood, was held at Christchurch during Cup week. A gentleman rider’s certificate wit granted to Mr F. Pearce. The following licenses were granted Trailer, Ike James; jockeys, W. P. Nearr and R. McGregor; apprentice, W. Hibbard.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4826, 2 December 1902, Page 7

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SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4826, 2 December 1902, Page 7

SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4826, 2 December 1902, Page 7