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K!)l'( 'ATIO.V fIOA 1! I) SCHKM !•;. Tin: i\( ;;;■:,\siMKii’osriM. The follow in" i‘- a !i>l show in;; Hi p mpt '-i'i l (iii-u'a of salaries propose lo hi [iiicii LO till' teachers at l.he fill’ oar. w'looh I■■ r I In- ,j irisdiet ion i. i lie VVelliii'hon Kdnealior Heard. 'I ho.'-: i ll s wT;r drawn up I;y Urn chaii in in ii, v ! ;,i mvliin i.V (lie Heard an v, ill he'Tnhaiii i i:(i in line course to th I'hlri. n ion Departmenr for approval. .1 r i ■ where i-o increases have- hoc-' meni joned iii tlri-, list no increases hav hoi-ii made. in nnnhers iiMn-tani-es spe i ial )i:i: i'ions have hem-. created in Hi ichooi-, kiicli lie " lifemale assistant, widen aili hi-vc - ' to he Idled oil her h; l lie pronan ion of teaelier.s or by milk ina Ineli appointments : llimii'lai- At t; inlaiicc, 0, solo teacher proposed SliiM'.V £ld, illOI-WIKf Til Wainiio—■■Attendance 27. solo teacher proorad salary £l2O, increase £2O. Alanuliara —A tlonih-neo JO, solo tea. flier, proposed salary £IOO, increase .020 I'onyaniM. AUendaiico 27. head teacher, proposed salary £L!)o, inere.a.n £2O; pupil teacher, proposed salary £2”>, increa. c to. .Man.t'atitj Attendance 12, sole teaolicr, proposed salary £OO, increase t 10. Kakann ni---At I; ndance 22, sole Ceaeh. er, proposed salary £llO, increase £2O. f-hiei wood • AUendaiice 7, sole teacher, propo ed .■■■.alary £2.7, increase .28 los. 11 ((i it. road -Attendance 7. sole I earlier. proposed salary .t.'to, increase L'B Ids. Coonnoi -Attendance o, sole teacher, propo-ed salary £'2o, increase JtG ss. Alakairn—Attendance 17, sole teacher, proposed salary £IOO, iimrea-so ,t2tj. Kohinni- -All l iii'lance 2d, sole teacher, proposed salary ,£l2O, increase .£lO. Manoalainoka.—At tendance Kit), first assistant, proposed salary £OO, increase £10; pupil tcaoher. proposed salary £47. increase £d; pupil teacher, proposed salary £157, increase £d. Uallancc—Pupil teacher, proposed salary £*»(>, increase £B. MaiiKa'lnin —Attendance 22, sole teacher, proposed .salary £llO, increase £2O. Scarborough Attendance -18, pupil teinther, proposed salary £25, increase £o. I’ahiatna. --■ Attendance 228. pupil le.aahcr, proposed salary £l7, increase £d ; pupil teacher, proposed salary C2o, increase £d. .Vlanparania, Attendance 21, sole tear.her, proposed! salary £llO. increase £•‘10. Meatnri—Attendance 27, sole teacher, proposed salary £l2O, increase £lO. 'IV' Anpapa—Attendance Ki, solo teacher, proposed salary £IOO, increase £2O.

Makuri—Attendance 17, sole I wicker, proposed so lory ,CIOO, £2O. Taue -Attendance 15, solo toooiior, proposed salary ,€IOO, increase £2O. 11 ineinoOi (.A)—Attendance 7, sole teaclier, proposed salary £35, increase £S Ids. Makakahi—Attendance 04, pupil ton. -her, propose d salary £47, innreaso £d. Nikon-—Attendance 20, sole teociior, proposed' salary £l2O, inoreaso £3O. Manga mu ire Attendance 21, sole teacher, proposed salary £I HI increase .CdO. Hmnun —Attendance 55, pupil toacher, proposed' salary Odd, increase £B. Hnkauui—Attendance 42. head teacher, proposed salary €l4O, increase £2O j pupil teacher, proposed salary £2d, inereoso £5. Kakariki—Attendance 17, solo teach-' or, proposed salary £101), increase £2O. Newman —■Attendance 52, pupil teacher, proposed salary £3O, increase £5. Elketahuna —■Attendance 110, _ female assistant, proposed salary £OO, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SB, increase £8; pupil teacher, proposed salary £do, increase £B. Mangaone—Attendance 20, sole teachor, proposed salary £l2O, increase £2O. i’arkville. —Attendance 24. solo teach.' or. proposed salary £llO, increase £3O, Ngupopotu —■ Attendance- 10, snip teacher, proposed salary £4Oll. hiWiMSP £ 1.0. Wluu'eatna fA) .-<Vtt,mnlAnnn 11, sole teacher, proposed ijaiury £(l3, ipqi'CftStJ V CI3. "■ ", Mangnpidiehi), lAfe--At tendance 0, sole timelier propound 'salary £3O, ipovwwi £7 U)s. ' ' Jdtronvar (Af-rvUtandruioe 2, solo teacher, ' proposed; salary £lO, urn'CM-th.) £*J Ids. Alfred ton r—. Attendance 10,' sole teacher, proposed l wdary £IOO. increase £lO. ' Maunders road (A) —Attendance 8, sole toucher, proposed salary £4O, increase £lO, Momona (A) —Attendance .3, sole teacher, proposed salary £lO, increase £3 15s. Ihunvua Valley-—Attendance 17, sole teacher, proposed salary £IOO, increase £2O. ilalirioevillo W.—Attendance 00, pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £B. Wairero (A) —Attendance 13, sole teacher, proposed salary £OS, increase £lO Dreyer’a Rock—Attendance IS, sole teaoher, proposed salary £IOO. increase £2O. Mikimiiki—Attendance 26, sole teacher, proposed, salary £l2O. increase £lO. Opaki—Attendance 36, .solo teacher, proposed salary £135. increase £ll ss. Kaitnna—Altencfance 20. solo teacher, propose-1 sal.i r.v £1 JO, increase £2O. Wang-.ehu—A! ten-'anee I' l , sole ten-' cher, proposed salary £IOO, increase. £2O.

Fcrm-i-lpc—A*tendanc.e --.pupil teacher, i>ni;:iis il ■£ -<), increase £B. Tc lir.* I'.)-!---A' !.e;:- 'a nee 56, pupil tciic-fior, I'.ro :- .-a!a--v f:,!7. i-’.-jr-n-se £-5. Miusterl.-in—At*.cn Isn.-o -f'JO, first fe-m-le :i;-si-i-ipro siilar.v £13;;, increase £ U); -.cen.l l.nj-.-’c i;-‘ islc.ut, propo-c,l -T. - y -Jl'l-l, i-if i-s.-.e £10; ■;!;- pi! ti-a-i’ler, prnpi.-.-eil suar.v i.;creasi- -L's;: i-m-ii fe--<-h-r, .nopestnl seiary .£ •■ ', i- r - .-„--.e £8: vnt.-.i! te ■ , 1.1-,.)--. oil ah :.v i,£s. Al.-st- rif.u Invaut.-’— v,.to -e nice !,'£■ pupil '-■•■lie,-. oseil sr.i-.i-y £47. evi-a:.-' £ .; pv :i piopu-od a- : -| Ala : shiv.: - 'it, sole - o-0 ! -. | ->r, pr. _ ,'isrv £!; •. :.<c-i-,.0.- (j :i. j IVai'U.iv. ■A''o--'"' W 17 -i-ie y„,-l (*l. pin;-! s: salary 71 i .er-;„ - £;■('. 1 Tara! AV-A ' ■ M --.j 1 ' s ; (;':i l-M-illr —A (ten-1 ueo 72, rcn-il chcr, proposed salary £37, iiion-asa £5. ■ (Jladstone - Att--:;.l:n-c ' il ! cli-T, pronose-1 sa'aVy £l'-'. in--.i-.-s-- . I feukralc -Attendance 53. p -oil or, proposed salary £25, increase £5. Ilelved-'t-e —A Hen da nee 50, pr-p'i! I----chcr, proposed salary £SO, increase £S. " Carterton —-Afteiulance 258, female fiisl-aut. proposed salary £IOO, increas:520: pupil’ teacher, proposed salary £SO. increase £8; pupil teacher, _ proposed salary £47. £5 : pupil teaoher. proposed salary £l7, increase £.5 ; pupil teacher, proposed salary C4l. ine-’c-se £5; ptiiiil teacher, propcseil . salary £-11, incvpT e £>. - Dalelie!:.!- -Atlendnnc-' S 3, pupn teiih. dr, proposed salary £3O. £“. .Afatara.wa —-Atteudance 23, sole teach. ' M> ‘ proposed salory £llO, increase £3O.

(.J'ftvtinvi; —Attfii'-anoo ISO, I fin assistant. proposed salary £ I ; ri■ ivy res: £.20; pupil" teacher, proposed salary 6-7 increase £8; pupil teacher. propost si-hi' V -CVS, iacre I’ona' ii'il - A I tendance 10, sole loaf! i-r. pni|iO'i ii! salary CIOO. increase £2O. Kail an: -Artendance -10, pn-pil t'-acl ' or. proposed salary £3O. moron.«e CO. Mcrtiirhomngh—Attendance HIS, pn • pil teacher, proposed salary £37, in , crease CO. Xpriijii’i (AV —Attendance 0. solo tench cr, proposed salary £25, increase CO 5.N'y.ikonni /A) —Attendance 4, solt teacher, pioposed salary £2O, incrcasi 05. Pirinoa- A ( tendance 20, solo toucher proposed salary £llO, incroaso £3O. Kahautara- -Attendance 10, solo teacher, proposed salary £'loo. increase £2o.’ Kaiivaiivai - Attendance 35, pupil teacher, proposed salary £-11, increase £5. Tae.liercnikau (A)—- At tendance 1 -I, sole t earlier, proposed salary £OO, inerease £7 10.:. Keatlicrston SolutJi Attendance' 21, solo teacher, proposed salary £llO, increase £2O. Wallaeeville —Attendance 20, sole Ipaeher, proposed salary £l2O, increase £2O. Whiteman's Valley (A) —Attendance 12, soli' teacher, proposed salary £OO, inerease £ls. .Akatar.nvai (Al—Attendance 0, solo teacher, proposed salary -CIO, increase £ll As. Upper Mutt -Attendance 131, female assistant, proposed salary £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £47, increase .Co; pupil teacher, proposed salary £ll, increase £o. Stokes Valiev —Attendance 28, solo teacher, proposed salary £l2O, increase £lO. Taita—Attendance 74, pupil tcncher, proposed salary £SB, increase .£B. Mutt—Attendance 202, first female assistant, proposed salary £IOO, increase £2O; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO. increase £8; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £o. P'encarrou' . (A) —Attendance .0, solo teaehnr, proposed salary £'3o, increase £7 10s, ‘ I Muratai (A) —Attendanoc 13, solo teacher, proposed salary £65, increase Cl r > 2s. Wainuiomata. Attendance 31, sole teacher, proposed salary £l3O, increase £5. I'etono Attendance 054, first assistant, proposed salary £230, increase £10; second assistant, proposed salary £IOO, increase £10; third assistant, proposed salary £llO, increase £1(>; first female assistant, proposed salary £155, increase £155; second female teacher, proposed salary £lO5, increase £5; pupil teacher proposed salary £SO, increase £8; *lo., proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £55, increase £5; do., proposed salary £l7, inerease 05; do., proposed salary £4l increase £5; do., proposed salary £37, increase £5; do., proposed salary £3O. £5; do., proposed Siilary £3O, increase £5.

Shannon—Attendance 83. pupil teacher. proposed salary £SO, increase £B. Lorin—-Attendance 127, female assistant, proposed salary £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £SO, increase £5; do., proposed salary £37, increase £5. lloromhenua-—Attendance 07, pupil teacher, proposed salary £47. increase £5. Manakau—Attendance 51, pupil teacher, proposed salary £25, increase £5. Otnki—Attendance 95, pupil teacher, proposed salary £SB, increase £B, Waikanae —Attendance 42, pupil teacher, proposed salary £25, increase £5. Paraparnumu—Attendance 39, pupil teacher, proposed salary £4l, increase £5. Paiknkwiki- —Attendance 32. sole teacher, proposed salary £l3O, incroiwj £3(l, nr, ju'opo-uHI salary £'loo, !!V?rQ;w; £>)?s tcimlw', proposed sii!iu’,y £IBO, n»e«mjw £2it, ; iVtii’iio-TOAttßudauce 00, pvipH tcapjp er, pnipimnd salary £SO. iuprmim £B, '|'aj<apau teacher, propo-Mt! salary £7O, £l7 10s,U 1 uvriAll o nda no a 40. pupil teasher, proposed salary £25, increase £5, JolmsoiwUliP—-Attendance 137, firstfemale assistant, proposed salary £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase, £B, Khandallah—Attendance 38, . pupil teacher, proposed salary £47, increase £5. Knlwarra—Attendance 103, first assistant £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £8 ; dp., proposed salary £3O, increase £B. Maknrii—Attendance 43, pupil teacher. proposed salary £4l, increase i£s. liarori—Attendance 168, female assistant, proposed salary £9O, increase £lO ; pupil teacher, proposed salary £4l, increase £5; pupil teacher, propose!:! salary £37, increase £5. AVadestown—Attendance 86, pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £B.

(J*. _ Rr<-fv.i<*«th —.‘itlondr'u-i' 11", fiy <«> it <-••'■‘■taut . proposal salary mr C lO, ! < —.V fciulai’c? OIH, fir-s : .!vV».-ir. !>.-o'irvf,r><l salary U, 1 -gtfi; vtwvi/l fin.. J»rr»'f>'“(l ■ intfp-'s-* c ! ;l; tVin* <!•?.. nnv . u .,i;irv ’ ■£•!!!!. iu"r";*sp fill; lir 1 i r< main a«-!■ Hi;**hry C!

MU,, >-» . U» 1 > ' ’ • do., propo-ed salary £25. increase £ ,1 To Arc—Attendance *>o4. first female , !>.o'-islßnt. proposed salary £IB.O, inoro'^o • £3O; second do., proposed salary £VOO, t increase £10 ; 'pupil teacher, propos 'd ; salary £SO, increase £8; do,, proposed , ; salary £SO, increase £B;' do., proposed

1 ;subrv £SO, increase £8; do., proposed r.' salary £SO, £B. {)\ Te’ Aro Infants'—Attendance it.. * i>rnm)sf»d ,snl-u*v

I posoci salary a m-iw.m: Mount Cook \ioy .s ’. ■ —A 1.1 ai (1 an c o 48/. first .female assistunt, proposed salary .£l2') increase £25; second do., proposed l- i.alarv £95. increase £s' pupil teacher, proposed .salary £SB, increase £8; do., o proposed salary £SB, increase £8; do. r. I proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £55, increase £5. .Mount Cook Girls’—Attendance 449, ■. first female assistant, proposed salary £l7O, increase £2O; second do., proposed salary £l2O, increase £2O; third do., proposed salary £95, increase £5; , sixtli do., proposed salary £7O, increase ■ i £7O ; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £47, ’ increase £5; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £37, increase £5; do., proposed salary £3O, :

Rintoul street.—Attendance 523, third male assistant, proposed salary £IOO, increase £100; first female do., proposed salary £l3O, increase £s;‘ 2nd do., proposed salary £IOO, increase £10; pupil

assistant, proposed salary £IOO, increase £2O; pupil teacher, proposed salary £SO, increase £8; do., proposed salary £SO, increase £B. Newtown.—Attendance 805, first male assistant, proposed salai— £235, increase £ls; second do., proposed salary £l7O, increase £2O; third do., proposed salary £l2O, increase £2O; first female assistant, proposed salary £l7O, increase £45; second do., proposed salary £l2O, increase £2O; third do., proposed salary £95, increase £5; fourth do., proposed salary £BS, increase £5; fifth do., proposed salary £7.5, increase £75 ; sixth do., proposed salary £7O, increase £7O: pupil

Mitchell town .—Attendance 109, first assistant, proposed salary £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £47, increase £5. Kilbirnie.—Attendance . 137, first as-

sistnnt, proposed salary 1, £9O, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £43, inerease £5; do., proposed salary £4l, increase £5. , DISCUSSED BY THE EDUCATION BOARD. o AVhmt the Board had tho matter before it .yiMtcnhi-y the Chairman, said ho find cono into tho- mutter p£ saUvnoa jvitU Uia seersfewy »l B.wrtl, pud had nrugtfeuily ry-cn-st the ivhpfe sswe m fife m.s tho gma'i schools unrt r j-h(,i rtSHUtimt tcaolmrs wore XJm sp-ife laid hefor# the Board, pf-fioDpally left Uw4 teftobw niul j«sl»f»irt tpjuaiws of tlm firtjfenifcp Bchppjs uptoualmdi Tipi jnipp-ted was enleulatyd to pmtj out t}m viowa not only of the Ifoavd., hut also tho Views gf Uarlimnent, ns expressed by Mr Hogg, the PwUameiw tary representative on the Board, ft would he observed that allowance had been made for an increase of the staffing of the larger schools, in some cases two additional teachers, and in other cases one. In this respect the wishes of the Department had been -considered. Provision had also been made for the position of “first female assistant.” AVhere it was necessary new teachers would be appointed to these more responsible positions, but where it could be managed those on the staff would be promoted. The whole thing had been so based that salaries would go to positions, and not to- individual teachers, so that wherever it was considered necessary, the Board could promote deserving and accredited teachers. There was no unfairness in the treatment of the head teachers, who were now getting better salaries than these paid to those in equal positions in Otago-. If the Board carried out this new scale, and adhered to its, regulations, showng neither fear, favour nor affection, a fair measure of justice would be done on every'-hand, and it would be impossible for tho Board to drift into the kind of difficulties- which it had bad to face lithe past. He proposed to ask the Board to sanction ten classes of schools j in the future, based on relative attendances, so that when the scale rose, teachers would be promoted, and vice ‘versa. That was the only way in which the finances of the Board could bo kept I on a proper bash?. He proposed to ask | the Board, in apportioning the schools in this way, to-give them, into the charge of teachers in accordance with the value of their certificates. . In the course of a short disctisslon, which followed, members of . the Board pointed out 1 that an anomaly existed in regard to certain schools widen embraced infant classes in comparison with schools in other localities where the infant classes were separate and distinct. Mr Robertson moved, anil Mr iiuchanau seefluded, that the schedule drawn i-;) by the chairman and secretary be adopted and forwarded to the Department. Bath spoke in terms of praise cf rlii- excellent work performed by the chan-man and secretary in commotion wA.h ifio matter. Hoitgiiv’d the new scale would give, ff.-u- -m! -A-factimi, especially in tho c:m- n v di-fcricts-. where many inadepaid teachers had had a hard -■rnspfe in the past. The addition to ‘ he> snlarie.i propo-ved would give them :. c;re;;t -lea! of encouragement. Tho c--seK of teachers who had been entirely overlooked in the Departmental ■ ciu-ine would lie met under the schedule before them. The Chairman said the secretary of the Board'deserved the greater pari lon of the'praise. The difficulty of arriving at sn absolutely sati-feeton- ■■■- - - enhanced by. the .fact.i thrtt..,o-i!v a fixed amount of money was available. i'e hoped that when the scheme was available for public criticism that it would

be considered worthy of the Board. He felt gratified that the scale had met with the unanimous approval of his colleagues on the Board. He hoped the Department wonid**look upon it in the same light. He iAs sure, If they did nor, i hey would get themselves imo fnrlhtr trouble*'

mu in &s TKACH KH8’ SALAH1KS. (.J'ovtinvi;—Attendance 190, lenv-l assistant. proposed salary £i'.ri. in.ereae £20; pnpil" teacher, jiroposed salary £50 increase 28: pupil teacher. propose salary £50, increase £8; do., propose -■.salary £50, £8. ' '; To’ Aro ' Infants'-—Attendance 259 j liiTt female assistant, jiroposed salar K!)l'( 'ATIO.V flOA 1! 1) SCHKM !•;. : ,£100. increase £20; imjiil teaclier, Jim j piovn-a-d -iil.irv t 17, increase £5. i jio.sfd salary £17, increase .£.-•; do., pr< !|)- ; s(d -alary £4 1, increase .£,•): do., pm j salary £57, incroa-.e £5 ; do., pro Tin: i\( \m:s imimi’osbu. Ponai .-.’a.--1 tendance 10, ‘.me lear-li i-r. jn-npo-T d! salary £100. increase £20. Thf f-;ll-.»v. in" i‘- a !i>l show in;; Hit jsruix-'-fil ini-!o«of salaries |.ro|«jM‘<i ll) III !;.«'!) U) till' (i-celiei'S lit thf! vai'l. Kaifarr. •-Attendance 40, pupil t<-ae.i er, proposed salary £30, morense £5. Mcrtiirliomwgh—Attendance 80, jin. jiosed salary £30, increase £5; do., pro posed salary £50, increase £5. Mount Cook Bovs’.—Attendance 48 r pi) teacher, jiroposed salary £37, in first 'female assistant, proposed .salan crease to. £125, increase £2o; second do., proposin Xif'iipr. (AV—Attendance ■>. sole teach.wilurv .C0o. increase * pupil teaclier er, -proposed salary £25, increase CO .». proposed salary £58, increase £8; do. .Wikonni /A)—Attendance 4, solo jiroposed salary £08, increase £8; do teacher, pioposed salary £20, increase 1 proposed salary £o0, increase £8; do. r- i ■ u!:cr.! i-o increases have heen to. jiroposed salary £50, increase £8; do. )nr-iii in fJvK n'tt no increases )mvc? Pirinoa -A (tendance 20, side teacher, proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., hcvji in nriiiT'i's otiie-tanccs sjie. jiroposed salary £110, increase £30. Kahantara- Attcndanon 15, solo tealire posed salary £oo, incmiso, £o. .Mount Cook Girls’.—Attendance 449, ehcr, proposed sahiry .Cl00, Increase C^O.’ first female assistant, proposed salan ' i (i j <*/1 Mill lirvc’’ to I)' 1 Idled ei 111 f ’ r he £170, increase £20; second do., prot !i<- |)i (:)i;oi ion oi teachers or by milkKaiivaiivai - Attendance .‘15, pupil teaposed salary £120, increase £20; third in-/ Iit,-Ii ;:jj;) o J11Lin<;i) 1: — dier proposed salary £-11, increase £5. do., proposed salary £9o, increase £o; sixth do., proposed salary £70, increase lliimi'kii- At tendance'- 9, solo ( cather, Tn-nlierenikini (A)---Al tendance .11, solo |)l'0|!IISfli S lliM'.V £15, illOI’WIKf .til teaclier, jiroposed salary £00, increase £70; pnpil teacher, proposed salary £o0. £7 10.;. increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, |I1'(||1 nullify ,Cl.2i), iiRTiniM'i increase £8; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., jirojiosed salary £.17, increase £5; do., proposed salarv ,£30, A1 ;■ 11111111 f;i —-A t;11;>i f 1 : ■ 1)(• » ■ JO, solo tea. cliff, proposed salary £100, increase .020. I’oni'ar-ou- — AUciiila lieu 07. head sole teacher, jiroposed salary £110, increase- £20. VVallaeeville — Attendance 20, sole Ipa(■fiiclier, proposed salary £L9-i, incre.aio £20-, pupil teacher, proposed salary (riior, proposed salary £*120, inoroaso p*;f) increase £5. .Mount Cook Infants’—Attendance t25, iuciva. o to. .Maii.o-ititj AUeinhinc." It, sole teacher. proposed salary £00, increase £(.>. liakaiiniii- -- -At 1 ( iidaiii e 23, sole Ceccii. or, proposed salary til 1 !, increase £20. tOierivooi! ■ Attendance 7, sole (eaehit, propo ed salary £35, inereasc £8 los. iiilin. road -Al tendance 7. sole teacher. proposed salary £35. inercase L'8 Ms. (.a loitooi -A i ten da i lie ->, sole teacher, propo-ed salary £25, increase £G 5s. Whiteman's Valley (A) — Attendance 12, role teaclier, proposed salary £00, increase £15. .Akatarii-vva. (A) — At-teiidaneo 9, sole teacher, jirojiosed salary £45, increase £11 5s. Upper Hull—Attendance 131, female assistant, jirojiased salary £90, increase £10; pnjiil teaclier, jirojiosed salary £47, increase .Co ; pupil teacher, propos400, pupil tenchor, proposed salary £4,, increase £5; do.,, proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., jiroposed salary £11, increase £5; do,, proposed salary £4.1, increase £5; do., jiroposed salary £30, increase £5; do., jirojiosed salary £30, increase £5; do;, proposed! salary £25, increase! £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase .£5; do., proposed; salary £25, I a kaim — Avtcedance 17, sole teacher, jiroposed salary £100, inei'ea.-e £20. Koliimii- -Atti nilance 25, sole teacher, , Stokes Valley — Attendance 28, solo toucher, jiroposed salary £120, incrcaso increase £5. Rintoul street. — Attendance 523, third male assistant, proposed salary £100, injiroposed salary £120, increase £10. Man pa tain oka.- — A t teruiance 100, first assistant, proposed: salary £00, increase CIO; jmpil teadier. proposed salary £47. increase £5; pupil tuaohor, proposed salary 0157, increase to. Ilallance—Pnpil teacher, proposed L 10. Taita — Attendance 74, pnpil tcnchcr, jiroposed salary .£‘58, increase .£8. Mutt —Attendance 202, lirst female issi.stant, jirojiosed salary £100, increase £20; pnpil teacher, proposed salary £50. increase £8; pupil teacher, proposed salary £50, increase £o. Poncarroiv , (A) — Attendance .0, solo crease £100; first female do., jiroposed salarv £130, increase £5;‘ 2nd do-., proposed salary £100, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £50, increase £8 ; do, ‘ proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £47, increase salary £50, in-crease £8. £5; do., jiroposed salary £37, increase £5; do., proposed salary £37, increase clier, proposed .salary £11(1, increase tea eh dr, proposed salary ,£.10, increase £7 10s £5; do., proposed salary £30, increase £20. SearhoroiUik — Attendance -18, pupil Mnratni (A) —Attendance 13, solo Brooklyn. — Attendance 202, female

iMii ss&V TKACH KH8’ SALAH1KS. (.J'ovtmvi;—Attendance 190, lem >K assistant, proposed salary £I0'K ie."re.rr £20; pnpif teacher, proposed salary GdO increase 28: pupil teacher, propose; salary £50, increase £8; do., proposer '■.salary £50, increase £8. ' ! Te’ Aro Infants'—Attendance T159 ihst female assistant, (imposed salary Kill'CATION' flOA 1! 1) SCHKM !•;. : e (1)0. increase C20; pupil teaelier, |>m 1 piovnseil -alarv I. 17, increase £5. , salary £47, inereaso £..•; do., pm 1 p,*;>.( d -alary £4 1, increase C i: do., salary £07, increase £d ; do., pm1 nosed salary £40, increase 25; do., pmTin: i\( \m;s imiobosbu. I’onal r,'i>---.i 1 tendance 10, sine leach i-r. jiropo-i ill salary C100. increase £20. Thf f-dlnv. in" i‘- a !i>l show in;; Hit* -pi-ij])iI Siicioaof sulario- proposed In l)i !;.«'!! Lo till' teachers at thf! vari. Kailara •-Attendance 40, pupil t<-ae.i er, proposed salary £40. increase Co. Mcrtiirhomngh—Attendance 80, pnposed salary £30, increase £5; do., (imposed salary £40, increase £d. Mount Cook Bovs’.—Attendance 48, pi) teacher, proposed salary £47, infirst 'female assistant, proposed salary crease Co. £125, increase £2o; secern! do., proposed Xoaipi’i (AV—Attendance ■>. sole teach.-‘-alarv ,C0o. increase £-> * pupil teacher, cr, proposed salary C2d, increase CO o.-. proposed salary £d8, increase £8; do.. .Wakonni /A)—Attendance 4, solo (imposed salary £08, increase £8; do. teacher, (imposed saiary £20, increase 1 proposed salary £o0, increase £8; do., proposed salary £60, increase £8; do.. r i ■ u!:cr.! i-o increases have- been Co. )nr-iii in fJvK nst no increases )mvc? Pirinoa - Atteudance 20, sole teacher, proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., been ;ni<!i’. in tii'inhers iiMu-taiices spe. proposed salary £110, increase £30. Kahantara- Attendance Id, solo teaproposed salary £5o, incmise £o. .Mount Cook Girls’.—Attendance 449, ehcr, proposed sahiry .Cl00, Increase c^o.’ first female assistant, proposed salarj eliieh Mill 11;• Vc- lo lie filled eillier l>v £170, increase £20; second do., preI !ie jji cnioi Ion oi te.'ieliei'.s or by makKaiivaiivai- Attendance ,‘ld, pupil teanosed salary £120, increase £20; third in-/ Iri-ili ;: jj;io J11L Hi<;i j: : — c.lier proposed salary £-11, increase £5. do., proposed salary £9e, increase £■>; Kuroi'kii- At Uiiilaiiec, 9, sole (ea<her, Tiii'.liereiiikau (A)-—Al tendance I I, sole sixth do., proposed salary £/0, increase proposed s ih'l'.v £15, ilioroast- .til ■». teaelier, (imposed salary £00, increase £70; pupil teacher, proposed salary ,£o0. £7 10.;. increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, in-oil i,l salary ,Cl.2i), iiRTeasi'i £40. increase £8; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £30, .Uaiiuliara —AUemb'iiee JO, sole tea. elier, proposed salary £10IJ, increase .020. 1 Viiii'aniM. — AUcinla lice 117. head sole teacher, proposed salary £110, increase £20. Wallaceville—Attendance 20, sole lya('earlier, proposed salary ;£L9-i, i lie ream £20; pupil teacher, projioseil salary ohor, proposed salary £*120, increase* p*;f) increase £5. .Mount Cook Infants’—Attendance t25, inerea. e to. .Mau.o-it itj AUemlance 12, sole teacher. proposed salary £00, increase L liakaiiiiiii----AM ( ndaiii e 24, sole Ceacii. er, proposed salary £110, increase £20. filin' wood. • AUenilaiue 7, sole (eacher, propo-iid salary £45, increase .t8 los. iiilia. road -Al tendance 7. sole teacher. proposed salary £45, L'8 Ids. Coonooi -A 1 tendance -i, sole lonelier, propo-ed salary £25, increase JtC ds. Wliitenuui’s Valley (A) —Attendance 12, role teacher, proposed salary £00, increase £ld. .Akatarn-vva. (Al —Attendance D, solo leaeher, proposed salary X‘4d, increase £11 ds. Upper Hull—Attendance 101, female assistant, proposed salary £90, increase £10; pupil teacher, proposed salary £47, increase .Co; pupil teacher, propos400, pupil tenchor, proposed salary £4,, inereaso £5; do,, proposed salary £47, increase £5; do., proposed salary £41, increase £5; do,, proposed salary £4.1, increase £5; do., proposed salary £40, inereaso £5; do., proposed salary £40, increase £5; do;, proposed! salary £25, increase! £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase £5; do., proposed salary £25, increase £5; do., proposed saiary £25, Alakaim—Attendance 17, sole teachincrease £5.

'-jvm TKACH !• 118’ SALAH1KS. iMii IN EW ,.j190. Iron do m increase £8; do., assistant . proposed salary increase; -'tdary raweaae »«• , <"’()• pupil" teacher, proposed salary £r,0.. ro Infants AttenT pnnil teacii.v, pronosr a lir»t female assistant, propos !>i; pooilieoehei-TTlDO. increase C20 ; impil tear proposed ' ice ?d salary K!)l'( 'ATIO.V flOA 1! 1) SCHKM !•;. l.’er, pmri , 0 , | 1 ij increase (Vi , salary L'l/, increase ,L-> ; do., pm1 , ’ 1 , r ... !n:;:-.(d .-.-alary tM1 , increase Co : 1 J OJKl 1 «1 ‘ i»‘ • A f -hi i KM* IG, MM(* I . . ' r.’in • f*" . - pmpn-ed! salary C100 increase t*, ; j *£ ££ £ ! do., proTin: i\( \m:s immm’oskm. (to., pmdo.. The f *; i !*>V/ imr i i - a li>( sliowiii;* tin* ;;K S: =: S; do., pro-

Thorn don—Attendance 456, third male assistant, proposed salary £100, increase £100; second female assistant. proposed salary £05, increase £5; pupil teacher', proposed salary £50, increase £8; do,, proposed salary £30, increase !£‘S; do., proposed salary £50, increase £H; do., proposed salary £50, increase£,s : do.,'.proposed salary £30. incrcaso £- : clo., proposed salary £50, increase OS : do., proposed salary £47, increase £3; do. proposed salary £41, increase £■>; do., proposed salary £37, increase £j; do., proposed salary £30, increase £3; do.,' proposed salary £23, increase Torrivcc—Attendance 497, first- female r«si' taut, salary £123, increase .Cl:*;* • second female assistant, pronosed salary £05, increase £3; pupil cher. proposed salary £30, increase e 0 ,; do., proposed salary £30 increase <'Sdo., proposed salary £30, iucrca-e do., proposed salary £30 increase ; do., proposed salary £-17, increase £3: do., proposed sa'arv £ M ■ increas' t;~>: do., proposed salary £37. increase

■J:-! 1 .iiyiioc,!' - •, j ~l. ~~ •?■ •£ ■- ,’, r • i" ic -t ■? f~ , - T> i! ctfcfc&b .;-: 1 LllllE • :’- r"- r. c c c c c c t nr '"c ~

teacher, proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50,' increase £8: do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; ylo., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50, increase £8; do., proposed salary £50. increase £8; do., proposed salary £47: increase £5; do., proposed salary £47, Jncreaso £5; do., proposed salary £41. increasd £5; do., proposed salary £41, increase* £5.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4311, 21 March 1901, Page 3

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TEACHERS’ SALARIES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4311, 21 March 1901, Page 3

TEACHERS’ SALARIES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4311, 21 March 1901, Page 3