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(By “Advance.”) J. Matthews, who won the Poiton Handicap, is well known in the Damiovirke district. He has been paid the prise money, £l3 and trophy valued at ,£3 3s. It. Oliphaut, the well known amateur athlete, is at present stationed at New Plymouth, The three runners who tied for the Amateur Handicap at the Napier Tradesmen’s sports, on King’s Birthday, ran off last Saturday. Nicholson won. with Spilier and Beaumont a dead heat for second place after a good race. A special attraction for athletes at the Southland Caledonian, Society’s meeting, on New Year’s Day, will be a £35 Sheffield Handicap. ithletes journeying to Podding on Boxing Day may find it convenient to compete at" Cheltenham on New Year’s Day. The grass track there, which is admitted by running men and cyclists to be one of the best in the North Island, is in tip-top condition. The athletic events include T2O Yards Sheffield Handicap. £5, 20s. and 10s ; 4to vards, £3 and £1; 880 yards, £4 and £l.

A. meeting oi t.*;r~n mu? it-tod in holdINlImTiNv BeiKilg's‘"Hotel „n Xiu-tiuv c r roam ilmih.i'm, it was •, million (he proposal to lull .v.'.v.r el a race meeting on .' Day. it was icMjlvcd (but f all those inl< rested in racing bo bc-lil on Friday, November 28; n. The urog; am mo o 1 tne annual meeting ol tlio Waiiu.i Caledonian Socieie. to be held ou New Year's Day. h-'S reached me. The principal athletic handicaps are 109 var'is. 30s and Ids; van's .22. and .11; -ISO vanL. .22, and .21; 839 yards, JL. .£2, am! Al; one mile, -C), .‘-'2. urn! JR; ;2.) visL bn'-dles .23 and d.'K Nominations close on 17i|j December. The annual Minris Tncetinq of the Mauriccvillo Athlefe Club will be held on Koxiny Day. Tlio principal athletic hand'eups are : —tu! cards. 220 yards, sncl 110 vards, .£2. ,21 and Bis each; BSO yards, .;:,s ami K's; one mile, .Vs and 2's. Nominations close on (ho 13th DcC L. IS." Webster is to be heartily oonpraUilatcd ou his success at Auckland on lialurdav last. Knowing that be done a sntisiactoiy trial over a quarter hcooro leaving home 1 was quite xnepared to bear of Ins winning that event in good lime. The weather and track were perfect, which would assist mm in putting up even time in the sprint event Webster is a member of the WelUm-ton Amateur Athletic Chib and resides ’in New Plymouth. ,'T* get a run lie bn.s to travel away from home where there is no amateur athletic club. Last Easier he came to Wtdlinstou to rim at f'orirna, but the amateur events inil (hrongli. vm Kind’s Birthday he enter; d at. Fox ton, but was again disapoeioted as the event failed lo draw sufficient entries. Webster’s form should be coed enough In send him as New Zealand’s representative to the .Australasian Championship meeting f.his season.

Nominations for tho FoiUhng r*tilletic spoits on Deceuiucr oth. Intendin'.; comiiciilovs cau obtain prcigi’anuuos ou application to “Advance’ of Mr E. 11. ifisher (secretary), Foild“air J. E. Ifcnn-s, the veil known linndicapper, assisted as starter at the St. Tati'ick’s College sports held at tlio Basin Kcserve on Monday lust. Nominations for the X > oriraa sports, to lie held on Boxing Day, close on December 17ill. Athletes and cyclists can programmes on application to “Advance.” and Mr B. IV, Armit, seerctarv. 51 Lambton Quay\V. McManuc haa rather a bad innings at CUmc-s on King’s Birthday. # In-tne first heat of Uio Sheilicld (two men taken) hu was beaten by \V. D- Bell, of Ballarat, to whom ho was endeavouring to concede 7yds. "Mao" whipped Carnithcrs in the second round, but in tho linal ho again encountered Boil, and went down, Bell securing tho verdict by about 9 inches. Ju tho 220yds Handicap, Impey showed them all a' clean pair of heels, winning handicap from NeUson, with McManus a yard and a half away, third. Mac was run out in the first heat of the quarter, which proved a good thing for iv. B. Bowes of Maldou, with Impey second, aud Harris third.

Ou returning to Stawell from the W.A.L. conleronco last week (states the “Sportsman” of 12Ui iust.) Mr NV. R. Beil received a letter from Mr \v. li. Brew, secretary oi the Vv .A.A. League, Kalgoorlie, dated 2Sth ult„ stating that’ the W'.A.A. League had at last got ou to a satisfactory tooling, and had adopted V V.L rules iu thoir entirety. It was also stated that the latest exposure of a “rummy” runner had been made in tu© case of f T. Davis,” who recently won the Horseshoe Handicap from a long start. Tiiis unknown (?) quantity, had proved to bo no other than A. bnand of Queensland, had innocently put himself away hy furnishing quite .a different list of performances lor the Kalgoorlie Carrington Handicap. Mr Brew mentioned that the V/.A.A. League, to demonstrate their disapproval ot such extraordinary conduct, had placed Davis • under the‘ban of a period of 12 months, dating from Gth October.” The above refer* to the tall, dark, curl-headed pea. who competed successfully in this colony last c eason off marks that ho was not entitled to. Ho ran at Dargayille on March Ist. won a double at Lltham a few davs later, aud just missed a .£3O handicap Tit Invercargill on St Patricks Dav. Ho next turned up in Sydney, where on April 2Gth ho won a Botany Handicap under tho assumed name of A. Daley.

The attendance at the Auckland Amateur Athletic Club’s meeting, ou Saturday last, only numbered about -15U0 persons, aud tho northern ciub will piobably abandon sports meetings for a season or two. in the long distance events good form was shown* by E. Sutherland, who won tho mile irom scratch in 4min 41seo, and the half-mile, off 12yds, in 2min 3 Kosec. Ho was also tlurd in the quarter. Weight-putter IV, H. Madili was second iu the half and mile. C. D. Cowan ran tlurd, olf scratch, in the half. L. B. Webster won his heat of the IUO yards event iu 10 l-ssec, and the final by half a yard iu even time. Ho won tne quarter all out by a bare yard from it. U. Itmuger, 11yds. llninger won the 220 yards event off 13vds, in 22 4-ssec. From Mr T. It. Bowden, bon. sec., of tbo Mahukipaw.a. Athletic Club, I have received a copy of the programme of the sports meeting to bo held on Boxing Day. The principal event is the Mabakipawa Handicap, of three distances, 100, 220, and 410 yards. Tho prizes aro, first Jls and tropiiy value £3 3s, second £1 Is and trophy value £1 Is. third 10s and trophy of similar value. The half-mile event is worth .fit and £2, and tlio milo £5, £2 10s, and £l. Nominations for these events and the M 0 yards hurdles close on 10th December.

Tho annual meeting of the Wairoa Caledonian Society will bo held on Boxing Bay. 'X'ho handicap of three distances 100, 2110, and 440 yards is worth £2O. 'tho' 120 yards hurdles is worth £i and .£2, half-mile £A and and mile £7, £2, and J!I. Nominations for tho events mentioned close on December 9th with Mr A. B. Gay, hou. secretary, Wairoa. . Some timo ago a number of prominent Victorian pedestrians complaining against tho provisions of V.A.L. rnlo 7, which compelled -every pedestrian, when nominating for any meeting, to supply a full and correct list of his last two years’ performances. Men who were constantly running at meetings within the Slnto found this a very laborious task indeed. It was no joke to supply a separate list, covering, perhaps, a couple of sides of foolscap, to every meeting, big and small, that camo along, more especially when it was within their, knowledge that tho handicappcrs, in the majority of instances, never even looked at it. Pcds will he pleased to hear that tho V.A.L. council has now adopted a tommon sense rule, which only binds a competitor to furnish a complete list of his performances when registering for tho first time. After that he is only called upon to supply hia performances at the last six meetings at which he has competed.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4824, 29 November 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

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ATHLETIC NOTES New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4824, 29 November 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

ATHLETIC NOTES New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4824, 29 November 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)