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(By “Advance.”) ' A. E. Cummins and W. McManus r»* turned to Sydney on Saturday last. The Australian athletes may return at Christmas time for a meeting to be held at Greymouth at Christmas, and the Cale_ donian championship meeting, which may be held at Wanganui on January 22.

Th'i \Vn iiwin; hool to Melbourne lo.'i.'l run-, (1;i, : i ;:<■ fi Mi'> tr.ilw, is iix<-»l tor the ij'ith i n si.jr.ii i. 'I li(; New Zc;i lo ihluw M |“ U„'/,‘u\ a ll- A. KaMon A. A. Cjildcr NO niinulf-). 'l’iit- Mm it. is <>'• miiniU t -Jar*. \ rau'-i'-'l rami idaio is A. lai 11 i-v. oral (New South Wales) who lias Vt minutes Mail, iMemitly Im won tho Sytlm-y jo Mnullmni road 1871 miles, in I.he menu! time of H As s!m\vi’i;/ the- ymai wort: belli?' done bv ijje Vh-toi-inn AMileMe League, of which ;.J r W. 11:» d in;'* Hell i . see ret.n ry, iluriny the pn-t. y> uv no h-s Minn bOO petle-irin if. and S!* rdub- wen* t epd'f ererl. anrJ nowards of .100 minds ineeUisHs have been hold under jt. ; rules. r>f v.hh’ii hOOO f-ojdcs h ■ ve boon di-M ilm } ed, Tlo* Leii;»uo is. in n. "ond financial poMMon. li{*,viii£ a eredil, bn In m-e ~f .1:70 18 s lid. The prop mm me of Um Miiim.\J »•.:! j a imukol copy of which Mmiry SmiLh Iho upii 1.1 ull y lurwurdcd me by the ;Snn Francisco oiai', i> lljc most eom j/iei «• of its kind that ha.> yet eome e;'■l •’ r my n-jliee. It contains a list of jor< v i min winners of Km'lish champion- ■ i.i is since IHtiU, Scottish amateur ro ('•nis, re-ni’.s of Midland counties a.mVur :i'inKiii'; efiampiunships K/U2. poobe M’hools cup winners, S.-oM i-.h a malcur a tide! ic eh a m pious:!; ips mies con n( vy cham pin nsli ij is 1 '.lhl. jri'h A.A.A. championships 1002, li’-l; rce,rdm Oxl'unl and (sun bridge [“cords and r"- 1 i 11 s ,\r*,v York v. London AMd'dic { lub 1885. Yale v. (J\toi' r my Yah.- v. (’am bMdpc IMU, Oxford and (‘ambridj'O v. Yah l and Harvard IB'W ami 100). Ha rviiid v. A:, to iOU2. the <dymrdan P’iiiks, /.t.hrom. Jbk'O. f Oxford and <’ambridyc v. MeMill af Moiilroal JOOi, t’orjiell v. Hr' neet oil, .v m n Mca u ini er-enl lepiat o chain pjonsb ps, 'OO2. }Vn ny -vl vjmia v. Coltim bia JOO2. Zealand ami Aim1. In,-iia n , elm m pbemli i jis Jt'Oj. infeimaHoiial cdiam pie a-:i i p:s held n.t Ibiri* 1000. winners of .breach cliaoipion-dnn-: 1002. Pail-A me*idea n World's. chain ?/:nn-di jps 1001. nunp'nrv ama'cnr rrcon's uud chainpionships IfJO I , American AlhLUc l r nion nlmmpionMi ip-: 1001, M;> mid ia n n mat our nliampionsliips 100!. Aimlrala.-min, American and liupdisli record holders. Mr K. C. Hrure pie.-idi’d at tlio annual ined-ine 1 of members of the AVanapuimu Calodmiinn Sociidy. Tim folJowin*' is a copy of Mm report:—Tor the first time in Mm history of tho society your committee hud the unfortunate c,xjrorienco of having to face a wet. day for tho annual sports, and as you are all aware, had to be postponed till the followirtg Saturday (.January 2, Notwithstanding that tho day was Saturday, the sports were well patronised, tho erdo receipts being .£7B, and had it not been that your committee, anticipating a

bin gathering. had the nl<i grandstand renovutcd to the extent, of Jill and a now stand erected at a cost of .t2O, no loss would have been made on the year. The sports went off very successfully, and although, owing to tlie postponement, a number of competitors had to return home, tho fields were fairly large, and competition—especially in tho pedestrian events —was keen and exciting: also in tho wood-chopping contests, tty the sail death of Mr VV. I’. Stuart, in October last, tho society suffered the loss of one of its most popular ami enthusiastic members, and your committee desire to place on record its high appreciation of the many valuable services rendered to tho society by our late member. In November last the society had the distinguished honour of entertaining Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald on the occasion of his visit to Wanganui. The General came to Wrangarni i as the guest of tho society, and during his stay was tendered a banquet, which was largely attended. The banquet was a brilliant success. The annual concert took place on January 23rd, and was, ns usual, a big success, the not profit being ,112(1. In conjunction with the Highland Rifles a ball was held in the Assembly Rooms in August Inst, and although not a big affair was highly successful. Tlie balance sheet attached will show tlie financial position of the society, and in connection with this matter your committee are of opinion that strict economy will have to ho observed during the coming season in'order to make good tho loss over the last annual gathering. The thanks of the society arc duo to the following gentlemen for donations: Me Hardy Bros, .£5; R. K. Simpson. Esq., .12 2s; P. Murray, Esq.. ,£l Is; Messrs Thomson and Lewis. XI ts; Mr .Tames Ta.wsc. valuable national flag. It has been suggested that a concert bo held next month, and that a strong committee be sot up for tho purpose. Referring to the New Zealand athletes at Home “.Sprinter,” in tho "Athletic News,” says:—The 120 Yards Hurdle Race proved a great disappointment, and the much-lamied Q. W. Smith, the representative of tho New Zealand A.A., came very nearly losing the nice ho had set his heart upon. A quaint, old-fashioned figure is Smith, not in the least cut out for hurdles. He was opposed hy A. Trafford (Birmingham A.C.). W. P. Phillips (Swamsou A.C.). and Denis Carey (Co. .I>ubliu II.), an Irish champion. A poor starter, Smith was never in the early running of the race. Carey flying over his hurdles in great style, and holding the lead when half of the journey had been completed. Here, however, he brought himself down, and this left TraffOrd with tho lead at the last hurdle but one. Smith, however, now showed his merit, and fairly outsprinting the Birmingham boy on the flat, won officially by two yards, hut it. was a very short two yards, W. P. Phillips being a similar distance away third, while the time was IGsec dead; Phillips (1G LSsec) coming in for a standard medal. Among a section of New Zealand soldier hoys, who gleefully called "Smitliio” home, the victory was popular, hut 1 am convinced that had Trafford’s health and business allowed him to have proper training ho would have beaten the winner, who is, to say the least, a disappointing hurdler. Style, he lacks, and he has not too much pace. Referring to tho Pour-mile Plat Championship, in which P. W. Simpson finished third, the same writer says:—Shrubb at Huddersfield lost year won the Four Miles Race in 20min 1 4-5soo; on Saturday he repeated tlie performance in 2-sseo less time. He had really no one to beat, unless it wag little Fred Appleby, who conquered him in tho Fifteen Miles Race at Fallowfield. Percy Mitchell, the Small Heath Hamer, took the field,along for the first half-mile, when ho was quite done with, and Shrubb, still as zealous as ever to cutting out the work, settled down in front of W. F. Simpson, tho New Zealander, who is a man of years, the imago of P. Cannon, the professional, a runner who might have done something in this country five years ago. At three miles Shrubb commenced his sprintiiigs, and lapped E. R. Small (Black heath Harriers), ran clear away from Simpson. Appleby plodding into second place, and Shrubb won a tame contest bv ICO yards, quite 220 yards separating Simpson (third) from Appleby. Shrubb is still ns good as ever at four miles, and that to-day would seem to be his one and only distance. Too slow at a mile, and unreliable as soon as ho has gone much beyond seven miles, Shrubb’s position today is rather a curious ouo. Tho pate at tno second match between IV. McManus and E. .1. Lord, nt Greymouth, amounted to .£75. As. From champion George Smith I have reel.i\ed an interesting letter dated London, .Inly 10th. He complains of tho weather bring wet for about five weeks and very cold, although for ten days before the meeting it "'as fine. Tho Aucklander says there is plenty of running and a pood man can get a lot of trophies. W. 0 Gaorge is making an attempt, to revise professional running, which is at present in a bad way. Smith expects to ) each Wellington in tho Paparoa about September sth. It is hoped the local amateurs will do something iu the way of receiving the champion and W. F. Simpson.

The- Foxton Athletic Club has drawn np a programme for a meeting to bo held on November If'th, which includes three amateur event.-.

A committee meeting of the A\ elliugton Amateur Athletic Club has not been held since the sports meeting on March 15th. The rules of the club provide that th» annual 'meeting of members shall be held in the month of June. The sho’S in which George Smith has competed so successfully in England were made by Mr J. D. McPhec. of Wellington,

LONDON. July L l/i'l I'liiluy afternoon '.V. T. Siuiphon, ti." N'lw Z.a.iaiai Mlnnar, r_-i,ln-l/r'fcil in a !i/ 11* =• lu.’lc DjiC'ii laaiiiii uji at (he Coliham .Uliletic L'lulj’s sports, lifkl La U'liil.e l.iou i) callow- —an out of tho way ,y,ouuo ‘"two iijj las I'rom any whore/' 'Oie ~ r w Zealaa far wa vu l.najiy soratt.-h oji U;e 70 .\'anls aiarir, ami iimrjiSi the eppo-J 1 ion were several well-known _disO a(.<; men i nelu'l i n;; A. /Mndy'e, Kent \ O. nilliyunlsi, L. Aoiilobv, ilerne Hill 11 nrriers MJ.j van.!-). Oeniwe Marlin, La-ex Deayles (ICO vard.-.;, J. O. O'hhs, W.ineluKb Harrier.* 07(1<l.->, and K. IL Su.all, of iiiael-lir-.ilii h’.IO y«r<l»i. o>e !iamliea|) uns fi'aiiUM 1 , from the iour-mile eliaiiipion A. Sii'ublj. Simp ion started very fast off the mark anil was soon amoniwt his men. hut Ins r-Jiort look ail (lie steam out of him, and for Iho la-,!: mile lie ran very -hem, ' A hiri-'lyo am! Appleby bad a rare Mit from j ill! slarf. am! il was not until Hie pair cnieied the laM, lap that the former had his-man seltled. 'then he went away and won bv ten vard;. Appleby hnishinj' a full 100 vards ’in front of Small, who ■Her b"i■■■Jeaneht and pessed iiy Simpson fairly onOdav. d ihe New Zealander at ilm fin,Li, and heal him several yards for third honours. The track was tint, five lap. 11l Hie mile. No times were taken at the mretino. Tin; JiNCLISH CHAM PIONSHIPS. Uv tlio San Francisco mail we have rerrived a eopv of the prooramme of the iimdisli (Miampioji'-liip .Meetiiij? with the i-r-.uiu of tlm em,.p:-! ;I ions as follows: IDU Yard-, rial. First lirat—A. J. I)n(lev (holder) (leeryotnwn University. I; llenni- Mu; ray, Dublin Harriers, 2. Time. llNee. Second heat —l. '<v . U adsIpv, L'nitv Athletic til" 1 '. 1; L. I- Lre-im-er. I’ll! vteelmie Harriers, 2. Time 10 l-Osee. final—DufTev 1, Wadsley Mui ray 3. Time, Ihsee.

JTiilin- tin weißiit.--''V. W. Coe (holder) London Athletic Club, 42ft IO.Hn, J; R. V\ Ld!;ren, Knieker■bocker Athletic wlub.

bA-.. 2. lino Mjlo ,F I a (—. I-Jinks Tmty Athletic Clnli, |; Jl. C. Hawtrey, London Athletic (Ihi'n. 2; A. L. .Darker. Leeds Athletic li. Time. Imm iff 4-.. 120 Yards Hurdle.-.—First heat—U. \V. Smith N.Z.A.A.A., 1; A. Trnfford. Birmingham Athletic Club. 2. Time Ifooc.—Smith 1. Traffor:! 2, W. P. Phillips, Smi’ispii, 8. Time*. 36see.

220 VartU T'loh—Pirst hear—B. \V. U'mlMov, I niiv Athletic Club, 1; L. I l * Prc’““fT Polytechnic Harriers, 2. Time, 22;ser. Second heat—G. F. Brewill, I>vi'libcrr Corinthian A.F.C., 1; A. liargreaves. Southport. 2. Time, 22 3-ssec. Final heat-Wndslev 1. Fremeer 2, Brewill 3. Time, fcj 2-sscc. Throwing the Hammer—T. F. Keily (holder) Larrick-on-Suir, 142 ft 9m 1. Half-mile Flat—First heat—D. C. Cowan, London Athletic Chib. 1; B, J. Blnnden, Blackheath Harriers, 2. Time, -mm 58 l-ssec. Second heat —A. B. Mannering, Swansea Athletic Club, 1; J. H. Bcssell, Ranelcigh Harriers. 2. Xmie, 2min. Filial—Manning 1. Cowan 2, Bessell3. Time, luiin 09 4-sscc. Polo Juinu—F. 3. iCauser, Magyar, Budapest. iOft Bm. Four Miles Flat Race.—A. Shruhb (holder) South London Harriers, 1;_ F. Applebv, Herne Hill Harriers, 2; \V. 1. Fimpsoh, N.Z.A.A.A., 3. Time,- 20mm 1 2-ssec. Lon" Tump—P. O Connor (holder) Waterford Athletic Club, 23ft 7|iu. 1. C. Leahy, Limerick, 21ft lin. 2. Two Miles Walking—W. J. Sturgess, Polytechnic Harriers 1; G. A. Bush, Northampton Institute Harriers, 2; W. Er.dean, Polytechnic Harriers. 3. Time, htniiin 46 2-osec. ~ Quarter Mile Flat Race.—G. W. White. Northampton Rodle:, - Harriers, 1; R. vv. Wadsley (holder), Unity Athletic Club, 2; G.' P. Constantine, South London Harriers. 3. Time, 50 l-ssec. Two Milos Steeplechase.—G. Martin, Essex Beagles, 1; .1. Sturt. South Loudon sell 3. Time, Imin 59 4-ssec.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4740, 23 August 1902, Page 5 (Supplement)

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ATHLETIC NOTES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4740, 23 August 1902, Page 5 (Supplement)

ATHLETIC NOTES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4740, 23 August 1902, Page 5 (Supplement)